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9 posters

    The OPELUCID Team


    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:52 pm

    Opelucid Team/ Early Morning(2)

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    Now this was arresting. A menacing Hydreigon and a Dragonair wearing spectacles emerge from the jagged, rocky burrow which used to be a cave. Soon after a rather...disinterested...calm...it was hard to place the emotion the Staraptor was feeling as he darted outward from the former cave. A peculiar Flareon had thundered through before him. It seemed to be wracked with some kind of affliction but the Staraptor said,

    "Juugo, calm down."

    And so Juugo strained against his affliction. That was more of an afterthought. His name was first and formost in my mind. Juugo eh? Not a name I remembered hearing but then again, I don't recollect much of anything. I divert my attention to a more entertaining situation then my current enthrallment with Juugo's name. The Hydreigon was on the verge of lacerating and possibly devouring the Vaporeon...Suigetsu, wasn't it?

    Then the Vaporeon vanished..liquifying...and then solidifying again behind the Espeon...I blinked, several times. Either I was delusional, which hardly seemed likely since I was the most sane person I knew. Why, just ask my former acquaintances who I hope have been eviscerated and disemboweled by a number of very frightening undead. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. One of the things I had a great memory on was the abilities, and weaknesses, of almost every Pokemon, including Vaporeon. I don't recall a Vaporeon being able to liquify in the slightest...Therefore this one was special, meaning it was either worth allying with or worth killing.

    The Espeon I hadn't formed a proper decision of...She ran off with the Vaporeon in tow, into town and into the Pokemon center. She gave the impression of being smart, but cowardly. I know she and Suigetsu went to the center, because I trudged after them. Ignoring the others by the cave who so far didn't look like anything particullarly intriguing. I wasn't going to let this Vaporeon escape...not yet. I arrived several seconds after them, and proceeded more with stealth.

    Now came the difficult part. I scanned my reflection in the glass of the Pokemon center. I was covered in too much blood that wasn't mine. The last time I had popped up like that, the inhabitants of my former town had immediately distrusted me. I wouldn't make the same mistake. I had been practicing an act that would surely win their approval despite the blood. Laying my ears flat on my head, I stooped toward the ground, diminishing my size ever so slightly, then I tried for a smile. No...too creepy. Instead I just frowned and looked worried. Perfect.

    I intentionally put a slight stumble in my step as I opened the door to the PokeCenter. This would give me a clumsy, nonthreatening air. Putting a slight twang in my voice and butchering some of the wordsI asked, in a slightly frantic, slightly fearful voice,

    "H-howdy? U-um, Ah sar yo' helter-skelter in hyar. It's no use hidin'."

    I paused trying to give a look of indecisiveness. Hell, I hoped they could understand me. Hearing myself speak like that made my head throb. Maybe the accent was a bit much but I was pretty sure I had nailed the act.

    "Please, c'd yo' he'p me out? Ah can be yer ally an' he'p yo' in return, as enny fool kin plainly see. Ah's jest so afraid of th' undaid."

    I held my breath and waited patiently in the doorway. They'd have to show themselves eventually.

    ((OoC: Damn, sorry for this infinite trainwreck of a post.))

    Posts : 1265

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Victini Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:13 pm

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    Opelucid City/Early Morning
    (25 - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

    "No! G-Get away!"

    Victini was surrounded. Floating far above the city of Opelucid, a group of undead Fearow and Braviary had her trapped inside their circle. Screeches of rage and an unquenchable thirst for blood sliced through the little legend's ears, and she quickly covered them as her mind raced to find a way to escape. They were waiting for her to make her move so that they could strike; as soon as she moved even an inch they would be upon her, no doubt extending their huge, deadly talons to pluck her out of the air and start picking the flesh off her bones.

    "Th-This is your last warning," Victini cried, trying her best to hide the fear coating her voice. The birds heeded her words for a moment, but then a particularly large and disgusting Braviary screeched an order to attack. "GET AWAY!" Overcome by panic, Victini's body began to glow fiercely and the air around her wavered and flickered in the growing heat surrounding her. She let out a scream as the talons of the big Braviary extended towards her, and managed to unleash her attack at the last second.

    Huge, orange flames exploded from Victini's body in all directions. The birds within the vicinity of the Searing Shot attack were charred instantly, leaving nothing but bone and burnt flesh. One by one they dropped out of the sky and hit the pavement below. Victini herself remained curled in a ball in midair, her little hands covering her eyes. It's OK it's all OK it's over you killed them ... You killed them... The idea that she had just viciously murdered Pokemon that used to be living and breathing like her made Victini feel sick.

    Zooming downwards into the city and taking refuge in the nearest building, Victini hid behind an overturned couch and curled up into a ball, whimpering for the fate of her beloved home. It's OK ... it was self defense ... You were just protecting yourself ... they weren't alive anymore. Just weeks ago she had been in Kanto with her fellow legends, coming up with a clever, exciting plan on how to combat all this, but then it all went wrong. She was alone again - no plan, no friends, no idea what to do with her life anymore.

    Oh Arceus, please ... help me. What should I do?

    (Feel free to notice the huge explosion in the sky and the roast turkeys falling from the sky. XD)


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:44 pm

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    Caves Outside Opelucid City | Early morning | (34)

    The Dragonair's feather fin twitches as he picks up a sound and the serpentine dragon turns towards it.
    With a flutter of his pale grey fins the bespectacled dragon lifts himself into the air, draping his long body across the Hydreigon's shoulders, just above the wings as he rests his head alongside his master's serpentine jaws and whispers his news furtively in the Dark Type's ears.
    Hidden behind the round panes of glass his eyes are expressionless but in the distance he has seen the bright flare of fire.
    In his usual soft ingratiating tone he tries to spark his master's interest in the event, aware that even Orochimaru couldn't kill all the Eevee-lutions without some trouble.
    "Perhaps, Lord Orochimaru, your revenge on Sasuke can wait until we've determined whether or not that is a threat?" He suggests coyly, his head fins held low in a gesture of respect as he curls his orb-adorned tail around the Dark/Dragon's body.

    Orochimaru grins like a predator, turning his bright red eyes on his servant as his long pink tongue swipes across the bloodied edge of his angular jaw.
    "Sorry Sasuke, I guess we'll just have to settle this later." He says softly, completely unfazed by the look the Staraptor is giving him.
    With a dark chuckle the Hydreigon flicks all six of his black-furred wings and disappears in between the trees like an airborne snake, his long skinny body easily twisting in between the tree trunks.
    His furred tail still grips the egg closely and he grins at the though that by now it may be fully developing into an infant.
    'Better to die then to live in a world like this.'
    Surprising his subordinate the Hydreigon lands not far away from the Pokecenter and uncoils his tail.
    "Kabuto...If I carry this thing much further it will hatch and become irritating. You may consume it."
    The three-headed dragon's bright red eyes gleam as he glares down at the Dragonair.
    "On the one one condition that you kill Uchiha Sasuke..."

    Kabuto blinks in surprise, his master loved consuming eggs. As long as he had worked to feed the Dark Dragon's hunger Orochimaru had never turned down the succulent meat on the unborn before.
    Inclining his head respectfully to his master Kabuto eagerly takes the cream-shelled egg in his jaws and applies pressure until he can feel the shell start to crack and the thick fluid of the inside start to slide down his jaws.
    Orochimaru chuckles as he struggles to break the egg shell down enough for it to fit down his throat.
    The slimy embryo inside is nearly fully developed, a soft fuzz of hair forming across its pale skin. A Ponyta, hooves still soft cartilaginous nubs at the end of its skinny feet.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:34 pm

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    Opelucid City \ Early Morning / (7)

    "Hn." Sasuke grunts noncomitally as the Hydreigon choses to retreat before the battle can really begin. Orochimaru was an opponent with an irritating habit of slinking away from a battle as soon as he thought there was a chance he could be injured then returning to wreak havoc when he thought you were vulnerable. The Hydreigon always got stronger after a feed; it was unlikely his reason for leaving was simply to digest. In fact it was highly likely that the Dark/Dragon was only going to be stronger by the time they next saw him.
    With a flick of dark-feathered wings the Staraptor turns towards the Pokecenter. Karin, with her sensitivity to the power of others, had fled at the Hydreigon's meancing aura and Suigetsu had followed her.
    The Staraptor flits across the distance between the shattered cave and the pokecenter with relative ease, landing on the pad beside the automatic doors to find they still open at his weight.
    He turns his blood red eyes on the Espeon, looking her over for signs of damage.
    "Karin, are you injured?" He asks as he leans closer to her, checking over to make sure there are no hidden wounds under her violet fur than the long healed scars.
    His head flicks swiftly to the side as a large poison type stumbles up. It's entire body is covered in spines apart from a dark cloth draped across its back and despite its air of clumsiness and the strange garbling of its words the thing seemed dangerous to him.
    The Staraptor flits onto the counter where the plastic and metal bench puts him at near eye height with the unknown thing.
    It offers alliance, that being one of the words he can pick fom its thick accent but Sasuke has handpicked his allies for their usefullness in their required feild. Protection against the undead is of secondary importance to him, even with a thing clearly accomplished at killing. First he must kill his brother.
    "Who, and what, are you?" The Flying Type coldly asks.

    As always Sasuke's intimidation is enough to make him pause, the Flareon's naturally subserviant personality floating to the surface as he manages to wrestle control of his body from the more violent part of himself.
    He pants for breath, the effort of regaining himself without the comforting chime of the bell exhausting him. Without the sharp shock of sheer power that surrounded Sasuke he would never be able to manage it.
    Paying no attention the Hydreigon's flight, he has no memory of either of them beyond vague shadows sticking needles through his skin, the over-large Flareon swiftly walks up to the pokecenter too.
    His ears flatten against his head at the sight of the large Poison Type.
    A Nidoking, he hasn't seen one of those in Unova outside of the arena where exotic pokemon were fought to the death for Ghestis's experiments!
    Fear sparks anger which in turn overwealms his brief moment of control over his killing rage.
    "Kill you!" He growls, crouching against the ground as a flare of fire shows around his jaws. His eyes open unnaturally wide, showing shrunken pupils as his mouth smiles.

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:00 pm

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    Opelucid City|Early Morning (5)

    Wait Karin the straps are caught! It was far too late to yell that. The straps that held his water bottle and her bag sometimes caught each other and despite Karin being small, weak and malnourished from the Epidemic, when she took off she could drag off a Snorlax no problem. However her hunger cramps weren't going to fly with him. As soon as he was effectively detached from her, Suigetsu rooted around to find her something to eat. He opened the human contraption known as a refrigerator being greeted by most unpleasant smells of mold and rot. There were some sealed containers of yogurts and milk but he doubted their freshness moving on to the higher shelf. There was a plate of berries there which Suigetsu's eagerly took in his jaws to bring the Espeon. He watched Sasuke observe her like a paranoid mate before turning to the Nidoking. Suigetsu would never say it but he truly disliked the close proximity to Karin that all three of those guys had. His eye twitched and he placed the plate next to Karin's muzzle. What was wrong with him? It was like when he was 13 and started noticing girls for the first time... Suigetsu shook his head and angrily bared his fangs. Why did Karin have to be here when his body suddenly decided "time's up bitch you need to get laid!"?He tried to take his mind off of it by eating a Pecha berry but it never soothed that hunger. Suigetsu was a guy after all... He jumped feeling Karin's paw on top of his.

    Karin closed her eyes unaware of Sasuke looking her over for injuries that weren't there only to see the pink and purple scars marring her flesh. She heard her stomach growl and groan for some kind of food... Anything would do really but a nice fat fish or a succulent berry would drive her to drool. The sweet scent of berries assaulted her sensitive nose and she struggled to open her eyes seeing that her glasses were down on the tip of her nose making the far off blurry. However the plate of brightly colored berries were a different story. A mere tongue's length away. Karin did not care. She was hungry dammit! Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and brushed against an Oran berry rolling it free from the others and straight into her waiting mouth. Her sharp fangs burst through the berry's rough slightly prickly skin leaving the sour taste of un-ripe juice to linger in her mouth. That never bothered her. Delicious... Her strength hadn't yet returned but she could raise her head to look around. Juugo was there the fluffy psychopath... Sasuke was giving the Nidoking the once over he deemed necessary. Suigetsu was sitting next to her with a troubled expression. Karin gulped and placed a paw on top of his. A-Are you ok? Do you have a wound somewhere? She felt in her gut that now was a time in a world where old grudges killed and promises could ease the mind that now was the time to forget how she had been a fool in the past.

    Suigetsu groaned on the inside at Karin's question. He was not about to do this. Nope nope nope NOPE! Suigetsu stuffed a few more Pecha berries in his mouth and dashed off down the hall. He could tell in his gut that if he stayed he was going to do the excited kit thing he used to do when he was of course... A kit but that was because his mother taught him not to do that anymore or she would put a diaper on him. Mangetsu never had any of that bull done to him... Always perfect Mangetsu was... Never did wrong Mangetsu did... Suigetsu was the momma's boy and Mangetsu was the favorite of their father. As such, Suigetsu could do all the girl things required of a good denmaker while Mangetsu could tear someone's head off with his bare paws. All Suigetsu had to say about that was Mangetsu could go fuck himself. It wasn't fair to be small and aspiring to be a Swordsman when Mangetsu was already one of them. Suigetsu sat in the dark hallway growling and cursing the larger Vaporeon. At one time, they aspired together but noooo... Mangetsu had to go on ahead and be one before him. He laid on his belly and covered his face with his paws. Why Brother..? It wasn't fair... It never was fair...

    Karin watched Suigetsu flee down the hall with a worried expression before narrowing her eyes. Was he being shy? While Karin had found the topic of Suigetsu having a feeling that didn't lead to murder or injury strange and almost impossible... Could he be thinking of something else? I'm gonna go see what's bothering Suigetsu... She was looking at Juugo when she said this just so he could relay the message in case Sasuke didn't hear her. Karin went down the hallway coming across Suigetsu laying in the floor covering his face. She gently prodded him with her injured paw sighing in relief that his body was still warm and smelled of clean water. C'mon Suigetsu... There's a Nidoking out there who might need a well deserved ass-kicking! And you were always good at kicking ass...

    Suigetsu looked up and didn't need to say what he had been thinking this whole time. Run away with me... We can come back when we get stronger! Karin gave him the mental approval before Suigetsu darted under her and ran straight out the back door and into the wild to train. To get stronger for Sasuke's cause...

    ((OoC: Edited into a leaving post))

    Last edited by Taka on Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:49 am; edited 1 time in total

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:25 pm

    Opelucid Team/ Early Morning(3)

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    Several things seemed to happen at once. First, an explosion reverberated throughout the center and beyond, probably drawing any undead for miles around. I was unable to see what happened as the roof of the Pokemon Center obscured my view but it became painfully apparent that a flock of numerous bird Pokemon had all had their second life ripped away from them. They fell from the sky, blacken and some still alight. I stood still, reigning in my hunger. I hadn't eaten in a day or more and all of a sudden, BOOM a cascade of delicious morsels descends from the heavens as if an answer to my stomach's roars.

    I didn't focus on this for much longer. Although the Vaporeon and Espeon had silently chosen not to interact with me, the Staraptor called out, suspicion in his voice as clear as the burning avians that littered the ground, "Who, and what, are you?"

    I had only the space of a few seconds to speak. What was that fake name I had created? Damn it all. I had probably failed again at my act. He was already suspicious just by looking at me. His suspicions would grow the longer I waited. Might as well just end this charade and--

    "Kill you!" Said the crazed looking Flareon who had spared my act. I already had a nervous look on my face I just made myself look even more afraid. Time to carry on with this opening. I stumbled backwards and pressed myself against the walls of the Pokemon Center.

    I said again with the accent that was hideous even to my own ears, " Please don' kee me!" The second part I said with a louder, yet more tearful, choked voice, "Mah name's Jebediah an' ah doesn't be hankerin' t'die!"

    I dropped to the ground and put my hands over my head. To everybody else it looked as if I had curled into an unprotected state. I mean, if I didn't have excellent hearing that could detect anyone charging at me or a tail that could snap trees in half, I would be in for it. However, I had those things and if that Flareon came near me I would't hesitate to break it's back, regardless of my act.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:28 am

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    Caves Outside Opelucid City | Early morning | (35)

    Aware of his master's watchful gaze on him Kabuto tries to hide his mixed feelings from the elder dragon. As a delicious goo-filled treat he would not have felt a jolt of guilt but this was a nearly fully developed child. He was literally eating a baby and what worried the cold-hearted dragon type the most was that he feel that guilty about it.
    It is not alive, it's just good protein, his analytic mind supplies as he twists his jaws to get the best grip on the underdeveloped equine's body and starts to gulp down the warm meat.
    Today he became like his master...Far from repulsing him Kabuto feels a warm glow inside. The Dark/Dragon had been more of a father to him then his actual father who was unknown.
    I am getting stronger Kabuto thinks as he swallows down the last of the milky pale flesh and politely bows his head to his master.
    "I will do my best Lord Orochimaru." He says in the same measured tone he always used around his superior and Orochimaru chuckles as he always does.
    Flicking his grey head fins back the Dragonair once again looks towards the site of the large burst of energy he had seen earlier. The scent of scorched flesh is near overpowering...
    "I suggest we approach with caution." The bespectacled dragon says as if nothing has happened.

    Orochimaru also angles his head towards that area, his long tongue swiping around the bloody red edges of his angular jaws. The scent of burnt rotten meat is much stronger to his nose than it is to his servants. Plainly whatever it was knew how to deal with undead and though he could act mindless he could hardly act living.
    This was another threat he would rely on Kabuto to address, perhaps it was left weakened by earlier expenditure of energy...
    "Kabuto...Investigate the situation. Perhaps we can gain ourselves a potential ally." He says with a mocking inflection to 'ally' that indicates once their use has reached an end they will be demoted to meal.
    Inwardly the skinny serpentine dragon is already beginning to make plans.
    He bears no real enmity towards Sasuke but Staraptor meat was almost as delicious as Honchkrow...

    Age : 29
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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:49 pm

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    Opelucid City \ Early Morning / (7)

    "Juugo!" Sasuke snaps authoritatively at the Flareon as he unfolds his wings. The Flareon's violent outbursts were getting worse as the Fire Type got edgier. Nornally Sasuke could rely on Suigetsu's outspokeness to make himself an auxillery target but for reasons known only to Karin and himself the Vapoureon had fled.
    The Staraptor puffs out his feathers in annoyance. He had no time to deal with this dead weight when they should be concentrating on finding and disposing of his brother.
    Giving the harsh battle cry of his species Sasuke flickered towards Juugo with the legendary speed he had been bred for, his long talons held out to strike the silver bell that hung around the Flareon's neck.
    At the last moment Juugo turns his head to the side and his talons uselessly rake the ruff of fluffy fur around the Fire Type's neck.

    "Kill you!" Juugo roars in anger as fflames pour over his jaws.
    Distracted from the ball of spines the Nidoking had become he shoots a solid column of fire at the sky in an attempt to char the wing feathers from the Staraptor as Sasuke circles and divces again.
    The Fire Type's pupils are shrunken shivering dots in his wide open eyes as his face twists in a distorted grin and another searing lance of fire arrows towards the Staraptor who has to swerve to avoid it.
    "Gotcha now!" Juugo roars in triumph as he rears up on his hind legs, his massive size putting him at nearly as tall as a human as he brings his paws down hard on the Staraptor's wings in a Superpower attack that leaves Sasuke pinned underneath him.
    The Staraptor's sharp beak darts out and strikes the Soothe Bell around his neck, the silver bells gentle chiming breaks Juugo's spell of anger.
    Juugo gasps for breath as his tail whisks ashamedly under his legs and Sasuke gets to his feet.
    The Staraptor shakes his feathers, strugging off the fighting type move as if it was nothing despite the large bruises now flowering bveneath his feathers.
    "You will find no protection here. Our sole purpose is revenge."
    His ruby-red eyes drill into the hunched shape of the Nidoking.

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:53 pm

    Opelucid Team/ Early Morning(4)

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    Damn it all to hell. The Vaporeon and the Espeon had dissapeared, leaving me with the Flareon with what seemed to have a sociopathic disposition, not that I'd discriminate against something I too tended to act with. And oh, yes, the Staraptor. Why did I have to end up with somebody who wasn't a complete moron and then try to imitate those I had previously seen. Granted I'd still kill them even if they accepted me but it would've been nice not to have had to act.
    I sighed and said in the my normal voice.

    "Of all the people to run into, I run into someone who isn't a self righteous idiot who wants to save everybody with open arms."

    I paused, uncurling my tail and standing up to my full height. I rotated my neck slowly as the joints popped. The Staraptor was looking with disgust in his eyes at my previous act but now I was no longer acting. I began again.

    "Revenge, eh? Well I could help you with that...but I don't plan to. I am somebody of simple tastes. I was actually scouting around to see if you were fool enough to accept me, as I have noticed some to be. I was going to kill you whether or not you accepted me but now..."

    At this point I was grinning maniacally. I smashed the doors apart behind me with my tail. The doors tore from the hinges and flew outward into the street.

    "...Now I'm going to play a game."

    With that I strode out into the street, which was alitter with dead, burnt carcasses.

    Last edited by Thanatos on Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:56 pm

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    Caves Outside Opelucid City | Early morning | (36)

    His feather-like fins lowering against the sides of his head the light blue scaled serpent hisses along the ground towards the source of the disturbance. The round panes of glass that correct his faulty vision gleam faintly in the early morning light and hide his pewter grey eyes as he smirks with self-satisfaction.
    He had eaten an egg. Orochimaru had trusted him enough to allow him the sweetest of meats. His pale snout contorts in a twisted grin as he brings to mind the glorious taste of flesh. He didn't have his master's disease to justify that action.
    The Dragonair's body trembles faintly as he adjusts his posture and expression, changing all the little signs that showed his malevolent nature were erased by his false personality. It was familiar to him, forgetting his true self beneath the layers of deception. He had been like this ever since he was a child. His only real value was as a spy, his only purpose to erase himself beneath layered lies. Only Orochimaru ever acknowledged the real him...
    Kabuto's eyes open wide beneath the glasses lenses as he pokes his head out of the undergrowth.
    "Hello?" He asks, his head fins curiously raised as he looks around.

    Orochimaru chuckles once more, the dark sound oozing from all three of his mouths like the thick congealing blood around his jaws. His dark furred wings flicker and lift him into the air as he draws back his head and inhales deeply.
    A gleam of firelight gleams in his throat as he exhales a solid stream of fire in a powerful blast of flames that lick around the tree branches as the forest starts to blaze.
    Silhouetted against the rising column of smoke the Dark Dragon twists his body back towards the city and laughs again as his bloody red eyes scan the ground below.
    "Kabuto..." He says to himself, watching his servant move through the trees, oblivious of the flames growing behind him.
    The Dragonair was surprisingly versatile and the flames spread slow.
    Keeping his body at the level of the treetops Orochimaru leaves Kabuto to it.

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:15 pm

    Opelucid Team/ Early Morning(5)

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    I should've said a different game. I always play games. Whether they involve a fake persona or my real self. The end result is my opponents death. I felt giddy. Most of my opponents were dimwitted, weak scum...but the Flareon and the Staraptor...I hadn't felt this excited since I met the others in Nuvema Town...Hell, I can hardly recall their names.


    A voice to my right, several feet away. How could I have missed it? Was I too caught up in my own happiness that this person had been able to sneak up on me? And this person was rather peculiar..A Dragonair with glasses? What is it with Pokemon and wearing human artifacts...Not that I could complain, I myself wore a cloak made from a human fabric.

    The Dragonair was stupid enough to call out? Even he should have seen the explosion and the birds that fell from the sky and thought,'Hey that looks dangerous.' I only acted like an idiot to get myself immersed with them. However, I honestly couldn't stand idiots myself. Besides, this Dragonair needn't be part of my game. I did not need more players. My game wasn't about killing people...that was just the end result. It was about peeling back the layers they created around themselves and revealing their real selves. And the people I killed...all I found them to be...cowards.

    Not this time though. I had some interesting individuals, I did not need the same thing I had killed countless times. However, if I needed someone to peel away easily or I got frustrated with these new individuals, this buffoon would be a perfect way to relieve some..stress. So I strode forward, all of my facade thrown behind me. When I was almost upon him, I said loudly,

    "Hello, creature, my name is Jacques," I bent down slightly, my claws almost struggled against me in a subconscious effort to kill the bloke,"and I've decided to include you in my game."

    I struck with my left claws, slashing through the epidermis inches below his jewel. The cuts weren't deep enough to kill him, but they were probably painful and very visible. I thwacked him back in the underbrush with my tail. Light enough to stun him but yet again, not enough to kill him. Now that introductions were out of the way, I made my way towards the interesting dark, pyramid like place with what appeared to be dragons extending from it, by leaping and landing and leaping again.

    Age : 29
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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:01 pm

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    Opelucid City \ Early Morning / (7)

    The Staraptor turns his beak towards the flare of light on the horizon as the shape of a Hydreigon is plainly evident against the horizon before diving back out of sight.
    "Forget the Nidoking for a moment." He orders the Flareon. "Be on your guard."
    Sasuke's talons gouge lines in the dirt in irritation as he fluffs up his feathers. What was that damn snake planning?
    Moodily the Normal Type considers turning back and sheltering a nearby building for a while but this fire is a direct taunt aimed at him. Who knew what innocent Pokemon in the forest would suffer because of it? His apathy wasn't strong enough to let it lie for no good reason.
    With a sigh the Staraptor takes wing towards the site of the disturbance and shoots a look at the Flareon. Suigetsu better return soon, the Vapoureon was the one most likely to be able to quell the flames.

    Juugo feels tired. Despite the massive strength of his over-sized body fighting off his other personality exhausted him. He just wanted to lie down and rest for a bit in the sun, maybe have a nap and talk with his bird friends if any of them wanted to come and talk to him. But Sasuke's orders were law. After all he was the one who Kimimaro had sacrificed himself for.
    "Yes Sasuke-kun." He says mildly as the Staraptor opens up his wings.
    To the Flareon's nose the scent of burning is unmistakable. There was a fire in the forest, deliberately set by the one that was Kimimaro's world...
    Dragging himself to his weary paws Juugo pads off towards the forest.

    ((OOC: You skipped these two ^^;))

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Victini Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:14 am

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    Opelucid City|Early Morning

    Victini wasn't sure how long she had been curled up behind the couch, but as several distant voices floated through the door to her large ears, she was immediately roused. The voices sounded like they belonged to living bodies, and they sounded good enough for her. She simply couldn't bare being alone for a second longer. Cautiously, she emerged from her hiding place and poked her head out of the door. A gasp tore from her lips at the sight of smoke in the distance, coming from the forest on the city's south outskirts.

    Did I do that?! She frantically thought back to when she had killed all those birds with her Searing Shot. No ... I was far above those trees. Maybe I... The little legend battled with herself for a moment until she noticed a large, dark shape hovering above the trees, a bright jet of flame exploding from its jaws straight towards the trees below it.

    "STOP!" Before she could stop herself, Victini zoomed outside, soaring over one building after another as she instantly targeted the Pokemon. If this monster thought that it could burn down a forest, that no doubt contained the homes of many Pokemon, without any good cause then it had another thing coming. Although it was the last thing she wanted to do, she would attack this creature if it wasn't willing to stop or if it didn't give her a very good reason. Unova was still her's to protect - the epidemic hadn't changed a thing about that.

    Victini was moving so quickly she didn't notice the Pokemon's horrible face until she halted to a stop right in front of it. She couldn't help but bite her lip nervously; Hydreigon were highly famed in this region for being ruthless, vicious predators. Blood stained its sharp jaws, and Victini knew she had to be very quick in gaining her courage to confront this demonic creature or else it might've been her blood surrounding the dragon's mouth.

    "St-Stop it!" she stammered, trying her best to maintain a stern voice but struggling for as long as she stared fixedly at the dragon's massive jaws. "You're going to destroy everything! There are Pokemon down there! You have to stop!" Knowing that her Zen Headbutt would be near to useless against this creature, a bright, gold aura surrounded Victini as she prepared a Double Edge just in case the dragon should attack. "I-I'm warning you! Stop it now!"


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:23 am

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    Caves Outside Opelucid City | Early morning | (37)

    Kabuto's dark grey eyes wide in surprise beneath his glasses as the Nidoking looms over him. So silent in its steps! He hadn't heard it at all!
    His first thought is to flee and leave Orochimaru to deal with the vicious looking Nidoking with a blank-eyed skull leering down from one of its top spines.
    The Dragonair curls backwards, struggling to leap into the air and escape to the skies when the sharp claws plunge into the softer scaled skin of this white underbelly and cut deeply. Even as he tries to hold it back he knows he is screaming until the sound is cut off by the firm thwack of a tail colliding with his head.
    Blood pours down his body as the serpentine dragon pulls himself across the undergrowth and struggles to take flight. The blood dripping from his body makes him feel woozy and dizzy as he struggles to get above the forest floor.
    His head wings flutter pathetically. He is dizzy and nauseous from the blood-loss and his normally light body feels like lead as he struggles to rise above the treeline.
    Blood has smeared itself across his glasses. He needed his master's help, where was his master?
    In a daze the wounded Dragonair looks around for the Hydreigon but with the blood spilling from the deep cuts in his belly and painting a trail behind him in blood his vision is starting to fade.
    "Orochimaru..." He croaks, without energy to call it out as he thinks he sees a shadow pass close by.
    Maybe it was just his imagination but it seemed smaller than his master...
    A thick rough barked branch is a temporary perch as he tries to catch his breath. That thing that called itself "Jacques" was certainly powerful enough to cause the event that had drawn them here in the first place; he probably had some fire type move to account for the burnt state of the corpses he had scene.
    Panting with exhaustion and light-headed from the blood still pumping from the deep gashes under his throat the Dragonair's thoughts tumble in strange directions.
    The memory of the burnt bodies comes to the forefront of his mind as he struggles to find something to connect it to.
    Burning...The smell of smoke.
    Sluggishly Kabuto turns his head to see that a tree a few feet away from him appears to be on fire.

    As the last of the golden-red flames leave his jaws and drop to the forest below the Hydreigon turns to see the little orange shape approaching in the sky.
    His long tongue flickers out as a few puffs of black smoke rise into the sky and wipes along the hard edge of his jaw, lapping up a few drops of his own dark red blood.
    Deeply Orochimaru growls. It is a guttural sound made deep in his black furred throat of a dominant male Hydreigon who feels his territory is being challenged. His fur-tipped tail lashes the air as ruby red eyes fixate on the shape that hovers in the air in front of him.
    As time had passed his memory had faded and he had never had much interest in children's fairy stories but something about him remembers this rabbit-like creature and its wing-like tail. One of the great pokemon supposed to protect the region from harm that granted victory to those it deemed worthy of appearing to. Victini.
    Again his tongue swipes over sharp fangs like dagger blades as his serpentine jaws contort into a grin.
    Now here was a battle legend would have him believe he was outmatched in but the fire was already started now and the pathetic attempts to make him stop only made the Brutal pokemon's grin all the wider.
    Of course there were pokemon in there; the whole point of the flames was to get them somewhere where he could eat them!
    Tossing his scaly head Orochimaru decides to try his luck, vowing to slink away and meet back up with Kabuto.
    "KiLl..." He hisses in a distorted tone, making his voice dull and bestial as he lunges forwards, twisting his body in mid-air as all three of hi eager jaws open wide for a Crunch attack.
    What did the flesh of a god taste like?

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:18 pm

    Opelucid Team/ Early Morning(6)

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    "-op it now!"

    That voice...I did not recall hearing that voice. It sounded highly emotional yet...I couldn't tell whether it was female or male. It had come from hundreds of yards behind and above me...in the direction that the serpent I had eviscerated had come from. Should've gloated more over the serpent...Something to remember.

    I pivoted slowly to face the opposite direction I had been pointing to. High above, a speck of orange bobbed amidst the sapphire sky. My sight had nowhere near the power my hearing possessed so I couldn't make out any definite shape...But this being appeared to be exuding flames.

    I recalled the burnt and blackened avians. Could this be the creature who had caused such a massacre? How wonderful! I had to find out who and what this entity was! It was undoubtedly powerful and to be able to kill and eat such a creature...the very thought returned my faint smile to it's former crooked smirk.

    I focused again when I detected movement. A tenebrous streak was moving speedily upwards towards the orange smudge upon the sapphire canvas. With alarm I rushed forward, forgetting my goal of making that dark castle my domain. If that powerful, fire pokemon was killed by that unknown shadowy streak...

    "Rrrr, mine!"


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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Victini Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:58 am

    (Sorry, I derped and forgot it was my turn. >.< Skip me for now, I'll post next round.)


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:25 pm

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    Caves Outside Opelucid City | Morning | (38)

    Blood is dribbling over the tree bark as Kabuto muzzily tries to raise his aching head. His feathery fins flutter in distress. From the three gashes on his neck his life's blood is oozing in irregular spurts and staining his pale white underbelly and muzzle.
    His breathing becomes more and more labored as he struggles to raise his head. He's losing too much blood, the mission is secondary to getting back to the cavern where Orochimaru stored his TMs. If he could just make it to the cavern then the Rest TM move would let him restore his health with soothing sleep and afterwards he could relearn his Thunder Wave through the appropriate disk.
    His broken tipped tail twitches pathetically as he tries to rise.
    He can't rest; the acrid scent of burning is getting closer and closer to his location. The tree he rested in might even be on fire already.
    Twisting his body Kabuto pants with exertion and hovers a few inches above the ground before collapsing.
    Red blood splatters his white muzzle as the serpentine dragon gasps for air. His vision is starting to fade as he turns his eyes to the sky.
    Against the blue clouds he can see a faint nebulous blot of dark shadows.
    "Orochimaru..." He croaks out, praying his master will hear his pleas but even in his weakened state he can tell his weak cry will never reach that distant figure.
    "Orochimaru!" He cries out as loud as he can manage before slumping back down from the effort it took and feeling the last of his blood ooze from his wounds.

    The Brutal Pokemon's jaws snap shut as his serpentine snout turns towards the source of the cry and he growls in irritation.
    Kabuto, it could only be Kabuto, and he was interrupting him.
    If this turned out to be something trivial he would eat the Dragonair on the spot.
    Only remembering that Kabuto never gave away his name if it was important stills his violent thoughts. Even such an interesting battle wasn't worth the loss of his servant. Without Kabuto's weasel words he would be hard-pressed to find enough food.
    With a guttural growl at the hovering orange speck of Victini he flickers all six of his black wings and dives down into the smoking forest below.
    His hearing was nearly as bad as his eyesight but the dark rich scent of Dragon Blood managed to rise even over the smoke.
    The Dragonair had not cried out for no reason it seemed.
    Landing on a blackening branch Orochimaru's red eyes stare down at the wounded Dragonair as blood pumps from three deep gashes slashed just below the bright jewel in his throat.
    Like a landed Magikarp the bespectacled Dragon gasps for air and twitches pathetically.
    "Oh Kabuto, what have you gotten yourself into now?" The three-headed dragon softly hisses as his long tongue slowly sticks from his angular jaw and licks at the flow of blood from the open wound.

    Age : 29
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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:23 pm

    ((OOC: Skip, they're just watching the fire and wondering how to put it out))

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Victini Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:00 pm

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    Cave outside Opelucid City|Morning

    She should've expected this. How foolish she was to approach such a Pokemon and expect to get away unscathed. Victini cried out in terror as the Hydreigon opened its mighty jaws and snaked its way towards her. "Nooo!" Reeling to the side, she let her body envelope itself with her invisibility power before zooming back down to the burning trees below. Knowing that she was out of sight and that the flames could not harm her did not make her feel better, however - a Dragonair had practically fallen out of a nearby burning tree and was feebly calling out somebody's name. "Orochimaru!" She barely had time to mull it over before a sight that was equally terrifying and utterly bewildering met her eyes.

    The Hydreigon had descended from the skies and perched himself on a branch just above the Dragonair's position. The poor thing was in a terrible condition, and Victini's first instinct was to get out there and help him in any way she could. But the sight of the dark dragon again so soon terrified her, so she chose to remain where she was for the time being, comfortable in the knowledge that nobody could see her. She was wondering why the Hydreigon hadn't attacked yet when he spoke from his perch.

    "Oh Kabuto, what have you gotten yourself into now?" Victini felt her mouth drop open at his words. He clearly knew this Dragonair, but was acting as though the injured serpent had gotten himself into this situation. Was he even aware that it had been the creature who was mocking who had started the fire? Scowling at the beast, her blue eyes narrowed with a sudden hatred, Victini floated just a couple of metres away, unseen to the naked eye, and watched the scene. Any sign of hostility and she'd be in there right away with Double Edge. She just couldn't help but feel a need to know what was going on here.


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:28 pm

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    Forest outside Opelucid City | Early Morning | (39)

    His feather-like fins fluttering uselessly the Dragonair gasps like a stranded fish, trying to convey to his master the seriousness of the injury and the power of the purple-skinned creature that had dealt him the blow. His breath keeps catching in his throat and changing the words he struggles to say into in articulate gasps. The three gashes burn coldly as if liquid nitrogen had been applied to the edges and though he can see the tongue flicker he can’t feel it on his bloodied underbelly.
    Behind the round lenses of his human glasses his dark grey eyes are wide and pleading as his broken tail tip twitches pathetically.
    He had lost so much blood already. He feels so light-headed it is as if his head was a balloon being pumped full of air and was soon about to pop. He hasn’t got the energy in him to do anything more than gasp for breath and pray for his master to heal him.
    Kabuto’s long tail twitches as he looks pleadingly up at the looming shape of his master. He had been injured before on mission, though never as seriously as this, and his master always swiftly carried him back to the cave that they called home. Why wasn’t he picking him up?
    Kabuto’s eyes widen in fear and he thrashes pathetically on the now stained red branch as his wing-like fins flutter frantically in a futile attempt to get airborne. His body is getting weaker and weaker by the second and with one final pathetic spasm he falls still against the branch.
    Without the energy to hold them open his grey eyes slide closed.

    Bright red eyes gleaming hungrily Orochimaru looks down pityingly on his poor servant’s last gasps for air. Kabuto was the most intelligent of his servants but from that last jolt of surprise in his eyes before he fell still the Dragonair hadn’t realized yet that he had simply lost too much blood to survive. Whatever had slashed him had caught the jugular vein that ran below the bright jewel in his throat, now smeared with red, and the beating of the Dragonair’s heart had pumped the blood from his veins.
    Again the Hydreigon swipes his tongue over the blue scaled skin, enjoying the rich taste of dragon blood almost as much as the savoury tang of a flying type. He can see the pale white underbelly rise and fall as with an incoherent gasping his most loyal servant struggles to breathe. There was no saving him but the Hydreigon swore he would find some way to make sure his most trusted servant’s death would not be in vain.
    Orochimaru’s tongue swipes across the hard edge of his bleeding lips as he watches the rise and fall of his servant’s chest grow fainter and fainter. Under the reflective lenses Kabuto’s bright eyes had slowly slid closed.
    Licking around the ragged red edges of each wound Orochimaru feels the heartbeat of the Dragonair grow fainter and fainter.
    The Hydreigon opens his jaws wide to take the first bite of the delicious dragon meat, points of sharp fangs digging into the white scaled skin, when unexpectedly the body twitches with motion once more.
    A gasp for breath leaves the Dragonair’s lungs as his eyes snap open. Instead of a pewter grey his eyes are a bright ruby red to match his masters.

    ((OOC: I hope this is a Carrier’s ‘resurrection’ done properly, please PM me if I need to edit.))

    Age : 29
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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:29 pm

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    Forest outside Opelucid City \ Early Morning / (8)

    The Staraptor is startled and flares his wings as the flames crackle through the forest underbrush. At ground level the flare of firelight is apparent through the black bars of the tree trunks and the thick smoke fills the air with billowing clouds of choking black.
    Thinking a rude word he covers his beak with a wing. Where was Suigetsu?!
    His red eyed gaze steely he watched as a Deerling, the little Grass Type terrified and its bright coat already speckled with tiny burns, leapt past him and determinedly shot off into the distance.
    Orochimaru…The Brutal Pokémon was fond of such clumsy tactics, not just for the food provided by those that fled the blaze but for the intimidation it provided for the survivors.
    Always controlling.
    Irritably Sasuke wishes he had some means to exterminate the flames but water type attacks were never his specialty and his Electric Type Hidden Power would probably end up making things worse.
    Despite the desire to flee he gives an order to his subordinate, knowing that the Flareon was near fireproof and, provided his other self wasn’t enraged, would probably care what happened to the inhabitants of these woods.
    Already the Flareon is giving him a pitiful look with wide pink eyes.

    Despite what Suigetsu thought of him Sasuke couldn’t care less about being a hero. Believing in such naïve concepts as heroes had died at the same time his parents had.
    "Go and gather what survivors you can. I’ll clear a path." With a snap of his wings Sasuke gets airborne, swerving to avoid the columns of choking smoke that rise into the air. Inwardly he tries to justify his actions to himself. Suigetsu had gone after Karin and without his water type attacks the fire could not be reliably quenched. The most he could do it a ruin a meal for Orochimaru.
    Sasuke shudders at the memory of the Hydreigon’s dripping jaws and hungry eyes. He had won that battle but he had nearly lost his life in the process. Letting another become Orochimaru’s meal would feel only make the Hydregion harder to defeat in the future. Diving close to the burning branches Sasuke struck out at them with his taloned feet, causing the blackened wood to snap and opening a clear path out of the blazing wood.

    Even Juugo notices the heat of the dry air as flames crackle around him. Moving swiftly the Flareon darts into the burning woods.
    Burnt leaves crackle underfoot, ash sticking to the orange fur of his legs as he determinedly leaps forwards. Flying Type’s overhead chirp out warnings to him as he runs and with a crackle of breaking branches a path starts to open up behind him.
    Sasuke was helping.
    A hot orange ember lands in his fur and the Fire Type shakes it off as a minor inconvenience. The flames he had stored inside him were far hotter.
    His powerful paws smash burning brambles and fallen branches aside, the ground dwellers of the forest giving him swift thanks as they swiftly flee along the path he has opened up for them. A high pithed scream catches his attention and he swiftly leaps towards its source.

    The flames have leapt along the treetops where dry branches touch and a young Petitil has become trapped by a fallen branch with blazing leaves as the wall of approaching flames roar behind her. The branch has to be nearly as wide across as he was tall. Selflessly leaping forwards Juugo pits his massive body against the thick branch and wraps his paws around the blackened and still hot wood. Flames uncomfortably warm even with the protection of his fur, lick close to his ankles as he puts everything into a Superpower attack and snaps the branch in half.
    "Run." He grunts as with a painful twinge part of his mind insists on trying to snap her in half.
    Trying to control himself he looks up and sees not too far away from him the shape of Orochimaru crouching over the body of a dead Dragonair.
    His sight is not that good, especially through the smoke but he can see the gleam off the round glasses and his skin crawls at the memories of his old tormentor.
    Kabuto was dead?

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Victini Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:17 pm

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    Forest outside Opelucid City|Morning

    She couldn't bare it. Still hidden from sight, Victini's hand slowly covered her mouth as the Dragonair drew his last breath. That ... that monster! The little legend barely noticed that her anger had seemed to attract the flames around her; they quickly gathered and began to circle her invisible form, creating a kind of small, fire tornado. That Hydreigon had clearly known that Pokemon, and had murdered him in cold blood. And now, judging by the way he was hungrily smacking his tongue against his jaws, he was about to eat him as well. The flames continued to rage around Victini's body as she prepared to knock that beast into another century, but a sudden movement from the Dragonair halted her. He's still alive? The inferno surrounding her began to calm as her rage simmered a little, but when the Dragonair opened his eyes, Victini couldn't hold back the cry of fear that escaped her.

    They were bright red.

    B-But ... how did...? Those eyes, the eyes of an undead, stared straight through her invisible form, and Victini found herself clutching her face in terror, her eyes wide. Th-That's impossible! He wasn't-- how did--? An orange shape in the undergrowth nearby briefly distracted her from her frantic thoughts, and she spotted a Flareon watching the scene. The flames surrounding Victini's body died down as she tried to get her head back into gear. Both of those dragons were now undead, and if either of them saw that Flareon he would be in great danger. She had to get him away from there, and fast. Still invisible, she flew into the bushes to her right, approaching the fellow Fire-type from the side. Morphing back into view, being very careful not to attract the attention of the nearby dragons, Victini softly tapped the Flareon on the shoulder.

    "We need to get out of here," she whispered as she assured that she was safely obscured from the dragons' view by a large leaf. "If they see you, you're in trouble. Follow me; I know where we can go." Her large, azure eyes stared at the Eeveelution for a moment before she added, "It's OK, you can trust me. I'm a friend."

    (Orochimaru/Kabuto should be able to see the small fire tornado before it fades - it's just a couple of metres away from them)


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Wed May 01, 2013 5:41 pm

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    Forest outside Opelucid City | Early Morning | (40)

    Once Kabuto had one of his fangs grow in crooked. The fang protruded from an odd angle from his gum and began to interfere with his chewing so his superivisors decided it had to be removed. He recalled, even though it was a long time ago, that he had been very interestyed in the process. They had put a needle into his gums and injected a faintly blue tinged drug straight into the site of the crooked fang to numb the nerves. They held him still with restraints but the dratini had been more interested in the proceedure than in struggling and thanks to the mirrors in the surgery he had been able to see the entire thing.
    They had drilled around the fang to take it out of his jaw and though he had seen the bloo d and even felt the pressure of the blade on his skin he hadn't felt any pain until long after they had yanked free the bloodied tooth to sell as a Dragon Fang. Focusing on the familiarities between the two situations helped calm Kabuto somewhat. His scaly skin was numb, the gashes around his neck still sluggishly bleeding but just as numb as the rest of his body. He could feel the rough bark of the branch underneath him perfectly and the points of Orochimaru's teeth digging into his sides as the elder dragon releases his bite. He can see the droplets of blood welling up around the wound but he is completely numb. The Dragonair is confused. From what he has been able to observe this goes against every rule of nature. He must have died, his blood was still dripping from the branch into the billowing smoke below as the forest fire grew larger, but the dead didn't come back to life, even if they did had Orochimaru's disease.
    A small cry sounds in the forest below and a flicker of light catches his eye amongst the smoke as he insitictively presses his glasses back up his nose. The lenses have cracked, crisscrossing his vision with tiny lines of white.
    Kabuto didn't know what had happened but that looked like something that needed investigating. Slowly Kabuto pulls himself up, curling his body around the edge of the branch as he peers down below.
    "Lord Orochimaru..." He states softly, drawing the other dragon's attention towards the anomaly.

    Orochimaru's jaws release their bite as his servant's body is suddenly spurred into movement. The Hydreigon's ruby red eyes fixate on the younger dragon. The large gashes across the Dragonair's pale underbelly are still a raw red but without a heartbeat they ooze rather than flow. It was something he had never seen before and instantly Orochimaru is intrigued, letting his servant gather himself up as if nothing had happened. A few fine cracks run across the lenses of the dragonair's round glasses from the same blows that slit him throat but even though the cuts are still oozing Kabuto shows no sign he feels any pain from them.
    His eyes are the exact same as Orochimaru's a predators glowing red eyes with a tiny flowering of purple scale already starting around them.
    The Brutal Pokemon is pleased. For Kabuto to die would be a massive loss so instead it appears the Dragonair has followed in his master's footsteps. Orochimaru's tongue curls over his lips, wiping away the oozing corrupted blood that still lingers there. He had been careful not to let his condition pass to his servant, knowing the visible taint it left on the skin would make other suspicious of him...
    Kabuto's soft words, as if coming back from the dead was a regular occurance for him, draws all three of the Brutal Pokemon's heads towards the spot he has indicated. Bright orange and yellow fur a surprisngly effective camoflauge there is a Flareon in the forest below.
    An eerie chuckle rises in the Hydreigon's throat.
    "Let me show you how we hunt then." He hisses to his revived servant.

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    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sun May 05, 2013 4:36 pm

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    Forest outside Opelucid City \ Early Morning / (9)

    With a flutter of dark wings the last branch snaps free, bouncing to the grass below. With a sharp snap is is broken under the hooves of a frightened Sawsbuck running to the now open path. Smoke billows upwards and the Starpator covers his beak with a wing as his ruby red eyes scan the path ahead. Coils of smoke, moving as lazily as a bloated arbok, make their way through the trees in a thick smokescreen but Sasuke can say the flare of firelight ahead.
    Nervously he shuffles along the branch, his sharp talons leaving gashes in the wood as he sharpens his beak against the rough bark.
    The Flareon was practically fire-proofed, his thick orange fur built to contain the heat of a 3,000 Degree flame but even the powerfully built Flareon was not immune to the effects of fire.
    Making a decision Sasuke takes wing and is eveloped in the billowing hot rising air, it carrying him up with barely a twitch of his wings. The Staraptor's keen eyes search the ground below, struggling to seperate a flash of orange fur from the flicker of orange flames as the smoke surrounds him. His search is fruitless; the smoke is just too thick for him to fly in and it stings his lungs. A black shadow however, crouched against the tree branches, is easier to see.
    Sasuke flaps his wings, static electricity crackling along the shaft of each feather and finally shooting forth as a tohusand tiny needle like darts of electricity that spear towards the three-headed dragon in an Electric Type Hidden Power attack. Even if it has not been Juugo the Dark Type has spotted the hungry look in Orochimaru's eyes disturbs the Staraptor.
    "Orochimaru, your fight is here." The Staraptor declares cooly.

    No, not dead.
    Juugo's body tenses, his fur fluffing up to try and diffuse some of the uncomfortable heat now billowing around him. The sight was unnatural, the dragon's body contorting and unwinding. The gashes on the pale throat no longer bled but merely dripped red despite the fact that he could see they had nearly cut to the bone. The bright red of Kabuto's eyes behind the shine of his broken glasses merely confirms it and Juugo's mind is flooded with the mermory of needles driven under his skin while the Dragonair watched.
    The gentle touch on his shoulder is enough to make him leap backwards, flames forming in the back of his throat in a panic as the other voice beats at his mental walls. The over-large Flareon shudders as he struggles to keep control of himself and restrain himself from lashing out at the orange and cream furred rabbit-like pokemon. It's blue eyes looked concerned and as Juugo fights back his tremors he can believe that it's offer of help is genuine. Certainly the thought of drawing Orochimaru's attention is more then anough to make him shiver with fear but part of his mind is stubbornly insisting that he should find Sasuke first.
    "Which way?" He asks with a whine, shuffling from one paw to the other as he tries to find the shape of the Staraptor against the move-filled skies.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Mon May 13, 2013 3:59 pm

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    Forest outside Opelucid City | Early Morning | (41)

    The heat of the fire...He could feel it tingling on his skin as his feathery fins flicked backwards in preparation to take to the skies. Yes hunting did have a certain attraction to it. If he was going to maintain the condition of his body he would need meat as his master did. The light gleaming off the round lenses of his glasses the Dragonair tenses his body to spring, already imagining blood running down his throat.
    The Flareon was exposed, if he could kill it he could prove himself to his master...
    Only a faint sizzling sound on the edge of hearing warns the Dragonair of the approaching attack and swiftly he leaps out of the way as darks of what appear to be crackling electricity stab deeply into the wood beside him, sinking into the Hydreigon's skin as it discharges with a crackle. The serpentine dragon winces as he scans for its source, finding the shadowed shape of the Staraptor hovering just above the burning forest.
    "Lord Orochimaru, allow me to take care of this." He says politely, pushing his cracked glasses further up his pale snout with the tip of his broken tail.
    He was asked to kill the Staraptor after all and this seems like the prefect time to do it.
    Slithering close to the scorched black tree brnaches Kabuto coils then launches himself into the air.

    The Brutal pokemon roars as darts of electricity plunge into his black furred back. The attack isn't super effective against him but it still stings his deep blue skin and interrupts his thoughts. Hissing in irritation the three heads turn towards their attacker and smirk.
    Ah Sasuke, poor naive Sasuke thinking he can play the hero. Perhaps it's about time for this charade to be cut short.
    The Hydreigon knows that he doesn't quite have the power to take on the Staraptor's Close Combat right now but his servant was keen and even if pitting him against the Staraptor had merely been a cruel joke he should at least be able to feed without interruption.
    "Fine, I'll let you have this one."
    Orochimaru lunges forwards, jaws held wide for a brutal Crunch on the Flareon.

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