Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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5 posters



    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:56 pm

    (OoC: Skip please. I am not really in a mood to post.)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:58 pm

    (Hurp derp, skip derp. Hurp derp! *Flees*)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:41 pm

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    Chargestone Cave//Dusk

    Rezz' eyes darted from the Krookodile to the stone that had fallen on the blue snake. She was unsure of what she should do, help the others fight, or help the younger pokemon. Her attacks where doing nothing on the dark ground type, so she believed she would better go help the blue snake.

    Running over to the stone she started to think on how she would get it off. She was far to small to lift it, if she was a Mandibuzz things would be easier, but she really didn't want to be on just yet. She probably wasn't even close to evolving yet. Not like the newly evolved Zebstrika.

    The Vullaby shut her eyes and put her wings on her head and she tried to think of a good way to get it off.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:07 pm

    (Skip me please. Not feeling so hot right now...)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:00 pm

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    Outside Chargestone Cave | Dusk (1)

    His pawsteps made light indention's on the ground as the dark feline padded through the darkening woods outside of the Chargestone Cave. He had been zoning out to the sounds of the night until a sound had pulled him back into reality. In front of him was a large cave entrance and the sounds of pain and anger echoed out into the dark world from it. Knowing that somewhere inside were living Pokemon being attacked but an undead like himself, Origin kicked up his speed and bounded into the cave, his large cat body rippling muscles below his skin. Almost immediately his eyesight adjusted to the darkness within in the cave. Chaos was ensuing due to a large undead crocodile like creature and the other living were milling around a rock that seemed to hold a Dratini beneath it. Origin had planned on helping the Dratini but stopped dead when another scent was brought to his attention. From the back of the cave just on the rock face hung a Galvantula larger then the seemingly living one. Its fur was completely ripped off to show only muscle tissue and it only had two eyes while the others dripped blood. Disgust filled Origin as he watched it stalk forward towards the trapped dragon type.

    Narrowing his eyes, Origin leaped through the air to land on the giant undead spiders back and dig his claws into its fatty tissue. Screeching in pain, the Galvantula grabbed Origin and flung him to the wall. His instincts kicked in and he pushed off of the cave wall and ricocheted towards the creature, his claws extended. Using Slash, Origin ripped the head from the undead and began to pant while his ripped off gem bleed even more. He had tried to use the move Power Gem out of pure instinct but all it did was cause him pain. Grabbing the body of the undead spider, he bounded farther into the cave and ate some of its flesh before returning to the others strengthened and energized. "Please do not be afraid. My name is Origin and I may be Undead but I wouldn't dream of hurting living Pokemon. The only way for me to become stronger is to hunt down my own kind. I will not harm any of you." Origin managed a small smile to the little Pokemon around him.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:57 am

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    | Chargestone Cave // Night |
    Savarin 31 // Arashi 38

    Savarin saw as a Persian flew in, killing another Galvantula that had just appeared. The Persian ran up next to him. He nearly attacked him until he spoke.

    "Please do not be afraid. My name is Origin and I may be Undead but I wouldn't dream of hurting living Pokemon. The only way for me to become stronger is to hunt down my own kind. I will not harm any of you."

    Savarin was relieved. This guy was on their side. He smiled to the Persian, still slightly unnerved, but throwing himself at the Krookodile with a Flame Charge. The Krookodile wasn't close to fainting, probably halfway there though. Arashi looked to Orgin, slightly relieved, but then looked down to the Petilil.

    "T-th-thank y-you, A-A-Ara-shi."

    Arashi still had tears in his eyes, but he wrapped a fuzzy arm around her. He said nothing, but he would have looked after them, of course, even if he had been dying himself. Arashi looked to Savarin, who was attacking as hard as he could. "And I bet he feels the same way, too.... He feels like he has worth now that he's evolved...." Arashi knew. He had felt the same before.

    (OoC: Crappy 3 in the morning post. lol But its good for now. .w. lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:07 pm

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    Chargestone Cave//Night

    Everything was dark and Dratini was cold. Oh so very cold. The small dragon could feel the cold slowly taking the warmth from her body. She wanted her momma and papa right know more then ever. The warmth was slowly leaving her body and she wanted warmth. She could feel water pouring from her eyes as the little dragon's body convulsed in pain. The light she could see was slowly disappearing and blood slowly drained from the Dratini's body. At least she was able to save her little bud friend.

    She let out a small cry of pain as the rock shifted. The others were still fighting the undead croc, as the dragon fought to stay alive. She didn't want to die now. Not she couldn't die now. She had mons to live for and to protect, but no matter what she did the pain was still there and her body was so cold. The warmth of her snake like body was gone and only the freezing cold was left. Tears streamed from her eyes as the cold was unbearable. She could move her body, let alone feel it. She let out another whimper of pain, H-h-h-help..... The sheer pain in her voice was great, but even more the sheer sorrow of leaving the world was even greater.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:44 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Night (15)

    (OoC: Wow, it's been a month since I posted as Lilli...)

    Lilli felt Arashi wrap an arm around her. He was like a father figure to the young Petilil, something she's never had in her short life. Her parents were both dead. She was so lonely her whole life, and all of a sudden, she ran into a group of nice pokemon. She felt happy. Then the Krookodile came along and threw everything in a downward spiral.

    But Lilli was unsure of what to do. She was stuck in a tough decision. Does she help Savarin fight the Krookodile? Or does she try to help her friend, who let out a weak cry for help. "H-h-h-help....." She looked at her dying friend, then turned her head to the Zebstrika who was fighting with all of his strength.

    She kept jolting her head back and forth, her mind going through all of the possibilities. Lilli became aggitated with all of the thoughts in her mind. She lost it, her scream echoing throughout the cave. "STOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!" In a fit of blind fury, she charged at the Krookodile. She fired a Magical Leaf at it, dealing quite a bit of damage. Then she used Mega Drain on it as well. She was getting restless and wanted to do something.

    She wasn't ready to let anyone die.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:56 pm

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    Chargestone Cave/Night

    (OoC: I shall enjoy RPing with you guys)
    Chidori's ears twitched and he looked up. He heard a tiny voice yell stop in the distance. He thought it was some dying Infected so he wanted to avoid confrontation at all costs but... The scent told him otherwise... Chidori peeked around the corner and gaped.More living Pokemon? And a Krookodile... Chidori saw the tiny Petilil rush bravely against it while the others had their own personal conflict. Chidori kicked up his Flame Charge and rushed into battle with them. He might just learn a bit more if they stayed alive...

    (OoC: How was that?)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:57 am

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    Chargestone Cave | Night (2)

    Origin's body tensed as he prepared to pounce on the crocodile but a heart wrenching cry for help made him stop dead in his tracks. Turning around, he could have only sympathy for the small Dratini that was seemingly dying under the rock. Padding over to her Origin inspected the rock and looked her right in the eye. "If we don't get this rock off of you, you will die. I need to know if you will allow me to remove it. Trust me little one, I will do whatever I can to save you." Despite being undead, Origin's eyes were gentle and soft as he looked to the small dragon. What was left of his heart could only go out to her small frail form.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:59 am

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    | Chargestone Cave // Night |
    Savarin 32 // Arashi 39

    As Savarin came out of his Flame Charge, he noticed another sprited figure doing the same. This couldn't be one of his copies. He saw the blue blanket on its back. Definitely not a copy. He called.
    "You showed up right in the nick of time!" he grinned, screeching to a halt next to his own species. "I'm Savarin. Glad to see some of my own kind here!" He looked to the Krookodile, who just composed itself from both of the attacks. Suddenly a cry.


    Savarin watched as the small grass pokemon attacked the Krookodile. It roared, very weak at this point. "We gotta finish it off...." Savarin charged, throwing another Flame Charge at the Krookodile. It roared, being hit.

    Arashi looked to the Lilli as she screamed and attacked the croc. Arashi ran over to her, putting an arm around her after attacking. "It's ok, little one." Arashi tried to comfort. He then looked to Origin.

    "If we don't get this rock off of you, you will die. I need to know if you will allow me to remove it. Trust me little one, I will do whatever I can to save you."

    Arashi turned to him. "Please, if you could Mr. Origin, try to save her!" his own disappointment in himself set in. How could he not be able to crush a rock? A rock. He sighed, still keeping his arm around Lilli. He thought he was stronger when he evolved.... Guess not.

    (OoC: Left it up for anyone to kill. xD I mean, I can but if you want to I ain't stoppin ya. <3 Amg one in the morning post. It sucks. xD)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:18 am

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    Chargestone Cave//Night

    The Dratini's breathing was so loud and ragged that she missed most of the felines speech, but she nodded anyway. She closed her eyes as the pain grew and then, everything stopped. She opened her eyes and found herself floating just above the rock that held her small frame. She blinked as the room was fuzzy and the sounds were hazy. Her body movements were lagging as she tried to slithered to her friends.

    She struggled to move, but her body was suck in place. She was so tired from her struggle, but the light took her pain away. Wait. Dratini looked around for the warm light and found it right above the rock. She tilted her head at the light as two figures came into view. Two Dragonite's flew down from the light as Dratini slithered curiously to the two dragons.

    The two dragons looked at the baby Dratini with nothing joy and guilt. Dratini came closer as the strange colored dragon held out her arms, Hello my little Dratini~ Dratini's eyes started to water as she slithered into the Dragonite's arms. The other Dragonite laughed deeply as he held his fellow Dragonite and the small Dratini. It's so good to see my little girl again. Dratini blinked back tears as she hugged the Dragonite's.

    Dratini pulled away and simply looked at the two dragons. M-momma.....a-and p-papa? The female Dragonite's eyes filled with tears as she looked at her male counter part, Jake, she remembers us! She really remembers us! The male, Jake, looked at Dratini, then to the female, No. She does not remember us Allie, my dear. The female Dragonite, Allie, looked horrified, but nodded slowly.

    Nausicaa, doesn't remember us because she never saw us before we pasted. I believe it's only her instincts kicking in. I'm so sorry Allie. Allie let out of Dratini as Jake held her close. Dratini looked at the two Dragonite's with curiosity filled in her purple eyes. Mamma, P-papa, w-who's Na-nausi-nausi... Jake laughed as he gently picked up Dratini. The dragons voice was firm, yet gentle and held the soft sound of aging. Dratini felt a soft buzz in her heart as she listened to the voice.

    Hahah! You are Nausicaa, little one. Dratini tilted her head slightly. So she did have a name, but something else was nagging at her. She turned and stared at her friends. Then she turned back to the rock and saw the feline breaking the rock and she turned to her parents. That, she was sure of. Allie and Jake looked at their daughter for a moment then nodded, You want to back, don't you. Allie's voice held so much sorrow and the tears were great.

    Dratini looked back toward her little bud friend, then turned back to her parents, Yes. I need to help them. Dratini blinked. Did she just speak without stuttering. Allie sighed as Jake laughed and rubbed Dratini's head, Look Allie, our daughter wants to be the hero, but seriously Nausicaa. In the condition your body is right know, you won't make it. Dratini slowly let that sink in. She took a deep breath, Momma, Papa. I need to help them. No, I have to help them. They are my friends and I have to help protect them.

    AND KILL YOURSELF?! Is that what you really want Nausicaa? Do you really want to die for these pokemon who you barely know? Dratini's blood was starting to boil. She felt the tip of her tail curl into a knot with rage, YOU AND MOMMA DIED PROTECTING ME! SO WHY CAN'T I DIE PROTECTING MY FRIENDS?! Dratini glared at Jake with nothing up hatred and sorrow. Jake stepped back in surprised to his daughter's hate. Allie looked at her daughter with nothing but understanding. She gripped her mate's arm.

    Jake, let her go. The male looked at his mate, but saw the understanding Allie had for their daughter. He sighed as Allie continued, Please Nausicaa, just...Just don't get killed alright? Dratini nodded as she hugged her mother and father, Don't worry, Momma and Papa. You'll see. I'll grow up to be a big and strong dragon, just like you two. Dratini's body was starting to fade and she could hear the rock starting to crack. She smiled at her parents one last time before she turned and floated back to her body.

    She came back to her body and held on to the memory of her parents faces and her name. When the rock finally gave way and crushed from the felines attack Nausicaa shot forward with Extremespeed. She used Wrap and wrapped around the undeads neck and started to squeeze with all her might. The undead clawed at Nausicaa, but she was relentic as she fired an Ice Beam at the krocs face. The kroc hissed and growled, but it only focused on the ice on it's face. It was by this time Nausicaa started to use Dragon Dance. Her grip on the undead got stronger and stronger as she continued to use Dragon Dance.

    When finally, a load CRACK rang through out the cave and the undead dropped to the ground as it's neck snapped. The Dratini slithered off the undead and used Ice Beam to freeze the body. Her breath was ragged, but stable as she turned and smiled, Sorry to worry you guys, but I just need some rest and i'll be fine. Then she fell to the ground. Maybe the wound was to great for her tiny body? No. She pasted out from simply over exhausting her already tired body. She let out a sigh of relief as the light slowly faded from the back of her eyelids and she knew her parents were still watching her.

    (Long post is LOOOOOOOONG. Anyway, yep she's got a name, but y'all won't know till my next post, but yeah. Ze undead has been terminated!)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:45 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Night (16)

    Lilli was ready to charge at the undead with another attack when suddenly, she felt Arashi's arm around her. At first, she tried to fight it, but soon she began to calm down. Something about him just made her feel happy. The Galvantula was like a father to the Petilil. "It's okay, little one." he said to her. When she was completely calm, she said, "Lilli. My name is Lilli."

    She heard something cracking. The rock her friend was under cracked. The Dratini slithered forward and killed the Krookodile by snapping its neck. Lilli became happy for two reasons. One; her friend was all right, she just needed to rest. And two; the undead was finally dead. She wanted to run up to her friend and hug her, knowing that she was all right. However, she allowed her friend to rest, instead hugging Arashi just simply out of happiness for everything. Lilli thought that they were doomed, but it turns out they were going to be alright.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:02 pm

    (sadly though I just took my characters out a couple of days ago I have no clue on what I should get Krabby to do just say that he looked at Dratini with concern)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:19 pm

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    Chargestone Cave Night

    Chidori smiled at this other of his kind. He didn't feel alone anymore and was going to attempt to make nice with it when the Dratini dropped to the ground. Chidori trotted over to her and nudged her very gently with his snout. She was probably just tired but Chidori wanted to be sure... No more losing others he thought Not after losing his boy..

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:53 pm

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    Chargestone Cave | Night (3)

    Watching the others, Origin smiled with a bright grin despite his fading and decaying form. Everything turned out quite alright in his opinion. So far, he had helped out other living and defeated an undead that gave him so much strength it was unbelievable. Turning to leave the group, another undead Galvantula strode towards him. Narrowing his eyes with distaste, Origin concentrated softly but pain erupted from his head. CURSES! He had totally forgotten about his gem being missing from his head. The pain he experienced was so great that the feline fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood while the Galvantula strode towards him menacingly. Not expecting the others to help, Origin hissed at the large spider while trying to figure out what to do next.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Catalyst Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:29 pm

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    | Chargestone Cave // LKT: Night |

    Savarin panted. The Krookodile was dead. Savarin looked to the small Dratini that had just enough power to kill the creature. Savarin slightly gaped. This little pokemon was strong for her age. Savarin turned to her and walked over, quite beaten up himself. He looked at her.

    "Sorry to worry you guys, but I just need some rest and i'll be fine."

    Savarin put a slight frown on his face, and saw the other Zebstrika nudge her. She seemed to be collapsing from exhaustion. If only they had the berries that had earlier. He should have stored some."I know a way to help you--" But right as he thought the battle had ended, he looked to Origin who was being attacked. He wouldn't let this thing attack him. Savarin charged at the Galvantula who was attacking Origin, and Flame Charged it into the wall. He snorted as it fell off the wall and back onto its feet, hissing in pain. Savarin stomped his foot at it, his nostrils flared. He was ready to Flame Charge it again.

    (OoC: I'm sorry, I didn't see it was my turn. ^^;)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:05 pm

    (Skip please. Nausicaa is still out cold, but I give permission to anyone to move her.)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:52 am

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    Chargestine Cave|Last Known Time; Night (17)

    Lilli was confused at what was going on. There seemed to be another Savarin with them. However, this one had a blanket instead of goggles. She also saw an undead Persian with them. Everything was happening so fast and Lilli just didn't know what to do.

    Suddenly, an undead Galvantula attacked them. The Persian and the first Savarin attacked it. Lilli, meanwhile, couldn't seem to find Arashi. The Petilil became a bit saddened by it, but was starting to get tired. She went over to her Dratini friend and fell asleep near he.

    (OoC: I really couldn't think of anything to have Lilli do OTL.)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:33 pm

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    Chargestine Cave|Last Known Time | Night (3 | 1)

    Krabby was about to go check on Nausicaa when he saw the undead Persian was in trouble. He was about to use a Bubblebeam to help the Persian out since he protected Nausicaa from being killed by an infected though he was confuse why an undead is fighting it's own kind to protect the living. He thought that all infected and undead saw the living Pokemon as a source of food. The Krabby looked at Nausicaa and at Origin until he saw that the others were heading over to try and help him so Krabby went over to Nausicaa and, using his pincers as gently as he could, moved her out of line of fire and danger.

    A beautiful silver Persian was heading over to the entrance of the cave she saw the Krabby and the Dratini go into when she heard sounds of battle going on inside. The Persian pick up speed and look inside the cave. When she saw another Persian about to be killed by a Galvantula. But before it could strike a killing blow to the Persian, who she realized was the coloring of the undead and was bleeding in the area where his gem was suppose to be and he was now lying in a pool of his own blood, a Zebstrika attacked with his body surrounded by flames before he knock the Galvantula against the wall. Not wanting him to use too much of his energy to end the Galvantula Abana had her gem glowing with bright white energy and sent the power she got from her gem and sent it at the Galvantula hoping that her Power Gem will be enough to end the battle and put the insect Pokemon out of mercy. The Persian walk completely into the cave, her silver fur and white paws, seeming to glow even more in the cave as she asked, "Hello, is everyone alright in here." As she spoke her voice was soft and gentle as she look around. Her eyes landed on the undead Persian as she slowly went over to him with concern wondering if there was a way she could help him.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:42 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Night (1)

    Chidori watched the little crab Pokemon move the dragon away from the battle. Very noble he thought. Chidori leaned down to the Petilil and smiled. Tiny and cute just like his boy had. Chidori sniffed her a little checking for injuries but had to be positive. You aren't hurt or tired are you little one he asked.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:38 pm

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    Chargestone Cave | Night (4)

    The gray cat watched as one by one, his new friends attacked the Galvantula. Shocked but happy, Origin weakly moved from his laying position to stand and watch the female Persian curiously and with a wave of his tail, he spoke in a quiet voice. "Thank you. All of you. I couldn't ask for more companionship. This life I lead is quite a lonely one you know but if you allow me to stay with your group for a while, I will offer you protection although please reprimand me if I try to use my Power Gem move again. It hurts a lot when I try to do that." Chuckling, the dark cat began to preen his fur and clean off the blood.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:23 pm

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    | Chargestone Cave // LKT: Night |

    "Thank you. All of you. I couldn't ask for more companionship. This life I lead is quite a lonely one you know but if you allow me to stay with your group for a while, I will offer you protection although please reprimand me if I try to use my Power Gem move again. It hurts a lot when I try to do that."

    Savarin smiled, and nodded. He was glad to have protected the Persian for long enough. But the Galvantula started to hiss again, attacking Savarin. Savarin roared as the Galvantula attacked him. But to his surprise, it fled away from him. No pokemon was going to do that to him. He growled, bounding after it, his hooves slamming the ground.
    "I'll be back!" he yelled to his comrades, then disappeared into the shadows of the cave, chasing the undead who had threatened his friends. The only friends he had.... He would not tolerate it. He ran into the dark, not knowing he'd be gone for a long while.

    (OoC: Well.... It's been fun. ^^ I'll probably join back in, hopefully, maybe.... It was fun to RP here, Savarin evolved here.... I'll come back some day.... :3)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Posts : 156

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Honchkrow Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:17 pm

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    It was strange, annoying and somewhat embarrassing that he, Honchkrow, Lord of the Undead, had gotten himself so irreparrably lost, he was somehow in a cave. A bloody cave. While he had no fear of the crags, the dark unknown pockets of fear caves now held, it was vexing that he was delayed by the labyrinth before him. Though the hurricane raged outdoors, perhaps wandering through the cave may prove useful, and so, he walked on, going at a comfortable pace. He had bigger fish to fry, but for now, his top priority was getting out of the damned cave.

    He paused as voices were heard, his crimson eyes searching their source. Interesting. Perhaps more pokemon had taken the same path as he? Was that ruddy hurricane always around, then? He shook his head, dismissing the thought. Whatever it was, he would take the opportunity in conversing with the local natives. While his last encounter had been... interesting, perhaps he would find some sort of entertainment here as well.

    Before arriving at the scene of the main group, his eyes fell upon the sleeping form of a dratini and a petilil. The bird's glowing glare narrowed as he spotted a teddybear near the dragon, his vendetta against humans getting the better of him. Even now... as surely as the Legends have announced the human's dealings in destroying his home, this dratini, this child still clung to them like a babe clings to its pacifier. Disgusting. Quickly, he grabbed the dratini and its plush in his talons, and managed to swoop away from the group before they could intervene. He wanted to make a point, and would rather have witnesses to actually see it.

    He settled down, enjoying the dim, turquoise light the strange floating rocks emitted. At least he could really see his prey and be precise. As the dratini awoke, she began to scream, but a talon in her throat stopped her. "Now, now..." he cooed, flirting his talon with the back of her esophogus, the claw picking up the petty, pitiful vibrations her vocal chords managed to emit. "We'll have none of that. I don't want you to call the others just yet, little worm..." Then, his claw still in her throat, he pecked at her insides, severing the soft skin of her underbelly to retrive her intestines. He pulled them out as she screamed and writhed against his other foot holding her down. In one thrash, his talon cut her vocal chords, making her screaming nothing but a raspy, ghoulish cry. He retrieved his talon, sure the others were soon on their way, then took the bear and began stuffing it down her, gaping maw. The bear took some time getting in, but the dratini's mouth was large enough, and the dragon lay there, bleeding out and gaping, the bear's brown pelt still sticking out of her ajar mouth. Satisfied, he leaned down, as he could see the last lights of life beginning to dim in her eyes.

    "See? Now you can be with your humans... and others can see what happens when you cling onto something past its use." The last sentence was stated with an edge of hatred, as the little dratini's loyalty to such a perverse, tainted race was almost offensive to him. Well. His educational endeavor would surely be taken note of, and it would happen no more. He picked up the intestine he had pulled out, and, by picking it up and swinging around, he flung the dratini back the way he'd come, tossing her back to her boon companions. After all, it was rude to keep her from them.

    Chuckling, he continued on through the cave, objectives once again in mind.


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    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:15 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (18)

    Lilli opened her eyes to see the second Savarin looking at her. There was no sign of the first one or Arashi. "You aren't hurt or tired are you little one?" he asked. Lilli shook her head as she looked at her friend and smiled. Suddenly, without warning, a Honchkrow grabbed her friend and her doll and flew off. Lilli screamed with terror as she watched her friend get taken away. "No!" she cried out.

    The Petilil could only watch in horror as the bird began to peck at her shrieking friend. Then she grew silent. The bird took the bear and stuffed it down her throat. "See? Now you can be with your humans... and others can see what happens when you cling onto something past its use." Humans? Lilli had never heard of these creatures. Her thoughts on humans were suddenly gone when the bird threw her friend's corpse back to the group, landing right in front of Lilli. Then it flew away.

    Lilli shrieked as she saw her friend's body. The image would be forever embedded into her mind. She had no more friends left. Everyone was gone. Only the faces of strangers were left. Her eyes quickly began to release tears as she cried over the loss of her friend. The first person that was ever nice to Lilli was dead. She couldn't even take the bear as a memento because it was jammed down her friend's throat. The Petilil needed comfort now. She ran to the second Savarin and hugged his leg, crying into it.

    "Please..." Lilli sniffled, "P-Please stay... I have no more friends...." She buried her face into his leg and cried even more.

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