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    Age : 37
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:30 am

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    Warehouse || Evening (67)/(26)

    "Take me to your 'big guy'. I'm sure we can make him more comfortable," the cloud fox said warmly, with a comforting smile. Her slender paw wrapped around the Sneasels' petite shoulders in comfort, her face confident and kind.
    "At least while some of these guys look for berries or medicine? Come on, now's not the time to bicker."
    Runes' ears perked slightly and her shoulders relaxed, a hint of relief flowing through her.
    At last somebody is finally listening!
    "Lead the way Miss Sneasel."
    "I can help, too!" The white Growlithe yipped, her cheery personality as bright as her snowy fur.

    "Right!" She said quickly, nodding at her and the others in thanks. Turning on her heel, she dashed ahead, waving them in the direction of the purple beast. "Dante used his fire to close some of his wounds, but he's still bleeding from his mouth!" She shouted as they ran, her large claws clicking loudly against the hard floor. "I think he's hurt on the insi-" The Sneasel skidded to a halt, her attention on the large blue and yellow canine next to the Nidoking, sniffing at him inquisitively.
    I know him! He's the one that...
    "Hey! What are you doing?" She shouted, suspicion in her tone and gaze.


    Fire. Pain.
    The poison behemoth awoke with an agonized start, struggling to expand his lungs while his own weight worked against him. His breath came in shallow wheezing gasps, a weak groan escaping him as he exhaled each time.
    "Hey, did they leave you all alone?"  The Nidoking heard the voice, but his mind wouldn't register who it belonged to.
    "G-ge-..." He whimpered, his eyes flickering open and dilating. Blood spattered across the floor as he gasped and coughed loudly. He struggled to move his limbs, but they wouldn't obey, only responding with a twitch and shudder.
    "Ge-...Ou-t-!" He choked out, barely audible as he raised his head in a delirious state.

    "Hey! What are you doing?" A female voice sounded, from somewhere he couldn't pinpoint.
    No! Can't Stay! Flee!
    "G-et...out!" He snarled weakly once again, the urgency in his voice sharp.

    (Strix is starting to go into shock, and is getting delirious. He still thinks the harbinger is around. Also, welcome back Silv dear.~)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 25
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Min Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:43 am

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| |Evening
    62| |3

    "Take me to your 'big guy'. I'm sure we can make him more comfortable. At least while some of these guys look for berries or medicine? Come on, now's not the time to bicker." Alice breathed out the air that she had unknowingly held, and although it may have been a little too early to be relieved, she was glad that at least Strix will be attended to. She watched quietly as the Espeon beside her limped away, her expression solemn and tinted with guilt that only made concern prick at the lionness's heart. She hesitated to follow, nervously biting her lip as she watched the psychic-type begin to converse with their leader. I shouldn't interrupt them. She casually looked away, instead distracting herself by focusing on the task at hand. "We should probably look for sup-"


    Immediately the Luxray's pelt bristled wildly, eyes wide as her maned head snapped to Dante, almost missing the sound of soft knocking from their shelter's door. "More Pokemon?" she asked, raising a brow as the Persian strode off to greet the newcomer. She frowned, brows soon furrowed as she thought back to her earlier question, where the hell were all these Pokemon even coming from? Well, I suppose if they're helpful... Slowly padding away, she glanced towards the black, wispy fox...thing, before tentatively walking towards him. She stood in front of him for a few seconds, golden eyes analyzing his spectral form in an attempt to try and make out just what exactly what he was. She took a few more moments of time before stopping, realizing that she probably looks like a creep just staring at him.

    "Er, my name's Alice." she mumbled, an awkward chuckle following her introduction. "Sorry I was staring for a bit, it's just, I've never seen anything remotely like you before." the Luxray drooped her ears as she listened to her own words, mind quietly screaming at how...pathetic she sounded. She let out a little sigh, turning away to survey the rest of the group. "We should probably start searching for supplies once everyone's ready to go. There's bound to be something helpful in this place."

    [OOC: Sorry this is kinda late--spent the whole day packing and working things out. Kinda a rushed post, gomen. orz]

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:25 pm

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    Snowpoint City|Evening

    Adara noticed the darker wisp version of herself run down the hall, still intrigued by his odd transformation before realizing her own was rather remarkable, but when the happy white puppy version of her brother ran after him the Aiveon knew it would be fine. It was almost like watching herself and Kaiden, only in reverse! Smiling softly to the small Sneasel she allowed the girl to lead her to wherever 'big guy' was. While she knew now was not the time for such amusement she couldn't help but wonder exactly what kind of Pokemon this was likely to be. She just loved the tall ones.



    Raiden backed up a little at the aggressive tone but relaxed when he saw the sluggish slump of Strix's shoulders. The guy was pretty out of it and wounded no less, it was likely blood loss making him delirious. He made an attempt to help the guy back up properly but a sudden voice made him pause.
    "Hey! What are you doing?"
    The bloodied Manectric turned to find the small Sneasel from before staring at him accusingly, distrust written in her face. "I'm not trying to hurt him. I just wanted to try and help him back up." Strix groaned again before a throaty snarl formed the same sentence as before. "G-et...out!" He was stressing himself beyond repair and if his mood got any worse he was likely to push himself over the edge and there would be no bringing him back once the large male slipped into a coma.

    "Okay now, that's enough of that big guy," the small thistle colored female whispered, stepping up to the large Nidoking with a sweet smile. "You are gonna have to toughen up for us so that we can get you better. You don't want to make the poor little Sneasel girl cry do you? She's so worried about you..." Adara placed a gentle paw on Strix's leg and tried to find his eyes from under that ducked head. He looked pretty rough and had obviously taken some serious damage in whatever had befallen the warehouse before she got there. The sounds of Sylus and Dante reached her ears as one ranted about another new face while one greeted it but she pushed it back. She could make new friends later right now there was someone who needed help. Unfortunately it looked like he was starting to slip away from them and Adara thought frantically on how to keep him anchored in reality.

    "Hey...hey come on now! None of that! Come on big boy, just listen to my voice while the others try to find the medicine to help you..." Taking a deep breath the little Aiveon pulled up the first song she could think of that might help inspire the purple dino to stay awake.

    "Don't give up
    It's just the weight of the world
    When your heart's heavy
    I...I will lift it for you

    Don't give up
    Because you want to be heard
    If silence keeps you
    I...I will break it for you

    Everybody wants to be understood
    Well I can hear you
    Everybody wants to be loved
    Don't give up
    Because you are loved..."

    Raiden could feel his own heart breaking as he listened to the soft voice of the winged angel as she struggled to keep the Nidoking with them. His mind flooded with the poor Mightyena he had just buried and he struggled to keep the images from overwhelming him. Tears welled up in his eyes and for the first time since her death he didn't try to stop them, allowing them to instead to flow silently down his cheeks as he listened the song not even meant for him.

    ((Lyrics from Josh Groban's You are loved (Don't Give up), Adara and Kaiden know quite a variety of Josh Groban songs as their trainer often played music at night before sleep))

    Age : 28
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty (Well this one was a pain in the rear)

    Post by Catalyst Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:16 pm

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    | Snowpoint Warehouse // Evening |
    3 // 10


    Happily, the small dog skipped behind Rune and Adara, and they soon reached the wounded Strix. As she saw him, she remembered why she shouldn't be happy. The purple behemoth was whimpering in pain, and his wounds looked bad still. Her large, white ears dropped to the sides of her head, and jolted slightly at Rune's yell.

    "Hey! What are you doing?"

    "I'm not trying to hurt him. I just wanted to try and help him back up."


    Arianna sighed softly, feeling her heart ache at his pain. She wished she could do more to help.... Adara spoke up. Already, Adara was really motherly.... Arianna found herself attracted to her personality. She stepped up to the large creature, like it was nothing; no fear of this stranger.

    "Okay now, that's enough of that big guy, You are gonna have to toughen up for us so that we can get you better. You don't want to make the poor little Sneasel girl cry do you? She's so worried about you..."

    Softly, the small dog started to sing. Arianna's heart seemed to each and her muscles relaxed. It was comforting; something that she was never given as a small child.... She wished her mother had sang to her when she was scared.... Quietly, she sat, feeling the safety in the Aiveon's voice. When he finished singing, Arianna had barely noticed the tears clinging to her eyelashes. She didn't feel so bad anymore.... Standing up, she walked to Strix and looked at him. He still had scratches, but most of the major gashes were sealed.... "He probably will need some way to cover up the rest of the cuts. It's not safe to go around with injuries.... I've seen others turn into those creatures because of a cut. She tried to suppress the feeling of disgust as she imagined those mortifying zombies. "I heard they're going to get a med kit for him?.... I think we should go help too. I... don't like to see him in pain." No one liked to see others hurting. ... Well, some did. But she wasn't one of those pokemon. She may have been stating the blatantly obvious, but it was true. Glancing hopefully at both of them with her pout, but then glanced back down to the Nidoking, a few soft lyrics floating through her head. It was more of a prayer than a song.
    Just close your eyes.... You'll be alright....


    The shadowy canine looked to his side as a scarred up, pale Espeon walked up. His veins went frozen, and he looked away quickly as he was attacked with frigid, numbing memories. His mother's soft eyes bore into his from under his eyelids.
    Mom.... He glanced over to Houndusk, trying to block out the Espeons apology. Had she betrayed one of her team mates? It didn't matter now, he supposed, so long as they fix up their friend that was hurt. There was a suddenly loud scream at the knock on the door.


    "Another god damn Pokemon?!"

    "More Pokemon?"

    Catalyst felt his muscles ache. Obviously these people were bitter to newcomers. He tried to swallow his fear considering the fact that he hasn't been singularly yelled at.... The Luxray that just spoke managed to catch his eye, though. She seemed like the least exasperated out of the bunch. She caught his eye, and he tried not to stare at her, as to not come off as rude. As tenatively looked back, and her eyes seemed to be scanning over his features, and he could almost blush at her analyzing. What's she staring at? Do I look that odd?

    "Er, my name's Alice. Sorry I was staring for a bit, it's just, I've never seen anything remotely like you before."

    Oh, that was it. He seemed to smile a little inside. Was he really that interesting in appearance? "It's alright. I get that a lot." he managed a weak smile. The black dog really did not mind the fact he looked odd.... He kind of liked to stand out to others, in an odd way. She seemed to be a little more than upset. Before he could try to comfort her, she spoke again.

    "We should probably start searching for supplies once everyone's ready to go. There's bound to be something helpful in this place."

    Catalyst nodded, as he was now given something to do. "I'm ready to go at any time--" A yell cut off his sentence. It wasn't much a scare, but an attention grabber. Catalyst looked a distance off, seeing the injured, dying Nidoking. His ears flattened behind his head from the unwanted noises of distress he was making. He had already seen enough pokemon dying.... Another wouldn't be a burden as much as... it was memories. Catalyst tried to focus away from the bloody creature and tried to talk to Alice. "By the way, I'm Catalyst.... Nice to meet you, miss Alice...." He topped to collect something that could strike up a conversation, "S-So.... Have long have you guys been here? And um, where am I? I've never actually been away from.... Well, I come from Kanto, so.... But after my... old master took me on a boat ride, I've been in a few towns away from here and...." Shit, he was rambling in his attempts to keep his minds off of things. Embarrassed, he winced and his ears pinned to the back of his head. Cringing at his idiocy, he started to hear soft singing from the other odd pokemon of the group.

    This he couldn't take; it sounded too much like his mother. He fought the tears that tried to flood his eyes, but reguardless, he hummed along, faintly knowing the song. In his mind, he sat in a cage. And he heard Rosco listening to his music through the wall. In the pitch black closet, it didn't matter if his eyes were open or closed. He heard the stereo, and the music he used to play. Most of it was angry, and it had screaming, but... the times the softer, better music was played, something inside of him relaxed.... He felt the tears drip down the corners of his eyes, and he grumbled and turned away before someone saw him. Clearing his throat to stop his tears, he sat up and adjusted his sitting position. The song played through his head, and he felt Aya's muzzle gently carressing his face. Mom.... No. He needed to stop dwelling. Right now, he needed to stop. In a collective, but shaky sigh, he opened his eyes, which were wet from tears. "A-Anyway, yes, I think supplies would be a good thing to search for." He cleared his throat again.

    (OoC: Sorry this is so late I've been busy ;w;
    For reference, Catalyst does have wide taste in music, as his owner Rosco used to play the radio a lot, and listened to a lot on a wide variety. And I also made th most subtlest reference to a song ever. lol. Ari barely mentioned Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift at the end of her post. (Though I imagined her just saying it and not singing it pff.)
    Edit after 7 TRIES TO POST: for whatever goofy-ass reason, my post is flipping it's shit and is deleting half of it. >> It's also mixing up Alice's and Raiden's text color for whatever reason. I checked it three times and it's all right. Just know Raiden's text color is actually Alice. //sigh
    Edit after edit: Ok I FINALLY got it to work. Yaaay. ;w;)

    Last edited by Catalyst on Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life
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    Age : 31
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Storm Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:17 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse || Evening
    55 / 3
    Current Illusion: Houndoom

    Kide stood outside the door from some time, but no ones seemed to come. He heard some kind of shout shortly after he had knocked. As though he had just interrupted something that was important. Perhaps he should come back at a later time, though it didn’t take long after thinking that that someone answered the door.
    A Persian from the looks of it, and it didn’t seem that happy to see him. Was it because he was in the form of a Houndoom? Did it not like houndooms? The confused look wasn’t helping either. As though he could sense something that was there, but wasn’t.

    The sudden grin sort of made the Zorua take a small step back. The sudden laugh, what was so funny? Was his cover blown so soon? Can’t be blown this soon can it? He thought to himself, wondering if he should just end the illusion and show his true face, but he decided against it, he was going to keep this up as long as he can, until he was sure they would be trusted.

    "My- My apologies," the Persian said, waving his paw as to dismiss his sudden laugh from before. "It's been an awful day, you see. This is the first visitor we've had that isn't trying to eat us. You're not, are you? Of course you're not. Come in, come in. Let's get you out of the cold, eh?" Not really giving the Zorua the change to even speak, he offered to let the dark type in.
    "Thank you," he said, getting those two little words in before the persion could stop him again with more talk. Though if it was always like this then he would have to try and get used to it, he wasn’t in the mood to make enemies. They had enough enemies in the undead.

    Kide shook himself after entering the warehouse, the snow that clung to his pelt flying off and melting on contact with the floor. It was nice and warm inside the place, and the Zorua couldn’t help but smile at it. He took a look around, taking in the sights of the place, before resting his eyes on the rather large… Houndoom? Mutated Houndoom?
    The fuq is that?
    He though, though it wasn’t the only strange pokemon in the room. There was also a, smoky black thing, and fluffy white thing. They looked kinda like something an eevee would become, but he wasn’t too sure.
    I have found a strange group with pokemon I‘ve never seen before.
    I hope they don‘t try to kill me…

    Looking back to the mutated houndoom, which is what he will be calling it till he got a name. He guessed he was in charge. He just had that, alpha prowess, stature, whatever it was called. Kida had never been in a pack, he had been trainers pokemon since he was hatched.

    He didn’t know if he should say anything, he turned to the Persian who had let him in, then to the group. "Hello." Was all he could really manage to say at that moment, he had no idea what else he could say. He just hoped they didn’t see through his Houndoom illusion right away, he would show his true face, eventually.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:10 pm

    Post 80|| Post 6

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| Dusk

    Dante's face remained stern as Hera's face fell with his words. He stood, silently confused at her reaction. Her stare was glazed, her body would have been limp had she not needed to keep herself on her feet. What had he said? He was giving her a second chance-- what was wrong? But before he could try and extract any new information, the battered espeon quietly acquiesced. "Of course... Dante." Her emotionless tone sent his fur on edge, a strange pull on his gut. Something was wrong... But what she said next truly caught him off guard.

    "...T- Take care of them Dante. I always did look up to you the most and... a-and I am sorry." As she gave him an empty void of a smile, the houndusk took one step back, unsure of what to say. She was leaving? Why? Did she think that she'd somehow snap again-- truly put one of them in danger again? It was highly possible... but something told him that it wasn't it. That somehow, his words had been the final gash on her, and he wasn't even sure how. He'd given her a second chance, against his better judgement. He'd offered... and it looked like she was just refusing. As he stood, his fanged, masked maw slightly agape, he watched her slowly leave their conversation, making her way toward the door.  "Good bye."

    He didn't move. His eyes followed her thin scarred form as she moved toward the door, eventually slipping past Sylus and whatever pokemon had knocked. So. That was it, then. Anger bubbled at the back of his mind, his mind's fangs gnawing at his reason. How could she just leave them, after all they'd been through? Abandon them, the people she'd so vehemently called friends and even lovers? How could she push his very generous offer straight back at him, insulting him like that? Did she not appreciate the fact that he was trying to repay her for everything she'd suffered at his own paws? And now, with her leaving so... abruptly, so silently... now, it looked like there was no way he'd every be able to repay that debt. How dare she take that from him-- how dare she take the chance for Strix to properly confront her! Instead of owning to her own mistakes, to facing the pokemon she'd wronged the most, what did she do? Leave. Fucking leave. She'd betrayed them by not only nearly killing Strix, but by abandoning them in a dire time of need. Everyone was on their last legs, and she just... left.


    His fury staggered a moment as the hound truly realized that yet again, another part of his pack was gone. She may as well have signed her own death wish, going back out into the unforgiving wasteland the city had proven to be. He'd considered her an ally, a friend as well... and while his feelings hadn't grown so quickly like Strix's seemed to have, he had enjoyed Hera's company. Her soft, timid nature had brought something to his pack, their pack... and seeing it gone... knowing that she was now somewhat their enemy, and knowing that now, maybe with the exception of Alice,  he was likely the only pokemon there that would actually miss her... A suffocating, hard lump formed in his throat, but his eyes did not yet leave the spot where he could still barely see pink amidst the purples and oranges of the setting sun. He knew that there was little chance he'd ever see her again alive... and watching her melt into the sunset's pallet of colors, he also knew that this would actually be goodbye.

    His stoic expression did nothing to betray the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions whirling within him, until after what seemed hours, he heaved a heavy sigh and turned his eyes away from the door, not even paying a greeting to the newcomer, who seemed to be one of his own species. Not quite ready to even look at another new pokemon, he simply turned toward Alice and the black wispy-eevee thing. Looking to the luxray a moment, his expression nearly unreadable, he seemed about to say something when it left him, rendering him silent still. After a moment, he cleared his throat and shook his head, regaining his thoughts after having them scattered so.

    "Uh.." he began softly, then cleared his throat once more. Stupid lump was stubborn... "I'm... I'm going to see how Strix is. We're... probably going to have to go out to the other warehouses or the city even to find more medicine. The absol that gave me that med kit said it'd been from the city... so... yeah." He moved past her and one of the new ones to walk down the hallway that lead to where he'd dropped Strix. While he wanted to move quicker, his legs seemed a little stiff. Fatigue must be catching up... he growled to himself, more than eager to get his mind off of recent events.

    Upon reaching the others, he hadn't even realized there had been singing. Staring, blinking, he watched as the fluffy one finished her song, the others quietly listening. Strix still seemed a bit frantic, though, and Dante knew that he hadn't gotten any of the news that they now weren't under attack. Pushing his large, bone-armored frame to the front, Dante made sure Strix saw and heard him. "Strix," he began in his normal, commanding tone, "Lay off the gas. The hound-- the one that was attacking us, she's gone, all right? Lay the fuck back down. You're only making it worse, asshole." He left out the fact that Hera had gone, not wanting to give Strix any more reason to flail and move. But hopefully, with the colorful language, Strix would be more inclined to obey.

    He looked to the others, gathering himself back up. He had to lead. He had responsibility. He couldn't walk out, couldn't turn away... It just wasn't as simple for him than others, it seemed. He'd missed most of what had been said between everyone, but whatever. He had a job to do. "All right, guys. We're going to separate into two factions. I'll be leading one of the search parties-- we're to find more medicine. The other will be led by Alice, the luxray in the other room." He looked to the bloody manectric, and while he wasn't completely ecstatic about leaving the morose canid with Strix, he needed all the manpower he could get to quickly find medicine. Raiden, you'll stay here with Strix to make sure he stays down, and also to keep guard of the warehouse in case something else fucking happens." The latter part of his sentence was directed completely at the bloodied nidoking in question, fully aware of the fact that Strix's stubbornness rivaled his own. "Howl if something's wrong and you need us back; just remember that you'll grab others' ears too."

    He then turned to the others, motioning them to follow him as he made his way back to the main part of the building, quickly making lists of who the two teams would be. He wanted Sylus with him, so he could keep an eye on the slinking, grinning villain. But as he counted off the pokemon, he may not have that choice... Once he entered the larger room, Alice and Wisps still there with Sylus and the new houndoom speaking further away, Dante gave a small bark to attract everyone's attention. "All right, folks... This is what's happening."


    Sylus, on the other hand, had been preoccupied with settling in the newcomer Illusion fox. While he still wasn't certain to which evolutionary stage his new friend was at, it really didn't matter. Either form would bring all too much entertainment to the team, this little soap opera that had so graciously laid itself out before the persian. Content to simply watch events unfold rather than guide them himself, Sylus was happy to play a mindless pawn in the "pack"'s daily routine. It seemed Fate had a much crueler destination for these pokemon than he could ever imagine.

    Upon entering the warehouse, Sylus could see that the "houndoom" was at least grateful. He offered a quiet "hello" to Dante and Hera, who seemed to be having quite the grave conversation. Sylus felt it a missed opportunity that he hadn't been present for it, but it seemed too late to pounce on the juicy details. Hera turned, walking past them into the snow beyond. Well... he thought to himself, his face falling into a confused frown as he watched her leave, that's... odd. He turned to Dante, to try and glean some sort of hint as to what had just happened, but found nothing of use; the hound's stoic stare merely told Sylus that the little timid espeon was likely gone for good. Very odd, indeed. It was unlike Dante to banish one of his own. A voluntary exile? Even more strange... But then again, the espeon seemed the martyr type...

    His eyes popped wide as he realized what a bad host he was already proving to be. Turning back to the "houndoom", he gave a small, mirthless laugh to break the tense mood. "Ah... when I said we were having a bad time of it, I wasn't lying. But enough of that-- past relations and politics have nothing to do with you." He glanced back to only see their fearless leader going off in another direction, likely to see how his purple sentry was doing. "Forgive their bad manners. They don't mean it."

    He cleared his throat and held his head higher, his expression still pleased. "I am Sylus, dear boy, and while I haven't been a part of this group for long, I do have a long-standing relationship with the leader, Dante. He was the large fellow with the bones. The others I'm sure would be more than happy to supply their names. But enough of that-- who are you, eh? And..." His eyes glinted a little, a mischief lighting them gleefully. "...why hide yourself? It's so deceitful to mask yourself when you first meet an entirely new group of pokemon. In this day and age... honesty is a dear, priceless luxury." He chuckled, enjoying the moment of power he held against the other. "Oh, but don't worry-- I won't tell."

    Just as Sylus put a sly paw against his lips gesturing his promise of secrecy, Dante reemerged, a near battalion of pokemon behind him. "All right, folks... This is what's happening," the hound began, looking over the others with a scrutinous eye.

    "We're separating into two search groups. Group A will be Wisps, Really-New-Guy, Sylus and Alice as the lead. You'll be searching the neighboring warehouses for any supplies you can find. Rations, medicine, clean water, whatever. Medicine is top priority for Strix, but we're low on everything else and everyone needs them to recoup. Anything useful will need to be brought back. The rest of you-- Fluffy, Growlithe, Sneasel and I will be going further out into the city. Raiden's staying here, to keep an eye on Strix. Listen for his howl-- he'll do so when he needs help." Dante looked everyone over and gave a curt sigh. "Any questions?"


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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:05 am

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    Warehouse || Evening || 68|27

    "Okay now, that's enough of that big guy…toughen up for us so that we can...want to make the poor...She's so worried about you…"
    Strix groaned, opening one eye underneath the heavily bloodied lids as the small fox drew closer.
    “No….leave…” He choked out, his heavy claw uselessly attempting to push the cloud creature away as his vision began to fade. “...G-o!”
    The Nidokings’ voice was broken and desperate, his face twisted in pain underneath all the blood and grime. The severity of his features remained, even as he fell into darkness. The pain began to lessen, his mind beginning to wander further into the void.
    Hera...Hera, why…
    Why Hera...Why did you  leave me in the dark…let me fall...
    ...I gave you all I was…gave you everything...and this...is how you repay me...
    ...You betrayed me...I would have followed you anywhere...I would have been by your side…anywhere you went…


    "...Hey...hey come on now! None of that! Come on big boy, just listen to my voice while the others try to find the medicine to help you..." A sudden jolt went through the Nidokings’ body, his mind suddenly snapping back. The Nidoking cried weakly, his vision black as the soft voice continued, a beautiful melody floating up into the echoing silence.

    "Don't give up
    It's just the weight of the world
    When your heart's heavy
    I...I will lift it for you

    Don't give up
    Because you want to be heard
    If silence keeps you
    I...I will break it for you

    Everybody wants to be understood
    Well I can hear you
    Everybody wants to be loved
    Don't give up
    Because you are loved..."

    Strix stilled, his breath coming in deep, wet wheezes as he rolled over with a gutteral cry, the large spines tearing into the fabric beneath him as he sat up. Each breath felt like a knife in the chest, twisted with a vicious malice, a ruthless reminder. The gentle voice next to him only amplified the pain in his chest as he struggled to listen.

    Because you are loved…
    No, I'm not...
    Don't give up…
    I don’t want to hurt anymore...
    Because you are loved….
    ...Hera…I tried so hard…why...?

    Tears streamed down his face, his dark eye never leaving the small fox as he fought to clear his vision. Clenching his large jaws, the large beast focused all of his energy. His large claw raised slowly, trembling as it fell on the petite creatures’ shoulder.
    “...P-lease…” He whispered, his voice swallowed by the blood pouring from his throat. His eyes pleaded with her with a frantic fear.
    "Strix, lay off the gas. The hound-- the one that was attacking us, she's gone, all right? Lay the fuck back down. You're only making it worse, asshole."
    The purple beast stared hard at the large canine, his head rolling back in a haze of pain as he struggled to register Dantes’ words.

    With his last shred of consciousness, the Nidoking groaned and rolled to his side in resignation, his focus on each slow, pain-saturated breath.


    "You are gonna have to toughen up for us so that we can get you better. You don't want to make the poor little Sneasel girl cry do you? She's so worried about you..."

    Runes’ concerned gaze flickered, her eyes widening in surprise as the cloud Eevee mentioned her to the large beast in trying to keep him conscious. Her large ear flattened against her head, her thoughts forcing a painful knot in her throat as the fox began to sing.
    All this is so wrong...It’s all wrong…
    Why did this have to happen?!
    I could have done more…
    I should have said something different...maybe they all wouldn’t have gone crazy if…
    Now he might die because of me…

    Her soft features hardened in pained determination, swallowing hard as the pretty tune came to an end. The dark weasel drew closer and sat next to the fallen beast as everyone fell silent, her elongated claws placed hesitantly in his much larger paw.

    "He probably will need some way to cover up the rest of the cuts. It's not safe to go around with injuries.... I've seen others turn into those creatures because of a cut."

    Rune nodded unobtrusively, turning her attention to the others.
    "All right, guys. We're going to separate into two factions. I'll be leading one of the search parties-- we're to find more medicine. The other will be led by Alice, the luxray in the other room. Raiden, you'll stay here with Strix to make sure he stays down, and also to keep guard of the warehouse in case something else fucking happens. Howl if something's wrong and you need us back; just remember that you'll grab others' ears too."
    Rune got to her feet, anxiously glancing back at the electric canine before following the retreating group.

    "We're separating into two search groups. Group A will be Wisps, Really-New-Guy, Sylus and Alice as the lead. You'll be searching the neighboring warehouses for any supplies you can find. Rations, medicine, clean water, whatever. Medicine is top priority for Strix, but we're low on everything else and everyone needs them to recoup. Anything useful will need to be brought back. The rest of you-- Fluffy, Growlithe, Sneasel and I will be going further out into the city. Raiden's staying here, to keep an eye on Strix. Listen for his howl-- he'll do so when he needs help." Dante looked everyone over and gave a curt sigh. "Any questions?"

    The Sneasel nodded with a flick of her claw, padding forward from the back of the group. “Uh...yeah. Just to give the heads up, the Mart is overrun...a lot of uh...Sneasel clans…” she trailed off, clicking her claws together uneasily. “I’ve been here for awhile...the settlements are full of them- I couldn’t get in when I tried for food- almost got killed in the process.” She finished, grumbling as she stepped back a few steps from the alpha canine.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 25
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Min Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:50 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| |Evening
    63| |4

        "It's alright. I get that a lot. By the way, I'm Catalyst.... Nice to meet you, miss Alice...." she chuckled at his response, dipping her head and looking back up with what she could manage of a friendly smile. Behind her bright golden eyes, however, a weary emotion still lingered, barely noticeable by the way she held herself--a slight slouch and dull movements. If anything, the events of the day had made her want to simply curl up for a peaceful night. She was sure her dreams would offer much more solace than the waking world, Strix's cries of pain making her legs stiffen in fear. "S-So.... Have long have you guys been here? And um, where am I? I've never actually been away from.... Well, I come from Kanto, so.... But after my... old master took me on a boat ride, I've been in a few towns away from here and...."
        Alice had been glad the newcomer asked, the question quickly dragging her mind away from her wounded companion. "...To be honest, it almost feels like we've been here for months," she laughed, recalling how much they had all went through. "This is Snowpoint, or rather, one of the warehouses of Snowpoint City. We're in Sinnoh, which is pretty well known for being colder than a Cryogonal's soul." the Luxray joked.

        "Good bye."

        The soft voice made Alice immediately turn, an immense fear evident in her expression as she watched a flash of pink make her way out of the door. Almost instantly the Luxray could feel her chest heave, her mind screaming in protest as she subconsciously extended her claws and dug them into the ground beneath her in a physical attempt to stop the spinning in her brain. Where is Hera going? Why did she say goodbye? Is she abandoning us? Don't let her leave go after her--tell her to come back and or Arceus why isn't Dante doing anything and-- She felt a single paw take a short step forward, teeth grinding violently within her jaws as she anxiously stood, frozen as the Espeon left the warehouse and into a vast expanse of white. Don't just stand there, you have to go after her, you have to help her, you're her friend, aren't you? She means so much to you, so why are you just letting her leave you?
        "A-Anyway, yes, I think supplies would be a good thing to search for." she only replied with a mechanical nod, barely noticing the fading tears of the Phanteon. Her own eyes began to water, breaths shaky and nervous. She could feel her lungs constricting, tight knots tied into her guts, and needles pricking every part of her body. Her eyes darted frantically between the Houndusk and the door, a futile attempt of trying to decide whether she should go after the Espeon.
        Dante, however, seemed to be more concerned with the task at hand. "All right, folks... This is what's happening," she looked the male over, wondering just what he had said to her friend. Surely Hera wouldn't just...abandon them? "We're separating into two search groups. Group A will be Wisps, Really-New-Guy, Sylus and Alice as the lead. You'll be searching the neighboring warehouses for any supplies you can find. Rations, medicine, clean water, whatever. Medicine is top priority for Strix, but we're low on everything else and everyone needs them to recoup. Anything useful will need to be brought back."
        That was all Alice needed to hear, already heading for the door in rough motions. Although she wasn't all too happy about being stuck with a bunch of strangers, she was glad that her job as a scavenger at least included going outside. Desperately, she clung onto the hope that she would be able to discover her psychic friend while heading for the other Warehouses, after all, she couldn't have gotten too far, could she? She nodded to the fire-type, managing to mask her pain and turmoil behind a false smile and determined disguise. "Alrighty. We'll do our best." She spared her team-mates quick glances; Catalyst, Sylus, and...a Houndoom she had no idea who's name was, but it wasn't long before he'd publicly introduce himself. "You three ready to head out?"

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:37 pm

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    Snowpoint City|Dusk

    Raiden listened to the soft words of the fluffy female as she tried to keep Strix in the realm of the living the only way she knew how. He did seem to perk up at the sound of the sweet voice but when his body slumped even lower even Raiden could recognize defeat. It was the very same battle he was waging within himself at that very moment. As the cloud creature finished the Manectric found himself rising to attention as Dante began the effort to rebuild the shattered group.

    "All right, guys. We're going to separate into two factions. I'll be leading one of the search parties-- we're to find more medicine. The other will be led by Alice, the luxray in the other room." The larger fire hound’s eye met his and the former gym Pokemon recognized an order before it ever even left the skull-armored muzzle. Raiden, you'll stay here with Strix to make sure he stays down, and also to keep guard of the warehouse in case something else fucking happens."  He nodded dutifully before stepping to Strix’s side once more, eying the fallen dino regretfully.

    "Howl if something's wrong and you need us back; just remember that you'll grab others' ears too."
    “Of course…”
    And then it was like he didn’t exist anymore as the hellhound began giving the others their orders.

    "All right, folks... This is what's happening,"

    Adara trailed off in her song and allowed her paw to slip slowly from the Nidoking’s leg as she turned to look at the Houndoom-thing when he spoke, Dante if she recalled. "We're separating into two search groups. Group A will be Wisps, Really-New-Guy, Sylus and Alice as the lead. You'll be searching the neighboring warehouses for any supplies you can find. Rations, medicine, clean water, whatever. Medicine is top priority for Strix, but we're low on everything else and everyone needs them to recoup. Anything useful will need to be brought back. The rest of you-- Fluffy, Growlithe, Sneasel and I will be going further out into the city. Raiden's staying here, to keep an eye on Strix. Listen for his howl-- he'll do so when he needs help." She had to stifle a giggle as her childhood nickname came spilling forth and for a brief moment she looked around, wondering just who was the fluffiest of them all. There was actually some competition this time.

    "Any questions?"
    “Just one!” Adara chimed happily. “Am I Fluffy? Because that was completely my nickname my whole life!” She really wanted to know.
    Her eyes drifted to the second Houndoom to arrive and for one moment she was excited to see another fire type like Kaiden but when the distinct smoke and ash smell that accompanied the typing appeared missing the Eevee’s smile faultered. Stepping up to the other hound she sniffed around him cautiously before sitting back on her haunches and giving a broad grin. “You smell funny!” she announced gleefully. “Not like fire at all. My twin brother is an Arcanine so I know the smell reeeealllly well. You smell like….Mastema.” She wanted to know before they all split ways or it would bug her for the rest of the day.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Storm Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:39 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Snowpoint Warehouse || Evening
    56 / 4
    Current Illusion: Houndoom

    Things seemed rather depressing here, everyone almost looked on edge and hardly seemed to notice the new Houndoom, even though a Houndoom wasn’t what he really was. "Ah... when I said we were having a bad time of it, I wasn't lying. But enough of that-- past relations and politics have nothing to do with you." Kide turned to look at the feline as it spoke. Though he would have liked to know why everyone was in such a bad state, he decided to leave it, had nothing to do with him.
    "It‘s fine." Kide said as he looked around again, at all the new faces and such.
    "I am Sylus, dear boy, and while I haven't been a part of this group for long, I do have a long-standing relationship with the leader, Dante. He was the large fellow with the bones. The others I'm sure would be more than happy to supply their names. But enough of that-- who are you, eh? And..." The cats eyes glinted a little, a mischief lighting them gleefully. "...why hide yourself? It's so deceitful to mask yourself when you first meet an entirely new group of pokemon. In this day and age... honesty is a dear, priceless luxury."
    Kide couldn’t help but have a somewhat surprised look on his face.
    How did he!?
    Found out so soon? Guess his transformation wasn’t as perfect as he thought if this cat was able to figure it out rather easily, though maybe it was his scent? Maybe, he really didn‘t smell all to like a fire type after all, should have chosen a better pokemon to mask as. "I‘m Kide." He started, eyeing the feline from ear to tail. “And I have my reasons for hiding myself. But don’t worry, I’ll show my true face soon enough.” He said, a slightly mischievous smile streaking across his houndoom muzzle before it soon faded.
    "Oh, but don't worry-- I won't tell." Sylus added, placing his paw to his mouth in a way of saying your secret is safe or something. Kide just nodded in response.

    The Zorua perked his ears when the bony guy, Dante, came back with others. "All right, folks... This is what's happening," he started, Kide turning to face his newfound leader he supposed, that’s if he would ever be accepted into the group. Perhaps he should disband his illusion. The cat had a point, why hide when your meeting an entirely new group of pokemon. He would show them his true face later, seemed the large hound had something important to say.
    "We're separating into two search groups. Group A will be Wisps, Really-New-Guy, Sylus and Alice as the lead. You'll be searching the neighbouring warehouses for any supplies you can find. Rations, medicine, clean water, whatever. Medicine is top priority for Strix, but we're low on everything else and everyone needs them to recoup. Anything useful will need to be brought back. The rest of you-- Fluffy, Growlithe, Sneasel and I will be going further out into the city. Raiden's staying here, to keep an eye on Strix. Listen for his howl-- he'll do so when he needs help. Any questions?"
    Kide figured he was really-new-guy, though seeing as only Sylus knew his name at said time, made sense. He hadn’t been here for very long and already he was being placed in a group to find supplies, which meant going back out into the cold. Maybe now would be a good time to show his real face, after all, if there trusting him with something important the least he could do was tell the truth of what he was.

    Kide was about to break his illusion when a very fluffy something ran up to him. “You smell funny!” It announced gleefully. “Not like fire at all. My twin brother is an Arcanine so I know the smell reeeealllly well. You smell like…. Mastema.” Kide raised a brow at this, how was this pokemons twin an Arcanine. Unless this was some new form of Growlithe he doubted the two where really related, unless they shared different mothers but even then.
    He let out a sigh. “I don’t know who Mastema is, but I’m Kide, and, I’m not really a Houndoom.” He stated, puffing out his chest as he released his illusion, revealing the small and furry form of a Zorua. “That’s why I smell funny.” He said with a smile to the thing with the winged tails. “Sorry for, hiding myself, I just wanted to know if you could be trusted. I hope you can forgive him.” He said, his attention now to the group leader, Dante. Would he forgive him? Or would he be angry with him for hiding his true face?
    Wouldn’t blaim him if he kicked me out back into the cold.
    He though to himself, a slightly nervous look in his cyan eyes.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:11 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    | Snowpoint Warehouse // Evening |
    4 //11

    She looked to her feet, trying to get the memories out of her head. No.... She can't worry about that anymore.... Looking to Strix, she tried to pep herself further. She had to defend the living, not the ones who lived before.

    "We're separating into two search groups. Group A will be Wisps, Really-New-Guy, Sylus and Alice as the lead. You'll be searching the neighboring warehouses for any supplies you can find. Rations, medicine, clean water, whatever. Medicine is top priority for Strix, but we're low on everything else and everyone needs them to recoup. Anything useful will need to be brought back. The rest of you-- Fluffy, Growlithe, Sneasel and I will be going further out into the city. Raiden's staying here, to keep an eye on Strix. Listen for his howl-- he'll do so when he needs help. Any questions?"

    Her eyes widened at the realization that she could help someone. Smiling to herself, she looked up at Dante, who just addressed her. Silently nodding, she stood up. It looked like she was with her two newest acquaintences.

    “Uh...yeah. Just to give the heads up, the Mart is overrun...a lot of uh...Sneasel clans… I’ve been here for awhile...the settlements are full of them- I couldn’t get in when I tried for food- almost got killed in the process.”

    Well, that's not an option now. Arianna released a soft sigh, hopelessness beginning to seep into her again. But it almost seemed to lighten again as Adara chirped happily.

    "Just one! Am I Fluffy? Because that was completely my nickname my whole life!”

    It gave her enough happiness to shrug off the sadness. Her paws came off the ground in a hop, and she looked at Rune. "It's alright, I bet there's more places than just the Poke-Mart." she said in a cheerful but quiet tone.


    "Of course... Dante. ... ...T- Take care of them Dante. I always did look up to you the most and... a-and I am sorry."

    Catalyst's throat constricted again, his attention going back to the Espeon. This was way... too much.... He looked to the duo, and saw a white Espeon turn away from Dante. No... I must be hallucinating.... As he blinked, she turned back to violet. God, I must be crazy.... She seemed to stop, taking a glance at him. As her eyes met his, he had to turn away. Tears rolled down his face, dampening his black fur. His mothers image burned into his vision, even under his eyelids.

    A trail of red seeped to his paws, and a wet slop was heard as a body was slammed to the ground. He held in a noise of surprise as he felt blood splatter on his face. He barely managed to look up, fear making him tense. Alpha stood, above a light-pink heap in the center of the red. The Eevee's heart stopped for what seemed like hours.

    Why.... Why didn't he stop him.... He was the only one who could have stopped him.... Why was he so weak.... He was the guilty one.... Now she's dead.... Dead.... Shizu.... Mom....

    "This is what sentiment does! It is for the weak! And weakness must be purged! ... You worthless cunt, trying to save your pathetic son. You lowly female. Finally, you got what you deserved. Mothered my children and that's all you're good for." He turned, facing the others in the pack. His face was brutally scarred.
    "Anyone else?! Anyone else dare defy ME?!"
    The Eevee's ears pressed against his head. It burned... all of him burned.... Dryly, he opened his mouth, his jaw hung. His mother's lifeless eyes stared at him... as if to say-

    "Good bye."

    His legs buckled. Air floated around him abundantly, though it couldn't find it's way to his lungs. For long minutes he held his breath, trying to fight it off. Be a man.... Be a man.... You're a strong man.... He didn't express his extreme distraught on his face, only by the rivers dripping off of his muzzle. The sorrowful song from outside started, assailing his ears. Looking down at his paws, he saw the surprisingly large tear puddles.

    Softly, she sang, her rose fur warm against his ashen pelt. He still remembered his fathers words that day.... But they seemed to hurt less because of her voice.... Her songs would end and her reassurance would come.
    "It's ok, Rei.... It'll get better, honey. It's not your fault.... You're  good boy."
    But it wasn't enough to mend.... It wasn't enough to fix his wounds.... He would push back, tell her no about a million times with tears in his eyes.
    "No.... No it's not.... I'm not a good boy...."
    "... Fine."

    It echoed in his head.... ... Why wasn't he nicer.... Why wasn't he nicer to her.... Can't take it back, now....

    Catalyst felt his breath seep out, even if his lungs ached from oxygen deprivation. Finally, there was the screeching of undead, and it was silent.
    The silence was frightening....
    ... Alone....
    ... Blank....

    "We're separating into two search groups. Group A will be Wisps, Really-New-Guy, Sylus and Alice as the lead. You'll be searching the neighboring warehouses for any supplies you can find. Rations, medicine, clean water, whatever. Medicine is top priority for Strix, but we're low on everything else and everyone needs them to recoup. Anything useful will need to be brought back. The rest of you-- Fluffy, Growlithe, Sneasel and I will be going further out into the city. Raiden's staying here, to keep an eye on Strix. Listen for his howl-- he'll do so when he needs help. Any questions?"

    "Alrighty. We'll do our best. You three ready to head out?"

    His blue eyes seemed to barely move from where they locked onto. After a long moment, Catalyst simply stood up. He figured the other two would group around them. All he had to do was... try to pay attention.


    (OoC: Sil let me post before her, so thank you, Sil! <3 Although, I am sorry this took so long. Shit came up and actually gave me good motivation for this post. lol. (After it got deleted once, gfdi.) But yeah, thanks Sil~ By the way, italics are memories. lol
    (P.S.; Sorry, his dad can be a biiit misogynist. ^^;)

    Last edited by Catalyst on Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:50 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 37
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:54 am

    Skip please.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 25
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Min Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:56 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| |Evening
    64| |5

        “Am I Fluffy? Because that was completely my nickname my whole life!” Alice cracked a smile at the Aiveon's question, the flying-type's joyous energy beginning to rub off on the lioness. It was nice having someone so cheerful around, that was for sure. “You smell funny!” the fox seemed to now be preoccupied with the newcomer, one of the members of her group. Curious about the eeveelution's comment, she took a few tentative steps closer, mouth open to catch the Houndoom's scent. “Not like fire at all. My twin brother is an Arcanine so I know the smell reeeealllly well. You smell like….Mastema.”
        Despite not knowing what a Mastema was and wondering how in the world the...butt-winged cloud thing had an Arcanine of all Pokemon as her twin brother, Adara was right about the canine's scent. Not a trace of ash or smoke, or even a whiff of charred wood. For a fire-type, he didn't smell fire-y at all. In fact, he smelled a little...dark. It reminded her faintly of a fog-bound night, with dark woods and a full moon overhead. “I don’t know who Mastema is, but I’m Kide, and, I’m not really a Houndoom.” When the illusionist dispelled his disguise, the Luxray's fur immediately shot up, staring at the Zorua in a mixture of surprise and fear as she still vividly recalled the Zoroark they had encountered. She stumbled to suppress her hiss, not wanting to be rude to the newcomer but anxiety still reflected in her eyes. “That’s why I smell funny. Sorry for, hiding myself, I just wanted to know if you could be trusted. I hope you can forgive him.”
        Fair enough. She thought, slowly calming her nerves down before giving Dante a tentative glance. She stumbled back towards the entrance, looking to Catalyst and Sylus before peeking at the white landscape outside. Bringing her attention back to the Zorua, she mumbled, "We should probably start searching...we don't have all day, after all."

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:02 am

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    Snowpoint City|Dusk
    (R-21/A-40)(skipping Raiden this round)

    Adara smiled as the telltale shimmer of Illusion faded away, the Houndoom melting to reveal a sleek-coated Zorua standing before her instead. He offered his apologies as her smile widened broadly, the small cloud creature practically buzzing with excitement. "You are like Mastema! He was my brother's boyfriend, then they got in a fight and we didn't see him for a while, then we ran into him yesterday and I knew it was him because I remembered his scent but that's why you smell like him! He's a Zoroark and you're a smaller version of one! Oh how exciting!" The Aiveon was spinning in circles after her long slur of words, mostly uttered in a rush using barely more than one breath to complete, utterly happy to see another species she recognized that brought such happy memories. "I should probably run over to the boss man Dante now, but I wanna talk to you some more later okay Kide? Don't get dead!" Adara turned in a whirl before taking off to follow Dante, pausing by Strix's prone form to offer a gentle paw on his leg in reassurance, and easily caught up to him and the other two females.

    "Sooooo...." she drawled out as she slowed to a trot at the fire hound's side, voice getting more serious as the time for fun was obviously over. "Where should we start? Have you explored much of the city yet?" The tiny fox was eager to get underway, not really willing to leave the large guy they left behind to suffer any more than he already had. "The sooner we fix Mr. Strix the sooner I can find the lake and my brother again. He's probably looking for me again..." Her voice trailed off as her thoughts turned to the last time she saw her brother. Snatched from her perch upon his head by those awful birds, his cry of fear as she was taken higher and further away from his warmth and affection, falling... the tiny female shuddered as she remembered her imminent death. But then suddenly she was flying, just like those birds. Adara still didn't quite know how she did that but it had gotten her here safely so she wasn't going to question it. Reaching up with one paw she went to stroke her Everston earring for comfort but paused when she swatted empty air.

    "Hey! Where's my earring? Pappa's earring! My Everstone! I can't become an Espeon I can't! And heaven forbid an Umbreon! Oh no...this is terrible! I don't want to be one of them..." She sniffled sadly and ceased following her little group, mortified at the thought of continuing would pit her in a battle that would drive from her forever the chance to become a Flareon. Fire...like her brother. She had always wanted that. Now without her earring she was at risk of never seeing that dream come true.

    ((In case it isn't obvious, lol, Adara has nooooo idea she evolved. She is very smart but misses the obvious quite often XD))

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Storm Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:06 pm

    (( Please skip, unable to post right now. ))

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:16 pm

    [[Prepare yourselves, guys, this is gonna ttake a while. o.o]]

    Post 81|| Post 7

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| Dusk

    “Uh...yeah. Just to give the heads up, the Mart is overrun...a lot of uh...Sneasel clans…” the sneasel warned, nervous of her own words. Dante's gaze went to her, listening intently. “I’ve been here for awhile...the settlements are full of them- I couldn’t get in when I tried for food- almost got killed in the process.”

    “Just one!” Fluffy cried out much too happily. “Am I Fluffy? Because that was completely my nickname my whole life!”

    I can see why... "All right," was his swift reply, "you can show us the route to avoid, Sneasel. Daylight's wasting. And yeah, that's you. I suck at names." Seeing Alice already take lead of her own small group assured him to get a move on, as they didn't have much time to enjoy the scenery. Without waiting for any other words or wasting his own air, he turned toward the door in a surprisingly energetic trot. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

    Gently headbutting the weary doors apart, Dante took his first steps back into the snow and paused. Hera had just gone this way, not an hour ago. But already, the world had erased her very existence. No footprints, no scent... nothing. She was already a ghost, a forgotten thought dissipated into the white blanket that had consumed everything else around them. Taking in a deep breath, the crisp air brought some solace to his frayed, frantic mind. Now was not the time to mourn her. He had important shit to tend to, people to protect. He couldn't let another failure distract him.

    A flurry of pawfalls caused him to turn, anticipating some sort of attack when he saw the winged fluff thing barreling full speed toward him, the sight only procuring a sigh. "Sooooo...." she began, her voice trailing as her speed fell, falling in line with him. He began walking once everyone was present, eager to get what they needed back to Strix. "Where should we start? Have you explored much of the city yet?" 

    "...Not yet. What I have seen was in the middle of a blizzard. I don't remember much," was his soft, worn reply, his eyes focused on the path ahead. "The sooner we fix Mr. Strix the sooner I can find the lake and my brother again. He's probably looking for me again..." Fluffy continued, her voice droning on meaninglessly in his head. His pace increased to a determined trot once more. The city wasn't far at all, and so he quickened his pace to match his pacing mind. The orange light would only last so long. He needed to get there before dark... needed to...


    A strange sturdiness beneath his foot, like a weird icy rock beneath the cushion of snow. Pausing, his heart began to pound as his eyes fell to his paws and found red. 

    Oh, Legends... no...

    He glanced back, seeing the gap he'd made between him and the others, a noticeable distance. Fluffy was screaming about some lost earring and not wanting to evolve into an espeon or some shit, but it didn't matter to him. She'd figure out that she wasn't an eevee soon enough; at least, she wasn't any eevee he'd ever seen. But the distance between him and the others was long enough to inspect and truly bury whatever was beneath him. However, the awful, nauseating knot in his empty gut was enough to tell him what he thought he was standing on. "Stay back," he called casually, hoping to hide the fear and anxiety that was creeping up from his gut and into his throat. 

    A gentle few sweeps of his paw was enough to uncover the thing under trod to reveal his worst fear. Stained purple fur, already stiff with ice, her innards had already frozen solid, creating a macabre crimson ice pool keeping her legs and middle solidly stable. Her mouth was frozen in a silent scream, eternalizing the horrible pain she must have felt, right until the very end. 

    Dante stared down hard at her corpse, the ugly product of her stupid choice frozen forever beneath him. He knew that this would have been the only possible outcome, that there was no way she could have made it on her own. But seeing it, seeing her iced corpse already under inches of snow was another knife to his chest. His eyes fell as his paws began covering her back up, the lengthening shadows a gentle yet urgent reminder that he didn't have the luxury of mourning still. She would have no marker, no way of identifying her final resting place among the other thousands of fallen blanketed by the white oblivion. 

    Clearing his throat, once she was properly covered, he trotted away from it, walked toward the city once more. He stopped a few yards further, collecting himself and his strength to continue. He was so exhausted and weak from the day's struggles, but there was no way he could quit now. Too much rested on his shoulders. "Sneasel, come here," he called as quietly as he could. eyes fixated on the almost hidden city ruins. Once he knew the little weasel pokemon was beside him, he muttered, "So how do you suggest doing this quietly, quickly and in a way where we can all make it out in one piece?"


    Sylus was a little put out when not only was Dante leaving right when the little zorua revealed himself as a sham Houndoom, but no one else seemed to mind. Well, that just wouldn't do. People cooperating and turning blind eyes to deceit? Preposterous. But he was clever enough to know that this wasn't a good time to truly stir anything up; he hadn't even expected the little zorua to be so forthcoming. 

    "We should probably start searching...we don't have all day, after all," Alice spoke after the entire reveal, earning Sylus' attention from the now empty doorway. Well, he had at least when they came back for Dante's reaction.

    "I would say that we only have a few more hours of daylight before the night comes. And with it, much colder temperatures. Haste would be the most likely asset," he offered, keeping his tone civil.

    [[Feel free to look at Hera's corpse as well, just make sure it's after Dante leaves it.]]


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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:43 am

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    Warehouse || Evening || 68|28

    “Am I Fluffy? Because that was completely my nickname my whole life!”  The cloud vulpine chirped, her cheery demeanor earning a painful eyeroll from the Sneasel.
    "All right,  you can show us the route to avoid, Sneasel. Daylight's wasting. And yeah, that's you. I suck at names." The hound muttered, his hard gaze on her. Rune blinked, her brows falling and mouth curling into a frown as she cocked her head. But before she could correct him, he trotted towards the door with his tail high. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

    "Great. A leader that doesn't like names. That's promising." She growled with a heavy sigh, trudging after him. The hound had stopped at the door, giving pause to the white world before them. The chilling air shot past, ruffling her fur and wrapping the dark weasel in its' embrace. Small puffs of steam rose from her open mouth as she followed, glancing cautiously over the terrain. The vulpine bounded forward through the glistening snow, her cheery voice carrying over the quiet forest.
     "Sooooo...Where should we start? Have you explored much of the city yet?"  Rune cringed, but followed in lithe and expert bounds only one of her kind could do. "...Not yet. What I have seen was in the middle of a blizzard. I don't remember much," was the hounds' curt reply, his voice softer than before, strained and heavy with regret. "The sooner we fix Mr. Strix the sooner I can find the lake and my brother again. He's probably looking for me again..."

    Rune bounded next to the fluffy thing, listening absently as she carried on. The Sneasels' eyes and thoughts were on the canine ahead, who had picked up his pace. "Honestly, I just want to get back as soon as we can...I can't say I would really enjoy getting eaten." She said between breaths, carefully avoiding the subject of family. "Though I wouldn't mind getting a bite to ea-"

    "Hey! Where's my earring? Pappa's earring! My Everstone! I can't become an Espeon I can't! And heaven forbid an Umbreon! Oh no...this is terrible! I don't want to be one of them..."  The Sneasel slid to a halt, confusion on her face. "Earring?...wait-hold on, what's that supposed to ruttin' mean?" She growled, spreading her claws in confrontational annoyance. "What's wrong with Umbreons?...you don't like Dark types?" Rune scoffed, her sapphire eyes narrowing and lips curling into a sneer. "Don't know if you noticed, Fluffy, but you're in the company of a few Dark types..."

     "Stay back," Dante called, interrupting the small weasels' indignant suspicions. Rune tore her gaze from the Eeveelution, her brow furrowing as she watched the canine in the distance. "What's wrong...?" She replied softly, uncaring if he heard her. Her sharp gaze flickered to the tree line, scanning the evergreens' tops as her body lowered into the snow. But as no attack or any other sound came, Rune straightened. "Sneasel, come here."

    Obliging the canine, Rune bounded ahead. But as her claws swept over the white earth, her sharp gaze caught a bright stain of red, partially covered ahead of her. She slowed her pace, her heart skipping in her chest as she paused on the edge of the mysterious stain. Dread crept into her throat as she stared at it, her eyes large and ears low.
    ...Why would he cover...whatever this was...? Her large claw hovered over the disturbed snow, but quickly recoiled. The Sneasel gulped hard before running to the canine, leaving the red patch behind, untouched.

    "So how do you suggest doing this quietly, quickly and in a way where we can all make it out in one piece?" He muttered as she padded closer to him, stopping at his side. Runes' ears perked in surprise, her eyes flickering on him before following his gaze. Before them lay the small, quiet city. The fading light threw long shadows, like long claws reaching over the abandoned human settlement. Her heart jumped into her chest as she looked at the city below, biting her lip as her eyes flickered over to a large rooftop in the north-eastern corner. "U-uh...well, we should..." She croaked, her voice cracking in a growing unease. "W-we should run as close to the sunset as we can. If we stick to the treeline and avoid the city altogether, we should...be okay..." She trailed off, her claws clicking together anxiously. "...The only place we might find something is near...the docks...?" She muttered, a grimace growing on her tiny maw as she threw a look up at the canine. "Trust me, the entire town went...Reaver...you don't want to suss out anything you don't need to...not unless you got a death wish."

    (don't know what to post for strix atm, cuz he's falling in and out of consciousness. ^^; Other ideas and stuff in discussion too)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Min Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:55 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| |Evening
    65| |6

        Alice managed to offer a short, polite smile as she watched the Aiveon enthuse about Mastema. Despite how grateful the Luxray was for a more upbeat Pokemon joining their ragtag group, she had not been prepared for someone so...talkative. She suppressed a sigh of relief when the flying-type went to follow Dante's group to the city, ears twitching from her shrill voice as she waited by the door, watching the others begin their journey down to Snowpoint.
        "I would say that we only have a few more hours of daylight before the night comes. And with it, much colder temperatures. Haste would be the most likely asset," the lioness nodded her agreement, taking a tentative step back into the outdoors. The snow crunched under her paws, a single, bitter breeze batting at her whiskers as she trotted forward. She eyed the other warehouses surrounding theirs.
        "We'll start with that one," she motioned with her paw to a building several ways away eastward from their location. "From there, we can work our way back west through the other warehouses. It'll be a single round trip, but if we do find anything worthwhile that we can't haul back on our own, we'll leave it then come back for it after everything's done, 'kay?" the electric-type had already started to walk towards their first destination, flicking her tail for them to follow. "C'mon, let's go!"
        She never liked the way her paws sank into the vast white when she walked. Her feet would always dig a few claw-lengths deep into the snow, and sometimes she would be taken by surprise by hidden pits or concaves in the earth. Despite how pure the shining fields looked like, she was aware of the secrets that it hid beneath. The thought that she was perhaps walking on someone's carcass was enough to make her feel unease, and what if an undead sprouted out? Her muscles were much too weary for another battle.
        When she finally arrived at the warehouse's entrance, she cautiously sniffed around the door, eyes sharp as she analyzed the contents of the building from the outside. After deeming it was safe, she shouldered the door open, causing the frost around it to crackle and break. "Alright," she tugged a smaller crate in front of the door to keep it still. "Time to look for some supplies."

    [OOC: sorry this is so late!]

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:49 pm

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    Snowpoint City|Dusk
    (R-21/A-41)(skipping Raiden again)

    "What's wrong with Umbreons?...you don't like Dark types?" Rune scoffed, her sapphire eyes narrowing and lips curling into a sneer. "Don't know if you noticed, Fluffy, but you're in the company of a few Dark types..."

    Adara could have laughed if she wasn't so scared. "NO! I love dark types! Heck my brother's lover is a Zoroark and he is one of my best friends in the world. But have you seen and Umbreon's EARS? I mean who really wants to walk around with black turnips bouncing off of their head? Its weird!" At Dante's bark of warning the flying type hushed, ears flattening to her head as she looked to the fire hound ahead and felt a little miffed when he called for the Sneasel's help but not her as well. She could be useful too, ya know.

    Creeping closer she listened in on the discussion and frowned, not really seeing where the point was of going back to the treeline. "If you really want to head towards the woods I can tell you right now there is nothing there. I came from that way chased by a crap ton of birds and everything there is frozen over. If there were any buildings there then they are about ten feet under stiff powder." Looking around Adara noticed a central building that might hold what they were looking for. "If you want supplies you have to get where the humans would have hoarded them. I grew up near a village who always used to stockpile during crisis and in a place this remote, without easy access to food or escape then I can guarantee they grabbed what they could and stashed it somewhere. We just have to sniff it out."

    Smiling warmly to the Sneasel Adara lay down beside her and nodded her head towards a nearby tree. "I bet you could climb something that big in a flash, right? Could probably see pretty far from up there. If you can see that big black building over there and tell me if it looks like they may have tried to barricade it I ca bet you that's where we will find food and any meds left in the town. Waddya say?"

    ((For reference, when Adara is actually in the zone, like the second half of this post, her voice gets deeper into a normal pitch and she actually sounds serious, if even a little sultry. Its one of her best tricks.
    I also need to figure out when Strix is gonna yell at Raiden lol. Need to work it out with Ana so I can get plot moving for him leading to my future dual))[/color][/color]

    Age : 31
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Storm Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:47 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse || Evening
    57 / 5

    Kide let out a sigh. Other then the strange eeveelutions enthusiasm when she said he was like this Mastema, only, smaller. Most of what the she had said he didn't really catch as she said it rather quickly so he didn't have much time to put them all into words before she ran off to join her group as they left.
    He opened his mouth as if to say something, but nothing came out before he closed it again. Guess I should go to my group? He thought, kind of glad that no one seemed upset that he had pretended to be something else. Houndoom probably wasn't the best choice as well, as he lacked any fire type scent.
    I should have gone with a Purrlion, least then they probably wouldn't have found out so soon.

    "I would say that we only have a few more hours of daylight before the night comes. And with it, much colder temperatures. Haste would be the most likely asset," the persion said, his tone civil.
    Kide couldn't help but let out another sigh. "Back into the cold it seems." He said as he ran after them as they left the warmth of warehouse behind and stepped back into the cold. He was grateful for the thick fur around his neck and on his head, and thankfully his fur didn't make him too cold, but he still shivered a little.
    "We'll start with that one.  From there, we can work our way back west through the other warehouses. It'll be a single round trip, but if we do find anything worthwhile that we can't haul back on our own, we'll leave it then come back for it after everything's done, 'kay?" The Luxray said, pointing to one of the buildings that where a little ways from where they were, already making her way towards it. "C'mon, let's go!"

    Kide found himself more, hopping through the snow then walking, his little body sinking into the snow with almost every step he took, his dark fur having white spots here and there from the white snow that gathered on it.
    I hate the snow.
    He complained, more to himself then anyone in particular. He was relieved when they finally made it to the first house, Alice making sure it was safe before opening the door and entering, putting something in the doors path to keep it open.
    As soon as Kide was inside he shook himself, sending white snow in all directions before trotting farther inside and looking around. He had to find food and medicine, and other stuff. Being with humans since he was an egg he knew what to look for. He raised his nose to the air and began to sniff the air for anything that smelt like food, or healing supplies.

    (( Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. And for the lateness. ))

    Age : 28
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:55 pm

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    | Snowpoint Warehouse // Dusk |
    5 //12

    Voices cracked the walls of his mind's barriers as he walked behind Alice mindlessly. He did not want to think. The large canine floated in the limbo of his own mind.

    "I would say that we only have a few more hours of daylight before the night comes. And with it, much colder temperatures. Haste would be the most likely asset."

    "We'll start with that one. From there, we can work our way back west through the other warehouses. It'll be a single round trip, but if we do find anything worthwhile that we can't haul back on our own, we'll leave it then come back for it after everything's done, 'kay? C'mon, let's go!"

    Catalyst barely nodded his head in response. He cursed himself inwardly at his lack of acknowledgement to what was going on around him. So self-consumed.... A small, chipper voice that he had heard not so long ago bounced in his ears.
    "Good luck everyone!" For a moment he paused, and reconsidered this. This was no time to be dwelling on the past.... He need to be in the now. All I can do is to not do it again. All I can do is get better. he tried to numb himself with these words as he moved along, picking his head up. Of course, he never truly felt the impact of the seemingly meaningless statements. But nevertheless, he did what he always did and put the thoughts to rest. The frigid snow touched his paws and a shiver instantly went up his body. Arceus it was cold. He steeled himself and ran out into the snow behind Alice. The sun was casting orange onto the pale land, and it made it seem at least a bit warmer. Catalyst checked up on the others behind him as he walked next to Alice, the Luxray just slightly smaller than him. He saw the snow to his right fade into red, and he sucked in a breath. No. No, it was just, uh, cheriberry juice. Yes. His body ached with fear, trying to tell himself false things to quell his fears. The next warehouse stood plainly in the distance ahead. He watched the lion walk up to the warehouse and look it it. He had to admit... something about her attracted him. Maybe it was the fact they shared some sort of pain.... Maybe he saw it when he looked at her.

    "Alright. Time to look for some supplies."

    Catalyst nodded at her, waiting for everyone else to begin moving again before walking inside. Padding inside quietly, he looked around in the dark. Even if he had no reason to be afraid of the dark... it still scared him to no end. His vision blurred as he tried to probe any deeper than 5 feet away in the dimly-lit room. Sniffing around, he tried to pick up the scent of anything useful... but found nothing.


    Arianna bounced cheerfully behind Rune as she made her way towards Dante. At least she would be in the group that her newest friends were in! ... Friends.... She paused a moment, feeling herself well with some odd sensation. The canine didn't know whether to be cheerful or not; the word 'friend' didn't usually mean 'friendly' or 'nice' to her. She shoved it from her head. All of her friends from before weren't really her friends, anyway. No, she would reteach herself what the word meant. She smiled at everyone, and listened to the others.

    "All right,  you can show us the route to avoid, Sneasel. Daylight's wasting. And yeah, that's you. I suck at names. Let's get the fuck out of here."

    "Great. A leader that doesn't like names. That's promising."

    Arianna snickered quietly before turning to look at the others she wasn't going with. Her eye settled on Catalyst, who seemed to be zombified. That was no good.... Smiling, she called out to everyone as she walked out the door with the others.
    "Good luck everyone!" she hopped out the door, then bounding outside behind the others.

    "Sooooo...Where should we start? Have you explored much of the city yet?"

    "...Not yet. What I have seen was in the middle of a blizzard. I don't remember much."

    "The sooner we fix Mr. Strix the sooner I can find the lake and my brother again."

    The quiet chatter soothed Arianna a bit more than she realized it would. It was good being in a mildly situation. She liked this Adara girl; she wasn't super serious. She didn't dwell on more emotionally disturbing topics, and Arianna respected that. It seemed as though she couldn't stop thinking about things.... Even things that didn't concern her. She blocked out any other things the group was saying in order to isolate within herself to think. Not about anything, but just about things in general. The snow was nice. She had always liked snow.

    "Stay back,"

    Arianna immediately snapped back from her thoughts, looking around cautiously, then at Dante. He walked forward, covering something with snow. Arianna can only imagine what it was he wanted to hide.... Somehow, she knew it was a body. she slowly trudged away from it, going towards the other two who were ahead of her.

    "U-uh...well, we should..." W-we should run as close to the sunset as we can. If we stick to the treeline and avoid the city altogether, we should...be okay... ...The only place we might find something is near...the docks...? Trust me, the entire town went...Reaver...you don't want to suss out anything you don't need to...not unless you got a death wish."

    Arianna gulped, not knowing what that word meant but it was obviously making Rune frightened. Keeping close, she still managed to pick up bits of conversation. She wasn't much interested in where they were going as long as they were safe. To be honest, she wasn't familiar with this part of the city. Her family used to spend their days up in the mountains near the town, not here in the urban places. She kept up her brisk pace as they made their way.

    (OoC: Wow I am not even going to acknowledge Arianna's post as a post. Thatwaskindashittywow. But sorry I had dropped out like that, guys. I'm back now, though. This was a catching up post. lol.)


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    Just hold out against the night

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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:24 am

    Post 82|| Post 8

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| Dusk

    Dante stared down at the little black weasel beside him, his mind trying to remain focused on the task at hand to keep the fatigue at bay. "U-uh...well, we should..." she began, the uneasiness in her voice making Dante's tired scowl deepen slightly. "W-we should run as close to the sunset as we can. If we stick to the treeline and avoid the city altogether, we should...be okay..." Her voice trailed a bit, her claws clicking nervously. The hound's eyes flickered to the city for a moment; there was something in there she didn't want to come back across, that was obvious. But why hide it? Why not just say something? "...The only place we might find something is near...the docks...?" Yeah. She didn't want to go back in the city. "Trust me, the entire town went...Reaver...you don't want to suss out anything you don't need to...not unless you got a death wish."

    Reaver...? But as he was about to speak, another of the party piped up before him, cutting him off. "If you really want to head towards the woods I can tell you right now there is nothing there. I came from that way chased by a crap ton of birds and everything there is frozen over. If there were any buildings there then they are about ten feet under stiff powder." Turning, Dante saw Fluff-face approach, her squeaky voice decidedly less squeaky. Thank Legends. "If you want supplies you have to get where the humans would have hoarded them. I grew up near a village who always used to stockpile during crisis and in a place this remote, without easy access to food or escape then I can guarantee they grabbed what they could and stashed it somewhere. We just have to sniff it out."

    Pretty much taking the words out of his mouth, Dante merely grunted in agreement. No, there was no point in scouring the docks. Anything useful would have been buried beneath feet of hard ice at this point. They didn't have the time or manpower to even attempt that scale of a goosechase. "I bet you could climb something that big in a flash, right? Could probably see pretty far from up there. If you can see that big black building over there and tell me if it looks like they may have tried to barricade it I ca bet you that's where we will find food and any meds left in the town. Waddya say?"

    Clearing his throat, his eyes still scanning the snow-blanketed city, his mind ran through dozens of different scenarios to try and gut the city's resources... or at least what remained. "Docks are no good. Too much ice and snow, and I'm not digging around near nightfall for something that might be there. We need to hit the place where there's the highest chance of success. A building fortified and boarded up-- something easier to defend." His eyes widened a bit when they lay upon a central building, one surrounded by clear white. Windows boarded, nasty-looking wires running the perimeter of what he could see. It could easily be assumed that it went around the entire building. "That one."

    He looked back toward the others, assessing what they could do. Aerial would be ideal, but who knew what Infected lay dormant in the city? It was too risky. With the lack of buildings and structures around it, it would be difficult to approach the building without being spotted, especially with dark coats... His brow raised a little when Fluff-face's and Growlithe's pelts.

    "All right," he began softly, turning more toward them. "We'll approach from the East, to hide in the shadows. When we get to the clearing, Fluff and Growlithe will need to go in first-- you two have the better camouflage. Sneasel, you'll follow once the other two have found a safe way in. I'll bring in the rear. We'll find what we can, and get out before nightfall. We need to be as quiet as possible. In and out. Keep your noses down to make sure we aren't going to accidentally step on an Infected. They might have gotten snowed over, but I doubt that'll stop them from trying to kill us. Any questions?"


    Sylus frowned as he stared at the shimmering snow spread out before him and his new allies. He'd been comfortably warm for quite a while now, nestled in the safe recesses of the warehouse that was now much worse for wear, and unused to such frigid winds. But as the others moved forward, their paws crunching the new snow, he found himself unable to escape his fate.

    He would just have to be cold.

    Making his way closer to his fellow feline, silently cursing whatever Legend deemed it best to make this particular town resemble an iceberg, he listened intently to their temporary leader.   "We'll start with that one," the lioness began, motioning her paw towards a building in the near distance.  "From there, we can work our way back west through the other warehouses. It'll be a single round trip, but if we do find anything worthwhile that we can't haul back on our own, we'll leave it then come back for it after everything's done, 'kay?" A silent agreements of nods was her answer, and she confidently made her way toward the furthest warehouse. "C'mon, let's go!"

    The air around them was a void of silence, vast and almost overwhelming. The only sounds that could be heard were all from the pokemon around him, as well as his own. Snow crunching, hearts pumping, lungs heaving. Shifts of muscle and fur. A throat swallowing. Tiny, little sounds that should have been swallowed up by the quiet now seemed a cacophony. They were too loud. Something would hear. And while Sylus tended to pride himself in his fighting ability, deep down he knew he was alive at this very moment because he could hide.  "Alright," Alice's voice rang, the sudden change in volume starting him a bit. He was surprised to see the warehouse to close now-- he hadn't even been paying attention. "Time to look for some supplies."

    Sylus nodded, eager to busy himself with less maddening thoughts. Turning a corner, eyeing the fallen rafters and pillars, he jumped expertly from perch to perch, reaching the second floor. Everything looked unstable, but if there was anything up there, he was one of the only ones that could reach it. Carefully placing his paws and weight on the rusted flooring, he made his way through the debris, hoping to find something to at least eat.[/color]


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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 20 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:15 pm

    (im so sorry guys, i can't post. skip me. just say that rune said some sarcastic stuff once dante rolled out the plan. something along the lines of the plan being a fantastic way to suicide. shes not gonna tell them shes been in the building before.)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Min Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:15 am

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| |Evening
    66| |7

        The warehouse was silent, save for the rustling of bags and the shuffles of crates. No one spoke a word, not even a whisper, and Alice managed a bitter smile and chuckled. "Very talkative group I was given." she mused, nudging open a crate and sticking her head inside to reach for a few stray bags. Admittedly, she didn't like this kind of quiet--it was too empty, too cold, like the lack of sound itself was mocking her. Roughly, she plucked the canvas bags out and emptied them, only to find a few cracked Pokeballs. With a disappointed grunt, she nudged them aside, but kept the bags and threw them towards the middle of the warehouse. "Fill those up with whatever you guys can find, it'll make transportation a lot easier."
        Another crate, this one emitting a faint scent, and gently she poked the lid open, only to slam it right back down and gagging at the horrid, putrid stench. Whatever was in that crate was rotting, and had been rotting for a long time. Reluctantly, with fur on end, she shoved said box into the darkest corner, before turning back to more stacks on the other side of the room.
        "So," she was starting to grow desperate for some kind of conversation. If she were stuck with familiar faces she wouldn't have minded, but being stuck with more or less complete strangers who were as silent as a dead mime in an airlock changed the situation altogether. The air was tenser than she would've liked it, the silence stuffy and tangible and above all, it was...awkward. "How did you all end up in Snowpoint? If you don't mind me asking," she inquired, sifting through the contents of one of the larger boxes, eyes lighting up when she discovered cans on what seemed to be wet food. She sniffed it cautiously, before deducing that it was probably still edible--if they could even get it open--and began to fill one of the bags with a few of the cans.

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