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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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8 posters

    The FLOAROMA Team


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Min Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:57 pm

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    Floaroma Town| |Afternoon

    Smile only smiled wider as the undead kept coming. He would crush all of them. He will crush ALL of their brains out. Every infected that came near her were Crush Clawed until every bone in their body was broken. Out of the corner of his sight he could see Sabitsuki back up, firing an icy wind. The little Petilil had passed out. He couldn't care less at the moment.

    The hoarde was dying down, finally. Although it was relieving, the Sandslash couldn't help but feel a bit sad at the fact. He loved the battle, even if all his opponents were weak, miserable, and stupid. There was a bright light, and Smile turned his head to see his Sister glowing. Was she... Evolving? He watched in awe, waiting for the result.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:48 pm

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    Floaroma Town | Afternoon [24]

    As the glow faded, the figure immediately jumped up high in the sky - dramatic moment much? - using her new-found claws to reap several Pokemon that surrounded the little Petilil, making dirty cuts around the neck area. The Sandslash spat on the ground as she moved her gaze at several of the victims, "I'll get use to these claws. Make a cleaner kill next time." She glanced down at the tiny Grass-type, offering a smile, though she still despised the Petilil for being so weak. But Jeanne - yes, she decided to have her real name put out more often - realized the Petilil was like her when she was a Sandshrew just this morning; weak and helpless, and depended on others.
    She'll evolve someday, become a killer just like Jeanne is now. Awesome, let's start training first thing in the morning tomorrow.

    Jeanne glanced at Sabi and Smile, who were staring right at her when she evolved, the Sandslash gave a menacing grin, "Do we have more to clean up?" The Ground-type seemed rather optimist at showing off her new power, but at the same time, she was tired in a day's work. She was attacked by some Undead this morning, and then the huge fire, and everything else. It was a wreck really. A miracle she evolved this very moment. The Sandslash dearly wished they could just escape and see if they could come up with a plan in what to do. They can't defend the town of flowers forever.

    Even the blood-stained flowers proved that.
    So much blood had been shed for this very town, only Sabi, Smile, and Jeanne stood strong. But for how long? Definitely not forever. She glanced over at Harley, noticing at the amount of blood he was already losing, funny, Sister seemed so energetic at the moment, though she felt drained from the numerous Mega Drains she had received earlier, "Actually, I take my last comment back, we should just get the fuck out of here." First time she actually said a bad word out loud. Watch out, we got a badass over here!

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:03 pm

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    | Floaroma Town // Noon |

    "I'll get use to these claws. Make a cleaner kill next time."

    Harley managed to get one glance back to look at the others. He saws Sister in her newly evolved form. Before he could really see, he got attacked again. He roared as a rock was thrown at him by the Breeloom, smashing it on him. It used it again, but this time Harley held up his arm. The pressure of the rock was too much. There was a loud, sickening crack as Harley's bone split. He screamed and it rang through the whole field. He then roared in anger, making it a goal to obliterate all of these... things....
    "You, AWFUL CREATURES!! Get the FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" Harley suddenly raged, and proceeded to blast all of the pokemon attacking him to hell with Flame Bursts. This was the end of the line for him. He pulled in his broken left arm, not able to use physical attacks with more than one arm. He was surrounded with fire, and by the time he was finished, all there were were ashes laying on the ground. The grass barely caught fire where all the destruction happened. Harley panted raggedly, his arm bleeding more than the rest of his body because of his broken bone. It stabbed through his skin. He panted as heavily as he had ever done, looking down at the ashes he created. He suddenly faltered, his body shaking as his legs started to collapse. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and his expression looked extremely pained as he hit the ground with a soft thud. He couldn't see anymore as his mind went blank. He felt relief from his incredibly bad wounds....


    (OoC: owo Someone better go tend to him. |D;;)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:56 pm

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    Floaroma Town//Noon

    Lance was finally starting to get sick and tired of all these damned grass pokemon. Every time he knocked on down, more came to take its place. It started to get on the Flareons nerves that he just needed to end it right there. Taking in a deep breath, he waited till the undead where close enough that they couldn't dodge before letting lose an Overheat. It was his strongest attack, and like his Flamethrower, he began to turn around, making sure he got everyone. Since it was his first use, it was very powerful, but it was a move that got weaker the more it was used, so you had to be careful with it.

    Once everything was finally over Lance couldn't help but lay down. He hated fighting, it took a lot out of him. Look up to make sure he didn't lose his hat he stood up again. He ached from all the running and dodging, though when he saw how the Simisear looked, Lance was nothing more then a painless bump on the head. Harleys arm was broken, and he looked to be in a lot of paint. Lance had no idea what to do, so he looked to the others hoping they knew how to deal with this.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:52 pm

    [OOC: Oof, I'm really sorry, but please skip my turn. I'm having an absolutely horrible writer's block. =u=;]

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:13 pm

    (OoC: Skip me. Lilli is still exhausted from the battle.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Min Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:24 pm

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    Floaroma Town| |Afternoon

    Sister. Had. Evolved. Smile watched in awe as his sibling had reached the same form as he had, and once in a long time he gave an honest, genuinely happy smile. He was proud of her, she was becoming stronger! He smashed another undead's skull, looking around the area. This wave of the infected was almost endless.

    "Actually, I take my last comment back, we should just get the fuck out of here."
    He nodded. Everyone was is terrible shape now, well not really Jeanne but they were all rather wounded. Especially the Simisear. "Everyone, go towards the windmill! If we get inside we should be safe." he commanded.

    The Sandslash rushed to the Petilil's side. "Oi, come on, let's get going." Smile never really gave a shit about anyone except Sabi and Jeanne, but the little grass type was still young.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:08 pm

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    Floaroma Town | Afternoon [25]

    "Everyone, go towards the windmill! If we get inside we should be safe." Her brother announced, Jeanne nodded, still not revealing her real name to anyone. Sister seemed too... Immature for her newly evolved form. Smile ran over to the Petilil, encouraging her to get up, oh well, one Pokemon off the Sandslash's mind for the moment. She glanced over at Harley, who was bleeding lots. The Flareon who was also looking at the Simisear's direction earlier was glancing at everyone, as if hoping for someone to do it.

    The Ground-type huffed, seeing as Lance couldn't do it, she'll have to help Harley. Awkward considering that she smacked a kiss on him earlier. Jeanne stumbled over to Harley's direction quickly, avoiding the Undead's attacks, though a Poison Pin was able to smack her. She just hoped it wasn't going to affect her later on. "Bonehead, get up, I'll help you get the hell out of here." She hissed, but it wasn't so intimidating, it actually sounded a bit playful. Nonetheless, her bluntness seemed to have disappeared in her speech for now.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:48 pm

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    | Floaroma Town // Afternoon |

    "Can't... fight... anymore...." Harley whimpered inside of his head. His body went numb as it felt all of his insides were about to just leak out of his mouth. He looked around, his vision blurry as the undead came over to start to feed on him.


    Harley mentally chuckled. "So this is where I end, huh...? At least it was a noble cause...." Somewhere in the back of his brain, the less cynical part spoke up. "Don't talk like that. You have to live!!" Harley seemed like he was dead as he blankly stared off into the abyss of his own mind. He then heard the undead make a noise of confusion, then growl loudly as someone approached. At first he thought it was Smile because his vision was so blurry. Then he saw the huge red blotch on her tail. What was she doing here trying to help him? She should have kept herself safe.

    "Bonehead, get up, I'll help you get the hell out of here."

    She spoke strangely... happy. Harley blinked. It was time to get up. "I won't die here.... Not when she wants to help me." Harley's face went into an angry look, and he forced himself up quickly with his right arm. He saw Lance to his side. He shook off the dirt on his body, also splattering blood as his fur was matted with it by now. He looked to Lance with a slightly grim look.
    "Go ahead. We have this." with that, Harley looked to Sister and ran to her defense as the infected bastards tried to attack her.
    "C'mon, let's go!" Harley said as he started to run away with her, throwing Flame Bursts at the mob behind them. He we sure to keep her from being hurt. He finally was able to kill a significant amount of undead that they started to eat on each other. The undead were now all feasting in Floaroma as the team made their escape. Harley's bones seemed to feel hollow as he ran over the bridge, the undead behind them but not noticing them anymore as they ate each other. He made sure to keep Sister safe at all costs. "She has more reason to live than me...." He finally hit the outside of the Windmill, just about ready to literally die. He waited for the team to catch up, but breathed to Sister.
    "Are you ok?" he huffed out slightly hastily, sitting on a boulder and tending to his wounds. He looked at his left arm, which he caressed with his other arm. He slightly grimaced at the bone that poked through. "You really got into it now, didn't you Harley?" Harley frowned at his own stupidity, mentally cursing himself again.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:47 pm

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    Floaroma Town || Afternoon || 10

    The Weavile watched as the still-glowing pokemon leaped up into the sky, do a totally awesome pirouette thing, and cut some throats. Her brown eyes saw, with a hint of awe, that the little Sandshrew she had known for years was finally a Sandslash; just like her big brother, Smile. Sabitsuki would've totally congratulated her with a big pat on her back and a happy smile, but whoops! Sorry, was that vine whip meant for me?

    The Weavile shook her head, clearing the fog that had taken over earlier that had been interrupted by Sister -- or, now that she's grown up, should Sabitsuki call her Jeanne, now? -- and bit her tongue at the newly evolved Sandslash's first swear word said out loud, and somewhere a bit away, a certain fire monkey's raging. Sabitsuki looked down at her claws, only able to lift her right arm as her left was virtually dead with paralyzation, and felt dizzy at the sight of blood. She never did like the metallic smell, and now she was surrounded by it.

    The Weavile looked up at the sound of Smile's reply, and Jeanne's mumblings to the Simisear, before giving the area one last look. There was blood and bits of pieces of things she didn't want to name everywhere, and most of the Undead were gone, save for a few that were lurking around, seeming somewhat wary. Sabitsuki took advantage of the short cease-fire and ran after Jeanne, Harley, and Smile [who was helping out Lilli]. She quickly made her way out of the small woods back to the flower shop, entering and exiting only a few minutes later, both of her now-working arms laden with some berries she quickly gathered.

    "Er, here," Sabitsuki mumbled, pushing some healing berries into Jeanne's arms. She figured that Jeanne and Harley needed them first, since they seemed the most injured besides the Petitil right now. The Weavile was a bit nervous; she didn't really remember what went on in the fights, and assumed she had another... lapse. "By the way, congratulations on evolving."

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:20 pm

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    Floaroma Town|Afternoon (6)

    In her state of exhaustion, Lilli saw something in a white flash. It was Floaroma Town, except it didn't look dark and bloody. There were two figures looking in the window of a building with shocked looks on their faces. Both were in tears at the sight and ran away. They had an egg in the woods and died trying to protect it. But, before they died, their egg hatched. The parents smiled and closed their eyes and the newborn cried at the sight of her parents...

    She was brought back into reality when she felt something grab her. It was a bird, and it was carrying her away somewhere, taking her higher and higher off the ground. She cried out for help. She couldn't get a good view of the bird. She didn't know where she was going. But she knew that Floaroma wasn't what it was. Maybe the bird was taking her someplace good. She could only hope.

    (OoC: It's been fun guys, but the bird, which can be whatever you want btw, is taking Lilli over to Chargestone in Unova. Bye!)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Min Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:29 am

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    Floaroma Town| |Afternoon

    Thank Arceus everyone was beginning to hurry to the Windmill, Smile had been worried that they were instead going to stick around and fight some more.His eyes carefully continued to analyze the Petilil, waiting for it to recover. Suddenly, a giant bird, a Staraptor, came out of nowhere. It reeked of death and illness, it's eyes blazing red with unspoken bloodlust as it dived for the grass type. The Sandslash was about to stop it, to kill it before it could bring any harm but instead it swooped down and snatched Lilli from the ground, carrying the grass type away.

    Smile, otherwise known as Jacques, snarled. Stupid bird, but as much as he hated to admit it he didn't want to do anything about it. He hadn't know the Petilil that well, only having just met. Instead he turned, beginning to sprint to the windmill, keeping a close eye on the others. The building was only a few more meters up ahead, they were almost there! Perhaps they'd find useful items, Jacques thought, anything would help right now.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:00 am

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    Floaroma Town | Afternoon [26]

    "C'mon, let's go!" He huffed, Harley threw Flame Bursts at the mob of Undead behind them, the twosome began to run after the running team ahead of them. Jeanne cursed silently to herself, how they were running to the most cursed place of the land; The Windmill. Out of all places, Jacques just had to pick that piece of shit. Oh yes, the real names of the two mysterious siblings have been revealed, big whoop.
    But the Sandslash immediately taken back her curse, on the edge of Floaroma Town, the undead began to feast on themselves... Lovely scene. The Ground-type panted, Arceus that was one long run.

    "Are you okay?" Harley huffed at Jeanne, sitting on a boulder, poking that disgusting bone sticking out. The Sandslash immediately held his arm, it was quick, but she made sure her handling was ginger enough to not pain him, "Do I look okay? I have no scratches, but you? Ugh!" Okay, complete lie, she didn't have scratches, but that was because most of the attacks she endured were fucking Mega Drains. It felt like the life was suck out of you!
    "Er, here," Sabi broke in, stuffing Jeanne's claws with herbal berries, "By the way, congratulations on evolving."
    The Sandslash smiled at the motherly Weavile, nodding her thanks.

    Though instead of eating those berries, she simply put a Sitrus berry right in front of the Simisear's face, "Eat it." Same exact words she said to Jacques earlier. She glanced at the now-gone Petilil, already spotting the bird that flew away with the Grass-type. She didn't frankly care, she barely knew the baby.
    However, Jeanne threw a glare at Harley, "We're getting that arm fixed, in the meantime, I'll help you support it. I'll go get something later in the Windmill that could help... Cursed windmill..." She practically whispered the last part out, but nonetheless, she hated the place. Exact same spot she nearly died, drowned, bullied, beaten to death.

    Cool story bro.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:53 am

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    | Floaroma Town // Afternoon |

    Harley looked up at Sister grabbed his arm. He almost expected it to be rough, but when she tenderly touched his broken arm he felt his face flush a bit. Good thing he was already red with exhaustion and blood.

    "Do I look okay? I have no scratches, but you? Ugh!"

    Even with her tone, Harley knew she wasn't calling him gross in any way. He looked up to her with glazed over green eyes. Then the Weavile came up to Sister and put some berries into her hands.

    "Er, here. By the way, congratulations on evolving."

    Harley looked to the Weavile. He muttered under his breath which was inaudible, but its tone was gentle and whispy. "Congratulations...." His eyes glanced up to her again, and he jumped a bit as a Sitrus berry was stuck in his face.

    "Eat it."

    Harley glanced up at her for a second, then his face flushed again. "Does she want me to eat it out of her hand?" Harley quickly pushed away that thought. No lovey-dovey stuff before they even liked each other. He gently plucked the berry from her claws with his own and ate the berry. He looked up to her again.

    "We're getting that arm fixed, in the meantime, I'll help you support it. I'll go get something later in the Windmill that could help... Cursed windmill..."

    Harley's eyes gave an odd sparkle. "Wow.... She's willing to help me out...." Harley gave a small grin as he looked up at her. "Th...," he coughed to clear his windpipe, his voice unstable sounding from mucus in the back of his throat, "Thank you...." he said, quietly and sensitively, but very raspy. He blushed again, still very subtle, then took the last bit of berry and ate it. He already felt his wounds heal up a fraction. His arm was still badly mangled though; that would take good ol' fashion healing to mend. He waited for the others to arrive before he weakly stood up, feeling a bit more rested from panting for the last thirty seconds. He looked around and to find the other Sandslash and the Weavile, but the Petilil and Flareon were gone.... He sighed, and sat down again and caressed his arm. He couldn't bare to even try to bend it. Actually, he couldn't bend it at all. It was fixed into a bend. As he examined it more, it seemed as if the impact literally pushed his forearm down past the cartilage connection of the elbow so the arm bone pierced out of his skin. He winced. "This is going to have to be put back into place...."


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:20 am

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    Floaroma Town || Afternoon || 11

    Sabitsuki smiled back at Jeanne's nod. Now the trio were all in their second evolution stage. Wow, they've really grown up; it just feels like yesterday when the three were just Sandshrews and a Sneasel, mostly careless and free. Speaking about childhood, Sabitsuki's eyebrows knitted and she got visibly tenser and more stiff at Jeanne's mention of the Windmill. She didn't want to go to the Windmill. It held near nothing except bad memories.

    Shaking her head to clear her mind, Sabitsuki grabbed some more of the berries and shoved them into Smile, or Jacques's arms, not even saying anything, a little dazed. She figured that the Sandslash knew what the berries were for, anyway. Instead, the Weavile made her way back to where the Simisear was, who was obviously in a lot of pain. Her brown eyes scanned the red-furred body, wincing at the sight of bone poking out from under his arm's skin. At least he was able to eat, that was good. Some of the wounds were already healing, as well.

    Sabitsuki kneeled down before the Simisear, and picking up one of the harder but chewy berries. She handed the berry to Harley, looking at him with an expression of mixed curiosity and worry. So this was the pokemon who had seemingly captured Jeanne's attention. Huh. He kinda looks like a pedo. Anyway, still holding out the berry to the Simisear, she gently grabbed his dislocated elbow.

    "I'm going to try to put this back in place, okay? It'll fix your arm for the most part, but you're still going to have to take it easy, and you might not be able to bend your elbow fully even after jerking it in place. Oh, and it's going to hurt like hell, so bite on this, please," Sabitsuki explained. Dislocation was one of the few major injuries the Weavile knew how to fix; heavens knows how many times she accidentally dislocated a shoulder or something when she fell down stairs at the Windmill orphanage. "Now a take a deep breath... and in three... two... one..."

    She gently began to push Harley's elbow back into place, internally making a gagging face at the moving bones.

    [OOC: I received permission to fix Harley's elbow. =u=b]

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Min Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:08 pm

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    Floaroma Town| |Late Afternoon

    Suddenly Jacques found several berries being shoved into his arm, and looked up to see Sabitsuki handing them to him. "Thank you." he nods, munching on some berries. Both Jeanne and Sabi were helping Harley, who seemed to have some kind of serious arm injury, but the Sandslash honestly couldn't give a fuck. [Not that there were any fucks to give about the Simisear in the first place, but y'know.]

    "I'll meet you guys over at the Windmill." he called, before he started running again, making his way to his old home. If anything it was the safest place in the area, having lockable doors and the walls were still intact. From what he remembered there would be berries left in some rooms too.

    Windmill| |Late Afternoon

    Gradually the sky was turning a tinted orange as Jacques stopped at the Windmill entrance, panting. A breeze flew by him as he tried to open the door, only to find it locked. Gritting his teeth he sat down on the door step, waiting for the others. They would all enter in together, and hopefully Sabitsuki's claws were think enough to pick the lock... His were too thick and blunt.

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:44 am

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    Floaroma Town | Late Afternoon [27]

    The Simisear plucked the berry out of her claws. Good bastard. He mumbled something, but Jeanne didn't quite catch it. The Sandslash disregarded as just a simple thank you directed at the Ground-type. "Th-thank you," Harley stuttered, Jeanne threw daggers at him, you didn't have to repeat it! She disregard the daggers, however, shaking her head. The Sandslash needs to start being nicer really. "I'll meet you guys over at the Windmill." Jacques called out. The younger sibling felt her heart drop, staring sadly after her brother as he ran off. "No..." She was losing him. Why does he choose that place? Why? It was a hellhole for her, yet he chooses that place as their sanctuary.

    "I'm going to try to put this back in place, okay? It'll fix your arm for the most part, but you're still going to have to take it easy, and you might not be able to bend your elbow fully even after jerking it in place. Oh, and it's going to hurt like hell, so bite on this, please," The Weavile said to Harley, Jeanne felt her heart drop every noise she heard. The Sandslash took a step toward her brother, then back to her regular group, unsure on what to do, "Now a take a deep breath... and in three... two... one..." A sickening crack was heard afterwards. Not that Jeanne cared, her face looked downright depressed probably.

    "What should I do...?" She whispered, the Sandslash turned slowly toward Sabi, "Sabi...?" Jeanne looked dumbstruck, Jacques running off to the Windmill, leaving the group behind. Jeanne doesn't want to go there one bit. Even if she had to choose death or live sanctuary in the Windmill. She would prefer death.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:00 pm

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    | Floaroma Town // Afternoon |

    Harley watched as the Weavile approached him.

    "I'm going to try to put this back in place, okay? It'll fix your arm for the most part, but you're still going to have to take it easy, and you might not be able to bend your elbow fully even after jerking it in place. Oh, and it's going to hurt like hell, so bite on this, please,"

    She was going to fix his arm?! Harley mentally groaned. He wanted to be fixed but not right after it was hurt. He grimaced, and took the berry from her and put it in his mouth to bite on. Harley felt his heart start to rapidly leap into a fit as Sabitsuki picked up his arm. He didn't want to protest. He knew a bit of the extent of his injured arm. It wasn't just dislocated, but his ulna had been shattered. He didn't know whether it was completely beyond repair, but he knew it wasn't too far from being close together; he could feel his bones grinding on each other. Harley gave an inaudible whimper as Sabi began to talk again, his teeth visibly digging into the berry.

    "Now a take a deep breath... and in three... two... one..."

    Harley gave a shaky breath like Sabi said, and was about ready to die in anxiety of her pushing in his arm. On the count of one he could feel her claws barely starting to push on his arm. His eyes shot open as she began to start to move the bone. The salmon colored monkey groaned loudly in pain as Sabitsuki started to push his bone up towards the original joint. His mind was stabbed and painted with red as he felt faint from the incredible amount of pain he was going through. He had to try with all of his might not to even scream. He nearly fainted as he finally heard the sickening "pop" of his bone going back into joint. He opened his eyes, breathing heavily. He was almost mortified to feel rivers of tears dripping down his muzzle. He couldn't be that pathetic. The pokemon that James had had broken his other arm before. In fact, he had broken a lot of bones. James took him to the Pokemon Center all the time to get his surgery's done. But when he went to get them fixed they sedated him to make sure he felt no pain. This was different. His muzzle was pink and soaked with tears as he looked to his arm which was now in place. He couldn't move it still, knowing part of his forearm was shattered. He watched as Sister walked up to him and Sabitsuki. He thought he'd at least thank Sabi for what she did.
    "Thank you for fixing my arm, Sabitsuki...." Harley huffed quietly. Now that his arm was back in place, it still needed a split. Harley knew this. He watched as the Sandslash and Weavile conversed with each other.

    "What should I do...? Sabi...?"

    Harley looked up at the hedgehog creature as she looked to her mother/sister figure with fear in her eyes. Harley sighed, and looked to his arm.
    "This will still need a splint.... I better go about finding one...." Harley stood up and was about to make for something to act as a splint for his arm. He didn't quite move just yet, but waited for the others reactions.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:26 pm

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    Floaroma Town || Late Afternoon || 12

    She felt a jerk under her claws, which she was careful not to accidentally cut Harley with, when his elbow finally slipped back into place. She shuddered; she had always hated the feel of... well, any injuries, actually. Sabitsuki saw the tears going down Harley's face, and offered a sweet tasting berry and a comforting pat to the head. Sabitsuki wasn't really old or anything, but she just had a tendency to act like a mother hen at times.

    The Weavile looked down and saw that there was still an unnatural bend in Harley's forearm. When the Simisear suddenly stood up, Sabitsuki stood up too and pushed him back down with a "NO, INJURED PEOPLE DON'T STAND UP, I WILL GET YOU A SPLINT". The Weavile didn't know where she would get a good, straight stick, but she would go looking for one later. Right when she was pondering where to get a brace for Harley's arm, Jeanne's voice interrupted her thoughts. Sabitsuki's face turned into a frown. Her voice sounded very depressed. The Weavile could guess why, though, seeing the dark silhouette of the Windmills in the distance.

    "Smile's already gone ahead," Sabitsuki replied, also quiet, her eyebrows knitted. Smile, or Jacques, didn't really have any bad memories associated with the Windmill. He was the popular one, the one that everybody loved. Sabitsuki and Jeanne were on the lower rungs of hierarchy in that orphanage. The bullied ones. The victims. Once they found each other, they usually banded together, and tried to protect each other. They held each other up, and Smile supported them. Sort of.

    Sabitsuki let out a small sigh and stood up, her claw going to pet her on the head, but moving to her shoulder at the last second. No, Jeanne wasn't Sister, the small little Sandshrew that always clung to Smile's leg and laughed and made flower headbands with her. She was a grown up Sandslash, now. No more head petting.

    "I know, I don't want to go back, either. But it's probably safer there, and we'll have shelter, and we can bring in food. The locks on the doors probably still work, too. I won't let anything hurt you, okay? Now help me get a splint for his arm," she murmured, jerking her head towards Harley's direction at the last sentence. In truth, Sabitsuki herself didn't want to go into the building; even the thought of it made her a bit sick. But anything to save her new friends... right?
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    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Min Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:53 pm

    [OOC: Skip, not in the mood to post.]

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:13 pm

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    Floaroma Town | Morning [28]

    Memories of pain and fear flooded Jeanne, Sabi's muffled voice barely making through Jeanne's self-conflict, "Smile's already gone ahead," The Sandslash felt the Weavile put her claws on her shoulder, Jeanne pushing it off softly as soon as possible. Sabi continued on nonetheless, "I know, I don't want to go back, either. But it's probably safer there, and we'll have shelter, and we can bring in food. The locks on the doors probably still work, too. I won't let anything hurt you, okay? Now help me get a splint for his arm," The Ground-type frowned, feeling herself light-headed. Hell, even images from the past began flashing in her brain, this what it means to see your life flash before your eyes?

    She shook her head, getting the images out. Looking at the Weavile right in the eyes, she gave a nod, "We'll go," She said in her usual monotoned voice, throwing a casual bored glance at the Simisear. The Sandslash suppressed a sigh as she walked on forward toward her hell hole, feeling as if she was willfully heading off to meet Hell itself.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:15 pm

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    | Floaroma Windmill // Late Afternoon |

    Harley sighed and wiped the tears from his face with an arm as he took the berry Sabi offered to him. "Thank you again...." Harley then proceeded to take a step, but then was caught off guard by Sabi.


    Harley yelped as Sabi yelled at him, and he stumbled back and onto the place where he had been seated. He blinked a couple of times. "You shouldn't get in her way any time soon, Harley." the monkey thought with a blank expression. He didn't really want trouble.... Especially since he only had met these Pokemon a short time ago. He looked to the Sandslash who seemed in all but joy, and listened to them chat. It was something out of his knowledge, but he knew they must have been not treated kindly.... They looked terrified to even go near the windmill.

    "We'll go."

    Harley watched as Jeanne looked away and towards the windmill, then walked. It was obvious in her walk that she was very distraught. He looked to Sabi, then to his arm. "Let's... find something to splint this with...." Harley said, looking around. By some chance in fate, Harley looked over the windmill. He squinted towards the top when he saw a green figure on he top of he windmill. He had no idea if it was friendly or not, but he waved to it with his good arm. He had no idea that it was his leafy counterpart up on the roof.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The FLOAROMA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The FLOAROMA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:49 pm

    [[OOC: Alaksdfja warnings make me sad. Anyway, skip please, I was gonna make a new image for Sabitsuki since her old one expired, or at least edit something, but school started and I got busy. =u=; I'll try to be able to post by next turn.]]
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