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9 posters

    The GATEON Team


    The GATEON Team Empty The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 30, 2012 8:27 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Gateon Port| |Early Mornin'

    The breeze was soft and carried the smell of the sea on it's gentle wisps. The breeze ruffled my bristly brown fur. I layed my horned head on my hooves and snorted at the soft trickle of the sea spray on my nose. Oh how I loved the smell of the sea breeze and the soft spray of the ocean. I let out a long yet simple sigh. It was just amazing. Now I know why I came back here to Gateon Port. It was to feel the ocean, smell the sea salt and just to be able to see and feel the ocean close to me.

    It was the only place I could be myself and not be afraid to show my true self to others. This is very soothing..... Was all that escaped my fur brown lips. This is and will always be my favorite place to be. Even if it meant being wide open to an undead attack.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Jay Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:21 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Gateon Port || Early Morning || 1
    The ocean waves curled under his paws, warm and soothing. He crawled close to the ground, Jakob on his back, secured by a small rope he had found nearby. Early morning sunlight burned his eyes, he stopped and rubbed them slowly, yawning and beginning to untie the rope wrapped around his body. The Furret, after undoing the knot and putting the Pichu down on the ground(making sure no waves could carry it away into the ocean), stretched his arms. He tried rubbing some blood off his paws with the help of the water, now it was literally stained onto his fur and skin, making it impossible to get off. Grabbing Jakob, he moved swiftly up shore, quickly letting out a sigh before stopping and dropping belly-first onto the soft sand.

    The wind rubbed against the top of his back, slightly pushing his fur forward, his facial features turned into a slight smile. Though, quickly they faded as the sound of a voice, female, was heard, carried through the wind, echoing into his mind. "This is very soothing....." Alex turned around, startled, and stared at a Tauros, who was standing in the ocean, just... standing there. Doing nothing but enjoying the scenery. He watched her for a second, taking caution. Quietly, he inched closer.

    The Long Body Pokemon turned back to the broken pichu, then whispered into it's ear, calmly and softly. "What do you think of this?" He stared at it for a moment with glaring eyes. "Right." Alex moved his gaze back to the Tauros, he eyes it carefully, hoping the Tauros wouldn't notice him.

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:00 pm

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    Gateon Port|Early Morning (1)

    "How did I get here? What's going on? Where's Kelly?" Dave wondered as he walked slowly and silently along the beach. He remembers being in Sinnoh, watching a girl grow up before his eyes. The Ampharos kept her safe twice in her lifetime. Once when she got separated from her parents, and another when she was being jumped by a stalker.

    As Dave thought about Kelly, tears began to develop in the Light pokemon's eyes, which were quickly wiped away by his black and white scarf. Earlier, he had picked some berries for breakfast, and now he was going to enjoy them on the beach.

    As he was walking, he saw a Tauros, but it didn't look like one, though. What was it? Dave moved closer to the creature. Quiet the whole time, he sat down beside it. He looked down at the berries in his lap and didn't say a word.

    (Hello everybody! Dave just got approved!)

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:00 pm

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    Gateon Port| |Early Morning

    As I lay on the soft sand of the beach I heard someone sit next to me. I turned my head slightly and found it to be a Electric type i've never seen before. I snorted and winked at the Electric type and slowly made my way into the water. It was cold and felt very nice against my warm skin. I let out a sigh and stud in the water as the waves pulled me further into the water.

    (Short post is short)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Jay Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:09 pm

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    Gateon Port || Early Morning || 2
    Alex noticed movement, to his left was an Ampharos, wearing a black and white striped scarf, it was a neat site, especially since he had never seen a living Ampharos before. The Furret, inched forward, he stopped after two steps. Sniffing the air, the sweet smell ocean filling his nostrils, he swiftly flipped the Pichu onto his back and began to crawl towards the Tauros, who winked at the Ampharos and started to descend into the water. He blinked and stopped, confused. Did they know each other?

    "Jakob, what do you think of this?" He laughed, looking into the Pichu's missing eyes. "Alright, that'll work." Alex looked towards the Ampharos, then towards the Tauros, who was now farther into the water. How would the Ampharos react? The Long Body Pokemon laughs, thinking of a funny reaction, a little loudly, Oh crap! He knew they would here him this time, so he started to run away from the shore, forgetting Jakob, but then quickly running back to get the dead pokemon, tripping and falling face first into the sand, holding Jakob close.


    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:16 pm

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    Gateon Port|Early Morning (2)

    The Tauros took notice of Dave and winked at him. The Ampharos smiled back, but the Tauros was already in the water. It just stood there as the waves took it in further. Dave wanted to go after it, but he heard a noise.

    Dave turned his head to see a Furret running away. It was carrying... a Pichu? It was dead... "There's something wrong with him..." the light pokemon thought. He quickly lost that thought as the Furret fell face first in the sand. Dave stood up and quickly walked towards the fallen pokemon, and its corpse friend. He looked down at it, placed one of his berries down on the ground, and sat down in front of the long body pokemon, waiting for a response.

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:29 pm

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    Gateon Port| |Early Morning

    The water felt amazing, but I started to kick my legs as I slowly returned back to the shore and eyed the Electric type and the new pokemon. They were interesting, but I didn't feel like talking so I just layed down on the sand and watched the two. It was very boring but it would work out in the end.

    Then I remembered that the Electric type had berries. I got back to my feet and walked over to the two pokemon. I tapped the Electric type's shoulder and smiled. May I have one of those dear? I pointed a hoove at the berries in his lap.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Jay Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:47 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Gateon Port || Early Morning || 3
    The Furret pulled his head out of the sand at the sound of another pokemon, he turned towards the pokemon, luckily it was just the Ampharos. The Ampharos placed some berries next to him, then quietly and quickly sat down in front of Alex and awaited a response, staring at him. The Long Body Pokemon looked back, then looked at the berries, he chuckled and picked up one, examining it closely. He popped it into his mouth, then stated out loud, sitting up and placing Jakob next to hi,. "Thank you."

    His eyes directed to the Tauros, who had suddenly come next to the Ampharos. "May I have one of those dear?" She said, pointing to the berries. She sweet and kind, her tone of voice was soft and calm. Could she be a nice living pokemon? Maybe the Ampharos too? He decided to say something.

    "My name is Alex, nice to meet you all..."

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:58 pm

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    Gateon Port|Early Morning (3)

    Dave watched as the Furret got up and popped one of the berries in its mouth. "Thank you." he said to the Ampharos. Dave smiled at him, even though the dead Pichu creeped him out a bit. He then noticed that the Tauros was next to him. She asked Dave for one of his berries. Dave took one of the berries and placed it on the ground in front of her. He then took one of his own berries and popped it in his own mouth.

    "My name is Alex, nice to meet you all..." the Furret said. Dave turned his head and swallowed the berry in his mouth. After doing that, he spoke up. "Dave." He smiled at Alex and the Tauros.

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:11 pm

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    Gateon Port| |Early Morning

    I nodded at the electric type and munched on the berry. "My name is Alex, nice to meet you all..." I nodded at Alex. As a continued to munch on the berry I heard the electric type speak. "Dave." I smiled at Dave always and decided why not, And my name is Taro. It's a pleasure to meet you dears. I lowered my head so where it layed on my hooves as I watched Dave and Alex.

    And if I may ask, what kind of pokemon are you two anyway? I asked, though I regretted it right away. I stayed quiet nether less.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Jay Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:00 pm

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    Gateon Port || Early Morning || 4
    "Dave." The Ampharos said, still eating the berry.

    The Furret, for once in a long time, smiled slightly, but quickly his smile faded. He turned towards the Tauros, and wiping his head with a paw, he yawned. Blinking, the Long Body Pokemon watched as the Tauros munched on the berry Dave had given her, she spoke calmly. "And my name is Taro. It's a pleasure to meet you dears.", she said with a beautiful voice, so elegant. Alex happily leaned over to Dave and patted him on the back, smiling once again and stating out clearly, "Today is going to be a great day!"

    As shy as Alex usually was, he felt something special about these two, maybe we can be friends! His first friends in a long time, this is exciting! The Furret leaned back to a comfortable position and picked up the rest of his berry, continuing to eat it slowly, enjoying every last bite and every last taste of the delicious fruity flavor. How much he loved these kinds of berries! "I feel strangely happy right now, this doesn't happen to me often!" He said, laughing a tiny bit.

    "Oh!" Alex pulled up the dead Pichu and waved the Pichu's arm, laughing. "And this is Jakob! He's my best friend!"

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:05 pm

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    Gateon Port|Early Morning (4)

    "And my name is Taro. It's a pleasure to meet you dears." the Tauros said. Everything seemed to be going good for the Ampharos. He got startled a bit when Alex patted him on the back and said, "Today is going to be a great day!" Dave nodded and said in his normal quiet voice, "Yes, it is." He was relieved that with all of the madness going on lately, he found some hope in the form of friends.

    "Oh!" Alex said, pulling up the dead Pichu, "And this is Jakob! He's my best friend!" Dave wasn't sure what to say about this. Alex was nice and all, but it just creeped the Ampharos out a bit that he was calling a dead body his 'best friend'. Dave wanted to bring him back to reality, but he couldn't bear the thought of losing a friend so quickly. So he just kept quiet and finished eating his berry.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Jay Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:21 pm

    (( Please skip, suffering from writers block. Say that Alex put down Jakob and looked at Dave and Taro saying, "What brings you all here?"))

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:44 pm

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    Gateon Port|Early Morning (5)
    Dave was unable to help himself staring at Alex's little dead buddy, Jakob. It was just freaky how someone was in so much denial over death that he carries around his own friend. Alex set it down and asked the Ampharos and Taro what brings them here.

    Dave looked down at the sand, using his paw to draw circles. As he was drawing circles, he told his story. "I'm from Canalave City in Sinnoh. I watched over a girl named Kelly, but when she got older, she left. I looked all over for her, and then I just got teleported over here..." Dave looked what he had drawn. It was a doodle of a girl with beautiful hair. He looked at the picture and sighed. The Light Pokemon took the hanging part of his scarf and hugged it tightly, letting his troubles escape him.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:40 pm

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    Gateon Port | Early Morning (1)

    The rather swift Golett slid and leapt from rooftop to rooftop, his body moving rather youthfully and spryly as it lithely manuevered the rails and tiles of the buildings. At one point, it reached a building that had a red roof with a pokeball on it, looking out at the rising sun. Though its face was expressionless, its body language practically oozed with excitement. What would it find next?

    After taking pause, Viator continued with its rambunctious prowling, leaping constantly until it reached a roof with a steep slope that curved upward. With a grin in its energy, it leapt down and slid down the rooftop, laughing a bit as it soon hit the ramping curve and was launched skyward. But, due to its weight, it overlaunched and missed the next rooftop, instead flying forward toward the beach, landing in the sands. "Whoooooaaaaa-!!Omph!!" It landed with a muffled thud face first, a bit stunned at its awkward landing.

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:01 pm

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    Gateon Port| |Early Morning

    I listened to Dave speak and I lowered my head. I'm sorry dear. I butted my head against Dave's back lightly. I turned to Alex and smiled softly, Um, well i'm from the far away region Unova. I had a herd and many kids, but most of them either died or vanished. And then I met a young human named Matthew and joined his team and then we came here and everything went bad. I stopped talking and layed my head down in silents.

    I didn't want to talk about my past more then I had too and that was as far as I was going to get.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Jay Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:25 pm

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    Gateon Port || Early Morning || 5

    "I'm from Canalave City in Sinnoh. I watched over a girl named Kelly, but when she got older, she left. I looked all over for her, and then I just got teleported over here..."

    Alex watched as Dave drew on the sand, making curving marks and lines, until finally his finally picture emerged, it was a doodle of a girl, with beautiful hair, she seemed stunning, and the way Dave explained about her, he sounded like he really liked her. Alex pushed one of his ears slightly, his gave never leaving the drawing. It was a splendid drawing, even though it was a mere doodle. Alex's eyes shimmered in the light, he listened closely and as Dave finished talking, he looked towards the Tauros, who had begun her own story as well.

    "Um, well I'm from the far away region Unova. I had a herd and many kids, but most of them either died or vanished. And then I met a young human named Matthew and joined his team and then we came here and everything went bad"

    She stopped her talking, then layed her head gently into the sand and seemed to have a moment of silence. Alex slowly crawled over to her, and patted her on the back. He moved back to his spot, and spoke calmly and quietly, "I know you all have sad stories, and I do too, but sometimes, I know talking it out helps, that's why I brought this up. Here," The Long Body Pokemon shifts his weight around in the sand to make a more comfortable stance, and begins his story. "I'll share mine."

    "For years, I had been living with a family of Pichu and Pikachu, and well, Jakob had become my best friend, not only my best friend, but my brother... One day, though, we were attacked, and I quickly managed to escape with Jakob..." He pulled the dead rat up, "See we're okay!" His eyes twitched, and a noise came from nearby.

    "Whoooooaaaaa-!!Omph!!" Afterwards a loud bang was heard.

    He moved his head around, were did this noise come from?

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:44 pm

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    Gateon Port|Early Morning (6)

    Dave felt Taro lightly butt her head against his back. "I'm sorry dear." she told him. The Ampharos remained quiet as he listened to Taro and Alex tell their stories. Taro lost her family and trainer, and Alex, well, explained how "Jakob" died, but said they got out okay.

    Dave sighed and facepalmed after Alex's story. He looked at the Furret with a straight face and told him, "I hate to break this to you, but 'Jakob' is dead. All you're doing right now is literally carrying dead weight."

    The Ampharos would've said more, but he was interrupted by a noise. "Whoooooaaaaa-!!Omph!!" then there was a muffled thud sound. Dave got up and walked to the source. It looked like some blue-robot thing the Ampharos had never seen before. Out of curiosity, he poked what appeared to be its body.

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:14 pm

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    Gateon Port | Early Morning (2)

    After feeling the prod delivered from an unknown source, the Golett brought its arms down against the sand and began to pull to get its body out of the sand. "Mmmmph! Mmmmph!" With a slight popping sound from the deeper wet sand, the automaton pokemon got himself out of the sand and back onto his feet.

    There was a moment it took to take in its surroundings. Around him was a Buoffalant, an Ampharos, and a Furret with...Was that a dead and mangled Pichu? It was an odd group, but Viator didn't mine, speaking proudly but in a sort of mechanical voice. "Hello there! Name's Viator!"
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:20 pm

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    Gateon Port || Early Morning | 1

    She lost it. She finally lost it. There was something tracking her through the nearby forest, its ragged breathing far. It had come close enough to detect her, and it nearly slammed its fist down on top of her before she reacted. She had slammed it in the face and started to run as fast as her feet could send her. The wind was rushing by her head and her legs were maneuvering her through a path through the trees. Light was up ahead, which she knew could put her in plain sight of anything--her actions were too far ahead of her thoughts by then, though, to do anything else.

    She bursts out of the patchily lit area and barrels straight into the sunlight, rushing onto the solid concrete landscape of Gateon Port. The terrified Pikachu was heading straight for a large building shaped in the form of a large Krabby. When she noticed that one of its claws was broken off and lying in a position that offered a perfect shelter she went straight towards it. That is, until she was so focused on the claw that she did not notice an obvious obstacle in her path. She trips straight over it, tumbling forward onto her chest, skidding off a bit of the fur in the process. The ground was smooth enough to not shave off a lot, but she gets up and whimpers from having the wind knocked out of her. She turns around to see what she tripped on, to see a large and musty textbook lying idly on the ground. With her fear momentarily replaced by a certain curiosity, she takes up the book and puts it under one of her arms. It may be a pleasant read later, if she can find the chance to do so. Not even the Epidemic can kill her literary urge. Staggering over to the large claw, praying that nothing saw her embarrassing fall, she slips into the shelter’s darkness. Instead of finding peace, though, the only thing she finds is something already hiding inside. She barely had time to slow her rush to a mere skid before she hit it, bumping into the thing harmlessly. She struggles to maintain her balance and falls onto her back, the book thumping flat onto her chest after falling from her arm. Whimpering from the slight pain of her already sore-feeling chest, she tries to look over the book at whatever she had hit.

    The Pikachu was still heaving breaths from her mad flight and her head was dizzy from the fatigue, with the drop not helping to ease her slight dizziness. She embraces the book and tries to calm herself, despite the dangerous situation. After scrambling back up onto her feet and stepping back towards one of the domed edges of the claw’s interior, the book clutched safely in between her arms, she begins to discern the creature. It is a mixture of light brown and dark brown, prickly furs. How pleasant; she had rammed into a Zigzagoon--without glowing eyes, thank the Legends. At discovering that it was living, though, she immediately springs into fear and concern. Did I hurt it? Is it infected? Is it going to kill me? She takes another look into its dim eyes, to reassure herself that it is not infected. At least, it is not a late infected; it could still have the illness. Nonetheless, she stutters out a brief, heartfelt apology, being too fatigued to do anything else. Her voice is gingerly and young, being concerned and respectful in despite having a fearful stutter to it. “O-oh no....I didn’t hurt you, did I? A-are....are you okay?” Her ears flatten against her head in concern as she looks over the shaded Zigzagoon, making sure that she really did not injure him. She stutters again, trying to give her reason for the intrusion. The breaths begin to shallow, as she tries to conserve enough air for talking.

    “I....I was being chased...by a-an Undead. I-I managed to out-trun him.” Surrendering to the fatigue, she presses her back against the metallic wall, awaiting the Zigzagoon’s response with worried, paranoid eyes.

    ((OOC -- Had permission to bump into Goonzagzig :3 Also, there is a forest near Gateon, right? *has never played the Orre-region games* Please correct me if I am wrong, lol.))

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:49 pm

    (Skip please. Just say Taro smiled at Alex and glared at Dave for saying what he did*No she's not trying to be mean*)

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:19 am

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    Gateon Port|Early Morning (7)

    Dave stepped back a bit when the blue robot thing pulled its head out of the sand. It was soon back on its feet as it introduced itself in a sort of mechanical voice. "Hello there! Name's Viator!" Dave blinked at it, but extended an arm out to it to introduce himself and the others. "Dave." He said pointing to himself. He pointed to Alex and Taro, "Alex, and Taro."

    Taro was glaring at him for some reason. Was she angry at him for something? "What? What did I do?" The Ampharos asked, oblivious to what he said to Alex.

    (OoC: Sorry for the short post, but I have to go into safehouse soon...)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The GATEON Team Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Jay Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:11 pm

    ([ooc: Please skip! Dx Writers block. :x])

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