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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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4 posters

    (ACE) The MARSH Team


    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:18 am

    ((OoC: Gimme a skip here, Shenron is just keeping his fire going with his wings up to block the wind))

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Oct 01, 2022 5:07 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon

    Felix laid down still and was resting his legs. They was in the water for some time and at least the risk of hypothermia was low with them since they got fur to reduce that risk. However, they'll more likely be needing to get out of the rain soon before too long. Eleroo then asked both him and Shenron the same question he asked Seek. "What about you, are you alright?" He wish he could say he's fully okay but the soreness came back a bit more. The sylveon knew it wasn't broken but likely a bruised muscle was persisting. "I'm feeling a bit more sore than I was earlier, but its more worth the risk in order to save another." Felix then laughed about what Seek said. Neither was he but it would be a tale to tell if there was young ones to talk with. "Same here Seek, mmph, at least we made it, that's all that matters." Looking around, there was no other pokemon, no eyes looking upon the, no movement, it was like they was isolated from any other living soul and in a spot that didn't make much sense to any of them. "This feeling, we're all isolated from anything else. I don't think Uxie did this to us on purpose. He might have had an intent to get us far enough away where they couldn't find us anywhere nearby." Felix was sure of that. Not that he understood legendary pokemon but he was thankful to Uxie none the less.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Oct 08, 2022 8:04 pm

    ((I think I will skip for these two and make their introductory next cycle))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:29 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 182 || Seek 202

    With adrenaline still pumping through their veins both eeveelutions struggled to understand the cold they felt. Even as Seek shivered the warmth of the fire felt like too much, a burning heat rather than comforting, meager warmth. Her mind was fading, present yet incoherent as she fought off shock and hypothermia alike. Eleroo pressed closer, but he had stopped grooming her and was instead staring off into the distance. Finally having a moment to catch his breath, the Radeon found his stress did not fade completely. "Same here Seek, mmph, at least we made it, that's all that matters." Felix's gentle words tried to lighten the mood, but Eleroo remained just as tense and Seek merely snorted in lieu of speaking.

    Shenron remained quiet, and with everyone tired and cold it was a struggle to want to speak. Felix did his best, his soothing voice keeping the tired Pokemon awake and focused as they sat around the dragon's smoldering flame. "This feeling, we're all isolated from anything else. I don't think Uxie did this to us on purpose. He might have had an intent to get us far enough away where they couldn't find us anywhere nearby." Scanning in all directions Eleroo saw not a soul around them. Other than the rain, it was bitterly quiet, the land seemingly missing the smells of life with all the water around them. It was... lonely. But, he perked at the Sylveon's words, curious. Uxie had put them here specifically, and the Radeon could not bear the idea he had done so with malice. Did the legend know this spot, or maybe there was another reason to be here?  

    "Maybe this area is.. safe?" He dared to question allowed, still scanning and searching for life within the brush. They hadn't seen any living Pokemon, but they also hadn't been preyed on by undead. "Maybe he knew this spot was vacant to give us a chance to escape." It was hard to say; the Legend had not told them much, the reason for this location most certainly not being one of them. It would explain a lot, and while all there commotion didnt-- "No where is safe." Seek growled on a spluttering breath. "But maybe the Pokemon here.. know better than to be out in the storm.."

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:47 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (172)

    Shenron nodded stiffly at the conversation but offered no input. What could he say? Nothing that hadn't been said already. Even as he gazed at the empty forest around he did not feel friendly presence. Only endless unknown where one wrong turn landed you in the maw of an infected. Or free-falling to a water grave. He hated marshes for a reason. Still they had a point. There was no good to come of staying exposed to the elements. Even if they found a weather-battered grotto or an abandoned marsh car, it was better then standing out here. Drenched to the bone with wind lashing their trembling bodies.
    Hell a weathered tree hollow would be safer...


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:16 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Felix is resting and is staying silent.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Oct 22, 2022 6:41 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 1 || Johvani 1

    Something wasn't right.

    With narrowed eyes the Radeon's skulked through the undergrowth. Drinking in the scents of the land they moved with learned paws, their stealth unmatched as they whipped through the landscape unhindered. They tread with a mission, their path winding but purposeful as they made a large arc across their territory. The small one stopped to sniff a suspiciously broken branch before turning his nose toward the sky. The snapped branch held a scent buried beneath the rain, and strand of fur no less, but it was not what they were searching for. With a deep breath the Radeon continued on, his thoughts fixated yet racing. The figure they had seen.. was it simply an illusion, or had a false effigy returned to their marsh? Had its claimed protector returned as well, to challenge the power they had usurped? Lu'req let a growl rumble in his throat; they would not find answers unless they found the deity, and they had long sense lost the racing figure to the trees.  

    No matter, they had a job to do, and the pair marched on ever forward. The legend had gone in the other direction but a curious scent still lingered in this area that they were obligated to follow. It twisted and swept, aimless, but did not stink of rot and death as their usual path did. "There still isn't blood," Johvani's voice cooed softly from behind him, confirming the status of their quarry. With a grumble the smaller Pokemon moved with a hitch in his step. "We should check by the water. Could be a drowner." Opportunist Pokemon sought favor in this land, and any fools that wandered in made for easy prey. Regardless of what brought them this far the luck of the ignorant would not hold out. With a quick twist both Radeon's took off, the land familiar, its paths known as they raced for their destination.

    The leisurely, near stagnant pond was surged with activity at this time of year, and only the ignorant would head towards it, but the tromped path and signs pointed that way nonetheless. At the water's edge the poison pair knew the best place to cross made it across the shallowest portion with ease. On the opposite bank the made it back to the shelter of the trees, and could follow the remains of the trail hidden from view. Reed's scowl did not lighten up, his thoughts wandering despite the fixated prey. Why would they come here, or head toward the hearty source? Were they related to his earlier sighting?

    In an instant Reed's body seized, piercing eyes locked on the shape of huddled Pokemon at the edge of the swollen pond. Drawing back his lips the Radeon felt the his throat curdle with a raising growl, but he stifled the noise before it could come out. What the hell was this? The Pokemon were painfully exposed, and while quiet the sorry state of the group screamed outsider to anyone with vision. "Maybe this area is.. safe? Maybe he knew this spot was vacant to give us a chance to escape." One Pokemon squeaked, though Reed could not see which behind the wings of the large dragon that obscured most the group. Why in the gods names would such a susceptible fire type languish here? He could not fathom it.

    Johvani's step were quiet and skilled, but Lu'req could sense her approaching nonetheless and was quick to turn himself sideways and intercept her path. The larger Pokemon stopped, body blocked, and stared at the same spot with a more curious glance. "No where is safe." A meek voice croaked, sounding even more pathetic than the first. Had they been preyed upon? Both Radeon had not seen signs of a struggle or traces of undead; was the comment more philosophical than contextual?

    "But maybe the Pokemon here.. know better than to be out in the storm.." The growl quickly grew into a snarl, the bedraggled, waterlogged, miserable heaps posing no threat to Reed as he stomped out of their cover with fangs bared, growling, "The Pokemon here know better than cross a damn river at its deepest part." Moving closer to them the Radeon had no fear, but once he could see clearly he remained at a modest distance. Flashing his fangs further he wasted no time demanding, "What the hell are you lot doing here?"

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:48 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 183 || Seek 203

    Finally Seek's heart rate was staring to ease, her stress slowly, oh so slowly starting to fade as the warmth of the fire worked its way into her fur. Eleroo's fussing was embarrassing but she was in no position to say otherwise, nor did she want it to stop admittedly. Lifting her gaze toward Shenron she forced them to focus; he was already tired, strained too much by this godsforsaken storm and landscape, yet he continued to give for their sakes. For her mistake. Clenching her jaw the Aiveon let out a heavy sigh and dejectedly tilted her head back as it lay on her paws. How pathetic..

    "Maybe it would help if you shook out your fur?" The male suggested, the sweet tone of his voice betraying his worries. With a grunt Seek rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and get everyone else even more wet." Eleroo's jaw parted, as if wanting to argue that she could walk away a little bit first, but he saw no point in it as her eyelids fell a little more closed. A smile crossed his face, awkward, concerned, and still just so relieved that they were all safe and together after that mess. Rivers shouldn't be messed with. He thought the obvious to himself, thoughts starting to wander before a sudden and harsh voice came brusquely over his ears.

    "The Pokemon here know better than cross a damn river at its deepest part."

    Were he not dripping from rain and water alike Eleroo's pelt would have puffed up like a pinecone, his red eyes massive within his face. The intensely of the voice behind sneer was chilling, and while he felt his blood run cold it was not the Pokemon's words that got to him, but its appearance. Another.. Radeon?! As his first sighting of another of his kind Eleroo was dumbstruck, frozen in place as he stared at the aggravated Pokemon with absolute wonder. Were his body not submitted to command he could have wagged with awe, and instead remained still behind the lump that was Seek.

    She on the other hand was tense, her body stiffening and eyes locked on the shape of the aggressive oncoming Pokemon. It bared its fangs and she responded in kind, though she had not the strength to stand up against him. "You got a better idea?" She sneered back, issuing a challenge she could not rise to. Despite her response it only took seconds for her heart to start pounding again, the sight of another Radeon enough to make her sick with realization. "What the hell are you lot doing here?" It continued, the space between them uncomfortably narrow. "We could ask you the same thing." She grumbles defensively, all other scoffs falling flat on her tongue. She wanted nothing to do with this Pokemon.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:48 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (173)

    Shenron spun on his heel towards the new voices stoking flames into his maw. A huff of smoke left his nostrils telling him his flame was still recuperating. Only Outrage at his disposal for now. That would have to do for now. He eyed the two Eeveelutions warily. Was this their habitat? He hadn't seen this particular evolution elsewhere... His curiosity was swiftly dashed as the Pokemon spoke. Disrespectfully he might add. "Well there is no land bridge or human-made alternative. That side of the stream we know to be dangerous so staying was not an option" Still he did not say why or be pointed on the subject. The two Pokemon needed to earn that kindness. That politeness. He would not just come out and say anything. He had learned generosity in details helped no one.
    Least of all himelf.


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:41 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    Felix moved a bit while still lying on the ground, pain spikes still present but slowly going away. They was all tired still. Regardless of their situation, they should be safe but they was still lost in this arceus forsaken marsh. Opening his eyes a little bit, Felix felt the warm flame of Shenron's tail. Then he heard the other two talking. Seek was right thought, nowhere is safe now days because of the virus that has turned other pokemon undead and those who went crazy for their own survival like East making a sanctuary only for water types. Felix couldn't understand how those two was thinking an illusion of controlling the undead would work. That illusion will get them killed or infected themselves. At that point, Felix couldn't care less what happened to them now. They chose, they'll find their own consequences.

    Looking at Seek, she was exhausted still like he was but at least they're together and they succeeded in saving Eleroo. That was all that mattered. Once they recover, they'll need to find out where they are and where to go from there. However they wasn't alone and they found out fast. "The Pokemon here know better than cross a damn river at its deepest part." A Radeon? This far into the marsh? That tone of voice however wasn't something he took kindly to. Disrespectful and quite rude. If Felix didn't know any better, this radeon is far worse in the spoiled level. "What the hell are you lot doing here?" That's it, he wasn't going to deal with this Radeon's rudeness. The Sylveon gets up and lashes the ground with his feelers and moves in front ignoring his pain for the time being.

    With a growl in return, he locks eyes with the Radeon. Clearly pissed enough to defend the others. "We already had to deal with two selfish bastards in Pastoria and we're not going to put up with another selfish bastard. For a Radeon, you lack any respect for those around you! So either you can leave us alone and take your selfish attitude elsewhere or you can be a bit more respectful to talk to us like proper pokemon, Your choice!" Even though he doesn't wish to fight this radeon, he'll do so if need be. The pain then acts up again but he had to ignore it. If an opponent seen him react to the area, it would give them a clue to where to attack. He wasn't about to let this one see it.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:11 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 2 || Johvani 2

    The Radeon's lifeless tail twitched along the ground, irritation building up along his spine. Keeping steady and intense eye contact with the Dragon and Fae he was most unimpressed with their reactions; slow, defensive, offended even, but their returned aggression was lacking. Did they not understand the danger before them, around them? The dragon was smoking mad but still explained itself. "Well there is no land bridge or human-made alternative. That side of the stream we know to be dangerous so staying was not an option." Letting his face twist with squicked confusion Reed could have laughed at such a piteous creature. "Surely those wings are not just for show." He derides, lifting and flicking one paw, and the temper from the other Pokemon started to rise.

    Acknowledging the lack of immediate outburst Johvani quickly covered ground and stood tall at an angle beside the smaller Radeon. Intimidating Pokemon was one thing; he was just toying with these two. "We already had to deal with two selfish bastards in Pastoria and we're not going to put up with another selfish bastard. For a Radeon, you lack any respect for those around you! So either you can leave us alone and take your selfish attitude elsewhere or you can be a bit more respectful to talk to us like proper Pokemon, your choice!" Indifferent to its hostile words Johvani's eyes widen with surprise. They came from Pastoria? But they didn't recognize these Pokemon, and neither did Reed from what they could tell. If he did there was no chance he would approached without drawing blood. Were they new scouts..? With a sidelong glance at the other poison type Johvani could only see his scruffy pelt prickling with returned hostility, the words setting poorly on the temperamental Pokemon.

    Drawing back his lips Reed growled viciously, "Don't speak to me about respect, worm." Saliva strings dripped from glinted fangs, the sour spoke curling his toes through the peat. "You are in no position to make demands." Bedraggled, exhausted, soaked, did these fools not know who they were faced against?! "You got a better idea?" Another voice pipped with snark, drawing the Radeon's gaze down to the sodden shape that had been hidden behind the dragon before. It took two heart beats for shock to settle over his twisted face, eyes widening with a fresh sense of repulsion. A pair of young eeveelutions, their bodies not yet fully grown. While the pathetic heap was one thing the sight of another Radeon was quick to make his blood boil, and only Johvani pacing to his other side held back the rising temper. "If this is your attempt to parley it is truly vile."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:00 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 184 || Seek 204

    Gritting her teeth Seek dug her paws into the ground and pushed herself up into her legs. She still looked pathetic, and practically swayed on her paws as her muscles felt like jelly, but the Aiveon managed to stand her ground against the aggressor as their numbers did little to sway him. "Don't speak to me about respect, worm." He sneered at them, the venom of the living Pokemon shocking, unnecessary, and seemingly inappropriate. "You are in no position to make demands." Gods be damned, she wanted to bite back, to return the favor, to fight fire with her usual fire, but the spark in her had been smothered by responsibility and a filthy river.

    With no strength she had to remain calm, even as her fight or flight screamed to respond less rationally. "Neither are you." She hisses in a low voice, making the same argument again. Even in their sorry state it was a 1 on four, surely they could toss him in the river and make a run-- a second Radeon crept out from the bushes, its size dwarfing the first and mooting their advantage. In a similar motion Eleroo stood firmly at her side, the small poison type suddenly sturdier and stronger than she was as he eyed the new pair with massive red eyes. He did not tremble with fear, or seem the least bit terrified; apprehensive maybe, but it was not the reaction she would have expected from the little Radeon.

    Turning her own wide eyes on the large pair of Radeon's Seek practically gasped as the small one eyed with them with such potent disgust. "If this is your attempt to parley it is truly vile." What was his problem?! Shifting her blue gaze to the tall one she didn't seem to share her companions feelings, her own gaze curious yet cautious. "Look," Seek huffs before taking in a deep breath to steady her voice. "We're lost, we aren't trying to trespass, we didn't come here willingly." Gods willing, she would have preferred Uxie place them anywhere else on the planet than here. "We're literally leaving, no need to get up in arms."

    Furrowing his brow Eleroo would not pull his gaze from the curious pair. It was exciting, frightening, tingling to see a stronger reflection of himself. They seemed wise, or at least knowledgeable to say the least, and the boy could not help but let some of his curiosity slip with a an earnest question. "Theres another way across the river?"

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:14 pm

    ((OoC: So sorry, I'm not feeling well enough to post so gimme a skip. Shenron is just glaring and grumbling))

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:47 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    Felix didn't like the attitude of the male Radeon. Maybe they was sent by East and the Swampert to kill them and take Eleroo back. Hearing Seek talk though, she was trying to tell him that they was lost and didn't come here willingly. Taking a breath, Felix had to say it. "How do we know that you aren't helping that Floatzel East and that Swampert? We risked our lives rescuing one of our comrades and they attacked us because we're outsiders. Besides, Uxie dropped us off here. If you don't want us, then we'll leave without any further confrontation." It wasn't worth fighting again and leading their pursuers to them. Chances are that they might be coming right now. "If we was wanting to parley, then we would do it with good intent but judging before you actually know is misjudgment in itself." He had nothing else to say to the male Radeon, he'd rather talk with the female to get a calmer pokemon to talk to.

    OoC))Short Post

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:32 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 3 || Johvani 3

    "Neither are you." The child sneered at him, unafraid, unopposed though she could hardly stand upon her own paws. Had she no sense to go with the lack of respect? The scruffy, matted hairs along Reed's nape lifted and stood with prickling irritation, his limp tail twitching as he restrained himself for the sake of answers. These Pokemon did not belong here, that much was clear, but with every word that fact was burned deeper into their impression. "How do we know that you aren't helping that Floatzel and Swampert? We risked our lives rescuing one of our comrades and they attacked us because we're outsiders. Besides, Uxie dropped us off here. If you don't want us, then we'll leave without any further confrontation."

    With burning burgundy eyes Lu'req stared at the Sylveon as the growl grew louder in his throat. The sound of that name was enough to make his blood boil. That spiel was a lot to take in, but given the position of these Pokemon there was little reason to believe or rationalize his shit. But yet, one thing held true, and letting his lips fall back into place the deep scowl pursed the vulpine's face instead. "Are you a complete moron?" He asks, tone flat with disillusion. It was as if he was completely daft, dropped from the sky on his head no less, and Reed nearly prayed for the dragon to speak up once again to free him of the idiot's rant. Tilting his muzzle toward Johvani he searched their gaze for input, but the taller Radeon was fixated elsewhere and gave nothing of consideration.

    The base of his tall continued to shudder; was this all some deep seeded facade, or had he jumped to conclusions too quickly? The Sylveon itself had already lost his interest but his information was paramount to his own findings. Yet it was inaccurate; this was Azelf's land, not Uxie's. Could he really be that stupid? A heavy breath rushed from his lungs in a deep exhale. Then who did I see? With a few moments to catch its breath the Aiveon spoke up again, and as he turned to face her Reed struggled to keep his eyes focused away from the pitiful Radeon. "Look. We're lost, we aren't trying to trespass, we didn't come here willingly." She had calmed somewhat, snide remarks missing from her words. "Because of "Uxie"?" He jeers, filling in for her as he remained unconvinced.

    Watching and listening Johvani could not take her gaze away from the young ones. They seemed so small, so delicate to be out in this miserable, beautiful place. Was the Sylveon their parent or chaperone? Neither seemed correct by the way they were speaking. "Theres another way across the river?" The small Radeon asked, the question brimming with a genuine curiosity and not a drop of hostility. Eying the little one, her gaze soft as she spoke gently to him, Johvani smiled with each calm word. "Yes, there are stepping stones further down. They rise above the flooding but can be slippery and dangerous." For deft, accustomed paws they were easily passable with care, but this young one seemed like he had barely spend a day in these wilds. A deep furrow pushed her brows up with concern; where had this poor darling been forced to live all his short life?

    Despite the hostiles Johvani was at ease; these Pokemon were reasonably weary but had not the strength to strike them, and she sat down and neatly wrapped her tail over her paws. Reed was fuming, and though she could already tell he tired of this debacle she knew better than to argue a dead point. The Aiveon continued, having learned and speaking as plainly as possible. "We're literally leaving, no need to get up in arms." It was curious to hear. Why give away their plan when it clearly would not work, when that was not an option. "Yeah, no you're not." Reed barks, the fur along his spine spiked as stepped closer to the other Pokemon. "One way or another, until you can be authenticated, you'll be coming with us."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Nov 26, 2022 6:35 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 185 || Seek 205

    "Are you a complete moron?" It was like their words were simply bouncing off of him, nothing penetrating the anger wall. You cant say that to him! She screams internally, digging her claws into the soil. Only I can say that kind of stuff! But fearing the words would come off as further provocation the defense died before reaching her tongue. Felix would stand up for himself, for better or worse as the guy could not keep his mouth shut, but it still stung for Seek not to hold her rank.
    The hostile Radeon was not giving them an inch, keeping the group pinned along the edge of the river with his baleful gaze. Her attempt to ease things did little, aggroing what seemed like mockery more than confusion. "Because of "Uxie"?" "Yes, actually. He just put us here!" She stressed, eyes bugging a little with exasperation. The other Pokemon hadn't seemed that surprised by the Legend's presence, so surely he should believe them! "No one asked for this, no one wants to be here. So we'll be going, problem solved."

    "Yes, there are stepping stones further down. They rise above the flooding but can be slippery and dangerous." Stepping stones? The young Pokemon struggled to imagine stones making it above the swollen river, not counting the surging rapids on top of that. "But.. the current was so much stronger down there." He mumbles, more confused than anything. Slippery rocks and surging water? Shuddering at the thought Eleroo could not imagine that being a better option than the path they had traveled. Were it not for the slip up the sunken pathway had been perfectly fine. "Falling there would have been worse than here."

    Seek did not want to take to these Pokemon anymore. Other than riling them up it was getting to no where. With a deep breath she flicks her aching, screaming wings free of any drips and starts to walk with pained, stiff steps, signifying their departure. "Yeah, no you're not." The harsh words were followed with the male stepping in tandem with her, ensuring the space between him and the Aiveon remained the same. "Excuse me?" She gawks, discomfort increasing as the Pokemon looming over them. Isn't that what he wanted, for them to get the heck out? "One way or another, until you can be authenticated, you'll be coming with us." With wide eyes she stared back, dumbfounded. Authenticated? Who did this guy think he was? "And if we refuse?" She growls, practically laughing at the ridiculous statement, though it was nerves that shook her voice. "You and what army?"

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:02 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (174)

    Shenron squinted at the two Eeveelutions and felt the strength of Arceus to not bark out a laugh at that. How on Earth would these two stop them? If they were Poison types like Eleroo at most they posed a threat to Felix. Shenron chortled in amusement. "Authenticated? What is this wording? Were you former trainer Pokemon?" Which he would not buy no matter how they attempted to bargain. Trainer Pokemon knew respect and to not antagonize others they held no will over. Or were higher on the food chain then them at least. Shenron cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms. Amused curiosity on his face.
    "How will you authenticate us if we have no intention of being detained? I'm curious"


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:32 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Felix stands there in annoyance of the Male Radeon.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:23 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 4 || Johvani 4

    "But.. the current was so much stronger down there." The young one fraught aloud. She nods, delighted to know he had tried that route first. "Falling there would have been worse than here." With a tilt of their head Johvani's smile does not fade. Did he still believe that to be true with how soaked his pelt was and waterlogged the other was looked? "It would," she agrees, tone still gentle as she explained, "both ways have their dangers, but the risk at the narrow part is much less than here." Here, the deep churning water was more likely to drag him under, the sunken trees gripping and dragging unexpected pray. The undead that lurked in these waters sheltered in the deep water when the current was strong. Falling downriver would smack the victim against any stationary trunks and stones, but the possibly of making it to the edge was much, much greater. A toss up perhaps, but any local-mon knew the better option.

    "Authenticated? What is this wording? Were you former trainer Pokemon?" Head snapping toward the winged lizard Reed nearly spat, squicked by such an unusual insult. "No, but it sure says something coming from someone who was." He jests, maroon gaze eyeing the dragon's little wrist trinket. His mother had been like that too, choosing to decorate herself with things of the past. To be bound to something so leech-like. While his gaze was still locked in place he saw so far back in the distance; how long ago was it that his mother taught him such words? She had not wanted him to be a 'swamp hick' and pushed more curious words on him, removing him from his only birthright. With a grumble he turns back to the Aiveon, nearly forgetting the source of his unwanted memory. "How will you authenticate us if we have no intention of being detained? I'm curious."

    Pausing, Reed humored the thought and ran over the odds. Of the group, the dragon posed the most threat, with children and a fae Pokemon only being a nuisance at best. Yet he was in sorry states, clearly weakened in this unsuited environment among other reasons, and while he would not go down without a fight Reed did not see it being much trouble. The two with wings would be annoying to catch, but their fun trip across the water made it clear that was not an option. Four-on-two sounded unfavorable until the stats were laid out. "You're not in any condition to refuse." He grunts bluntly, the pitiful state of the situation growing more clear by the second.

    "And if we refuse?" The Aiveon gasped, distress working at her nerves as she spoke with wide, wild eyes. "I'll make you." He spoke with no hidden meaning, teeth glinting on each individually pronounced word. "You and what army?" The deep growl in his throat rose to a snarl as Reed bared his fangs completely, the healthy pink of his gums bright against his purple pelt. "I am the army, brat." Skulking closer to the child Reed moved with practiced steps, the wet sludge made no sound as he stepped, the suction of mud missing his limbs as he stayed above its grasp. "I won't ask again."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2633

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Dec 12, 2022 7:14 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 186 || Seek 206

    Eleroo could not help but stare with wide, curious eyes. Despite the hostiles firing off mere feet away he was in a different world, one of awe and wonder as she spoke with his unknown kin so gently. The two Radeon were so different in demeanor, so strangely alike to him and Seek. Was it a similar situation, another thing they shared in common? The white hearts by her eyes shrunk as she closed them a little, the kindness of her words so strikingly different from her companion's.  "It would, both ways have their dangers, but the risk at the narrow part is much less than here." With thoughtful nods the lad could see her reasoning. Truthfully, he didn't know much about swamps and rivers. His logic could only go so far, but if this Pokemon was as comfortable here as they seemed he had little reason to think them a liar. Wiggling in place the boy tapped his feet against the ground, feeling for the length of his legs and width of his paws. Maybe when he was taller.. "Guess we got lucky then."

    Reality seemed painfully split, his pleasant chat inappropriate and seemingly impossible given the circumstances, and forced to end as the smaller of the two got closer to them with threatening words. "I'll make you." He spat candidly, the 'banter' over, his patience thinned. Unable to ignore it any longer Eleroo pressed his side against Seek, the Aiveon standing rigidly, defiantly against the scarred Pokemon. Painful as it was she raised her wings slowly, spreading them in absence of fluffy her pelt, her head tilting down ever so slightly to bare her stones against him. "Seek, maybe we should listen.." he whispers to her, though any real persuasion was lost as he had blocked out the world around him for those few minutes. "There might be more-!" While the words were meant as a caution, that they could be outnumbered in this unforgiving land, they came on an excited squeak, the thought of more of their kind, his kind, feeling otherworldly.

    "I am the army, brat." He was quick to remind Eleroo that, no matter what he saw in these Pokemon this one was not responding in kind. With another step close to them Seek drove one paw down, making a small splash as it slapped the soggy ground in defiance. "I won't ask again." Staring deeply into the white blaze upon his face Seek suddenly recalled a memory from Azalea Town regarding the color and a Pokemon, a time that seemed so long ago now. What she had said, the confidence in words, what the heck happened to her to be belittled by guy? Worse yet, Eleroo seemed more rational than her, remaining calm in the face of fangs. Did he somehow know something she did not? "Where?" She asserts, neither agreeing to his terms or outright denying them. "Back to Pastoria?"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 850

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Thu Dec 15, 2022 1:05 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (175)

    Shenron rumbled at the thought and snorted. Pastoria? If they confirmed that was the destination then he would rather chance Veilstone at the end of a long sprint then go to Pastoria. Not a gym full of irate hostile Pokemon gunning to hurt them. Kill them. That was not an option. Not at all. If the little Eeveelutions wished to fight then Shenron would gladly oblige and happily go down in his companions' defense. He hoped it wouldn't come to that but if so...
    He would have to.


    Age : 38
    Posts : 1901

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:24 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    As annoyed as Felix was with the male's attitude, he knew very well that his attitude would be his own downfall. Felix couldn't just tell him straight out. That Radeon was already a major case in a psychological point but maybe if Felix learned more about him, there would be a chance that would give him some sort of hint that there was some sort of conflict in the mind. Getting it out of the male wouldn't work. "I am the army, brat." How cocky is he? Does he truly believe he's that strong to handle a full on assault from both the undead and the living? The Sylveon would rather get this done and over with so that they can prove their point to this Radeon alone. "Back to Pastoria?" The way it sounds, they got no choice. That was their only proof to their story.

    Felix hated about the thought of going back but this would be also a chance for payback for East abducting Eleroo but he wasn't the one to bring the payback to the Floatzel. The Sylveon closed his eyes and gritted his teeth before forcefully agreeing to go with. "We got no choice Seek, this would be our only proof and if we try to run, then all of what Uxie did would be for naught. Besides, I got a few choice words for those bastards for what they did to Eleroo." As much as he hated cooperating with the male Radeon, this would mean he'd have to talk with him. Felix then walks over to the female Radeon. "He means proof doesn't he? Chances are that the situation in Pastoria would likely be more dangerous. I'd hate to think what East and that Swampert is doing to those close or even trying to escape from Pastoria." Thinking back from when the other got more pissed when he mentioned both East and the swampert, there had to be something that caused that increased hate.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2633

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Dec 23, 2022 8:07 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 5 || Johvani 5

    Though she did not attack the brat had the gall to stand up to him, her will strong even if the rest of her did not follow suit. Reed was not impressed, no, but it was a trait worth noting to him nonetheless. "Where?" She demands to know, still managing to argue like the insolent child she was. "Back to Pastoria?" Just hearing the name of that place soured his mouth, but other than a twinge of his lip the Radeon did not react to it. Were they trying to bait him? So much about these Pokemon did not add up, and he'd be damned to let them get away scot-free. The Sylveon moved in, speaking tensely to the smaller Eeveelution as if trying to convince her to yield. With an impatient flick of his tail Reed grumbled, unable to wrap his head around the dynamic of these misfit Pokemon.

    Johvani could see Lu'req's patience fizzling away, one more bickering squabble and he'd use force. Shuffling their paws as they weaved around to his other side, the tall Radeon said nothing. This was not their forte, and while a little kindness could go a long way they were not about to make requests of these unknown Pokemon. With a tilt of his head the Sylveon started to speak again. "He means proof doesn't he? Chances are that the situation in Pastoria would likely be more dangerous. I'd hate to think what East and that Swampert are doing to those close or even trying to escape from Pastoria." Only half way through did Johvani realize he was directing things at her, his frustrated words more of a ramble then true thought.

    With a slow blink they simply stared back at the fae Pokemon with blank eyes, taking several long moments to even understand what he had said. Was he.. looking for an answer or.. some kind of affirmation? She smiles at him, hoping for some clarity, but as the seconds tick by Johvani realizes none is coming and it is their turn to speak. "...Yes." She yips once and no more, her smile remaining though just mentioning those Pokemon made her skin crawl. Knowing not what else to say Reed was quick to take charge, ensuring the older Radeon was not put unwillingly on the spot any longer. "No one's going to that shit hole." He barks, stamping his paws against the peat. "We're moving away from the river, unless you want a watery undeath." The fast water was not the drowner's favorite, but the threat remained, and the Radeon stayed aware of its edge throughout the confrontation."It's proof as determined by me. Something's not right about you all, beside the obvious, and you're a hazard to leave be."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2633

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:19 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 187 || Seek 207

    There was something about this whole thing, about the way this Radeon was treating them, that made Seek want to scream. It wasn't just the hostilities, belittling, or general dickatry, no, Seek felt her spine tingle with anger at being looked down upon like some meaningless nuisance. To be seen as so insignificant, so childlike, so useless that not only was he unthreatened by them but he had to 'dumbdown' explanations so they could understand. Her blood boiled, pulse racing with a vexation she could not express in her desperate and fading grip on civility. Had everything she worked for the past few days truly meant nothing?!

    "We got no choice Seek, this would be our only proof and if we try to run, then all of what Uxie did would be for naught. Besides, I got a few choice words for those bastards for what they did to Eleroo." She could feel the frustration in Felix's words, and though she loathed to admit it, he was right. But is it really a choice at all? They couldn't run or say no, they wouldn't go back to that city, but to accept staying in this place and becoming the charges of this dickweed?? Legends Seek could scream until she vomited. "I guess we don't have a choice." She spits vehemently, thoughts of rebelling, running, escaping as soon as her strength recovered already playing out in her mind. Seek was not one for impatiences, but if she played her cards right maybe they could.. "No one's going to that shit hole." It barked over her thoughts and quickly grabbed the Aiveon's full attention; that was not what she was expecting, though she knew not what she anticipated from this Pokemon anymore. "At least we have something in common."

    "We're moving away from the river, unless you want a watery undeath." The Radeon continued, and while hostile Eleroo did not need a second word of warning. With skittering steps he hopped and put more distance between himself and the river. Taking a weary glance back at the water he swallowed roughly at the thought that they almost died tw-- the thought stopped, his head whipping back toward the older Radeon. "Y-you mean this water's contaminated?!" He gasps with alarm as the implications sunk in. Were they-- had they-- it couldn't mean...! With panicked eyes her looked between his kin, pleading for an explanation or answer he hadn't already come to. "It's proof as determined by me. Something's not right about you all, beside the obvious, and you're a hazard to leave be." The male continued, his words cold and callous to their struggles. "Likewise." Seek growled, finally acquiescing and taking the first steps to follow their would-be keeper. Her legs ached, stiff and tired, but she forced them to move onward. Despite all the warning signs of this being a bad idea, these Pokemon clearly knew this place better than they did, and getting away seemed.. unlikely at best. "Can we at least know your names, or you gonna stay cryptic? "

    Age : 30
    Posts : 850

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:59 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 10 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (176)

    Shenron snorted almost amused. Almost. Though in his head he was calculating the mass psychological damage it did him to have to kowtow to what would be food in the wilderness. At least his companions weren't looking to fight. Shenron could relax. Remain suspicious and curious.
    "Yes at the very least you owe us that to minimize suspicion..."

    ((OoC: Sorry for the short post, I have a wicked migraine))

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