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    The LIBRA Team


    Age : 27
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    The LIBRA Team Empty The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:28 pm

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    Libra Deck | Dawn (1)

    From his vantage point at the bow of the ship, sitting with his legs dangling over the railing, Lucifer could see both the sun beginning to rise, and the moon lowering itself in descent. His tears began to dry as the heat from the desert sun warmed his skull-mask. He always cried at night. It felt natural. Clutching at the necklace he found in the ship, he replayed the previous night's events.

    The large ship loomed over the Cubone like a giant monster opening its jaws wide, ready to chomp down at any given moment. The sun was already going down, and Lucifer decided to go inside, even if only one half of the boat seemed accessible. Inside the ship, he had found himself surrounded by storage rooms, most of the boxes broken or sealed shut. It was in one of these rooms that he found the blue necklace that reminded him of a tear drop. It had been strewn on the ground, forgotten. He figured that nobody would miss it. As soon as he put it on, however, he heard noises in a nearby room. Carefully, he poked his head in, and found two undead Cacnea fighting each other. Luckily, neither had noticed him yet, and they were both occupied with each other. Backing out slowly, Lucifer carefully climbed to the top of the ship to think things over.

    Lucifer didn't like the situation. He knew there would be food and supplies in this ship, but he didn't know what else was lurking down there. Shaking his head, he wiped the last of the tears from his eyes, and stood up. He reached into the air and stretched, letting out a large yawn. He had been up all night, of course. Finally, he decided. He would look around first, then decide for sure what he would do.

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:28 pm

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    Libra Deck | Dawn [1]

    The Froslass scrunched up her nose [hell, does she even have one?] as she sniffed around the ship. Not like she was a filthy mutt no! The scent of death reeked everywhere [well she's dead too, not like she can smell herself though]. It didn't amuse her one bit how the ship always began creeking in her most vulnerable moments, making her jump. Lady Game was a lady! No slut, whore, or some hobo! Well considering it's an apocalypse, it's possible she's a considered-hobo. She gave herself a facepalm, thinking a bit too hard wouldn't help one bit.
    Nonetheless, the ship gave an eerie vibe, as if something was lurking in the darkness, she was well aware of the various goodies and treasures that was about, but those always came with a price. Lady Game would sacrifice a pawn just to check-mate, but if that pawn determined her life or death, well... That changes everything.

    She watched as the sun began to rise from the ocean depths, it was beautiful really, Lady Game glanced up at the sky, noticing the blue-purple features. It was pretty much indescribable really, and how the clouds seemed to glow against the sunrise. The Froslass took the scenery in, it's surprising how unaffected in seemed by the Epidemic. Well really, Lady Game just assumes everyone hasn't taken a shower or a bath in a while. Good thing she keeps her handy dandy, nice smelling hand sanitizer around! Helped her smell like cherry blossoms, keeps away the scent of death on her. She just hoped it wouldn't run out anytime soon though. The Froslass couldn't bare the thought of smelling... She shuddered at the thought.

    Lady Game clicked open a door that headed below deck, the click was loud, and so was the door's creek. She just hoped no stinky hobos come popping out of nowhere now.

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:44 pm

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    Over Orre Desert|Dawn

    Beval always loved flying at daybreak, the warm colors in the sky breaking apart the dark blues and blacks. Shadows dancing across the ground as stars faded and the sun rose to greet the world. It was a magical time, in any region, and in this one it was especially pretty. The desert sands gave the dawn an ethereal orange and pink color, making the sands glitter like gold. It was very beautiful, and the Pidove enjoyed this taste of freedom most of all.

    Truth be told, it was the only thing he liked about this region. He had been flying for days over open ocean, unable to land, and he was growing very tired. But as he finally came upon land, he found nothing but desert. Compared to his beautiful Unova, Orre was downright ugly. Sure, Unova had a desert, but almost all of the region was lush forest and grass and snow-capped mountains. This place was just, well, barren. He could have sworn he saw a city made entirely out of scrap and junk! And it had, what, one forest? Puh.

    Something glinting in the morning sun began flashing in his eyes, and Beval nearly dropped from the sky as it startled him. What the heck was that? Something out in the middle of the desert that could reflect like metal? He flew closer to the strange light and was startle at what he saw. It was a boat. A boat, in the middle of the desert. Who the heck puts a boat in the desert! But the strangest part, some strange looking creature was sitting on the front, legs dangling over the edge. When it got up he could see that it wasn't that large, but it was alive. He decided to fly in for a closer look.
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    Age : 36
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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:44 pm

    Post 1

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    S.S. Libra Captain's Quarters| Dawn

    Huge canines were exposed in a lengthy yawn a sleepy mightyena unleashed, his head only just above his paws, where it had rested for several hours prior. He usually never really slept all that well, but for some reason, being in the comfort of the desert cruise liner allowed him more security. Whether or not this was really a good thing was still up for debate, but the upside was that he always felt far more refreshed when he awoke.

    Downside... well....

    "Gotcha!" The voice sent his fur straight on end, and before he knew it, he was standing. "Did I get you, Axy?" the voice continued, and Logan allowed his body to relax. The voices were somewhat distant, but definitely in the ship with him. His nose worked to find out the identities, but to no avail. The other scents of mold, decay and death masked their own, and the wind did not favor him either. He could only listen as the two? strangers made their way closer and closer, their thumping footsteps easily trackable.

    Logan frowned. Their immature voices accompanied by their lack of care or stealth meant that either they were naive children or just plain dumb. It was difficult to choose between the two... He carefully made his way to the barricaded door to listen more closely; as their voices had dropped down in anticipation. "A-Axy?" the first called. After a moment of tense silence, the other, "Axy", replied.

    "It's nothing," he said after a sigh. More silence, and then the slight grind of a doorknob turning. Logan's eyes flicked to the doorknob of his own room and quickly deduced that they were opening the deck door instead of his own. 'Good,' he thought grimly to himself. 'I'd rather not have to share my space so quickly...'

    ((Creepy stalker Logan is creepy *w*))

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:04 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:45 pm

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    Libra Deck | Dawn (2)

    The clicking sound he heard behind from him scared Lucifer enough that he fell backwards, nearly knocking his mask off his head. Thank the stars he didn't fall forward! Looking around cautiously, he prepared himself for an attacker. Perhaps those Cacnea had gotten tired of fighting each other and come at last to eat him. He thought he caught a glimpse of something disappearing deeper into the ship, but that was silly. Who would go deeper into the ship? It must have been the sleeplessness playing tricks on his mind.

    Once again, he heard a sound, and once again it came from behind him. It was a soft sound, such as the sand moving in high winds, but so soft he barely noticed it. Spinning himself around, he looked over the edge of the boat, but didn't see anything. A flicker of movement above him caught his eye, and he saw a pokemon flying in the air. He had never seen a flying pokemon before! Awestruck, his eyes widened in his skull. "H-hi!" He said, excitedly. The creature looked to be alive, its eyes didn't glow red. He had never met anyone that wasn't dead...

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:46 pm

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    Libra Hallway [2]

    "Pwetty smell!" Lady Game immediately took her hand off the doorknob, leaving the door only half-way open. She wiped her hands in disgust on her handy dandy handkerchief, feeling as if the contact with the germs on the ship giving her delusions. The Froslass fixed her gaze on the door opening, feeling as if nothing bad is really down there... Oh hell to the fucking no is she falling for that trick! She's not going to be that one stupid bitch in those horror movies that always take the upstairs - well in this case, just the hallway - and ends up dead in the end.

    Then again, Lady Game was already a ghost. She rested her hand on her chin, this was an interesting layout in the chessboard. Though she was the Queen - basically the badass - she was the most valuable player to have as well. The Froslass smiled at the thought, it would be an interesting gamble.

    As the Ghost/Ice Dual-type peered into the opening, pushing the door farther wide open as she entered this really really fucking dusty hallway. She gave scowl as she gazed her surroundings. Her eyes met two little green fellas, she guessed one of them was the one that complimented the Froslass. Nonetheless, she gave off her usual royal wave, "Hello little ones, were you the one that complimented my scent?" She gave a smile, Lady Game actually looked like some sort of queen that secretly plans out some evil plan of taking over the universe, "Nonetheless, I am Lady Game, what is your name?"

    [Ooc: Whoops, forgot I was in this team lol, apologies for holdin' up ;0;]

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:23 pm

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    Libra Deck|Dawn

    "H-hi!" Beval was a little taken aback by the enthusiatic greeting, and wasn't sure whether or not he should continue his approach. Usually the only non-Pidove Pokemon he encountered he was ready for a fight, this one was basically inviting him over. It was strange, to say the least. But, he mentally shrugged and continued towards the ship anyway. What was the worst that could happen?

    He landed on the railing of the ship near the Cubone, his talons clicking on the metallic bar as he tried to settle. he looked down to the little ground type and offered a smile, always happy to meet another smiling face. "Hi there, yourself buddy," he answered, ruffling his feathers to get comfortable. He leaned over to preen a few as he felt an itch under a few dorsal feathers. Flying in the desert was awful, sand got in everything. "So, uh, what's happening?"

    ((OOC: Post is lame, sorry, but I will make it up next round. I'm just having trouble thinking today.))
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    Age : 36
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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:35 pm

    Post 2

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    S.S. Libra Captain's Quarters| Dawn

    Logan's ear twitched as he padded to a hole in the weak ceiling that presented the outside to him, or what little of it he could see. It seemed as if there was another pokemon on the ship, and if his ears served him well, there was another conversation somewhere else, though words were indesernable. There, above him on deck, were two pokemon he recognized from his limited vantage point, a froslass and a larvitar -which revealed herself as Tio- riding some pokemon he didn't know, which turned out to be Axy. Curious, analyzing eyes studied them as they had their conversation. It was an awkward enough angle, looking up at the pokemon rather than a head-on view, but it was better than nothing. At least he knew what was there, for the most part.

    He let his gaze fall to the wall to ease his neck as he listened. The froslass, with her cool, low voice sent chills -forgive the pun- down his spine. Even not seeing her face, he could hear the small, malicious grin in her voice, tainting her words. "Axy" didn't seem to buy her fake generosity, and Logan felt a twinge of pride for the little guy. 'Good for you, buddy.' Then again, Axy'd be lucky if she didn't just freeze him right then and there... After all, she seemed a full grown pokemon. And in his experience, children didn't beat adults.

    He glanced up again, seeing only feet now. At least he was right; they were children. But... what would he do if things got nasty? He waited, letting his conscious sort itself out as he listened in on the conversation.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:07 pm

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    S.S. Libra Deck | Morning (3)

    ((Lucifer's just going to miraculously understand language, for the sake of plot development. >.<))

    "Happening?" Lucifer twisted his head slightly. The word sounded strange on his tongue, but somehow he knew what it meant. "Nothin' that I know of. I've been here overnight and seen nothing but Undead." Interesting, once he began talking, he found it was hard to stop himself. Pointing with his club, he indicted the back of the ship, where he had heard the clicking earlier. "I heard something over there, but I was afraid to investigate alone."

    The bird pokemon fascinated Lucifer. Its species was obviously not native to the desert, yet, it seemed relatively accustomed to flying in this weather. He had never seen a pokemon with wings before, and it was amazing for him to see such a creature flying with ease, and landing with just as much skill. Lucifer had a brief vision of himself with wings like the bird, flying through the desert at high speeds. With a soft chuckle, he dismissed the thought as rediculous. "I'm Lucifer, by the way." He said, smiling once again.

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:30 pm

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    Libra Hallway | Dawn [3]

    "Me! Meee! I did cause you smell pwetty! Oh, and you look pwetty too!" This was the Larvitar speaking, she must be fairly young, but at least mature enough to speak. 'Awesome, now to make them my minions so we can go kick some infected ass!' Yes Lady Game, that idea is totally brilliant. She rolled her eyes at her own thoughts, the kids were pretty chill actually - pun intended - and she would surely hang out with them... for a short while. "So pwetty! Pwetty! My name is Tiovoa! Or Tio, Tio! And this-" The Larvitar said excitedly, pointing at her Axew friend, "This is Axy! Axy is very nice!"

    Before the Froslass could allow her tongue to speak their names, the Dragon-type interrupted her, showing defiance already, "Axew." The Ice-type clapped her hands together, dismissing the defiant act as if it happened minutes ago rather than a second, "So Tio and Axew, shall we explore this ship together?" 'Could totally use some time to loot some stuff.' Before she could wait for a response, she floated past them, going toward a door. It seemed to give off a strong aura, as if it was of upper class. Lady Game guessed this was the Captain's Quarters.

    "You guys can follow me whether you want to or not," She said, "I shall be lo- I mean, heading over here to explore." Lady Game gave a sweet, yet menacing smile, "We can cover more ground if we go separately."

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:34 pm

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    Libra Deck|Morning

    "Happening? Nothin' that I know of. I've been here overnight and seen nothing but Undead. I heard something over there, but I was afraid to investigate alone. I'm Lucifer, by the way." Whoa! This guy was one heck of a chatterbox! Beval gave a small chuckle and ruffled his feathers, waiting to get a pause out of the little Cubone. If the other wanted to strike up so many points of a conversation at once, he could oblige. "Chill out dude!" he laughed. "I'm sure it's nothing! What the heck would be out in the middle of the desert anyway?"

    The little dude was pretty cool, Beval had to give him that. This place was pretty harsh yet the ground type seemed to be doing just fine. Anyone who could survive out here without flight he have to give their props. He gave another chuckle and put out one wing in greeting. "Nice to meet you Lucy, the name's Beval. Adventurer Extraordinaire. I've left my home region of Unova to find an adventure! What are you doing out here?" His talons clicked impatiently as he waited for a response, a large goofy grin plastered on his beak. It was so nice to meet new people and not fight them!
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    Age : 36
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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:47 pm

    Post 3

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    S.S. Libra Captain's Quarters| Dawn

    Logan's eyes widened at the approaching voices, and he backed away from his door once more. This froslass was incredibly close, and she had mentioned wanting to explore... He frowned as he tried to decide how to approach this. Does he take the nonchalant route, greeting them with ease as they enter, or take the creepy approach, which is how he'd been going about this whole thing, and hide and watch, waiting for them to leave? What if they attacked? Well, after seeing just who he was up against, he figured he wouldn't have a problem. Two children and a ghost. If he couldn't handle that, it was time to hang it up.

    He sighed and looked back to the door and decided against hiding. They would probably find him anyway. But maybe he should play this aloof, like he'd been asleep this entire time, even invite them in? His story could be the shrieking banshee child woke him up. 'Legends, it's been so long since I've had to entertain guests, I just don't know where to begin,' he mumbled to himself, sarcasm dripping with every syllable. Still, there was one way to find out... He shrugged to himself and went for it.

    "...Is someone out there?" he called, pawing at the door. "...I heard crying."

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:51 pm

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    Libra Deck | Morning (4)

    The flying pokemon's personality struck a chord with Lucifer. He already knew he had made a new friend! His first friend! Although it would appear he already had a nickname. Lucy? That sounded much too feminine... Perhaps... Lucifer ran through potential names in his head, careful not to say them too early. Finally he landed on one that he liked. "You could call me Lucas, if it's easier." He didn't want to offend Beval, but he didn't want to be called 'Lucy' either. Suddenly, his eyes widened again. "Adventurer extrodanaire? So you've seen the outside of the desert?" Lucifer didn't have time to wait for an answer, however. Instinctively, his body twisted towards the source of the sound before he noticed he had heard it. Something had come onto the deck. A flash of green color was all he saw before backing up to the railing. The cacnea! He thought rapidly. They found us!

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 6:31 pm

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    Libra Deck|Morning

    "You could call me Lucas, if it's easier." Aww, Beval's wings dropped sadly. He didn't mean to insult the guy by shortening his name. But Lucas was as long as Lucifer! Hmm. Well, he'd have to think of another one the little guy might be okay with. "Adventurer extraordinaire? So you've seen the outside of the desert?" A wide grin spread across his beak.

    "'Course I have friend! I have traveled across the great seas without rest all in the search of adventure! Though, from what I can tell dude, this region is pretty much all desert. I mean, you got what, one lush green place and then a port? Kinda sad really." He tapped his talons on the metal in irritation, reminding himself of all the sand that would get stuck in his feathers out here. "Back home in Unova, we got one desert right in the middle of the region, but everything else is so green! It's wonderful! Not like here. Here is a whole lotta nuthin'."

    Suddenly, a though occurred to him. So in a spontaneous burst he blurted out, "What about just Luc then? Haha!" It was completely off subject but usually Beval said whatever popped into his head anyway. There wasn't a whole lot of filter between his brain and his beak. Though more often than not it just got him into trouble. But trouble was nothing for a great adventurer like him!
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    Age : 36
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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun May 06, 2012 1:11 pm

    Post 4

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    S.S. Libra Captain's Quarters| Dawn

    A frown creased the mightyena's mouth as the noises seemed to move on. "Hmm. Maybe they didn't hear me?" he quieried himself, taking another look at the door. He shrugged, more for himself than for anyone else, and gently pushed his door open. Sure enough, it remained empty, but the scent was close enough to follow. Taking in a breath of apprehension, he gave himself a firm nod of resolution. He was going to check this out.

    Carefully, he padded his way up the dilapidated stairs, wincing as they groaned under his weight. Hopefully, the others didn't hear him. The streams of daylight made him squint; he hadn't had to deal with the sun's direct gaze in some time, and it was showing. Still he ventured forth onto the barren deck, frowning at how hot it was already getting. The shade really did help, and his dark fur did not.

    He paused when he saw the backs of Axy and Tivova, as the little one crashed into a near by cubone, who was talking to a... bird of some sort. Another species he didn't know... Well, no time like the present. He closed the gap between him and Axy, and paused right as his front paws stopped on either side of the dragon. "Hello," he greeted from above, head very near the top of the other's.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Tue May 08, 2012 9:56 pm

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    Libra Deck | Morning (5)

    "Luc? That works fine!"
    Lucifer smiled again. Beval was awesome! The first person he ever met, and it was someone as nice as this adventurer! Immediately, Lucifer's thoughts filled with fancies of the outside world, the... Port? Lush? These were foreign words to Lucifer, but it didn't matter. He had a friend! "Tell me more abo-"


    Lucifer's first thought as he hit the ground was that he should have heard the attacker coming. It was his own fault for not paying attention. The second thought was that his mask has flown off. With a quick "Meep!", Lucifer threw his assailant off and dove on the mask, which had fallen a few feet away. When the mask was back in its rightful place, he turned to face the newcomer. Only now had his mind registered what the female had said. Cute...? Lucifer was suddenly very glad for his mask, so that the others could not see the red growing in his cheecks. Stammering, he noticed two others coming onto the deck, but the female took his attention. Tiovoa? "I- I'm Lucifer." He said shyly, never breaking eye contact.

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 10, 2012 8:09 pm

    ((Totally forgot Sep put Lady G in the orphanage! Sorry!))

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    Libra Deck|Morning

    "Luc? That works fine!" Beval gave an approving grin as his suggestion was taken wholeheartedly. This could turn out to be a grand friendship indeed! The little guy complimented his personality so well, maybe he could even ask if he wanted to be partners in the Grand Adventure! "Tell me more abo-"

    A loud crash had Beval flapping off the railing in panic, hovering just over where he had once been perched. Something tackled his new friend so hard, it had knocked his head clean off! Beval screeched loudly at the intruder, until his saw a young green thing sitting on top of Luc, who was still perfectly in tact. Odd. He could have sworn... They both looked so silly in that position though, and did she just call him cute? Luc seemed to be a little nervous as he introduced himself and the Pidove just couldn't help but chuckle. Females sure where crazy...

    A voice caught his attention, and he looked back over to where the green blur had come from. There an Axew stood, but right above that...was the coolest looking dog he had ever seen! Wow the guy was huge! Oh if only he could take on something like that in a fight, he would evolve for sure! Excitement began to pump through him as his mid played visions of the epic battle, fang versus wing, and he lost himself in the daydream. Oh, how he dreamed of evolving!
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    Age : 36
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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun May 13, 2012 3:57 pm

    Post 5

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    S.S. Libra Deck| Dawn

    Logan was more than pleasantly surprised to see Axy whirl around and snarl, giving the little guy a sort of cute attempt at intimidation. Logan didn't mean any harm, but even if he had, the attempt would have just made him laugh. His eyes glanced over the others as Axy questioned him, the other's posture slackening as Tio made a very cute try at pronouncing what he could only assume to be a name. His tail raised slightly as his attention came back to the creature before him.

    He could only guess it was a dragon-type, or maybe a ground type by the way it looked. "...Logan," he replied civilly, tilting his head a little. "I'm Logan. Pleased to finally meet you in person, 'Axy'. I've heard a lot about you." He gave a knowing smirk as he looked to the others.

    "I wish I'd known there were more than just flybags on this ship; I'd have come up sooner." The others seemed just as young as Axy, or at least in the same age range. It didn't surprise him that he was the oldest, but... not by so much a gap. Strange how so many kids managed to gather in one place.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Drago Wed May 16, 2012 6:11 pm

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    Libra Deck | Morning (6)

    Lucy? Not that again... "Um... If Lucifer's too hard, you could call me Luc, or Lucas..." He said, stammering slightly. Tio was about half his hight, but she seemed to be about his age. She acted younger however, perhaps because Lucifer had been brought up differently. Another voice whipped Lucifer's body around in reaction. Startled, he backed up again, fearing that the Cacnea had returned. But no, he didn't see their spiny green bodies or the red glowing eyes that accompanied their arrival. It was a four legged beast with green eyes.

    Logan, as he had introduced himself, made Lucifer suspicious. It wasn't that he thought he was untrustworthy, he just didn't know his motives for surviving. For that matter, he didn't know any of the other's. He would have to play it safe for now. It'd be no good if he got into a group with the wrong sort... But then, Bevel and Tio didn't seem bad at all...

    The LIBRA Team Empty Re: The LIBRA Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 3:25 pm

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    Libra Deck|Morning

    Beval grinned like a fool at the exuberant green female, feeling a great kinship to her bubbly personality. She was much like himself, always taking to the bright side. 'Atta girl!' he thought to himself. His eyes strayed back to the large canine, Logan, and he took to the air, settling on a crate nearer the beast. "I wish I'd known there were more than just flybags on this ship; I'd have come up sooner." Beval cocked his head slightly in confusion, not really getting the reference. Oh well.

    When it seemed like he had the moment to jump in he hopped off the crate to glide in front of the Axew and settle in front of Logan. "May I say, sir Logan, that you are a fantastic specimen. I have not seen your like in my adventures thus far, and for that I am sad. Allow me to introduce myself," Beval paused, jutting out one wing and crossing the other in front of him to perform a bow. "The name's Beval, Adventurer Extraordinaire." He rose from the pose and flapped his wings in a stretch before they settled once again at his side. Beval's grin never faltered even as he sat right within jaws reach of the beast, as he awaited a response.

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