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6 posters

    The ABANDONED Team


    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:28 pm

    [[Ooc: Skip ^^; I apologize for taking a while]]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:49 pm

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    Abandoned Ship, Below Deck/Ballroom || 10

    Liselotte looked past the Aggron into the grand room that had a door labeled 666. Had. It was lying in pieces next to the shattered Torkoal's body, now. She whistled in appreciation at the sight of the ballroom; there were ugly bloodstains and holes caused by fighting or rotten wood, but still, it was pretty nice compared to some other parts of the ship. "Here we are... This is my storeroom... Feel free to help yourselves, but be sure to ration carefully."

    The Breloom blinked and looked up at the Aggron. Was he seriously sharing his rations with the rest of the others? Liselotte was amazed at how chill and friendly the massive pokemon was, and felt her respect for the giant increase.

    Suddenly, she heard a quiet 'clack' of something hard hitting against something else equally solid, followed quickly by a whimper. Liselotte's eyes turned down and landed directly on the Houndour from earlier, a large Totodile skull adorning its head and eyes fearful. Liselotte tilted her head slightly, wrinkling her nose in thought.

    "Hey, aren't you that Houndour from earlier? The one that ran past us?" she questioned, looking at the fire pokemon. The other was smaller than Liselotte had originally thought it to be. The skull on its head must've been what made the clacking sound, Liselotte reasoned, as she waited for an answer.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:55 pm

    [OoC: I can't think of anything here, so I'll opt to skip. >w<]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:51 pm

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    Torch/Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Below Deck/Ballroom || Morning
    --- -- -12 || 12- -- ---

    As the Aggron opened the door to the storeroom, Torch's mouth dropped in awe, "Here we are... This is my storeroom... Feel free to help yourselves, but be sure to ration carefully." He was really going to share it? She felt her respect towards the massive Steel-type increase. Kippy -- on the other hand -- scowled at the Torchic feeling immense love towards Ark, weren't he and the Fire-type close buddies? What's with the sudden attitude? The Mudkip immediately dismissed his negative thoughts, looking at the rations with slight awe (he even forgot that the Aggron was the one that provided such a huge share), it would totally help them survive for the next couple of weeks. Especially since they were on a ship in the middle of nowhere.

    Torch walked away from Kippy as he gazed at the storage, the Hoenn Fire-type wanting the others pick before her. Strange how everyone seemed so calm and composed in such an apocalyptic world... Her thoughts were immediately disturbed by a sound of a 'clack', a whimper heard soon after. The Chick Pokemon fixed her gaze on the source, whom bumped into the Aggron -- it was the Houndour earlier that was playing Hero. "Hey, aren't you that Houndour from earlier? The one that ran past us?" Liselotte asked, Torch immediately jumping into the conversation, "Hey! Why did you run away earlier? I don't bite you know!"

    The Mudkip snapped his attention from the storage and towards the Fire-type as he heard her sudden outburst, he did remember about something running across the hall back when he was on deck. Kippy hopped towards the group, his eyes hidden behind the dark shades as he stared at the Houndour. She didn't seem all that bad, though the skull that was worn on her head seemed intimidating. Why is she wearing it anyways?

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:21 pm

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    Abandoned Ship, Below Deck || Morning || 11

    Liselotte flinched slightly as Torch's loud voice bumped into the conversation, and the Breloom turned away with a shake of her head and a slight sigh. Her attention returned, almost immediately, back to the Aggron and the ballroom, instead. She looked up at the towering pokémon, and then into the brilliant, well-polished (aside from the previously mentioned bloodstains and some ruins) room inside, hopping in.

    "So, uh... Mr. Aggron," she began, obviously not that well with older, larger strangers as her voice was a bit high-pitched, "this is a pretty nice room. And a good amount of storage, too... How long have you been here, and how did you get on this abandoned ship?"

    [ooc: Post is pretty short today, sorry. =v=]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:33 am

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    Abandoned Ship (Below Deck)|Morning

    The pokemon had asked her so many questions at once and the Houndour was scared. She gulped and kinda calmed down, but keep you guard up. Ah, um. My-my name is H-hellfire a-and please d-dont get cl-close to m-me. She might b-be listening. Hellfire whimpered. She could already hear Keres laughing at her attempted to scare these pokemon off. The Houndour looked around the room, but could not find the demon. She could hear her, but not see her. This already scared her. Never knowing when or where the demon was.

    She placed her paws on the Totodile skull and cowered in her corner. She was so scared she might attack these pokemon, but Keres was no where to be seen. The blood from her fur glisten in the slight light. The skull rattled on her head and whimpered alittle. She knew Blue didn't want her to be scared of these pokemon, but she couldn't help it. Then as she moved her paws from her head to look up, the skull fell. The sound echoed through the ship and the Houndour let out a yip.

    Before she was able to place the skull back on her head, the open wound/scar on her head was visible. The wound had blood dripping from it and it had a slight green look to it. Most likely from an infection. Hellfire rushed to place the skull back on her head.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:00 pm

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    Abandoned Ship - Below Deck/Ballroom | Morning - 4

    With a slight nod, the massive dual type acknowledged the small and cowering Houndour. Who was this "she" that Hellfire mentioned though? He wasn't sure, but he noticed the sort of green color to the blood of her open wound, but he decided to leave it. For now. That definitely needed tending to, especially in a ship crawling with infected and undead, but he had used up the last of his medical supplies a few weeks back and had yet to hunt down more. With a soft sigh, Ark shifted his gaze back to the Breloom.

    "Well...When I first came this way, the water was quite low, so I was traversing the rocks, and I found my way in...A day or two later, much to my misfortune, the tides rose again, and too quickly. My original path is now submerged, and I'm essentially trapped here...As for how long..." The massive Aggron seemed extremely relaxed, even in explaining his dilema, pausing habitually. "......I'd say about two months."

    Posts : 3650

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:42 pm

    As Enzo the Persian never made an appearance, skip the character's turn. They will be removed from the team without Harbinger intrusion. Simply continue as though they ever were.


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    Age : 25
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    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:41 pm

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    Abandoned Ship-Below Deck| |Morning

    The young Bagon had missed the Houndour's question, so occupied in trying to figure out what to do. It was only when the canine bolted past him that the dragon realized, and tried to follow. "W-wait! Please!" he calls, desperate to catch up but with such short legs he instead finds his face meeting the wooden floor.

    As he slowly got up Tyrone gave a defeated frown, sitting back down onto the ruined floor as he sighed. "I guess I'll find her later... If I chase her now she might run even more. I wonder how the others are holding up." He was curious about the loud crash he heard earlier, had they survived? He'll check up on them later, right now he was much too tired...

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:55 pm

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    Torch/Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Below Deck/Ballroom || Morning
    --- -- -13 || 13- -- ---

    The Houndour was hesitant at first, but replied just as expected, "Ah, um. My-my name is H-hellfire a-and please d-dont get cl-close to m-me. She might b-be listening." Eeyup, it's decided, the Fire-type is a fucking crazy bitch. Torch felt the edge of her mouth curl to a frown before hearing a slight creak from above. Immediately did she glance up at the boards above her, noticing dirt fall from the cracks. She didn't listen to the rest of the conversation revolving around cuckoo head and Tyrone, along with Liselotte and Ark, but the dirt falling from above bothered Torch to the extent... Before long, she bolted towards the direction she and Kippy came from. Kippy immediately heard Torch's claws click against the floorboards, him rushing out the door only to see the Hoenn fire-chick already vanishing from his sight, "Torch?!"

    Torch was aware of Kippy's calls, but ignored it as she rushed up the stairs, glaring at the figure right in front of her. It was green and brown, bananas hung from its long neck and leafy wings were attached to its back; a Tropius. However, the Torchic noticed the purple blotches that were covered on the body, and the leafy wings were withered and shrilled up. It gave growl, drool fell from its mouth onto the Fire-type's face. She gave an annoyed glare, shaking off the slobber before feeling that nostalgic heat flare up from inside. Torch had used Ember directly on the Tropius. A loud screech came from it before shaking off the flames.

    Oh what motherfucking bad luck.

    The Tropius brought friends, goody! She heard thuds go around all over the deck, it should be obvious the rest of the group could hear them from below. Silently did she pray that they would help her, Torch felt intimidated, it was six of them against one of her...


    Kippy felt his heart drop as Torch raced away, he immediately turned to the group, tugging at Ark, "Hey! Guys, can we go quickly? Torch just bolted outside for some reason! I think she heard something!" His voice was filled with panic, it was obvious he cared for his partner deeply. He needs all the help he could get, even if that means grabbing the Pokemon he hates the most.

    Several thuds were heard from above, dirt falling from the ceiling. His eyes widened at the thought Torch could have gotten hurt. Without waiting for an answer, he raced out the door, forcing his tiny feet to go as fast as they could up the stairs as he felt them ache, "Torch? Torch? Torch!" He called out, wildly looking around the deck. It was to his astonishment there were Tropiuses all over the deck, all huddled in one spot where he supposed...

    "TORCH!" He screeched, his mouth filled with water before he could say anymore. He spat water out at the nearest Tropius, feeling the Grass/Flying duel-type fix its attention at the Water-type. It was obvious that the Tropius had an upperhand. The Mudkip felt energy get drained out of him as orbs of his health fluttered from him and towards the Tropius. He felt his legs grow weaker by the second, but Kippy didn't want to lose, not yet, not just yet. He wanted to prove that he could protect Torch, he wanted to prove he wasn't a coward.


    Tropiuses began to divert their attention from Torch as she felt sweat drop from her fur, embers being thrown everywhere. Did someone answer her prayers? A smile formed on her face as she threw one last ember at the Tropius she met first, falling over and landing on the ground with a large thud! Scorch marks were everywhere on the flying giraffe, Torch feeling a sense of pride wash over her as she fought off a giant... All by herself!

    It was then did she felt an overwhelming glow overpower her, the Torchic looking at the ground with awe. She was evolving.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:49 am

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    Abandoned Ship, Below Deck || Morning || 12

    The Breloom listened to Ark's story with uncharacteristic quietness for her fiery attitude, looking as if in thought. Two months... That was a rather long time to spend in an abandoned ship with a bunch of undead, completely alone. She wondered how lonely it must've felt to try to survive by yourself, especially inside a trapped environment such as the abandoned ship. Liselotte turned up her head, opening her mouth to question the Aggron, when Kippy's voice interrupted her.

    "Torch?!... Hey! Guys, can we go quickly? Torch just bolted outside for some reason! I think she heard something!" Liselotte could hear the the panic and desperation in the Mudkip's tone and she gulped. She gave one last glance up to Ark, before quickly speeding out past Ark and Kippy, hurrying out. On her way, she passed Tyrone and she slowed down for a moment, looking at the Bagon. "Tyrone! Where have you been, dude? Come with us; Kippy thinks Torch found something," she yelled, before moving on her path.

    Abandoned Ship, Above Deck || Morning

    ....Oh, SHIT. That little idiot WANKER.

    There were six giant Tropius just hanging around the top deck like they freaking OWNED the place. Oh Arceus WHY. Liza let out a loud screech of alarm as one of the Tropius focused its attention on her, its leafy wings tattered and the fruit under its chin rotten and buzzing with gross flies. The hideous thing lumbered its way towards her, and the Breloom retaliated with a a strong Mach Punch to its chest, at least stunning it for a moment. She hurried across the deck, trying to catch sight of a familiar little Torchic, and she vaguely registered the fact that Kippy had joined the fight. Well, he was an idiot too!

    Kippy had no chance against grass/flying types. Liza let out a low growl of frustration and she swung her head around, looking just in time to see one of the Tropius drop dead, its wings still burning. Suddenly, a bright light distracted her and the Breloom looked at it with narrowed eyes. Wait, was that Torch? Hell, why was she glowing? She's not Pokémon Jesus. Wait -- oh, damn. Liselotte would blame Torch later for this. One of the Tropius had swung its neck, slamming Liselotte right in the midriff and slamming her into the wall of the deck's cabins, her body going right through the rotten wood and into the cabin. She blasted the Tropius's head backwards with a powerful Force Palm, although she knew it wouldn't do too much good. She coughed as she picked herself up from the dusty floor, looking around with watering eyes. She could guess that she bruised a rib or two, if not possibly even broken them. No, today was not her day.

    She limp-hopped, with difficulty, over to the cabin walls where the hole remained, looking out. This was an insult to the Breloom's fighting career; a big insult. With a growling huff, she straightened her back and hopped out once again, bouncing on her toes, jumping up and ... Mach Punching that bitch Tropius that slammed her through the wall in the face! Oh yeah. Payback felt nice.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:48 pm

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    Abandoned Ship, Below Deck || Morning || 8

    The Houndour sniffled as the other pokemon ran ofter the other fire type. She wasn't quiet sure what to do, but she ran after them anyway. She made sure not to let the skull slip from her head as she ran after the Mudkip and Breloom. As the hound made her way toward where the others were, she tripped and her skull went skidding to a halt in front of the Bagon. She groaned as she shook her head. She looked up and found the Bagon maybe not even 15 feet in front of her.

    The hound whimpered alittle as she slowly walked over to the dragon. S-sorry, about earlier. Names Hellfire. The hound spoke as she look at her Totodile skull. The top of her head was pointed at the Bagon as he could see all the blood and dirt in the open/scared wound on her head. The green wound the wound and in the blood suggested she had an infection and that she was in alot of pain, but looking at the hound said other wise.

    Um, the others need help, I think. Um, d-do you want to came and help? The hound said as she placed the skull back on her head and she fidgeted. She blinked few times before she walked past the Bagon, Um, imma gonna go and f-fight now. The hound said as she turn and ran up the stairs. She let out a slight yip as a undead Tropius rammed into her. She skidded to a halt and growled at the undead, You bastard! She charged the grass type with a Flame Charge. Then bite down on it's next with a Thunder Fang. She growled defensively at the undead in front of her.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:03 pm

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    Abandoned Ship - Below Deck/Ballroom | Morning - 5

    Ark noticed the shifting and falling dust, hearing thumps and thuds coming down from above. He heard Kippy shout something before bolting out the door they came from, soon Liselotte and Hellfire following suit. The massive Aggron sighed and turned, walking back to a far corner of the room. After a moment, however, it sounded as if something was being torn down, like a massive boulder slamming into a log cabin, a massive plume of dust flying up, a few wood splinters scattering upon the floor. Once the dust settled, one could see where now broken boards hid a massive hole that went upward. Ark boarded up his old route to the deck to keep out infected, but the situation has changed.

    Abandoned Ship - Above Deck | Morning

    Ark followed the hidden route he created onto the deck, narrowing his eyes as he broke through each layer of boards. These new pokemon, these survivors...They were reawakening a feeling in him that he had long forgotten. What was it...? Companionship. The word echoed through his head as the dual type reached the final set, seeing the light from the outside world before he burst through, narrowing his eyes as he stepped out to the deck, his eyes adjusting.

    The scene was chaos. Hellfire and Liselotte were fighting off one undead Tropius each, while a few went after Kippy, leaving the now glowing Torch to her own. She must've been evolving. Ark shifted, unsure of what to do, but then the largest of the beasts stepped in front of Ark, seeming to challenge him. It let out a screech that seemed to pierce the morning air, but that call awoke Ark's long dormant fighting spirit. He was beginning to feel like his old self again. And he loved it. With a deep inhale, he loosed a bellowing Roar, one that shook even the ship. Immediately after, a massive, royal violet aura enveloped the Aggron before he charged the shocked creature, slamming into it with a powerful Dragon Rush move. It made contact and cause a great deal of damage, but he didn't stop there. Ark brought his arms up and pushed forward, his horns starting to dig into the Tropius as he ran, shoving the creature all the way across the deck and into a thick metal sheet on the end of the deck.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:36 pm

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    Torch/Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Below Deck/Ballroom || Morning
    --- -- -14 || 14- -- ---

    As the newly-evolved Combusken spotted Kippy get bombarded by Tropiuses out of the corner of her eye. A little spark in her fueled her strength, a smirk came on her face as she hit the Tropius squared in the face with her feet as she came to her partner’s rescue. She could feel it! Kippy’s mouth wide open in awe, eyes sparkling behind those stupid sunglasses. It was as if Torch was unrecognizable! (Though she did have her pink scarf.) Kippy, lets go fight them off together! The duel-type said with a smile as she lent her newly form claw towards the Mudkip. It actually felt great she had evolved now that she thought about it, she can actually move her arms and carry things without having to put her beak through it.

    He felt relieved as Torch rescued Kippy, but he gazed up only to see someone impersonating her instead... No, wait, that's wrong, that is Torch, except taller, and looks much more... different. His mouth wasn't open in awe, it was open in utter surprise. His eyes didn't sparkle, it was fueled with confusion. The Mudkip stared at the newly evolved Pokemon, completely dumbfounded as she lent her odd claws towards him. This is Torch? Is this really her?... The bet, he remembered it well, they made a bet one day during their time in the lab. If either he or Torch evolves, they won the game. Torch won it... Kippy felt his heart drop every second he stared at her, this wasn't Torch, she may have the same glint of adventure in those amber eyes, she may have that same smile. But it is not Torch. The Mudkip turned away from her claw, "Thanks," He said, sounding rather monotone, yet...

    To Torch, he sounded bitter. She felt her claw drop as she watched the Mudkip fight off an Undead Tropius coming his way, the sound of battles in the background. It wasn't helping her at all. What's with the sudden tone? Didn't earlier he come to her rescue? She suppressed a heavy sigh, her eyes staring right at her feet. It wasn't like last time, it was grey now, not a bright orange... Maybe... maybe the Mudkip disliked her evolution? Did she look weird? Torch couldn't help, but wonder why he seemed so resentful now.

    She was interrupted by a strong force hitting against her side, the Combusken flying from where she was and slamming into a nearby crate. Torch shook her head groggily as chip and splinters of wood fell from the top of her. As she got up, only did she find a Tropius looking rather... Arceus, we are so screwed! The Tropius looked stronger than all the otherwise despite the undead features, it was bulkier and larger, it's fruit that hung from it's neck was twisted in a sick manner. The leaves looked badly burnt, but able to fly, and the face was diminishing. Half of the Tropius's face shown only skull and some muscle, but blood still pours from it, as if it's face was recently pulled out. Torch had to pull back her puke as the smell reeked the area.

    Flames formed in her mouth as she released it at the Tropius, but it was no use. On the bright side, it flinched, it showed Torch did some damage... at least. The Combusken jumped up from where she crashed into, glancing at Kippy, only to find the corner of his eyes meeting her's. Immediately did he finish off the Tropius he was handling, the Mudkip jumping from his area to Torch's, "Looks like you need help," He said rather rudely.

    Kippy was bitter, but it wasn't because of envy, but rather that he was the one that wanted to evolve first. So that he could protect Torch. He glanced over at the others, noting the fact some finished off one at least, "Hey guys, a little help over here!" He yelled, strain was shown in his voice, but water begun to fill in his mouth, spraying it at the Tropius. Like Torch's, it had done nothing to the Flying/Grass-type. It charged at the duo, Torch jumping off to the left as Kippy did so towards the right. "And now would be a good time to help!" The Mudkip finished.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:33 am

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    Abandoned Ship - Deck || Morning || 13

    Once she had made sure that the Tropius was down and at least knocked out, Liselotte quickly turned around, looking at the chaos. Well, obviously, Ark was completely fine by himself [ooc: because he's an independent black woman who don't need no man] and didn't need anyone's help. Hellfire... looked like she was doing alright for now by herself; she did have a type advantage, too. That left the only other two pokémon still on deck; Torch and Kippy. From what she could see, Torch had evolved and Kippy was yelling for help as a fatass giant Tropius lumbered toward them. The Breloom wrinkled her nose in displeasure; giant Tropius, grown-up Torch, and a pissed/stressed-sounding Kippy; the latters of which, Liza apparently had to go save. Now, Liselotte had made it a personal rule to 'never be a hero', but it looked like she would have to, today.

    Bracing herself, the Breloom used her strong legs to leap towards the duo, being thankful that she had the legs of a species that was used to jumping. Her ribs still ached, but not as much as earlier. With one arm pulled back, she reached the Tor -- Combusken and Mudkip duo, landing a strong right hook Mach Punch right to the Tropius's head. To the Breloom's horror, however, the Tropius only stumbled a little bit on its feet, its head being pushed back by the force of the punch but not enough to tip it over like a cow or something. Oh Arceus, ew, she thought to herself, shaking out blood that had stuck onto her clawed arm when she punched the Tropius in the head. It looked as if she had at least cracked its skull, but Undead were sturdy; that Tropius could still go on for a while.

    "Okay, guys, we can't afford to fight with each other right now," the Breloom said through gritted teeth, glancing at the two Hoenn starters. "We all work together to kick these things out of the ship, or we all die! What are you going to do?"

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:18 pm

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    Abandoned Ship - Above Deck | Morning - 6

    Ark stepped back a few times from the battered Tropius. It staggered and tried to recover, but Ark refused to let it, ramming into it with Iron Head, digging his horn in before lifting and tossing the Undead overboard, watching as the beast screeched and made futile attempts to get some air to fly, only to go under with the water, bubbles floating up as the beast sank down.

    With a turn, he saw the Breloom smack a Tropius with a punch, but it was still advancing. Ark prepared a Take Down, running forward. He seemed slow at first, but with each second, he picked up more and more speed until he was soon upon the group, slamming into the Tropius and sending it flying. After skidding to a halt, he turned and looked to the trio of survivors. "Hey, you three alright?"

    [OoC: Short posts are short. =w=]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:09 pm

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    Torch/Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Deck || Late Morning
    --- -- -15 || 15- -- ---

    Liselotte was a life saver as she threw a Mach Punch at the Tropius... whom acted like nothing happened as it snapped its head back on. Okay, ew. The Breloom shook off the blood covering her claws, "Okay, guys, we can't afford to fight with each other right now," She hissed, glancing at the two. Kippy flinched upon meeting her gaze, "We all work together to kick these things out of the ship, or we all die! What are you going to do?" The Mudkip was speechless, he? Fighting with Torch? Oh please, he wasn't fighting with her! More like a silent showdown... Before he could open his mouth, however, Ark immediately slammed into the Tropius sending it flying unlike the trio. Well fuck, he's a strong bastard. "Hey, you three alright?" He asked, concern in his voice. "Not my fault..." He muttered bitterly in response to Liselotte, he tore his gaze off the Breloom and at the Aggron, "and we're doing just fine." He retorted.

    Torch stared at the Mudkip, her heart probably sank below sea level. How come he didn't like it when she evolved? Or at least congratulate her? What's with his sudden rude attitude? Nonetheless the Combusken suppressed a sigh, scanning the surroundings. The deck was a bigger mess than the last time, flames from Torch scattered here and there [the embers were slowly disappearing at least], water soaked in the floorboards, wood planks that were smashed to bits and pieces were everywhere. Well on the brightside, no fucking Tropiuses that are shitass bananas -- pun intended. "So... Uh... What now?" The Combusken asked the group, an awkward laugh following behind. It would be a best idea to use the deck as a training ground she supposed, but at the moment, she was beat, from both dealing with Tropiuses and Kippy.

    "I'll be exploring the ship if you need me," Kippy said as he waltz over to the stairs,"If anything bad happens, I'll come runnin' to ya'." She honestly didn't know how to respond to that, the Combusken slumped down, her back against a nearby pole as she pressed her wrist up her face [seeing as her claws would fucking hurt], "What a drama queen that Mudkip is!" She groaned. Thoughts raced her mind, Kippy's actions tickling her peeves. What's his problem? If he honestly didn't like Torch evolving, he should really go suck it up and accept it! It's not like the Combusken has changed! Did appearance really get to him that much?

    [Ooc: Okay, personal characters are having personal problems. You guys may choose to stay out of it, or just hang around for the fun of it harhar. Your actions shall help me see whether the duo should make up or not.]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:14 pm

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    Abandoned Ship - Deck || Late Morning || 14

    As the massive Aggron slammed into the Tropius, effectively sending it overboard when the Hoenn trio could not, Liselotte jumped back in surprise in a way that sent another jolt through her ribs. Her dark eyes looked around the deck, seeing that all the Tropius were finally gone, and she sighed, slumping down on the floor for a moment due to the pain in her ribs. Ow... it hurts a lot, she thought to herself with a small flinch. Yep, she probably bruised or cracked a rib; maybe not to the extent of having broken one, however.

    "So... Uh... What now?" the newly evolved Torch asked, Liza looking up to glance at her. Well, the Breloom didn't really have any idea. She was pretty sure she was just having a calm conversation with Ark and questioning him about things, when suddenly, BAM GIANT FRUITY DINOSAURS EVERYWHERE. And also, bruised/cracked rib(s). And suddenly, Torchics turning into Combuskens and oh look pissed Mudkips running off. Liselotte looked up at Kippy, who ran off muttering something about exploring the ship and she stood up, albeit with slight difficulty now that her adrenaline was beginning to fade away.

    "What a drama queen that Mudkip is!" the Torchic complained, sitting down on the rotten floorboards. The Breloom looked at her a bit unsurely, before turning around and staring at where Kippy had disappeared into. "Um. I'm going to go after him," she said to Torch, beginning to slowly do an odd sort of walk, now that she figured she would only hurt if she jumped. She went down below deck after the Mudkip, sinking down into the damp depths once more.

    Abandoned Ship - Below Deck || Late Morning

    The bottom of the stairs were as damp and dark as Liselotte knew it about twenty minutes ago, and she looked down the hallway, seeing the familiar blue pokémon in the faint light. She waddled a little faster to catch up with Kippy, huffing a little bit; her chest hurt badly and she was already out of breath.

    "Hey! You!" the Breloom called. "You're acting a bit oddly. What happened to the little shy Mudkip from like, an hour ago? Tell me what's up (and if you say the ceiling or the sky or that kind of bullshit, I will Mach Punch you)."

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:46 pm

    [OoC: Can't think of anything, so I'll just skip. Say he stayed to comfort Torch]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:55 pm

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    Torch - Abandoned Ship-Deck || Late Morning
    Kippy - Abandoned Ship-Below Deck || Late Morning
    --- -- -16 || 16- -- ---

    "Um. I'm going to go after him," Liselotte said, glancing at Torch before heading down Kippy's steps, she did some sort of odd walk on the way - a reminder to Torch they should fix themselves up after Kippy's drama fit. The Combusken felt awful as she sat at the pole, Ark standing there awkwardly attempting to comfort the Fire/Fighting duel-type. "Thanks Ark..." She said with a small smile as she kept her gaze fixed at the stairs, "Sorry for dragging you into this mess." She used to be nervous around the Aggron, he was stronger than the average, much more bulkier than her, but now she felt... surprisingly calm. Even after the Mudkip's little drama act. Maturity must be getting to her, it actually feels good that she's not overreacting about it. But is she suppose to?... Who knows.

    "Hey! You!" Liselotte's voice called out to Kippy as he was literally stomping down the hallway. He paused, turning to face the Breloom as she caught up to him, her breathing was abnormal, they should really fix themselves up before going after the Mudkip... "You're acting a bit oddly. What happened to the little shy Mudkip from like, an hour ago? Tell me what's up (and if you say the ceiling or the sky or that kind of bullshit, I will Mach Punch you)." He shrugged, he was honestly used to the company, he's not shy that long... Hopefully? It's true that he became much more open, but that was jealously getting to him... "Who knows," he mumbled, his sunglasses covering his eyes that narrowed to the side. He felt annoyance bubble into him, which bothered him even more scrunching up his nose as if some disgusting smell was around before staring at the Breloom coldly, "Torch was the one that started it!" His voice echoed throughout the hallway feeling his mouth promptly close after that, a frown coming upon him as he did sob.

    The Mudkip cleared his throat, fixing his glasses to sit on top of his head, "She was the one all staring at the Aggron as if he's the strongest out of all of us..." The tone was much more calmer than his earlier one. He hated venting his feelings, but he had to admit that it was true the Aggron was the strongest out of the small group [at this thought, he just realized the Houndour and Tyrone were nowhere to be found]. The fact it was true made the Water Starter feel bitter and annoyed, he wanted to be the one to protect his Torch- no... Combusken friend... He also felt annoyed there, "Then she went off evolving..." He mumbled, his eyes teared up a bit, but shook the tears away as he turned around, not wanting to face Liselotte. He won't be tough if he cries...

    As the Combusken stared emptily at her pink scarf, remembering all the sweet memories with Kippy, she glanced at the ocean in front of them, watching the sun rise higher and higher to the sky above. It was a clear blue sky, no clouds. It was so surprising honestly, how could the sky be clear during the Epidemic? People would expect grey thunder clouds to always cover the place, now it's clear. Why is the sky not changing? Was it not that affected by the virus?... Torch wished she could be the sky, not to be affected by anything. But then again, she wouldn't be herself would she? "Hey Ark, what was your life like before the Epidemic?" Torch asked, feeling nostalgia tug at her heart. She wanted to go back to the old days, where they didn't have to worry about surviving or getting bitten. The thought of getting eaten gave her the chills, and the thought Kippy getting eaten... made her want to cry badly. The Combusken felt tears form in her eyes, wiping them away as she stared at the sky. That unaffected sky.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:41 am

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    Abandoned Ship -- Below Deck || Late Morning || 15

    The Breloom watched in silence as Kippy revealed his true feelings, and why he was so upset over Torch. Because she had sparkly eyes over someone who was stronger and bigger. Because she evolved first. Because she became stronger first. Liselotte's eyebrows scrunched up a bit in thought; so... that meant that Kippy...

    "So... you're jealous?" she asked, taking a shot in the dark, although it was probably an accurate one. Kippy was jealous. It would've been a laughably cute idea if the situation didn't seem so serious and the person that the topic concerned wasn't so upset. "You're jealous, aren't you? Because she had eyes for someone else, and because she grew stronger first."

    Liselotte paused for a moment, staring up at the ceiling where the floorboards were rotten and she could vaguely see the outside sky. It was around late morning, probably nearing noon; she could see the shine of the sun high in the sky, and if she weren't blocked by damp, smelly mildew-covered boards, then the Breloom would be enjoying the sensation of fresh air around now. She sighed, her black eyes traveling back down to look at Kippy. The bastard looked so sad.

    "Hey, come on, cheer up... You sound like you're about to cry your heart out," Liza sighed, stepping closer and softly patting the Mudkip on the head. "If you want, I can spar with you so you can level up and get stronger... That's what you want, isn't it? You want to be Torch's idol. You want to protect her."

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:55 pm

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    Abandoned Ship, Below Deck || Morning || 9

    Hellfire chased the undead into the ship, her fangs licked with electricity. Come back here you bastards! Her ears were pinned against her skull as her chased the undead further into the ship. The Houndour shot a pillar at the undead, only to burn one and scare the rest. Then undead picked up pace, but so did the hell hound by using her Flame Charge.

    With the boost from her Flame Charge, she catch up to one of the undead Tropius and started to bark and growl. The Tropius yelped as Hellfire nipped at it's wings, but keep running. She was not her usual nervous self as she attacked the undead. Her fangs continued to lick with electricity as she rammed into the Tropius with Flame Charge then bite down on it's neck with her Crunch and Thunder Fang combo. The undead struggled against Hellfire's iron grip in failure. Soon the undead went limp and Hellfire charged after the last one, as she let out a devilish howl.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:05 am

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    Abandoned Ship - Deck | Morning - 7

    The Aggron shifted slightly before nodding once to the Combusken. "Thanks Ark...Sorry for dragging you into this." The dual type gave a sort of smile, leaning down and going down to the Combusken's level. His ice blue eyes focused on her, shifting carefully. "Hey Ark, what was your life like before the Epidemic?" Ark was caught a bit off guard by the question, shifting and taking a seat near her. "Well...Let me remember..."

    He thought back...Fighting off memories of the terrible times, remembering what his life was like when he was with his trainer and the team. "Well...I remember the way things were...I was with a Trainer, and there were others on the team...We were like a family, even though we were not blood relatives. It was a tightly knit pack, so to speak...I loved life, and fought hard..." The Aggron looked up to the skies, nodding once and grinning a bit. "It was a nice life...Before the Epidemic." He didn't want to bore her with the full story, so he kept the story short.

    Age : 28
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    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:51 pm

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    | Abandoned Ship // Deck // Morning |

    Michelen flailed wildly against the birds talons that clawed into him. He couldn't stand being held like this. He saw the ship below, which would be his salvation. He looked up at the huge Braviary carrying him.
    "Let me go, you big fucking bird!" he cursed at it, hoping it'd aggravate it enough to drop him. It didn't. Michelen growled, not able to spin to loosen its grip or attack it. Suddenly, an idea. Michelen suddenly turned to metal with Iron Defense, starting to push out the birds claws, while using Venoshock on the motherfucker. It squawked, suddenly dropping him. Michelen had seen the ship, and was headed right for it. Oh jesus. He braced for impact. (insert cheesy falling whistle here)
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" He yelled, suddenly hitting the deck of the ship hard enough to fall right through and to the bottom levels. He grumbled as boards and dust fell on him, trying to crawl out of the crater of bent floor boards. "...Ow." He looked up to the Mudkip and Breloom lazily. "...Hi." he said blandly at them, "Can you tell me where and what this place is and where? I would like to have the pleasure of knowing where I just broke my shell into a million pieces from falling from the clouds." he groaned, rolling out of the dent in the ground successfully.

    (OoC: BOOM HE'S HERE. Bl)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

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    The ABANDONED Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:47 pm

    [OOC: I don't have time to post, skip.]

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