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Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The GATEON Team


    Posts : 13

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Hydreigon Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:10 pm


    The bison had not satisfied. He had not gotten enough... beauty. In retrospect, the bison was a terrible meal, his only enjoyment from it having been ripping it apart and flinging the remains everywhere. He longed for a creature like the moon swan, the Legend he himself had taken down... The glistening helmet, the aura of colors on her ringed wings... Were there any other pokemon like that left? Were there any other beauties to satisfy his bloodlust?

    He flew aimlessly over the port, circling the lighthouse in a loose circle. His heads snapped their teeth, anxious for more meat to chew and tear. However, the main head seemed focused on something else, his clouded crimson eyes searching for something to satisfy him. So long he'd been hungry... was the hunger always going to be there? Was it always going to drive him mad?

    A moment of silence before an all-too-familiar sound ripped through the peace. It was a sound that, no matter how decayed his mind became, how much of his memory he lost, that he would forget. Gunfire. Gunfire. Gunfire. Gunfire. Gunfire.



    Roaring in anger at the thought that the damned humans had returned, his rage instantly taking a hold of his fragile mind, his wings pumped, lurching him through the air at a speed no hydreigon should normally travel. Foam dripped out of his agape maw, ragged growls and snarls echoed through the air as he sped by. They would pay. Humans, they would pay. They would die and they would pay...!


    His target was spotted, an old military jeep equipped with dozens of guns. He slammed into the vehicle, knocking its passenger off his perch and onto the ground. Immediately, Hydreigon bit and snapped at the weapons, crushing them easily with his jaws. With his weight, some of the more fortunate guns managed to survive the initial bombing, shooting off their magazines into the area around them. At the sound of more gunfire, Hydreigon roared once more, demolishing all the remaining guns with his twin heads.

    Once the silence returned, his head swiveled quickly to the pokemon nearest by, a weavile, laying on his back transfixed with fear. His mind akin-ed the pokemon to the humans, using their guns instead of their own bodies to fight. Pathetic... A head shot out, biting deep into the Weavile's shoulder to bring him to the main head. The clouded gaze of the dragon stared into it's prey's, maw opening slowly to reveal the rotten leavings of its past meals.

    "You..." Hydreigon began, his words difficult to form and produce. "...You play... with... big toys... little man..." The grip on the weavile's shoulder hardened, sinking the disgusting teeth further in. "You'll... die...!"

    His maw opened more, wide enough to fit his victim in when a screeching ringing invaded his hearing, loud and continuous. Infuriated at the sound, Hydreigon roared, thrashing and biting at anything nearby. The weavile was thrown from his grip to the ground as the dragon wrestled with his mind's demons. Without another look back, the dragon flew upwards and upwards, wanting to escape the sound. He left little in his wake; the destroyed jeep, destroyed weapons and a wounded weavile.

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:26 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (14)

    Ariana relaxed next to Dave to give him company but her head pop up when she heard him say, "As much as I want to say 'Nothing's wrong', I can't lie... I'm tired of Deadpool's shit. He doesn't see the wrong in anything, and that's something that can't be denied. Ariana, I don't want to live anymore..." "Why would you say that Dave? I know things are bad right now and believe me I'm tired of Deadpool's attitude myself, but you shouldn't want to die because of that," she said as she nuzzled the Ampharos trying to figure out what else to say to get his mind off of not living anymore. Things may be bad right now but that doesn't mean they should give up on life because of the bad, especially when they have friends around. At least she hopes Dave considers her friend.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:34 am

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    Gateon Port/Late Afternoon (6)

    The Toxic Mouth Pokemon was both surprised and shocked by the Weavile actions: he was surprised by the muscular force who used for lifting such a massive weapon, and shocked from his attitude. They were both soldiers, but they didn't have anything else in common.
    Without fear, he walked near him, trying to reason.

    "Soldier, I was in the army WAY before you, and I sure don't like the actions that you--"

    Acid blocked. He saw something that froze his blood in his veins. A Hydreigon, floating near the ex-militaries. And he was looking at them.

    He immediately standed against the Dragon in an offensive position, but the dual type wanted something...no, someone else: Deadpool.

    As soon as the Brutal Pokemon rushed against the veichle, Acid shouted at the Ice type:

    "DEADPOOL! DOWN!" but, again, it was too late. The Hydreigon slammed down the lunatic and started biting him, only for leaving him alone immediately after the attack.

    As soon as the attack finished, Acid snapped from his confusion and ran near the Weavile: he was more or less relieved when he saw that he was still alive. Badly wounded, but still alive. The weapons, though...those were gone. He couldn't exactly say that he was sorry about that.

    "...Now I hope you'll not use that attitude with me son. You're not invincible: remember that. Now wait here." he raised his head, rushing towards the Pokemarket: a few Potions would probably do the trick.

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:33 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (26)

    "Why would you say that Dave? I know things are bad right now and believe me I'm tired of Deadpool's attitude myself, but you shouldn't want to die because of that," Dave could feel Ariana nuzzling him. Dave simply sighed and looked at the Luxray. "My friends are gone, I failed my job as a protector to Kelly, and what do I get for all of that? Me being stuck here with a damn psychopath who is now in possession of guns. FUCKING GUNS! I'm a complete failure in life and how to live it..." Dave looked into Ariana's eyes. "But as much as I want to die, I can't. I made a promise to you that I wouldn't leave you with Deadpool, and I'm gonna carry that promise even if it makes me miserable." Even though the Ampharos finished his sentence, he was still looking at Ariana's eyes. "Your eyes look very nice."

    Before he could say anything else, the same Hydreigon that had killed Taro was back. Dave watched as the dragon type went into town, destroying something. He heard a scream of pain, though. It sounded like Deadpool's. Would this be the day that Deadpool finally dies? "I think Deadpool is being attacked... Would it be wrong if we ignored him?" Dave asked the Luxray next to him.

    (OoC: Would it?)

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:10 pm

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    Gateon, Evening(14)

    Pain. Wicked rush. Adrenaline pumping. Nerves on fire. He jumped on his feet, his training teaching him to ignore the searing pain in his body. Looking at Acid, who left for some reason, he glanced in slight dismay at his destroyed weapon. Still, the rush of being attacked by the fabled Harbinger, and the one that killed that fat cow to boot, made him cackle loudly.

    "Damn that was a rush! Come on back and bite the other! I'll be waiting for ya!"
    Had he screamed in pain like a little girl? Yes? Was he afraid of dying? Yes. But he was aware that he could not die. It was improbable that he should fall. Flicking some pieces of torn flesh from his maimed shoulder, wincing a bit, he began a slow walk over to the Electric types.

    Walking over, his arm dripping blood, and him smiling sadistically, made him look absolutely terrifying.


    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:53 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (15)

    "My friends are gone, I failed my job as a protector to Kelly, and what do I get for all of that? Me being stuck here with a damn psychopath who is now in possession of guns. FUCKING GUNS! I'm a complete failure in life and how to live it... Ariana heard Dave said and saw that he turned to look at her as he continued to speak "But as much as I want to die, I can't. I made a promise to you that I wouldn't leave you with Deadpool, and I'm gonna carry that promise even if it makes me miserable. Your eyes look very nice." Hearing that last part the Luxray blushed and smiled shyly at Dave before she said, "Thank you and I'm glad you are here with me Dave." She smiled and nuzzled the Ampharos once again before her head snap up and her periwinkle eyes widen in shock when she saw the Hydreigon that had killed Taro return but this time it attacked the geep that she saw Deadpool in playing with weapons of some kind. Her ears twitch when she heard Dave say, "I think Deadpool is being attacked... Would it be wrong if we ignored him?" This caused her to giggle at those words and answer Dave by saying, "No, it won't be wrong to just ignore him but I don't think we should leave Acid along with him for too long."

    Before she could say anything else her ears twitch once again when she heard Deadpool saying,"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave." This caused her to shiver before she turned to see Deadpool heading over to them with his arm dripping blood before he said again, "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave" This caused her to press close to Dave as her ears laid back against her head as she quietly growled at Deadpool before saying, "Are you an idiot Deadpool or something. You shouldn't be moving around with that injury until it's taken care of and where is Acid wasn't he with you." She looked around with concern for the Toxicroak hoping he was alright.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:22 am

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    Gateon Port/Late Afternoon (7)

    Acid entered in the Pokemarket. The building was half-destroyed, with shattered glass all over the place.
    But he didn't came for some shards: he jumped over the counter, finding a rotten,human body.

    ...I'm sorry for what happened here, son. But I'll need to revoke something here.
    Quickly, the Toxic Frog tore away a plastic bag, and with a deep breath, he opened the door for the store. He smiled when he saw that room.
    Bingo. Tons of boxes full of potions, reples, antidotes...and food. How long didn't he eat? The Black Sludge kept him healty during the most hard periods, but it wasn't enough for surviving.
    He opened some boxes, and threw inside the plastic bag everything necessary. Pokesnacks for sustaining the group...and a few Potions, for the Weavile. He wasn't exactly sure he deserved it, but he WAS a survivor, Arceus-dammit.

    I hope he can at least thank me for this. With that, he closed the bag and leaved the Pokèmart, with the precious bag.
    But, when he came back to Deadpool...he wasn't there. Only a puddle of blood was present.
    "...Where? Acid turned around, alerted by a moan...no, wait...it wasn't a moan.

    "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave." After a few seconds...he found him: the Weavile was walking with that injured arm of his, marching towards the couple of Electric types. The military frog was slightly upset at this, but he couldn't expect anything else by a Pokemon like him. With a few jumps, he appeared behind the crazed Dark type.

    "Deadpool". The frog started walking towards Ariana and Dave, with the bag on his shoulder.
    "I came back with this stuff mainly for you, but it appears that you don't need it. Right?" Acid just threw the bag in front of Dave and the Luxray.

    "Here, youngs. There is enough food and Potions for everyone here. But, ration it well."

    After that, he just sat on his frog position, croaking and waiting for something to happen.

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:18 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (27)

    "Thank you and I'm glad you are here with me Dave." "I'm glad to be here with you too." Dave smiled as Ariana nuzzled him. She also answered his question, "No, it won't be wrong to just ignore him but I don't think we should leave Acid along with him for too long." Dave sighed. The Luxray had a point. "Leaving anyone alone with Deadpool is a bad idea. It doesn't matter who else it is. Deadpool is just bad news."

    "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave." Dave heard moaning. Ariana pressed close to him as he wrapped an arm around her to keep her safe. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave" He saw the source. "GOD DAMMIT DEADPOOL! IF YOU TRY PULLING THAT SHIT AGAIN, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU LOSE THAT ARM! OF ALL TIMES YOU NEED TO JOKE ABOUT THAT, YOU'RE CHOOSING THE FUCKING EPIDEMIC?!" Dave yelled. He clenched his flipper, arm, thing, that wasn't around Ariana into a fist. Acid came back soon after.

    He had a bag of potions and food that seemed to be meant for Deadpool. "Here, youngs. There is enough food and Potions for everyone here. But, ration it well." He said, tossing the bag in front of the Ampharos and Luxray. "Thanks."

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:50 am

    skip. Too soon to post again

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:03 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (16)

    "I'm glad to be here with you too. Leaving anyone alone with Deadpool is a bad idea. It doesn't matter who else it is. Deadpool is just bad news." Ariana heard Dave say just before Deadpool arrived with his creepiness. She continued to quietly growl at Deadpool as she listen to Dave telling him off. She had felt one of his arms wrapped around her when she moved closer to him and his other turned into a fist. She list as Dave yelled at Deadpool, "GOD DAMMIT DEADPOOL! IF YOU TRY PULLING THAT SHIT AGAIN, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU LOSE THAT ARM! OF ALL TIMES YOU NEED TO JOKE ABOUT THAT, YOU'RE CHOOSING THE FUCKING EPIDEMIC?!" Wanting to calm him down she nuzzled him once more just before Acid arrive with a bad full of supplies she nodded when the Toxicroak told them to ration their supplies well before he sat in what look like a frog position and croak like normal. She smiled at him as she slowly began to relax next to Dave though she gave a half-hearted glare to Deadpool for scaring them like that and said, "YOU, get over here right now so we can look at that arm and Dave is right don't do something like that again or so help me I'll bite you so hard you will wish you weren't around or for that matter that you weren't a male get my drift." She then sigh and look through the bag for the stuff she will need. When she saw the Potions she was glad there was enough of them. Two of them should heal Deadpool that is if he comes over to them so they can look at his arm.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:13 pm

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    Gateon Port/Late Afternoon (8)

    Acid listened quietly while David threw his anger against Deadpool: a totally reasonable action, considering the personality of the Dual type, but he sill controlled himself. He just had to wait for the survivors to heal, and then everything was set.

    The military frog just kept relaxing, while watching Deadpool with the corner of his eyes. After a while, after looking at the sky, he croaked calmly.

    "...I hate to put on you pressure, my comrades. But we should heal or eat pretty quickly. Night is coming and we all know how those beast can be deadly. Our "friend" here just tested this on his skin." the Toxicroak said, while continuing croaking. Almost everything was looking alright. With a bit of luck, the frog was sure they could find a shelter before midnight.

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:55 pm

    (Skip me, please. Nothing much for Dave to say since Cheese skipped.)

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:33 am

    Gotta skip again. Post got deleted DX

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:33 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (17)

    (I hope you guys aren't planning to continue to skip or we won't be going anywhere really jeez)

    Ariana sighed and shook her head as Dave and Deadpool continued to stare at each other. She gently touch Dave with her tail and then, after moving out from under his arm, she went over to the bags to get a couple of Potions using her tail and went over to Deadpool she set them down and gently whack him on the shoulder before she said, "That's enough you two. Deadpool I'm only telling you this once or I will bite you drink these Potions so you can heal and then we'll find a way to wrap your arm up so your blood won't draw more infected and undead our way." Once she was sure Deadpool got her message and she was sure he drunk the Potions she went back to Dave's side and touch his arm with her nose and said, "Come one we've been out here long enough and we need to find shelter in one of the buildings like Acid said." She looked at the Toxicroak and gave an exasperated look as she nodded at the two younger males around her hoping that the two of them will snap out of their daze and get ready to go before dark settles in.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:02 pm

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    Gateon Port/Late Afternoon (9)

    After giving a quick nod with the head to Ariana, even the Toxic Frog started to get up, marching with the others.

    As he still looked up in the sky while walking, he couldn't help but admire the clouds that filled the sky. And then, the best thing he could've asked for happened: the first rain drops fell.

    He smiled as he felt the energy flowing into him, thanks to his Dry Skin ability...ah, yes, how he loved rain.

    "I'm just at peace when it rains. Don't you like this sensation of dampness too?...It's one of the few things I still love after all of these years." Acid slightly turned with his eyes towards the other Pokemons: he just hoped for finding a safe place soon...possibly without Infected to ruin this now-beautiful day once again.

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:44 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (28)

    Dave wanted Deadpool out of the group. They would be a lot better off without him, but "he insisted" in staying with them. Dave could only hope that his injury would teach him a lesson. He doubted that it would , though. At the mention of shelter, and the touch of Ariana, Dave was more than happy to go. "Let's go find shelter guys." The Ampharos said in an aggitated tone. "Deadpool, try to follow us, and you'll be in an iron lung when I'm done with you." He hoped the threat would get through to him, but in the back of his mind, he knew it wouldn't.

    This is Deadpool, after all.

    (OoC: Short post is short...)

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:32 pm

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    Gateon Port, Afternoon(15)

    The Ampharos was getting on his nerves. Oh well. He could always gut the hopeless mouse later... but this wound needed attention. Prying a shard of bone back where it belonged in his shoulder painfully, he blasted his wound with a few of the potions, taking care to leave plenty for everyone else. He was not without a conscious... though it was buried in insanity. The wound began to scab over from the medicine, though it would not ever fully heal. He hope his ice typing suppressed his body long enough for him to find a way to cure himself. He did NOT want to be a zombie.
    "Dave. You little mouse you. You've been insulting me. Threatening me. It's time for a threat of my own. You are nothing but a sad motherfucker who needs to learn the order of things. I have no problems with Ariana or Acid here, but you my fat yellow compadre have gotten under my fur. If I hear another insulting or violent word out of you towards me I will shove your tail up your ass until you're a fuckin wheel. Then I'm gonna roll you down a hill into the mouth of a goddamn Gyarados you emotional fucking wimp."

    He brushed off his hurt shoulder, ignoring the pain and strolling casually ahead. His demeanor serious now. His madness often subjected him to rapid changes in personality... making him quite unpredictable.
    "Now that the message has been shoved through your thick skull you fucking rat, we need to get underground before the bastards eat us all. Otherwise you'll all end up as a side-dish and your life will be the main course. So if anything on this damn port is valuable to you, I suggest you fucking get it now before I have to save your ass when another Infected comes to eat you."

    Walking over to Acid, he nodded respectfully, having kinship to the Toxicroak. He muttered his plans so only Acid would hear him.
    "The best location to stay alive would be the Team Cipher Outpost buried beneath the Pokemon Center. We could rest there. Might even be able to survive there for a week or two. There's rations enough in there for all of us."

    He clapped his hands and flicked a bit of flayed skin off his hurt arm, smiling darkly.
    "Now let's get the hell out of here."

    ((OOC-Finally posted. Personality change because of his insanity. So Radio. Dave is gonna be at a loss for what to say to this asshole now huh? XDDDD))

    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:13 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (18)

    Ariana sighed with relief when the younger two males finally reacted and they headed for shelter. Her ears twitch when she heard the long speech of Deadpool. She looked over at the Weavile and sighed again before she shook her head. When it began to rain she welcomed it fully. Maybe there will be some thunder in this storm that she can gather in her fur. She really love the rain even when it causes her fur to feel heavier then it normally does with the extra weight of the water. She glance at Dave and let her tail gently touch his shoulder as she began to follow the others though she wondered what Deadpool was saying to Acid

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:43 am

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    Gateon Port/Late Afternoon (10)

    After some minutes, even Deadpool decided to talk, this time reacting to Dave's taunt: the Frog was fascinated from the drastic change of the Weavile's personality, but he also expected this. Afterall, mad-mons are impossible to comprehend, they're unique at their way.

    After that long series of insults and provocations, the dual type came closer to Acid. He just quietly looked at him, nodding back: the Toxic Mouth Pokemon proved no emotions whatsoever during his talk...until he cited the Cipher outpost. He slightly widened his eyes at that name...

    Cipher... the Poison Type started remembering all of his operations against the evil organization, with his old comrades...who were nothing but dead bodies now.

    "Ah." he said, trying not to prove anything but surprise, still silently talking to the crazed Weavile. "I remember them. It brings back memories...mostly bad ones...but it's useless thinking about the past. We may go." as he turned towards the couple of Electric Types, he just informed them:

    "My fellows, it appears we apparently have a new hideout, at least for now: let's try to not taunt ourselves during this march. Me and Deadpool will lead the way. Let's go, young." Acid said, slowly walking towards the Pokemon Center.

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:25 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (29)

    That was it.

    Dave was ready to get away from him.

    "Just go without me." He said. "You've made it crystal clear to me that you don't want any part of me, Deadpool, and yet you keep pestering me. I don't know about the Ariana and Acid, but I'm not going to go with you." With that said and done, he turned around and began to walk away from the group as the rain came down. Oh, how he loved the rain. It made him feel at peace with himself. However, he wouldn't be fully at peace until he got rid of Deadpool. He would have gone further away from them, but he felt Ariana's tail touch his shoulder. Dave looked down at her and asked, "What is it, Ariana?"

    (OoC: Dave is not gonna leave the team.)

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:05 am

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    Gateon, Sunset(16)

    It was too late.
    The sun was setting.
    "Fuck. I think now would be a good time to run."

    There was a strangled, hissing noise coming from the distance, along with the calls of other prowling Infected. Now they'd rush out in swarms. They loved the dark. Suddenly, he saw the little prick of an Ampharos attempting to leave. Oh hell no. Nobody gets to desert the mission, no matter how much of a bitch you are. Nobody gets to just leave.
    "Where the fuck do you think you're going? Abandoning us? You going to abandon Ariana and Acid? Let them suffer the same fate as Alex? Getting washed away from the sheer terror of this place? Is that what you're going to do? Nobody deserts their troops. Nobody, and I mean nobody gets to desert those they promised to stick with. You promised to stay with Ariana. I'm going to be staying with her and Acid to keep them safe. So you get your ass back here and help."

    He had finally had enough jokes. Enough tormenting. Enough of it all. Dave needed to get his head out of his ass. Deadpool leaped over him to stand in front of his path, arms crossed, and eyes narrowed. It didn't matter how much they hated each other, right now the key was cooperation and survival.
    "I know you hate me. I'm arrogant, rude, brash, and generally unpleasant. But here's the thing. We ain't trying to win a popularity contest. The agents who took care of me and trained me have an outpost nearby where we can rest, eat, drink, and relax for a day or two. Now I know you may not trust me, so let me make it clear. I nearly got my arm ripped off just now. I'd let the other one get shredded too if it meant keeping at least a few of you out of the jaws of another monster."

    Deadpool rubbed his nose with his claws and took a step back, allowing a brief moment of silence.
    "You can all hate me. That's fine, but it doesn't mean I'm going to go away simply because nobody cares about what happens to a psycho like me. I'm keeping you guys safe if it means tearing off this fucked up limb and feeding it to that goddamned Hydreigon to keep it away! So we need to get out of here. We need to leave....now."

    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:40 pm

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    Gateon Port | Sunset (19)

    Everything seemed to happen so fast around Ariana. "Just go without me. You've made it crystal clear to me that you don't want any part of me, Deadpool, and yet you keep pestering me. I don't know about the Ariana and Acid, but I'm not going to go with you." Her tail lowered to the ground even when Dave turned to look at her after she touched his shoulder with it and she heard him ask "What is it, Ariana?" She looked at Dave but before she could say anything Deadpool blocked Dave's exit as he said "Where the fuck do you think you're going? Abandoning us? You going to abandon Ariana and Acid? Let them suffer the same fate as Alex? Getting washed away from the sheer terror of this place? Is that what you're going to do? Nobody deserts their troops. Nobody, and I mean nobody gets to desert those they promised to stick with. You promised to stay with Ariana. I'm going to be staying with her and Acid to keep them safe. So you get your ass back here and help. I know you hate me. I'm arrogant, rude, brash, and generally unpleasant. But here's the thing. We ain't trying to win a popularity contest. The agents who took care of me and trained me have an outpost nearby where we can rest, eat, drink, and relax for a day or two. Now I know you may not trust me, so let me make it clear. I nearly got my arm ripped off just now. I'd let the other one get shredded too if it meant keeping at least a few of you out of the jaws of another monster. You can all hate me. That's fine, but it doesn't mean I'm going to go away simply because nobody cares about what happens to a psycho like me. I'm keeping you guys safe if it means tearing off this fucked up limb and feeding it to that goddamned Hydreigon to keep it away! So we need to get out of here. We need to leave....now." Ariana looked Deadpool in surprise before she looked at Dave and said, "Dave please lets get to this shelter so we can all be safe for the night and then we can try to figure out how to sort this out." She didn't want Dave to leave but not only because of his promise to her but because she doesn't want him to disappear like the other two did. She has grown to seriously like the Ampharos in such a short amount of time.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:51 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Gateon Port/Sunset (11)

    Acid calmly watched as Dave and Deadpool kept fighting once again: those Pokemons just couldn't get along. But, deep inside, the Frog knew that this time, the Weavile was right.

    As he picked up the half-empty bag with the remaining resources, he just stared at the sky, who was turning darker and darker: it was time to move. The Toxic Frog started talking, this time for the last time in that place.

    "Dave, I'm not trying to make you the "bad guy" of this situation here: but, even if it's hard-heck, maybe even impossible-for you, you should consider Deadpool's words, at least for now. Being together is the best thing for us in this moments, especially with this weather and time. The Infected are growing stronger, while we are tearing apart." Acid started looking at the sea, who was now shaking due the raindrops.

    Losing another member would be too hard... the Toxic Mouth Pokemon snapped away from his trance, shaking his head. He just turned towards the Pokemon Center, starting to walk away.

    "Ah, for Arceus's sake, I'm no good with words. I know you'll make the right choice, son. I just want to move away from here as soon as I can. Ariana, considering Deadpool is probably coming, you may decide what's the best for you."

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:09 am

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    Gateon Port|Sunset (30)

    Everybody had something to say, but they all had different tones. Deadpool was just being himself, and he was even blocking Dave's path. Acid just made the Ampharos sound like the bad guy, despite reassuring him that he wasn't. All of these reasons weren't working for Dave until he heard Ariana. She was the only one down to earth, and she clearly did not want Dave to leave. He simply looked at her then looked at Deadpool. Extending an arm to town, he said to the Weavile, "Lead the way." His voice had no emotion to it.

    The GATEON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:40 am

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    Gateon, Sunset(17)

    "Lead the way."
    That emotionless statement was all he needed.

    He said it with a cheerful smile as his normal, bubbly, happy-go-lucky personality returned. It was easier than being Mr. Serious. He began to happily walk off, waving for them to follow as he headed into town. It would be a short walk. That much he knew.

    PokeMart, Sunset
    "Here it is! Right underneath those garbage bins is a hatch to my old home! Ahh.... I miss Cipher. The endless missions, the constant stealth ops assassinations. It was so much easier then."
    Lifting one of the cans he threw it noisily away, watching it bounce and clang happily. There was a small metal hatch with two handles, which Deadpool eagerly grabbed and opened.

    "Home sweet home kiddies!"
    Deadpool descended into the light starcase under the hatch, whistling happily. Everyone who was in here was dead. He could smell the scent of death everywhere... but no smell on Infected down here.... Good.

    "Dear sweet Cipher how I've missed ya!"

    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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