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    The SLATEPORT Team


    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:56 am

    ((Skip, he's still out like a light XD The aqua tail only made him slide a little from the force of the attack.))


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:30 pm

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    Slateport City/Early Evening (29)

    "Shadow." The canine's ear flicked to the side as Joey's gentle voice reached it, and he turned to the Rapidash. "Thank you." The gratitude in his voice was unmissable, and Shadow hid the warm feeling embracing in his heart with a stern nod. Huh ... could that be the first time that anyone has ever offered me a heartfelt thanks? he thought, quickly looking away from Joey so that he didn't see the tears welling up in his eyes.

    He quickly blinked them away, however, as the white Rapidash, Whats-her-name, turned up. Shadow's ears flattened against his head as he glared at her defiantly. Hmph. What's she doing here? Come to develop her first impressions? He continued to glower at her until she came to a stop nearby. What came out of her mouth completely bemused him.

    "Forgive me for asking, but have any of you seen a Red Bull? He is large, angry, and covered in flames. I need to find this beast as soon as possible." Shadow blinked at her and said nothing for a moment or two. What was this chick on? It sounded like she was describing something like a Tauros or a Bouffalant, but he'd never seen and definitely never heard of one that was on fire.

    "I have no idea what you're talking about," he eventually replied, getting up and skulking back into the shed. He saw that Sem was getting shakily to his feet, and rushed over in case he needed help. "Be careful. Don't push yourself." He looked out of the open door at the darkening sky and sighed in frustration. "I suppose I'd better go and see where that twat Darron has pissed off to." He lowered his scarred face down to Sem's level. "You going to stay here? Or do you want me to carry you again?" There was no way that he was going to let him walk or fly just yet.

    You are betraying everything you promised to do since this whole mess began ... yet why can't you stop?

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:21 am

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    Slateport City || Late Afternoon [19]

    Joey hadn’t caught Shadow’s reaction to his thanks, looking away out of a respect for the hound who was probably averse to talk of emotions. Still, the equine was pleased he hadn’t been met with a snappy remark. As he’d expected, there was a whole lot of good buried beneath that rough exterior. Smiling absently to himself, the Rapidash took to eating the remaining berries set before him.

    "Forgive me for asking, but have any of you seen a Red Bull? He is large, angry, and covered in flames. I need to find this beast as soon as possible."

    Pretty Amalthea. Joey was taken back every time he caught the mare’s clear eyes, this time no different as a warm smile flooded his features at the sight alone. Such beauty was unheard of in Joey’s world, thus he took every opportunity to bask in the glory, the splendour, of what was no doubt a higher being. But what she spoke of remained foreign to even him. He had seen a lot in this cruel world, but never had he the pleasure of meeting a ‘Red Bull’. Of course, Shadow was bound to be curt.

    "I have no idea what you're talking about,"

    Watching him trot away to scold Sem for his movements – no end of admiration stemmed from the bird's determination – Joey’s attention remained on the shiny. Smiling weakly, he gestured over his shoulder to the aloof Mightyena.
    “He’s not all bad,” The Rapidash nodded, feeling that there was a growing dislike for the canine in the group. Although unnecessarily blunt, Joey himself could see no drastic reason for alarm, let alone hatred. Then again, he always strived to salvage the goodness in everyone. Returning to the equine’s question, he continued. “As for a Red Bull, I’m afraid I haven’t seen one – ever, really,” Joey had always hated bestowing bad news upon the innocent. He never had grown used to it. Presuming this bull-character were a friend, the Rapidash flashed an apologetic smile, feeling the need to reassure Amalthea. “I-I’m sure we can find him though – I mean, I’m always happy to help,”

    Overhearing Shadow speak of locating the two serpents, the bickering duo having yet again disappeared, Joey carefully rose to his hooves using the wall as support. The ascent was surprisingly painless, a dull aching from his legs the only remaining hindrance. Besides, he’d felt far worse and had never been one to make a fuss. Smiling, pleased, he rose to his full height.
    “We should probably get moving anyway, no?” The equine chipped in hesitantly, knowing the canine and Sem were off to apprehend the duo. They might as well pick them up as they headed out of here; Joey, for one, wasn’t keen on remaining in this city any longer. Were the lurking undead not enough, the sea continued to unnerve him. “I imagine Nalin and Darron are together – wherever that may be,”

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:00 pm

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    Slateport City|Early Evening

    Nalin was beginning to panic. The Aqua Tail had done nothing other than cause the Serperior to flinch a little in his comatose state. “Darron...” he pleaded, practically whimpering. “Please wake up. I don't know what to do to fix you.” He kept prodding at the prone form hoping that something would jostle the snake into consciousness, but nothing was working. Panic began to grip him as he realized he wasn't going to be able to do this alone. “I'm going to get some help Darron, I'll be right back.” He didn't know why he was talking to the sleeping serpent, but it made him feel better just to let him know help was coming.


    Amalthea was a little disappointed that no one had even heard of the Red Bull, much less seen him, but she knew to expect as much. Her kin had to be around somewhere, along with the flaming monstrosity, but if they didn't know where he was maybe they knew what ocean to look for. If it wasn't this one then it had to be another, at least that was what she told herself. Joey offered his own assistance and the white Rapidash felt herself blush. “Thank you.”

    "I suppose I'd better go and see where that twat Darron has pissed off to." Amalthea was a little displeased with Shadow's attitude towards someone who he barely knew. He was so bitter towards the world and it pained the delicate female to witness. The poor dear acted as though he hadn't a friend in the world....“We should probably get moving anyway, no? I imagine Nalin and Darron are together – wherever that may be.” She agreed, ready to follow the pair outside but something charging towards them caught her attention. “Nalin?” Indeed it was the Milotic, slithering as fast as his coils would take him towards the shack. And he looked very upset.

    “Help!” he cried, making his way ever closer to where he had seen the two Rapidash head. “Something is wrong with Darron! He won't wake up!” Alarmed Amalthea charged forward, reaching Nalin at a breakneck speed. “Take me to him,” she began, standing aside him and pointing her head the way he came. “I will see what I can do.” A hushed thanks hissed from the exhausted water serpent, giving her a brief smile. As Nalin started to head back to the location of their fallen companion she turned her head back quickly to the others. “I'm going with him to help Darron! Follow when you are ready!”And with that she charged forward.

    Upon reaching the house Nalin opened the door for the firey female that followed him, leading her to the kitchen where Darron still lay, unmoved the entire time he was gone. She looked him over carefully and noted how slender the snake actually seemed, his leaves somewhat wilted. “Why is he all wet?” The look on the Milotic's face said more than enough. Poor boy probably panicked long before going for help. “He's very small and weak, he looks starved. I will try and get some sunlight from that portal and you see if you can get him to eat.” Wasting no time she went over to the small window and investigated the strange covering over it. The oddly covered hole in the wall showed sunlight coming through, but only slightly to match the setting sun. Giving up trying to figure out the white slats that hid the light she gripped it in her teeth and pulled hard until it came clattering off of the wall. Sunlight poured into the kitchen illuminating most of the area and Amalthea gave a triumphant smile.

    Nalin worriedly nudged some of the treats he had found towards Darron, not sure what he was supposed to do. Pushing a couple of them into the slack jaw he hoped that the Serperior's own instincts would kick in and make him start to chew. The guy was always so confident and invincible, could it really be as simple as him being hungry to bring him down? It seemed almost...anti-climactic. He watched with nervous eyes, waiting for any sign of Darron eating the offered food. “Please...don't die...”

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:49 am

    Post 30

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    Slateport City| Early Evening

    Warmth... It was the first thing he felt, and was eternally grateful for it. Water... His body seemed soaked in it, and it gratefully took it in. Eyes still closed, nearly dead to the world, the only thing Darron could understand was that his malnourished body was finally getting something it needed. Twitching, he only vaguely realized that something was in his mouth... the hell? He hadn't performed that move in months... What was his trainer thinking?

    Eyes lazily opening to be greeted by nothing more than blinding sunlight, he flinched away from the bright, happy setting orb as he tried to recollect how he'd ended up on the floor... completely soaked. He suddenly sat upright, causing the berries that had magically transported themselves into his face to roll down his throat, making him choke. A few moments of struggling with them ended after swallowing them whole, sighing gratefully for the generous meal. It was soon after that he found himself with company-- Nally and the white mare. Eyes widening in surprise, he broke out in a broad grin, as if nothing had happened.

    "Huh. That was weird, huh?" His tone was the same, as if the strange experience didn't affect him. "Say, Nally, why am I wet?" He looked down, inspecting himself, glad that at least he was covered in water instead of other, more unpleasant liquids. "And thanks for opening that window. And for the berries. Didn't think you'd wanna share."


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:58 pm

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    Slateport City/Early Evening (30)

    "You won't take a 'No thank you' for an answer, will you?" Before Shadow could even say no, Sem flapped up onto his back, resting his head just on top of his collar. "This should be just fine, Mr. Shadow. Thank you." "Hold on to the collar if it gets a little bumpy," Shadow replied, steadily heading back to the shed entrance to rejoin Joey and Whatshername. Also if you could tear that thing off for me, that'd be great, he struggled not to add to the Murkrow.

    Just as Joey suggested that they got going, Nalin appeared looking panicked. "Help!" he cried. "Something is wrong with Darron! He won't wake up!" Shadow stood still and watched as everyone, including Miss First Impressions, charged off to help the self-centered prick. His ears flattening against his head and a low growl rumbling from his throat, Shadow flicked his tail and followed at his own pace. While he personally didn't care what happened to people who didn't give two shits themselves, he didn't exactly have anything better to do than to stand there like an idiot with an infected bird on his back.

    By the time he had reached where the others were, however, Darron looked perfectly fine to him, asking questions and conversing as if nothing had even happened. Shadow simply stood in silence and watched the scene unfold itself. Potential disaster was averted, it seemed.

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:56 am

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    Slateport City || Early Evening [20]


    “Yeah, Nalin. He doesn’t like that nickname - ‘Nally’,” Joey replied absently, mistaking Amalthea’s utterance as a query rather than response to said Milotic charging towards them. The equine turned at the sudden shout for help, his instincts kicking in as his flaming mane flared with fear. Eyes widening, they soon latched onto the distressed water-serpent as he explained the situation of Darron’s poor health. Amalthea was first to react, the duo rocketing off to the Serperior’s aid before Joey even had time to speak.

    Desperate to help, the Rapidash followed after Shadow, moving as quickly as his delicate legs would permit. Unfortunately, the healing process was slow. Numbness had grasped the tender muscles, leaving his movements akin to an over-enthusiastic foal. It could be worse, he reminded himself determinedly, aloof to the humiliating gait as he hobbled onwards. Annoyingly, the group had disturbed within one of the human homes. Falling to a dead halt, his mind keeping him firmly immobile as he stared silently through the doorway, Joey eventually turned with a huff. Irritated at his own cowardice and inability to face something as harmless as four walls surrounding him, the equine instead limped around the corner as voices drifted from an open window.

    "And thanks for opening that window. And for the berries. Didn't think you'd wanna share."

    That was most certainly Darron’s voice, providing a beacon as Joey soon stumbled into view. Smiling, relieved to see the serpent well, albeit rather wet, the Rapidash gave an amused snicker. Content to play the role of an observer, his shining demeanour illuminated by the sun, Joey was glad that yet again, disaster had been averted.

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:36 am

    ((Skip... DX I tried waiting for Phoe, lol, but it looks like it didn't pan out. Sorry :<))


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:13 pm

    ((Skip me too please. Shadow's not doing much; he's just still watching quietly from a short distance. Also Seeeeeeeeeeeeem! D'X))

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:39 am

    (( Oh dear, I’m going to have to join the club and skip too. Joey’s just being awkward and staring through the window, lol. ))

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:25 am

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    Slateport City|Early Evening

    "Huh. That was weird, huh?" Say, Nally, why am I wet?" Nalin blushed madly at the question, not really wanting to admit he had panicked when Darron had passed clean out. "And thanks for opening that window. And for the berries. Didn't think you'd wanna share." He cleared his throat and forced his blush down, staring at the floor as Darron collected himself. "They were poffins, actually. A treat my boy used to get me to evolve. They're...my favorite." He looked up at the serpent but his eyes seemed to move behind him, gazing into the room where his boy's parents lay. They never deserved that fate.

    When he heard commotion at the door Nalin was a little surprised to see the hound and Joey there. He had thought only Amalthea had followed him. Speaking of which..."Thank you miss...for helping Darron." The Serperior probably hadn't noticed that she was actually the one to get him up, Nalin had only followed directions. The same thing Darron had always accused as being the only thing he was good at. Well, at least this time that 'skill' had saved the snarky bastard's life.

    "You're both quite welcome. I can't stand to see a fellow creature felled, especially by something as simple as hunger." She looked over to Darron and gave him a smile. "Are you feeling any better now? Or did you need more? I'm sure we can find something for you to eat." Seeing Nalin's surprise she followed his gaze to the door and whinnied happily. "It's good to see everyone together and not bickering! Shadow, I am proud you left your own sanctuary to try and help. There is a good soul under all that gruff."

    She tossed her mane back and trotted out of the kitchen, silver hooves clicking delicately on the tile floors. The white Rapidash went over to Joey and checked him over, making sure that he was standing alright on the injured leg. "And what about you, Joey? I'm sure we can find something around here to bandage you with if you need." Her head turned back to Nalin who nodded slowly, shy demeanor returning as he realized that everyone was in his home, his sanctuary. It was a little unnerving for others to be near to the things he held so dear.

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:23 am

    Post 31

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    Slateport City| Early Evening

    They were poffins, actually. A treat my boy used to get me to evolve. They're...my favorite." Darron's amaiable smile fell a little at the sudden aversion of Nally's gaze, the milotic caught with a small fit of embarrassment, the floor seemingly much more interesting. He blinked; why was he getting so flustered? Honestly, this milotic was so... weird. However, the mare's voice brought the snake out of his reverie, content at the fact that he was all right. At the notion of possibly getting more, his stature brightened. "Really? Thanks!" Turning to suddenly see the others, his mind was a bit blown. Had they all come to check on them?

    "Hey, guys, it's all right-- just a fainting spell, I think," he stated with a happy bounce in his voice. "I'll be ok. Thanks for the concern, though. Let's get back into that crowded shack, though, eh?" He turned to look back at Nally, who'd once again gone the shy route. He sighed, then remembered he hadn't gotten his question from before.

    Nally, what are you doing here?" he asked, his voice low for only the snake to hear. "I came to make sure you weren't getting yourself into trouble."


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:55 pm

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    Slateport City/Early Evening (31)

    "Shadow, I am proud you left your own sanctuary to try and help. There is a good soul under all that gruff." Shadow looked at Whatshername for a moment, blinking lamely in surprise at her words. What had she expected him to do, just sit there minding his own business while a member of their odd little posse was possibly dying a few yards down the road? What does she take me for?! While it was true that he barely gave two fucks about Darron - arrogant bastards didn't deserve sympathy - he wasn't about to just kick back and ignore the fact that something was wrong with him. Just what would the other more decent folk, like Sem and Joey, think of him then? If he had any chance of redeeming himself he had to stay with this lot for as long as possible. Alone, he would only continue to get worse.

    He offered the white Rapidash a small nod as he turned his head behind him to check on Sem. "Wha--?" Shadow shot to his feet and whirled round, whipping his head from side to side. "I could've sworn that ... where the hell has he gone?!" By this point he was practically spinning round in circles, frantically looking for the Murkrow that had been lying on his back just seconds ago and now was nowhere to be seen. "Did any of you see where Sem went?" he asked, failing to keep his voice firm to hide the panic that was building up inside of him.

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:50 am

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    Slateport City || Early Evening [21]

    Joey was pleased to see Darron’s recovery through Nalin and Amalthea’s quick thinking, a small smile playing on his scarred features as he watched the scene. Perhaps there was more to serpent duo’s odd relationship after all – perhaps there was some kind of friendship buried beneath all that unnecessary malice. Content in watching the tranquil scene unfold, his demeanour a pleasant backlight to the happenings, it took a moment for Joey to realize he’d been addressed.

    "And what about you, Joey? I'm sure we can find something around here to bandage you with if you need."

    Shaking his head, snapping himself out of his fond musings and back to reality, his attention finally honed in on the pristine equine checking him over and asking of his health. Joey’s jaws moved but the words remained silent, her words not fully processed within his mind to offer an intelligible answer. But as he flexed an injured leg nervously, he flashed a reassuring smile, catching up with her query.
    “I’ll be okay,” He answered kindly, genuinely. “I’ve got through worse,” A light chuckle brushed away the darker undertones of his admittance, the equine unwilling to dwell on the matter having suffered such a hideous episode only a few minutes earlier. His mind simply couldn’t take another trip back into no-man’s land. “Honestly, don’t worry about me,”

    "Wha--? I could've sworn that ... where the hell has he gone?! Did any of you see where Sem went?"

    Joey felt his stomach drop. Eyes wide, feverishly scanning the room for glimpse of the sickly avian, he backed up nervously at the complete disappearance of the creature. Shaking his head in response to Shadow’s panicked question, his concern contagious enough to mar the equine’s earlier high spirits as the fear and sorrow seeped into replace it.
    “Sem?” He called out, poking his head through the open window in a bid to catch sight of the avian. Surely, the Mightyena wouldn’t have dropped him. Although grouchy, Shadow had proven himself a careful creature – which only left two options. He’d made a startling recovery and fled, or he’d been snatched, helpless. Gulping uncomfortable as he scanned the skies for glimpse of either the Murkrow or an undead attacker, Joey sombrely returned his gaze to Shadow.

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:08 pm

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    Slateport City|Early Evening

    Nally, what are you doing here?" Nalin was only half listening to Darron at first, but when that question came up he turned his head to the grass snake in disbelief. Had he really followed him here not knowing where he was going? "I came to make sure you weren't getting yourself into trouble." Nalin hung his head low, sadness creeping in once more as his tail coiled, pulling the water serpent into himself. "Darron this...this is my home..."

    What would Darron think of this small little shack compared to the luxury he surely lived in? Would he laugh, ridicule the poor Milotic for not being pampered? Or would he, for once, accept fact and let it just be? It was hard to tell what Darron would say since Nalin was still staring at the floor, but he just couldn't bear to look up and face his rival. He wasn't that strong yet.


    Amalthea smiled as Shadow offered her a nod in compensation for her words, and was happy in the small amount of success in breaking through his icy facade. “I’ll be okay, I’ve got through worse. Honestly, don’t worry about me,” Joey's words caused Amalthea to frown at the confession and she stomped one hoof delicately. "That's not the point Joey," she scolded gently. She wasn't going to let her fellow equine suffer just because he had done it before, that was silly.

    Continuing to check him over she was about to ask Nalin if he could get her something when Shadow began to ask about Sem. Turning to him she realized that their feathered friend had indeed gone off somewhere. "Oh dear...I hope he hasn't wandered off somewhere. Poor thing. Do you want help going to look for him Shadow?" She would prefer to help Joey but she couldn't just leave a young one out on their own like that. The Meowth and her companion had already wandered off, the didn't need Sem disappearing too.

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:58 am

    Post 32

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    Slateport City| Early Evening

    "Darron, this... this is my home..."

    Nally's reply was, of course, quiet, but the words themselves took the serperior off guard. He took another glance at the bloodstained tidings, each detail making Nally out to be in a new light. Surely he'd lived better than this? A small frown crossed his features. His own owner had been of moderate wealthiness; nothing to truly brag about, but certainly wasn't living in shambles. Perhaps all the blood and death made the place look worse than it really should have. His eyes went back to Nally, who had his head down in... was that shame? A smile brightened his own features, in hopes that it would catch with the water-type. "Well, that explains it. It's nice, considering." He took another look around when Shadow suddenly erupted in concern.

    "I could've sworn that ... where the hell has he gone?!" Shadow spun arond in circles, which would have been hilarious if the situation weren't so dire. "Did any of you see where Sem went?" It was all Darron could do to shake his head, not remembering having seen the greasy bird in the first place. He'd barely even known that Shadow was there, much less quiet Sem.

    "...Should... we go after him? Maybe he disappeared for... you know... a reason." Darron frowned at his own suggestion. Maybe the bird'd felt some sort of change coming on him and lit out while he still had the capacity and decency to do so. It... may have been better that he'd gone.


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:59 pm

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    Slateport City/Early Evening (32)

    As he had expected, nobody had a clue where Sem had gone either. Shadow growled in frustration and snapped his jaws. The Murkrow had been on his back the whole time; how could he have missed him leaving? He paused his tantrum for a moment and began to think. What Darron had said about Sem leaving for a reason was making him very uneasy. They all knew that he was infected; what if he had felt himself changing and had fled before anything bad happened? Or had he simply decided that he didn't want to be here anymore? Either way, Shadow knew he had to find him in case he was in danger.

    "Yeah ... c-come and help me look," the Mightyena murmured, vaguely turning back to the door and wandering outside, looking towards the direction they'd come from and scanning the scenery carefully for any signs of movement. He suddenly recalled the obvious fact that Sem was a Flying-type, and turned his gaze upwards to the darkening sky. "But if he's flown away we've got no chance of finding him." His ears drooped against the side of his head and his expression turned into one of genuine concern. "Why did he leave?" he asked no one in particular.

    ((Sorry for the not-so-good post, I'm not feeling well. Working in a nursery (i.e. a germ factory) does wonders on your immune system! XD))

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:07 pm

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    Slateport City || Early Evening [22]

    "Oh dear...I hope he hasn't wandered off somewhere. Poor thing. Do you want help going to look for him Shadow?"

    Joey, his demeanour shifted to one of suppressed alarm, shuffled uncomfortably on the spot as the group considered Sem’s disappearance. He hated the word. People couldn’t just disappear into thin air; many he times he’d wished such a feat was achievable but the reality of simple vanishing tricks were far darker. Joey knew well that a missing comrade was as good as dead.

    "Yeah ... c-come and help me look,”

    Distressed as foul images manifested within his mind, the equine practically leapt at the opportunity to escape the building. Ever since he’d entered, the walls seemed to be closing in, trapping and suffocating him with each passing second. Nodding his head, too distracted by the opportunity of freedom and quelling his growing fear, the Rapidash hastily trotted after him with a rushed, mumbled apology to his company.

    Thankful for the cool air of evening that seeped into his tensed muscles, Joey took several deep inhales to balance his erratic condition before turning his attention to Shadow. The blunt Mightyena seemed just as stressed as him – for different reasons, of course, but the sight of the dark-type feverishly scanning the skies provoked a flipping of the equine’s stomach. The question was the final blow. Fiery mane flaring as he sought to avoid the canine’s saddened features; Joey hobbled further away from the building. As much as he wanted to fight his beliefs, the equine knew Sem wouldn’t be coming back.

    Unable to lie to Shadow, Joey remained silent.

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:53 am

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    Slateport City|Early Evening

    Nalin was a little surprised to hear Darron almost complimenting his home, emphasis on the almost, and felt himself smiling slightly. But everyone seemed worried about the missing bird from before, not that they ever worried about him that way when he wasn't around. But the bird had defended him once, even if he did wind up going with Shadow in the end, so he couldn't feel himself to ignore the fact that the little guy was gone. He was one of the few nice ones.

    "...Should... we go after him? Maybe he disappeared for... you know... a reason." Amalthea shook her head sadly and looked down at the Serperior with sad eyes. "And maybe he was taken from us and desperately wants to find his way back. We have to at least try..." Looking to Shadow she followed him outside and fell into trot beside Joey. "I know we could cover more ground separately, but it may be safer to stick together. What do you think?"

    Nalin slithered out quickly after the others, not wanting to be surrounded by memories a moment longer. "I'm coming too!" he cried. "I might be able to help..." He knew he and Shadow weren't exactly fond of each other, but that didn't mean he couldn't offer a lending hand. If someone was lost or in trouble he wanted to find them just as he hoped the others would try to find him if he ever got lost. But so far Darron was really the only one to ever come after him when he vanished. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...

    But no turning back now.

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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:29 am

    ((D| I have nothing.. Skip, please))


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:16 pm

    ((Skip me too please, I don't have much. Just say that Shadow was too busy looking around to answer Amalthea's question. Might we have that undead party you referred to before? :3))

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:38 am

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    Slateport City || Early Evening [23]

    "I know we could cover more ground separately, but it may be safer to stick together. What do you think?"

    Joey started at Amalthea’s sudden appearance beside him, quickly soothed by her angelic voice. Smiling weakly, he gave a slow nod his head, the pennant attached his to bridle habitually flopping into his face. Shaking it away with a quick jerk of his head, he was careful not to endanger his last reminder of Tom to his fiery mane.
    “Good idea,” Looking to Shadow and the recently arrived Nalin expressing his wishes to assist in the situation, it was only Darron who remained absent. Blue eyes lingering on the building a moment, the equine dismissed the Serperior’s hesitance as nerves, rather than any potential for indifference towards Sem’s disappearance. “Stay in pairs? Shadow and Nalin, me and Amalthea. Darron could watch the house, i-in case Sem comes back?”

    (( Sorry, short. :B ))

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:58 pm

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    Slateport City|Early Evening

    “Stay in pairs? Shadow and Nalin, me and Amalthea. Darron could watch the house, i-in case Sem comes back?”

    Amalthea, while uncomfortable with splitting up at all, agreed that it was more sensible to search that way. "How about Nalin and I take the north end of town and you two can start at the south? We should meet back here at a set time, though, to make sure everyone is alright." Nalin looked back at the house to where Darron still resided and nodded slowly. "What about...an hour? Two? It will be dark soon..." Again the white Rapidash could only agree. "We don't want to search after dark, it could be dangerous."

    Looking to Shadow for confirmation the Fire and Water duo began to make their way past the dark hound to head north. It wasn't long, however, before trouble caught up to them. A strange buzzing sound started to plague Nalin's sensitive hearing, the serpent keenly aware of high pitched noises and their frequency. Something was wrong and it was putting the water snake on edge. The closer they got the louder the buzzing sounded and Amalthea soon began to make out the irritating hums. She paused, hooves clicking delicately as she backed up, and then it hit.

    A swarm of Pinsir leapt from behind and from within trees, causing the lithe female to let out a high pitched whiny before turning tail. She had no fire with which to defend against bugs! Nalin couldn't help but follow suit, shooting an Ice Beam to try and slow them down. They fled as fast as they could back into town, trying to get to the other duo before the bugs could tear them apart. "Joey! Shadow! HELP!" Amalthea's terrified voice raised as high as it could over the clatter of her hooves, trying not to leave Nalin behind as her speed outmatched his.

    ((Undead party! These bugs are assholes and Amalthea has ZERO fire moves so she is not gonna be happy with all the bugs. All she can really do is Stomp and Nalin is a big baby, lol. So Shadow, Joey, jump in there! Make it last a couple of rounds at least.))

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