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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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8 posters

    The FLOAROMA Team


    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:14 am

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    Floaroma Town|Night (16)

    (lol I can see that *smiles*)

    Hoshinko was completely relaxed beside Matt while her ears twitched when she heard him say, "Thank you Hoshinko." She smiled softly as she watched him from the corner of her eye as he lean back to look at the ceiling. She look up at it as well and saw that there was enough of an opening to allow the two of them to see the stars up in the sky. "Your welcome Matt, but all I was doing was speaking the truth. You know I really hope it doesn't rain tonight or we are going to have to move," she said with a soft giggle at the last part she said.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:40 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Night (13)

    "Your welcome Matt, but all I was doing was speaking the truth." Matt smiled at the statement. No girl has ever said more truthful words to him in his life. The Hitmontop shifted his position a little so that he was closer to Hoshinko. "You know I really hope it doesn't rain tonight or we are going to have to move," Matt chuckled a little. "I hope it doesn't rain either. That would be bad."

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:58 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Night (17)

    Hoshinko smiled softly when she heard Matt chuckle before he said, "I hope it doesn't rain either. That would be bad." "Are you hungry Matt. I had been able to find plenty of edible food for us to eat in here so we could relax here for a while," she asked softly as she moved to get up to go get some food if Matt tells her he is hungry. She really hopes that they find more survivors in this place though she didn't mind it being just her and Matt she knew it will be safer if there were more of the living with them so that they will have strength in numbers just in case they come across any infected or undead and with their shelter they should be safe from any of the infected or undead that are prowling around now.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:50 am

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    Floaroma Town|Night (14)

    "Are you hungry Matt. I had been able to find plenty of edible food for us to eat in here so we could relax here for a while," Matt thought about it briefly. "No thanks, Hoshinko. Thanks for the offer, though."

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:09 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Night (18)

    (There really isn't much for us to do is there lol)

    Hoshinko nodded and gave a soft yawn before she said, "Well, alright Matt. Then we should probably get some sleep. I don't know what will happen tomorrow but we will need all the energy we can get." She curled up once more around Matt while she laid by his side. She then put her front paws over each other before she laid her head down on them and let her tail wrap around her with the tip of it lightly touching Matt.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:08 pm

    (Skip me. Just say Matt fell asleep. Also, I think it would be good if we switched to morning now.)

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:11 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Dawn (19)

    Hoshinko started to stir awake when she felt the dawn sun hitting her back through the hole in the ceiling. The Mienshao opened her eyes slowly and lifted her head a bit until she realized where her head was. Sometime during the night while she was asleep she had laid her head over Matt's lap. She blush when she realized this and tried to move without waking Matt while she was in this awkward position. She didn't know why she had laid her head in his lap during the night but she knew that it would be best to try to make it less awkward for the two of them, especially since Matt had opened to her last night and told her what that stupid female Mienshao did to him.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:49 am

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    Floaroma Town|Dawn (15)

    Matt was stirring awake as well when he felt movement on him. He opened his eyes slowly to a surprise. Sometime during the night, Hoshinko laid her head on Matt's lap. Oh my... He thought to himself as he blushed slightly. "Uhh... Good morning, I guess?" He said, wondering why she had done something like that. He wasn't opposed to it, but was more curious about it.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:48 am

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    Floaroma Town South Entrance||Dawn(30)
    (post count continued from Coronet team)

    The young Serperior groaned as she woke up. When she looked around in the dim light of early morning she realized she was no longer in the great Mt. Coronet. 'Where am I...Wait where is everyone else? did they escape?....Oh Oz....I hope you and the others are okay' Aria thought in a panic. She was so worried about her friends, Osmund especially but she had to figure out how she got here too.

    Last thing Aria remembered was talking to a particularly unfriendly Umbreon. Then she blacked out, everything after that until now was a blank. Aria sighed with discomfort. "Is anyone here?" She called out. She was hoping the answer was yes but she didn't get her hopes too high as she lay coiled, her leafy tail twitching with impatience.


    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:14 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Dawn (20)

    "Uhh... Good morning, I guess?" Hoshinko heard Matt say as she had sit up. Her blush was still on her face but she lifted her head to shyly look at Matt and said softly while the blush stayed on her cheeks, "Good morning Matt." She gave a shy smile as she spoke before she lifted herself fully. Matt was looking at her curiously and with wonder which got the Mienshao to realize that he noticed she had laid her head on his lap. This caused her blush to deepen even more though her ears twitch when she thought she heard someone outside but she couldn't catch what they were saying. Her head turned towards the door as she tried to figure out if she should risk going outside to find out who was talking.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:12 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Dawn (16)

    "Good morning Matt" Hoshinko said to him. Matt was blushing at the fact that the Mienshao was blushing. He heard a voice outside. "Is anyone here?" it said. Matt looked at the door, then looked at Hoshinko. "It doesn't sound undead..." He said to her. He turned towards the door and called out back to her. "Yes, there are others here."

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:59 pm

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    Floaroma Town||Dawn(31)

    "Yes, there are others here." Someone said.

    Aria's head swiveled around, looking for the source of the voice. "Where is here?" Aria asked with a hint of distrust, her accent thickly lacing her words. She knew that it wasn't safe to be out in the open, but she also distrusted those that refused to at least tell her where they may be. Aria was about to speak up again when something squawked loudly. The Grass Snake Pokemon froze, her eyes darting around the area.

    Several pairs of small, glowing, beady red eyes stared at her from the trees and bushes. It seems her voice awoke a large flock of Starly. 'Infected...damn it...just my luck' Aria thought to herself with frustration as she began to prepare a large Leaf Tornado, hoping that it would be strong enough to frighten off and injure the large flock. However she wasn't fast enough and the starved birds began to attack her.

    Tiny beaks pecked at her from all directions, Aria hissed in irritation and agony. Starly may be small but their huge numbers quickly overwhelmed the smaller than average Serperior. She didn't give up however, Aria slashed and hacked at the small birds with Leaf Blade, trying to cut the numbers down to size but to no avail. Soon enough the elegant grass snake was covered in tiny puncture wounds, she only hoped that she would not become infected herself, or die before she got the chance to see Oz, BT and Xerxes again.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:52 pm

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    Floaroma Town || Dawn (21)

    Hoshinko dash to the entrance of the Pokemon center when she heard the cries of birds. When she stepped outside she saw a flock of Starly's attacking a small Serperior. Though she was glad to see a fellow region Pokemon she didn't have much time so she a powerful Focus Blast and sent it at the flock of Starlys making sure that the attack only hit them and pass over the Serperior. She knew the attack wouldn't do too much damage to the flying type Pokemon but hopefully it will knock them away long enough for her to use Aerial Ace for speed and grab the Serperior to take it to the shelter of the Pokemon Center where Matt and she was staying though the hole in the ceiling will be of concern if the flock decided to follow.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:02 am

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    Floaroma Town|Dawn (17)

    Matt followed Hoshinko to the entrance of the pokemon center when they heard the cries of birds. They found several infected Starlys attacking what appeared to be a grass snake. The Mienshao attacked the flock and then used Aerial Ace to rescue the snake. Matt used his Brick Break attack in the direction of the flock so that the birds would scatter. When the infected left, the Hitmontop ran back inside. "Are you alright, miss?"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:06 pm

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    Floaroma Town||Dawn(32)

    Everything that happened after she was attacked happened in a blur. Birds scattered, and then she was dragged away into a building.

    "Are you alright, miss?" One of her two rescuers asked.

    "Y-yes....thanks..." Aria replied, looking over her body at the wounds; stopping when she looked at her neck. Her Soothe Bell was gone, the Grass Snake panic'd. "My Soothe Bell! Those birds took it...I have to get it back!" Aria said in a worried frenzy, heading back outside. She returned to the spot where she was being attacked, a few Starly lay dead and she looked around.

    Her Soothe Bell was nowhere to be found. Then a loud, earsplitting pokemon cry was heard; but the cry was pained and distorted. Aria looked up only to see a large Staraptor in the first stages of rot. Tied around the filthy birds talons was her Soothe Bell. Aria hissed in rage and shot her vines at the zombie Staraptor with Vine Whip. They barely grazed the bird but got its attention.

    Angry, the rotting creature turned and circled above Aria, as if taunting her. The Grass Snake Pokemon was not pleased. Before she could even start preparing a Leaf Tornado to blast the bird with, it flew at her, charging towards her in a Quick Attack. Aria was too wide eyed with panic to attempt to dodge and was sent tumbling backwards, a large bloodied wound on her chest.

    Using the bird moment of temporary disablement Aria used her tail to to slice the creatures wing and most of its tail off with Leaf Blade. The bird blood sprayed everywhere as it screeched in agony. Aria took the bell back and strung it over her neck with a light smile and slithered back too the others, but the Staraptor was not about to give up. It ran at Aria and jumped on her back, digging its talons into her leafy flesh. Whimpering in pain as she tried to prevent herself from screaming, Aria slashed and hacked at the filthy creature with Leaf Blade but to no avail. The Staraptor simply ignored and continued to claw at the skin on her back with its talons, turning her back into a bloody, pulpy mess as it began to dig its cracked, salivating beak into her flesh.


    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:23 pm

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    Floaroma Town||Dawn (22)

    Hoshinko was surprise to see the grass snake go right back out there. The Mienshao followed her back out and looked around. She heard the Serperior say something about her 'soothe bell' which caused her to look at the Focus Sash that her trainer gave her and understood why the Serperior would want to get her item back since it may remind her of her trainer. But when Hoshinko heard the cry of a Starapter she watch and caught it just in time to see the Serperior fighting the Staraptor and getting badly hurt until Hoshinko saw the Serperior use a Leaf Blade on the bird and tied something, that she guess was the soothe bell, and began to head back towards the center but the Staraptor was angry and attacked from behind. Not liking just sitting there and doing nothing to help Hoshinko began to move gracefully and beautifully while she use Acrobatics hoping that with the moves that came with the attack she will be able to avoid damage from the bird if it change targets while she charged up a Focus Blast once more. Once she had everything ready she yelled towards the Serperior, "Get down," she then said in a taunting manner, "Hey Bird Brain why don't you pick on someone your own size." Once she was sure the Serperior listen and that she got the attention of the Staraptor she sent her attack at it.

    (Okay Ember let me know if I should change my post)

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:44 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Dawn (18)

    Matt watched as the green snake went back outside for her Soothe Bell. As much as the Hitmontop wanted to yell at her for going back out there after he and Hoshinko rescued her, he realized that the Soothe Bell must've been important to her. But was it worth getting attacked by an undead Staraptor? Matt ran outside, only to see the bird attacking the snake. While the Mienshao was focusing on the bird around the snake, Matt looked up. There were two more birds. One of them was going right for Hoshinko, the other one was going right for Matt. He was able to smack his away with a well placed Rock Smash, but needed to act quick before it attacked her. Without even thinking, the Hitmontop jumped in it's way and screamed. "Hoshinko! Look out!" He got hit by the bird and hit the ground hard. Matt was fighting to get the bird off of him. He placed a powerful Brick Break attack right to its throat and killed it. Everything moved slowly for him as he was on his knees and out of breath, with several scratch marks on his body.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:54 pm

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    Floaroma Town||Dawn(33)

    More things blurred by as the Grass Snake continued to lose blood and slip in and out of consciousnesses. Finally unable to keep herself out of sleep any longer Aria collapsed to the ground in a crumpled, bloody heap. Her breath was shallow and her heart beat slowing to a measly murmur but she was still alive, for now. Her face was locked in a meaningless expression of calm as she lay unconscious on the dead grass.

    However her mind was not so calm. It was a disturbance of chaos and calamity.Aria's mind was full of dark thoughts, nightmares if you will about death. She felt hunger signals go off in her head but she couldn't do anything about it as she just stared into her dreams, watching with a birds eye view. She didn't understand most of it as it was too dark but she often heard the screams of the dying and one continuous thought ran through her mind 'Am I Infected?'

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:34 pm

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    Floaroma Town||Dawn (23)

    Everything happened quickly for Hoshinko just as she sent a powerful Focus Blast at the undead Staraptor, killing it finally, she heard Matt's voice filled with panic "Hoshinko! Look out!" This caused her to turn in time to see that the Hitmontop got between her and another bird to protect her before he killed it with a Brick Break attack. Hoshinko's eyes widen when she saw the scratches he gain from protecting her and possibly defending himself. Thinking quickly Hoshinko used Aerial Ace to grabbed the Serperior as gently as she could before she used another Aerial Ace and knelt by Matt's side panting a bit from using so many Focus Blasts and Aerial Aces. "Matt are you alright? Why did you have to do that now your hurt," she said the worry and concern could be heard in her voice as she gently touch Matt's cheek but took a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart as she whispered, "Thank you for saving me Matt but lets go inside and hopefully get those machines to work somehow so you and her can be healed or at least find some Potions in there for the two of you." The Mienshao was more worried about the two with her then herself since one she didn't have that many cuts and scratches on her and two she knew that Matt and the Serperior was more damage then she was.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:18 am

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    Floaroma Town|Morning (19)

    Matt watched with admiration as Hoshinko grabbed the grass snake. Shortly after, she was kneeling next to him, obviously exhausted from all the attacks. "Matt are you alright? Why did you have to do that now your hurt," The Hitmontop began to feel bad now. He felt out of breath as well. "I don't like seeing my friends getting hurt." He told her. He slowly got up to his feet, but he began to lose balance as he tried to put an arm around the Mienshao's shoulder for support. "Let's go." He told her.

    (OoC: Let me know if you want me to change my post, Silve)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:39 am

    (Gonna toss a skip here as I have no motivation to write a really long dream sequence and I am tired as hell. So for now Aria will jut remain unconscious, you have my permission to move her about though if you need.)

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:20 pm

    (I'm gonna skip for now.)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:25 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Morning (34)

    Aria awoke with a start, her heart pounding and her mind racing. Her body weakened from loss of blood and her mind clouded by dark thoughts, thoughts that made her fear. Fear for herself, for those around her, she wanted blood and flesh, she craved it. These cravings terrified her, she didn't want to be infected, Aria didn't want to hurt others the idea made her entire consciousness scream in protest. Still she wanted food, she was hungry, but also afraid.

    Looking around in a heavy panic she noticed a Mienshao and a Hitmontop. Aria feared for them, she feared what she might do if she lost control. In a panic the grass snake lashed out at the Hitmontop, who was closest at the time with a quick strike of her tail, not to hurt him but rather to get him away from her. Not even waiting to hear for the crack or dull thud of the pokemon she just lashed out at, Aria fled. Slithering out of the center as fast as her withering form could carry her. Slipping into one of the houses the grass type coiled up in a corner, her breathing labored and shallow.

    "I'm becoming a monster..."

    (Permission from radio to have Aria lash out in fear/panic at Matt.)

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:21 am


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:20 am

    (Dropping a skip here so because I need Aria's new image before I can post and there isn't much I can put anyway.)

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