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12 posters

    The ICIRRUS Team


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:13 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Evening

    "Watch where you are throwing that thing!" Guard chuckled. ”Sorry ‘bout that!” he called back, laughing. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye… A shadow that flew above the ground at a speed that he could never compare to. ”N-No, WAIT! he called at the figure. He could barely make out the misshapen Weavile through the dust and smoke, which gutted Draol and mercilessly killed him, ripping one of his limbs and freezing it like a Popsicle. A defeated whine emitted from his throat. ”Rest in peace my fellow Unova Dragon, rest in peace.” he watched Kinah burn the remains before looking up at the sky, closing his eyes. ’Dear Arceus lead him to a universe where this Epidemic hadn’t tainted, give him an afterlife of happiness.’

    The Druddigon, which Guard had forgot about, rushed towards him. The Hydreigon, now over the death of his friend, gave a roar. He would do this fight in the honor of his friend, they were both part of this fight and they would all end the fight together. "Wanna share the fight and meat?" Guard scowled, but complied. ”Remember to leave some fight for the others, doe! he yelled back as he shot a Fire Blast at the other dragon. ” Yo Paladin! Take care of that dragon! I'll deal with Pure!” Guard bristled. What was the stupid Infernape trying to do now?! The same thing Draol was trying to do?! He swooped down from the sky, growling at Flame. ”Your attention’s in the wrong direction, chimp, you should be focused on the Druddigon behind me! Leave Pure be, deal with her later, or else we may die! the Hydreigon screeched as he took a sharp turn, which made the Druddigon take a straight beeline towards the Infernape with a ready Draco Meteor in his jaws.

    Guard circled the land before catching the sight of an Axew. ’An Axew. What both Draol and Prince were before everything happened.’ he thought. Flying down, he gently knocked the bucket of water. ”Hey kid, a bucket of water ain’t gonna be doing anything—if anything, the only thing that’ll help is fighting.” he said, flying a few ways away and doing a quick observation before sweeping down again. ”Arceus bless us…

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:36 am

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    Iccirus City|Evening

    Kinah scoffed as Flame tried to act like she had anything to do with the warrior's funeral she gave Draol. One would have to actually HELP to take any credit. Ingrate. Obnoxious monkey.

    "Kinah, you most likely won't listen to me, but i'll ask you anyway. I need you to help Paladin, while I help Kuro and hopefully bring back Pure." Heh, damn straight she wasn't going to listen, and she started by tuning out anything else Flame had to say. That little monkey had been a pain in her arse since they met and though she had tried befriending Pure after ignorantly attacking her, she still had a way of coming across too damn arrogant. Everything had to be about her, it seemed.

    Kinah stormed off away from the useless chatter and took a stance by Kuro. She had offered to train the younger one and she'd be damned if she gave up on her word. But, first things first. "Lesson one, Kuro, don't be afraid to retreat when you see an opening. One cannot become a full warrior if one is dead. Retreat is not the same as running away, you will merely be getting a better assessment of the situation and can come back even stronger." With that said she watched as Flame chose to try and 'get through' to Pure, che. When the path was clear she took off through the gap to get to Paladin, coming up just behind him.

    "Need a hand?" she offered with a sassy smirk, quickly raising her paw and launching a full power Force Palm at the Druddigon. She didn't have any moves that would be super effective against a dragon type, but fighting at least didn't have any weakness to it. Though, her Fire Hidden Power wouldn't do squat since fire sucked against Dragon-types, she still had her other three moves.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:58 pm

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    Icirrus City | Evening [28]

    Before Pure could react, Flame ran up to the Sawsbuck, grabbing her horns, "Pure snap out of it! This is not you! I will not fight you, but I will stop you from hurting the others! I still believe in you Pure. You are better then this. You always were." Pure had a huge grin, pulling away from Flame's grip , stomping her hooves against the pavement, "Better? Than this? HA! You must be really shitting me," She snorted, "Says the chimp who believes that she could be friends with an infected! Ahaha, stop fucking with me now, with your 'believe' crap."

    The Sawsbuck threw an Energy Ball at the Infernape, even though it wouldn't do much damage, not like she'll battle the Fire Monkey. Her real opponent?... Is actually her, herself, 'I don't even say bad words... You must be really crazy! Mom and Dad would really be disappointed...' Sane Pure's voice rang in her mind, the insane one chuckled, 'Incorrect, I'm insane. Nonetheless, don't you just want some revenge?'

    No reply.

    ”Your attention’s in the wrong direction, chimp, you should be focused on the Druddigon behind me! Leave Pure be, deal with her later, or else we may die!" Guard screeched, Pure's eyes darkened, "Dear Paladin, you must deal with me now, this battle between us has been going on too long, get your ass down here, or else you all will end up DEAD." The Sawsbuck hissed, 'The battle we are having... Between me and Paladin... It's actually just me being jealous...


    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:03 pm

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    Icirrus City | Evening

    Flame stared. Everything she did was wrong to them. Even if she tried to make it up. Nothing seem to be right for these pokemon. She growled to herself for even thinking these pokemon would accept her. She wanted to punch all of them. But they had bigger problems. The Druddigon was strong and much stronger then she thought. She looked at the Druddigon. A idea started to form in her head.

    She looked at the charging dragon and grinned. Keep coming big guy, keep coming. When the Druddigon was close enough, Flame jumped over the dragon and used multiple ThunderPunch's. The dragon roured in rage. It then started to charged a Fire Blast at her, but she counterattacked with her Flamethrower.

    The attacks exploded and set sparks everywhere. Flame smirked. Joy started to build up in her. This is what she wanted. She wanted a strong opponent like this. She wanted a challenge. And she got it. She smirked and something stirred inside her. She wasn't going to evolve, that much she knew. Still the stirring went on. She used Hone Claws to power up her next attack. Soon, her hands moved to the center of her body and a orb started to appear. The orb grow as did her joy. Joy for a real opponent. I wonder if you can withstand this! Flame releases the orb and it fly's toward the Druddigon's face.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:48 pm

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    Iccirus City//Evening

    Kuro didn't get what was happening, it was all going to fast. Everyone seemed to know this infected Sawsbuck, and he couldn't get over the sudden death of the Haxorus. But he had to fight, he needed to help these pokemon. The Larvitar shook his head, before getting up. He may be scared, but he needed to be brave. The Sawsbuck, who named seemed to be Pure, even though she didn't look so pure to him, has its back to him. I can do this, I'm not about to lose to some grass type, even if I may have the type disadvantage, I still got to try. He though. He was trying to boost confidence by telling himself he was strong in his head before he waved his arms and a twister of sand began to turn creating a large Sandstorm.

    The storm would stop everyone from seeing, but not enough that they wouldn't be able to not see completely. They would still be able to see shapes and maybe colours at a distance. But the Sandstorm was going to disappear in a little while, so he had to make his move quickly. The Sawsbuck was just in front of him. Kuro rasied his hands so that a bundle of large rocks began to form above Pure before falling in a Rock Slide.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:56 pm

    (Please skip me, I have writer's block)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:10 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Evening

    Guard watched as Kinah Force Palmed the Druddigon. "Nice work!" he commented, the Druddigon was slowly losing health now. He liked where this was going. "Better? Than this? HA! You must be really shitting me, says the chimp who believes that she could be friends with an infected! Ahaha, stop fucking with me now, with your 'believe' crap." The Hydreigon suddenly had a big urge to clap and cheer for Pure. At least the annoying ape was getting reality pushed into it's skull.

    "Dear Paladin, you must deal with me now, this battle between us has been going on too long, get your ass down here, or else you all will end up DEAD." Guard stopped, staring down at Pure. "We're not talking about Melinda... Are we?" he snarled, a bit more threatening than he thought he would sound. He in all honesty did not care about what the Infernape was doing at the moment, he could just see that the Druddigon had barely dodged an attack and was heading straight at Flame again for another attack.

    Then a Sandstorm whipped up. He guess it was because of the Larvitar. He roared as the sand tried to force it's way into his eyes and he could barely see a Rock Slide being executed onto the Sawsbuck. Paladin returned. "Pure!" he called, anxious. Although the attack wasn't effective, that was a lot of rocks that had rained down upon the infected.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:56 pm

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    Iccirus City|Evening

    What were Pure and Paladin doing? Arguing? Did this really seem like the time? Kinah gave a heavy sigh and pulled her attention back to dodging the GIANT SODDING DRAGON trying to kill them. Let the lovebirds bicker later. When a huge sandstorm whipped up Kinah was blinded, and she knew her accuracy was going to suffer for it. She used a quick Acrobatics to get above the storm, landing safely in a nearby tree, and watched as a Rock Slide went for Pure.

    'Well...the kid's got guts...' she thought to herself. The move wouldn't do much against a grass-type but it would sure as hell make her think twice. She kept getting pelted by small rocks in the sandstorm and they were beginning to piss her off. If she kept getting hit like this she would pass out before the fight was even over. So, with fury in her eyes, she lept at the Druddigon with a Drain Punch, easily taking back all of the energy she was losing from the storm. No point in waisting good energy, after all.

    "Can we focus please?" she called back to the others. "I'd rather not die because of a lover's quarrel!"

    Last edited by PhoenixVelshaine on Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:20 pm

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    Iccirus City | Evening [29]

    A Sandstorm whipped it, from the little Larvitar from before, Kinah made a comment, but the Sawsbuck disregarded it, she was aware of the many boulders above her, Guard snarled, "We're not talking about Melinda... Are we?" Pure hissed in annoyance, "That Melinda, I thought we would be best friends along with Prince, but no, after his disappearance, you just had to FUCKING leave me for her. Think about those times near that cliff next to the shore, I've been a shut-in most of my life, you two were the only friends. Prince gone, you left me... I was alone. HAHAHA!" She giggled, "Paladin... I HATE you." Some of the rocks hurling in the Sandstorm gave Pure small cuts, silence embedded the war between the two. Except for the fact of the Druddigon and the others were still having a massive fight.

    Before the crazed infected could say another word, the boulders fell on her, it didn't affect her much, but she was surrounded by darkness, the rocks covered Pure fully. She felt no pain, she felt nothing, she's already DEAD, she has been torn up, and thrown away so many times... It was like she was a puppet. There was no insane Pure, there was no sane Pure. Just her. All alone in the darkness.

    The Sawsbuck didn't want to get up, it's not because she was too weak, but because she doesn't want to face the reality that there was NO ONE, out there waiting for her. In fact, probably the whole team never cared for her, she was just a burden. A simple burden... No - a heavy burden. They must have wanted to kill her at some points, out of fear she might eat them, Pure didn't want the taste of flesh anymore, she wanted patches of grass and tasty Sitrus Berries. She wanted the smell of home, she wanted to be with Prince and Paladin, just those three, her parents alive, and to be no infection. She wanted the time of peace.

    Pure wanted to reverse time, to start over... It was impossible though, and maybe... She shouldn't. If she did, she wouldn't have met the people she had known; Kinah, Draol, Flame... Even that Larvitar she just attacked - on the mental note, she should apologize after this fucked up battle. "Pure!" Paladin called out from outside, it actually felt like eternity since she heard that.

    Emotions became mixed up in her, she felt so ANGRY, so JEALOUS, so HEARTBROKEN. A rock from outside fell out, leaving a little hole, where Pure could obviously see the light peeking out. A glint of shine caught her attention, it was there, between the boulders... Was a shiny stone. It looked like a music note, it was colored dull red, yet it was shiny, as if filled with magic, maybe even wishes. With her hoof, she started to try to get it out, the time seemed endless, but it was actually going by pretty fast, she finally got it out. The stone. It was pretty, probably inside and out. 'Unlike me...' Pure thought, degrading herself.

    Before long, she grabbed the stone between her teeth, coming out of her rocky grave slowly. She realized the truth - Pure should be dead. The stone... She shall be alive for a moment, just for it. The sand whipped around like crazy, Pure noticed the figures of everyone in the distance, the Larvitar... Well where was it now? She shook it off, looking at Paladin's figure, the Druddigon was right there, she hissed in annoyance, 'Paladin, I won't take back my words.'

    She looked around, noticing a forest nearby, she shall use this chance - to run. Far from the group. Pure ran for it, not looking back, tears started to form in her eyes as she was running, 'Please let me leave this world for good. I don't deserve it...'


    [Ooc: Sorry, this post is considered a decent post XD I should do 7 paragraphs more often lol Anyways, PURE FOUND A WISH STONE TO SUMMON JIRACHI, GASP :'0]


    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:03 pm

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    Iccirus City | Evening

    The Sandstorm batted Flame as she battled against the Druddigon. Their battle was fierce. Flame attacked with ThunderPunch as the Druddigon attacked with Dragon Claw. As the attacks clashed they sent sparks and shock waves over the snowy city. Flame's expression changed from emotionless to shear joy. This Druddigon was more powerful then Flame had known.

    Everything around her vanished. Her so call friends were nothing but sand to her at the moment. Nothing mattered, the only thing Flame wanted was this thing died or bowing at her power. Thing are going to be different in this team. Flame will be respected if it's the last thing she does.

    The Druddigon attacked with Draco Meteor as Flame attacked with Flamethrower. The pillar of fire was easily destroyer. Flame was batted by the Meteors. Other meteors landed all over the city. House were smashed, snow flying all over the place. When the attack ended, Flame stud and stared at the Druddigon with a sadistic grin. Is that the best you got? You really are weak. Your weaker then a Caterpie! No your weaker! Your weaker then a Magikarp! Flame said as she started to laugh. Nothing mattered to her right know, nothing. All she wanted was the trust of her fellow pokemon that watched her act like a idiot. But, she didn't care anymore. She just wanted power and to show these pokemon she was not some self centered bitch. She wanted change and she was going to get it.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:51 pm

    ((Unable to post picture right now))
    Icirrus City//Evening

    Kuro watched as Pure got burried under his Rock Slide. His Sandstorm still churning, showing no signs of dissapearing yet. He ran over to the pile of rocks, seeing if the infected showed any signs of coming out, but nothing stirred. He turned to the others who where still fighting the dragon type. He made a fist with his hands, he couldn't really do much to help his friends fight the dragon, he was just to small, and he couldn't even fly. At least he hoped he got rid of one of the infected before it could do any real harm to anyone. He knew she was there friend, but she was losing her mind to the infection, so he had to stop her, he just hoped the others would understand.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:31 am

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    Icirrus City/Evening (2)
    The sand and dust blew into Ri's eyes. He rubbed his eyes then pulled his goggles down. The Sawsbuck seemed to have a nervous breakdown and ran away. It was then he saw the Druddigon. "Ho! That's what you all been screamin' 'bout?! Mighty big foe you's all fighting. Lemme help." He swiftly jumped onto its back. The Druddigon was angrily clawing at its back, barely missing Ri but damaging itself with each scratch. The others seemed to say with their looks: "Kid, you are downright CRAZY." There was a pause. "Well? Why you all starin' at me for? Trip it while I'm distractin' it!" Ri held on tight, scales on the Druddigon's back falling off. "Umm, maybe I shoulda rethought that." He began to pick at one of the Druddigon's wounds, ready to be blown off at any second.

    (OoC: Sorry if Ri's grammar is horrible, he was originally going to sound like a 1940's aviator, but then I decided that's too old for him.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:07 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Evening

    "Paladin... I HATE you." The Hydreigon grimaced at her words, the small, sharp pebbles whipped up in the Sandstorm clawing at his flesh. He silently turned away, a frown etched into his face as she sand from the storm blew into his eyes. The Hydreigon's head turned to where Flame and the Druddigon were fighting. "Is that the best you got? You really are weak. Your weaker then a Caterpie! No your weaker! Your weaker then a Magikarp!" Paladin scowled. What good will insulting the Druddigon do?

    "Can we focus please? I'd rather not die because of a lover's quarrel!" Paladin looked worriedly at the pile of rocks. Was Pure okay? He turned back to Kinah. "S-Sorry!" he apologized, getting in a floating battle stance. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Pure getting out from the rubble and bolting to the forest. He was going to chase her, but Prince's voice yelled in his head. 'Get your priorities straight you idiot! Or you'll find yourself dead!'

    "Ho! That's what you all been screamin' 'bout?! Mighty big foe you's all fighting. Lemme help." Paladin eyed the Axew as it jumped onto the Druddigon's back, and frowned even more. Without warning, Paladin unleashed a massive Fire Blast at the Druddigon's face, before it charged at Paladin for a close-range Draco Meteor. Paladin refused to move however. He couldn't move. He was tired. Stressed. He just wanted to stand there until the rest of his days died out and he did too. Perhaps pain would make the feeling go away... Perhaps. "Stupid pain-in-the-ass Druddigon... I hope you rot in the distortion world." He paused for a moment. "Come at me, bro."

    There was a loud crackled before the meteor was unleashed, and the firey ball flew and collided with Paladin's shoulder.


    There was blood splattered everywhere, tiny pieces of burnt flesh scattered the ground. A little ways away from him were some of Paladin's 'wings' grotesquely severed and burnt on the ground. As the smoke settled, his image could be seen more clearly. Almost completely half of his body was charred with black... And he was missing an arm. Metres away laid the skull of one of his hands, the flesh burnt off on impact with his arm in pieces. Very few strands of flesh and skin clung to his, now-ruined, shoulder. Burn marks littered the way up his neck and a few on his face. His left eye was closed, blood splattered all around it. He gingerly opened it to reveal his scolera [Eye whites. Though Eye Blacks in his case.] completely red with blood.

    "Tch. It's not... That bad..." he muttered, before slowly falling to the ground, losing his strength.

    [OOC: Please don't control other character's expressions. >>]

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:55 pm

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    Icirrus City|Evening

    The rocks fell and Pure was buried, at least from Kinah's perspective and what little she could see through the storm. It was still cutting her up pretty badly and she had to squint to make out even the outline of the rocks. Pure could have gotten away for all she knew. But, there were bigger problems to deal with. Like the crazy monkey going nuts on the Druddigon or the weird kid jumping on it. What the hell was going on here?

    Paladin seemed to be off in his own world, then suddenly attacked the massive dragon with fire. But it went back at him with a huge Draco Meteor, which Paladin WASN'T dodging? What the F-?! Too late, Paladin was hit, and seriously wounded. The gory mess before her hardly looked like the same Hydreigon. An arm gone, wings gnarled and broken, blood and bone everywhere. Oh, Paladin, what where you thinking? Kinah watched as he hit the ground...hard. he was out of strength.

    "Paladin!" Kinah cried, rushing to her friend. Screw her heart, screw her mask, screw EVERYTHING! Her friend was dying and she had been pushing him away for some petty excuse to not get hurt. What an idiot she was! In a fury she used all of her energy she pushed herself high into an Acrobatics, landing several solid hits on the Druddigon. Then she pulled a move she had never used before, and in fact just figured out. Replacing Force Palm with Hi Jump Kick. It landed squarely under the dragon's head, snapping its head back launching it backwards and away from her friend. If it got up again it would be sorry.

    She turned back to Paladin and gently touched his main head. "You okay there mate? You're a little rough..." She was trying to fight back tears threatening to fall. He was seriously hurt and she knew it, but she still wanted a least a little false hope that he was fine, that he would pull through like always. This was Palading she was talking to. He couldn't just...give up? Could he?

    ((OOC: Lute's right, please don't control other character's expressions. And as a side note, I'm going to let Lute decide if the Druddigon is toast or not since it is his "boss" character. Did my best though and hey, Kinah learned a new move! ^_^))

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:22 pm

    [Ooc: Skip me, writer's block OTL Interact with Pure next turn so I can come up with something]

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:43 pm

    (OOC: I'm so sorry but please skip my turn, just say that Flame is sitting on some of the rubble and is looking at the sky and that her head flame is very small.)

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:42 am

    ((I can't think of anything to put, so please just skip me. Just say Kuro is standing by waiting to pull of something brave a dumb.))

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:49 pm

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    Icirrus City/Evening
    The Druddigon abruptly stopped clawing for him, running in close to the Hydreigon. It paused. With a crackling noise, Ri looked over to see what it was... A METEOR?! He just barely jumped off in time, one of his legs and back getting severely singed. He dusted himself off, wondering what it hit. "Ow... OH, JEEZ!" He then realized it hit Paladin RIGHT ON HIS SHOULDER, spattering a bloody mess everywhere. He limped over there to see how bad this turned out. The Mienshao released her fury on the Druddigon, pulverizing it with several fighting attacks and Acrobatics. Upon arriving at the gory mess, all he could do was stare.
    What is this? This is so much different than... everything I've been told about. He thought.
    He stood there with his jaw dropped.
    I've been lied to... about... everything...
    (OoC: From now on, he thinks in green. And, It looks like Paladin has been degraded to a flying Zweilous.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:11 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Evening

    Paladin weakly watched as Kinah began to beat the shit out of the Druddigon with several Acrobatics and a... High Jump Kick? He's never seen the Mienshao use that move before. The Druddigon died on impact when Kinah snapped it's head back. Kinah approached him, gently touching his main head. "You okay there mate? You're a little rough..." The Hydreigon gave a small smile. "I-I'm fine. Thank you, Kinah. Congratulations on the new move."

    Pure was still nowhere to be seen and Flame was just staring at the sky. Paladin sighed. "Flame, are you okay?" he called. His own body was the least of his concerns right now, he needed to know how everyone else was. He looked over to Ri, who's mouth was gaping. "You okay, kid? You're not too injured, are you?" his voice was starting to falter.

    He floated a bit higher, trying to reassure himself and the ones around him that he'll be fine. [Though he really wasn't. The pain was almost unbearable right now.] "M-Maybe we should find Pure now. I mean, it's dangerous out in the forest alone..." Paladin began to slowly float towards the thick woods. He needed to apologize to Pure aswell, he owed her an apology for everything. "After we find Pure, let's get some rest." the Hydreigon put on a cheery smile, trying to dissipate the gloomy atmosphere.

    [OOC: Eeyup. He's a floating Zweilous now, ha ha. xD]

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:30 pm

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    Icirrus City|Evening

    "I-I'm fine. Thank you, Kinah. Congratulations on the new move." Kinah smiled meekly at Paladin. It was obvious he was in a lot of pain. At least the stupid dragon was finally dead, so no one else would get hurt. Paladin was worried about one of the new kids and she in turn was worried about Kuro. The kid had put up a great fight but he didn't seem to be so sure about it, and might try something. "If you're sure you're okay mate, then I'm gonna check on the others. You lay here a minute...'kay?"

    She gave him one last affectionate pat on the head and walked over to Kuro. He seemed distant, distracted. "Hey, warrior. You okay?" she asked gently. She didn't want to offend him but she was worried none the less. He went up against a much larger opponent that had the advantage on his type on top of being an infected. She sighed, Pure...what happened? She seemed so normal just before the fight. Looking over to Flame the monkey seemed okay, just a little out of it like everyone else. But the new kid...she had no idea what was up with him.

    "M-Maybe we should find Pure now. I mean, it's dangerous out in the forest alone...After we find Pure, let's get some rest." Kinah whirled on Paladin. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" she snarled at him. "You, you nutter, already got yourself hurt so you are going to sit RIGHT THERE, and I will go find Pure. The rest of them can keep you company while you try and RECOVER." She crossed her arms defiantly and glared at the wounded Hydreigon, daring him to argue.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:09 pm

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    Icirrus City | Evening [30]

    The Sawsbuck ran far enough probably, she panted as she stopped near some cliff, off to the side was some stone bridge built by humans. Pure didn't mind though, she waited patiently on what to do with the stone, she wanted to do something before she will kill herself. The Music Note Stone glinted silver as the evening moon was near to fading. Possibly, it is near sunrise. The Sawbsuck sat in her place, she felt like something happened while she was gone.

    Possibly the Druddigon dead? Maybe the group? She doesn't care though, she left them alone, and she will not be a burden. Hunger proceeded through her mind, but she pushed the thought away, even if she was infected, she felt emotions stir inside of her. It was very confusing indeed.

    This stone reminds me of wishes... She thought cheerfully, Maybe I can wish for something... Pure thought of several ways, but none of them are good enough for this special stone, nor was she going to burden her friends with silly wishes.

    She thought, and she thought, has she watched the stone glimmer.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:32 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Evening

    "Flame, are you okay?" The fire monkey turned and looked at Paladin. Her eyes widen in horror. Pa-Paladin? Are you ok? Flame said as she got up but sat back down when she remembered the mark on her arm. She took her Def, Scarf and wrapped it around her wound, trying to hide it from view. She then heard Kinah speak.

    "You, you nutter, already got yourself hurt so you are going to sit RIGHT THERE, and I will go find Pure. The rest of them can keep you company while you try and RECOVER." Kinah said as she crossed her arms. Flame got up, still holding her arm so the blood would not show, and stud by Kinah. I agree with Kinah. She and the other two are the most healthy of all of us, so one of them should go and look for Pure. Flame said as she faced Kinah.

    I will stay with Paladin and look after his wounds. You can take one of the younger pokemon and go after Pure. Flame said as she looked back at Paladin and smiled. I hope that's alright with you, Paladin? Flame said in a reassuring voice. She also relised that she had changed. Not from the evolution, but just from being with these pokemon. She looked at Paladin for a moment and then walk up to him and kissed his cheek.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:44 pm

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    Icirrus City//Evening

    The first thing Kuro saw when the Sandstorm started to clear was the Hydreigons arm getting blown off by a Draco Meteor. The Larvitars eyes widened with fear as he watched, his legs couldn't move, and it took a lot just to look away. When he opened his eyes again, everything was over, he didn't really do anything, all he did was stop that undead Sawsbuck from attacking everyone, but it ran off, and that Hydreigon guy seemed to be wanting to go after her. Why? She's infected, so why does he want to go after her? He thought to himself before seeing Kinah walk over to him. "Hey, warrior. You okay?" She asked Kuro in a kind way.

    Kuro looked up at her for a moment before shaking his head, trying to get out of his daze. "Yeah, I'm fine, not a scratch on me." He said, a smile on his face as he tapped his chest with his hands to get rid of some of the sand from the sandstorm. "Though I don't think your friend looks ok." He said as he looked once again at the Hydreigon, covered in blood and still losing more. He listened to Kinah telling him he was to hurt and that going after Pure was nuts. Kuro looked off into the forest where Pure ran, then looked at the ground before looking back up. "I'll go find her." He said as he stepped closer to them. "Its practically my fault she ran off in the first place, so I'll go find her." He knew what he was saying was dumb, and that they would try to stop him, so before they could even protest he ran off in the direction he saw the Sawsbuck run off in. He hoped she wouldn't try to attack him again, cause he didn't think he would get lucky a second time.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:57 pm

    (Skip me, Ri mumbles something about this being so strange.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:04 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Evening

    "OH NO YOU DON'T! You, you nutter, already got yourself hurt so you are going to sit RIGHT THERE, and I will go find Pure. The rest of them can keep you company while you try and RECOVER." Paladin opened his mouth to debate, but thought against it. Kinah was right, it would be dangerous to go to the forest in his current state. Defeated, he hung his head slightly. "Alright... I'll stay."

    "I will stay with Paladin and look after his wounds. You can take one of the younger pokemon and go after Pure." The monkey faced him, and he blinked. "I hope that's alright with you, Paladin?" The Hydreigon was about to reply when the Infernape kissed him on the cheek. He felt his face heat up immensely, before scowling.

    "What." he began. "The fuck was that." Guard snarled. He floated backwards, away from the Flame Monkey and eyeing her warily. "Get away from me." he hissed, clearly unnerved by Flame's actions.

    "Its practically my fault she ran off in the first place, so I'll go find her." Guard was about to object, but the immense pain from his missing arm stopped him as he winced. Slowly, he thought it over. 'I guess is could be a way for the two to have a better relationship...?' If that was the case, it was the best way to go. he didn't want fighting amongst them. "F-fine. But go now and find her quick. I fear the worst." he mumbled. Who knows what Pure is going to do? He couldn't lose her now, not after finding her. He couldn't lose another friend, Prince was already enough.

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