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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The RAGE Team


    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:14 pm

    ((Shoot, i forgot Lostcall is no longer on the team >.< Please skip me this turn @.@))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:36 am

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    Blackthorne| |Morning

    Magnolia quietly observed the individuals before her, drawing maps on the ground and discussing future plans. The Meganium herself wasn't too much into it, even though it was only morning the grass-type could feel fatigue enveloping her--tantalizing the starter to a peaceful sleep. She knew she couldn't fall asleep though, at least, not now. They needed to find shelter and sustenance, speaking of which...

    "Perhaps we should create a temporary residence by salvaging what we can of the wrecked buildings, and making a hut of some kind? So that way we are confident there are no others but ourselves in the shelter, and it's better than being is a ruined building..." yawning, Magnolia blinked a few times. "Sorry, I'm kinda tired right now. I know making a shelter from scratch will take a lot of work, but it's worth it in the end if we're staying here for a bit. If you all want to leave Blackthorne immediately, then we could use one of the more sturdier houses and make sure it's not infested."

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:54 am

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (47)|(8)

    "...Dragon. There are a bunch of dead dragons outside of the gym..." Cairo said quietly. Crushers' small shoulders fell as he looked up at the enormous dragon.
    Now I know why he wanted to avoid the town...something did that to all those dragons...I bet he doesn't want to chance meeting up with whatever that was when he and Locke are-

    The little Teasel gasped, searching for any sign of the large Gabite. His large eyes grew even wider as he looked at the others in horror and confusion. "Wh-where's Locke?!"


    "Ffffffffffffffzzzzzzzzzzzzsssssssssshhh!" The Gabite flew down the hill, his fins spread out on either side of him, and a large, toothy grin across his face. A ridiculous sound came from his mouth as he pretended to fly, evading imaginary enemies and divebombing for imaginary cans of beans.
    Just like Cairo! Yyyeahh!! He beamed at the thought of one day being like the Flygon, but his thoughts turned quickly to the approaching rubble at the base of the hill, known once as Blackthorne.
    His large legs carried him swiftly into the destroyed town, where he gave pause to sniff the air.
    His grin quickly disappeared as he saw the blood-spattered walls and rotting corpses, his nose getting assaulted by the stench of decay. His tail fell and his eyes grew wide as he made his way through the rubble quietly, peeking in through the holes of the tattered buildings with growing fear and anxiety.
    The large dragon saw statues and old portraits of all sorts of Pokemon, many that looked kinda like him. Wings, claws, scales...all dragons.
    He gazed sadly at a small stone decoration, its' body vandalized and its' long neck and wings missing.
    Was this place...a special place for dragons? Why did the humans make these?...

    His thoughts were cut short when a terrible stench wrenched at his nose. His eyes grew wide as he gawked at the building before him, half of it drowning in sand and the other half torn to pieces by...something. But it wasn't the state of the building or the sand that stayed the reptile, but the large mound of scaled and horned corpses that littered the visible interior.

    Lockes' claws went to his face, silencing an audible gasp.

    (Lol, its Locke. He's gotta do something unintentionally bad. XD)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:21 am

    Post 48

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    Outside Ice Path| Morning

    "Wh-where's Locke?!"

    The small sneasel-thing's alarmed question gripped Cairo's heart in fear, and as if somehow, he'd spot little Locke, he glanced around quickly. His antennae twitched and sought out some sign of the other dragon, but there was no sign. Locke wasn't in the immediate area. His heart quickened, his hands shook. Not now. Not when they'd just made it out of the stupid caves, not when they had just misplaced and found each other again! He rushed forward, as quickly as his awkward body would allow, long neck extended to strain to see something. After a few moments of keeping to the ground, he took to the air, disregarding any safety hazards could have been flirting with.

    He landed on a building nearby, eyes searching desperately for the other dragon's form. "...Locke?" he called softly, not wanting to wake whatever sleeping beast inhabited the city. His voice was more of a whimper than a call. "...Locke?"


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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:18 am

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    Blackthorne City | Morning (26)

    "Wh-where's Locke?!"

    That one small sentence was enough to send the group into disarray. Cairo immediately flew off to go find him, and the little Crusher was left standing dumbstruck. That dragon is gonna get us all killed, I just know it, either by accident or intentionally….

    It would be so much easier to just say Let them go, to turn the other way and just forget them all to let them just be another memory of people that he drifted away from. But he could not for the life of him figure out what was making him stay with them. It was like even though he knew he will die if he stayed here, a part of him was physically preventing him from running away. And it wasn’t guilt, that was for sure, he could easily run off feeling guilty, he had done it numerous times….

    The situation and the pain at his side was putting him on edge. He had lived his whole life not letting his emotions get the best of him and staying away from the limelight, but now he couldn’t do that. “Dammit, come on, lets go get them before they wake up all the undead in the area….”

    Sufficiet to say, Olle was not a happy camper right now. And it would be a lot slower to walk to them AND find them than it was for those two to fly.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:12 pm

    [OOC: Hate to do this, but please skip me. ;w; I am struggling to post things right now. ;;]

    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:48 pm

    (OOC: I think Echo's reemergence would be perfect after Locke's rage attack after seeing the carnage. I will post next cycle around. College work is also another reason why I have to be skipped this turn, but I will certainly post next turn. :D)

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:07 pm

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (47)|(8)

    Locke stood motionless, his claws to his face and his eyes watering in horror and repulsion. The corpses of his brethren, all piled on each other like garbage. The hollow eye sockets, the terrible stench, the dried blood, everywhere. He swallowed hard, forcing his legs to move as he timidly approached the tattered gym.

    I need to see....he thought, tears streaming down his face as he fought all of his instincts to run as far as he could from the dragon graveyard. He didn't know why he needed to look, but something drove him forward. Flashes of his clan brothers screaming, getting dragged back into the caves by something....something dark and terrible. Everyone was afraid.
    His large claws clacked against the stone he tread on as he inched his way closer, the dragons barely recognizable, even at a close distance. A whimper escaped his throat as his talons began to shake, his eyes locked on the open ribcage of a decaying Charizard. Its' organs were torn to shreds and splayed about, some of them half eaten. It's maw was agape in a horrific and unnatural manner, as if its' skull was partially crushed.
    Behind it was the enormous body of a Gyarados, long dead. Its' body was shriveled, maggots swarming the large mass of blackened flesh. Half its' body lay submerged in a pool of dark and rank liquid, while the other hung limply over a crag, as if it had tried to escape in its' last moments. More memories returned, a massive Gyarados, its rotting body collapsing onto the shore on top of his friend. The massive jaws, the bone-shaking roar, the unspeakable terror he felt when he looked into those dead eyes.


    Crusher bounded after the Flygon, his small legs dashing down the hill, but not taking him towards the large dragon as quickly as he liked.
    Locke! Locke where'd you go!?

    (OoC- no crazy blood rage right now, it's all to old of a kill for him to do that. It's only fresh blood.~)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:05 am

    Post 49

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    Outside Ice Path| Morning

    It wasn't long scouring the city below from his perch that he spotted the odd gabite, the flygon's fears proven true. Of all the places, Locke had gone to the gym, where a small mound of dragon corpses were piled. Why would he go toward something like that?! Frantic still, but glad to see that at least nothing else had spotted him -for now- Cairo opened his wings and swooped down, keeping close to the ground and buildings. It took less than a few seconds to reach Locke, the flygon landing less than gracfully beside him.

    "What are you doing here?!" Cairo whimpered in a harsh whisper. "You can't just run off like that from the group! We need to go, get back to the others before something sees us!" He moved to grab Locke's finned arm, wanting to pry him away from such an ugly sight. "Please!"


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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:13 pm

    ((Ugh, hate skipping, but i have to right now....I will start posting more and earlier after this dammit >.<))

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:43 pm

    [OOC: I hate skipping aswell, but I haven't been able to get on lately and my parents are refusing to give me the time to write a proper post right now. Sorry. ;~;]
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:40 pm

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    Outside Ice Path|Morning
    Echo couldn't remember much after fainting from hunger. Little did the whole group know that it was the lust for blood and flesh that led him to unconsciousness; however, now as he awoke in ravenous hunger, he had no idea of who he was or what he was doing. His senses merely guided him through the icy and cold-stricken cave. The scent of life filled the air as well as the decaying death that lay outside of the cave. The small infected eventually came upon a small crevice in which he escaped into the light of day. As he crawled atop the hill looking for a host to feast upon, he spotted a town with a few dragon pokemon nearing the location of a large building in the center. Echo inhaled deeply and breathed in the fumes of decomposition rising from the city below. He dashed down the hill toward the foul scent preparing himself for whatever lay in waiting at the gym whether it be dead or alive. Whether or not the prey would be deceased or not was immaterial to the now mindless Echo who desperately needed sustenance from a host.

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:26 pm

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (48)|(9)

    Locke stared with wide eyes at Cairo, his words barely registering in his head. "You can't just run off like that from the group! We need to go, get back to the others before something sees us! Please!" He felt the dragons' claw on his arm tugging him away from the terrible scene. Dazed, he shook his head and blinked hard.
    "I...I was just...looking for food..." He managed to choke out through his tears. The little masked plant type approached them, her eyes glued to the gym.
    "We. Need. To. Go. Now."
    The little Teasel stumbled and rolled down the rest of the hill, landing with a thud and a cloud of dust at the base. He stood up and shook himself off, dashing towards the dragons.
    "Locke!" he hissed, loud enough for the dragon to hear as he approached.
    The Gabite turned his gaze towards the small pokemon and gaped in shock. Behind him, slithering wildly was a small black and white dragon dashing down the hill.
    "E-Echo?..." He whimpered before dashing forward, now sure it was him. "Echo! You're alive!"

    (OoC- bluh, sorry odd transition here)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:07 am

    Post 50

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    Outside Ice Path| Morning

    "I...I was just...looking for food..."

    The other dragon's innocent reply only managed to extract a sigh out of Cairo, the flygon's antennae falling limp on his head out of exasperation. This kid... This kid would surely be the end of him. The treeko came up to them, Cairo unsurprised she managed to catch up so quickly, informing them the necessity of leaving. Cairo couldn't agree more. While he was ready to get the hell out of the city, he paused as he noticed a black streak headed for them from the hill. His eyes recognized it, but so did Locke's.

    "Echo! You're alive!" While Cairo was glad to see the little dratini too, something within him felt wrong. This was wrong. It was like spotting the little kitty again... Fear welled up within the flygon, and he dashed forward, thankfully faster than Locke to land in front of him, blocking the other dragon's path.

    "We don't know if he's ok!" Cairo cried in a harsh whisper, glancing back at the approaching dratini anxiously. "...Let's be careful, ok, Locke? Let's hide and see if he's ok from a distance. If he is, then we can leave this place together." Worry and fear saturated his scent and voice, his heart pounding as the possible outcome for the next five minutes weighed heavily on his mind. He prayed this wasn't a mistake, and waited.


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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:46 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Afternoon (27)

    Olle used his vine whips to rub small circles on the sides of his head, all of this was giving him a major headache and putting the grass type in a foul mood. And try as he might, he could only find one culprit of all this unneeded conflict, that damn Dragon Locke.

    It was causing much more problems than one normally would, especially running off like that and causing everyone else to chase after it and right into danger. It was strange, normally Olle was more carefree than this, and didn’t hold grudges, but just about all the danger they went in since before the ice cave was because of that large young dragon. And he found himself in a not so forgiving mood….

    Instead of running off to go chase the guy, Olle instead went to go look for somewhere safe to for them all to hide out later. He couldn’t leave then after all, he practically need them, and that was annoying him also. So instead of wasting time finding that wayward dragon, he might as well do something productive.

    He was used to being quiet, it was what came naturally to him, being over looked. Sneaking around the town as to not gain attention from unwanted pokemon came with great ease to him. But finding supplies did not sadly. The first house was entirely empty, the wooden furniture the humans used to hide food all ransacked long ago, even the cooling unite to make the food last longer was broken and foodless. He wagered that the rest would be like this also…

    He was not going to go back to them until he found some food for himself to calm him, and also some for everyone else dammit!

    ((Its been Morning for more than 3 pages worth of RP, figured i'm move time a little |D)

    ((OOC:Been having writer's block for Olle, but gonna put more effort on him dammit :\))

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:52 pm

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    Blackthorne| |Afternoon

    Magnolia found herself a little unnerved by the Dratini.

    Scratch that, very unnerved. Although she had seen the tiny dragon bat in the ice caves, this time those beady scarlet eyes made the Meganium shiver. It's black-scaled body was like the night--and if it were not for it's white belly and mouth the grass-type thought that the Dratini could be a shadow.

    Breaking away from the group, the Meganium opted to lay in the afternoon shade. Lumbering to the shadows of the houses, her eyes caught the sneaking figure of Olle, walking about the town. Magnolia thought for a moment, carefully watching the Ivysaur. He seemed like he was looking for something, and eventually, the grass-type shuffled to him, still staying in the shade. "Need help?" she offered, smiling.

    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:12 pm

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    The dratini rushed forward-his nose catching many different scents with some belonging to the dead and others to the living. The words either one...either one...either one echoed within his head. His mind was unwinding, and soon he would become completely lifeless-an empty carcass-a forgotten shell. Echo could no longer discriminate between the things on which to feed and lacked the will to control himself in the presence of live prey. Whichever animal, whether dead or alive, first to be spotted was to be the host of the small parasite slithering quickly down the hill. The small dragon knew, although the thirst for blood clouded his reason, the live ones were close but posed no threat. Knowing this, Echo slithered onward toward the dead bodies of the dragons strewn before the gym. The dratini approached a mangled carcass of a dragonite that had been dead for some time which was evident due to the onset of maggots eating its decomposing organs sprawled across the ground. Echo opened his mouth ravenously, salivating on the dead corpse. Violently, he plunged himself into the interior of the dead animal and began devouring the meat and blood from within. A wave of satisfaction came over Echo's mind as he continued his feast; however, this had happened once before.

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:45 pm

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (49)|(10)

    "We don't know if he's ok!" Cairo hissed, landing and blocking Lockes' path. The Gabites' joyous face clouded a bit with worry and confusion.
    "W-what do you mean, Cairo?...why wouldn't he be okay?..." He said, puzzled. But the dragon only replied with a worried glance over his shoulder and a suggestion.
    "...Let's be careful, ok, Locke? Let's hide and see if he's ok from a distance. If he is, then we can leave this place together."
    Lockes' eyebrow raised and his head tilted as he slowly put it together in his head. A light turned on in his mind, and his face brightened.
    "Oh! Like hide-and-seek?" He whispered excitedly.
    "Is he it?" His large, innocent eyes gleamed brightly, offsetting his large array of vicious teeth.


    The small Teasel sighed quietly as he listened to the conversation between the two large dragons, looming above him. Crusher padded closer to Cairo, hiding himself behind his large bulk as the Dratini dashed through the town.
    How can he be so naive?...
    He's like...a little kid....
    the ice type thought gloomily.
    But I remember Locke saying that before...Echo...that was when we met, back in the caves. That must be that Dratinis' name.
    The little pokemon smiled faintly.
    And here I thought Locke was just saying 'echo' to hear his own voice!

    As they watched, the smile quickly faded from his maw as the small Dratini passed right passed them, and into the corpse infested gym. Faint amusement quickly changed into disgusted horror as the small dragon dove into a corpse and began to feast on the entrails.
    A small, choking sound came from above him, pulling his attention from the black dragon.
    "...E-Echo...what...what's he doing?!..." The Gabite had his talons over his mouth and tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Crushers' brows furrowed as he padded to the dragon, nudging his knee softly with his nose.
    "...I'm sorry..." He said quietly, looking up sadly at his new friend before looking to Cairo helplessly.

    (*huggles poor Locke)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:44 am

    Post 51

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    Outside Ice Path| Morning

    Cairo's antennae fell as Locke excitedly queried whether they were playing hide-and-seek with the now questionable Echo. His heart ached for the younger dragon-- to have that kind of childish innocence and joy was rare now, and even after losing some of their own group members, he kept that about him. Even after losing Jackie... Cairo didn't have the heart to answer, merely remaining silent when Echo came near.

    The little dragon's movements, while jerky and strange, were purposeful. He quickly made his way to the pile of dragon corpses, burrowing himself into a dragonite, feasting on the carrion. Cairo had to supress his gag instinct so as to not alert the little dratini to their presence. He knew it... Echo was gone.

    "...E-Echo...what...what's he doing?!..." Locke whimpered, claws over his mouth and eyes brimming with tears. The little Sneasle thing, Crusher, seemed to be on the same wavelength as Cairo, his eyes urgent of their departure. Swallowing, the flygon gently pulled Locke away from the sight, trying to get him to move.

    "We need to go, Locke..." he whispered, his voice bordering frantic. "Please... Let's just go... and get the others and leave...!" While his own heart broke to see the little dratini at the hands of the Infected, their enemy, he knew there was nothing else they could do for him. He was gone, dead... forever... just like Jackie.


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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:00 am

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    Blackthorne City | Afternoon (27)

    Olle looked through the windows of another building, the door was still intact for it, but before busting down a door, he’d rather have at least a hint if it was empty or not, else he’d tear the door down to find a snarling undead…

    "Need help?"

    Sometime while peering inside, Magnolia had snuck up on him, speech coming out of nowhere startled him, only for him to find her in the shade; taking in the scenery as if for a moment there was no infection at all, and the world was calm. Though her coy smile betraying the uneasiness that her eyes told of. He wasn’t going to ask what had happened, it would just add to the list of reasons to leave, and probably make him take the plunge, so instead he addressed her question.

    “I’m starving over here, and I’m guessing everyone else is too, was thinking we could raid a few buildings for food or something. But if we can’t just go busting down doors, it might attract attention….too bad I forgot how to use sleep powder, then we could just pump all the buildings with it and if anything was in there, it’d be no threat….”

    Olle sighed, there were so many moves he had learned in the past and then forgotten for the sake of strength that would have proven so useful right about now….And for what? The strength doesn’t do much against an undead who can’t feel pain. Tactics were what he needed, and he lacked that.

    Arceaus dammit he was starving right now, he needed something, anything to eat, and sun nutrients were just not cutting it right now.

    Olle went back to trying different windows, maybe he could find a building that had very little blind spots from the window and start there….he really didn’t want to fight right now, especially not against another undead, hell, he didn’t even want to see an undead right now….

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:21 pm

    [OOC: Oh my god I am SO SORRY. ;~; I went to bed early last night hoping I could post for this team in the morning but I wasn't able to get the time to and didn't get home until now... ;;; Please skip.]

    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:45 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Afternoon
    As Echo's hunger was nearly quenched, whatever consciousness that functioned at the time was suddenly stimulated by the muffled voices outside. He remembered the voices--the childish voice and the always cautious tone of the other were fragmented memories within the Dratini's mind. I...I..remember Echo thought, his mind confused by the flashing visions of the two figures whose forms were vague outlines of friends he once knew. Locke? Cairo? They are here? Where am I? As his mental consciousness returned, he sat motionless-stunned by the environment in which he found himself. "Oh--oh my g-," he choked as he tasted the foul decayed meat within his mouth which he quickly spat out. Realizing where he was, his mind stumbled over various possibilities: he was either eaten; or he had somehow got into another animal without being digested. Either way, he could not compose himself: he squeezed himself through the organs and tissue of the pokemon he was inside and burst himself out through the way he entered. "AAAAAAAAH!" he screamed as he blindly slithered swiftly through the courtyard, running into several carcasses during his flight of terror.

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:45 pm

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (50)|(11)

    Locke barely felt the nudge on his leg, the little Teasel urging him to move away from the horrific scene. He couldn't rip his gaze from the carcass and what it held inside.
    "We need to go, Locke..." Cairo urged frantically, his claw pulling Locke away gently.
    "Please... Let's just go... and get the others and leave...!"
    His innocent and terrified eyes shot to the larger dragons', confusion shaking the Gabite to the core as he was slowly allowed to be led away.
    "B-but...! He's not a monster! He-! He's our friend! Why was he doing that?!..." Large tears finally spilled onto his face, dripping onto his chest as he stumbled over himself, the others urging him away from the scene.

    "Locke...he's...he's not alive anymore..." The little Teasel said gingerly, unsure of how to break it down for the dragon.
    Locke looked down at the little weasel, astonished. A childish anger built up in him as he registered his words.
    "What?...NO. He's not DEAD! He's not DEAD!" He growled stubbornly, baring his teeth as he pulled away and made a dash for the little dragon.
    "Echo!" He whimpered, stumbling through the empty streets to look for the black dragon.
    A bloodcurdling screech filled the air in response to the small Dratinis' voice, halting the Gabite in his tracks. Terror ran up his scaled spine as he looked frantically about him and back to the others before his eyes settled behind them, high in the skies.

    The Gabites' mouth fell open in horror, his eyes growing large as dinner plates as he watched the dark shadow from the gray sky descend upon them. He wanted to cry out to Crusher and Cairo, but his voice was frightened away. He could only stare helplessly as the monstrosity grew larger and larger, its' six tattered wings bringing it closer to them by the second, its' gnashing mouths hanging down like tendrils.

    (Hydreigon. Because a scary dragon if I ever saw one. And feel free to nab Crusher, Silv. Poor thing is too slow to run that quickly. Also, screw being sick. I'm posting. Can't sleep anyway)

    Last edited by Anathema on Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The RAGE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:49 am

    Post 52

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    Blackthorne City| Afternoon

    Cairo's eyes widened as the conversation quickly turned on him, Locke unable or unwilling to believe little Echo was now part of the enemy, that he was lost to their countless ranks, just like Jackie had been. He moved to catch Locke before he'd dashed off in Echo's wake as the little dratini literally exploded out of the carcass he'd been eating, but was too late in his action. "Locke!" The cry was little more than a hushed whimper, Cairo already on the move to follow the gabite.

    However, when a shadow fell upon his dragon brethren, his eyes followed suit and went up, spotting the terrifying silhouette blocking the sun's rays. Six tattered wings, three gaping mouths. A hideous creature enhanced by the Infection, Cairo could only describe the unknown pokemon as a nightmare. His body trembled, his heart beat in his ears and his stomach plummeted to his feet as dread filled him to the brim. But the only thing that frightened him more was the fact that Locke was closer to it.

    Acting purely on instinct, Cairo flapped his wings quickly, bringing to life a whirling Sandstorm, effectively blocking the unknown dragon's immediate view of them. He rushed to Locke, placing his hands on the other's shoulders. "Please! We need to go back to the others-- before that thing find us! We need to hide! Please Locke, let's get out of here!" His voice broke over the roar of the sandstorm, fear getting the better of him. He urged the smaller dragon away, wanting to get to safety.


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