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5 posters

    The SKY Team


    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:49 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Sky Pillar//Noon

    Eon was a little surprised that these pokemon weren't angry with her for killing one of there friends, in fact, some of them actually thanked her. She had never been thanked for much, if she got thanked at all, but it was still really surprising for her. Though one of them didn't like what she had done. A blue Pidgy got right up in her face and started to blabber on how it was wrong to kill someone, even if it was out of mercy. Eon just looked at with her same hateful eyes.

    "Did you come out of that Poké ball?" It asked after the stupid lecture.
    "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" She growled. She didn't care if she was the shortest one here, she wasn't going to get pushed around by these pokemon. She had enough of that to last her a lifetime.

    "I am going back down to the foot of the tower to bury her. Anyone who wants to come with me is welcome," the Blaziken, Seth said, and Eon just walked away from the body of the Rattata so that they could take it away. She gave it a quick end, it was a lot better then watching it suffer. The pidgy quickly said it was going to go with Seth to burry the body. Eon simply sat down and watched them go.

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:04 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Sky Pillar, Fifth Floor || Early Afternoon || 15

    [OOC: Moving time to Early Afternoon. >u<]


    Tansis just smiled awkwardly at Seth and Adventus's praise, although her simper was more similar to a grimace. Well, it's not like she knew exactly how to respond. She didn't even manage to get that many berries!

    The Pidgey next to the Delcatty seemed to fluff up, before she fluttered over to the Eevee and began scolding her about how killing without warning was wrong. Well, at least someone wasn't too shocked or stunned to say something. Blu was pretty quick to change subjects, though; before Tansis knew it, the blue-feathered Pidgey was asking Eon whether she was the pokemon that came out of the pokeball from earlier. Eon replied with a less than enthusiastic 'yeah', confirming both Blu and Tansis's guesses, but also making Tansis wrinkle her nose. Man, that Eevee had an attitude.

    The Delcatty shook her head, not looking towards the Rattata or the Eevee. Whatever, her attitude can be dealt with later. Not now. With the scarf in her mouth, she padded towards Adventus and dropped the berries in front of him.

    "I'm gonna go with Seth to bury... the Rattata," Tansis informed the Weavile, her ears slightly laid back. She felt it odd to go to pay her respects to a pokemon whose name she didn't even know, but she would feel wrong if she didn't. "Are you coming?"

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 5:26 am

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    Sky Pillar [5f] || Early Afternoon | 14

    Not long after Seth and Tansis thank the Eevees, does Blu spring up to the small evolution fox and begin berating her. The Pidgey did not like her mercy killing, although she somewhat appreciates the favor. She does have a point, though--even though the action was good in deed, it was still quite reckless to just go up and kill her. That could reveal to some underlying hostility other than what the Eevee shows, making Adventus slightly suspicious. He stood just a few feet from the killing, and saw that she seemed pretty calm about it. When Seth goes to pick up the Rattata and tell that he is going to bury her near the base of the tower, Adventus backs up beside the hall’s window, before the corridor that leads around and down the tower. Tansis agrees to come, after setting down the bag of berries next to Adventus. The Pidgey also goes, but before the trio leaves around the corner Tansis asks him if he wishes to go.

    “No, I shall stay up here. The remaining Undead downstairs should not pose too much a problem for the three of you.” He needs some time to think about the situation, especially without the annoying chatter of other people. He may enjoy having other people around for once, but he still does not trust them and he still enjoys solitude. Well, except for the snappy Eevee he will be alone.

    After he is sure the others are way out of earshot and the seaborne wind will muffle any echoes, he eases down. He gives a long, nasal sigh, and then goes to pace by one of the open windows. The cool breeze helps to keep him from being driven crazy by this rather annoying humid Hoenn weather. Now that the sun has peaked and afternoon has come, the heat is becoming bothersome. Even though he is certain she may not reply to him, he decides to speak to Eon after he is sure the others are not around to hear him. “At least somebody else here knows not to trust others immediately. Despite this, you should try to trust them. There is really nowhere else on this tower to go, and your demeanor might irritate Seth, my good Eevee.”

    While he speaks, something catches his ears. It is characterized by the rushing of wind by the window that he stands by. A swift creature goes by with a swift whoosh. It appeared to be long-bodied, with dulled green and vivid purple skin. He jumps away from the window, with his claws flaring and his glare aggressive. Something lightly thuds on the rooftop, followed by three other, heavier thuds. There is a quiet hissing from the unknown creatures, as they sound to be squabbling over something.

    He looks down to the Eevee, unsure of whether she is going to make a move herself before he steps towards the stairs leading upwards. His treading makes no sound, as he creeps in a crouch towards the stairs. It would be foolish to go to the roof and see whatever is causing the disturbance, but he should at least be ready if whatever is squabbling becomes curious and comes downstairs.

    ((OOC: Since this happens way after the others are downstairs, they should not be able to hear the thudding and hissing. :U I am trying to set Adventus up for a team switch. I am very sorry for the late post everyone ;A;))

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu May 03, 2012 2:10 pm

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    Sky Pillar/Early Afternoon (12)

    Seth made his way back down the tower, occasionally checking behind him to see if Blu and Tansis were still behind him. Thankfully they did not run into any undead on the way down to the ground. Seth would not have been able to fight them anyway with the Rattata's tiny, frail body in his hand. His fingers closed protectively around her, not sure if he'd be able to handle any more harm coming to her.

    Once they reached the door at the bottom, Seth nudged it open with his foot and stepped out into the warm afternoon sun. He found a spot a few feet away from the door and laid the Rattata's body down carefully. With his one hand he began to scoop out handfuls of dirt from the ground. Once the hole was big enough he gently laid the Rattata's body inside and covered it up with the dirt pile.

    Seth took a moment to inwardly say a few words of respect and apology before shakily getting to his feet and facing the others. "When you are ready, we will head back up to the others," he said, looking up at the immense pillar. His aching limbs did not want to make such an arduous climb again.

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 04, 2012 11:05 am

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    Sky Pillar [5f] | Early afternoon | 10
    "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Was the Eevee's rather nasty reply. She growled a bit, too.
    Well! How respectful! She ruffled her feathers up and blew Eon a raspberry, and said: "YOU'RE just jealous because I'm BLUE!" Her feathers deflated quickly, and she fluttered along with Seth and Tansis to bury the Ratatta. Only now she had noticed... It was wearing a Silk Scarf. It was an item. It could be used, and abused, because it wasn't hers in the first place. She fluttered nearby, and waited. When Seth was digging the Ratatta's grave, she took the Silk Scarf off, found some twigs, fixed the twigs into a cross, tied the Silk Scarf to it, and planted the cross above the Ratatta's grave. "When you are ready, we will head back up to the others," Seth said, probably tired. Blu hopped up to him, and spoke. "Hey, uh... Why are you missing an arm? What happened to it?" All the while, she couldn't keep her eyes off the Silk Scarf.
    It was in her nature. To steal.

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 3:37 am

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    Sky Pillar//Early afternoon

    Eon watched as the others left to go down and bury the now dead rat pokemon. She didn't like that Pidgy, or any other other pokemon. She didn't like anyone really. Pidgy thinking she was jealous about her being blue, HA, as if. She could be blue if she wanted to, by ether becoming a Vaporeon, or Glaceon. But she had no water stone of ice rock, so that was never going to happen anytime soon, besides, she wasn't even planing to evolve anytime soon. She didn't even know what she wanted to become.

    She turned her gaze to the only other pokemon still in her company, the Weavile. “At least somebody else here knows not to trust others immediately. Despite this, you should try to trust them. There is really nowhere else on this tower to go, and your demeanour might irritate Seth, my good Eevee.” It said. Like she gave a care what others thought about her personality.

    "Like I give a care. And trusting? Never going to happen." She said, a slight growl in her throat as she turned her head. "To much has happened to me to make me trust anymore." She added, her voice a little lower so that it was hard to hear what she had said, but could still be made out if you listened.

    She suddenly becomes aware of the sound of something landing on the roof. The Weavile turns a glance as if expecting her to do something, and she just gives him a glare back. She was in an attack position, her fur on end as if expecting whatever was up there to come down looking for a fight.

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 1:07 pm

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    Sky Pillar, Ground Floor/Outside || Early Afternoon || 16

    Tansis blinked and watched Adventus for a few seconds, before nodding, respecting his decisions. If he didn't want to go, that was fine. The Weavile looked like he needed some time to think alone, anyway.

    "All right... I'll see you later, then," Tansis replied, before turning around to follow Seth and Blu. She followed them down the stairs, a sort of gloomy atmosphere forming as no one spoke a word. Tansis's nerves were on edge, expecting an Undead to jump out at them any moment, but thankfully, none did.

    The trio got to the ground floor safely, and Tansis fluffed out her fur as warm sunlight hit it once more. She watched somberly as Seth dug a hole for the Rattata. Tansis's frown increased when she realized just how tiny the hole was; maybe Tansis's head could fit in it, but no more. She felt a pang, knowing that a pokemon so tiny had died like it was absolutely nothing. Was this how all of them would die? Tansis watched quietly as Seth murmured some words of respect under his breath, and Blu fashioned two twigs and the Rattata's scarf into a respectable cross. Not bad, for a bird with no opposable thumbs.

    Tansis, who had never experienced death before, remained silent and unsure of what to do. She glanced at Seth, then Blu, and her eyes rested on the grave. She bent her head and bowed to the makeshift mausoleum, closing her eyes. She prayed to Arceus, if he was still even here, that the Rattata's soul find peace and rest in wherever she was to go. Tansis somehow felt incredibly cheesy, but ignored it.

    Suddenly, a shadow flitted over Tansis's head, and the Delcatty looked up instinctively. She saw a large, avian pokemon fly overhead. It appeared to have a greenish body, although she couldn't tell very well due to the shadows. It flew around the pillar before stopping on the roof, where Tansis couldn't see it anymore. She frowned, curious. What exactly was that, and was it friendly or another enemy? Well, it wasn't causing any trouble, so Tansis decided to ignore it for now.

    Instead, the Delcatty looked over to her other companions. Seth was looking up at the pillar, seemingly daunted by the immense climb back to the fifth floor, while Blu hopped around Seth, questioning about his arm. Tansis noticed that Blu kept on glancing back at the silken white scarf that tied the cross, and she raised an eye. She hoped Blu wasn't planning on desecrating the Rattata's grave.

    Tansis slowly padded over to the two, looking tired out as well. "Ready when you are."

    [ooc: Oh my GOD, Blu, you can't just ASK how he lost his arm! xD]

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 09, 2012 11:33 pm

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    Sky Pillar [5f] || Early Afternoon | 15

    Just then, he hears rapid footfalls. Then the unfurling of wings. He knows exactly what is going to happen; he can sense it in his fur. He stares at the window, at the approaching rush of wind. Just before it occurs, he leaps back, narrowly avoiding the jaws of a rotting flygon as it lunges through the window to try and snatch him out. It releases a gurgling roar, lashing out at him with its lengthy neck. After it fails to reach him, it pulls its long neck out of the structure and flies off. That is not good; that means it is going to charge into the tower! Adventus dashes up the stairs, just as the dragon makes a U-turn and smashes right into the stone window frame, busting the rock and sending large chunks of its frame tumbling to the terrain at the base of the Sky Pillar. The weavile discerns his situation, trying to get a quick assessment. The staircase leading up is the only way he can go, but the other two beasts--supposedly flygons as well--are up there. But he does not have much of a choice; he may have dodged those first two attacks easily but he will quickly be flanked by the beasts. If he tries to get over the large dragon, he will be intercepted by a quick bite or swat. So thus he rushes up the stairs, the flygon hissing as it shifts through the opening and stomps up after him. He is better in open territory, in a place where he has more maneuverability. Not even a trio of flygons has an advantage over him in that sort of environment.

    After he reaches the top and rushes through the open doorway he is met with the swing of a flygon’s claws. He narrowly skids under the attack, using the gravelly ground to help him slide under the beast. After ending up on the other side, he leaps onto its back. He knocks the ungainly beast down with a forceful blow, blocking the way of the other one momentarily as he leaps off and contends with the third one. The last dragon has begun to rampage towards him, apparently started by his appearance unlike the others. He takes advantage of this and takes it down. After dodging its flames and using his speed to get behind it, he leaps onto the slow-thinking dragon’s back. The other two look to be already on the move towards him, and he wastes no time in injuring this one. With one claw burrowed into its back, he tears into the back of its long neck with the other. The monster has begun to writhe and fit, trying to throw him off. But Adventus does not stop--the other two are coming closer! It only takes a few seconds for this flygon to lose its fragile, decomposed flesh, exposing the spine. He breaks away the spinal bone, and rips apart the nerves inside. The dragon twitches and gurgles as he kills it off, causing it to collapse to the ground. He rips his embedded claw from its flesh, and leaps off.

    But when he looks to the other two Dragons, ready to flee and strike them down as well, somebody appears at the rooftop’s entrance: “Tansis!” One of the flygons has already taken notice of her, stomping towards her at a slowly quickening pace. The dragon that is still paying attention to him is trying to burn him with its Flamethrower, but Adventus narrowly avoids singing his fur and leaps for the one approaching the delcatty. His Aerial Ace makes it stagger, causing it to tumble over and collapse onto the floor. With that enemy currently distracted, he turns to attack the other one. But it all goes horribly wrong. The flygon had somehow caught up to him, and has snatched him up in its claws in a slow but starlingly reactive movement.

    The dragon holds him before its maw, its lower jaw peeled back to reveal its veinous, smooth muscle. It hisses to him, leaving him quite surprised despite his aggressive mindset. “Not even worth eating.” Now that, that right there was insulting. He may not want to be eaten, but to be declared not even worthy of being eaten is actually quite offensive. To add onto the insult, the flygon reaches back and hurls him through the air. He is not going to die, though, not even while the vicious tower’s wind kills his hearing and nearly blinds him! He grinds his claws onto the edge of the tower, attempting to stick his claws into it with a quickly working shell of ice. Eventually he falls down the side but his grip makes him grind to a halt, leaving him gasping in relief. But it is far from over. One of the flygons has come down to attack him now, jumping off of the tower and turning around midflight to crush him against the gritty, old rock surface. But before it strikes him it is smashed out of the way by a powerful bird. A braviary! How in the world could he ever be so fortunate?

    But then his claws give way, causing him to fall off of the tower. He falls, and for once in a long time shouts out in desperation to a stranger. The eagle responds, flying back around and catching him on its back. With his vitality still rushing through his head he quickly rights himself and holds onto the back of the huge bird. It speaks to him with a thick and strange accent, of which he has never heard before. “Oui, don’t worry; we’re gettin’ you an’ the Delcatty outta here.” Overhead, he can hear the proud and lively screech of another braviary, who prepares to rescue the delcatty as well.

    ((OOC: Had permission from Verdzi to have Tansis show up :3 Adventus will just be sticking around until he is approved for the team switch. Do you think that if any of you end up fighting the Flygons, you could not kill them? :< They need to chase off the two Braviaries that are going to carry off Tansis and Adventus. Also, sorry for the long post >_<))

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu May 10, 2012 1:38 pm

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    Outside Sky Pillar/Early Afternoon (13)

    Seth watched with a admiring smile as Blu managed to fashion a cross out of some twigs and tied the Rattata's Silk Scarf to it. Extraordinary how a Pokemon with wings could do such a thing. The old Blaziken nodded at Blu once she had finished. "Very nice. I'm sure that, if the poor thing were still here, she would like it." But then, Blu hopped over to him, indicating that she was ready, and asked a question that Seth had heard many times during his life: "Hey, uh... Why are you missing an arm? What happened to it?"

    Seth sighed, instinctively clutching his stump. He was perfectly used to the question; almost everyone he met asked him at some point, yet it always bothered him. It took him back to the awful time when he had been convinced that he'd never be good for anything ever again. But most particularly it reminded him of the life-shattering moment when he woke up in the Pokemon Centre, hooked up to machines, and realised that he could only move one of his hands.

    These memories flooded Seth's mind as he looked down at the Pidgey. He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. "I'm sorry, but I would rather not speak of it now. I hope you understand," he replied, trying hard to keep his voice sounding friendly. "Just take my advice, young one: never underestimate an opponent."

    Tansis had her head bowed at the grave but then movement from above caused her to raise her head and look up. Seth followed her gaze. A dragon-like Pokemon landed on the roof of the pillar. Seth only caught the last glimpse of it but the fact that it was probably a Dragon-type made him shudder a little. He'd never been quite so keen on those things after one of them crushed his arm.

    "Ready when you are," Tansis said, causing Seth to look back down at her. He tried to smile. "Good. I think that we've given her the send off that she deserves. Let's return to the others." He couldn't help but notice that Blu kept glancing at the Silk Scarf on the grave's cross. He made a mental note to make sure that it was still there before they left.

    Sighing, he began to walk back to the door leading inside the pillar. Five more flights of steep steps to climb ... he wasn't sure if he could take much more of this. Before going inside he looked over his shoulder and watched Blu, just in case...

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 13, 2012 2:42 am

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    Sky Pillar [Outside ground floor] | Early Afternoon | 11
    Before leaving, she looked over the Ratatta's grave.
    "I know only rich Pokémon could afford a Silk Scarf like yours... But, you really didn't seem much like a snobby rich brat. I bet knowing you would've been cool." She tugged a little on the knot she made on the Silk Scarf, to make sure it would stay put. She turned to the group, and loudly proclaimed, "I'm gonna fly back, if you don't mind! I really don't like walking as much as flying, is all!" Blu flapped up some dust before disappearing into the sky for a while. She flew into the floor they were previously on, skidding to a stop just before she could crash into the wall, and heard the noises. Sickly, strange, undead noises. Adventus wasn't there, either. Blu put two and two together and decided to help Adventus. But how...?
    Blu soon found herself charging up the stairs, screaming a battle cry. She saw the Flygon talking to Adventus. “Not even worth eating,” it hissed. It was about to attack, but a Braviary came and smashed into it, making it move significantly, and then Adventus fell. She saw Tansis was there, but instead quickly pursued Adventus in his fall. To her surprise, the Braviary had caught Adventus in his fall. The Braviary said something in a thick Scottish-sounding accent. Blu couldn't understand a single word. She called out to Adventus to verify his safety. "Adventus! You OK?!"

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 7:05 am

    ((Sorry, to tired to post :< please skip, Eon is on standby ))

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 20, 2012 1:31 pm

    [ooc: Skip, please. I thought I posted here already, but either I didn't or the forum screwed it over. And I had a good, long post, too. m(_ _)m Tansis just tried attacking the Flygons, watched Adventus get carried off with Blu, and then got hit by a Supersonic by one of the Flygons and fell through a weak part of the roof onto the fifth floor.]

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 20, 2012 7:41 pm

    Sky Pillar [5f] || Early Afternoon | 16
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    Adventus gasps for a moment, relieving his quickened breath. It would seem that the Braviary does intend on helping--at least, as far as he can tell. It would certainly be disastrous to have it actually want to eat him, but the chance of that happening easily is low. The quiet sound of flapping wings takes his attention, and he sees Blu rush down from the top of the tower. She addresses him with concern, and he responds calmly. “Yes, I am fine Blu. Just a little winded.” A screeching roar gathers his attention, from the top of the tower. It sounded like somebody fighting with the other Flygon, the one he knocked over earlier. There was no way that Seth could get up the tower that fast; it has to be--“Tansis!” He shouts up to the pinnacle, and his ears flinch back with true fear when a crash and a loud thud is heard at the fifth floor. He looks to Blu, begging for her aid while speaking over the rather noisome winds flowing around the Sky Pillar. “Blu, I am fine! But Tansis needs your help!”

    “I could not get the Delcatty, Wind!” The other Braviary, speaking with a much clearer accent, alerts them from above. “Oh shit!“ Suddenly, the Flygon that was on top of the tower dives off and tries to snatch the eagle out of the air. He narrowly manages to dodge it by flying over its head. The other dragon, apparently intent on getting revenge on Adventus for killing one of its brethren, has recovered from the Braviary’s earlier ram and rushes towards his ride. The bird he is flying on shouts out to his companion. “Let’s get outta here, lad!” The two Braviaries rush off, away from the direction of the Pillar. The two Flygons angrily pursue, flying upon lame but swift wings as they chase the Eagle duo over the ocean. Within only half a minute’s time, they are simply multicolored specks, over the ever-shifting sea.

    ((OOC: Well, it’s time to leave for Faraway Island :1 It’s been good RP’ing with you all on this team!))

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon May 21, 2012 1:50 pm

    ((Hang on, wasn't Tansis still outside with Seth? O_o

    Ah never mind. Skip me for now. Seth will probably be leaving the team in his next post.))

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 24, 2012 1:52 am

    (OoC: I got grounded. I can't post. Please skip me.)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun May 27, 2012 1:30 pm

    ((I know that I'm technically gone now, but I'm required to make a leaving post.))

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    Outside Sky Pillar/Early Afternoon (13)

    Seth did not follow his companions back into the tower. Instead the pleasant afternoon glimmer of the ocean caught his attention. He stood alone in the cool breeze, clutching his stump and reflecting on what he had done so far. Since leaving Mt.Chimney he had traveled to numerous places around Hoenn. But it had been the Sky Pillar that had attracted his attention the most. Not only had Jack always wanted to come here, but the rumour that it was home to the legendary dragon Rayquaza was a good enough reason for Seth to journey here, despite the odds. Sadly he had not caught a single glimpse of the Guardian of the Skies, and neither had he found any evidence to the dragon's current location. Just where were these legendaries and what were they doing to help end this nightmare, if anything?

    The elderly Blaziken stood staring out at the ocean for some time. On the horizon he spotted the outline of a Lapras and was surprised to see that his friend had stayed around this area for a while in case he wanted to leave early. He'd never intended to leave his friends so soon, but the rest of Hoenn was calling for him. He still had many places left to go to, places that he had not seen in nearly fifty years. He wasn't sure where his next location would be, but he knew one thing: he would never leave this region. Hoenn was his home; he was born there, raised there and he would die there.

    Tears of regret welled up in Seth's eyes as he took one last look at the huge tower. "Goodbye, my friends," he said softly, "and good luck." Leaving without saying a proper goodbye was an old habit of his that he hated with a passion. But goodbyes were sometimes far too painful to endure and so, sometimes, it was best to not go through that ordeal. He had to start being more selfish because if he didn't, his life would be over and he would have so many regrets. He didn't want to die knowing that he hadn't fulfilled his goals.

    Seth slowly wandered down to the beach and shot a blast of fire into the air. It was answered by a jet of water raising up from where his friend Lapras was, and Seth smiled as the graceful Water-type turned and began swimming towards him.

    ((Buh bye guys. It was fun being here with you all. Seth will be back soon enough. :3))

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:18 am

    (OoC: I'm so sorry, I didn't know I had to go again so soon! I have to skip, I'm really, really sorry.)

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:49 am

    ((Please skip, I really don't know what to have Eon do :/ ))

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:31 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Sky Pillar, Fifth Floor || Early Afternoon || 17

    Tansis laid on her back where she fell through the roof. Through the hole, she saw a great flap of wings, and flash of green, and she knew Adventus was gone. No fool would leave him there with two undead Flygons. The Delcatty slowly turned around onto her paws and stood up, her legs quaking as if they couldn't hold her own weight. Her head spun from the Confuse Ray from the Flygon and impact with the floor; where was she again?

    Her eyes traveled down to her paws until the pebbles seemed to stop dancing on the stationary floor. My name is Tansis, she thought to herself, organizing her thoughts and clearing her foggy head. I am a Delcatty. I'm stuck in the middle of a damned zombie apocalypse. My first friend is gone. But they're all alive.

    Tansis's head snapped up after the last thought, looking around. Were the others still alive? She dashed to the window, where she saw a familiar Blaziken riding away on the back of a dinosaur-like pokemon that Tansis knew to be a Lapras. The Delcatty frowned even more; that was two friends. She tore her eyes away from the window and looked around; where were Eon and Blu?

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:55 pm

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    Sky Pillar [5F] | Early Afternoon | 12
    Blu sighed. The world was spinning, down it fell. Her friends were leaving, one by one, and would leave her to die just like HE would do to any of his other SLAVES. She would get attacked by THE Unfezant, and her trainer wouldn't even give a DAMN. She was flying downwards slowly, and stopped flapping. She began to fall to the blue, down to the deep depths of the ocean. No more, no more, no more!
    ... And then it hit her like a meteor, there were some left. Tansis, and... him. She made a right angle and quickly flapped up to where Tansis was.
    Tansis... Promise me you won't leave, at least not without saying goodbye. I've seen many come and go, and... I don't wan't to see more Pokémon just leave without saying goodbye... She sniffled.
    I have my reasons, but the past is something I don't like to dwell on...

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:29 pm

    [ooc edit; Sorry, accidentally posted because I thought Winter was still in SafeHouse. Please ignore.]

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:58 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Sky Pillar//Early afternoon

    Eon watched as the weavile was carried away by the flygons, and she had even got a glimpse of the blaziken leaving on the back of a lapras. Where were all these pokemon going? where any of them still on the island, or was she once again alone? Not that being alone bother the eevee. She will always be alone, she will never have anymore friends, she would keep them all away. Letting out a growl she ran down to the floor the Delcatty was on. "Seems your still in one piece." She said rather rudely as she slowly padded over to the Delcatty.

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:13 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Sky Pillar, Fifth Floor || Afternoon || 18

    [ooc: Moving time to Afternoon.]

    Tansis could feel her heart thump in her chest. Where were the others? The Eevee was currently not in sight, and Tansis assumed she had wandered off. However, Tansis knew exactly where the other, blue bird was the last time she saw her; Blu had been fighting alongside the Delcatty for Adventus. Had the pokémon been eaten? Was she injured and couldn't move? Panic began to well up inside Tansis, remembering the sight of an infected Rattata and attending its burial. This time, though, there was no one left. Tansis couldn't attend a funeral by herself.

    She immediately ran to the window and looked out, craning her head and searching for the sight of a brilliant blue that was not the sky nor the ocean. "Blu? Blu, where are you?" she called, her violet eyes scanning the line of the rooftop, as if she could see blue feathers there to tell her of the pidgeon's fate. However, the sound of padding pawsteps distracted her and she turned around, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the Eevee, despite her rude greeting.

    "Thank Arceus, you're safe," the Delcatty sighed, ignoring the other's rude tone of voice. "Listen, have you seen Blu? She's that little blue pidgeon pokémon, she talked to you earlier," she added, remembering how Blu was the only one to go up and challenge Eon when she had killed the Rattata.

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:26 am

    (OoC: I have to skip, all day I tried to put together a long enough post, but I couldn't. I'm really sorry.)

    The SKY Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:36 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Sky Pillar//Afternoon

    "Thank Arceus, you're safe. Listen, have you seen Blu? She's that little blue pidgeon pokémon, she talked to you earlier." The Delcatty asked, and Eon had to think for a moment before shaking her head in reply.

    "Sorry. Haven't seen talon nor feather of that bird." She said as she sat down and scratched behind her ear. She really didn't care if she ever saw the bird again. Closing her eyes she let out a sigh before opening them again. "Though I don't really care what happens to Blu. But I'll help you look since I know your probably going to ask."

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