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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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6 posters

    The LIBRA Team


    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:20 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Lower Deck | Late Morning
    (8) / (8)

    Ivan's POV

    I was asleep, that much was true, but one would make it a mistake to assume I wasn’t aware. Only the weak need to rely on their five senses to perceive the world around them, only one like me can use their sixth sense to clearly see the delicious meat bags. The one who cases pain kept taking, always talking that one, was at it again. Trying its hardest to connect with the one who was alone. Yes, even I could feel that, that it was so alone, so vulnerable, so ripe for the taking. I wanted to salivate, because that was what I used to do when a piping hot meal was brought before me. Right now was no different.

    Now the lonely meal was talking, so much unnecessary talking. It was repulsive, made my hunger be forgotten as I am forced to hear that noise….i hated it.

    “All by yourself? Can’t have that can we…”

    Even worse, Sympathy, and compassion. It rolled off the metal meat bag in waves, nothing but pain for me now. It wished to help the lonely meal, something about helping to find the sad one from earlier. It was always trying to help any helpless meal that came to me, always meddling, always taking my food away.

    “First things first, if there is anything of use in here, we need to find it…..uhh….just stick close to me kid.”

    But maybe not this time. The metal meat bag was going to help the lonely meal, help find its pack, and find supplies with the meal. Perfect. Food was always looking for food itself, once I got near the useless food, the tasty walking meals would all gather to me for a grand feast.

    All in due time

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:54 pm

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    Lower Deck | Late Morning (24)

    Lucifer nodded to the larger beast's words. Swallowing hard, he decided to introduce himself. "My name's Lucifer." He said, eyes darting to the yellow thing. Did it just move? Lucifer couldn't decide if it was his imagination or not. Shaking his head swiftly, he tried to change his thoughts. No use being rude to the metal guy. He seemed perfectly fine, for now.

    Pointing his bone club to the doorway the guy had nearly crushed, he shifted his mask slightly on his face. "We- ...I, was looking for supplies on the lower deck, checking some of the supply crates." Fingering the tear-shaped amulet on his neck, he continued. "I found one of these in there a few days ago. I don't know what it does, it so far, it's the most useful thing I've found. Maybe we'll have more luck together though?" He hoped so, for he doubted he could stand much more rotten luck...

    ((Sorry, rushed post. Things have been kind of working against me today. Let's get these guys into some mischief! :D))

    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:31 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Lower Deck | Late Morning
    (9) / (9)

    Klaus's POV

    Names, right, not giving it out for a long time made me forget others don’t automatically know it. Bad manners maybe, but I never really cared about that crap, just a lot of useless pleasantries that others force you to abide by. But it was better than the kid calling me mister or sir all the time.

    “Right, Lucifer? You can just all me Klaus.”

    I had to admit, for a little guy, this cubone was brave. Not even flinching when I mentioned going deeper into this ship, thought who knows, it was possible he had already been to the absolute deepest reaches of this place. If so, the kid had some major guts.

    "I found one of these in there a few days ago. I don't know what it does, it so far, it's the most useful thing I've found”

    I Had to bend down a little to see exactly what it was he was talking about, could barely see it with his big head covering practically all his body from my view up here. Wait, no, he adjusted it, so not a head, just a bone helmet, well I’ll be damned. Made their entire species a hellavah lot cooler now. Albeit a bit creepy, but a little creepiness never hurt anyone, hell, I carry around half of a psychic rat thing, I should know.

    That necklace so, it was smaller than the ones I was used to seeing. But then again I’ve only seen 2 others. But those things usually had the same look to them. “Mystic Water eh? Looks a bit different, but that blue shade and gleam to it is unmistakable. Not much use for a ground type, but looks nice at least.”

    Now for the supplies….

    Any more up the hall and I would have squished the boxes in that room. Not like that would have changed anything, almost all empty, and the ones that weren’t had just empty cans. Whatever was in here before had raided these boxes as far as I can tell, left the cans licked cle- Hold on, what do we have here.

    “Fuck yeah, A can of Beans, you even had any beans kid? Not the greatest of food, but on an empty stomach, they taste like heaven.”

    They taste better when heated up; when cold they just taste like shit. So I put it off to the side to take later. “You have any luck?”

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:12 pm

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    Lower Deck | Late Morning (25)

    Lucifer tilted his head slightly. Mystic water? Was that what it was called? Dropping his arm back, he followed the large beast into the next room, worriedly eyeing the yellow beast. Turning, he stabbed his club into the nearest unopened crate. The wood gave way to the strong bone, creating a small enough hole for Lucifer to pry the lid off, using his club like a crobar. Peering inside the now-open crate, he twisted his nose at the smell. A rancid smell was wafting towards him. Wet mulch that Lucifer imagined must have at one time been vegetables coated the insides of the box. Pushing what was left of the lid back into place, he backed away quickly. What a disgusting surprise...

    Turning to the larger guy, Klaus, he saw what he was pulling out of another crate. Cans? Beans... No, he'd never had beans. Shaking his head to answer both questions, he turned to look around again. There weren't many crates left. At this rate, they would have to find another storage room. Shaking slightly, he dreaded the thought of going even deeper in. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:39 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Lower Deck | Late Morning
    (10) / (10)

    Klaus's POV

    Bleh, this room was pure crap. Only one can of beans in the entire thing. All these boxes just lying to everyone that comes by, fucking lying bastards….If the kid wasn’t with me, I’d have probably have torn them all up, just on principle itself. But seeing a giant looming metal pokemon go on to destroying boxes for the hell of it wasn’t something others normally wanted to see. Hell, I’ll come back later to deal with them, that’s for sure.

    In the meanwhile…..

    This room was scraped, and so I didn’t forget what I checked and what I didn’t, the screeching noise of metal against metal filled the hallway as my finger scraped along the metal door. Within seconds a giant X was now marked on it, proof that this place was now useless to us. And on to the next one.

    Only, something made me stop before actually opening that door. Something so faint that others would have missed it. There was a faint scratching against my shoulders, of whiskers twitching, and the barely registered added pressure of its claws contracting. It was awake, and it was feeling something right now. Something new.

    And it took all of a second to come up with a battle strategy and kick down the door, because it’s the same one I always use, go straight to the bastard and attack it until it dies. Never had need for those useless theatrics, who needs them when a few hits to the face can fell even the biggest of walkers.

    Only nothing was on the other side….

    Well, technically it only looked like nothing was on the other side, the only warning I ever got was the slight rippling in the air as a shadow ball sent me backwards. The owner’s body appearing right after, or what was left of it anyways. Not the first time seeing a ghost walker, but they where a bitch. If anything them disappearing only made them more of a danger, made them almost impossible to see before they try to kill you. I had no freaken clue how they ate, but I wasn’t going to find out today.

    “Hey kid, Run, Hide, or get out the way. This might take a while”

    ((sick beyond reason, so sorry if it seems....scattered))

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:29 pm

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    Lower Deck | Late Morning (26)

    Sighing, Lucifer watched as Klaus walked over to the large metal room to the door. Was he leaving? Letting out a soft squeak, he cringed when the guy's claw scratched against the door, making a sharp screeching sound. Shaking his head when it ended, he tried to concentrate again. Klaus went down the hallway, forcing Lucifer to walk a few paces behind. The yellow thing on his back was starting to frighten him, however, when he had little choice but to stare at it.

    When the next door was blown open by a large black orb, Lucifer jumped again. Dashing to the nearest cover, he took Klaus's advice as orders, and hid.

    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:31 pm

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    Lower Deck | Late Morning
    (11) / (11)

    Klaus's POV

    What the……was it…..did it……THE FUCKING THING WAS TELEPORTING!

    Every shadow ball it launched was accompanied by it teleporting like a damn pansy, too much of a wuss to stay in one place and fight me like a man. Damn coward was trying its hardest to make sure I never had a clear shot, even shooting from the damn corner or on top of shit, freak’n unpredictable little runt! It was like trying to grab on to a oiled up ekans, as soon as you think you got it, it wiggles out of your grasps like a slippery little bastard.

    Mud Slaps went right at it, but each a miss. Its cocky grin just serving to piss me off even more…..

    Then, halfway through I fucking hits me. The little bastard wasn’t teleporting, no, I forgot ghosts can’t teleport, only psychic’s, it was just making itself invisible and running to a different spot before turning up again to attack! All just a damn parlor trick, and I was falling for it like a chump.

    “Just die already dammit!”

    A shit load of mud slaps went in the room, almost no area was left untouched, unless this ghost bastard was moving at mach speed, there was no way it was going to dodge that. My smirk validated this when a ‘guuuh’ filled the room and the sneaky bastard lay there on the ground, unconscious, dirty, and scratched up from high velocity dirt.

    “All this work for just a Bannette…..great.”

    Why there was a fading ghost in this shop was a mystery, one that I honestly didn’t even care about. What did matter was that ghosts disappear when infected, so…..this one being here right now and still existing meant that it was infected recently……Great…..more of those walkers in this place…..

    its gonna be a long day

    “Don’t stand too close to it kid, trying to figure out what to do with it…”


    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:58 pm

    ((Sorry for taking so long, but i've been tryin to come up with somethin to post. UnfortunAtely, there isn't much to add except that he's still trying to hide. Skip please.

    The LIBRA Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:15 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Lower Deck | Late Morning
    (12) / (12)

    Ivan's POV

    Pitiful, just Pitiful.

    No extra meals, just competition. No one was going to take my meals away from me, no one.

    Smile was all I could do as the feable thing of an undead got taken down by the metal meal, all too quickly. It was not even worth the hassle I say. I wanted to kill it so badly, to see it squirm, and to see it in pain, to see it slowly fade away before me. I wanted to make it cease to exist, to let it know that this walking meal was mine, and none shall taste its flesh but me. His death shall be my greatest doing, his meat will taste all the more sweeter knowing that I once associated with it, all long ago. And his death shall sustain me for days to come, as he realizes that his attempts to “de-claw” me were all useless.

    But the stupid metal meal never finished the job, it underestimates the power that the dead have. It may be big and strong, but he was stupid, turning his back to the prey to try to console the weaker meal….

    Just Pitiful….

    I would not let anyone take that kill away from me, so I teleported, both me and the metal meal, as well as the fading abomination, everything but the weak small meal. And nothing will stop me from doing as I please, not the Halfling ghost, nor the Metal Meal’s protest.

    “What? Fuu-“


    ((Really sorry Drago, but school is starting up again, and i managed to pick all hard courses, so need to lighten my EJ load >.< If i can get into the flow of things, i may reactivate these two later on~))

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