Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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6 posters

    The ABANDONED Team


    Posts : 2477

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Zapdos Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:15 pm

    This team is on HOLD until the Harb attack has been fufilled. Do NOT post.

    Posts : 11

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Scrafty Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:13 pm

    "Wet... So, so very wet..."
    "Shut up!! Your whining is pissing me off!"
    "But... water... it makes my scales stick to skin..."
    "Shut up you whore!"
    The scrafty was not in any place like the deserts of Unova she could recall, only pale glimpses that seem to span much too many lifetimes to reach her hazy mind. Eyes all too colorful and bright in the night and faded air, the shinning color of blood was a sure warning to all and any who might be unreasonable enough to cross her. Body coated with infectious puss and gore, the Harbinger's stomach had sunken in. Thinner than any starving corpse, she almost looked weak and frail.
    Her expression changed constantly, almost like the switch of light. Gaze low and almost mournful when speaking in a dull tone, she seemed harmless as ever with her sarrow.
    But wrathful light shines within her when pulling the hood of dead skin cells over herself, screaming with the tone of a banchee. Her curse words echoed through the air and across the hull of the boat.

    Walking along the top part of the human made thing, the deck, her eyes dimmed as she pulled the hood back to show her vulnerable side. "Oh how I hate... the death..." Before the other personality could screm at her counterpart's words, there was movement ahead.
    What captured her attention was the duo of felines. One, the ebony creature with gold markings, was an umbreon. It was climbing onto the deck, seeming to have a companion with it. "Die, dumb bastard," she muttered darkly as the scrafty walked right up to the two. Her face become muted once more, the glazed eyes sliding over the strange cat; it stood upright, most fur missing from its body. Scrafty bristled, turned off by its repulsive appearance.
    She leaned in close to this one, gaining his attention. The cat haulted in his frenzied gesture and looked at her in a mixture of unease and shock. At a glance, the Harbinger did not look dangerous. No, in the state of sarrow, she was not trully dangerous. But her outward appearance of ghastly mistreatment and multiple wounds would put anyone in an unsure state of fear.

    "You... you are so... ugly... How do you... cope?"
    It was an honest question. In the state of reserved emotion, the scrafty knew not how such a vile looking Pokemon could be content. She would have done something long ago, if been in his shoes. But the feline took offence, almost instantly setting off insults at an alarmingly loud voice. The Harbinger recoiled, flinching from the volume. "Please. Be quiet... You will anger her..." She begged, voice barely louder than a breath. But the meowth paid no heed.
    The Harbinger stepped back, her grimace looking close to that of pain.
    "Shut your trap, fool!!"
    "I warned... you...

    The scrafty moved too fast to be seen. Her posture had appeared as frail, unsure, just seconds ago. Crouched over and eyeing the ground, the change was instantanious. Her arm shot out in a blur, the meowth coughing up blood before she was done moving. Still hunched over, Scrafty embedded her right hand expertly into the chest of the meowth. She smirked, eyes too bright and grin too crimson as she stared into his horror filled eyes. "Big guy aren't you, bitch?"
    Ripping her arm back, she was left with a meaty mass of flesh in her paw. Blood flowed freely from the wound now in the cat's chest, and red swam down the Harbinger's arm as she regaurded the mushed lung she held. As he coughed, more of his insides coming out of his jaws, Scraftly casually plopped the organ into her reptilian mouth. Grinning evily, she took great pleasure in the horror of the umbreon as the cat fell to his knees while she sucked the juices from his lung.

    "Oh no; we can't have that!"

    Voice almost playful, the scrafty snatched him up. Her hand wrapped tightly around his neck, she was pleased with how his limbs still flailed as he was above the ground, his blood still flowing freely and gorging itself over the harbinger's arm. With no warning, she flicked her wrist and a loud, audible snap rang through the air. The cat's eyes went dark, head falling to one side as his neck was snapped.
    "Look! At least now we have a meal, you stupid harlot!"
    "I am alergic... to cats..."
    "Shut the fuck up!"
    Gleefully talking to herself, the Harbinger merely turned and walked away. A trail of crimson followed in her wake as she dragged the meowth along the deck of the ship.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:50 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Abandoned Ship-Bottom Deck| |Dusk

    "No!!" The voice was so close, yet so far. The splashing of the waves draining sound from his ears as the firm claws gripped him, hauling him upwards. "...I'm not going to let you die, Tyrone. I've let too many of my friends die today. We're going to figure out a way to get out of here... right?" The Bagon shuddered, his half-lidded eyes overflowing from tears as he sobbed. "W-we... gotta try..." he stuttered, the cold of the seas still latched onto him.

    It wasn't long before he slide off Lize's back, his near-frozen form shivering on the wood of the deck as he straightened, his skin almost completely pale as he struggled to move his limbs. "Do you think... you can get yourself to the top deck from here?" He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream at the Breloom that he wasn't going to make it and that it was all over for them, there was no hope. Instead his body forced a numb nod, obeying the grass-type's orders as he slowly, clumsily ascended the ladders to the top deck.

    "YOU TWO! OVER HERE!" It was the voice of that odd cat, again, as he poked his head out onto the deck. He saw the frantic figure of the feline at the other end, waving. Suddenly, the sound of harsh words and cursing echoed through the halls, and Tyrone struggled to swiftly get up, fearing what might have arrived. A new figure had appeared, scrawny and frail, and was headed straight towards Hermes. The Bagon attempted to move, worried about who this newcomer was, but his body refused to take action as he stood rooted to the ground.

    He had watched through the whole scene, his eyes wide and body shuddering as the Scrafty came as quickly as it went, leaving the trail of blood behind it. Tyrone weeped, and although he didn't know the Meowth, there had already been enough farewells. The top deck was now simply pooled with blood, the thick liquid only slightly diluted by the salt water as more undead began to rise, attracted to the smell. The dragon looked hopelessly over to his final companion, Lize, eyes tinted with red from his tears but a smile on his face.

    "Let's not go down without a fight."

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:55 am

    [nopenopenope, can't post right now, and don't want to be too late since school tomorrow! Skip this turn please. xux Hard decisions being made, buh.]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:51 am

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    upper deck | dusk | 7

    The umbreon then saw the meowth be torn apart by a... really weird looking undead that vaguely resembled a scrafty. "... So much for saving Hermes, to bad cause I was starting to somewhat warm up to the annoying little fellow... oh well. Luckily it didn't get me, and it's now preoccupied with something else instead." The umbreon stayed on the top part of the deck, and just simply stared at the deck below the blood that poured from Hermes mixing into the salt water which was slowly rising."I'm going to have to eventually find a way out of here, or else I am fish food." Susan started to look around for something that could float on the deck, and didn't see much of anything. He saw some barrels, but the barrels wouldn't be able to hold his weight. There are peices of wood everywhere, but most of them are too small to keep him afloat. He noticed the Bagone down below was nearby, and had yelled him. He looked at him, and watched him to see what he'd would say or do. Was this individual also on his team?

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:03 am

    [OOC: Skip, Tyrone's just getting ready to fight. |D]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:05 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Abandoned Ship -- Above Deck || Dusk || 25

    The Breloom watched the Bagon worriedly, wondering if the water had drained more of his energy than she had originally thought. It would be troublesome to have Tyrone be sick now, out of all times. And even more troublesome to have him die. But he managed to scramble up the last set of ladders, pulling out a relieved sigh from Liselotte's throat. At least he was still well enough to move. The Breloom quickly followed Tyrone, clambering after him back above deck where it was just as chaotic as when it was when she left it, if not even more.

    As soon as the Breloom managed to haul herself back up on deck, someone seemed to notice the duo and called out. Probably one of those suckers from earlier that she had left to go save Tyrone; and sure enough, it was that one, weird-looking Meowth from earlier. The one with half of his fur ripped off. There was also that one Umbreon. But there was no sight of the Rufflet. Nor of Torch and Kippy. They were climbing up the ship and Liselotte watched them go, distracted between watching the duo and checking in on how Tyrone was doing, when she realized how quiet it was.

    Where did all the Undead go?

    The loud screeching and cursing made Liselotte jump. She looked around, expecting to see yet another survivor, as the voice was a feminine one and as far as she knew, Liselotte was the only female left on the ship. Her eyes locked in on the sight of a Scrafty making her way across the ship, and the Breloom vaguely wondered if it was that Scrafty from earlier, the one who called herself Amy or some other name. Liselotte hadn't seen much of that 'Amy' girl, but she did remember there was a female Scrafty on the boat before. Perhaps this was her?

    Being so far away, Lize couldn't see the details of how mangled and distorted the Scrafty was. Instead, she waved out a clawed hand, happy to know that one of the old teammates were still alive. That would be great! "Hey, Amy!" she called out, unaware that the Scrafty was not Amy, but rather a different one, and an Undead. The Breloom watched the Scrafty go up right to the Meowth [who was already screaming and cussing at the dark/fighting-type; how rude!] and Umbreon duo, thinking that with so many survivors together, they could survive. That they had a chance.

    Then the Scrafty put her hand through the Meowth's chest.

    Liselotte watched with widening eyes and a dropping jaw as the Scrafty abruptly ripped out something small from the cat's chest, holding it in her hands. She could only flinch, but not able to look away, as the Meowth fell and the Harbinger ate the organ. She just ate the fucking organ! Had Amy fallen into the grasps of infection while she was away? But she had only been gone for less than a day. When Liselotte saw Amy earlier, she was perfectly fine and healthy. This was impossible. This shouldn't happen. "What the fuck are you doing?!" she screeched, though she knew it was pointless to screech such things at the Scrafty whether she was an Undead or simply a murderer. The Scrafty immediately began to drag the dead Meowth away from the deck, leaving a bright trail of blood. With the Scrafty turned around, Liselotte got a look at her face and couldn't help but cringe. Was this really the same Scrafty?

    "Oh Arceus. Tyrone, we have to find a way to get out of here. We can't stay on this ship -- it'll sink in a matter of minutes! We can't die, not here, not now... My trainer died and let me live! I can't, I can't just give it up all for nothi..." She trailed off as a shadow stretched overhead, blocking the last rays of dusk light and surrounding Liselotte with shade. The Breloom, eyes still wide, began to turn around and saw a flash of dark, brown feathers. Then she felt a sudden, sharp pain.

    A sharp set of claws pinned her body down, and she felt something cut into her neck. She saw herself apparently fly into the air -- but how could that be? Her body was still there on the ground. Everything was moving so fast yet slow, and yet, over everything, all she could hear was the sound of flapping wings and the brief, biting cold of something sharp on her neck. And then the Breloom's eyes went blank and dull, the fiery light dying, the Fearow flying up to higher on the deck to hold down the head of Liselotte.

    With a loud screech, the Undead bird began to peck, feasting on its new, fresh, small meal.

    [25th and last post. ;w; asdf It was sorta hard making this decision to kill off Liselotte. Well, Abandoned was fun while I was in it. u_u]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:57 pm

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    Upper deck | dusk | 8

    Susan watches as the others started to climb up to the deck with him, and then one of them gets their head ripped clean off by one of the fearows. "The fuck? THEY RIPPED HER HEAD CLEAN OFF! SHIT MAN.. I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE SOON!" Susan looked around for anything that could float, a hysterical look with a hint of desperation was plastered on his face. He has to find something before the fearows turn their attention on him, and attack him too. His eyes scanned the corners, and sadly hardly nothing could his weight except the barrels however only barely. He ran to the edge of the ship to see if there's anything in the water floating that he can float on.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Min Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:50 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Abandoned Ship-Top Deck| |Dusk

    "Oh Arceus. Tyrone, we have to find a way to get out of here. We can't stay on this ship -- it'll sink in a matter of minutes! We can't die, not here, not now... My trainer died and let me live! I can't, I can't just give it up all for nothi..." Tyrone gazed at the Breloom, about to reply when he too, caught the shadow. Eyes wide with fear, he reached out with a shivering hand to grab her, to save the only friend he had left. "Lize--!!"

    He was too late.

    Oh how he hated birds. As the talons sunk into her flesh, the massive Fearow pinned the fighting-type down before utilizing it's beak to feast upon her carcass. The Bagon was sobbing, a long, painful wail released from his throat as he clutched his head in his claws. "H-How..." he whimpered, shuffling backwards. "H-how can this be? Wh-why?" the avian was already flying off, taking his companion's head as it's new trophy and meal.

    Distraught and horrified, the poor dragon didn't realize how close he was the to the edge of the ship, and with one last step, felt the rotting wood beneath him vanish as he plummeted into the sea. The Bagon screeched in agony as he entered the water, the cold stinging his scales as he felt his consciousness slip away. The waves had claimed him, the freezing liquid wrapping around him like a distorted blanket, the ocean nipping at his blue lips in attempts to intoxicate his lungs.

    However, he couldn't care less.

    [OOC: Official leaving post. I'll re-join one day, though.]

    The ABANDONED Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The ABANDONED Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:58 pm

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    Upper deck| Dusk | 10

    The umbreon still couldn't find a single float to float on, and decides to to jump right onto a barrel instead on instinct. The barrel could barely lift him on the water, and hold onto his weight. As the ship sank the water lifted the barrel onto the ocean, and floated. Unfortunately, a few of the fearow that saw the ship sink saw the umbreon floating on the water like a sitting duck on top of a cork. "OH SHIT!" The umbreon yelled as the birds came him way he barely could react when flew right at him making him jump off of his little barrel a few feet.

    The flying fearow rammed it's head right into the barrel, and fell into the water getting waterlogged unable to fly back up out of the water. As soon as Susan crawled back up on his barrel again a fearow came, and pecked at his back making it bleed. The sharp pain going through out his body, and making him whimper at the pain. "GO AWAY BIRDS, LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY!"

    Susan outraged finally grabbed the bird, and torn it to peices with his teeth it's feathers flying everywhere into the water below. Another bird came, and tore into his side making the umbreon cry out in pain as the beak went into his side. Susan then stomped the bird as hard as he could across the head, it's claws tearing more into his body the blood going onto the barrel into the water. Susan managed to bash the birds brains in with his back foot, and then kicked the bird's body into the water.

    Susan then focuses on his injuries, and he realized that they're severe the bleeding not stopping. Luckily the birds stopped coming, and Susan was now finally alone. " I am.. going to die aren't I?" Susan then looked back on the old memories of his happier times with his humans before the epidemic, the times when things were simpler, less horrific, more fun, and most importantly no one was in pain.

    "Fuck this cursed epidemic, why did everyone have to die? Why did all of this have to happen? Why? WHY! WHY?" Susan cried out into the sea, his voice heard by no one or anything at all. The sun setted, and the world went into darkness an hour later. Susan was now in grave health as he was nearly dead from blood-loss.
    The umbreon looked up to the stars, and saw the brightest one.
    "If only wishes could come true... I would wish to be
    happy.... but that'll never happen.. I bet that star is probably
    dead.... like all of my hopes, and dreams"
    Susan could barely keep on the barrel his strength waning to keep from falling into the watery grave below."I am infected now.. and now I am also about to die.. in hindsight I feel like my life wasn't yet completed.. like I have not seen enough of it.. I miss my family.. I miss my home.. I miss everything.. now.. in the epidemic.. it's now the end.. I do not want become the very things that have killed them.. so.. I will now die with every shred of dignity I have left.. "

    Susan then lets go his body falling off of the the bloody barrel going into the ocean below, Susan sank his eyes looking above into the water the stars above. The umbreons body sank lower, and lower into the dark abyss. The last think Susan saw was the bright stars above the brightest one right in the middle, and then he loses consciousness.

    A few seconds later.. the umbreon was dead.. the once lively eyes now dark without a single hint of life stared at nothing, and had no trace of life within them. Susan's body was now but a dead shell of what was once a very lively umbreon.

    (( Wow.. first ever death role-play post, and it nearly made me sad.))

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