Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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6 posters

    The PEWTER Team

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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 7:37 pm

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    Pewter City | Early Evening (6)

    Collecting my thoughts, I strode through the dimming city of Pewter with a bored expression on my face. It had been a few days since I had found something to eat and despite the way I controlled the urge to kill everything in sight, it was becoming difficult to hide the blood-lust I was feeling but then I heard it, a faint heart beating above me in the night air. Cocking my head to the side, I leaped gracefully to the top of a building, my dark decaying fur shining in the moonlight. Hiding in the shadow of the buildings chimney, I tensed on my hind legs and awaited my dinner.

    There it was flying towards me, a most glorious sight to behold. The large Pidgeotto was flapping madly as if it were trying to escape some sort of evil entity, intent on devouring its soul but sadly it didn't quite know the kind of evil it was flying into when it came closer and closer to my quaint hiding spot. Without realizing it, a smile lit my rotting face and I sprung into the air with a Razor wind powering my ascent above the bird. Angling my body quickly in the air, I landed on top of the bird and we both began to plummet down towards the ground, the feeling of falling making me giddy and joyous. As we both fell to the ground, I used the Pidgeotto's body to break my fall while I gracefully hopped off of my prey and watched it stare at me with a pained expression. Laughing, I bent down so that my muzzle was right beside its face and I whispered softly to the not yet dead creature. "Well lovey, we're going to make you regret not dying in that crash. You see, we aren't that keen on torture but when the opportunity arises, we just can't help ourselves." Backing up, I strode around the bird in a circle, my tail scythe lashing back and forth while I contemplated just what kind of torture I wanted to make my prey experience. As I contemplated, a small voice in the back of my head called out to me and told me not too but the virus quickly took over and I shrugged off the other voice with little to no effort.

    After much thought I finally decided to just wing the torture. It wouldn't be too long before my prey died and by then it wouldn't be fun anymore so with a sigh I stretched out my body and stepped forward to stare down at the terrified bird beneath me that tried its best to move but it was no use, the bird was mine. "Our apologizes," My voice was soft as I bent down and very lightly grazed my teeth over the birds body without breaking its skin. "but you are quite magnificent. We must make the best of this you know?" Very slowly, I bit down into the Pidgeotto but let go quickly when it began to scream in fright. The screams thrilled me and I took my paw and gently stroked its feathers. "So soft." I almost purred, if that was possible, to the screaming bird. With another sigh, I took my paw and lifted up some of the feathers on the Pidgeotto's side and glided my claws over the succulent flesh beneath. A ripple of pleasure passed through my decaying body and I couldn't resist using my razor sharp claws to cut a perfect circle into its soft skin to the sweet sound of screaming.

    My hunger still wasn't great enough to be done playing with my prey just yet and I relished the fact of it being still live when I reached into its body with my paw and grabbed the first thing I felt and squeezed as gently as I could. As I did so, the Pidgeotto's screams rose in pitch and I squeezed even more so that I could listen to the screams grow louder and louder. Then in an instant, I ripped out the organ I had in my paw and began eating it off of the ground. "Fresh kidney is always our favorite." I finished off the delectable morsel and looked into the fading eyes of my prey. "Well that isn't fun. We want to hear you scream some more lovey. It is quite a lovely sound." Reaching back into its body, I grabbed onto its spinal cord while it gave its last shrill cry before finally taking its last breath. With a sigh, I released the spinal cord from my now dead prey and began eating the rest of its body, all the while griping about how I should have drawn out its torture.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu May 24, 2012 9:32 pm

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    | Pewter City // Early Evening |

    A bloodied foot stomped into the dirt to the west of the city. Shrouded in the bushes and trees, the huge dragon made her way along, weeping as she went. She came upon the rubble of the city. She looked over the landscape, her eyes still dewed with tears. She trudged into the city, keeping on the edge of the city.

    (OoC: Short post is short. .w.)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Drago Sun May 27, 2012 9:08 pm

    ((Skip please, I'd like to let the Undead baddies gather before Noal makes an entrance. >:D))

    Age : 36
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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon May 28, 2012 9:36 am

    Post 1

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    Pewter Museum| Early Evening

    A distant scream echoed outside of her walls as Dio absentmindedly played with a Kabuto shell, a terribly old-looking thing that stank of dust and uselessness. 'The fat man would have probably spent hours looking over this thing... Studying it and relishing at what a "marvel" it is...' The reneon paused for a moment as she suddenly took a powerful swipe at it, sending it straight into the adjacent wall, and ricochet into another, then another, then a display stand, smashing into bits. Dio couldn't suppress the triumphant laugh that escaped her. Oh, the fat man's face would have been hilarious if she'd done that...

    It was odd that in the dimming days of the world, she thought not of the one that trained her, that gave her power. No, he was a heartless prick that served his purpose... but the fat man... the fat man had been something different. She just didn't know what.

    Oh yeah. Fat.

    She sniggered to herself again as she pranced to the milky window, the screaming continuing. The hell was making all of that racket? "You'd think people'd figure out how to die a little quieter," she grumbled, her tail swishing in irritation behind her. With the windows almost opaque, it was difficult to tell what was out there. But she saw a glimpse of feathers, and of course, judging by the abrupt end of the screaming, it wasn't likely to be good. Rolling her eyes, she returned to the lobby of the museum, heaving a heavy sigh of boredom. If this continued, she'd have to just go out there and relieve her boredom...

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:06 pm

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    Pewter City | Early Evening (7)

    After finishing my meal, I padded a few yards from where I left my kill and sat on the ground to relish the feeling of moonlight on my decaying flesh. Strange thoughts coursed through my head and I felt the virus escaping to the back of my mind since my hunger was finally sedated. Finding myself bored and with nothing to do, I began to rise but a sound caught my attention and I turned towards it only to find a female Persian staring at me with a ribbon wrapped around her head. Curiously, I allowed my eyes to look to her purple paws and a smirk rose upon my muzzle when I realized she was infected. Stepping towards her, I also began to realize just how beautiful she was and I found myself almost blushing, if such a thing were possible for me. Standing up and taking a step toward her, I bowed softly, obscuring the damaged side of my face from her view. "Good evening madam." I allowed my voice to have a soft timbre tinged with a slight accent, just like it use to have, as I talked to her. Cringing inwardly to myself, I blocked out the voices to speak clearly as myself and not as others. What if I scared her away if she thought, no..knew, was crazy? "My name is Legion. What brings you out on a night like this?"

    (OOC: When he is trying to flirt with her, he will try to talk "normally", but it won't be able to happen often. :3)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:26 am

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    | Pewter City // Early Evening |

    Talli's heavy feet trudged along the edge of the city, coming from Route 3, opposite of the other pokemon. When she hit the city, she made a turn to the left, heading towards the south entrance of the city. Her face still wet with tears, her body still bloody and scraped.
    "Why aren't you here.... Wh... Why is it today and not then.... When you were warm and sweet...?" she choked out a sob, her eyes squinting in sadness as tears gushed from her eyes.
    "Ooh... no.... No, no, no, noooo...." she let out another sob, this time pulling her own self in close into a personal hug, her arms wrapped around her shoulders. She took a few more steps forward, towards where the others were. She barely noticed them. She just wanted to walk by without disturbance. She sniffled, continuing to walk by as her heavy feet hit the ground and make it shake.


    (OoC: Her quotes are from this |3 Poor baby. D:)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Drago Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:59 pm

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    Pewter City | Early Evening (1)

    Noal had been following the strange cat for a while now. The strange thing walked on two legs, and dripped blood from its mouth. Noal didn't know why he cared enough to practically stalk the beast, even from the safe distance and care he took when doing it. Perhaps because it looked like the bugs that had killed Therin. Perhaps. Before long, the creatue entered a city- Pewter, if what he had heard was correct. It took even less time for her to meet up with another one like her. Then another. What the hell had he gotten himself into?

    Dashing carefully behind farther away buildings and trees, he circled the group of monsters. The safest building appeared the be the large one in the back of the city. When he thought himself well out of earshot of the other beasts, he threw open the door and rushed in, heedless of what may have been inside.

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:35 am

    Post 2

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    Pewter Museum| Early Evening

    It was uncharacteristic for Dio to jump or start, but when the doors burst open, her body jolted, unused to frights. She cursed and hid behind some debris of fallen statues, her instincts telling her it was something to be ambushed, not out-right fought. However, as the intruder entered, her ears perked. He held no signs of infected, and what was more, he was in her territory...

    A grin played at her lips, and she slowly emerged out of the rubble she hid behind. "...Usually, people knock, you know..." she murmured, not allowing her voice to echo so. She did not fear the Infected, but should they hear her, they really knew how to ruin a moment. "Who're you, stranger? And... you should probably close that." She nodded to the door behind him, coy grin still on her pretty face.

    Finally. Boredom relieved.


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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:41 pm

    ((Sorry, but, I'm in a to depressed mood to make a good post ): So please skip.))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:41 pm

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    Pewter City | Evening (3)

    I watched as the magnificent female purred in delight to my speaking and then gave her name. Eevalynne, what a beautiful name. It had been so long since I had any contact with females that I wondered if that was the only reason I took an interest in her but I soon blotted out that thought. This Eve intrigued me and made me almost nervous and that in itself, was a feat to accomplish. Padding forward, I stopped a few feet from her, wincing as I knew that my looks probably disturbed such a lovely female. "I apologize immensely for my looks deary. When I was turned, the left side of my face was ripped off. Legion turned his head slightly away from her at his words. Feeling the voices creeping back into his mind, he quickly continued before it was too late. "Well since you are on a stroll already, may I join you?" Legion's eyes glinted a bit smoothly as he added in his question. Although he would love to enjoy her presence he wasn't holding his breath. A beautiful creature like her was sure to disdain the presence of a vile monster as himself.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:57 pm

    (OoC: Skip. Talli is still just walking around. And I'm not really in the posting mood for her.)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Drago Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:59 pm

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    Pewter Museum | Evening (2)

    Noal jumped when he heard the voice behind him. It was definately female, and seemed not to be hostile, but he was still careful when he turned around. That was strange, there was no one behind him. Great. Now he was imagining things too. Soon enough Therin would come running out of the walls, offer him a cup of tea, and they'd dance together into the sunrise. Sure.

    He had made it inside. Now what? What a drag... There was not much for Noal to do in the building, it didn't seem to be inhabited. Exiting was completely out of the question, however. "Perhaps it's better this way." He said, thinking aloud. Strectching out on a nearby table, he stared at the cieling of the large building. He could relax in here, at least for a little while. Now... if only he had a leaf...

    Age : 36
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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:06 am

    Post 3

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    Pewter Museum| Evening

    Dio frowned from her hiding place. What the-- the guy just plain ignored her! Giving a huff, she stood and stomped past him, wanting to give him a piece of her mind. However, when she approached him, she caught sight of the window, and couldn't help but pause a moment.

    What was she doing here? Hiding like a rat in the museum, amongst artifacts she'd come to loathe and despise? She was wasting her life, like that fat man did, amongst the already dead and gone. She was alive. She was still here and not withering away like some fossil. And she needed to act like it.

    "Fine. Screw you too, buddy," she growled as she went past him, through the door and back out into the world where she belonged. Off for another adventure.

    ((Aaaand she's off to Johto! XD It's been nice!))


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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:17 pm

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    Pewter City//Evening
    (continueing post count from Viridian)

    Yessy didn't know how long she had been in the Viridian forest, or how long ago she had left that other team, but she had to keep up her search for Renda. She had been all over this forest, with no sign of Taillow anywhere in it. So, she decided to take her search elsewhere, in hopes that she could find her.

    She came to the outskirts of the Viridian forest, on the outskirts of Pewder City. The place was filled with stoned, besides little areas with flowers and trees, the place was practically stone. Yessy looked around, her eyes darting from home to home, and her ears moving from one direction to the other trying to pick up any sounds.

    Yessy turned her head as a brown shaped rushed out of one of the buildings before disappearing into the distance. The Glaceon watched it go before narrowing her eyes back to the place it had come from and began to walk toward it. It was a large building, one she didn't know the name of. She wanted to know what could have made it flee the place, was it undead? That was always a possibility.

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:58 pm

    [OOC: I am gonna have to skip because my post depends on Ciana....]

    Age : 28
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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:56 pm

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    | Pewter City // Evening |

    Talli looked up, seeing the pair of pokemon who were standing over a kill. One of them was a Persian, the other an Absol. Both of them seemed to be of her own kind.... undead and infected. She looked to her pouch, then back to the pokemon. She decided she would ask them about her baby. Her baby.... She missed her baby so much. She stomped her way over, her feet heavy like lead.

    "Well since you are on a stroll already, may I join you?"

    She stomped closer to them. "Have you seen my baby...?" she asked, the obvious tone in her voice showed she had been crying. She waited for their response, her mind flooding with memories of her and her child.... Ever since her best friend died, her child filled the hole in her heart.... She didn't remember what happened to her.... Her sweet, baby face.... Talli nearly started to sob again.

    (OoC: QwQ Oh god. fkdjdklgsd)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Drago Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:17 pm


    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:42 pm

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    Pewter City | Evening (4)

    Watching the Kanga getting closer, I studied the crying female. When she asked her question all I could do was shake my head as i waited for the Persian to respond to me.

    (OOC: Sorry...not really sure uh....yea)

    Age : 28
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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Catalyst Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:48 pm

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    | Pewter City // Evening |

    The Absol had shook his head. Talli's heart suck to her feet. The Persian didn't respond to her.
    "Have you not seen her either...?" she said to the Persian, taking a step closer to the feline.

    (OoC: Auwg short post. @w@)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:11 pm

    (Well....I have to skip....we have to wait on the others..)

    Age : 27
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    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Drago Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:46 pm

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    Pewter City | Evening (3)

    Crap! How had he missed that fox-thing in here the whole time! It seemed to be living, and it ran right passed him, leaving him alone, and yet... If it had been Undead, he'd be a goner! He had to be more alert. However, that Living had ran outside, where all those Undead were! It was done for. No use going after her. And yet... Quietly, Noal pushed open the doors to the large building, looking outside. There was no one in sight. Wait...

    Not too far away was a creature with the same general body shape as the feline who had just ran out. However, this one's fur was a light blue, and it didn't have the strange head gear the other one had. Best of all, it didn't seem to have any scarring or red eyes to indicate an Undead. Bending the Leaf from the top of his head to his lips, he quickly blew three soft whistles to get the creature's attention. "Quickly! This way!"

    The PEWTER Team Empty Re: The PEWTER Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:39 pm

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    Pewter City//Evening

    Yessy watched as a small group of undead began to form in the centre on the city, clustering over a dead body, one she did not recognize as it was to far gone. The undead though, she did. A person, Absol, and now a Kangeskhan. The Glaceon would have to be careful not to have them notice her, the last thing she wanted was to die before she had the change to find Renda.

    Suddenly, her ears perked when she heard what sounded like whistles. Turning her head she saw a little brown thing with a leaf on its head. "Quickly! This way!" It said, and without a single thought Yessy ran over and into the building the leaf head was in.

    Once inside she turned to the Nuzleaf. "Thanks. Glade to know not everyone in this place is one of them." She said. She hoped that the undead hadn't heard the whistle either, last thing they needed to have them crashing into the place trying to get there next meal of Nuzleaf and Glaceon.

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