Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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5 posters



    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:35 pm

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    Chargestone Cave | Night (4)

    Krabby was just beginning to relax when he suddenly heard something coming from where he put Nausicaa. When the crab Pokemon look over he saw that the little Dratini was not in the spot that he last saw her. Before he could go searching for the dragon Pokemon he saw that she was thrown for all of the others to see with her innards ripped out and her little stuff bear stuff down her throat. The crab Pokemon grew very angry and headed towards where she was thrown from in search for the undead that had killed the young dragon.

    (This is Krabby's leaving post but Abana is staying)

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    Chargestone Cave | Night (2)

    Abana watch in horror as the young Dratini was thrown at the group with her little teddy bear stuff down her throat and her innards ripped out while the Krabby charge out to find the one responsible for the death of the young one. Abana has seen many deaths in this epidemic but its worst when she saw the young one not surviving. The little dragon have such more to live for yet she was killed in an instant. "Thank you. All of you. I couldn't ask for more companionship. This life I lead is quite a lonely one you know but if you allow me to stay with your group for a while, I will offer you protection although please reprimand me if I try to use my Power Gem move again. It hurts a lot when I try to do that." Abana heard the gray colored Persian say after they all stepped in to save him. She looked at the Persian with horrified eyes after seeing the death of the Dratini but she went over to him and offered to help him back up on his paws. "I'll try to prevent you from using that attack then so that you won't be hurt by trying to use it. I can use mine instead to help out in this bad times," her voice was filled with horror but it still remained strong even though she wanted to cry for the young life smothered out before it could thrive.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:47 pm

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    Chargestone Cave | Night (2)

    Chidori's eyes narrowed with disgust and hatred as the giant greasy bird threw the tiny dragon at them with the doll stuffed in her mouth. Every instinct in his body said to make a greasy turkey dinner out of the bird but the tiny Petilil ran back to him and clung to his leg. Chidori lowered himself down to his belly and pressed his nose against her in a form of comfort. "Don't worry little one... I won't leave you I promise" he said softly. Then he remembered his senses and smiled. "I'm Chidori... What's your name my brave little friend" Chidori asked.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:57 am

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (19)

    Lilli was still crying over her friend until she felt a nose press up against her in a form of comfort. She opened her eyes to see it was the second Savarin. "Don't worry little one..." he said softly. "I won't leave you I promise." Lilli sniffled a little bit as she looked up at him. "I'm Chidori... What's your name my brave little friend." So Chidori was his name. She looked at him and let out a weak smile. "Lilli." She told him. The Petilil sniffled a little more, but she knew she felt safe with someone like Chidori around.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:32 am

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (3)

    Abana continued to stay by the other Persian's side to be sure he was alright while she looked around at the others, trying to avoid looking at the remains of the young dragon, to see how they all were fairing. She knew death was bad but she hated seeing one so young being killed off before them. The little Petilil was beside the Zebstrika and Abana was glad that the male is comforting the young grass type. She has only just met this group but she didn't think she wanted to leave them ever, especially when there were young ones around that she can try to help protect. Abana looked at the Persian beside her from the corner of her eye before she sighed softly and wondered what they all can do at this moment. In her opinion it might be best that they rest for the night but she had seen undead in this place so she wasn't sure if this cave was safe to rest in.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:42 am

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    Chargestone Cave|Night (3)

    Chidori looked around a bit but didn't move from little Lilli's side. The soft blue light from the stones floating around made this place a bit eerie. He didn't mind staying up to watch if anyone needed to sleep especially his new little friend Lilli. Chidori looked over to the two cats and tilted his head to the side. He had never seen them before but shrugged. "Hey! What's the plan guys? I'm not one for sleeping in a cave but sleeping out in the open ain't best either" Chidori asked directing his attention to the white cat first.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:07 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (20)

    Lilli yawned a little bit as she was beginning to grow tired. She was sad to see a friend die right in front of her, but was happy to have made a new one. "Hey! What's the plan guys? I'm not one for sleeping in a cave but sleeping out in the open ain't best either" Chidori said. Lilli looked at the two cats that he was talking to and then looked up at him. The soft blue lights were all that illuminated the cave, and it was starting to make the Petilil a bit uneasy. She couldn't bear to look at the body of her dead friend.

    (OoC: Sorry for the short post...)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:03 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (4)

    Abana's ears twitch as she heard the Zebstrika saying, "Hey! What's the plan guys? I'm not one for sleeping in a cave but sleeping out in the open ain't best either" She looked over at him and then looked around the cave once again. She knew they needed to at least bury the Dratini before they rest for the night or else the scent of her blood could lure more undead and infected their way. "Well, first it might be a good idea to bury the Dratini so that we won't have anymore visitors of the undead or infected and probably go further into the cave to rest. I know this cave leads to the next town," she answered softly.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:45 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Night (4)

    Chidori had to agree with the cat. While he had above average stamina, he was hellbent on keeping Lilli safe so that's where his attention would be. I don't suppose any of you know Dig perhaps he asked. Chidori knew of the next town and was very interested in getting there to shelter in a house or something. If not I could use Flame Charge to reduce her to ashes he added.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:59 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (21)

    "Well, first it might be a good idea to bury the Dratini so that we won't have anymore visitors of the undead or infected and probably go further into the cave to rest. I know this cave leads to the next town," Lilli looked at the white cat. Burying her friend was the honorable thing to do. However, Chidori said something that shook the Petilil, "I could use Flame Charge to reduce her to ashes." Lilli looked at him in disbelief. Tears began to form in her eyes at the very idea of burning her friend, but her body would just attract undead like the Honchkrow. She sniffled a little bit and said, "J-Just do it a-and get it over with..."

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:34 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (5)

    I don't suppose any of you know Dig perhaps. If not I could use Flame Charge to reduce her to ashes. Abana looked at the Zebstrika and then at the Petilil as she said, "J-Just do it a-and get it over with..." Abana moved away from the other Persian for the moment and went over to the little one so she could nuzzle her trying to give the little grass type some comfort as she said to the Zebstrika, "That might be the best thing we can do for the young Dragon so go ahead and do that. The Persian remain at the little grass type's side for a little long to continue to offer comfort before she will go back to the other Persian and check to see if he was alright.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:45 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Night (5)

    Chidori got up and went over to the little dragon. He gently gripped the nasty mangled doll and pulled it out of her mouth. Gross he whispered. Chidori stood over her and summoned the flames around himself watching her body crackle before breaking into dust. He placed the doll on top of the ashes like a grave marker and bowed his head. Rest peacefully little one he whispered. Chidori returned to Lilli's side and looked to the cat to await further orders.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:58 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (22)

    Lilli watched as the white cat came over to her and nuzzled her for comfort as Chidori stood over the dragon. He took the doll in his teeth and summoned flames over her. It didn't take long for the dragon to be turned into ashes. Chidori returned to the Petilil's side as more tears formed in her eyes. "Goodbye, friend..." she whispered to herself.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:34 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (6)

    Abana sighed sadly as she watch the Zebstrika turn the dragon to ashes before placing her stuff toy over the ashes like a grave marker. She looked at the young one and gave her a gentle final nuzzle before the Zebstrika came back to her side. Abana went over to look at everyone as she noticed the Zebstrika look at her as if waiting for further orders. She was surprise by this since she just joined this group but she knew she had to help this group out as best as she could, "Let's get out of this place now and head to the next town and have chance to rest hopefully."

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:28 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Night (6)

    Chidori nodded to the cat. Getting out of here sounded wonderful. A spark ran up his mane making him glance nervously around. He felt like those things were everywhere but then he remembered Lilli and smiled reassuringly. Chidori lowered his head down beside her and smiled. If you want I could carry you he said. In all honesty he just didn't want the little one out of his sight and if she was on him then he'd know she was safe.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:59 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (23)

    "Let's get out of this place now and head to the next town and have chance to rest hopefully." the white cat said to the group. Lilli nodded. It sounded like a good thing to do, especially considering that there were probably tons of undead creatures in the cave. She looked over to Chidori, who had lowered his head beside her and smiled. "If you want I could carry you." He told her. "Thank you..." She told him as she climbed onto his back. The Petilil looked at him and smiled. "Let's go..." She said softly.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:53 am

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (7)

    Abana listen as the others spoke an then watch as the Zebstrika lowered enough to let the Petilil get on his back. The silver cat smiled as she saw this and went over to help the other Persian up to his paws before she looked at the others and nodded at the two of them. "Then lets get out of this place my fur seems to be gathering static in this cave," Abana said softly as she chuckled softly and began to walk around the cave hoping to find the exit soon. She knew the exit was further in the cave but she has never be to it before, besides when Sapphire had her carried around on a cusion seat which the Persian hated.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:07 pm

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    Chargestone Cave| Night (7)

    Chidori followed the cats before realizing something. The charges of electricity and static seemed to almost point the way for him. He galloped ahead of the cat before bumping his shoulder against hers. "Heya I think I can maybe lead us outta here" he said. Chidori grinned gleefully feeling useful but needed the cat's approval first.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:49 pm

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (24)

    Lilli got comfortable on Chidori's back as everyone started moving out. She was starting to doze off a little bit, though, and was fighting to stay awake. The Petilil didn't feel safe enough to sleep after what happened to her friend, but she was starting to get tired. Besides, the group would find shelter soon enough anyway.

    (Short post is short, but there isn't really anything I can Lilli do from Chidori's back.)

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:18 am

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (8)

    Abana walked beside the other Persian as she began the lead the way through the cave. While she walked she heard the galloping of the Zebstrika and soon he was ahead of her and the other Persian before he bump his shoulder against her's while saying, "Heya I think I can maybe lead us outta here" She wasn't sure how he knew the way but she believed him and smiled back at him before she said, "Then you can go ahead and lead the way out of here. It will be good to be out of here and hopefully find shelter so we an all rest, especially since Lilli is beginning to fall asleep on your back." The silver Persian had remembered catching the Petilil's name earlier when she told it to the Zebstrika which also told her the name he went by which was Chidori. She's glad her hearing is good so that she will be able to call the two of them by their names. She didn't know the other Persian's name yet and it doesn't seem he was offering it up anytime soon but it might be better if she gave her name first. "I'm sorry I didn't give my name earlier but it's Abana," she said softly.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:33 am

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    Chargestone Cave|Night (8)

    Chidori liked that name. Abana he mused quietly while trotting slowly forward. He could see and feel the exit to this death trap but it was still a bit far away. His eyes narrowed and a small spark ran through his mane. This seemed too easy he thought. Something or someone was toying with them. Chidori tensed his muscles quite visibly suddenly feeling very insecure. He felt like prey in here and that was a feeling he hated. The cave was uncomfortably quiet to him. "Hey Abana do you feel like... I dunno we're being toyed with" Chidori asked hoping that it was just him feeling a bit paranoid.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:49 am

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (25)

    Lilli yawned from her spot on Chidori's back. She could see the exit to the cave, but it was still kinda far. The cave felt too quiet, and Chidori was getting a bad vibe from the silence. "Hey Abana do you feel like... I dunno we're being toyed with?" The Petilil tensed up slightly at those words. What if another one died in here? She couldn't bear the thought of losing yet another friend. "Let's just get out of here, quickly..." she said to the others.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:22 am

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    Chargestone Cave|Last Known Time; Night (9)

    "Hey Abana do you feel like... I dunno we're being toyed with" Abana heard Chidori say which cause the Persian to stop in her tracks for the moment and looking around in the glowing cave hoping that she will be able to see the danger before it comes at them. At the moment it seems to be quiet but they still had to be careful. "It does seem to be too quiet right now. Lilli is right lets get out of here quickly before whatever is out there showes itself," Abana said softly ash her tail twitch side to side in aggravation as her ears twitch around while she tried to catch the sound of whatever may be toying with the group.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:36 pm

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    Chargestone Cave| Night (9)

    Chidori felt slightly reassured by Abana's words and resolved to get Lilli out of there quickly. He picked up his pace to the exit with his ears up just to be safe before walking out into fresh open air.

    Mistralton City| Night
    Chidori gulped and looked around. The city wasn't completely wrecked but it wasn't perfect either. He turned and looked back to wait for Abana and the other cat.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:52 pm

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    Mistralton City|Night (26)

    They finally left the cave. Lilli was half asleep, still on Chidori's back. As they stepped out of the cave, she realized something. The journey through the cave represented the Petilil growing up. When she first entered the cave, she couldn't talk and was a little silly. As they got to the end of the cave, she became able to talk and had grown up. Her moment of growing up came when she realized her Dratini friend had died. It saddened her, but she needed to move on.

    Lilli looked at the city. It wasn't in bad shape, but it has seen better days. The building that caught her attention was a red roofed building known as the Pokemon Center. "Let's stay there for the night, Chidori." she said to the Zebstrika.

    The CHARGESTONE Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CHARGESTONE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:05 pm

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    Mistralton City|Night (10)

    Abana gave a soft sigh of relief when she saw the town in front of her. It seemed to still be in condition though she was sure it has seen better days. The silver Persian look to be sure the other Persian was still with them before her ears twitch in Lilli's direction causing her to turn her head to see the building the Petilil was talking about. "Yeah, the Pokemon Center looks like a good place to rest for the night. Hopefully we may be able to find some food that is edible in there too so we can all rest with food in our stomachs," she said softly as she moved to walk beside Chidori and looked around for any more possible danger.

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