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5 posters

    The SKY Team


    The SKY Team Empty The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:36 pm

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    Sky Pillar | Morning [1]

    "Put me down you fucking bird brain!" A Quilava hissed in anger as she flailed her hind legs in the evening sky. Thank Arceus this bird Pokemon was living, but the Skamory continued to carry Falve toward a tall, dark tower that went higher than the clouds. The Skamory glared at the Quilava, "Shut up you runt, I'm keeping you safe!" The Fire-Type huffed, but said nothing harsh back, 'Arceus damned bird. Yera, where the hell are you taking me?'


    The morning sun shone brightly, the day acted as if it was normal day, despite the fact that a bunch of undead Pokemon roamed the bottom floor of the tower. Falve was around the floor right below the very top, watching the ocean from a little hole in the wall. She had to admit, it was a pretty swell view. Her beret slipped a bit from the Quilava's head, but didn't fall over, Falve didn't even bother to fix it up, for she, was very irritated at the fact that her new found Skamory friend decided to drop her off at some creepy ass tower. She didn't know where she was, but she did know that there's a bunch of undead on the floor below. Considering that there's a bunch of hissing and dead scents flooding the place.

    She gave a sniff around the place, the stench of death was everywhere - making things difficult to even find survivors. Falve really doubted there would be any though, she gave a huff, furious that she's still stuck in the middle of the ocean. The Quilava went upstairs, back to where it is possibly safe [Despite the strong winds and maybe undead bird types, Falve doesn't want to be in a room full of undead]. The started couldn't help, but wonder - What is going out in the world? Did the rise of zombies spread everywhere? Is there even any Cherri Berries left?!

    She lay down on her back, the thoughts sickened her. Such infection couldn't kill the almighty Cherri Berries, right? Right? Falve felt her stomach churn, if there were no more Cherri Berries... How will she live? She grumbled, why did she think of such things. It was not best to think of the subject, perhaps the Cherri Berries could be found here in this tower? Though it's the middle of the ocean, some grass life has made it onto here [She did find some berries hanging off cliff below, but she was too frightened to go down].

    "Cherri Berriesssssssssssssss, come to me~" She said in a deep voice, and very peppy. Falve was used to talking like that, since she did make people laugh at her various tones in her voice.


    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:34 pm

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    Sky Pillar || Morning || 1

    Today was quite a bright day in the Sky Pillar area; one might even call it a perfect day to go out for a picnic, or down to the beach. However, to a certain Delcatty, who lived a life of happiness until just barely ten minutes ago, today was the worst day of her life to date.

    Just ten minutes ago, she watched as her trainer was dragged down into the depths of the ocean by an infected Tentacruel. Just ten minutes ago, she watched her fellow pokemon commit either suicide or a rescue attempt in vain; Tansis didn't know which. Just ten minutes ago, she ran for her life, up the Sky Pillar, the only way she could go, if she didn't want to die a watery death.

    And now, Tansis was here, extremely exhausted, and very weak. High leveled pokemon kept swooping at her during her hasty climb up the pillar, some infected, some not. Tansis, being only level 30, would have been able to fight them off, so she did the next best thing; run. She ran through the entire tower, not stopping once, at the expense of much of her health and stamina. As soon as she emerged on the top floor, the Delcatty collapsed, her breathing heavy, chest heaving. Tansis felt extremely dizzy, the rocks around her swaying severely. Somewhere, she heard a funny voice singing about Cherri berries, but the Delcatty was too tired to pick up her head and look.

    "Who are you?" the Delcatty mumbled to any general direction, voice hoarse.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:35 pm

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    Sky Pillar//Morning

    It was starting to get light as the sun started to rise. The Dusknoir had been staying in this tower for days now, just waiting for the right time to start his search for Rei and Jean again, if they where still alive that is. He had kept his faith that they where for so long, he wasn't about to throw it away so easily. Not till he saw there dead bodies layed out in front of him with his own eyes, or eye since his kind only seemed to have one. He could hear the snarles of the undead that lived in the lower parts of the tower snarl and fight for what little food there was, oh how sorry he felt for them. Left to suffer like that in this hopeless tower with no way out. He was free to come and go as he please, he wasn't bound by land since he could float wherever he wished.

    He stayed in the shadows, where the sun could not reach him. Being a ghost type he did not like the sun much, but didn't mind it, and he would have to travel in it a lot if he was to find his friends. Pawsteps could be heard above him, and he did not know if they came from friend... or foe. He floated up through roof and fazed through it, his head apeared a few feet away from a pink cat like creature. His eye widened as his whole body was now on the top of the tower. And what he saw was a Delcatty. "Rei?" Akuma said as he floated over to the cat, reaching out with one of his hands and picking it up by the scruf, not even checking if it was living or undead, it was a Delcatty, one that looked so much like his friend Rei. He could hear a hiss of serprise and protest coming from the cat as it was lifted into the air. He turned it around so that he could get a better look at it, but now that he had, his spirit dropped. This was not Rei, it was a different Delcatty. This one had some kind of scurf around its neck when Rei didn't have anything but a scar over her eye. "Sorry" He said as he placed the cat back down and backed away.

    ((Permission given by Verdzi to pick Tansis up.))

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:59 pm

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    Sky Pillar | Morning [2]

    Before the events of the Skamory and Falve meeting, the Quilava was bloody thirsty for water, just walking around the Hoenn region, defending herself and hiding from zombies. 'What do I do Mina?' She moaned silently for her dead friend, 'What would you do in this situation? How do I find water?'

    She blinked, imagining her tropius friend by her side, she felt the wind point toward the something faint in the sky.

    That was when claws suddenly grabbed the Quilava.


    "Who are you?" A voice echoed in the Pillar, Falve jumped, "Dear mother of flipping Arceus, who are you?!" She glanced around like crazy, where did that voice come from? A ghost? An undead? No, it's Falve's dead mom. The Quilava jumped as she heard a large roar from above, probably an undead bird. Falve slipped and fell, forgetting to land on the stairs, falling down the large tower of stairs.

    There goes my day. She sobbed in her mind. Wishing she didn't let the Skamory carry her away.

    As she tumbled down the stairs, she felt her head bang against the edge, thank Arceus she didn't break her neck. She fell down long enough to stop and land ontop of a Delcatty, who's on the ground, and has been towered over by some ghost. "I was right! It was a ghost!" Falve groaned.

    Last edited by SkyRocket on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:37 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:14 pm

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    Sky Pillar || Morning || 2

    Tansis was lying down on the ground when suddenly, she felt some force grab her by her scruff and yank her up. She hissed in pain and swatted her paws weakly, still terribly exhausted from her climb up the pillar, and not really having enough energy to even force open her eyes and glare at her attacker, simply wanting sleep and rest instead. The Delcatty considered attacking the one who picked her up, when suddenly she was put down. Tansis heard a male voice apologize to her.

    The Delcatty was about to open her eyes and see who had picked her up, when suddenly, a weight landed on top of her, along with a familiar voice groaning about ghosts. However, Tansis was pretty near to fainting at this point, and didn't feel like questioning anything that was going on right now.

    "Gerroff me," Tansis groaned, her face shoved into the rubble. She spat out some pebbles and tried to turn her neck to look around at the creature sitting atop her, except her neck couldn't turn that far.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:38 pm

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    Sky Pillar//Morning

    "I was right! It was a ghost!" Akuma looked where he had put down the Delcatty to see a Quilava. This made him start thinking of Ricky, Jeans Typhlosion before it had evolved. But this one had a hat, though why it was wearing one when its head could catch fire was unknown to the Dusknoir, but it must have had its reasoning.

    The Dusknoir turned around and floated back over to them, compared to him they where fairly small, but big in there own way. He pointed at them, some kind of gesture to ask them what there names where. He hoped they would get it, if not then he would have to ask, and he didn't feel up to talking at the moment.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:10 am

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    Sky Pillar | Morning || 1

    A mottled brown figure flies against the dark and starless sky, its slim and mangy body making it nearly unnoticeable in the darkness. The flight has been long and lazy, the recently infected Fearow having been convinced to fly for its Living passenger. The Weavile lies low on the bird, the back bearing light plumage and a stench strong enough to prevent other infected from smelling him. This infected bird’s lack of intelligence made it easy to manipulate, saving him from death by a hunting zombie Tyranitar.

    In the distance, something tall has appeared. It appears upon the warm red horizon, massive and imposing. Something is recalled in his mind, causing him to stare in amazement at the cloud-piercing structure. Is this the fabled dwelling of Rayquaza, The Sky Pillar? Of all the luck he could possibly have in finding this place! This risk could be very rewarding after all; there even appears to be an abundance of plants growing on the lower parts of the tower, a potential source of food.

    By the time he has neared it, he has already planned what he will do; he will enter through a window high up, at what he guesses is the fifth floor. There, he shall make his way to the top, hiding in the upper floors until he gathers his bearings. With such an old building, Psychic-types might be common--that only makes it better. Perfect, Adventus acknowledges, The plan is set.

    Sorry, my dear Fearow; if only you had not been Infected. After drawing the avian above one of the two windows below the roof terrace, he grabs it by the neck. The grip confuses the bird, and he steadies its trajectory towards the entryway. It cannot squawk well with his tight hand, preventing it from drawing unwanted attention. The square opening approaches quickly, their combined weight causing a swift descent. His body flows with the excitement of fear, making him active and strong. You got this. Five, this is crazy. Four, it begins. Three, he is ready for the jump. Two, he can sense victory. One, now!

    The Fearow lands with a wet crunch at the window’s base, leaving its neck broken. Simultaneously he leaps off of the bird's back, knocking it away while sending him through the square space. Upon hitting the floor, he rolls to counter the momentum. It works, letting him slow and open out onto all fours. He made a little bit of noise, but finishes his acrobatics and recovers at the opposite wall excellently. His instincts immediately override, and rises up as he scans with all his senses for Undead. There is nothing--until something catches his ears, something resounding far down the hallway on his right. It sounded like a voice, and it came to his attention just as it finished. That voice, he considers with fear and amazement, it sounded so alive. Something that is alive, and not dead? Fully alert, the Weavile begins to sneak down the hallway, hiding in the darkness still present in the morning-lit tower.

    (OOC: Sorry if the post is a little long.)

    Last edited by WinterVeil on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:30 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:03 pm

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    Sky Pillar | Morning [3]

    Falve loved to joke around,
    play around,
    lough out loud.
    What in the world happened to her when the storm came a brewin'?


    "Gerroff me," the Delcatty underneath Falve groaned, the Quilava gave a snort, getting off the Pokemon, "Sorry, I'm fat, it's a contagious disease around my home." The Fire-type laughed, she stared at the ghost in front of them, which was all gray. The Quilava had to admit, he also looked a bit chubby, but that was probably a natural feature. The ghost did this weird hand gesture, Falve raising her brow, "Me? I'm Falve, the crazy nut of a Quilava. How about you Mr. Ghosta?" She gave a small snort, before glancing at the floor above the group.

    What in the name of flip is going up there...?

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:05 am

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    Sky Pillar || Morning || 3

    Tansis sighed in relief as the weight upon her lifted, allowing the Delcatty to finally pick herself up. She coughed, dust having gotten into her mouth. Tansis finally looked up to glare at her two 'attackers', but flinching when she saw the giant ghost before her. However, she reasoned that, since they've already been here for a while, and it hadn't attacked them, the Dusknoir was okay and not infected. Hearing the Quilava's [whom she learned now was named Falve] introduction, Tansis caught on and guessed the Dusknoir wanted to know their names.

    "Tansis; Delcatty, formerly a contest pokemon from Sinnoh. Came here for a vacation and... uh, I got stuck here," she said, her voice lowering along with her gaze at the end, where her sentence faltered. However, the Delcatty raised her purple and tan face once more, looking straight at the Dusknoir.

    "And who are you?" she asked, before a large crash from the upper floor interrupted her sentence. Tansis looked up, seeing some pebbles and dust fall from the decrepit ceiling, wondering what happened. Oh dear god, she hoped it wasn't some giant undead. The Delcatty was far too weak right now to deal with anything efficiently.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:02 pm

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    Sky Pillar//Morning

    They both seemed to get that he was asking who they where by introducing themselves. Akuma crossed his arms and looked at both of them, oh how they reminded him so much of his old friends, but sadly, they where not. They both asked who he was and he answered with only saying his name. "Akuma." He said, saying nothing more then that. He would have liked to try and hold a conversation, but he wasn't the talkative type, and so he didn't say anything else.

    They where interrupted by some sort of noise coming from one of the other levels of the tower. Akuma was now curious as to what could have made such a ruckus. He would have mostly gone to investigate, but he figured whatever it was was bound to come looking for them instead.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:45 pm

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    Sky Pillar | Morning || 2

    The tower’s low-lying windows modestly light up this side of the tower, giving a warm contrast to the somewhat ruinous level. The voice echoed around the sharp bends of the tower’s halls, and it is clear to him that it came not too far below.

    Vocalization is uncommon in most Undead, but what he heard sounded so alive. A strange pang makes his cautious heart feel odd with emotion, causing him to put a hand over his chest in thoughtfulness. He wonders about his suspicions, his many questions which bear both pleasure and paranoia. Have I finally found another--one that is not infected? Can they be trusted?

    He now nears the end of the corridor, and begins to see the start of a staircase that goes off to the left. He stops near the left wall, not nearing the descent so eagerly. Down its steps, somewhere down there, he can hear bated breaths. The very light scent of undefiled flesh meets him, wafted by a briefly untainted sea breeze from the halls below. The dead do not breathe, and I have not smelled such beautiful scents for such a long time. But Arceus help me; there is definitely more than one person.

    He checks behind himself, sniffing silently for any sign of an Undead trap. All of his senses gather nothing, save for those quiet respires and that precious living odor. Within the cover of a section of darkness, he steels himself for his words. With a naturally dark but respectful voice that masks his paranoia and fear, he addresses the strangers. “Are you alive? Are you also uninfected?” He considers the possibility that his noisy entrance might have caused them difficulties. “I apologize for my boisterous entrance; I hope it did not cause you any inconvenience.”

    With an innate sense of danger, he fortifies his claws with ice as he waits for a response. He will ally with them if he can, and retaliate if they are hostile. Please don't be hostile.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:59 pm

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    Sky Pillar | Morning [4]

    "Tansis; Delcatty, formerly a contest pokemon from Sinnoh. Came here for a vacation and... uh, I got stuck here," the Delcatty spoke, introducing herself. Falve rose a brow, "Vacation? In a tower? Filled with wild Pokemon?" She gave a shrug, "Well I guess a little battling can be good for the experience~"

    "Akuma." The Dusknoir grunted. The Quilava nodded, acknowledging the ghost's name.

    “Are you alive? Are you also uninfected?” A deep voice asked, “I apologize for my boisterous entrance; I hope it did not cause you any inconvenience.” Falve jumped again in surprise, tripping, and face planting on the ground, "It's a ghooust!" She said as she got her face back up to see her surroundings instead of the rocky floor.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:42 pm

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    Sky Pillar || Morning || 4

    Tansis nodded at the Dusknoir's small greeting. She wasn't feeling very up to talking, either anyway. The Delcatty glared at the Quilava, her downtrodden mood not agreeing at all with the fire-type's happy-go-lucky mood, and she was about to answer Falve with a retort when the new voice cut her off.

    Oh no, not another pokemon, Tansis groaned inwardly, ripping her glare off of Falve and fixing it on the newcomer instead. Normally, Tansis was a pretty easygoing, loose pokemon, but the recent odds were not in her favor.

    The Delcatty could almost feel her head break at the newcomer Weavile's advanced language. First, she had a silent and scary Dusknoir pick her up, then an apparently oblivious Quilava [judging from her song concerning Cherri berries] sit on her, and then a Weavile apparently crash through a floor and then talk using some of the most advanced and sophisticated language the Prim pokemon had ever heard. How did that Weavile get here, anyway?

    "We're obviously alive," Tansis replied, trying to keep her voice as non-bitter as she could. No one here was at fault for her misery, after all. Nothing but the Infection. "And hopefully uninfected. If I can ask, who are you, and how did you get here?"

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:00 pm

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    Sky Pillar || Morning || 3

    Adventus stands cautiously at the top, taking in their responses. One of the pokemon jumped at his sudden words, spectacularly faceplanting onto the old stone flooring. He gives a look of confusion at her ridiculous reaction, and even chuckles lightly at her. The Quilava recovers quickly, though, and as she turns to look at him she gives a ridiculous exclamation. “It’s a ghooust!” Luckily, the second pokemon sounds more reasonable--it is a Delcatty with a rather bitter temperament, and she seems to be holding back some frustration in order to speak.

    “We’re obviously alive, and hopefully uninfected. If I can ask, who are you, and how did you get here?”

    The respect of her temperament eases him, and Adventus begins to suspect that they might not be serious threats after all. He unfreezes his claws, letting their frozen coatings dissipate into vapor. Folding his arms loosely, he is ready to speak before he notices another Pokémon in the darkness beside them.

    There is a glowing, golden grimace floating in the air, and as he focuses on the being, he discerns the large form of a Dusknoir. It has not put in a say about him, apparently being content with just watching. Although he does not enjoy suddenly seeing such a powerful creature, he supposes that it cannot be too threatening if it is with these two. Whatever. He returns to his conversation, dismissing the passive ghost.

    “You definitely do not smell or look to be infected, and I am confident I am not infected either.” He gives a small nod of respect to them. “My name is Adventus.” He twitches one of his ears, as he gives thought to his next words. “Long story short, I got here by riding an infected Fearow; I tricked it into flying me here, and killed it as I entered.” He gives a small, nervous sigh at remembering his lucky entry, and uncrosses his arms to his sides.

    “It’s good to finally find other survivors.” Although he would like to tell of how long it has been since he has seen other living Pokémon, he will hold it for later instead. He sits at the top of the steps, not ready to come down just yet. In the wake of his distractions, he switches his ears around to make sure the dead have not been bothered by their noise. He is relieved by the absence of undead activity, but is also made cautious by it.

    Don’t screw this opportunity up, Adventus. You can do this.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:48 am

    (Please skip, my computer crashed will I was typing the reply and I lost my motivation.)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:46 pm

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    Sky Pillar/Morning (1)

    "Thank you. I won't forget your kindness."

    The deep, powerful voice floated through the gentle sea air to the ears of a Lapras who sat upon the sand staring curiously at the elderly Blaziken standing before her. She followed his gaze up to the top of the immense tower nearby.

    "It's no problem, Seth," the Lapras replied. Her soft eyes turned to the stump that had once been the lower half of his right arm. "Are you sure you're going to be OK?"

    Seth saw her looking and flinched, holding his stump protectively. "Of course. Don't allow my age and ... this to fool you. I am perfectly capable of caring for myself."

    "Well, if you're sure," said the Lapras, although she still looked a little uncertain. "Well ... whatever you're planning to do here, I hope you succeed."

    "Thank you."

    "And Seth ... good luck."

    "And to you."

    Seth stood on the shore and watched her swim back towards mainland Hoenn, sighing ruefully as she disappeared on the horizon. She had been such a faithful companion to him during the last few days. It was nice to have some company for once. The Blaziken turned towards the tower once she was out of sight and headed towards its doors. Jack had always wanted to come here one day. Apparently a legendary Pokemon called Rayquaza lived at the summit, but Seth doubted whether the Dragon-type was still there, if he was even alive.

    Upon entering, Seth was greeted by a very hungry-looking undead Raticate. He expertly aimed a Hi Jump Kick at the screeching Pokemon before heading as quickly as he could to the staircase. He wanted to try and get as far up as he could without running into any major distractions. Occasionally pausing to deliver an Aerial Ace or a Hi Jump Kick to an Infected that got in the way, the old Blaziken moved his way higher and higher through the tower.

    A few floors from the top, he paused to catch his breath and rest his aching joints. He tensed as he heard voices round the corner, but these voices sounded perfectly normal - full of life. Smiling slightly at the prospect of some more new friends, Seth carefully made his way around the corner and into their sight. He had seen all of them before except for the black weasel-like Pokemon.

    Seth held up his one hand to indicate that he was not an enemy and addressed the group with a friendly chuckle. "This is certainly a pleasant surprise! I was expecting to be the only living Pokemon here. May I introduce myself? I am Seth. I would be honoured to learn the names of my fellow survivors."

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:30 pm

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    Sky Pillar || Morning || 5

    Tansis stared at the Sharp Claw Pokemon as he analyzed their current group, before introducing himself. Somehow, the way he talked made Tansis annoyed. She wasn't used to being talked to in such a formal way; only in a way that introduced her as a shining star like the announcers in contests did, or casually, like a friend, as how her trainer and fellow former pokemon team had. The Delcatty pricked her ears slightly at Adventus's story about riding an infected Fearow here, but she dismissed it.

    "Good to see another survivor, too," Tansis answered, her voice a little hollow, not having the energy to smile. She was very close to fainting, due to the emotional stress of seeing her trainer die right before her only moments ago, as well as having to ward off or escape the clutches of several hungry infected/undead. All she really wanted was to take a long rest, but it obviously was not going to happen.

    The Delcatty had thought, maybe, just maybe, that Adventus was the last new pokemon to show up; however, she was wrong, and she sighed as she turned her face towards the newcomer's voice. The feline flicked her ears at hearing the Blaziken speak; this one didn't sound as young, and he was obviously battle-scarred; the fire-type was missing an entire arm! Tansis looked up and down the Blaziken, whom she now knew was named Seth. He looked like quite a gentleman, she thought to herself, as the Delcatty scooted herself over to the cool shade.

    "Hello," she greeted back to the Blaziken, appearing tired but trying not to sound too grumpy. After all, first impressions were everything. "My name is Tansis. Nice to meet you, mister Seth," Tansis said, for the third time that morning.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:33 pm

    ((Please skip me, I don't really have much to say :/))

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:40 pm

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    Sky Pillar | Morning || 4

    “Good to see another survivor, too.” The Delcatty sounds irritated--maybe I am rambling too much? She looks like she is about to collapse from exhaustion--A pang of concern grows in his conscience; her legs look like they struggle to support her. Rising up from his stoop, he lets his worries slip out in wholehearted concern. “Are you fine?” Realizing his reckless emotions, he quickly corrects himself in a more strong and dignified tone. “I mean, you look fatigued.” Giving a sigh of embarrassment at his outburst, he hopes that she did not heed his troublement. Discarding the thought, he walks down the stairs nonchalantly. He takes a spot at the wall opposing the Delcatty, leaning underneath the light of a morning-lit window. After looking at his fellow Living for a second, he shakes his head in his disappointment. He was about to beg the question of teaming up, but then a boisterous noise catches his ears.

    Over a whistling breeze from the overhead window, he could hear something making a violent ruckus. Something was doing a good number to the infected down there, and after every long moment another strike could be heard. The warning is slowly making him paranoid, and he pushes away from his relaxed position on the wall to stand ready. Whatever is coming up is possibly dangerous. He looks over to the Delcatty, unsure of what to do. She looks more tired than him, and he is not sure if she could properly defend herself. While he flits through his choices, a tall, fiery colored being emerges from around the right corridor. He turns quickly to face the creature, baring his teeth and sparking his claws with dark energy.

    Its frame is built like a fighter, and its body is covered with fiery plumage. His mind scrambles to try and remember what this particular pokemon is, quickly identifying it as a Blaziken. Although it does not look infected, and even aged, the presence of the dangerous Pokémon makes him flare with savage distrust. A Pokémon like that could easily injure them both--even with its single arm! Adventus’s claws are readied for a conflict, and his arms are in a ready fighting position.

    But then the fire bird raises its single hand, and chuckles amicably.

    “This is certainly a pleasant surprise! I was expecting to be the only living Pokémon here. May I introduce myself?” His kindness strikes Adventus off guard, making him furrow his brows with confusion. He eases his gaze and lowers his arms, giving a sigh to calm his nerves--although his hands still radiate with a Night Slash. He nods slightly, allowing the fire bird to continue. Luckily, the stranger appears to not be bothered too much by Adventus’s hostile reaction. “I am Seth. I would be honored to learn the names of my fellow survivors.”

    The Weavile is again surprised; who in the world just walks up and acts so openly? Returning to his position against the wall, he crosses his arms as the Night Slashes dispel. Before he can give his name, the Delcatty gives hers: Tansis. She sure is on top of things, especially for being that tired. After her reply, he bluntly gives his name, still annoyed by the stranger’s positive disposition. “My name is Adventus.”

    (OOC~>_< Sorry about the long post; it was hard to adapt his reaction to the changed situation.)

    Last edited by WinterVeil on Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : OOC Note)

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:26 pm

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    Sky Pillar | Morning | 1

    The Furret stumbled across the ground, letting out a small whimper as the sharp rocks pushed against his paws. He continued trucking on, though, he was on a mission. Maybe I can get to the top on time? Taking his small notebook, which he had found only a few hours ago(thank Arceus it was empty), and pushing it against his chest, Arnold forced a sigh. How long had he been traveling. Awhile...

    He stopped a moment, and adjusted his glasses. On a regular basis, he always questions himself, why do I wear these things? He could never find a direct answer, the only thing that came to his mind was--

    "... name... Adventus."

    His ears twitched, and he crinkled his tie with his paws, dropping the notebook. Nervousness overcame him. What was that? Arnold had never heard a voice like this, for the infected could not talk, or he believed so... It sounded much like a very wise pokemon... Arnold could not pinpoint it's owner correctly. His sensitive ears caught where it came from, though. Should I go to see what it was? His curiosity taking over his correct judgement, the Furret dropped to all fours, and quickly moved across the rocky floor towards the source.

    Hiding behind a pillar, he watched as a couple of... Living pokemon? He did not bother to ask himself the rest of the question, for Arnold had his eyes fixed on a Weavile, who seemed to be interacting with a Delcatty and a Balziken. This, was quite new for the small pokemon. He had NEVER seen this many living pokemon in one place. Desperate to see more, he attempted to move forwards, only to slip on a lose rock, fall backwards, and send the rock flying before the Weavile, and landing right next to it.

    Lifting up his head, Arnold's face was filled with fright.


    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:13 pm

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    Sky Pillar || Morning || 6

    The Delcatty nodded to the Weavile and Blaziken. Adventus and Seth. They were interesting names, especially 'Adventus'. It made the prim pokemon think of the word 'adventure', which wasn't surprising, considering the story he told about entering the place via infected Fearow.

    "It's nice to meet you all. Hope we can be good friends," she said to all the members of the party present on the Pillar floor, accompanied by a tired but friendly smile.

    However, right after, Tansis sighed, pawing at the red scarf that was tied around her neck. Before, it was a sign of her pride and dedication to being the best of the very best. Now, it was a memento of her old life which she could never go back to. Tansis closed her eyes for a second, remembering the rest of her teammates. They were all gone; the Wailmer, death by fatigue and injury. Kirlia, overexertion. Plusle and Minun duo, along with the last pokemon, were still on her trainer's belt when the Tentacruel dragged her down to the ocean's depths...

    Tansis's eyes snapped open at a clatter and thumping noise. She turned her pale, violet eyes to see a Ferret. Her mouth slightly fell open, stupefied by the sudden entrance of the normal-type pokemon. The aforementioned Furret was staring with massive fright at the rest of the pokemon there. It sported glasses and a tie, looking pretty nerdy.

    Despite that, Tansis's ears stood up, starting to struggle up from her lying position to get a better look at the newcomer. Wait... could it be? It was, it had to be! He could've broken out of his ball and chased after her up into the tower. He was alive, the Furret was --

    Tansis blinked and shook her head. No, they weren't the same. What was she thinking? She settled down again, her ears somewhat flattened against her skull. She pawed at her scarf again, looking downwards, even though there was nothing but colorless rubble and debris there.

    "Hello," she somewhat deadpanned, giving up on hiding her exhaustion, now. "Name is Tansis. Nice to meet you. There's no need to be scared, everybody here is pretty nice, from what I know." Tansis finished her short introduction with a small smile. It might've seemed awkward at how flatly and normally she replied, considering a pokemon just seemingly fell down from the ceiling or something, but she was far too tired to care much about it.

    Tansis narrowed her eyes slightly, looking closely at the Furret. He, assuming the newcomer was male, was sporting thick, black-rimmed glasses and a long royal blue tie that probably dragged across the ground all the time when he walked. He looked like a nice individual, if it weren't for that terrified look that, in Tansis's opinion, made him look like a giant pansy instead.

    The Delcatty scanned the group, performing a quick head count; that was a total of six living pokemon she had seen so far. Wow, this was quite a large group; the same exact amount as a team. Then, her attention went back to the Furret, waiting for him to respond.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:52 pm

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    Sky Pillar || Morning | 5

    In response to the both of them, Tansis gave a small smile. “It’s nice to meet you all. Hope we can be good friends.”

    The respecting nature of the Delcatty makes him smile lightly as well, but it dissipates with his response. “You both look kind enough, so we’ll just have to see.” He gives a shrug of his shoulders, hoping inside that the both of them actually mean what they say. She looks gloomy, he notices. Giving a sigh, she paws at the red scarf tied around her neck. Did something happen? He could only suspect that she had a recent loss. That's a pity. He has already coped with the loss of his entire family, and he only prays that she gets through it correctly.

    A quiet pattering garners his attention. A rock clatters down to his side, making him skid his right foot away in surprise. His eyes track the darkness almost immediately for any sign of what set it loose, and he agilely leaps back when a larger object tumbles down towards him. His claws flare up again with darkness, and he glares with deep discontent at the fumbling creature. The long-bodied pokémon picks itself up, looks up to him, and is affrighted--it even phrases its fear. "Oops..." Its reaction amuses the Weavile; it is big enough to be a threat, yet it is scared? Infected show no fear, Adventus recalls from experience. There is no taint rising from it--only the scent of fear.

    Now that he has gotten over the initial surprise, he sees that the Furret is wearing ridiculous attire--of which he can identify as glasses and a blue tie that somehow has begun to change to a vivid red.

    Tansis gives an exhausted introduction to the nerdy-looking newcomer, apparently unable to conceal her fatigue any longer. “Hello, name is Tansis. Nice to meet you. There’s no need to be scared, everybody here is pretty nice, from what I know.” Just hearing her fatigue draws out his own; he has not slept since yesterday afternoon!

    She’s right....Although he still has an instinctive distrust for the Blaziken. Seeing that it is no use letting his instincts control himself too much, Adventus gives a long sigh to cool his nerves. He closes his eyes during the breath, trying to find some solace in this awkward string of events. He reopens them. When he rests against the wall again, he folds his arms and then adds his own words. “I apologize for my ill reaction, Furret--You look nothing like an Infected.” I remember when I was like that, scared and alone. He gives a bored yawn, knowing that the Delcatty has already brought up the question of his name. The tire of his long travel is beginning to get to him as well. He keeps it under control, though, and listens for the response of the odd new pokemon.

    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:41 am

    (ooc: please skip me... I have writers block and don't know what to post. For now, lets say he's paralyzed by fear. He has never seen this many living pokemon before.)

    Age : 31
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    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:35 pm

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    Sky Pillar/Morning (2)

    Tansis and Adventus ... such curious names. The black, weasel-like Pokemon, whom Seth finally recognised as a Weavile, appeared a little hostile towards him as he approached, no doubt being worried about the fact that he was both a Fire and Fighting type. Both the Delcatty and the Weavile had turned their eyes straight to his missing arm the second that they had seen him, but it no longer bothered him. He didn't mind as long as they didn't start asking questions.

    Adventus, however, still looked wary of him. Seth was a little disheartened; his introduction had been as friendly as he could muster given the current situation. Before he could reassure the Weavile that he was certainly not an enemy to them, a Furret stumbled into view and landed roughly to the ground, having tripped over a rock.

    "Goodness!" the Blaziken exclaimed, the sudden appearance of the Pokemon having caught him off guard. The flames on his wrist flared up ready for a Fire Punch attack, but as soon as he saw the Furret's terrified face as he looked up, his expression softened and the flames disappeared. After Tansis had spoken, he decided to try and help calm the Furret's nerves.

    "Well now, what's happened here?" he asked gently, slowly kneeling down next to the Furret, who seemed almost rigid with fear. He chuckled. "There's no reason to be so afraid. We are all friends here, hm? Can you tell us your name? Well, mine is Seth. I would really like to know yours. Do you think you can tell me?" His aged face stretched into a warm smile.

    Age : 28
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    The SKY Team Empty Re: The SKY Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:09 pm

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    Sky Pillar||Morning (1)

    Alice stumbled off the back of a kindly, seafaring Wailmer. "Thank you so much little whale." Alice said with a weary sigh. The Wailmer nodded and swan off with a happy splash even though the waters must be full of infected. Staring up at the large tower, Alice stepped inside. With a little smile, Alice ran about the floor of the tower before making her way to the staircase.

    "Is anyone here?!"Alice shouted, hoping to catch the attention of any other living. After all this was Sky Tower, and Alice assumed that the giant green legend dragon that Crimson would talk about would guard its home from the infected.With a meek sigh, she took her first step up the stairs.

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