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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The GATEON Team


    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Jay Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:27 pm

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    Gateon Port || Afternoon

    He stumbles. Alex was dizzy from the juggling... still. Suddenly, he trips ontop of a rock, falling backward and rolling towards the sea. The waves grab him, and soon he is carried off, struggling and yelling for help.

    ([ooc: Leaving post.])

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Starbits Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:57 pm

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    Gateon Port | Early Afternoon | 9


    One minute, the Furret was still there by Dave's leg. The next, he had tried to get up and walk. Aleena noticed this and her muscles tensed, ready to dart forward and grab him before he could get any further. She knew from experiance with her "brother" and his injuries that Alex was not ready to walk yet; the blank look on Alex's face was identical to the one Roderick would wear after yet another failed flight attempt... as well as that other incident...

    Before she could move, he tripped and fell off the side onto a rock. Aleena barely had time to scream before a wave swept him away.

    The Cincinno dove into the water but... she was too late. He was gone.

    She floated there for a few minutes in shock before swimming back... not to the others, but to land. She couldn't take this. The child was gone, the Weavile terrified her... no. Just no.

    As soon as she came out of the water she took off running, squeezing her eyes shut as she fought not to cry.

    I'm sorry...

    (Ooc: Leaving post.)

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:16 pm

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    Gateon, Afternoon(9)

    "My God... what have I done?"
    His smile vanished as he saw two leave. First the Furret, who was swept out to sea, and then the lovely Cincinno. No... No...NO!!! Self loathing, self hatred, despising everyone, hating life. It was all a lie... He assured himself slowly that this wasn't real. It was fake. Soon everything would be better again. With laughter and killing and everyone where they should be... Yes... that's it.

    "It's. Not. Real."
    Darting into the shadows he vanished, slicing and hacking at anything moving in front of him. Whether they were survivors in the dark or simply Infected, Infected more likely, he didn't care anyways. Simply moving too fast for the eyes to fully comprehend as he darted between buildings, chopping, hacking and viciously slashing at all those moving around him. Infected screeched and lunged at him, only to be sliced in half or dismembered in the blink of an eye. That sick smile of his returned, eyes alight and laughter echoing from him.

    "One slice two slice red slice blue slice!!! Hahahahahaahahaaha!!! I fucking LIVE for this!!!"

    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:23 pm

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    Gateon | Afternoon (8)

    Ariana watched with wide eyes as the Furret ran into the water and was swept away by the waves and then the Cincinno left to go after the kid. The Luxray watch helplessly as two people that she was hoping to become friends with just left just like that. She moved close to the Ampharos hoping that he won't leave to and leave her with the Psychotic Weavile who she figured was also a pervert if his actions meant anything. She watch as Deadpool went on a rampage of killing while staying out line of his claws since it seems he didn't care who he attacked. Her round ears lowered while her tail droop as she kept close to Dave.

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:01 pm

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    Gateon Port|Afternoon (21)

    No. Just no...

    Everything happens for a reason, but why this?

    Alex fell off a rock and was being carried away by the current. He fell in because of dizziness, caused by Deadpool. Aleena ran into the water as well, hoping to get away from Deadpool. All of this was caused by Deadpool's antics. But nothing seems to change the Weavile, who went away at hacking everything that fucking moved. Everything was just making Dave upset right now. Arceus must hate him so damn much right now...

    Dave noticed that Ariana was next to him as Deadpool kept hacking everything. Dave looked at her. A flood of emotions just overcame him as he hugged the Luxray tightly, but not tight enough so that it would hurt. "Don't worry," he said to her, trying to hold back tears, "I'm not going to leave you alone with the psychopath. I promise." Dave let out a small smile at the promise part. He was someone who stayed true to his word no matter what.

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:43 pm

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    Gateon, Afternoon(10)

    He was alone. Everything that had been dead or alive that had come within his reach was dead.... This was all his fault. He could see it, but how to fix it, his madness would not tell him. All the damn world was fake. He couldn't escape the endless void of preposterous doom and despair from all the absurd amounts of Infected monsters. Maybe he could talk to them. Silently, still able to see the two survivors, he put a few skulls around him in a circle and sat down. He smiled brokenly at them, looking at the cracked, shattered, and otherwise damaged head around him.

    "I can always talk to you guys... No... it's not the same. Nobody to irritate. Nobody to laugh at or attack... Oh well... might as well go back to those Electric types... Fatty and Kitty-Cat might not like it if they have nobody to protect them..."
    Standing up, he waved the skulls goodbye.

    "Nice meeting you gents. Myabe someday we can have a proper conversation. Till then, hasta la vista bitches."
    Jumping onto rooftops, the afternoon shade providing cover, he silently slinked between buildings, edging back to the fools who were standing out in the open while Infected prowled. He could hear the growls. His claws, bloodstained and glinting, clicked together. Deadpool might as well have had sunshine in a bag. So happy was he now he'd forgotten why he'd abandoned the others in the first place. After all, for a psychotic killer, he wasn't without a heart. He needed them. Somebody to talk to. After leaving Sunshine and Carrie in Relic... part of him couldn't bear the thought of being alone anymore. Leaping silently, he landed without a sound behind the embracing couple. Smiling a bit, he tapped Dave and Ariana on the shoulder, stepping in front of them.

    Obviously they'd be surprised, considering he hadn't made a single sound and ice types rarely had a traceable scent. They would never have known he was there.
    "In the race is Dave, followed closely by Ariana! Behind them are Angry Zombies! Angry Zombies right behind them. Watching from the sidelines is Coach Deadpool trying to speed them up! Who will win this fine day? Will it be the Electric types or will Angry Zombies gain the lead and overtake our favorite couple?"

    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:59 pm

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    Gateon | Afternoon (9)

    Ariana felt Dave suddenly hug her tightly yet not so tight that it would hurt her and she listen to him as he said, "Don't worry. I'm not going to leave you alone with the psychopath. I promise." Which got Ariana to sigh softly with relief as she nodded her head. She was glad that he won't leave her alone with Deadpool. She wasn't sure if she could deal with the dual type if she was alone with him. "Thanks Dave," she said softly before she blink her eyes when Deadpool stood in front of them. Her eyes widen a bit in surprise because she hadn't heard a sound from him as he return. "In the race is Dave, followed closely by Ariana! Behind them are Angry Zombies! Angry Zombies right behind them. Watching from the sidelines is Coach Deadpool trying to speed them up! Who will win this fine day? Will it be the Electric types or will Angry Zombies gain the lead and overtake our favorite couple?" She heard him say which caused her to blush at the 'couple' comment but then she glared as he put this matter like it was some kind of race. Her ears twitch as they went up and heard the sounds behind them. She was in no mood to deal with stupid zombies so she glance at Dave and said, "I think we should find a stable shelter and perhaps some food before it gets dark."

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:04 am

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    Acid walked calmly in Gateon. The city was silent...too much silent: the Epidemic caused so much death.

    It was just too sad for Acid to look on what was once a port full of live and workers who quickly succumbed and changed in a graveyard.

    ...I should leave. This place brings back bad memories.

    The veteran walked away from a half-destroyed building, lowering his head...only for stop a few seconds later.

    "--lectric types or will Angry Zombies gain the lead and overtake our favorite couple?"

    Acid's eyes widened as he saw three--yes, THREE survivors all together. A very odd Weavile with a couple of electric types.

    ...I thought I was cursed to remain alone forever...glad it's not the case.

    The Toxic Mouth Pokemon decided to come out of his hiding place for a talk with the trio. Smiling, he began to talk.

    It appears that I found someone who's actually alive. Very good...I'd be glad to know you better.
    The military frog said, walking closer.

    I am....I was the commander of the Pokemon section of Orre's special forces...Acid. Pleased to meet you.


    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:10 pm

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    Gateon Port|Afternoon (22)

    Dave slowly let go of Ariana. He was glad that she would be alright. He just needed to keep an eye on Deadpool to make sure that he didn't pull any shenanigans like that. Speaking of Deadpool...

    "In the race is Dave, followed closely by Ariana! Behind them are Angry Zombies! Angry Zombies right behind them. Watching from the sidelines is Coach Deadpool trying to speed them up! Who will win this fine day? Will it be the Electric types or will Angry Zombies gain the lead and overtake our favorite couple?" The Ampharos looked down at the Luxray and, with a slight smile, blushed. However, his smile quickly turned to a frown as he realized that Alex and Aleena are gone because of the Weavile. "Just go away, Deadpool." Dave said coldly, "Your antics were what caused us to lose Alex and Aleena. On top of that, you've made everyone extremely uncomfortable and rubbed them the wrong way. So why don't you just get lost before your little jokes and games get all of us killed?"

    A Toxicroak soon appeared and Dave looked at. He recognized it because of his whole life in Sinnoh. His name appeared to be Acid. The Ampharos smiled. "Hello there, my name is Dave." He said as he stayed beside Ariana.

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:53 am

    Skip. Don't have tine to post.

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:35 pm

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    Gateon Port|Afternoon (10)

    Ariana noticed the blush on Dave's face that match her own but she returned his smile until she heard Dave say, "Just go away, Deadpool. Your antics were what caused us to lose Alex and Aleena. On top of that, you've made everyone extremely uncomfortable and rubbed them the wrong way. So why don't you just get lost before your little jokes and games get all of us killed?" And saw that Deadpool didn't have anything to say to that so she just turned towards the sound of someone saying, It appears that I found someone who's actually alive. Very good...I'd be glad to know you better. I am....I was the commander of the Pokemon section of Orre's special forces...Acid. Pleased to meet you. She saw the Toxicroak and smiled as she introduced herself to Acid right after Dave did by saying, "It's nice to meet you Acid my name is Ariana." She then began to look around for any form of shelter they could use to rest before it gets dark and she also searched for some food for them to eat as well.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:51 pm

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    Gateon Port-Afternoon (2)

    "Hello there, my name is Dave."
    "It's nice to meet you Acid my name is Ariana"

    The group of Pokemons presented themselves, except for the so-called Deadpool.
    The old Toxicroak smiled, looking at the group: he almost felt tears of joy for finding someone he could speak with again...but there wasn't time for tears. The Luxray immediately started searching resources.

    "I might help you for your searches, if you wish...croak...the Poke Market is probably full of Poke-snacks, if my old memory permits me to remember...croak."

    Acid started walking towards the Ampharos while playing with his Black Sludge: the Light Pokemon didn't look quite alright.

    "Is...something the matter, son? You look proved. Trust me..." the Frog said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "...I passed myself some bad times."

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:06 pm

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    Gateon Port|Afternoon (23)

    Dave was stunned. For the first time since accidentally running into him, Deadpool was speechless. He looked down at Ariana who was looking around for a shelter. Dave was going to help her, but was stopped by the Toxicroak. "Is...something the matter, son? You look proved. Trust me.. I passed myself some bad times." Dave was confused. Bad times? Everyday was a bad time during the epidemic. One does not simply have a good time (unless one's name is Deadpool). "Nothing's wrong..." The Ampharos said.

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:33 pm

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    Gateon Port|Afternoon (11)

    Ariana sighed softly when she finally found a place that look like it would be sturdy enough for the group to rest but her ears twitch when she heard Acid saying, "I might help you for your searches, if you wish...croak...the Poke Market is probably full of Poke-snacks, if my old memory permits me to remember...croak." She glance at him and smiled before she nodded her head and said, "The Pokemart may be a good place to rest in as well. Well either that or the Pokemon Center, that is if it's still standing." She was curious about the his comment to Dave but figured she will learn about it sometime soon but for now the group needs to get some food as well as some rest. It may not be getting dark yet but they will be better off being prepared before night comes and the infected become more active.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:18 am

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    Gateon Port. (3)

    The old frog was a bit reassured from the comment of the Ampharos. That group seemed quite alright, and he knew that the Infected couldn't prove much of a challenge anymore. As he liked to say, "the more, the better".

    "Very well. Only one question, then." he said, turning towards to the Ampharos and the Weavile.

    "Are we choosing the Pokemart, or the Poke Center?"

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:51 pm

    (Skip me, please.)

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:02 am

    Gateon, Afternoon(11)

    First the Ampharos attempted to be rid of him... That shit wasn't happening. Deadpool was staying here until he died.
    He jumped onto the Toxicroak's shoulders, his small, light form able to stand upon him without causing him to fall. Deadpool was a small guy, but was not to be underestimated.
    "So... you here for fun or are ya here to slay some undead? I'm guessing Undead. NOW THEN! Let's go get some food! I'm starving..."

    Jumping gracefully off the newcomer, he flicked Dave on his fat nose.
    "And you, my fat yellow friend, need to show more respect to the one who saved your ass from that Aggron. After all, I coulda killed that thing and you without much problems. So be thankful I haven't wanted to rip open your bleeding little heart. Also, by the way. Alex and Sweetcheeks didn't leave because of me. They left because it got too hot so they decided to get out of the kitchen. They were soft. They were weak. And you know what? In five minutes, they'll probably be dead. Get used to the idea."
    Smirking rudely, he patted Ariana before strolling off, whistling a happy tune.

    ((SHOOOOORT DX... Permission from Thunder to jump on Acid.))

    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:47 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Gateon Port|Afternoon (12)

    Ariana watched as Deadpool hope on top of Acid's shoulders and then say something to him before he jump off of Acid's shoulders and flick Dave on his nose while he said, "And you, my fat yellow friend, need to show more respect to the one who saved your ass from that Aggron. After all, I coulda killed that thing and you without much problems. So be thankful I haven't wanted to rip open your bleeding little heart. Also, by the way. Alex and Sweetcheeks didn't leave because of me. They left because it got too hot so they decided to get out of the kitchen. They were soft. They were weak. And you know what? In five minutes, they'll probably be dead. Get used to the idea." She growled quietly at Deadpool as he said those words before she felt him pat her before he walk off while whistling. The Weavile was seriously getting on her last nerves but she just ignored him for now while she look at Dave and Acid before saying, "Well lets get going then guys so we can have shelter and food before it gets dark."

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:30 am

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    Gateon Port-Afternoon (4)

    The Poison Pokemon was moving with the others, when suddenly the Weavile snapped from his silence and jumped on his shoulders: only an "Ouf!"-like sound leaved the mouth of the Toxic Frog, only for talking immediately after.

    "...Son, you might want to get off me." but he didn't finished talking that the Ice Pokemon walked towards Dave: Acid didn't mind it too much though, listening closely to his words. He already figured how the Weavile really was...he was almost like a younger Acid. Only, a bit more insane.

    But the Poison/Fighting type had other plans than just minding to a lunatic. Ariana, the Luxray, remembered the quest for finding a good place for shelter. Acid just nodded, croaking.
    "...Let's go."

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:06 am

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (24)

    That son of a bitch just doesn't know when to fucking stop. He was becoming too much for Dave to handle. It was HIS fault that Alex and Aleena (or in his words Sweetcheeks). It was HIS fault that everyone hated him. The Ampharos completely froze at his words. "Also, by the way. Alex and Sweetcheeks didn't leave because of me. They left because it got too hot so they decided to get out of the kitchen. They were soft. They were weak. And you know what? In five minutes, they'll probably be dead. Get used to the idea."

    As everyone else headed off, Dave stayed on the beach. He ran over to his doodle of Kelly that he drew earlier today. It was still there. He remembers it as the time he met Taro and Alex. He had szeen Taro die, but the thought of Alex dying was too much. Dave's legs gave up on themselves and he sat down to the ground and cried. He missed everyone so much. He hated the current group he was with. The only thing keeping him in the group was the promise that he made to Ariana, the only person in the current group he liked...

    (OoC: Crappy post at 7AM...)

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:14 pm

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    Gateon, Late Afternoon(12)

    Deadpool gasped as he came upon what appeared to be a military jeep. It had.... guns.

    "Oh sweet Momma's mangoes I hit the jackpot! Is it my birthday? Tell me somebody killed a puppy to get all these here!

    He danced around the stockpile of guns... and dead humans, and cackled and smiled. Then he halted, when he saw a large turret gun. Standing on a tripod, appearing to be 50 caliber or more, and most of all... deadly. Running over to it he examined it thoroughly, noticing the ammo cartridge full and untouched. The thing had never been fired. Fiddling with it, he got a surprising noise.

    He smiled with glee, noticing nobody was standing in front of the gun to be hurt by what came next...

    "So ya just grab these two handles up front and pull these triggers and-"

    Screaming in happiness the crazed Weavile yelled to ariana and the newcomer over the gunfire. He really wasn't sure if they could hear him though...

    "I fucking love this thi-i-i-i-i-ng!"
    He released the triggers, but the gun still vibrated, though no bullets came out. Smiling wider than he had yet, he patted it.


    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:09 am

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (13)

    Ariana was still continuing to walk until she noticed that Dave wasn't with them. The Luxray stopped in her tracks and looked behind the group to see that Dave was still at the beach. She went over to him and called out "Dave? Are you alright." She wanted to cheer him up especially since they had lost two members in the group since Deadpool joined. She really hope the two of them were at a better place where the epidemic is gone. She moved to sit beside the Ampharos hoping that she will be able to figure out some way to cheer him up so they can rejoin the group. Well more rejoin with Acid then Deadpool since she didn't like the dual type at all. She look towards the other two and saw that Deadpool was playing with something that was in a jeep of some kind. She didn't pay it attention too much since there isn't any worry of him harming anyone with what he is playing with.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:21 pm

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    Gateon Port/Late Afternoon (5)

    Acid was walking along Ariana and Deadpool, when the Electric type decided to stop: she noticed that Dave wasn't there with them, and she walked towards him for a talk. The Poison type wasn't completely amused, as he saw before the sadness in Dave. He still prefered to check Deadpool out, for taking food as quickly as possible. But it was a matter of seconds, that he heard a sound that he knew too much well: the sound of bullets. He immediately crouched for avoiding any incoming hits, and as he looked up, he widened his eyes in shock: Deadpool found guns. Lots of 'em, too.

    "KID!" -the frog shouted, for letting the Weavile hear him- "STOP THE FIRE NOW! YOU COULD KILL SOMEONE WITH THOSE GUNS!"

    When the fire rate calmed down, the extremely happy Dark type came near:


    The dual type didn't know what to say: too long passed since he met a hothead like him...and already knew how dangerous he could be.

    "...Deadpool, try to understand. The weapons alone are too much of a risk to carry. We could surely use our arms for more useful stuff, like carrying food. Remember? We're trying to find resources here."

    The military wasn't exactly sure Deadpool took the message. But trying surely couldn't kill him.

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:08 pm

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    Gateon Port|Late Afternoon (25)

    A wave of sadness crashed onto Dave as a wave of water crashed against the shore, wiping all that was left of his image of Kelly that he drew earlier. He drew it when Taro and Alex were introducing themselves. He found it hard to believe that he had just met them earlier today, and he felt so close to both of them. But now they were both gone, and Dave just wasn't sure anymore...

    "Dave? Are you alright." He heard. Dave was thankful that it was the one voice he wanted to hear; Ariana's. She sat down beside him, concerned for him. "As much as I want to say 'Nothing's wrong', I can't lie..." Dave needed to tell Ariana. Fearing that it may hurt her, he hesitated in saying it. "I'm tired of Deadpool's shit. He doesn't see the wrong in anything, and that's something that can't be denied." He said the last part with the sound of guns in the air, obviously Deadpool because Acid doesn't seem like the type that would use a gun. Dave sighed and said what he needed to.

    "Ariana, I don't want to live anymore..."

    (OoC: WOOT! 25 POSTS!)

    The GATEON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The GATEON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:08 pm

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    Gateon, Sunset(13)

    Deadpool smirked at the frog.
    "If you bitches wanna leave a wonderful machine of death like this behind to get food, that's all good with me. But I'm taking this wonderous device of mass murder."

    Using his strength, which had been acquired from years of training, he hefted the heavy gun onto his shoulders. Smiling at the frog, who most likely would be shocked to see him carrying such a heavy piece of machinery, he waved a false salute to him and began fake marching over to the Electric types.
    "Come on Davey! Come on my Luxray companion! There is much fun to be had! But we have to gooooooooo!"
    He walked back over to the frog... Acid? Was it? He couldn't remember.

    "Come now my poisonous veteran friend, we have ground to scout. No food or fun will be had until we are sure any areas of sustenance are clear of those meany weany monsters! Am I right? Of course I am let's gooooooo!"
    He sort of jogged away, as the extra weight of the gun slowed him down considerably. Did he regret taking it? Hell no. He needed this instrument of mayhem. It needed to be used, polished, and reloaded, just like any good piece of machinery. How he treasured this device. Soon... if those idiots didn't start being nicer... he'd fire at them with it.

    ((OOC- Guns + Deadpool = OMG yes)

    Last edited by The Big Cheese on Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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