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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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5 posters



    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:58 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning(30)

    Chidori twitched his ears and looked down the hall to the generator. It looked like it would run out of fuel soon. He turned to Lilli and Abana before lowering his head. "I have to find fuel... Perhaps the airport" Chidori thought. He went back to Fujimaru and Giri and shook his head. This wouldn't be difficult... No Infected around for miles... He hoped so at least. Chidori exited the Pokemon Center without another word.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:56 am

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Night # {14}

    Without any apparent change in posture Fujimaru goes from sleeping to being awake. He yawns widely, showing the points of his teeth as he stretches his long limbs and carefully shakes Giri awake.
    Flicking his long tail he gently places the albino aron on the ground and wanders off in search of a place with decent drainage for a wash.
    Eventually he finds a corridor that he doubts anyone would mind if he got a bit of water splashed around and raised his tail over his head.
    From the deep blue tuft he calls forth a stream of bubbling water, heated to the perfect temprature by his internal fires, courses over his shoulders and helps wash away the weariness of the nights sleep on the cold hard floor.
    The smimian pokemon breathes a happy sigh as he carefully washes every part of him and steps back with his fur smelling fresh and neat.
    "Good morning." He says with a polite bow.

    Giri awakes as soon as Fujimaru lifts him off his bed of warm fur and onto the ground.
    It takes him a while to blink the sleep from his eyes and he yawns widely and starts to wander.
    His stubby little legs take him all the way across the room as he moves back and forth with a curious rocking motion almost like a baby mareep.
    He sniffs around in hopes of finding some tasty metal ore but when none appears the infant sits back on his hindlegs and starts to cry.
    The sound of distress seems far larger than the Aron itself.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:06 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning(2)

    Origin slid down on his belly and yawned. He was about to catch a little catnap when the sound of hooves woke him. The Zebstrika from earlier.. "Chidori" he purred before padding after him. Origin looked up passed the lightning zebra to see a few undead Braviary and Mandibuzz. He gaped and rushed passed Chidori and used Power Gem on one effectively killing it. His forehead injury started bleeding more making him hiss in pain. Origin turned to the Zebstrika. "Run" he growled before sprinting to the abandoned cargo building hoping Chidori was behind him.

    (OoC:Come friends! To battle and gain EXP or we can run back to the center your call))

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:13 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning (39)

    Lilli was sitting on the kitchen counter happily, humming to herself. It was weird because she's never been this cheery before. She suddenly heard the sound of crying. "Giri." The Petilil grabbed one of the heart shaped cookies and was on her way to bringing them to the little Aron, but soon remembered something. Creatures like little Giri like to eat metal objects. She looked around and found what appeared to be an empty can. Carefully placing the cookie in the can, Lilli brought both items over to her "little brother".

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:10 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning (30)

    Abana smiled softly as she watch Petilil take an empty can and some of the cookies to where Giri was crying. The silver Persian followed her there so she could watch the young ones and saw that Chidori left to go get the fuel and she wasn't sure where Fujimaru went but she was sure he didn't go to far since his charge was still here. She smiled and laid down on her stomach as she watch the young ones while her tail swish side-to-side in joy.

    (Sorry for the short post but not much I can get Abana to do)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:37 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning(31)

    Chidori watched the purple cat flee to the cargo building. He was now coward and didn't run from anything. One Braviary flew down straight for him. Its decaying skull made contact with his resulting in a loud crack. He had deployed Shock Wave just in time to protect himself from serious injury. The bird fell in front of him with a weak squawk still trying to get him. Chidori ended it with his hoof straight through its skull. He went victoriously into the cargo building and winced. His leg... Chidori hissed in pain and held up his leg. "I must have stomped on it a bit too hard" he said to himself. Chidori put his hoof back down and hit something hard. "Son of a hell" he growled before looking at what he stepped on. It was a stone shaped like a sun... Chidori had no use for it but recalled that girls had a liking for shiny things so he would take it back to Abana or even little Lilli. Chidori's thoughts were disturbed by the squawking of the undead outside. It was going to take a whole new level bs-ing to get back to the others.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:53 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning(3)

    Origin peeked out the window at the Zebstrika. He easily killed the Braviary before coming in the building like nothing happened. Every part of Origin said oh that was freaking sweet but the other part said well we're screwed... "We need a way back to the center with the others" Origin said trying to side with his mind.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:49 pm

    (Skip. Cannot for the life of me think of anything for Lilli to do >.<)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:56 am

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    Mistralton City|Morning (32)

    Chidori held the stone carefully in his mouth and smirked. He could get through this mess easily. A spark cracked through his mane starting the fires for Flame Charge. Chidori had no time for doors... He burst straight through the wall charging for the Pokemon Center. Chidori hissed in pain as the already damaged muscle in his leg seized up sending him to the ground. One of the Mandibuzz dove for him. Chidori roared and sparks flew from him as he used Shock Wave frying the undead bird into permanent death. He got up and limped back inside to the Pokemon Center before flopping down by the door with his injured leg straight out in front of him. Chidori dropped the stone in front of him before passing out.

    Last edited by Tyranno on Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Wrong move sorry)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:54 am

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Night # {15}

    Flicking his long tail and smelling of fresh washed fur the Simipour emerges from his shower and shakes the last of the morning's aches from his bones as he steps back in to join the others.
    Carefully he once again binds his hair back with the black band and smiles at the two that remain, glad to see that Giri's cry of distress has not gone unoticed. Figuring that the dimunutive steel type will hardly miss it he also scoops up one of the delicate heart shaped cookies and chews it thoughtfully as the sounds of battle filter through to his large light blue furred ears."Excuse me for a moment Abana-san, Lilli-chan." He says with a low bow as the sounds of the battle filter through to his ears. Golden fingers twitching he wraps them around the worn handle of his shell blade and stides off towards the battle, only stopping to tear the paper label from the remains of the tin can.
    "Plastic's not good for his digestion, you'll thank me later."

    Smiling widly and cooing in contentment the Aron tries to brace his stubby legs against the tin can as he tries to get his wide jaw to fasten around it. The can's exposed edges, sharp enough to slice through most other pokemon, can't cut at all through the tough skin of his gums as the baby albino worries at the scrap metal with its hard gums and single tooth until the knife-like sharps of metal break loose and are swallowed into the rest of the rock/steel type's equally formidible digestive system.
    The small buttery cookies are cautiously sniffed (they smelled nothing like metal ore) before the albino crunches them down too, leaving a mess of crumbs too small to pick up on the ground.
    Giri sits back on his rump and burps.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:38 am

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    Mistralton City|Morning(4)

    Origin had followed on Chidori's heels and knew he needed assistance. He gently head the lightning zebra's muzzle in his paw before letting it drop back to the floor. "Was anyone else here in this damn center" the Persian growled. Origin wasn't a Luxray so he couldn't roar for help but damn it he could yell for it. "Help! Zebstrika down" he yelled hoping someone heard him.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:15 am

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    Mistralton City|Morning (40)

    Lilli watched with content as little Giri enjoyed his breakfast. He also ate the cookie she brought him, which made her very happy to see that he liked it. Suddenly, Chidori busted through one of the walls, making the Petilil jump. He fell to the ground, obviously in pain. But what made Lilli curious was the stone that fell in front of him.

    The stone was orange and was shaped like a sun. Cautiously, Lilli went over the stone and picked it up to get a better look. As soon as she touched the stone, she was enveloped in a white glow. She could feel her whole body changing. She felt herself growing taller and also felt a weight increase on her head. The grass type wasn't sure about what was happening to her, but she accepted it anyway. She was also feeling an extension in the sides of her body, and then the glow faded.

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    Lilli wasn't sure what had happened until she looked down. She had... ARMS?! She quickly ran over to a mirror to see what had really happened to her. She was surprised to see that she was no longer a Petilil. Instead, she was now a beautiful Lilligant. She began to think about how Giri wouldn't recognize her, since he's used to the small Petilil.

    Lilli went back into the room where everyone was, noticing that Abana left for reasons unknown. She silently went over to Giri and crouched down to his level. Petting the little Aron, she said in her gentle voice. "Hey there, Giri. It's me, Lilli. I may look a little different, but it's still me." She let out a soft smile to show that it was still Lilli, just in a different body.

    (OoC: Hooray for evolution!)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:53 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning (33)

    Chidori groaned and raised his head up a little. His vision was hazy. He tried to get up but his leg was injured. Chidori whined in pain and fell back down holding the aforementioned limb out in front of him but dammit the wall! He forced himself up and dragged the metal table of the reception desk up to the hole. His leg burned with pain but he did not care. Now was not the time. Chidori used Flame Charge to melt the table against the hole. He kicked it a few times to ensure its solidness before passing out from the pain.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:32 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Night # {16}

    Blade of shell held ready at his side the Simian Water type darts down the corridors in the bird run of the Samurai. His eyes still tight closed he never the less takes full care in seeing his surroundings.
    The cry for help echoes down the corridors, distorted by distance but also full of urgency.
    Fujimaru runs like his feet have sprouted wings, swiftly darting from dusty abandoned room to dusty abandoned room without pause until he sees the source of the cries at the Reception desk of the pokecentre, the corner he had sliced free still resting on the ground.
    He sees the Zebstrika try to stand and fail, one leg refusing to take his weight from injury and he sees the Persian with the deep purple fur prowl close around it.
    Golden fingers wrap tightly around the hilt of the shell blade as Fujimaru draws it.
    "Try to harm him and I will do to you what I did to that desk." The Simipour says cooly, his long tufted tail twitching.

    "Grrrrrrr...Lilli!" Giri cheerfully chimes, carefully sniffing around the Lilligant as she pats his head.
    He recognizes the name but little else about this much taller Grass Type but he has had metal and cookies and while he is full he is content. His innocent pink eyes look up at the evolved Lilli and he smiles, bouncing up and down cheerfully, wriggling his forelegs to be picked up.
    He wants her to carry him like Fujimaru does so he can see what's happening.
    "Giriri." He babbles as he sniffs the sweet perfumed fragrance the Lilligant is giving off and notices the large leaves of the Grass Type's 'skirt'
    Experimentally he bites one.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:20 am

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    Mistralton City|Morning (5)

    Origin stepped back from the Simipour. "I'm not gonna harm anyone... It won't benefit me in any way" he said calmly before moving to sit by the little Aron. Origin smiled at the child before his gaze returned to the Simipour. "He twisted his leg fighting a bunch of infected outside... There are 3 of them left and if we don't finish them off they'll go and get reinforcements" he said. He gestured to the Aron with his tail. "I fear for this little one here... He doesn't seem like he'd be able to fight off a swarm if we're incapacitated" Origin said quietly.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:18 am

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    Mistralton City|Morning(34)

    Chidori groaned and opened his eyes. He jumped up to his feet and charged the Persian scaring it a safe distance away from Giri. His leg again burned in ungodly pain but Chidori still stood with his steely glare on the Persian. "You are not to be trusted around the little ones... I want you to stay where I can see you" he said with a snort. Chidori looked down at Giri carefully checking for any wounds. Seeing none he smiled at the little Aron before again glaring at the Persian.((OoC: I hope it was ok for Chidori to look Giri over D:> If not I'll change it))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:11 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Night # {17}

    Regardless of how sensible the Persian was acting Fujimaru is far from trusting of it, especially around Giri.
    The ripe scent of the infection is as plain and indicator as its purpling fur.
    The bright red gem on its forehead had been replaced by a splatter of red blood where it had been torn off.
    The Zebstrika's leg was gravely injured too.
    Although he was no healer Fujimaru knew how to splint a wound.
    "Get me a straight stick and piece of cloth and I can splint that leg." He tells the Electric Type, keeping a steady grip on the sword at his side. "What manner of undead will we be facing?" He also asks of Zebstrika, his face as smooth and calm as if he were asking what kind of biscuits the equine pokemon wanted with his tea.

    As soon as the undead Persian comes into view Giri starts up a metallic clattering of noise, whether in fear or excitement is unknown.
    Once Fujimaru actually acknowledges the purple furred classy cat in a way besides decapitating it the albino stops his chiming to scurry behind the Lilligant.
    "Grrrrrrr!" He growls childishly at it, lowering his metallic head as if to headbutt it.
    If the Persian does dare to come any closer it will receive a very painful Head Smash attack.
    "Grrrrrrr!" He repeats with more of the tone of a game than of serious threat.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:57 am

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    Mistralton City|Morning(6)

    Origin flicked his tail in annoyance. Did the Water type not realize if he wanted to kill and eat them that he could? He brushed it off and looked over to the Lilligant and Aron. The Aron was growling at him. Origin smirked and growled back at the child before clicking his claws on the floor. "Every moment here was a moment wasted unless they got rid of the infected outside...

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:10 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning(35)

    Chidori nodded and went to raid the center only managing to recover a sheet and a wooden ladle used for stirring huge pots. He brought the items back before answering Fujimaru's question. "They're mostly Braviary and Mandibuzz but their cries could bring something worse if we aren't careful" Chidori said before shivering. He looked from the sheet to the ladle and then his leg. "How's this stuff gonna help" he inquired.

    (Permission to set his leg given)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:27 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning(7)

    Origin looked over at the Lilligant and blinked. What a lovely young Pokemon she had become! He started towards her but the sparks flying from Chidori's mane warned him away to the window. He sighed and took a look before gaping. "Guys! We have an army waiting for us" Origin called over his shoulder. Klink,Joltik,Tynamo and their evolutions were all moving leisurely around the center. Origin's fur bristled on end in anger.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:55 am

    (Skip me, please. I need to get a chance to read up on what's going on since I was out for a week.)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:25 am

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    Mistralton City|Morning(36)

    Chidori was far from believing the purple cat but did not deny the fact that they could be sitting ducks in here... More sparks ran through his mane at the thought of battle but Lilli might be at a disadvantage against the bird Pokemon. Chidori snorted before looking at his injured leg. He would protect her even if he had to die trying.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:43 pm

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    Mistralton City Pokecentre # Morning # {18}

    "If I may..." Fujimaru grabs the ladle and length of cloth, temporarily sheathing his Seamitar although he still throws a distrustful look at the Classy Cat pokemon.
    Kneeling he takes the Zebstrika's hoof in hand, carefully applying a little pressure to the limb to check for fractures in the bone.
    The injury is serious, potentially fatal if not treated right away.
    Letting go of the Electric Type's hoof for a moment the Water Type disappears back into another part of the pokemon center, following his footprints in the dust from earlier and in the cabinets of one of the backrooms finding just the herb he needs.
    Taking a handful of the dried and withered looking leaves with him the Simipour swiftly shoves a few into his mouth, chewing them vigorously until a small strand of dark green tinged saliva dribbles down his jaw as the returns. Wincing a fraction at the horrible taste the simian shaped pokemon spits the wad of chewed leaves into his palm and applies the poultice to the Zebrika's leg, rubbing the dark green paste of chewed leaves all the way down the area he is going to splint.
    The juice of the leaves soaks into the dark grey hair, giving a strange kind of cooling effect.
    "This is going to hurt I'm afraid Zebstrika-san." The Shining Simipour warns as he carefully grips the injured leg in both hands and pulls it so the bone is straight.
    Moving swiftly he rests the ladle's straight handle against the injured limb to hold the bone into position and starts to wrap it around with the cloth to form a makeshift bandage.
    "Avoid putting pressure on it until the bone has healed. If you do the splint might shift and your leg will set crooked. That can lead to lameness."
    Fujimaru has never had to splint another pokemon before, normally this technique he used to heal his own broken bones.
    The Water Type sighs. Even if they do make use of the healing equipment of the pokecentre it will take time to heal that injury.
    "Zebstrika-san, for now I think you should stay here and defend the women." He suggests with his face set in an expression of dead honesty. "Plunging yourself into full battle right now only increases the chance of your injury becoming permanent."
    Drawing his Seamitar and slashing with it in one smooth motion the Shining Simipour launches himself into the fray.

    "Grrrr." The tiny Aron repeats, enjoying his little game as he leaps backwards and forwards as if taunting the undead cat. "Grrrrgrr!"
    Laughing with infantile glee the albino rests back on his rump and kicks his legs eagerly, Lucky Egg still clutched in his hard beak of a jaw.
    Playfully he gnaws away at the tough rock, biting hard at the sturdy stone in an attempt to crack it open and relieve some of the feeling on his painful gums.
    He gnaws away at the Lucky Egg, scraping his jaw across it and on occasional licking it with his pink tongue until he feels a hard protrusion in his jaw scrape across the the surface.
    Curiously Giri prods it with his tongue. It is hard.
    Turning towards the pretty smelling grass type the Aron opens his jaws wide with pride. At the very back of his jaw shows the tiny spot of white of his new tooth.
    "Toof!" He says proudly, bouncing up and down and laughing again. "Got toof!"
    He turns to show his caregiver but the Shining Simipour is already darting from the room into battle and doesn't notice.
    The diminutive steel type rocks back and forth on its armored shell, still tightly clutching the egg of stone.
    "Jiji! Jiji! Toof!" He calls out loudly after him and when the Simipour doesn't return the Aron Child throws back his head and starts to cry.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:44 pm

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    Mistralton City|Morning(8)

    Origin frowned at the tiny Aron's cries. He grinned and lowered his lithe body to the ground and flicks his tail playfully. "Come little Aron... Show me how strong you are" Origin purred before scraping his claws on the floor. He knew this little Aron was stronger then he looked but Origin would keep his mind off the Simipour's absence for now.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:05 am

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    Mistralton City|Morning (41)

    Lilli kept an eye on Giri as Fujimaru and Chidori went to fight. She wanted to make sure that the Persian didn't hurt the little Aron either. He seemed nice, but the Lilligant no longer trusted anyone who was infected or undead, since her Dratini friend died in Chargestone Cave. She knew that Persians aren't purple in color, which could only mean that the infection got him.

    "Toof! Got toof!" Giri cried out to her. It sounded like he said tooth. His first tooth had finally popped out. He wanted to tell the Simipour, but he busy doing something else. He began to cry, wanting Fujimaru to be there. Not wanting to see him upset, Lilli picked up the little Aron and sat down, craddling him in her leafy arms. "Shhh. Don't cry, Giri. Lilli's here." She used one of her arms to wipe his tears away, and held him to her chest. "He'll be back soon."

    "Come little Aron... Show me how strong you are." The Persian said. Lilli still didn't trust him. She moved herself and Giri further away from him, for both her own safety and his safety.

    (Got permission from Kaze to pick up Giri)

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