Outside Opelucid City| Dusk| (2)
In the dark the hydreigon is startlingly silent, moving among the buildings with barely a whisper of displaced air from the beating of his wings. His eyes glowed like twin rubies as a serpentine smirk lined with blood curled it's reptilian mouth.
At his side the Dragonair was watchful, the fading light glinting off the lenses of his round glasses to hide his face from view as it slid along the pavement stones beside his master.
Both remembered humans with no fondness and this city they had left behind was simply a grave marker for their civilization.
Orochimaru's long pink tongue, curled with eagerness, slid over his gums to taste the air as his slit pupiled eyes scanned the sky and his mighty tail slowly swished.
Ah the hunt, the
No taste was sweeter than fear to him.
Kabuto stayed close to his side, watching every shadow with the deepest suspicion. He would not let anything harm his master now. Orochimaru's existence was as precious as his own to the Dragonair. There was much work to be done.
With a soft hissing the sky seemed to split open as it started to rain, the drops refreshing both the naturally lake-dwelling Kabuto and his diseased master's distressed skin. With a soft mocking laugh the Hydreigon curls close to the shadows of what had once been a residential building and snaps all three of his jaws closed.
He has seen a target, no doubt one he had caught the scent of before the rains.
Kabuto slithers beside him, one wing-like fin tilting upwards as he surveys his master's chosen target.
The pokecenter, habitual hideout for those still alive. It was worn and dilapidated, partially from wear and partially from his master's previous assaults on the building's former inhabitants, now with a comfortable resting place inside his master's belly.
No words need to pass between them.
As Orochimaru takes flight, the deep purples and blues of his body making him look like a dull colored cloud in the sky Kabuto undergoes a change. His body ripples as his posture of servitude is erased to be replaced by a freindly calm. His eyes are no longer hard and unforgiving but filled with an approachable trust and the fins on his head spread slightly.
Gone is the infected Hydreigon's medic.
The falling rains even erase Orochimaru's scent from his skin.
Looking like any other desperate survivor seeking aid Kabuto slinks up to the pokecentre and knocks on the doors with his orbed tail.
Hello?" He asks, making a show of scanning the skies with a nervous eye. "
Can someone please let me in?!"
Last edited by Kaze on Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Time confusion)