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12 posters

    The ICIRRUS Team


    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:58 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Icirrus City|Evening

    "I will stay with Paladin and look after his wounds. You can take one of the younger Pokemon and go after Pure." Kinah just scowled at the Infernape, turned her back on her, and waved a paw back indignantly. "Whatever," she mumbled to herself. She looked around, not really sure where Pure ran off too, when she noticed a broken trail. 'Ah, so that's where you went.' Kinah took off after the Sawsbuck, hoping that the doe stopped at some point so she could catch up. That's when she saw Kuro trailing behind her.

    She frowned a little bit, but kept on running. "Go back warrior," she called out behind her. "I don't know what will happen when I find her and you have a severe disadvantage. Let me take care of this." She hoped he would listen, because she wasn't sure how much fight she had left in her and didn't want anything to happen to the smaller warrior if anything went south. Her energy was draining, quickly, and she knew she would have to reserve herself if it came to a fight. If Kuro was there, she would be worried about protecting him and wind up completely drained. A dangerous thing to be around an infected.

    Kinah sped up a little bit when she saw a shape up ahead. It was Pure, overlooking a cliff. What was she doing up here? And what was that shiny rock she had in her mouth? She skidded to a halt as the stone began to glow. What the hell was going on? "...Pure?" she asked cautiously. "You...you okay there, doe?" She didn't want to fight a friend, but if Pure was still nutters then she might have to. It was a dark thought.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:43 pm

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    Icirrus City | Evening [31]

    ...Pure?" A familiar voice called out to her, the Sawsbuck flinched at it, she didn't wish for them to find her that quickly, [i]"You...you okay there, doe?" Kinah asked, Pure turned around quickly, the stone still between her teeth, the infected doe couldn't speak, but she gave a message through her eyes, glaring at the Mienshao, 'Stay back! Or I'll... I'll...' the Sawsbuck gave a quick glance behind her, which is the ocean waters and sharp rocks right beneath her, 'I'll jump off this cliff!'

    Crazy bastard. Pure needed to end everything, her life, and her inner conflict, all this crazy shitass drama. Her ties with her friends would be the first thing she would end.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:47 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Evening

    Wait, what the fuck did I just do? The Infernape sighed and walked over to a set of rocks from the tower and sat down. She really had no idea what was coming over her. Maybe the infection really was starting to take over. The ex-explorer buried her head in her hands and thought. Then she remembered that she said she would take care of Paladin's wounds. She sighed and got to her feet as she felt the blood start to gush from her arm wound. She winced at the pain but tight her Def. Scarf and the blood stop.

    She sighed at the wound and started to walk toward the dragon but stop when she reached about 8 feet away from Paladin before she spoke. Hey, i'm going into town to see if I can't find anything for your wounds. So i'll be back and hopefully with something to help with your wounds. Flame said as her head flame flickered in the light falling snow. She waited for a moment and then turn for the town.

    As she walked through the city she came up on the pokemon center. She tilted her head as she walked into the ruin center. As she went through the items, she came up on what she was looking for. Bandages, Antibiotics and Pain Killer. Alright, i've got everything I need to heal Paladin's wounds. Guess it's time to head back. Flame sighed as she finished the sentence and she packed everything up and walked out the door.

    As the Infernape made it back to the tower, she stopped and held out her hand as the snow touched her hand it melted. She knew that it would, her being a fire type just meant she wound never now the joy of having the snow lay on your head or the feeling of being cold. She just shook her head and kept walking. Soon she was sitting next to the dragon as she went through the items.

    To her surprise she found several items she had not put in the bag. One of the items she knew very well. Ragecandybar. Flame said as she enclosed her fingers around the candybar. She looked at Paladin and sighed as she stud up and layed the candybar next to the dragon as she started to dip some of the Bandages into the Antibiotics. I hope your ready for some more pain, Paladin. The Antibiotics is going to sting when it hits your wounds so you might want to stick that in your mouth. Flame said as she motioned to the candybar.

    (OOC: @Luteshi, permission to wrap Paladin's wounds?)

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:30 am

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    Icirrus City//Evening

    Kuro followed closely behind Kinah, ignoring her telling him to turn back. He wanted to do this. "I'm not turning back! I know I have the disadvantage, but this is my choice and I'm going to stick with it." In truth, Kuro was scared, scared that the Sawsbuck Pure would kill him, but he wanted to show that he was strong, strong enough to take on any opponent, just like his dad. And maybe like Kinah.

    They soon found Pure on the edge of a cliff, a strange rock in her mouth but he didn't bother trying to find out why. She seemed to give Kinah some kind of look the surly read she would jump if they came anywhere close to her, unless he was reading it wrong, which he hoped he was, though there was something telling him that's what she would do.

    Kuro held back, not knowing Pure long enough to reason with her, but Kinah did so he left that to her, he just hung back to back her up in case Pure attacked again, he hoped she wouldn't, he didn't really want to see old friends fight.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:41 am

    ((Skip me, I don't have time to write. Next time please do something with him so I can come up with something))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:05 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Evening
    50 / 17

    Prince had been traveling for days, his legs aching and body trembling as he marched through the wilderness. If someone saw him now, they would assume he was a lost Pokemon, meandering through the undergrowth. However, the shiny Fraxure had a destination, and that destination was very specific.

    The cliff.

    As he finally set foot in Icirrus city, Prince squinted his eyes to the very edge of the now abandoned civilization. Near the entrance to the Dragonspiral tower, he spotted a wounded Hydreigon with an Infernape and a Axew. He silently sneaked closer, listening to them. Paladin had reluctantly waited for Flame to get back with whatever she needed. The fire monkey came back and placed a RageCandyBar down beside him. With his old arm he picked it up. "I hope your ready for some more pain, Paladin. The Antibiotics is going to sting when it hits your wounds so you might want to stick that in your mouth." The two-headed dragon nodded solemnly, picking the wrapper off. "Just make it quick..." he murmurs.

    Prince's eyes widened. That voice sounded so familiar, and the scarf that the dragon donned. The name that the fire-type called the Brutal Pokemon, could it be? Was it really Paladin? "Paladin! Is that you? It's me, Prince!" he calls out, giddy with excitement of reuniting with his half-brother. Paladin grins widely, looking surprised yet happy. "Prince! Is that really you? I-It's so good to know that you're okay-!" He gently hugs the shiny with his only arm. "Wh-what happened to you?" Prince's eyes wandered onto the dragon's missing arm, and the scattered bits of flesh. Visibly wincing, he watched as Paladin's smile faltered.

    "Me and the others fought the Druddigon of the tower. Y'know, the one that used to bully us a lot? Half of us are gone right now, since Pure ran off-" The Hydreigon was immediately interrupted when Prince heard Pure's name. "Pure?! She's here! Oh Arceus, where is she?! Where?" he frantically asked, and Paladin chuckled. "She went off into the forest. I would go after her, but I'm not exactly on the best condition right now and Kinah told me to stay put. Can you go and check on her for me?" Prince immediately nodded, but before he dived into the vast forest, he turned to Ri and Flame and bowed. "My apologizes. My name is Prince, and it is a pleasure to meet you. However, this introduction with have to be cut short as I need to pursue a friend. Let us converse at a later time." With those words, he ran off. "Even in such dire times, he's polite as ever..." Paladin mused.

    Prince raced through the forest as if his life depended on it. He had to find Pure, his best friend. That special little Deerling that he was able to connect to so easily, they were both shiny, they were both lonely. Pure was almost a third of his whole world, and if she was going to get in trouble or die, he knew that he couldn't take it. She was someone close to him.

    His love.

    But he immediately shook that thought out of his head almost as quickly as he wan running-- he had no chance with her. Paladin and Pure were meant for each other, not Prince and Pure. As the forest thinned, he could see in the distance a Sawsbuck, was that Pure? It was a high possibility, Paladin had evolved as well. He could also spot a Mienshao and a Larvitar... Were they also friends of Paladin? Perhaps one of them was Kinah, but the frantic Fraxure would find that out later. Sprinting even more quickly, he calls out. "PURE! Pure! It's me, Prince!" She was so close to the edge of the cliff... A glistening stone in her mouth. That look she gave the Mienshao... Was the Season Pokemon going to jump? The dragon was so preoccupied in thinking that he had found himself tripping over a large root, skidding across the terrain and towards Pure.

    "No no no no, Pure please don't jump the cliff. Don't kill yourself, I finally found you! I traveled all the way from Goldenrod in Johto to find you and Paladin, please don't." Prince whimpered weakly, slowly getting up. "Paladin's waiting for you back near the tower, and he's worried about you, I'm worried about you, these-" he motioned to Kinah and Kuro. "-Pokemon care about you too. That's why they came here, so don't hurt yourself or anything, okay? I don't want to lose a friend." His voice had a hint of panic, as he started fidgeting with his hands.

    'Pure please don't jump.'

    [OOC: Enter Prince the shiny Fraxure. ^^ Long post. And sure, why not Eve?]

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:20 am

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    Icirrus City|Evening

    Kinah stared at the Sawsbuck inching towards the cliff. She watched as the doe glanced down and resumed glaring at her, a silent challenge that if the Mienshao approached, she would jump. Kinah had never been in a situation like this. "Doe, I..." But what could she say? What could she do to stop the girl from jumping to her death? She didn't have to think for very long, because a very loud noise came from behind her.

    A form darted past her and Kuro, and Kinah felt a sudden exasperation. Another Fraxure? They lost Draol and now suddenly the critters were growing on trees? But this one was different, his colors, they were all off. A shiny? Kinah just stared at it as it began to ramble at Pure, trying to stop her. "No no no no, Pure please don't jump the cliff. Don't kill yourself, I finally found you! I traveled all the way from Goldenrod in Johto to find you and Paladin, please don't. Paladin's waiting for you back near the tower, and he's worried about you, I'm worried about you, these-" a blind hand waved back at her and Kuro, and Kinah just stared at him like he was nuts. "-Pokemon care about you too. That's why they came here, so don't hurt yourself or anything, okay? I don't want to lose a friend." Okay...if she got all this right, the freaky looking dragon knew Pure, and Paladin too apparently, and was now practically hyperventilating because he didn't want her to die. Right...so officially all the Axew line are crazy. It's a species thing. She could see it now.

    Careful to try and not upset the other female even further, Kinah held up her paws in a gesture of peace. "I may not know half of what shorty here is talking about-" she waved a paw at Prince, "-but I do know he got one thing right. Paladin is waiting for you. He wanted to come himself but he's hurt, bad. I made him stay and promised him I would find you." She held out one paw and offered Pure a sad smile. "He needs you Doe. And your friends? We need you too. Come home Pure...please."

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:41 pm

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    Icirrus City | Evening [32]

    She continued to hold onto the rock dearly, like it was her life, though it was probably a useless rock, Pure felt it could give her the strength to get away from everything. The Sawsbuck noticed Kinah looking unsure, as if not knowing how to deal with the situation, but tried talking, "Doe, I..." Pure gulped, it was hard, parting from her friends, but she don't want to burden them no more.

    Pure felt like she had to back up more, she took a step back, that was until, a figure came rushing by, a blue Fraxure, which painfully reminded the Sawsbuck of Draol. The Fraxure gave a familiar warmth, yet she was unable to recognize him. Like, it was as if he was a memory, a nice memory.
    "PURE! Pure! It's me, Prince!" Prince called out, tumbling in front of her, 'You have got to be shitting me..' A voice from the back of Pure's head groaned, she would have snapped at it, saying that Prince was finally back and start being overjoyed, but damn has he came at a bad time in which Pure was about to suicide.

    The Fraxure continued, panicking, "No no no no, Pure please don't jump the cliff. Don't kill yourself, I finally found you! I traveled all the way from Goldenrod in Johto to find you and Paladin, please don't." Prince whimpered weakly, slowly getting up. The Sawsbuck flinched, "Paladin's waiting for you back near the tower, and he's worried about you, I'm worried about you, these-" He motioned to Kinah and the Larvitar, "-Pokemon care about you too. That's why they came here, so don't hurt yourself or anything, okay? I don't want to lose a friend."

    Kinah cuts in, "I may not know half of what shorty here is talking about- but I do know he got one thing right. Paladin is waiting for you. He wanted to come himself but he's hurt, bad. I made him stay and promised him I would find you." She held out one paw and offered Pure a sad smile. "He needs you Doe. And your friends? We need you too. Come home Pure...please."

    Pure felt somewhat dizzy after that, not because of Prince's sudden entrance, and his heartwarming speech along with Kinah's, but something else. She ignored it, gulping, though her throat was parched, "I...I-I..."

    That was when she fell smack down on the ground, luckily not giving away to the cliff, not falling over. The stone she had held so dearly to, fell out of her mouth. Her breathing becoming rapidly fast, the Sawsbuck felt her consciousness leaving her, she felt so weak, and tired. Pure wanted sleep, wanted to sleep for a long time.

    [Ooc: She has leukemia, dun dun DUNNN. I dunno how you guys are to figure that out in the rp, but I'm just gonna go ahead and give permission to either Prince or Kinah to carry Pure I guess. Don't worry, she'll be awake in the next post.]

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:27 pm

    (I'm sorry, short on time, just say Flame wrapped Paladin's wounds and really, is just sitting there)

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:37 am

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    Icirrus City//Evening

    Kuro watched as Kinah tried to convince the Sawsbuck not to jump, that it was pointless to, only to be interrupted by another dragon. The Larvitar couldn't help but feel uneasy, never understood it, but he has never liked dragons, and here he was, with a team that was made up of mostly dragons.

    Kuro watched as Pure fell to the ground, whatever she was holding falling out of her mouth. "I thank we should get her away from the edge now." He said, finally talking after his long silence while they did all the talking.

    He ran over to Pure, hoping with all his heart that she would not lash out at him again, but she seemed to be really tried, so she seemed to have just fallen asleep. He looked back at the other two. "You helping?" He said as he tried to move Pure away from the edge, though the big deer pokemon was heavy, and he wasn't that strong yet.

    Then he noticed something glisten, and went to see what it was. It was the stone that Pure had in her mouth. He picked up the oddly shaped stone and looked at it, it looked really nice, but he knew it belonged to Pure, so he would return it to her when she came to.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:23 am

    ((OoC: As much as I want to write, I don't have the time. Please skip me.))

    Posts : 580

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Jirachi Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:53 pm

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    Icirrus City | Evening

    Jirachi had finally reached her destination, Icirrus City. She felt the waves of a Wishing stone beckon her here, and the tiny Wishmaker had obliged. Floating through the forest, a Sawsbuck, Mienshao, Shiny Fraxure, and Larvitar all came into sight. The wishing stone was in the hands of the Larvitar, and Jirachi came right up to him. "Greetings, I am Jirachi. A legend from Hoenn. I have come seeking the Wish Stone, which you are holding." she gently motioned to the glistening rock.

    "In exchange for the stones, I will grant you a wish." 'And please let it be a grant-able wish.' The Wishmaker did not have her power to grant any wish anymore, she only had the power to grant them manually. If this little dragon wished for fame and fortune, she'd be unable to grant it. Out of the corner of Jirachi's eyes, she watched the shiny Fraxure, whom was attempting to aid the infected Sawsbuck.

    Prince was trying to lift Pure up, but being too small, he was at an disadvantage. Jirachi quietly floated over, gently pushing Pure a few inches away from the cliff. "Hope that helped." she smiled, earning a respectful bow and thank-you from the Fraxure. She went back to the Larvitar, waiting it's answer.

    [OOC: Received permission from Skyro to nudge Pure away from cliff a bit, and received permission from Lute to make Prince do what he does.]

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:17 am

    ((OOC: I'm sorry, I got caught up at work and forgot Lute was in the safehouse!))
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Icirrus City|Evening

    Kinah watched in horror as her friend collapsed on the cliff edge, in real danger of going over. She rushed to go to her friends side, visually checking the Sawsbuck for injuries. There were noone to be seen, so what happened? Why did she collapse? Kuro started trying to pick up the young female but with his size she was proving to be quite a challenge for him. "You helping?" Kinah sighed walked over to help.

    Kuro seemed to bend down and pick something up, it was the small rock that Pure had been holding in her mouth. What the heck was that thing anyway? She was about to ask the Larvitar, but a mysterious voice stopped her before she could even speak. "Greetings, I am Jirachi. A legend from Hoenn. I have come seeking the Wish Stone, which you are holding."

    Jirachi...here? What the...? And what was a wish stone? The floating star-shaped Legend was looking at Kuro. Oh. The rock. That's right. Before Kuro could even answer Kinah made sure the Wishmaker knew who that stone belonged too. "It isn't his," she grumbled out, easily taking Pure from Kuro all together, hoisting the doe on her back. It wasn't so hard, she was pretty light, but that was also a cause of concern. "It's this one's..." She turned to face the Legend and stared it down. Her friend was in trouble, and if Pure thought the stone would help then Pure was damn well goingto be the one to get that wish.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:46 pm

    [Ooc: Sorry I took up 3 days and ended up not posting ;w; Please skip]

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:08 pm

    (Yeah same here and i'm out of time today. By the time I do get to post, Flame may be dead. So please just skip and say Flame went back into town]

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:21 pm

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    Icirrus City//Evening

    Kuro looked at the stone, still not knowing what it was. It was oddly shaped, almost looked like a music note if you held it the right way. "Greetings, I am Jirachi. A legend from Hoenn. I have come seeking the Wish Stone, which you are holding." Kuro almost dropped the stone when he heard the voice and looked up. Seeing a star shaped pokemon right in front of him. He was a little in shock at seeing it. He had never seen a legend before, let alone one from Hoenn.

    He looked at the stone, it said it was a wish stone, does that mean he got a wish? "In exchange for the stones, I will grant you a wish." It was like it had just read his mind. Oh all the things he could wish for, all of the things kept rushing through his mind. Perhaps he could wish he was fully evolved right there, but then he looked at Pure. The stone belonged to her, not him, so it wasn't his wish.

    "Sorry, as much as I would love to make a wish, its not mine to make, its Pure's" He said as he looked to the Sawsbuck then back to the one called Jirachi. "The stone is hers, so its her wish."

    "It isn't his," Kuro turned his head when he heard Kinah speak. He had just clarified that it wasn't his, and she just butts in saying it isn't anyway. He couldn't help but scowl at her. He was smart enough not to take something that wasn't his. He wasn't a thief.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:37 pm

    ((Please skip. Ri just stands there.))

    Posts : 580

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Jirachi Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:35 pm

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    Icirrus City | Evening

    "Sorry, as much as I would love to make a wish, its not mine to make, its Pure's. The stone is hers, so its her wish." The Wishmaker glanced at the infected Sawsbuck. "It isn't his. It's this one's..." Jirachi couldn't help but be amazed. This Sawsbuck was infected, yet they spoke so fondly of her and even called her by a name. Pure. The little pixie floated in place, thinking.

    "It doesn't seem like she'll be waking up anytime soon. Do any of you know what she might want? If not, that's fine. I can wait until she wakes up." Jirachi began to float towards the forest, waiting for the others to follow. She assumed the living wanted to bring Pure back to the city.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:52 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Late Evening
    51 / 18

    "It doesn't seem like she'll be waking up anytime soon. Do any of you know what she might want? If not, that's fine. I can wait until she wakes up." Prince thought for a moment, watching Pure's unconscious body being hoisted onto Kinah. "I think we should just wait until she wakes up..." his murmur quietly faded. He didn't want to make a decision for Pure, nor did he want anyone else to.

    Seeing Pure like this was too much for the Fraxure. The smell of the infection reeked from her... "I'm... I'm going to head back to make sure the others are okay." The Dragon rushed away, sprinting through the forest to where he knew Paladin was. Back at the city.

    He skidded to a stop when he caught sight of the Hydreigon. Paladin turned to his friend. "Hey, how's Pure doing?" he asked. "She's holding up alright... She went unconscious though." The Axe Jaw Pokemon sat beside the three-headed Dragon- looking up at him. A question popped up in his head and he wanted to know the answer, but he was too scared to ask. What if the answer was what he thought it would be?

    "Hey... Paladin... Is Pure... Infected? There. He asked. Subconsciously he already knew the answer, the death-scent and sickly figure spoke to him more than Paladin's answer could. "...Yeah. She is." They sat together in silence, watching the evening sun vanish past the horizon. "Do you think the infection will end soon?" Paladin shook his head, scowling. "You've changed. A brisk nod was the Hydreigon's only answer. "Do you still believe in Arceus?"

    This made Paladin's eyes widened. Arceus? He thought about it. He did believe in the god, but if he was really there then why wasn't he riding the world of the infection? Was he really just a myth? Thoughts flew through the dragon's head. Paladin turned away, frowning.

    "There is nothing in the world to believe in."

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:04 pm

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    Icirrus City|Late Evening

    The unconscious Sawsbuck on her back wasn't weighing her down at all, and that really concerned Kinah. Surely something this large would at least bear a little weight, even if Kinah knew she would be strong enough to carry it. This was really troubling. How sick was the doe, other than the fact that she was infected? What was she like before the infection? Did the disease do this to her? Kinah's head was aching with too many questions and not a single answer for any of them.

    She followed the floating yellow annoyance as it led them back into the city, where Paladin was waiting with what appeared to be bandaged wounds. Huh. This day was just full of surprises. The new Fraxure ran up to Paladin and they began chatting away, and Kinah forced herself to tune them out. For one, she really didn't give a crap what the sparkly weirdo had to say; and two, it was rude to eavesdrop. She lay Pure down gently onto a small patch of soft grass to rest before climbing back on her fence post from before.

    Maybe she was wrong. Not the first time, but this last time when she decided closing herself off was stupid. In reality, she had it right all along. Friends, relationships, love, they just get you into a huge mess JUST. LIKE. THIS. She sighed heavily and brought her knees up to her chin, resting on them. There wasn't much point to any of this anymore. Everything she knew from childhood was right next to her, and it was destroyed. The Pokemon she'd opened her heart to were sitting just across the way, and she was invisible thanks to shiny freak and the Druddigon that nearly killed Paladin. Oh, and because Pure went freaking NUTTERS and tried to kill everyone too. That was just magical.

    Really...why the hell was she here?

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:12 am

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    Icirrus City | Late Evening [33]

    Nothing. Just nothing. Nothing, but darkness was in Pure's sight. She felt as if her mind blacked out for a few seconds, and just awoke. Was this the feeling of being unconscious? It reminded the Sawsbuck of sleeping, except there is no dreams.

    Pure blinked open her eyes, though it was evening, the newly found light made her flinch. At first she just gazed up at the night sky, not aware of her surroundings, but within a couple of moments, realization struck her like a huge major bitch slap. The Sawsbuck immediately stood up on her feet, only to find herself stumble back down once more.
    "...W-what happened?" She croaked out, she gazed at everyone in front of her, her eyesight being somewhat, weak. Her legs felt incredibly wobbly and limp, though the now-noticed grass was fairly comfortable. Pure felt like it was needed to go back to rest, but she needed answers on what happened.

    Though the Yellow, floating, star-like Pokemon seemed new, maybe someone would tell her about that too.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:25 pm

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    Icirrus City//Evening

    Kuro followed the rest of the team back to the others, holding Pures wish stone tightly so he wouldn't drop it. He started to wonder what Pure would wish for, but he didn't really know what to wonder. He rarely knew the deer pokemon, and they didn't really meet on good standers. After all, she tried to eat him. He hoped he would get to know the real her and not the evil her later on.

    Once they got back to the others Kuro stayed close to Pure so that he could give her the stone when she woke up, not really paying attention to what the others where saying.

    Kuro almost jumped out of his skin when Pure suddenly stood up only to fall back down. "...W-what happened?" She said as she looked at everyone. Kuro didn't really know how to answer that, but now that she was awake he could return to her the stone. Getting back up, since he had fallen back from the surprise and walked over to her, placing the wish stone in front of her.
    "You dropped this when you passed out." Kuro said as he stepped back from her, still uneasy about the deer pokemon, fearing that she would lash out at him again like before. He started to fiddle with his fingers, as well as trying to put on a brave face as he waiting for everyone to explain to her what happened.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:43 pm

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    Icirrus City | Late Evening | 4
    Ri yawned. The blue Fraxure was interesting, but it ran off in pursuit of the Sawsbuck. He could hear the voices from afar. "Pure... Infected... Believe... Happened..." He walked over to the Druddigon's corpse, and kicked it. "Nope, not Auntie Jo. Where's Auntie Jo?" He waddled over to the others. "Ooh. Fairy. So shiny..." Like the stories Auntie Jo talked about. It's, uh, Gee-rat-chee. It's a wish maker... And it grants wishes... I shouldn't be greedy. Someone else can be greedy for me. I really don't want anything other than to see Auntie Jo anyway. His gaze averted to Paladin. "Have you seen my Auntie Jo? She's big. Purple. And, um, she likes pretending to be other things."

    [OoC: Wow, haven't posted in FOREVER. Well, short post is better than no post! :D]

    Posts : 580

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Jirachi Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:08 am

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    Icirrus City | Evening

    "...W-what happened?" Jirachi perked up, the Sawsbuck finally awake. The Larvitar had given back the Wish Stone. "My name is Jirachi, the Wishmaker from Hoenn. I was summoned here because of the Wish Stone, and in exchange for that stone I will grant you a wish." The little pixie replied, floating towards Pure.

    "Ooh. Fairy. So shiny..." The Wish Pokemon blinked at the Axew. This was roughly the second time a Pokemon had come up to her in this Epidemic and said something about her being shiny, glittery, of sparkly or some other shit. She tried to suppress a sigh, especially because she didn't understand how she could be shiny when there was hardened blood and stains all over her body. 'And I should really clean this off before someone mistakes me for infected...'

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:12 am

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    Icirrus City| |Late Evening
    52 / 19

    As Prince kept on blabbering about how nihilistic Paladin sounded and how he should have more faith and hope, the large Hydreigon turned his head over to where Pure laid. His gaze drifted towards Kinah, who seemed a bit frustrated... Or just really annoyed. Either one. Although the 2 headed dragon would go and ask if she was okay, Prince had somehow managed to capture his attention yet again, tugging at his leftover arm while pointing to Pure.

    "...W-what happened?" "Paladin look, she's awake!" Prince almost seemed to beam with happiness, which only made Paladin even more edgier. Although the two dragons were close, they are half-brothers after all, Paladin never had a great tolerance for the shiny's optimistic personality. It was just so... Happy. "My name is Jirachi, the Wishmaker from Hoenn. I was summoned here because of the Wish Stone, and in exchange for that stone I will grant you a wish." "Jirachi, huh? I bet she can't really grant a wish..." Paladin muttered under his breath.

    "Have you seen my Auntie Jo? She's big. Purple. And, um, she likes pretending to be other things." Paladin stared at the little Axew who somehow happened to magically teleported in front of Paladin while he was thinking. 'Auntie Jo? Purple? Pretending to be other thi-' "You talking about a Ditto, kid?" The description matched a Ditto almost perfectly, although most of the ones he's seen were small. "Sorry, but I haven't seen any dittos since I was at Olivine, and they were all undead."

    "So what are you gonna wish for, Pure?" Prince asked excitedly. It's been so long that he's seen his old friend, and the Fraxure had always wondered what the Sawsbuck would say when asked what was her greatest desire. Perhaps she would want to become living again, or maybe ask that the Epidemic never happened so the trio would all be spending time together again? Whatever the request, as long as it made her happy, he wouldn't mind it. 'Oh, and I should really start to get to know everyone here too...' With a quick look around, he smiled. 'The Axew and Infernape seemed friendly enough. Not sure about the Mienshao and Larvitar though...'

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