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9 posters

    The RAGE Team


    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:34 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Afternoon (31)

    Everything felt…..wrong, so very, very wrong. It was as if Olle was in a dream, and his body was moving at its own accord, as if it was scripted before hand, and Olle was watching from above as everything unfolded. Only this wasn’t a dream, if anything he would have to classify this as a Nightmare, a nightmare there was no waking up from, ever. Just pure and utter confusion and terror from now on, Olle just wished for it to end, but he had no choice on the matter, for he was no longer in control.

    In fact, there was no control what so ever, Olle’s body seemed to not have an intention or anything as it stamped the ground, making the remains of the house shake like crazy. The only thing that remained of Olle was his scream, his voice, the voice of a pokemon trapped in its own body. Its screams of pain now replaced with ones of terror, as the legs moved and his body swayed to their own accord. It had no intentions, but at the same time Olle could feel a certain deep seeded motivation, an impulse, a….hunger, the most basic of survival instincts, and that was all that he felt from his body.

    The voices outside only heightened the tension within Olle, for as soon as he recognized Locke’s voice, and in following Cairo’s, his body went into action. The large strengthened vines appearing from beneath his dying leaves, and quickly lashed out, striking its surroundings in a completer circle. The house where he and Magnolia had stayed to hide from the sand, now had the top part of it crushed, showing the world Olle’s new threatening form. Not even the wounds he just took from the debris seemed to faze that gargantuan. Mere scratches in his wake. His own blood serving only to rile up Olle's innate instincts.

    “-UN, NOW!”

    That was the only warning Olle was able to spew out, for no matter how hard he tried to resist, or fight, the sludge ball still came out of his mouth, coating his only means of control in a thick and foul slime. He could only watch as it went right for the dragons he had been traveling with for what felt like months.

    ((first of all, sorry for the lateness >.< but second of all, wanted to do something different, since he is half-poison, and highly resistant, i wanted to try to make it so his body moves at its own accord, acting on stimuli and impulse, and he has only his voice to use basically. But that will eventually change as his brain begins to wither and die off |D))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:22 pm

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    Blackthorne| |Afternoon

    The voices were so distant.

    Magnolia strained to hear even their shouts, squinting to see their figures in the distance. "Olle!" The voice of the Teasel alerted her as the Meganium immediately stood upright, scanning the distance for her Ivysaur friend. The house that they had stayed in...it was near-ruin--did the undead do that? Digress from the house, that wasn't important, the grass-type needed to know if her companion was safe. "Locke, Crusher, get away from him!" "...What?" Had she heard that correctly? Why in the world would Cairo say something like that? Was Olle hurt?

    The Meganium was about to rush towards them when she stopped. She had told Olle that she would be at the Ice Cave entrance. She had said that she would meet him here, alive. "We need to go!" Stretching her neck out as long as she could to get a closer view, she saw a purple plant in the distance upon the back of a teal-coloured Pokemon. Had the grass-type evolved? "Cairo! What's going on?!" she shouts, worry growing in her mind. Something was wrong, very wrong. "Please, tell me!"

    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:20 am

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    Blackthorne City | Afternoon (32)

    Why didn’t they heed his warning!?

    Olle had even told them to run away, but if for being shocked or what, the others weren’t running yet. Poor Locke probably thought he could do something to help, just like that liepard from before. He can only imagine the memories that would resurface now that the dragon had seen him. Thankfully Ciaro had the sense to try to warn the others, but….that warning may have very well made his body aware of the surrounding pokemon, or food in its opinion.

    And out off all the larger prey, of all the ones his undead body could go after, it just had to go after the smallest and the most innocent of prey.

    Poor Echo. The dratini barely had any time to react to the new appearance of Olle when he got crawled through the hole in the wall. Finding an Infected Venasaur was most likely not what that dratini expected to find. So it made it all the worse as Olle’s body started to make its way to the smallest dragon. And as much as he tried to fight it, to stop his legs from moving, Olle best efforts only helped to slow it down, making what happened all the worse, for it made it appear as if it was in slow motion.

    He had been fighting to stop his legs, putting all his efforts in just that, but he had forgotten about his vine whips. They quickly picked up the small dratini, watched helplessly as it tried to squirm out of the hold, the binds of the vines obviously getting tighter and tighter, restricting the thing’s air intake. And right before Echo’s lung collapsed and his eyes rolled back into his head, Olle’s two vines went in opposite directions. Echo’s last and final screams staying in the air as his blood splattered in all directions from the two halves. One thrown to the side, but the other given a much worse fate.

    Before he knew it, Olle’s vines started moving again, bringing the lower half of Echo closer and closer to his face. He knew what was going to happen next, and he was doing everything to stop it. He even managed to keep his mouth closed and resist for a bit, his mouth being much easier to control than his traitorous legs. But as soon as the blood started smearing over his lips, his mouth opened on its own. The sludge that stayed in his mouth from the sludge bomb now Olle’s last resort in hope that he would at least not have to taste what his friend tasted like.

    It was useless, even with the sludge coating his tongue, the taste of blood and flesh overpowered it. His jaw moving up and down on its own, tearing through the flesh with ease. Tears started falling from his eyes, Olle was a herbivore, he had never eaten meat before, but despite that, his twisted brain and its corrupted taste buds were enjoying this right now, Olle was like the taste of Echo right now.

    There was no ‘going back’ for him, not ever. His body has had the taste of blood, and from the Goosebumps he was getting right now, Olle knew it wanted more.

    ((Taking the place of a Harbinger and posting out of order to Kill off Echo the Dratini. The posting order will continue as normal after this, so whoever goes after Nova would be next (Phoenix i think)))

    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:20 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Afternoon

    Icarus had hopped his way from the broken roof to the pavement below when he saw Phoebe locked in battle with a three headed demon. He knew the air wasn’t the best place to be at that moment and the stinging sands where starting to hurt his eyes. Just because his feathers were of rock and stone didn’t mean his eyes were. Upon reaching the street he came across a small darkly colored Dratini but before he could hide something stomped around the corner and made the Archen freeze. A humongous plant the likes of which he had never seen stood before him and soon had its sight on the Dratini.

    Icarus cried out in alarm before flapping his wings and hopping as quickly as he could to try and get away from it before it could finish its snack and come for him but his path was blocked hy others coming onto the scene. “No!” he whimpered loudly. “Get away from me!” He tried to go the other way but he was trapped between total strangers and a plant that wanted to eat him. What was he supposed to do? Luckily for him fate didn’t seem as cruel as usual because a loud thud soon had him a guardian between the monster and the strangers. “Phoebe…”


    As Phoebe was handling the great brute of a Hydreigon she saw something terrible emerge from the building that had shot the beam of light. A withered and obviously infected Venusaur was tromping out and the smaller Flygon was heading right for it. Crashing her tail into the middle head of her foe Phoebe used the aid of the new sandstorm to cloak herself as she examined the strange tactics of the one she had just saved. It seemed there were more.

    She could see at least three more shapes near the Venusaur, but it wasn’t heading for them, no, it was heading for where she had left her small companion. “Icarus!” she cried, not wasting any more time with the dragon and heading instead towards the lumbering flower. She arrived in time to see it gorge itself on a small black serpent-like creature, too quickly for her to determine species. She landed with a heavy thud in front of the Archen and hissed at it, guarding the boy behind her for all she was worth. “Get back!” she hissed venomously, slashing a claw at him. “Stay away from him!” Phoebe was minutely aware of the others coming across the scene and she did worry for them, but she needed to get Icarus out of there.

    Quickly she wrapped her tail around Icarus, who squawked in surprise but didn’t resist, and took to the skies buzzing over the others. She was trying to lead them away from it but found herself once again face to face with the Hydreigon, and it was not happy. It roared in anger before striking her down, her crash leaving a large crater in the ground. She had managed to curl herself just in time to get Icarus to her middle leaving her to absorb all of the impact but it came at a price. She was completely stunned and vulnerable to not just one undead, but now two.

    ((Hope it’s ok I borrowed your NPC for a moment Sil, lol))

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:46 am

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (54)|(15)

    "Locke, Crusher, get away from him! He's not...!"
    The Gabite stared in helpless horror as the Venusaur slowly stomped towards the wall, where the small black Dratini had appeared from a crack in the concrete.
    Run! RUN! He wanted to scream at the small dragon, but it was already too late. The living vines whipped around the small serpents' body, making the child scream in pain.
    NO! NO! NO! NO!
    Before Locke could react, the powerful vines constricted one last time, ripping the small dragon into two halves. The childs' blood sprayed across the room, splattering a bright crimson across the floor and walls. The large dragon stared with a horrified and empty gaze at the dinosaur, slurping down what remained of the young Dratini.

    Time seemed to stop as Locke stared.
    He felt nothing, he heard nothing and saw nothing else- except for the undead plant type, crunching Echos' remains within his jaws. The dragons' mind went blank with a black and deadly rage as his lips pulled back from an array of enormous, serrated teeth. A terrible, animalistic screech exploded out of the Gabite as he dashed forward and leaped onto the Venusaurs' face with deadly accuracy.
    The dragons' sharp talons dug into the tender flesh of the dinosaurs' neck, while his finned arms slashed wildly at its' maw in an effort to get its' large jaws to open. Lockes' tail whipped wildly behind him, his serrated teeth striking again and again at the monsters' face, ripping chunk after chunk off. Vicious and throaty snarls escaped him as he fought with the undead, his claws never loosening from the monsters' flesh.


    "Locke! LOCKE!" The Teasel screamed frantically, terror making his voice high. The young ice type rammed his body as hard as he could into the dragon, trying with everything in him to get him to move. But when the dragon screeched and attacked, he knew he couldn't follow.
    He could only watch in horror as the Gabite tore into what was once their friend, becoming as ferocious and terrible as the undead. The ice weasel scrambled to Cairo, his eyes wide in terror.
    "Cairo! Cairo!" He wanted to scream more- to beg him to help Locke, to take them away and leave them to fight, to do anything at all.
    But all he could think to do was to scream his name, as if it were a ward to keep the overwhelming situation from making him lose his mind completely.

    (Permission given by Try to mess him up a bit. Permission given to whoever wants to mess up Locke a bit too. He's in his crazy mode, so expect a fight. Crusher will help too if he can next round. Lol, I just hear the velociraptor scream for Lockes' screeching. XD)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:13 am

    Post 57

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    Blackthorne City| Afternoon

    There was nothing he could do. As he tried to pull Locke away, to lead him to safety and away from the two beasts now very much a threat to them all, what used to be Olle reached out with sickly, warped vines, snatching up the little blackened dratini. Entranced by some macabre spell, he and his fellow dragon could only stare and watch as the vines quickly recoiled, Echo's body in tow. Hungry, drooling jaws gnashed as the vines split the dragon in two, his screams cut off short as his diaphram was no longer connected to his lungs. The flygon's body shook, the only thing it was able to do other than being paralyzed with fear.

    Olle... Echo...?

    "Cairo! What's going on?!" Cairo heard a voice, muffled by his own horror, scream in what seemed a very large distance. "Please, tell me!" His mouth opened, but no sound came. He couldn't speak... All he could do was watch as his former friends devoured one another in utter and unadulterated fear. No hate, no fury... just pure and simple fear.

    As he stared, the other, larger flygon had come onto the scene, wrapping her tail around a pokemon Cairo hadn't even known was there previously and shooting back up into the sky. But he couldn't follow; Olle's grand, already decaying form locked him in place, kept him from escaping. However, she soon returned back to the scene, plunging down from some force the flygon couldn't see. Her body lay still and curled nearby, furthering the shiny's distress. The scene looked like something that would happen to him... Curled around someone else... Was she... she...? Cairo's eyes widened further as his mind concluded that this was just another notch in the death toll. So many already...

    So many...

    Locke, however, was stronger than Cairo, not letting the distractions affect him. Letting out a screech that could have only come from a monster, the younger dragon dashed out, springing up and latching onto Olle's face. The flygon stood still, however, eyes still wide with terror. There was nothing they could do. Between the giant murderer outside and Olle, where could they go? How could they get to safety? There was no safety... These things would kill them, eat them, tear them apart... and with such ease... They would die, and... and no one... would be left to care...

    "Cairo! Cairo!" another voice cried, slowly bringing the flygon back to his senses. He blinked, finally registering what was in front of him-- Locke, on Olle's face, ripping and tearing the very flesh from the head. Cairo swallowed, his heart already racing and pounding with fear; no matter how scared he was, though, he couldn't let anything happen to Locke. With a single flap of wings and a scream he didn't know he'd cried, he flung himself forward, catching Locke and tackling him so hard, they flew over the rest of the now undead venusaur, crashing to the floor.

    He held on tight, locking the other dragon in a tight embrace of arms, wings and tail. "S-Snap out of it, Locke! Snap OUT of it!"

    ((PM if I need to edit anything :3))

    Last edited by Silverishness on Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Because I dum.)


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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:38 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Afternoon (33)

    Sharp piercing blades cutting into Olle’s very face. Olle himself was surprised that he even felt them. He had thought that upon changing, he would not be able to feel pain anymore, but no, he felt each and every cut that the rabid dragon was inflicting upon him, could feel his skin shredding, and the blood falling down, the process slowed down due to Olle’s dead like state. But Olle didn’t protest, he deserved what the dragon was doing to him right now, maybe even hoped the feral pokemon would finish the job, alleviating them all of much pain.

    It was funny, the very thing that Olle had feared while he was still alive, was now Olle’s salvation. He was scared of what the dragon could do at any moment, that any drop of blood would lead to Olle’s end. And now that was what he secretly wanted. Because face it, Olle was a huge wuss, he was never one to stand up and do the honorable thing, he was even too afraid to even check his wound, and instead let it get infected and nasty. So Olle knew he wouldn’t be able to take control and also end his own life. Maybe in theory, but doing it was a whole other deal.

    If he could, Olle would have just stayed perfectly still and let Locke continue his rampage, but no, his body would not allow itself to die, the instinct to survive was too strong, and would not let Olle just do nothing. It was fight or flight mode, and sadly, it was stuck on Fight.

    Olle’s mouth involuntarily opened up, even before the energy started forming in front of it, he could tell what was going to happen. He tried to form the words to tell his friends to run away, but his jaws where locked, they stayed open and unyielding as the energy grew bigger and bigger, forming a ball. Aimed at poor Locke, the medium of his body’s aggression. And because of the very close proximity that Cairo had put himself to Locke, Olle feared that the energy ball would get two victims…..

    It wasn’t until the energy ball was thrown that Olle was able to regain control of his mouth, his pitiful and aching jaws barely able to form the words of caution. “Muh-Ove!”

    But his rampage didn’t even stop there. There was too much activity for him, so many things happening, causing Olle to react. He couldn’t even stand still enough to find out what happened to the two dragons, if they were safe or not, because his body had already found a new victim.

    The smallest of the group, the easiest to pick off. Olle could feel the delight within himself, like a cancer, as he enjoyed the fact that he could so very easily kill something so small and fragile. Crusher was now within his sights, the fact that he had screamed beforehand to get help for Locke, now only meant danger for him, because if the little guy had stayed quiet, Olle probably wouldn’t have even noticed him with his new height. But he had, and now his massive vines where straight in the air, ready to strike.

    “No, No. No-No-No-No-No-No-No-No-No”

    And down they went, with such force and speed that Olle knew if something didn’t stop him or intervene, he may very well crush the little guy, leaving just a bloody splatter on the ground. Just blood and mess of squished flesh, all of which Olle would be forced to eat again, a taste that his tongue was craving so much, as if it was literally being repeated in his head over and over again, slowly driving Olle insane.

    ((damn, an Undead Venasaur on the ground, an Undead Hydreigon in the air, and a rabid Locke thrown in the mix.....Good luck with that xD))

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:36 pm

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    Blackthorne| |Afternoon

    No reply.

    Magnolia felt her legs quake, clumsily collapsing to the ground as she strained to see in the distance. The Venasaur devoured the little black serpent, the Meganium cringing at the site. "Olle, please tell me that isn't you..." she whimpers, transfixed at the site of Locke launching himself at the undead. 'What has this world become?' Shakily regaining her footing, she took a single, tentative step towards the fray. "S-Snap out of it, Locke! Snap OUT of it!" The grass-type took another step, shivering in a tremendous amount of both fear and horror.

    “Muh-Ove!” Watching as an Energy Ball erupted from the Venasaur's mouth, Magnolia's steady trot soon became a mad sprint. She felt the petals of her flower tingle in anticipation, wanting to do something, anything to help them. Straining her mind to remember, she felt rivers of tears rush down her face when she couldn't remember a single offensive move. “No, No. No-No-No-No-No-No-No-No-No” Olle's vines were headed straight towards the little weasel, the Meganium stopping only a few meters away from the quarrel as she screeched. "STOP! Please!" she wailed. "Don't kill each other..."

    [OOC: Sorry for the late post. VxV;; I was writing this up but then switched over to doing french homework, then my ' key stopped working so I had to borrow them from posts skdjsngfsdg >x>]

    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:32 am

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    Blackthorne City|Afternoon

    Icarus was enraged as the others ignored the Flygon who desperately tried to lead them from danger, had they no sense? He had been standing right next to the Dratini when it died and they had acted like only the monster who killed it existed. Where they so blinded by this pandemic? See, this was why he hated people. He barely tolerating of Phoebe but at least she had always tried to help him, unlike anyone else he had met since hell came to earth. That Zoroark, that Ninetales, a few others he couldn't rightly name, and now these idiots. Here he was, pinned under a dragon far bigger than she had any right to be with a bloodied and rotten Hydreigon ready to charge, and they were worried about a slow moving plant.

    "Idiots! All of you!"


    Phoebe was stunned, but not out. She tried to shift her weight to roll over but was instantly aware of the hard lump beneath her. Icarus. If she rolled she might harm her small companion and she couldn't risk it, so she favored for craning her neck to view her assailant. The Hydreigon was hovering over her and seemed to be more focused on the group behind. She couldn't get her neck to turn but she could hear the noise, and it sounded terrible. Icarus was shouting and she sighed inwardly, knowing he was going to attract the wrong kind of attention that way.

    With the Hydreigon above she couldn't risk a pincer formation by the two undead or that would land everyone in trouble. Deciding to even the odds the large female used her tail to grab Icarus and push him away before rolling over, beating her wings quickly to take to the skies. The loud and almost lyrical hum of her flight distracted the other dragon and she was able to go at it with her Dragon Claw, sharp claws digging into one of its three heads.

    She would keep Icarus safe. She would keep them all safe.

    ((lol, Icarus is sooo piss face XD))

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:24 am

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (55)|(16)

    Blood sprayed and gushed everywhere. All the Gabite saw was blood. His talons ripped as quickly as he could- an inner instinct to shred and kill pushing out his normal consciousness and replacing it with something much more primitive. The dragon was oblivious to the energy ball growing in the Venusaurs' mouth; he just wanted blood.

    Just as the energy ball exploded out of its' mouth, Locke was violently pummeled to the ground and pinned tightly by large, powerful wings and arms. The Gabite thrashed and bucked wildly, every pound of the powerhouse dragon trying to shred whatever was constricting him.
    "S-Snap out of it, Locke! Snap OUT of it!"
    Locke screeched and spat, the rage slowly melting into a dark pool of despair and pure pain within him. The dragon slammed his talons and head into the ground in agony as he lay there, unable to do any more.
    Tears streamed down his face as he let out a pained cry, his struggling ceasing.


    Crusher cowered in shock and terror as he watched Cairo slam into Locke, just as the huge energy ball exploded out of the Venusaurs' mouth and into the nearby wall. Debris flew everywhere, thickening the air with dirt and pulverized concrete. Another Flygon, differently colored than Cairo, fell next to him, and flew back up in retaliation. Magnolia was screaming, somewhere behind him. Lockes' roars and snarls were echoing loudly. Another voice he'd never heard, screaming in anger.

    The Teasels' eyes were wide with fear as he saw the undead dinosaur send his tendrils out, all directed at him.
    Closer they came, but he couldn't move.
    It's over.
    It's over.

    "STOP! Please!"
    Magnolias' scream startled him out of his state. The Teasel shot a wall of Ice Shards at the ground in front of him, blocking the green vines. Crusher gasped in shock, forcing his lungs to breathe again. The little weasel bounded forward and shot another large wall of icicles around the Vensuaur, blocking it from the other two dragons.
    "COME ON!" He screeched at the two downed dragons, already dashing back to Magnolia.

    (lol, let me know if I need to change anything. I figured it's time to get out of there)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:30 am

    Post 58

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    Blackthorne City| Afternoon

    “No, No. No-No-No-No-No-No-No-No-No”
    "Idiots! All of you!"
    "STOP! Please!"
    "COME ON!"

    Voices surrounded him like one of his own sandstorms, his ears bombarded with cries and demands, insults and pleas. But Cairo kept his head down, his limbs desperately clutching and clinging to Locke's struggling form. He needed to stop. He needed to regain himself so they could all get out... But as Locke's struggling lessened, the shiny flygon chanced to see the other's face wet with tears. A small, fragile ray of hope entered Cairo's own expression, hope that Locke hadn't completely lost his mind like Olle had... "...Locke?"

    Crusher's words finally registered, that they needed to leave. Glancing to the small weasel and the others, Cairo was reminded of the monster that lurked in the skies not yards away that his mirror was fighting still. He looked up to her as she attacked one of three heads fearlessly, instilling shame in him. He had promised himself that he would rid them of this threat... But... His eyes went down to Olle, the lumbering beast that only managed to slur out warnings and apologies. He turned back to Locke, a fierce expression on him. He wasn't going to fail this again.

    "Locke, get a hold of yourself!" he commanded, his heart racing. "You have to lead everyone out of the city. Just go South. I'll meet you there, ok?" His expression softened enough to allow a small smile grace his features before he pushed himself off the other, his wings already flapping. He had to go... Whipping up another Sandstorm, cloaking his friends from Olle's hungry gaze, it wasn't long until he was once again airborne, following the other flygon back into the sky.

    The black dragon was livid, trying to bite and snap at her with the many heads. He flew bravely toward the main head, increasing his speed and firing a Dragonbreath as he passed quickly by, using his momentum to his advantage. "I'm here to help!" he called to the other flygon, hoping she'd hear him.


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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:27 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Afternoon (34)
    As he felt his long vines hit a rock hard cold object, Olle could not be more relieved to know an attack failed. As his giant appendage was hurtling towards the ground, he honestly believed that the small crusher would not make it through the experience. It was only through its own efforts that it was able to make a wall of ice. But on the other hand, it proved to only make his undead body more enraged. It started thrashing around and endlessly smacking the ice shard all with its vines, trying to break it.

    It almost got close too, if it had continued, then the wall would have been shattered, and the prey on the other side would have been easy pickings.

    Yet Ciaro did the most gracious thing, and hid everyone from Olle. The sandstorm that had just died down not so long ago, was renewed again, with as much vigor as before. The raging sands proved to blind Olle, and for that he was grateful. Even if the overwhelming sand also flew into his open face wounds, and hurt him whenever he so much as moved, he would put up with the pain and the blindness as long as it meant a chance for everyone to run away.

    His body wasn’t going down that easy. Being devoid of sight by the sand, and being barraged by the noise the speeding wind caused, it was left with mindless attacking. Mainly by shooting various Sludge Bombs and Energy Balls into the air. The tormenting sands only briefly relenting against the wake of the attacks, before returning to normal immediately afterwards.

    Olle kept his eyes shut, and hoped to Arceaus that the sandstorm lasted a long time….

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Sun Feb 17, 2013 5:36 pm

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    Blackthorne| |Afternoon

    "COME ON!" The Teasel had managed to fend away the approaching vines with ice, dashing towards the Meganium. She nodded, but looked back to the Venasaur, her eyes narrowed when Cairo had whipped up another sandstorm. The sounds of a battle were deafening, the cries of fury and pain etchings their melodies into her brain. Her legs shook, in both fear and despair as she slowly, tentatively, took a step back. The grain that whipped into her eyes made her flinch, closing her eyes as she stumbled backwards further, whole body now shivering. "Arceus, where are you...?" she gave a quick glance up into the sky, her sight barred by the gales of earth. "W-Why are you letting this happen?"

    Inhaling a deep, shaky breath, the grass-type turned away from the scene, fears growing as she heard Olle's attacks bursting into the sky. "Let's go, quickly!" she shouts, regret forming inside her at the idea of leaving the undead. She could still hear the Hydreigon, too. The Meganium gave a firm nod, fighting against the thick winds as she began to walk away. 'I'm sorry Olle,' she felt the gales tug at her legs, attempting to drag her back as she fought relentlessly against it to go faster. Her eyes were staring forward, wincing at the debris that pricked at them, but refusing to look back,

    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:58 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Afternoon

    "I'm here to help!"

    The reactions between Phoebe and Icarus were completely different with those four simple words. Phoebe was grateful for her fellow Flygon, his speed and attack knocking the Hydreigon away before it could get to her, but Icarus was livid. "It's about fucking time!" he shouted, glaring at the smaller version of his protector. "We've only been in danger for several minutes while you worried more about some freaking PLANT that can't even move very fast!" Ignoring her protesting charge the large female rose to her feet and took the skies with her fellow dragon.

    She made her way around the back of the dark type once more before using her Dragon Claw to cut into it and drive it towards the ground. "Help me pin it!" she cried out to the shiny. "I can use Earthquake once he is on the ground!" Icarus had to move out of the way as the dragons came closer to the ground and used his Acrobatics to launch himself onto one of the crumbled buildings. "A warning would be nice next time!" he squawked out angrily.

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:06 pm

    (Urgh, skip me please. Just say Locke and Crusher are running up the hill like Cairo said)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:24 am

    Post 59

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    Blackthorne City| Afternoon

    "It's about fucking time!" the little odd bird shouted at Cairo as he made his next pass around the livid undead dragon. The shiny flinched at the harsh words, unsure of where the little one's anger was coming from. "We've only been in danger for several minutes while you worried more about some freaking PLANT that can't even move very fast!"

    "Some freaking plant"? Cairo's eyes glanced down to the sandstorm that held Olle and the others. The little bird didn't know any better, didn't know that that "freaking plant" had once been a valued friend and ally. That they'd gone through a lot together, that even as his body tried to consume his former friends, some part of his mind protested. Cairo saw the small hesitations, the pleas he'd sluggishly stumbled over. Olle... Thankfully, though, the black dragon served as a suitable distraction.

    "Help me pin it!" the female flygon cried out, tearing Cairo back to reality. "I can use Earthquake once he is on the ground!" He nodded firmly, making another round to the back of the hydra, using a fierce Dragonbreath on the back of its head. The attack's second affect took hold, paralyzing it completely, its decaying form falling down, down, down to the ground.


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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:29 pm

    ((Sorry, gonna have to skip this turn, just say Olle is blindly destroying whatever is left of that building |D))

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:25 pm

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    Blackthorne| |Afternoon

    Her steps were hesitant, each foot tentatively placed upon the rising sands as she scaled the hill. Something inside her was screaming to turn back, to at least try and help her friend. Wasn't there any way they could cure Olle? Were they just going to leave him there so his body could rot and decompose back to the earth? At the very least, couldn't they put him out of his misery? Magnolia's frown deepened at the thought, eyes watery from both debris and tears as she forced herself to follow the small Teasel.

    The Meganium hated this. She hated leaving her friend to die. She hated giving up and running away. "If only..." she mumbled, heaving herself upwards. "If only I had a offensive move... Then I could at least help them fend off the dragon..." pounds of regret began to quickly pile upon Magnolia's back, her body suddenly feeling heavy and reluctant to move. It took all her strength to not look back, as she knew very well that if she did, she would find herself running back into the fray. Instead, she stared forward, grunting as she followed. 'Have to go forward... Can't turn back...'

    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:36 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Afternoon

    Icarus glared at the new Flygon, not pleased with his airy attitude and seeming lack of mind. He already had his brute and she was currently trying to get herself killed much to his displeasure. What was with the creatures he met? Why were they all crazy? Was normal just too much to ask for in the apocalypse? Seemed so. He took a glance at the group the Flygon left behind, all looking or running around stupidly with no goal other than to let the stupid plant eat them. Fine with him. Less idiots to deal with that way.

    Phoebe was still struggling with the Hydreigon when a DragonBreath hit the back of the beast's head forcing her to tear off of its back lest she get his herself. Despite nearly getting the brunt force of the attack herself it did seem she made it out safely and watched as the beast was struck with paralysis. That was the opportunity she needed. "Get anyone in range back!" she cried out to the other Flygon, not wanting his friends caught in the shock-waves.

    Diving to the ground she landed right next to the writhing behemoth and unleashed her Earthquake, the powerful tectonic waves causing the nearby buildings to rumble and spew dust from their already cracked foundations. The dark dragon was caught in it, thankfully, and the earth cracked open beneath him swallowing the beast.

    Only time would tell if he could crawl his way back out.

    ((Icarus is so bitter, lol. DICKDICKDICKDICKDICK!!
    Sil, up to you if you want the Hydra to come back out of the hole.))

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:06 pm

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    Locke | Crusher
    Blackthorne City | Afternoon(56)|(17)

    The Teasels' small heart pounded wildly in his ears, the young ice type only thought was to flee.
    Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run.

    His large, terrified eyes started straight ahead of him as they reached the bottom of the hill, never once looking back as his legs carried him across the beaten bridge.
    Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run.


    Route 45

    Locke cried out as he ran, breath gasping and tears streaming from his face. No words were in his mind, only the pain and the sorrow. The land began to turn green as they ran, Locke slowing to look back at the town they left behind.
    Locke turned on his heel, gasping wildly for air, his gaze searching for the dragon, but found only Magnolia. The Gabite was splattered and smeared with dark blood and grime, only intensifying the wild look in his eyes. He looked at her, his gaze fearful and full of dread as his gaze shot back to the way they came.
    ...Where's Cairo?!
    The Gabite craned his neck back, realizing the Teasel was nowhere in sight.
    Where's Crusher?!

    "Crusher!" He cried, his wild gaze fixed on the forest before them.

    (Lockes' going to start showing signs of infection soon. Gonna start coughing up blood, blacking out, agonizing pain prolly next round. Maybe have some minor dark spots under all the gunk. Gonna go look for Crusher and start munching down on some helpless thing, lol)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:29 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Afternoon (35)

    Olle was getting pissed off, his body was going into full on tantrum mode. Being deprived of most of its senses were not helping either….

    It was destroying whatever his vines happened to hit, which at this point was the rest of the house, not even caring that the remains fell on him and around him. He had been so worked up that even the wall made of ice shards ended up being busted by him, though that one took longer than expected. His vines where freezing, he could feel them practically numb by now after all the relentless attacks on the now destroyed wall, yet his mind was the only thing seeming to react to such things, his body just continued on as if nothing was happening.

    But now that there was nothing left to destroy in the near vicinity, his body was left with one option only, to move on and find prey out in the sandstorm. Olle could do nothing but hope the others got far away enough from him as his footsteps pounded against the ground, and straight into the middle of the violent sandstorm. Anything that did not resemble the sound of rushing sand and wind was met with a blindly shot energy ball, or a wave of his giant vines. Olle’s only solace was that he did not have to see if his attacks did any damage to anyone now that the sand had blinded him.

    Maybe it was for the best if Olle kept his eyes closed, denying his body the value of sight, both increasing the odds of the others to escape Olle, and sparing himself from having to witness the deaths of more people he cared about….

    If it was up to him he would put an end to his own life immediately, to spare anyone trouble, especially himself. But he now just a passenger in this ride now, so that was out of the question. All he could do is hope his battling reflexes did not kick in to overcompensate for the deprived sense.

    ((Sorry, a tad bit busy at the moment, so didn't get to have Olle do much >.<))

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:32 pm

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    Blackthorne| |Afternoon

    Her breath hitched in her throat and her body froze, eyes wide as she regarded Locke, whom had turned to her direction. "L-Locke?" she whispered, legs shaking violently in fear. Don't tell me...please not him too... she felt the tears overflowing, biting her lip as she felt her knees beginning to give way. The dragon had a wild, untameable light in his eyes...and it scared her. "L-Locke...are y-you okay?" Magnolia asked, fearing the answer.

    She received no response, however, the Gabite turning tail as he ran off, calling Crusher's name. The Meganium stood there, eyes dull as she looked off into the distance, watching as the grayish-blue figure fade from her sight. "W-why?" her eye twitched, claws flexing as she stumbled back. "WHY?!" she screeched, stomping her feet in anger. Her gaze looked upwards and to the sky, few clouds obscuring her vision. "You!" she hissed, eyes narrowed. "Aren't you supposed to be a god?! Aren't you supposed to be watching over us?!" she snapped. "Why aren't you doing anything?!"

    For a moment, she closed her eyes, letting the waterfalls rush down her cheeks as she tried to regain herself. "Arceus, I thought... I thought..." she sniffed, body heaving with every breath. "I thought...you were supposed to watch over us." she looks away, mind drifting back to the others. "If you're not going to do anything...I'll do something myself." spitting onto the ground, she turned, beginning to come back the way she came. "I'll save them...I'll cure them...just wait, you deaf god." her expression had contorted to a mixture of sadness and anger.

    "Just you wait...I'll save them all."

    [OOC: 25th post! Try, you know what to do. ;D]

    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:14 pm

    ((Sorry, skip please. Realized that Cairo is the only character near my two, lol. I have nothing to really play off of without Sil since Phoebe was addressing Cairo.))

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:56 am

    (Gonna skip one round, want to think more on exactly how I'm going to have Locke act. Sorry my dears, but I want to make sure I do this part right, lol)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The RAGE Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:27 am

    Post 60

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    Blackthorne City| Afternoon

    "Get anyone in range back!"

    The other flygon, the normal-colored one, called out to him, jerking Cairo out of the small daze he'd found himself in. Nodding quickly, he dove down out of the sandstorm and into the other, where the others should have been. But upon looking around, all he could faintly see and hear were Olle's lumbering form. Maybe the others ran? Maybe... did... did Olle get them...? Despair quickly clutched his throat and chest, constraining his ability to breathe. No... He wouldn't think like that. Not until he saw the corpses.

    A shriek caught his ear and he flew out of the sandstorm to see the great back dragon fall beneath his twin's power. Flapping quickly to dodge a flailing wing, he saw the earth itself open its maw and swallow the beast whole, its screams and roars fading the longer it fell until it finally fell silent. Gulping, he flew over to the other, happy to meet another friendly face. "Th-Thank you, Miss..." he sputtered timidly, kneading his hands together. "W-Without you, I don't think I... Well... I don't think it would have ended as well..."


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