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    The SLATEPORT Team

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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:08 am

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    Slateport City || Noon [11]

    "Hold your horses.Who said wewere going anywhere? Let's wait for the snakes to come in first. Also, fix upthat long face of your's, nothing bad is going to happen if you smile honestly."

    Joey raised his head slightly, a shy smile tugging at his lips as the feline squeezed past him with words of comfort. The puns, common for the equine, only succeeded in brightening his demeanour, the weight lifted from his chest as he wholeheartedly accepted her advice. A dazzling smile broke across his scarred face, blue eyes glowing as he gave the feline a nod of thanks.
    “I’m sorry,” The rapidash spoke quietly, swallowing the sorrow to present his usual cheer. His grin faltered slightly as he continued, his head still lowered out of courtesy to converse with the others on their own level. “I-I guess I’m just… well, scared,” It sounded stupid. The moment the words left his mouth, he averted his eyes, embarrassed at the confession. All his life he’d been scared – utterly terrified of death, as well as letting Tom down – but this was the first time he’d voiced such concerns. It felt strange on his tongue, humbling even, as he abruptly cleared his throat. Shaking away the moment, Joey lifted his head, forcing a chuckle whilst taking a moment to survey the area.

    There was still no sign of Darron and Nalin, the streets completely deserted as Joey’s gentle orbs searched out their presence. He couldn’t disguise his concern for the milotic – fearing that he had played a part in the water-serpent’s emotional breakdown – and now that their absence was droning on, the equine was growing habitually panicky. His mouth curving as he stared ahead in the direction in which they’d vanished, he heaved a sigh, his fiery mane beginning to dull.
    “They’re certainly taking their time,” The rapidash commented with a chuckle, nodding his head lightly in the direction they’d arrived. However, a small shadow quickly captured his attention. Frowning, he looked to the skies, soon spotting the source in the form of the murkrow he’d met earlier; Sem, if he remembered correctly. Joey had hardly spoken to the fellow, awash with guilt that the avian chose to distance himself from the gathering. “Why doesn’t he join us?” The fire-horse questioned quietly, his gaze lingering on the timid bird before returning to those within the shed.

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:13 am

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    Elizabeth/Bandit - Slateport City || Noon
    --- -- -7 || 7- -- ---

    “I’m sorry,” The Equine responded to Elizabeth's painfully hilarious way of cheering up someone. The Meowth smirked, it was indeed weird to smile in an apocalypse, but... She remembered the story clearly; "It's not bad to laugh even in the darkest of times, but it's not bad to cry even in the brightest of days." Joey gulped, “I-I guess I’m just… well, scared,” Well that would make sense, seeing as he's a horse... Stupid Stereotypes are being proven true today. The breeze was awfully soft today, it seemed too perfect to be true. The Scratch Cat Pokemon glanced over at the Rapidash, he seemed embarrass upon sharing the fact he was scared. What's so embarrassing about it? She will be honest, she's envious. So open on his feelings... The Meowth blames Bandit for this, always his fucking fault. Oh the sarcasm.

    Bandit's strange feeling ebbed away as Elizabeth said noting in response and Joey confessed his true feelings. It's not that bad to be scared... In all truth, the Umbreon was scared himself. When Felix disappeared, his desperate search for his teammates, when he thought all hope was lost and nearly suicided... He was scared he'll do it again, and this time, Elizabeth wouldn't be there to stop him. He had several fears, the Meowth dying body, finding the corpses of everyone he considered a family or friend... The thought of Elizabeth dead made him shudder, it made him want to cry too. It was strange, he didn't feel the same towards Felix or the others, but towards Elizabeth it made him feel terrible. It must be the sibling love kicking in.

    “They’re certainly taking their time,” Joey mumbled, the Albino Meowth's attention was fixed on the small shadow on the ground. She wasn't going to be like every other feline Pokemon that would follow the fucking shadow and think it's prey, but this one seemed familiar. She rose her head, only to see the Murkrow; Sem fly high in the sky. It wasn't that bright out, but Elizabeth squinted her eyes to check if it was truly the Dark Bird. He didn't even get anything to eat and he's already taking an afternoon flight? Geez... “Why doesn’t he join us?” She knitted her brows, "How am I suppose to know? Why not go ask him yourself?" She mumbled irritably. It's not like she knew everything going on in birdbrain's head.

    The anxiety was clawing the Umbreon's mind. It wasn't focused on his life anymore, but the serpents. It's taking them awfully long, he wondered what made the Milotic so sad... Well he never knows what goes on in other Pokemons' minds, he's not a Psychic-type afterall. "Should we go look for them?" Bandit asked, he had a frown as he stared at his paws, "Takin' an awful long time." He barely knew them, but he was worried. It would be dusk soon, and it would be the time Undead would begin roaming about. It would suck to be out where they were when there's a bunch of Undead roaming the streets.

    [Ooc: Sorry I'm late >___<;; Not being myself lately, smack me please.]

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:01 am

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    Slateport Contest Hall|Noon

    "...I didn't mean it like that, Nall-- Nalin," The Milotic's eyes narrowed in suspicion as Darron actually used his real name, correcting himself from the stupid nickname. "...I teased everyone like that. I... just... It was just fun and games. I never... thought it was actually..." Nalin's entire body tensed as suddenly his fury shot through him, causing his tail to tense and ache to strike out. To stop himself from just smacking the hell out of the Serperior before him he was forced to pick up his tail and sending it slamming back down to the ground, the crack of it onto the floor echoing down the hall.

    "Fun..." he hissed, voice low and gravely. "You thought it was...fun? Do you know how I suffered under you? You have legions of followers Darron! Pokemon who would sell their own mothers if they thought it meant that you would notice them! You teased me so mercilessly that everyone else thought it was a way to get you to like them, so everything you said or did they did to! And now you are telling me you never meant it? That you making my life a living hell was...was...AN ACCIDENT?!"

    By the end of his rant Nalin was panting, out of breath from the swirl of emotions coursing through him. He couldn't even look at Darron anymore, not as much upset with him as he knew he should be. It just wasn't in him to hate, try as he might. He could be angry at the smug bastard, sure, but it always passed and he just didn't have the energy to be so angry anymore. With a defeated sigh he curled back up on himself and just waited for Darron to leave.

    "Look, I suck at this. But I didn't follow you here away from food and allies to watch you die. I'm sorry for everything I've said or done -- it wasn't out of malice, Buddy. But that's not the point. The point is, is that that boy right there died saving you, right?" That was definitely not leaving. "You can't tell me you cared about him and still just let his sacrifice be in vain. You've had a shit life. I get it. But you're still here, and maybe it can get better. I don't like seeing people give up, Nalin. Especially when you're young, healthy, and can actually make it." Darron was either really stupid and didn't get it or the asshole really just didn't care.

    "Then tell me, Darron," he began, voice hollow and broken. "What good is youth and health when there is nothing left to live for? Tell me...what reason do I have to keep living other than a promise to a boy who will never open his eyes and smile at me again? What exactly am I supposed to do?" If Darron thought he knew everything and knew better than the Milotic, then he should very well be able to answer those questions, shouldn't he?

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:29 am

    Post 23

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    Slateport Contest Hall| Noon

    Darron's teeth ground against each other as his frustration built and built. Nothing he was saying was getting through to Nally-- NOTHING! Every damn word he said just made it all worse --and what was the worst of it all was he didn't even understand why he even CARED! He normally just let those morons who wanted death lay down and get what they so deserved, but this time... He couldn't let Nally just fade away. And he couldn't just get his head around WHY.

    When Nally's voice dropped back to that low, hollow tone, the serperior flinched. "Then tell me, Darron, what good is youth and health when there is nothing left to live for? Tell me...what reason do I have to keep living other than a promise to a boy who will never open his eyes and smile at me again? What exactly am I supposed to do?"

    Again, Darron floundered, much unlike his normal demeanor. How was he supposed to answer? How was he supposed to... A confused, frantic, nervous chuckle came out of Darron, his frustration and anxiety coming out in full. "Wh-What the hell am I supposed to say, Nalin?!" he replied. "I don't know-- I don't fucking know!" He shook his head, then reared back at the milotic, his frustrations turning to anger. "That's something for you to find out! I don't know what I'm still doing here, what I'm living for. There's no audience to impress anymore, there's no awards to win or any of that bullshit! Just keep going and see what you find..." The words tasted bitter and weird on his tongue. Contrived. He frowned, knowing that wouldn't be enough.

    "...Look, I... I'm sorry..." His mind poured out his heart, how he was oblivious and too high in the sky to realize what he'd done, eloquent words and phrases to lift even the lowest of spirits caught in the labyrinth of his tongue. He tried getting more out, but... nothing came. He took another look at Nally, knowing it was his fault, his guilt, then began to slither away. It was all he could do.


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:44 pm

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    Slateport City/Noon (21)

    "Well this doesn't just come from nowhere you know, first time for zombie apocalypse," was Bandit's reply to Shadow's mild outburst. Shadow said nothing as he regarded the fellow Dark-type with a look of pure bemusement. Shaking his head in disbelief, Shadow sighed and continued with his meal, surpressing the urge to crack open that Umbreon's head to check if there was actually a brain in there.

    He listened to the conversations going on around him with mild interest. Joey even had the balls to admit that he was actually scared of all this while Shadow glanced up at him, licking his lips. Eventually everyone started to get their fur in a bunch over the two serpents who had wandered off towards the Contest Hall. Having plucked off all the feathers, Shadow ripped off the Taillow's wing and started to feast on the soft flesh underneath.

    "I'll go," he eventually mumbled through a mouthful of meat. He finished chewing, swallowed and tore off one last strip of flesh as he stood up and wandered towards the door. "Wait here ... or come with me, whatever." He chomped on the meat and it disappeared down his throat as he stalked his way back to the Contest Hall.

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:41 am

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    Slateport City || Noon [12]

    “How am I supposed to know? Why not go ask him yourself?"

    Joey hadn’t the energy or heart to react to the feline’s bitter response. She had already showed him some kindness in cheering him up earlier with her witty puns regarding his equine species – he didn’t expect her to uphold the merriment. Managing a half-hearted smile, his gaze lingered on the Murkrow a moment, wondering what would posses him to be so aloof. Whilst the Rapidash had noted the bird had a slightly unkempt appearance, no flicker of suspicion crossed his mind that he was descending into the mindset of the monsters that plagued the land.

    "Should we go look for them? Takin' an awful longtime.”

    The fire-horse turned to Bandit as he spoke; an uneasy smile surfacing on his face as he considered the question. Undeniably, Joey’s concern for the duo was beginning to escalate, yet essentially it was none of his business. He knew not of their troubles or how to assist in fixing them, thus he was fairly adamant that they shouldn’t be disturbed. His opinions split; he was unable to voice his thoughts in time as Shadow announced he would find them, slipping out of the door with the open invitation to follow. Joey shuffled backwards to allow everyone the room to exit, but his nature prevented him from trotting after the Mightyena.
    “I-I’ll wait here, then,” He called to the canine’s retreating form, unsure if the blunt hound had even heard him. Turning to regard the Umbreon and Meowth he gestured towards the building the dark-type had disappeared into. “I’ll catch up. I’ve just got to… settle some things,” He was unsure how to phrase it, his excuse mainly a lie. Catching glimpse of the striking waves visible out the corner of his eye; his words were transformed into the truth. He needed to come to terms with his situation. That monstrous body of water wasn’t simply going to vanish – he needed to drop his ridiculous dreams and focus on his own survival. He wouldn’t find Tom again; there was no point in burying the reality.

    Turning away from the duo, he walked past the abandoned shipyard to stand opposite the waves that continued to torture his fragile mind. Stopping a good feet from the water’s edge, he stared out into the distance, his wide eyes moist as thoughts of his beloved human swam through his mind. They must’ve seen everything – not always together, but those years at war had shaped both human and pokémon into the young men they were today. Even then, Tom was essentially the same boy he’d grown up with. Joey wondered whether he was being looked for too. They had defied the odds once, the equine liked to think it could be done again. His hope drove him on through the bleakest of times, but the ocean – this had stopped him dead in his tracks. This was then end. He’d run to the ends of the land to find that man, yet he was helpless met against the lapping waves before him.
    “I’m sorry, Tom,” He muttered quietly, his head lowered as his eyes fell to stare into the deeps directly before him. A single tear trickled down his scarred face. He’d let him down. He’d broken his promise. The incredible guilt, the sorrow that came with the realization was almost crippling. But as he stared down into the water, two red orbs, blurred by the rippling liquid, were ascending to the surface.

    Joey realized too late. His body tensing, he gave a fearful whinny as he moved to spin around, preparing to rocket away from the water’s edge to avoid the looming threat revealing itself to be a Tentacruel. He made only three paces before a stinging sensation cascaded up his left hind leg, one of the beast’s tentacles wrapped around the slender limb to bring him crashing to the ground. Hitting his chin hard on the concrete below, the equine thrashed wildly against his captor, kicking with his free hind leg in a vain bid to escape. His heart beating wildly in his chest, the Rapidash emitted a screeching whinny, the terror in the cry echoing about the deserted city streets. Despite Joey’s valiant attempts, the undead had only reinforced its grip, slowly dragging the terrified horse towards the merciless sea – taking relish in the frightened cries leaving its victim. His hooves unable to cling onto the rapidly disappearing ground, Joey’s situation was becoming dire. Convinced death would be upon him in moments, he thought it ironic that the same thing that had crushed his hopes would also steal his life.

    (( Thought I might add in a little action. Anyone is free to save my boy. <3 ))

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:08 pm

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    Elizabeth/Bandit - Slateport City || Noon
    --- -- -8 || 8- -- ---

    "I'll go," Shadow offered through a mouthful of meat. Elizabeth rose a brow at him. He didn't seem like the type to offer help. Suspicious... but then again she doesn't know him all that well. The Mightyena picked himself up, eating the rest of the meal as he stalked over to the door, "Wait here ... or come with me, whatever." Elizabeth made way for the dog by moving to the side, allowing him to trudge towards the contest hall. The Meowth stared blankly at Dark-type, only to find Bandit slip past her, some juices from various berries covering his mouth as he attempts to lick it off, "I'll come with you!" He yelled lightly, catching up with the Mightyena in as little as a few seconds. “I-I’ll wait here, then,” Joey stammered, woah Arceus, it's suddenly just her and the Equine. Oh well, Bandit is outgoing his personality and Shadow's will totally get along fine. She half-wondered if anyone could read their thoughts that they'd be able to detect the hint of sarcasm.

    It honestly didn't take that long for Bandit to catch up with Shadow, he's such a downer to go with, but if Elizabeth were to be paired up with him... The Umbreon shuddered at the thought, that's like asking to throw an atomic bomb at the other. They didn't bicker, but the Scratch Cat Pokemon had shown obvious dislike, sooner or later that'll turn into something worse. Bandit preferred that'd happen later obviously. As they stalked towards the Contest Hall, the Dark-type couldn't help but stare up at the sky. It never changed, not at all. But hey, it still gave him the sanity needed in order to live, he would have gone mad if the sky ended up something else; always covered in clouds, filled with crimson red, etc. etc. He glanced over towards the area he and Elizabeth came from, they were washed ashore weren't they?... In the future, would the teammates they have now be still with them? Who would be dead? Who would be alive? BARELY alive?...

    "Do you think the next few months will change?" The Moonlight Pokemon asked as he turned to Shadow. They were close to the Contest Hall now, the voices of the serpents now audible. Bandit didn't really catch much due to his lack of attention, but his ears perked up as one sentence seemed loud and clear throughout the conversation; "...Look, I... I'm sorry..." Sorry. He frowned. Was something going on? He wasn't sure whether now seemed the right time to barge in. But they needed to head out, and quick. The Mightyena could probably handle these things, it's not like Bandit himself is lazy, just... How in the name of fuck does he deal with this? Drama, drama everywhere. He dealt with worse hims- actually Elizabeth dealt with worse, maybe if she were here she'd help out. But damn...

    “I’ll catch up. I’ve just got to… settle some things,” The Rapidash said, uncertainty was obvious in his tone. He gestured towards the Contest Hall, as if asking her to go there. Elizabeth, why are you so fucking awkward? You're standing there, being silent. Earlier you sounded like a badass when you cheered up the poor Fire-type. Joey turned away, going towards the Shipyard with the Scratch Cat Pokemon staring at his back... Was she suppose to go with Bandit? It's not safe to be alone honestly. Torn between picking an old friend or some over-emotional motherfucking unicorn, she doesn't really trust the bastard by himself. With a irritated snort, she raced after the unicorn motherfucker and guess what's her reaction to meeting up with him when she caught up? "What the shit are you doing?!" She screamed, staring wide-eyed at the Tentacruel that held Joey captive. The Squid didn't dare take a glance at her, more proud of it's capture for today or week -- WHATEVER! Elizabeth took quick action, however, she wasn't going to be those stupid damsels in distress that fucking wait for help. She's just going to bring down this motherfucker... HER way.

    She disappeared in a flash, re-appearing next to the Undead's tentacles that held Joey, "Hold your horses!" Elizabeth warned the Fire Equine. Lovely, more puns. She dug her claws into the tentacles, blood slowly spurting out. It forced the Tentacruel to let go of Joey, flailing wildly to shake the cat off. Though it had released Joey, she didn't dare let go of the squid. As if she waited for the Equine to run for safety.

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:52 pm

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    Slateport Contest Hall|Late Afternoon

    The soft clap of hoof beats against the stone echoed gently in the empty city, small crackles of spark and fire flashing behind the runner. Stark white against the grey of the stone city made the beautiful female stand out almost immediately, but she didn't care. She could smell it, she could hear it, but what she sought still didn't seem to be in sight.

    Amalthea had been wandering aimlessly, trying to figure out how she got so turned around. The Butterfree had mentioned that the sea was south, but her efforts to go south had driven her into forests and deserts, not oceans. She was beginning to wonder if she would ever find it or the Red Bull. Without them she would never find the rest of her herd, and she truly would be the last Rapidash.

    Ever since leaving the safety of the valley she had come across frightening creatures, ones of rot and death that came at her with fierce aggression. She had managed to take out a few of the weaker ones but the bigger ones never seemed to go down, so she spent most of her time running. Now, finally, she could smell the salty sweet water and hear it crashing against the stones, but for some reason she couldn't seem to find the sea. It wasn't until a loud cry caught her attention that Amalthea rounded the right corner to see the endless blue.

    At first she was ecstatic, until she saw a Rapidash being pulled into the water by strange blue vines. Whinnying in alarm she charged forward, joining a small white feline in bashing the things until they would release their captive. Another arrived, a serpent that dove into the waters, but Amalthea kept her focus on the blue things. She stomped on them as hard as she could, desperate to save the only other Rapidash she had seen in over a year. He wasn't one of her herd, but his appearance gave her hope that they were still out there.

    "...Look, I... I'm sorry..." His head lifted from its rested position on his coils, eyes wide as his mind processed what was just said. While Nalin had been ready to just shoot an Ice Beam at Darron during the first part of his speech, those simply words took all the wind from his sails and the Milotic deflated. The look in his eyes, the utter defeat Nalin never even knew the other male could possess, all of it made him feel incredibly guilty. The very thought baffled him, that he could feel bad for getting Darron to give a more than justly deserved apology, but he knew that wasn't it. It was the way he had pushed the Serperior, the way he had berated him and made the grass snake feel like he was a monster.

    In his effort to make Darron understand what he had done, Nalin himself had become the bully.

    "Darron, I-" but he was already moving away. "Darron..." He couldn't bare the guilt eating away at him and chased after his rival, trying to find something to say once he got there. He sprang in front of the Serperior and held up his tail, trying to get him to stop, but before he could say or do anything else a loud cry caught his attention. He looked at Darron with a fearful gaze before he realized he knew that voice. "Joey is in trouble!" Without a second thought Nalin bolted through the window on the ocean side of the contest hall and rushed towards the beach.

    Once he got there he saw the equine, the white cat, and a pure white version of Joey having it out with a Tentacruel attempting to drag the Rapidash into the sea. Confused at the second fire horse he paused for a moment before diving into the sea himself to go after the beast. The jellyfish was a massive one, but the Milotic didn't care. His tail began to glow a deep bluish purple before and his raised it, poised to strike. "Get away from him!" He brought down his Dragon Tail right on top of the red gems atop the creature, cracking it and driving his tail deep into its body. This thing was not getting Joey, not if he had any say in the matter.

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:24 pm

    Post 24

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    Slateport Contest Hall| Noon

    In the moment he had given up, that moment when he left the milotic as he wanted to be left, he slithered away, his movements sluggish with his current state of mind. He heard Nally softly call his name, but he paid no mind; the milotic wanted to lay there and rot... because Darron had pushed him to that extent. But when Nally suddenly appeared in front of him, tail flared for him t stop, Darron oblidged, slight confusion reflecting on his otherwise exhausted and guilt-ridden face. However, it seemed before Nally had the time to say whatever it was he wanted to say, horror graced the sea serpent's features, casting the serperior's with concern as well. "Joey's in trouble!" he exclaimed, taking no time in rushing out the hall, the rapidash the only thing in mind.

    It only took a moment for Darron to shed himself of his melancholy to follow the milotic, coils sliding along the ground swiftly. He quickly caught up, his species known for its incredible speed, he instantly recognized the plight. The rapidash -or at least the one he was familiar with- was caught in a knot of tentacles, trying to drag him out into the waters. While not wanting to get into the direct action -as he would probably just end up hitting someone; there were 5 pokemon there already- he paused and performed a perfect Sunny Day, the sun's power growing stronger and stronger. As a grass type, it felt wonderful, and he knew the fire horses' powers would now increase two fold.

    "Your fire attacks should be stronger now!" he called, hoping they'd hear him over the cacophany of battle. Though... he had to admit, that white rapidash was certainly a looker... Just another thing to look forward to at the end of the battle.

    ((Darron... you perv. XD))


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:29 pm

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    Slateport City/Noon (22)

    Typical. All of his new 'acquaintances' were annoying in some way, but why did Bandit, the most frustrating of them all, have to come with him? Shadow merely grunted a reply at the fellow Dark-type and ignored him as they trudged through the city. Until, at least, the Umbreon actually said something worth thinking about: "Do you think the next few months will change?"

    After a sigh and a shake of his head, Shadow replied, "Who knows? I just want to know what the hell those so-called 'Legends' are doing about all this. I haven't seen or heard from a single one of them. Tell you what, they need to get off their asses and do something." Shadow flicked his tail and turned his head to the side, allowing his left eye to stare straight at Bandit. "They're the only ones who can stop this."

    Within a couple of minutes they had reached the Contest Hall. Shadow was about to push the door open when a high-pitched, terrified cry that could only have come from an equine echoed towards them over the rooftops. He froze to listen, and then spotted Nalin on the right having slithered out of a window. The Milotic was headed straight back in the direction they'd come from. "I think that was Joey," Shadow whispered, his ears twitching as he listened for more clues. Darron then appeared having followed Nalin through the window. Shadow raised his head and tail in alarm as sounds of a brutal conflict reached his ears. He turned to Bandit. "Come on, let's go back!"

    Without another word he sprinted back the way they came, and in less than a minute they were back near the water. A Tentacruel was making life hell for the others and had Joey in its grasp, slowly pulling the struggling horse to his death. The fur on Shadow's back bristled and he growled. If any of them were to be saved, it would have to be Joey. Without a second to lose, Shadow bolted towards the battle, his large fangs bared. He ran around it for a moment, seizing up a good place and opportunity to strike. Only one tentacle was binding Joey around his ankle; if he could just get it to let go ... For now that would have to wait though; the Tentacruel needed to be more distracted, and they all had to work together to achieve that. For now, Shadow simply circled the beast and launched Shadow Balls in its direction.

    ((Sorry for the crap post, I'm not feeling well -_-))


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:19 am

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    Slateport City || Noon [13]

    Joey, his heart racing maniacally in his chest, had been unprepared for the emergence of an entire team of protectors. Practically awed by the rapidly growing aid that flocked to the scene, the equine was left in a state of painful gratitude – the knowing they risked their own lives to save his was something he had never grown used to.

    The cat had reached him first, the grip on his leg soon disappearing as he swiftly struggled to get back to his hooves. They clapped noisily against the pavement, erratic in their movements as his fear left him clumsy, uncoordinated. Unsurprisingly, it was too little. There were more grabbing tentacles at his legs in an instant, snaking their way around the scarred limbs as he fell crashing to the ground once more. This time, however, he caught a flash of white in his periphery. Alarmed, Joey risked a glance behind him, wide eyes soon falling onto another of his species, pure white in colour furiously stamping against the tentacles. For a moment, time slowed. She was beautiful. Were his situation not quite as dire, his body and mind consumed by unparalleled terror, Joey would have struggled to tear his gaze away. Her expression of determination took his breath away – he could only imagine what her smile would do to his aching heart. Unfortunately, there was no time to ponder, to dream. A sharp pain cascaded up his thrashing limbs, a bitter poison quickly coursing through his veins. He gave a cry despite himself, falling limp as the tendrils finally slackened about his form. Clearly the Rapidash and Meowth’s efforts had paid off.

    “Get away from him!”

    It was Nalin’s voice that came to him next, the equine’s vision already blurring a little as he awkwardly shuffled away from the water’s edge – his hind legs now revealed to be dotted with blood as a purple liquid began to ooze from the open wounds. He wanted to protest against the help, tell them to keep themselves safe, but the words failed to formulate. He turned his scarred head to catch glimpse of the Milotic attacking the Tentacruel within the water. His heart threatening to burst free altogether, Joey tried and failed to stumble to his feet. The world was spinning, a sudden nausea overwhelming him as the pain in his legs began to escalate to agonizing levels. He couldn’t remember the time he’d felt such acute pain. But as the current agony scoured and probed his mind for those horrific memories, the Rapidash found himself utterly helpless to the episode that followed.

    It was winter, a light dusting of snow stained red on the battlefield. The screeching of shells rang incessantly overheard, the rattling of gunfire and the shouts, the screams of the humans surrounding him. Joey had lost his rider. Tom had taken a shot to the shoulder, left pained but alive in the thick, ravenous mud intent on swallowing him altogether. He had feigned death, ushering the equine to flee with the promise they would meet again. Joey had obeyed, fear propelling him through the war zone as explosions boomed relentlessly about him. Never had he felt such raw terror, convinced that his first time in no-man’s land was going to be his last. It didn’t kill him, but the memory alone of that awful day tortured him. He’d stumbled, finding himself entwined in barbed wire. Every time he moved, every time he screamed, the pain would only intensify. The barbs clung stubbornly, furiously to his body, sinking deep within the young, tender flesh as he found himself helpless. The battle raged about him, human and pokémon falling to the wrath of the weapons. Nobody cared, nobody knew of the agony, mental and physical alike plaguing a horse trapped in the wire.

    The flashback, so fierce in its manifestation rendered him immobile – the combination of pain and memory overpowering. The Rapidash lay motionless, the energy sapped from him before his body began trembling in a violent fit. His blue eyes were wide, fixed open as he stared into the distance. Yet he saw nothing. Joey only heard the cries of his comrades, the howling winds and the snarling of weapons seeking their bloodlust. Oblivious to the current battle, his friends working to ensure his safety and the enemy’s defeat, the Rapidash was lost to his memories, his tortured soul forced to relive those moments he’d long since tried to bury. Usually, he would fight it – try to ensure his condition never reduced him to such a state, but now, it was all too much. A small amount of froth forming at the corners of his mouth, the horse stopped breathing altogether. His expression contorted into one of heartbreaking horror, Joey was exposed as a prisoner to his own tormented mind.

    (( If that didn’t come across as clearly as I had expected, Joey’s currently in the grips of a seizure induced by the flashbacks from his posttraumatic stress disorder. He won’t snap out of it until my next go, so feel free to just drag him out of the way, lol. ))

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:08 pm

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    Elizabeth/Bandit - Slateport City || Noon
    --- -- -9 || 9- -- ---

    "Who knows?" Bandit perked up at Shadow's response, glancing from the scene of the two serpents towards the Mightyena, "I just want to know what the hell those so-called 'Legends' are doing about all this. I haven't seen or heard from a single one of them. Tell you what, they need to get off their asses and do something." The Umbreon blinked, staring solemnly down at his feet. Legends huh...? "They're the only ones who can stop this." He added, thought Bandit didn't really take notice of the reply, he glanced up at the sky. Clouds began to roll in, the sky growing dark with the number of clouds coming through. An omen? Or was a Pokemon just playing with his mind? Or just a simple Rain Dance? Nonetheless, the Moonlight Pokemon heaved a heavy sigh, staring down at his feet. Everyone always mentions Legends, even Elizabeth. He never met one, but why depend on them all the time? What differs them from other Pokemon other than being a one-of-a-kind? Stronger? Faster? Better?

    He paused, from his feet he looked up. Only to see himself surrounded by a field of flowers flushed with healthy hues. The Umbreon stumbled backwards, glancing wildly around him. What is this madness?! Just a couple of moments ago he was in front of the Contest Hall back in Slateport, there's no way... Did he teleport here? No, teleportation is a different feeling, yet why does this place feel so heartbreaking? There were flowers covered the area from head-to-toe, and an ocean accompanied by a beach just merely feets away from him! This was like a paradise... His gaping awe at the place was interrupted by a slight tap on the head. Quickly, he whirled around, only to see a flash of bright white fly across the sky before him, a patch of green splotched on its head accompanied by a familiar red scarf. A song filled the air, it was slow, but the tone was happy. Yet, why did it seem so sad in this kind of atmosphere? Bandit blinked at the figure in front of him, dancing across the sky along with the music. Its bright green-eyes were focused straight at him, as if asking him to join in. The Umbreon slowly shook his head, but the figure pouted, grabbing Bandit by the scruff.
    Taken by surprise, he flailed as he was brought up into the air, frantically looking down. He didn't say anything though, it's as if he lost his voice. But even so, the universal flailing should give the simple signal of putting him down! But the figure refused, carrying him over the twin-mountains that sat miles away from him. The journey was surprisingly quick, but he stopped flailing upon the sight. How the sun began to set, the pink-hues coming after the fiery-orange flames. A blanket of dark blue followed along with it, some stars began to grow visible at the sight, Bandit felt himself in awe once again, glancing up at the figure who looked at that sunset with remorse. He blinked, quickly looking away to avoid getting caught, why is it looking so sad? Did something happen to it...? This was a dream, he finally became aware, but, he could never imagine a new Pokemon species off the top of his head. Was this... a Legend? He shifted his gaze back over to the supposed Legend, surprised to see it looking right back at him with a sad smile. Finally managing to reach his voice, he was able to croak out what he always wanted to ask, "Who are you?"

    "Joey is in trouble!" Nalin's familiar voice called out, Bandit snapped back to reality, his head feeling rather fuzzy. Instead of going through the door, the Milotic bolted out of the place through the window, the Serperior following along. The Moonlight stumbled backwards, only remembering bits and pieces of his recent daydream. "Come on, let's go back!" Joey turned towards Bandit, he regained his composure, shaking the fuzz out of him as he followed the Mightyena leaving the most recent and saddest daydream to huddle in the corners of his mind. For now, Joey was priority, the sounds of battle began to grow obvious at the sounds of yelling and violent slams. What of Elizabeth though? He felt his heart thump against his chest at the thought, she will be okay, she's a tough cat to deal with...

    Joey, Joey, Joey, that was all the group could think of. Honestly, they just started appearing out of nowhere, Elizabeth here was stuck on the Tentacruel's tentacles with her claws digging deep into its skin while everyone's caring for the Arceus-damned Equine! Where was the love for her?! Annoyed, she continued to cling on despite the Milotic's sudden Dragon Tail onto the Undead's red gem, not really paying attention to how the Meowth was there on the long slimy arms. Sheesh, what if she got hurt from that?! Arceus, when will these Pokemon learn to notice their damn surroundings?! In the corner of her aqua-blue eyes, she noticed a white pelt of a familiar looking Equine.. What? Wait, WHAT? Is this like, some sort of offspring of Elizabeth and Joey?! What the shit? How the hell did it travel from the future to the past?! Hell, how did she even get a kid? The Scratch Cat blinked, shaking those thoughts off her head, no way, horses and cats, that's just... no. There's many albinos out there similar to Elizabeth, she shouldn't dwell in it.

    A sudden screech caught the cat's attention, immediately did she turn towards the source; Sem. The Murkrow flapped its wings fiercely, dodging the lashing tentacles and incoming acid. Elizabeth squinted her eyes, what the hell is he doing here..? Before long, her eyes suddenly widened as she realized the Murkrow was flying towards her. His talons outstretch, no, no, no, no. Not her fur! She felt the sharp claws against her lovely fur, despite not feeling the harsh pain [it tickles her] she really wanted to cry that after keeping her fur clean this long that its now getting ripped off! "Oh my Arceus, what the shit! Put me down, put me down, put me down!" She flailed, she disliked the thought of her fur falling out and a bald spot. "Don't struggle! I won't drop you!" Sem sharply replied, interrupting the Meowth's ramblings. A bit of her pride was hurt, but she kept her mouth shut, leaving her legs dangling as it fell from the flails.

    As the bird dodged each of the incoming tentacles, but as he reached close to land, he was hit by a stinging limb, letting out a screech as he dropped Elizabeth and got slammed agains the pavement. She let out a similar, but more of a surprised yelp as she fell on her bottom against the pavement. It stung, but she let out a hiss at the Murkrow for not landing properly, "Shit, watch your surroundi-!" She paused, staring at him wide-eyed as she noticed how much pain he was in. Quickly padding to him out of instinct, she fell along side the bird as she stared at him in worry, Bandit's familiar voice calling out; "Elizabeth!" Scared, she didn't dare tear her gaze off of the Murkrow, only listening to the Umbreon's footsteps against the pavement as he panted, "Are you alright?!" Irritation began to boil in her. He's asking her if she's alright. What the hell?! She shot daggers at the Umbreon, who flinched in reaction, "You idiot!" She hissed, "Can't you see Sem is in more pain than me?!"

    His ears flattened, this was the kind of stuff that was out of the usual, of course he would respond to Elizabeth's sudden change with surprise. "S-sorry..." He murmured, glancing over at the Murkrow, he won't be able to fly much after this won't he? Then again, Bandit wasn't that skilled in the medical area. But he definitely look like he was in the world of hurt. Silence embedded the duo, ignoring their surroundings and how the constant slams against the pavement were louder than their stare-off. Sexual tension much? Before long, Elizabeth huffed in irritation, "Ugh wait here," She said, her attention mainly focused on a albino Rapidash. Bandit blinked, he didn't notice her! "Me and Joey's ch- I mean that new Rapidash needs some help." Without waiting for a response, she bolted off, leaving Bandit speechless as he stared after her. Child...? What?! He only responded with a heavy sigh, giving Sem a tired glance, dammit Sem, why are you doing this to him. He could hear the constant yellings of Elizabeth towards the newcomer, 'How the hell did you get into this mess?!', 'I'm saving your skin, you better thank me later!'. She's probably scratching the shit out of the Undead surrounding the Rapidash right now.

    [[Ooc: Sorry for being late, AP Human Geography is a bitch B[ Nonetheless, settling down in school just fine, trying to readjust my schedule though. And sorry for Shaymin cameo, never did it myself. Thought I'd might as well do it now. And no, Elizabeth, no. Just no, don't think of kids |D]]

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:15 am

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    Slateport Contest Hall|Late Afternoon
    ((Guys, posted Late Afternoon last time, lol. You all still have Noon))

    As Nalin dug his fin deeper into the jellyfish he felt something oozing its way out of the wound, and it was scorching his scales. It was some kind of poison attack! even under the water his cry of pain would have at least been heard, though muffled significantly. Ripping his tail free of the offending liquid the Milotic took a rather large chunk of the creatures filmy body with it, the jellied mass clinging to his fanned tail. Dragon Tail was the only move he had that would have done any damage to the part water type, and poor Joey was still being dragged down! He had to admit the truth, he needed Darron's help.

    Quickly breaking the surface of the water the Milotic launched himself into the air, landing on the edge of the pier near Darron. Slapping his tail down he rid himself of the jellied flesh that still clung to him and turned to his rival. "You always loved doing it to me, Darron, so since you have the sun blaring so bright go ahead and use that Solarbeam you are so proud of!" He wasn't trying to pick a fight this time, he just honestly wanted the awful creature gone. And Darron was the only one he could see among them that would have the type advantage they needed.


    Amalthea whinnied in terror as the other Rapidash began to convulse violently, twitching and moaning even as others came to his rescue. There were several of them now trying to get her fellow equine out of the grasp of the undead. When the tenticles finally relinquished their grasp Amalthea could see several dots of blood staining the creamy fur followed by an oozing purple, and realized he wasn't able to move his legs. His convulsing did not help matters so finally she could take it no more. Leaving the rest of them to handle the water beast she gripped the reigns of his bridle in her mouth and used the leather strap to drag the Rapidash away from the water.

    "You always loved doing it to me, Darron, so since you have the sun blaring so bright go ahead and use that Solarbeam you are so proud of!"

    Solarbeam? That sounded painful... Regardless of whether or not the supposed attack would actually do anything to her she would be better off getting herself and the injured equine out of the way. "If you are to attack let me remove him from its path!" she cried, hoping the serpents would hear her. Looking around she saw that many of them where still surrounding the beast and didn't want any of them hurt either. "Anyone else should get out of the way as well!" Just in case she did the only thing she could to keep the two of them safe, and stood in front of Joey casting a Protect. She would use herself as a shield if need be, and at least keep her male counterpart from suffering any more damage.

    Hopefully his episode would end soon and she would be able to see what kind of help he would need. Looking back at the poor male she offered him a soft smile, giving a silent prayer that his violent twitching would pass and he would be alright. The poison would be easy to take care of, but whatever was affecting his mind would not be so easily cured. She only wished that she had some way of actually healing him with some kind of power, but alas she did not. But her extensive knowledge in salves and berries would prove quite useful once everything settled down.

    ((OOC: Aww, Amalthea, you just love helping people! lol))

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:20 am

    Post 25

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    Slateport Contest Hall| Late Afternoon

    "You always loved doing it to me, Darron, so since you have the sun blaring so bright go ahead and use that Solarbeam you are so proud of!"

    Darron had only meant to play a support role for this battle, as the others were all in the way and looked to be able to take care of themselves well enough. But when Nally took to Darron's side after an impressive flip through the air, the serperior seemed to be the only one with enough "oomf" to take care of the situation. Not feeling there was enough time to banter, Darron simply nodded in reply and slithered forward, basking in the intense sun and feeling its power swell within him. The other rapidash -the beautiful one- took to protecting her fallen kin, and so Darron knew he only had one shot.

    "Out of the way!" he called, coiling and embracing the heat and energy rising in his chest and throat. He began to glow with the attack's power, opening his mouth to reveal a glorious orb of light, which, after a moment to reach its peak, erupted into a spectacular ray of light. With the Sunny Day and the Solarbeam in harmony, Darron's normal green hue was turned into a fiery red and gold, making him appear as a dragon erupting with a furious inferno. This was one of his signature performances, but this time, it was strictly for practical use.

    The Solarbeam ripped through multiple tentacruels, spraying their innards back out into the ocean. Clean holes were cut through their bodies, bouncing off the lady horse's Protect. The attack ended, the last splashes of light dissipating into the air. He began charging the attack again, the extra sunlight granting him quicker attacks. He paused, though, to see if his attacks had finished the job.


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:04 pm

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    Slateport City/Noon (23)

    Fucking hell...! The Solarbeam that had literally tore its way through the gang of Tentacruel caught him by surprise. He had no idea that Darron had that in him. The fight appeared to be over, and Shadow collapsed onto his haunches, relived. He immediately looked over at Joey and gasped as he watched him twitch and mutter to himself on the ground, his body rigid. A seizure, no doubt about it. Either the guy was epileptic or it was something else altogether ... Shadow had no idea. He was just glad that the battle was over for now and everyone was OK. Not that I care...

    "Let's... n-not do... that.... again," Sem chuckled weakly from his spot on the floor. Shadow could hear in the Murkrow's voice just how relieved he was. With one injured and the other ... fitting, Shadow decided that now was not the time to loaf around. "Keep still," he muttered to Sem as he picked him up by the fleshy part near to his neck (pausing for a split moment to let his tongue run along the feathers and taste the skin underneath) and placed him onto his back.

    "New girl!" he barked at the white Rapidash who was holding Joey by his reigns. "Bring him, if you can." Without another word he set off back in the direction of his shed. While things initially looked a little scary, it was nothing a handful of berries couldn't sort out.

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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:24 pm

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    Slateport City || Late Afternoon [14]

    Joey’s eyes, wide and frantic, saw nothing. The chaotic events ongoing about his trembling form were not registered in his mind, his attention firmly on keeping his breathing steady as visions from those awful years bombarded his entire being. He could feel those angry wires burying deep into his flesh. He could hear the endless screaming, human, pokémon and monstrous weaponry alike. The smell of mud and blood clogged his nostrils as a blinding light passed overhead. Darron’s solarbeam appeared as a missile.

    Jerking forward with a panicked whinny, the Rapidash at first struggled to grasp hold of reality. Flailing against the ground in terror, the equine tried and failed to rise to his feet, his hind legs burning as he was left to thrash against the hard ground. Everything was flooding back to him, the familiar scene of the seaside town surfacing through the darkened warzone, a near-blinding white figure the centre of the blur. Breathing harshly, rapidly, as if his lungs were derived of sweet oxygen, Joey gradually began to relax. It was okay. It was all okay.

    His powerful body sapped of energy, he slumped back to the ground, exhausted as he worked to gather his thoughts. Shuddering, his watery eyes fell onto the equine, almost angelic in her appearance, stood loyally over him. Such a beautiful creature should not feel obliged to protect a common warhorse. He wasn’t worthy of such kindness. Wracked with guilt, his eyes travelled across the rest of the group, an incredible sorrow captured in his gentle orbs. Sem was hurt, hanging from Shadow’s jaws and everyone else held a look of panic, some more obvious than others. He had caused this.
    “I’m so sorry,” Joey spoke in a whisper, voice near-silent as he lay limp on the ground. “You should’ve just left me…” Once a horse was down, it was genuinely perceived that they never got back up. For once in his life, Joey was tempted to accept that motto.

    Straining to catch glimpse of the heavenly Rapidash that had leapt to his aid alongside the remainder of the group, Joey felt his heart a flutter at the sight of her. Never in his life had he seen such beauty, such unparalleled purity managed into one petite, elegant being. Almost blessed at sharing the same presence at her, the tired equine managed a weak smile, grateful.
    “W-What happened?” He asked her, successfully loudening his delicate voice. The seizure had effectively robbed him of his sight in those crucial few minutes, and now, laying a good distance from the quieted seas, the equine was unsurprisingly rather disorientated. He guessed his attacker had been disposed of, but he remained curious to his saviour.

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:33 am

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    Slateport City|Late Afternoon

    Nalin finally had time to look around now that the immediate danger was taken care of and noticed that they had a new Pokemon among them. She was a Rapidash, like Joey, but she was a startling white. She was very pretty, and seemed to have a delicate manner, but he wasn't sure he liked her being so close to Joey. “I’m so sorry. You should’ve just left me…” Nalin was gripped in fear as the disheartening words came from the beautiful downed Equine. "No Joey!" he cried, voice cracking with sadness. "Don't say things like that! You're the only person who has ever been nice to me other than my owner, I couldn't just leave you!"

    But Joey's attention soon went to the pretty horse beside him and Nalin was forced to bow his head in shame, keeping himself closer to Darron than the others. "Nothing ever changes around here," he whispered in defeat. "Even when I win, I lose." Of course he couldn't compete with someone that pretty, and female. She wasn't even trying and she was catching everyone's attention, especially Joey's judging by the way he was staring at her. While he didn't regret helping to save Joey, he was beginning to regret staying here. All he had was Darron now, and even though they had 'talked' some thing out the other serpent was still his rival and they had never had much in common. Well, he couldn't exactly call them friends, anyway.


    Dropping her Protect, the battle now finished, Amalthea allowed herself a loud sigh of relief. While she valued the Protect she had been given, her heart still touched by the display of affection from the human who had given it to her, it had replaced one of her strongest moves. Now it was more her purpose to shield others and protect them more than jumping into the fray herself. It was a refreshing change but sometimes she was frightened about what would happen if her Protect ever failed.

    She was appalled by the words that came from her fellow Rapidash, as he spoke of wanting to just be left behind. He was acting like he was defeated after everyone had risked their lives to save him. At least one of his friends seemed to take note of that and was very vocal about it. She looked down at him and was a little taken aback by the small smile she found there. She smiled softly down at him, thinking he had taken the lovely serpent's words to heart, when he asked a simple question. “W-What happened?”

    "You were attacked by a Tentacruel which tried dragging you into the water. Your body is still suffering from its toxins, which probably caused your violent twitching, but your friends over there took care of the beast. You're safe now." Her smile never faltered as she spoke, keeping her eyes on Joey, hoping that her words were of some help. "I came upon the fight and did what I could to help." She looked up to the others and gave a soft smile, nodding her head politely which caused her silvery-white flames to flicker delicately. "I am sorry for my intrusion, but I find it difficult to sit back and not help those in need. My name is Amalthea, and if any of you know where I can find some herbs or berries around here I can treat his toxicity." It was a simple introduction, but Amalthea had never been one for grandeur.

    ((OOC: Sorry, I wasn't online this weekend so I didn't know Qwrk went into SH))

    Age : 36
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:28 am

    Post 26

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    Slateport Contest Hall| Late Afternoon

    A smile crossed the serpent's lips as he realized his attack had finished the battle. He was genuinely glad that everyone was mildly all right, of course -Sem and Joey didn't look too hot, but then again, Sem never looked hot- but the knowledge that he had mostly been the cause of that made him beam with pride. The others skittered around, and Darron soon found himself in the immediate company of Nally. When had he gotten there?

    Joey seemed to reprimand himself for being such a cause for trouble, that they should have just left him for dead. Darron frowned and was about to voice his disagreement, when Nally erupted into a heartfelt speech about how he was the first to treat Nally well, and all that. While Darron couldn't especially argue with that, it seemed a strange thing to yell when there were so many other pokemon to witness it. However, Nally wasn't done. "Nothing ever changes around here," the milotic whispered in defeat. "Even when I win, I lose."

    ...Lose? How-- Darron's eyes flicked to Joey, who was enthralled in the sight of the new mare that had found her way to the group. His gaze went back to the disheartened Nally, then back to the mare, then Nally, the mare, Nally... What? Why would...



    Eyes widening at his find, Darron slithered a little closer, bumping the milotic lightly with his tail. "You know, I've spent the entire day aching for some food, and I still haven't gotten any," he began softly, looking back to where the dog ran off. "We should all get inside -somehow- and eat up, huh? I'm sure someone around here has something stashed. You should too-- it's not like our trim figures are really going to be of use out here." He offered up a smile and made his way closer to the others. "Any way I can help?" It was an honest, open question, and he looked to the members of their rather large group for an answer.


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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:37 pm

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    Slateport City/Late Afternoon (24)

    By now, Shadow had distanced himself away from the group, but he could still pick up on their conversations. The Mightyena sighed, flicking his tail impatiently. There were two Pokemon down and they were still just standing around and nattering to one another? He had the right mind to march back over there and tell them to move their backsides.

    The white Rapidash had apparently not even heard him, and wasted their time making pleasantries and introducing herself as Amalthea, a name that Shadow couldn't be bothered to try and pronounce correctly right now. However he distinctly heard her say that she wanted to try and obtain some berries to heal Joey's wound. Darron then joined in and started moaning about how he and Nalin hadn't eaten all day. With an annoyed growl, Shadow checked to make sure that Sem was securely on his back before stomping back over to the group.

    "Well most of you know about my food stash, but you'd rather wait for me to come back over to announce that instead of having the sense to do it yourselves, right?" He growled again and looked at the white Rapidash. "I have the berries that you need, and we'd be halfway there by now if you'd have listened to me! Now come on!" He swung himself back round, almost throwing Sem off, and marched back into the city. "Hanging around like this can be the difference between life and death, you know."

    Age : 29
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    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:49 am

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    Slateport City || Late Afternoon [15]

    "No Joey! Don't say things like that! You're the only person who has ever been nice to me other than my owner, I couldn't just leave you!”

    Joey flinched a little at Nalin’s outcry, straining to catch sight of the distressed Milotic as his suddenly heavy head was left restricting his movement. Smiling to himself, his expressive orbs growing dewy from the serpent’s immediate loyalty, the equine struggled to push himself up into a more respectable position. Laying near-motionless on his side wasn’t the most reassuring image and fuelled by his companion’s flattery, the Rapidash gradually rolled onto his stomach. Legs stinging violently at the change in position, his head now raised weakly in the air whilst his scarred limbs were almost entirely tucked beneath his trim body, Joey’s expression was one of muted joy. Despite the pain racing up from his wounds, the horse was mainly happy to have proven yet again, he wasn’t ready to give up. Turning to face Nalin, a dazzling smile on his face, the equine was crushed to see that the Milotic was looking away, saddened. Concerned that he had disheartened his saviour, Joey was immediately awash with guilt. The sensation had become particularly common as of late.
    “Nalin?” He tried and failed to call the creature, his voice emerging as a hoarse whisper. Ears flicking back as he regarded the two serpents, his attention shifted as the shiny beside him spoke.

    Listening to her gentle explanation of the events, Joey felt his stomach flip. He had caused so much trouble with his idiocy. He knew the water was dangerous and yet he was compelled to face it, come to terms with the complete and irreversible loss of hope of a reunion with his Tom. Looking down, embarrassed and guilty, he heaved an exasperated sigh as she finished.
    “The twitching,” He thought it best to warn them in preparation of any future episodes and rule out the fact it wasn’t due to poisoning. “I-It’s an existing… condition,” Unable to meet her perfect eyes, he stared down at his hooves, pondering what a liability he had already proven himself to be.

    "I am sorry for my intrusion, but I find it difficult to sit back and not help those in need. My name is Amalthea, and if any of you know where I can find some herbs or berries around here I can treat his toxicity."

    Still unable to meet her stare, Joey robbing himself of such pleasure as punishment for the trouble he’d caused for everyone, most especially Nalin, he worked to rise to his full stature. Shifting his weight about, he took a deep breath before rushing into a stand positioning, emitting a muffled cry of pain from the effort. Although a little uneasy, shaky as a purple liquid continued to ooze from his aching, hind-legs, Joey was up.
    “Shadow’s ha-“ He couldn’t finish as the canine himself soon spoke, rather irritably, of the contents on his shed. Smiling appreciatively at the canine assisting a patient of his own, a more-bedraggled-than-usual Sem, Joey’s grin soon vanished. That was his fault. He was pleased that he was at least suffering for his deeds. “Thank you, Miss Amalthea,” His eyes finally found the pristine equine, glowing as they took in her glorious features. A shy grin, almost boyish in its emergence flourished on his face as he hobbled fragilely towards the shed. “I would appreciate any help I can get,”

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:23 pm

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    Slateport City|Late Afternoon

    Nalin was completely at a loss, again. The young Milotic wasn't sure what to do now that everyone was back together, especially since everyone hated him thanks to Darron earlier. "You know, I've spent the entire day aching for some food, and I still haven't gotten any." Speak of the devil. Trust Darron to not actually be worried about Joey and to only be thinking of his stomach. But...why was he looking towards him instead of the others? "We should all get inside -somehow- and eat up, huh? I'm sure someone around here has something stashed. You should too-- it's not like our trim figures are really going to be of use out here." The twinkle of mischief in his eye threw Nalin for a loop. He...he was joking?

    "Any way I can help?" Seeing the other serpent's actual concern for Joey sparked a small ray of hope in Nalin, thinking maybe Darron did have a heart after all. Then the hound started mouthing off to everyone and being a general prick. Nalin didn't see any reason for that sort of behavior and it was rather offensive. "What exactly is your problem?" he hissed quietly, shocked at himself for actually having the guts to say anything at all. "No one here has done anything to you to deserve to be spoken to like that. You're being rude and if that's how you are going to act then no one should be following you." The serpent coiled himself and held his neck in a striking position, daring the hound to give him another smart comment. It seemed finally standing up to Darron had given the Milotic some moxie.


    Amalthea frowned in sympathy when Joey mentioned that the violent spasms were actually a previous condition. "You poor thing..." she whispered, bending down to try and help Joey to his hooves. The dark hound mentioned that he had berries, but his attitude left much to be desired and Amalthea gave an irritated snort. But before she could reprimand such rude behavior the lovely Milotic beat her to it, and she felt herself with a similar state of mind.

    "I agree. I appreciate your willingness to share your berries but if you are gong to be exhibiting such hostile behavior then I believe I would be better off finding them somewhere else." The white Rapidash tossed her head and turned with an elegant grace towards the treeline. "There is no need to treat someone you don't know with such distaste. First impressions stick, you know." With that she trotted off delicately to where she had come, certain she had seen some Pecha berries nearby.

    Happily succeeding in her find she snatched a branch and went at full gallop back to where she had left her fellow equine. Her silver hooves clicked rhythmically on the stone streets, soft and delicate as the Rapidash herself. Reaching Joey in no time she gently placed the branch beside him, seeing two or three ripe ones ready to help aid in his poisoning. "Take what you need, we can find some healing berries once your poison is taken care of." He offered her his thanks and Amalthea felt herself blush, turning away shyly. "You're...welcome." Looking back to the others she gave a bright smile and stood at full attention. "So, where is the best shelter around here?"

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The SLATEPORT Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The SLATEPORT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:57 am

    Post 27

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    Slateport Contest Hall| Late Afternoon

    Well, his question went unanswered, so Darron merely assumed that everything was good without his help. He didn't feel insulted or unwanted; he simply knew that no one needed any assistance. With a small nod toward the others, he turned to follow Shadow, who'd made his own crude announcement. "Well most of you know about my food stash, but you'd rather wait for me to come back over to announce that instead of having the sense to do it yourselves, right?" He growled again and looked at the white Rapidash. "I have the berries that you need, and we'd be halfway there by now if you'd have listened to me! Now come on! Hanging around like this can be the difference between life and death, you know."

    Darron paid no attention to the angry and somewhat insulting connotations from the hound's speech; he just knew already that the guy was an ass and with that field came expectations. This was a good example of one. However, it seemed Nally didn't particularly like the attitude, and gave Shadow some of his own. "What exactly is your problem? No one here has done anything to you to deserve to be spoken to like that. You're being rude and if that's how you are going to act then no one should be following you."

    A frown creased the serperior's face, pausing to glance at Nally. "...It's his food he's sharing, Nall- Nalin." Getting used to Nally's actual name was going to be weird. "I think he has a right to be a little bit of a prick. I mean, until we find our own, he's decent enough to try and feed all of these pokemon. The least we can do for now is just take the verbal abuse. When we find our own food, then we can dish it out." He gave the milotic a lop-sided grin. "Besides, he's kinda like me-- he can't help but be an asshole." He gave a small chuckle and slithered after Shadow, looking forward to finally eating. He would have stood up for himself were he not starving, and he figured bitching back could wait until after his stomach was full.


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