Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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6 posters

    The ABANDONED Team


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:59 pm

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    Abandoned Ship-Bottom Deck| |Dusk

    "Follow me, before they close the path!!" Tyrone didn't need to be told what to do, already sprinting on his stubby legs across the blood-covered deck. "We need to find a way to get to mainland, this ship will go down!" stumbling on a broken board, the Bagon almost fell face-flat but caught himself before he did. Suddenly there were more Pokemon, a Rufflet and Meowth following the trail the Aggron made. "Just how many Pokemon are there?!"

    Suddenly, a Fearow swooped down and grabbed him square on the shoulders. Tyrone screeched in both pain and fear, talons digging deep into his scales as the little dragon writhed. His futile efforts to escape the bird's grasp had only frustrated it, it's grasp even tighter. The Bagon twisted his head to bite at the undead's feet, watching as it released him in surprise. Suddenly, a idea overtook him.

    "Guys! Use the Fearows to travel!" he shouts, reaching out to grab onto another's neck. It squawked in annoyance but kept flying around, unable to crane it's head down with the weight on it's neck.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:40 pm

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    Abandoned Ship -- Above Deck || Sunset || 22

    [Warning: Kind of an awkward post. Again. X'D]

    It was times like this that Liselotte had no idea how to respond at all. Just... what the shit, yo. As soon as the uncertain words had left Liselotte's mouth, a very familiar Aggron suddenly burst out from the floorboards like an angry bullet, plowing a whole plethora of Undead and shoving them out of the way. You go, you unstoppable beast. It looked like he had gotten himself some fans, too; a weird fluffball bird-like pokémon was watching the scene [where the hell did it even come from?], and a Meowth [again, where the hell did it come from?] was... frolicking... after Ark, cheering him on with some absurd words about world sparing from world domination.

    ...Right... This made perfect sense.

    It made even more sense that now, the only sane pokémon that she was with right now in close distance, was now flying in the air via talons of an Undead Fearow, and apparently also losing his mind as he suggested they use the flying terrors to get off the ship. Fearows. Undead Fearows. Fearows that Liselotte had a double type disadvantage against, and also Fearows that would peck her eyes and brains out at the first chance they got. Fearows that were half-rotten and barely able to comprehend baby words, let alone manage to understand directions to make them fly towards the land, instead of further out to sea where they would surely die.

    Holy shit, we're all gonna die.

    "ARE YOU INSANE?" Liselotte screeched, staring with wide eyes at the soaring wonder that was Tyrone. "FLY? ON ZOMBIE BIRDS?" Liselotte couldn't do that! She was practically like a sitting duck in midair for those demon birds over water. And what about Ark? Because Liselotte was pretty sure that a Fearow wouldn't be able to lift that Aggron up, and she was pretty sure those birds weren't up for cooperating together and lifting up Ark like the house from "Up". In response to Tyrone's suggestion, Liselotte shook her head and backed away, her head beginning to hurt from all the tension and adrenaline that made her body shake.

    What was she supposed to do? She was surrounded by crazy pokémon [except Ark, he's still cool.]...

    Posts : 13

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Aggron Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:25 pm

    Water bubbled and rushed from the sea as tiny fish and other living and undead creature moved from her path. Heavy sloshing followed the sounds of her legs as they dragged through the shallows, carrying her ever towards the ship settled upon the reef. Her metallic body groaned and creaked, the salty water rusting her already cracked and deformed armor, adding to the ominous sound of her approach. A few Krabby taking shelter on the rocks surrounding the reef scattered and splashed into the ocean as the massive female made her way up the ramp and into the ship.

    Bored...so bored...

    Boredom ached at the female's mind as she trudged her way through the bowels of the ship, continually crashing her massive fists into the walls just to make noise. This continued for quite a while, the ships hull soon bearing many more holes than it had previously. Digging her claws into the side of the ship she amused herself by shredding the thick metal that was a mockery of her own tough armor. But soon she stopped, the sounds of screaming catching her attention and the female soon bore a feral grin. There were playthings here.

    I will crush them...

    She came to a hallway that echoed with sounds of shrieks and screams, the heady scent of her fellow undead brethren filling the air. She breathed it in deeply, relishing in the fear and death, and soon was eager to join the fray. Without warning a large crash came through the doorway, bursting into the hall and sending the door shattering to the other wall. It was another Aggron, like her, and this male would prove to be a fitting toy. Her anger and boredom had grown and thrived in the utter emptiness of this place, and he would bear the full brunt.

    With a mighty roar the female Aggron charged forward, her armor screaming with the effort. Her sharp claws gleamed with the light of her Metal Claw and it sank into its target deeply. With a mighty yank she pulled from its flesh a large piece of armor that shielded his back, throwing it to the side like it was nothing. The male's flesh was exposed and bleeding, an Aggron's armor actually attached to their skin. She took in the scent of his blood and it sent her into a frenzy. He tried rushing at her, a faint purple glow surrounding him, but she felt nothing in his power. She allowed the attack to wash over her, the Dragon Pulse forcing off any remaining bits of water that still clung to her form and spraying it behind her in a pale mist.

    "Nice try..." she mocked, grin widening and sharpening her claws on the metallic sides of the ship once more. "Now...MY TURN!" With her cry she stomped her foot heavily into the floor, smashing it and sending them dropping to the very bottom of the hull. She launched herself at the other and dug into him with another Metal Claw, ripping into his flesh far beneath his armor. He roared in pain and effectively shoved the Harbinger from her prey, causing her anger to boil over. In a blind rage she summoned an Earthquake, the reef beneath the ship crumbling and tearing apart as she forced it through the hull and flooding the remaining hull. The move severely damaged her prey so she wasted no time in sending a Metal Burst, ripping through the hole she had made in his back and tearing his insides apart.

    As the hull flooded to capacity the prey's blood floated beautifully through the water, dancing around the Aggron as she swished her tail to create a current. Soon there was no air left and the water began to rush to the upper levels. The added weight had the ship creaking and groaning, cracking the remaining reef and sending the ship sinking into the depths. Not even caring for the creatures still left on the upper levels she casually picked up her kill, the remaining life of him long since choked out by the water, and sent him hurling into the side of the ship. His body tore open the hull and sent him sailing through the water to crash into the murky depths, the mud once again settling around him in a watery grave.


    With no further care for whatever else was upstairs the female soon began trudging once again across the ocean floor, making her way back to the mainland. She would let the sinking ship take care of the rest of them.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:51 pm

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    Abandoned Ship - Deck|Sunset (2)

    As the Aggron was plowing through the undead, there was a large shaking motion on the boat that made Ian fall. He wasn't expecting the fall, and he wasn't expecting to fall right on top of a Breloom. "Oh my gosh!" He said, "I'm so sorry, Miss Breloom! Please forgive me!" The Rufflet flew off of the female's head and just hovered next to her. He finally saw what caused the rumbling.

    It was another Aggron, but this one was different from the other one. It looked like it wanted to kill the other Aggron. And ti did just that. The undead sent the living into the water after it tore a large hole in the boat. The undead then left without saying a word. As much as Ian wanted to react to this sudden death, he reacted to the water gaining ship first. "Darn it!" He cried out. He quickly looked around before flying over to a ladder that seemed to be stable. "Miss Breloom! Over here!" Ian called out to her. Introductions would have to wait until they found higher ground. He looked up at the Bagon (who for some reason was flying an undead Fearow) and thought he could make it up there easily.

    (I would've posted earlier, but the harb attack gave me temporary writer's block. ^^; Anyway, let me know if you don't want Ian falling on Liselotte, Verd.)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:48 pm

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    Abandoned Ship | Deck | Dusk (2)

    The small, mangy Cat Scratch Pokemon followed after Ark victoriously. Maybe he'd survive this.. and he had this Aggron to praise for his deeds. Though, right as he was about to thank fate for looking up upon the ship's crew, things got much, much worse.

    The boat creaked and moaned, as it rocked from side to side, as if it were caught in a violent hurricane. Though, this only increased as the presence of a much.. larger being climbed into the ship. He felt the ship break before him and heard the violent shredding of wooden boards. He paused to look behind him, and sure enough, there was another Aggron rushing toward him, aiming to go after Ark.

    Like any logical Pokemon would do, he threw his scrawny body out the way, though he was a bit too slow. Under the mighty muscle of the female Infected Aggron was his tail, caught in the midst of the heavyweight battle, which was most definitely shattered under the pressure. As expected, he screamed a blood-curdling scream. Luckily for him, the pressure inflicted on his tail only lasted a few seconds, but it still felt like the damage was still being inflicted.

    Helplessly, Hermes watched as the Harbringer quickly snuffed out Ark's life like Carbon Dioxide would put out a victorious flame. This, of anything, horrified the Meowth. What big, muscular force would be there to fend off the infected? None. It took only seconds for him to realize that they were screwed. Utterly, completely, and universally screwed.

    Hermes quickly went to comfort his tail, which looked anything like a tail now. It was a squished piece of flesh with bone spurs ripping from his skin. It bled at an alarming rate, but it would be survivable if he could find something to stop the bleeding. Though, in the conditions that they are, that would prove to be quite difficult.

    The blood from his mangled tail seemed to attract more and more Infected. At first he was just a stepping stone, but now he was a delicacy. In other words, unless he could get away from this chaos, he was fucked.

    An Infected Fearow from above swooped down and grabbed him by the left shoulder, which was an amazing feat considering it was only two feet larger than he. The virus proves to not only increase savageness, but also increase strength.. at least, that was Hermes's way of deciphering it. Though, commonly, he was wrong. This Fearow was probably just a freak show. Anyway, moving on..

    He ultimately panicked. He used a few well-executed fury-swipes to slice the Fearow's foot that was keeping him suspended right off, causing him to fall from about seven feet in the air. It wasn't that high of a fall, but it was too high for his liking. He plummeted down, only to have a metal piece hit him square in the crotch. Ow!

    "Oh bloody fuck.." He hissed to himself, sitting there. Oh, well, that was great. No pain, no gain, right Hermes? He looked up from the floor only to see that Fearow's foot still clutching to his shoulder, with its claws digging into his skin. Quickly, was painful as it was, he ripped the foot from his shoulder and threw it at the face of an Infected Fearow who was trying to eat off his tail. That apparently pissed it off, and it tried to maul him.

    "NO!" He cried, jumping up from his seat, dashing as fast as he could painstakingly go to avoid getting eaten alive. He looked up and noticed a rather interesting Rufflet perched on a ladder. It seemed to be directing that Breloom he saw a few moments ago, but it was really hard to tell over all of this noise. To Hermes, that Rufflet was his salvation. Sure it was navigating a Breloom, but that invitation might as well be his to share. Besides, moving to a ladder made more sense that surfing on ravenous birds.


    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:51 pm

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    Deck | Dusk | 1

    This is great.. stuck right in the middle of a damn place where water is ALL around zombies included, just great. Susan was very annoyed as well bothered by the troubling atmosphere. Looking up he saw infected fearows everywhere, and looking down he saw more pokemon here in this boat. He also spotted an aggron, a rufflet, and a meowth. One pokemon was on an infected Fearow.. why? Just why is that individual riding on disease ridden animal? It made no sense to susan in anyway period, the meowth was climbing the laddar where the rufflet was also at. He questioned why was the meowth climbing the ladder, but the same time he assumed that he was doing so just to get away from the zombies. A Fearow came his way, and he jumped out of it's way turning it's attention towards him.
    "GET AWAY FROM ME BIRD!" Susan yelled as it came towards him obviously ignoring his words. He jumped out of it's way, and then kicked a piece of large debris with both of his feet like a donkey that was on the ground; which was sent flying in the fearows face. The debris hit the fearow right dead smack in it's face; the bird fell to the ground, and stopped moving. Did Susan kill it? Or did it just simply knock it out? Susan didn't know, and didn't care; all he cared is that it's no longer moving.

    ( First really crappy post guys, I don't know all of what I was going on so I posted this small post. )

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:28 pm

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    Abandoned Ship-Bottom Deck| |Dusk

    After the Breloom shouted at him asking if he was insane, he let go of the undead bird and landed back on deck, trying to muster a smile. "It was decent in my mind..." However, before she could say anymore, a gargantuan beast of an Aggron appeared, and in moments, was attacking Ark. Tyrone opened his mouth in protest, staring up at the bloody giant as it tore his companion apart.

    His mouth agape, his mind was screaming at him to do something. The deep waves of a Dragon Pulse forcing him to stumble back in agony. The Harbinger had screamed and stomped the deck, and before Tyrone knew it, he felt his small form plummeting into the lower areas of the sinking ship. The Bagon writhed in pain, clutching his now-bleeding head from impact. "Oh Arceus no... ARK?!" His companion's roar of pain echoed through the bloody halls of the ship, the young dragon stumbling to get up.

    Soon he was forced back down, the unstable rumbling of the sea tipping the ship and sliding him down. "NO!" he screamed, before the Bagon's sight was stolen by flooding sea water. He struggled to the surface, barely gasping enough breath. The ship was soon to be fully sunken, the dragon horrified to find the upper decks now also being flooded. Tyrone's eyes were screeching in pain from the salty liquids that infiltrated it, grabbing onto a broken pipe to haul himself above water.

    "Fuck... Just... FUCK!" the young man was never one for profanities, but this was an exception. He screamed the word loud and clear in rage as his blunt claws dug deeper into the flimsy metal. "How the fuck are we going to survive this?!" Tyrone growled, the water level rising even higher as the time passed by. The current had dragged him away from where the others were, panic growing inside the Bagon when he couldn't see any of his other friends.

    There was no hope anymore.

    At least, not for Tyrone. His eyes dull and half-lidded with a numb life that was barely visible behind his eyes, the Bagon wanted to hard to give up. There was nothing left, there was no way they could get back to land. That Rufflet won't be able to hold all of them, and most of the rafts probably won't even be able to be used. Tears pricked his eyes, merging with the waves that collided with his hanging body. Why was he even clinging to this pipe anymore? It made no difference, being alive or dead, because they were all bound to die soon. There was no way any of them could possibly swim all the way to a city, especially when none of them were water-types either.

    Everyone he first met was gone. Where had Torch and Kippy went? There were a nice duo. Ark was dead, and the others had simply left. There was only Liselotte, who was probably now trying to get onto high levels. The Bagon felt pathetic, the water now reaching the back of his head. "...Just... Fuck."

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:46 am


    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:22 pm

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    Hermes watched as the water steadily rose on the sinking ship. Each second that whisked by felt like an eternity, with the fates procrastinating the crew's deaths. They were fucked. Thoroughly fucked. The Meowth began to crawl up the ladder, shaking his head quickly, with tears falling from his eyes. He knew he was going to die. Or at least, that is what it felt like. It was time to have Hermes pick his poison. Which way does he want to go? Does he want to get maimed and eaten alive by Infected, or does he want to drown in the vicinity of the raging ocean? "Please, Fates! Crogenitors! Creators! Engineers! I don't want to die this way! Let me live! Let me live!"

    He turned from the ladder and noticed an Umbreon drop-kicking that Fearow that tried to gnaw on him earlier. While he wanted to cheer for Susan, he was too busy panicking. What.. what to do? How are they going to escape this?

    Then, a thought struck Hermes. Quite the epiphany it was. Maybe they could enrage an Infected enough where they would send the ship flying toward land? That seemed too crazy.. but at this point, anything was better than facing the Reaper for a second time.

    "Enrage the Infected! Let's try to make them cast a tidal wave thingy!" Hermes cried, though his voice was silenced by the loud noises inflicted by the Infected.


    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:23 pm

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    Deck | Dusk | 2

    Susan then heard the words that hermes said; however only barely, and didn't like it at all one bit." Make the undead do a tidal wave? ARE YOU CRAZY, OR JUST REALLY STUPID?! THAT'll GET US KILLED! DO YOU WANT US GET KILLED?!" The words loud, and clear yelled out into the air. However with the infected pokemon making all of their noises, the young meowth might not hear it. Susan noticed that the water was started to sink the ship; this ship isn't going to last any longer as it's eventually going to sink with them in it if they don't get off of this thing very soon. He started to move towards the ladder, and then started to climb it after Hermes.

    To Susan it seems like a good idea at this point, as the ship was slowly sinking, and the rafters would be the last part that would sink if they do sink. He eventually hit the rafters, and looked at all of the infected fearow flying around. Susan hopes that none of them notice him, and hermes up here. Susan also hopes the meowth doesn't notice him, and leave him alone as Susan didn't like being paid attention to in anyway.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:44 pm

    [OOC: Skip, Tyrone's just clinging for his dear life.]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:33 am

    (Since I'm sure it's my turn in the team right now, please skip me.)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:11 pm

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    Hermes clung to the metal ladder, trying his hardest not to let go. He watched as Susan climbed onto it behind him, following his path. ..And then he listened to his reply. It was extremely hard to make out, but Hermes managed, despite the constant, savage cries of the Infected.

    "Well.." Hermes began, before his voice gave way to an amplified yell, "DO YOU HAVE ANY BETTER IDEA!? I MEAN, IT'S EITHER THAT OR GET EATEN ALIVE! TELL ME, DO YOU HAVE A BETTER IDEA?!"

    He flinched when he felt some Fearows start to land on him, pecking at his very flesh, tearing off his very fur. He swatted madly with one available paw, while using the other arm to cling onto the ladder. He watched as the water continued to rise. They were running out of time..

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:43 pm

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    Deck | Dusk | 3
    Well.. Hermes actually had a point, as there really isn't any other idea that he can think of other then jumping into the water, and jumping into the water would mean that the fearow would get his ass there instead drowning him in the process as well as possibly killing him too. WELL YOU DO HAVE A POINT THERE, BUT.. IT'LL STILL POSSIBLY GET US KILLED ANYWAY!" They were indeed running out of time as the water was getting higher every second, and pretty soon this boat will be underwater.

    " Watching those fearows attack you is amusing to watch, just saying." Susan just simply sat there, and watched as Hermes was being hilariously attacked by the fearow with a smirk on his face. Susan would help, but at the same time he didn't give a damn.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:05 pm

    [OOC: Sorry, skip! I'll probably leave this team at a later date.]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:56 pm

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    Ian was getting frustrated. Nobody was listening to him. He tried to be helpful, and nobody seized the opportunity. "You don't want my help? Fine, have fun dying!" Ian yelled before flying away from the sinking ship. He could only hope that nobody gets out alive, because they all deserved death.

    (OoC: Leaving post. Best of luck to everyone on this team.)

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:15 pm

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    Abandoned Ship | Deck | Dusk (5)

    Hermes looked behind him, eyeing the cocky Umbreon as he mocked his situation. "Well, you're an asshole, Mr. Dark HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAART," the meowth snarled at him, before he was knocked off the ladder by a random Tentacool who seemed to have been flung by another creature. Hermes fell to the water below, and all the creatures in the shallow water on the sinking deck kept pulling on him, trying to bring him under. He refused, hanging on to the bottom of the ladder for dear life. "No.. it musn't end this way!" Hermes cried, before he noticed that rufflet from earlier flying away. "Oh.. no.. NO, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" Hermes screamed a tortured scream, but it was to no avail; the fluffy bird was out of sight.

    Well.. damn.. this didn't look good. Only he and Susan seemed to be the more active ones at the moment.. were they to die in a watery grave?

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:58 pm

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    Deck | dusk | 4

    " QUIT CALLING ME THAT!" Susan yelled, he hated being called that from Hermes. Hermes then was knocked down above him by a tentacool, and landed in the shallow water below. He looked down to see Hermes being dragged into the water. Susan decides for a bit whether he should save hermes, or let his ass drown instead. Hermes was annoying, but at the same time hermes was also a team member.

    The rufflet he seen above flew off, and it annoyed Susan." Oh great, just leave us ALL here why don't you?" Seeing as there is no one to help hermes, or even him at all Susan then makes up his mind about Hermes. " Ugh fine.. I will save his ass then." Susan walked down, and when he was near hermes he put's his tail near Hermes. " Hermes! Grab my tail, and i will try to pull you up out of the water!"


    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:53 pm

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    Abandoned Ship -- Above Deck || Sunset || 23

    It was absolute chaos, and Liselotte was stuck in the damn middle of it.

    Though she didn't stop long enough to look, the Breloom vaguely recognized the additional appearance of, what, three, four? more strangers on the ship. Where the fuck had they been before all of this? Their help might've been appreciated long before all of this happened! Maybe then, they could've figured a way out of here! "Anyone got any bright ideas? Any at all?" she screeched, practically and almost bristling with adrenaline and sheer fear. She never knew she could even feel fear like this, having been raised on knowing how to fight and not flinch. But holy shit, this was damn scary. She could die any second, all alone, on an abandoned ship in the middle of the sea. Now that was a sucky death if Liselotte had ever seen one. Her trainer had given their life to save the Breloom; she couldn't just let his sacrifice go to waste!

    All right, calm down, Liselotte. Think.... Think slowly. Don't panic. What do you need to do? Escape the ship. Or somehow stop it from sinking. You won't be able to do it alone. You'll need a friend. Which friend? All of your friends are gone...


    That bastard! Where is he?! The Breloom immediately disentangled herself from the damned debris into which she had fallen, and hopped out onto the deck, using her strong legs to her advantage. Surely, the small dragon couldn't be too hard to spot! But no, no matter how many times she scanned the same areas, she couldn't find the familiar, scarred face, the blue body of the Bagon. "Tyrone? Tyrone! Where are you?! You better not be dead, you bastard!" she yelled, almost sounding borderline hysterical with panic and fear. She couldn't lose her last friend here; that would be too much. Torch and Kippy disappeared. Ark was dead. Tyrone's gone missing...

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 5:34 pm

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    Abandoned Ship | Deck | Dusk (6)

    Things were looking quite grim for the Meowth, especially after that tentacool knocked him into the water. Luckily, and oddly, Susan came to his aid, demanding that he should grab onto the Umbreon's tail. Seeing that there was no other option, and that if he didn't act now he'd drown, he scrambled his paws for Susan's tail. The mangy Pokemon's dark claws dug into the Umbreon, and as they did he screamed, "What are you waiting for? PULL ME UP, PULL ME UP!"

    He frantically looked to his right, noticing that the Breloom was, in fact, still alive, for he could clearly hear her screams as she called out for a "Tyrone". Now, Hermes didn't know who the fuck "Tyrone" was, but at that second of his life he couldn't care less. Susan and he weren't completely abandoned after all!

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:30 pm

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    Deck | Dusk | 5

    "OW" the umbreon called out as hermes's claws dug right into his flesh. Susan started to slowly try to pull the meowth up with his tail one leg at a time up the ladder. Susan noticed another individual was on the boat looking for someone, and wondered if the individual they were looking for was also on there team. Susan couldn't go to help, due to the situation he was in.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:02 pm

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    Abandoned Ship-Bottom Deck| |Dusk

    Tyrone was falling into a trance-like state, the salty waves threatening to invade his lungs as his eyes burned in the liquid. The Bagon could barely breathe, claws clutching hard onto the steel pipe. He was ready to give up, her hands already slipping steadily deeper into the ocean. About to let go, he closed his eyes, before a shout caught his senses. "Tyrone? Tyrone! Where are you?! You better not be dead, you bastard!" The voice was drowned a bit from the waves, but the dragon heard it. He knew that voice anywhere.

    "Liselotte!" he shouts, hauling himself upwards and catching air. Tyrone's eyes looked frantically for the source. "I'm alive! I'm stuck in the bottom deck, I don't have much air left!" A splash of water jumps into his open mouth and he coughs, grunting. "I need help getting to higher deck! I'm clinging to dear life on a ceiling pipe right now, but it's not going to hold much longer." his voice begins to die, a hint of sorrow in his last words as he wondered how he could be saved. "I...I don't think I'll make it, Liz. I can't even move..."

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:08 am

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    Abandoned Ship -- Above Deck || Dusk || 24

    Finally, Arceus heard her prayer and let the damned dragon speak. His voice was really far away, though, much to Liselotte's dismay. He was on the lower decks... where it was flooding. The ship was sinking and it surely would not last long. The Breloom immediately began to hop through the debris to the lower part of deck despite the danger of it, dodging breaking pieces of ship wood and attempting to stay clear of the Undead. Thankfully, most of the aerial ones [aka, Liselotte's weakness] were distracted by the two others on the top deck that were running around like crazy, but down here, there were still marine pokémon like the Tentacruels. "Tyrone!" she yelled, seeing the familiar off-blue and grey head, bobbing just above the water. He was sputtering out water and she could see that his head kept on dipping under the waves. "I...I don't think I'll make it, Liz. I can't even move..."

    "No!!" The Breloom leapt the last few parts to reach the Bagon, immediately dipping her claws into the water and hooking them under Tyrone's arms. Using whatever strength she had, Liselotte hauled the dragon onto a piece of the ship still intact, taking a breather. Her ribs were hurting again; she never had enough time to quietly rest and heal. But there was no time to stop. With a loud and strained sound that sounded a lot like 'HRGGH!!', the Breloom pulled the Bagon over her shoulders to give him a sort of half-piggy back ride, and half like she was carrying him like a sack of potatoes. "...I'm not going to let you die, Tyrone. I've let too many of my friends die today. We're going to figure out a way to get out of here... right?"

    Using her strong legs to her advantage, Liselotte slowly and gradually climbed up the ship back to the top deck, taking small leaps at a time. She had trouble and couldn't jump quite as far nor high as usual with the Bagon slung across her back, but she thought she was faring rather well. She stopped for a break at the floor right under the top deck, letting Tyrone slide gently to the ground before straightening and looking at him. "Do you think... you can get yourself to the top deck from here?" she asked, pausing to take in a breath.

    [Had permission to carry Tyrone \o/]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:58 pm

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    Abandoned Ship | Above Deck | Dusk | (7)

    The tentacool that was holding Hermes back finally released him as Susan pulled. He was rather overjoyed that Susan had helped him out, because, truthfully, if it weren't for him he would have been fish food. "Oh.. I thank you, Umbreon! You saved my life!" He cheered, as he forced himself onto the deck. He rubbed the back of his neck worriedly as he stared at the chaos below. "I don't know for how much longer, though.."

    His ears twitched to the cries of a male and female, turning his head to discover where the cries came from. It was that Breloom and that.. other thing he has never seen before. Were they a part of their team? Thoughts raced through the Meowth's mind as he tried to determine what to do. Finally, it came to him.

    "HEY!" Hermes screamed, waving his paws maniacally in the air. "YOU TWO! OVER HERE!"

    He figured it would be best if the remaining of the team banded together.. maybe then they'd survive a bit longer.

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:09 pm

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    Above Deck | Dusk | 6

    Susan climbed as hard as he can the weight of his team mate making it hard for him to crawl up the ladder. He he heard the meowth yelling under him, but Susan ignored focusing on climbing the ladder instead. He knew that there was others within the area, but didn't know if they part of the same team he was in. Susan kept his head up, and looked towards his goal not looking down at all. If he did, the chaos below would distract him from climbing towards the top. Eventually he reached the top of the rafters, and pulled the meowth up. "I think we'll be safe for now Hermes, but we'll still have to find a way to get out of here if the ship sinks more then it is now."

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