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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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8 posters

    The ALPH Team


    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:49 pm

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    Route 35//Night

    Shiro followed behind the fellow ninetales after she had given him the ok to be with the group. Shiro couldn't really feel the loss they just got with the death of the Quilava, cause he couldn't feel anything at all. He wondered if he should tell them, let them know that he had no emotions, that he was nothing but an empty shell. Maybe they had already figured it out, he was sure they had seen the emptiness in his eyes as he looked at them, the blank look on his face as always.

    Shiro was about to tell them when something popped out of the ground. "My name is Rune and I was hoping to join your group but I think first I should offer my condolences. It seems there has been great sadness here recently and I'll do what ever I need to, to help." It said, a Sneasel if Shiro remembered correctly. It seemed another pokemon to join them. Shiro decided to hold back on telling them about his lack of emotions till they found a place to rest and where sure they could be safe.

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:26 pm

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    Route 35|Late Night

    She made her way to the old National Park entrance, and it didn't look too bad. The only problem was that just beyond those gates there was a whole park full of bug Pokemon that would probably try to kill them. But they needed shelter. Lalita paid almost no mind to the rest of the group as they introduced themselves to the Sneasel, she just wanted to get them somewhere safe.

    She nudged open the door to the gates and peered inside, letting out a tiny jet of flame to light up the darkness. There was nothing living inside, and nothing 'not' living either. Thank Arceus. She pushed away the door completely and went in, turning to the others. "It looks safe enough, as long as we watch for any of the bugs on the other side of the building."

    Lalita went inside and began dragging bits of furniture into the center of the room, trying to make a pile big enough for a fire. But she couldn't get much. There were larger bits that could be broken to make wood, however the fox knew she wasn't strong enough to do it. She pawed at a nearby table that had been flipped over. "Can anyone help with this?" she asked to no one in particular. "We need wood for a fire."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:30 am

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    Route 35 || Late Night [32]

    The vigoroth’s paw twitched slightly as the finale of his nightmare rapidly approached, a bead of sweat travelling down the side of his face as his mind battled with the demons of sleep. With a sudden gasp, Clyde’s eyelids snapped open, his body convulsing in shock as he inelegantly fell from Silver’s back. Trembling against the cool floor of the room, Clyde took a moment to make sense of what had happened, utterly disorientated from the shifts between the forest, the dream and now this foreign, man-made environment. Rolling over, cursing slightly at the sudden sting in his side, his eyes soon fell onto Silver. He was panicked; distressed was an understatement as the vigoroth finally caught the reins of his emotions.
    “It was just a dream...” He muttered quietly to himself, rubbing his face with a paw in a bid to wake himself up. He was fine; everyone was still here, that was all that mattered. Ushering a weak smile at the lucario, he pushed himself into a sitting position, exhaling deeply as he caught up with his frantic breathing. “W-What happened?” Clyde asked helplessly, lost from the imaginings of his mind. The last thing he was sure of was the appearance of the demented absol; he was praying the quilava’s death was the start of his nightmare.

    Glancing about him, his eyes fell onto each of the individuals of the group in turn. They were all okay, but there was no sign of George, instead a small, dainty creature was in his place. Frowning, Clyde looked to Lalita for some kind of explanation, his expression portraying his body’s utter exhaustion.
    “Wh-“ The vigoroth gave up, not wanting to cling onto some false hope. The fact George wasn’t here was confirmation enough that both brothers had perished. With a sigh, he pushed himself to the side of the room, leaning against the wall in defeat. His unconsciousness had offered his body a moment’s peace, but the emotional turmoil was equally, if not more fatiguing. Even in his dreams, Clyde was struggling to find solace. The line between nightmare and reality had been fading for a long time now; it was just a matter of time before that line vanished completely.

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:38 pm

    ((Please skip, I'm very busy today))

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:35 pm

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    Route 35 || Late Night (27)

    Silver turned to look at Clyde when she felt him get off her back. She turned to look at him and gave a small smile. She knew she will have to give him some clean bandages and clean his wounds. She may be weaken right now but she figured it will be alright as long as her friends are alright. Once she was sure that Clyde and the others are alright Silver began to do an aura search to find out where the infected insects are and be able to avoid them or if need to, she will attack them to prevent her friends from being harm. ~Lalita, I'm going to find some fresh bandages for Clyde and hopefully find some food for everyone okay. Don't worry I'll be careful and I'm sure I have enough energy in me to protect us from any possible attacks~ Silver said softly to Lalita by mind. She then get ready to search for the things she will need to clean Clyde's wounds and to hopefully find food for everyone. She turned to look at Clyde and gave him a smile ~Clyde, you rest with the others while I hunt for some food and some herbs to clean your wounds with. If you wish, once I get my energy back, I'll use my Heal Pulse to heal your wounds some more~

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:00 pm

    ((Skip please, she's still waiting for someone to help her move and break that table. lol. But everyone is in the safehouse right now.))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:25 am

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    Route 35 || Late Night [33]

    ~Clyde, you rest with the others while I hunt for some food and some herbs to clean your wounds with. If you wish, once I get my energy back, I'll use my Heal Pulse to heal your wounds some more~

    Clyde’s eyebrows furrowed at Silver’s words, once again bouncing off the sides of his aching mind. It sure looked like he just had to get use to the whole telepathic speaking thing, granted, it was fairly useful for discussing private matters. He ushered a weak smile, closing his eyes momentarily as he let his body fall limp against the wall.
    “Thank you,” He whispered, guilty that the lucario was rushing around for the group despite her own less than brilliant health. There was no way she was performing Heal Pulse if she hadn’t fully recovered from helping Lalita yet.

    When the vigoroth finally opened his eyes, his gaze soon fell on Lalita struggling with breaking apart furniture for a fire. Apparently nobody was interested in answering her request. With a sigh, Clyde forced himself to his feet, wincing slightly at the sting in his side before hobbling over to the ninetales, smiling kindly before approaching the table she’d been pawing at.
    “Just here?” He asked, his voice dripping with exhaustion. The vigoroth didn’t wait for an answer as he suddenly brought down his strongest arm on the table, using slash. The piece split neatly in half, a feeling of doing some good rushing to the ape’s senses, as well as a throbbing ache in his arm. Before the pain could intensify, he repeated the process before emerging with four, generous planks of wood. He slumped back onto his rear, rubbing his paw slightly as he picked out a pair of splinters that had lodged themselves in the flesh. “Damn splinters,” Clyde chuckled to Lalita, masking the true pain that was gradually crawling along his arm.

    Suddenly moving to rest his head on the ninetale’s shoulder, Clyde hoped he hadn’t startled the female with his action. The vigoroth had lost his respect of physical affectionate since Bonnie’s infection, but now, all he wanted was a friend. Someone to reassure him that everything would be okay, that somehow, they’d get through the epidemic together. Lalita’s soft fur was comfort enough, the fact that she was alive and well acting as a huge relief. Only a few hours previous, she’d been on death’s doorstep... all because of him. In a way, he deserved the pain that was currently spreading about his body.
    “I’m sorry...” Clyde muttered quietly, reluctant to return to slumping against the cold, harsh surface of the wall just yet. “For everything that’s happened.” It was out of the blue, but with his mind racing through the events since their meeting, the vigoroth’s pent-up emotions were ready to burst. “For your ribs, for losing Max and Alice, your human... I-I want to help, but I feel so... so... helpless,” Despite himself, the vigoroth had grown teary. Lifting his head from the silky pillow, Clyde met the ninetale’s eyes. ”I-I just don’t know if I can take this world anymore...”

    (( Sorry Lalita, looks like Clyde’s having a bit of a breakdown. :B ))

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:19 pm

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    Route 35 || Late Night (28)

    Silver had heard Clyde's words to her before she left the group to search for the things she said she will search for and turned to give him a smile and a nod before she continued on her way. Soon she came across a field that had all kinds of plants around it and knowing that she will find the herbs she needs to help Clyde out she began to search. After a while she found the herbs she was looking for to put on the wounds and to also help ease the pain like she had for Lalita when she was hurt. Silver gathered as many of the herbs as she could before she searched for a big enough leaf to put them in. It took some searching and a few of her Shadow Claw attacks on some infected insects but she soon found a big enough leaf.

    After that she looked around in the trees for edible berries and was about to find some Oran berries and a few Sitrus berries. She gave a soft sigh of relief at being lucky enough to find berries that they could eat. She gathered as many as she could find and place them on the leaf with the herbs. ~Now, to find some things that I can use for bandages for Clyde and some water~ she thought to herself. She soon found some tall grass she could use and used Shadow Claw once more to cut the grass and place it on the leaf. Silver then looked at all the things she has gathered and nodded, believing that these should be enough for the night. She folded to leaf into a bag like form and went in search for another leaf or something solid that she could use to put water in. It took a while to search but she soon found some bark that was curved up enough to put water in. She closed her eyes and began to use her aura sense to find water and to check to be sure she didn't sense any dark auras. Soon she found a creek in the park and looked at the water to be sure that there wasn't anything bad in it. After confirming that there weren't any infected Pokemon in the water Silver used the bark and gathered the water.

    With everything found, Silver kept everything close to her as she headed back to where she left the group. Soon she was back and she was in time to hear Clyde say ”I-I just don’t know if I can take this world anymore...” This caused Silver to grow worried as she headed closer to the two Pokemon. She noticed the small pile of wood and looked at Clyde's claws knowing that he must have cut the wood. "Clyde, are you alright," Silver asked the concern can be heard in her voice as well as can be seen in her eyes as she looked at Lalita and Clyde.

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:44 pm

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    Route 35//Night

    "Can anyone help with this? We need wood for a fire." Lalita said as she stood next to a turned table, something that humans must have used as a shield against the undead pokemon, though it didn't seem to have worked well. It would bake good burning material for a fire, so without saying a word, Shiro went over and help Lalita break it down, but was beaten by the weak vigorath, that even in his weak state was still able to break it down.

    The male ninetales walked over and began to pull the planks of wood over to Lalitas pile that would soon be used to start a fire. With the sun no longer up and the lights not coming on anytime soon.

    It was starting to get harder to see. Though the night didn't bother him, then again, nothing really bothered him, they still needed some light till the fire was started. He closed his eyes and three balls of fire formed around Shiro's head to light the area with his Will-O-Wisp. He sent one of them over to Lalita so that she could see what she was doing, and the other over to Clide so that Silver could have some light to see what she was doing, and kept the final one for himself so that he could see what he was doing.

    ((Sorry if this makes little sense, was tired when wrote it >.< ))

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:24 pm

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    National Park Gate|Late Night

    Fuzzy took it upon himself to help Lalita with breaking the table for wood, and she felt bad because of the state he was in. He should be resting, one of the others could surely help her. But Clyde wouldn't let them. She nodded when he pointed but he was already bringing his arm down in a crushing blow. Even in his injured state, his power was something to be in awe of. Lalita felt another pang of guilt when he rubbed his arm, making up some excuse about splinters. But she could see the pain in his eyes...

    Before she even knew what happened, Fuzzy was laying his head on her shoulder, slumping against her small frame. her heart cried out for her friend, and she quickly wrapped all of her tails around him in a pitiful attempt at comfort. She nuzzled his head softly as he spoke, not really understanding why he thought everything was his fault. If he meant before, when she got hurt, that was only an accident. He didn't need to still dwell on it, she was fine now. Clyde's eyes rose to meet hers, and the words on his lips chilled her to the bone.

    ”I-I just don’t know if I can take this world anymore...”

    It was like a dam broke loose, and tears rolled down Lalita's face. There was no sound, not even a whimper, just silent agony as she watched her friend suffer. What could she do for him? She herself had been at this very stage not moments ago but her anger had pulled her out of it. That certainly wouldn't help her friend in this situation. All she could do was curl her tails tighter around him and nuzzle his neck softly, hoping that in some small way that her just being there would do some good. "Fuzzy..."

    ((OOC:Hope this is okay Snitch, since you asked previously if he could hug Lalita. Her personality would have her returning it ten fold especially with everything he just said. I can change it if you want me to! ^_^))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:32 am

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    National Park Gate || Late Night [34]

    Clyde’s eyes shut firmly, relishing in the comfort that Lalita provided. He missed such loving interactions and this single moment of sorrowful peace was a feeling the Vigoroth had begun to miss. Everything just hurt so much – physically and mentally, leaving Clyde as little more than an emotional wreck. He felt tears seeping down his bloodstained face, making an attempt to disguise the reaction by burying his face in Lalita’s fur. She said little, but the fact that she was there was enough to ease him.

    "Clyde, are you alright,"

    The Vigoroth sniffed lightly as he turned his attention to Silver, still reluctant to leave the safety that Lalita’s tails gave the illusion of. He ushered a weak smile, using a paw to roughly wipe away the tears clinging to the fur beneath his eyes.
    “I...” His voice faltered slightly, Clyde forced to clear his throat in a bid to get a intelligible sound to emerge. “I’m fine,” The ape managed weakly, an obvious lie. His eyes drifted to the hovering flames that had appeared to brighten the room slightly, directing an appreciative smile at the quiet newcomer. He seemed so oblivious to the emotional strain accompanying the epidemic. In a way, Clyde bitterly envied the ability. Right about now, he would’ve appreciated a complete lack of emotions – it would save him a whole lot of stress. Straightening himself up, he offered a smile to the caring Lucario. ”How’re you doing, Sil?”

    (( Don’t worry, it’s a perfect reaction, Phoenix! <3 Also sorry for short post. ))

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:21 am

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    National Park Gate || Late Night (29)

    “I’m fine,” Silver heard Clyde say in answer to her question which caused her to give him a relieve smile. She didn't like seeing him so upset like he was. She looked at Lalita and smiled at the Ninetails before she once again turned her attention to Clyde when he said, ”How’re you doing, Sil?” Which surprised her of the nickname that he used but she didn't mind it. I'm alright Clyde and I was able to find the herbs needed to put on your wounds and to help ease the pain like I did for Lalita. Also everyone I've found some berries for us all to be able to eat while I had hunt for the herbs. She then gently place the bark down that held the water, making sure not to spill any of it, and took the leaf off her back and unfolded it to show the herbs, bandages, and berries that she had gotten earlier. I had to take care of some infected insects while I search for these things but I'm alright that a little rest wont fix. But first, Clyde let me work on your wounds alright, she said softly as she looked at Clyde and gave him another smile.

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 5:48 pm

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    National Park Gate|Late Night

    As her friend leaned into her, accepting her silent support, Lalita could help but give a sad smile. Even though he couldn't see it, she was so happy that Clyde could take even the smallest comfort from her. She had never been able to do much for her friends. And in this one long, hellish day she had lost everyone she met and had grown to care for. All she had left now was Fuzzy, and the few that had joined since him. Even Gormy had disappeared, and without the other female's strong presence the Ninetales grew increasingly worried.

    How would she handle this on her own?

    The others had been looking to her for guidance, and now more than ever they needed her. She was one of the only ones battle ready and would have to be prepared to fight for her friends lives. A heavy burden felt like it was falling on her shoulders, but it was one she would refuse to give up. Lalita had made a solemn vow to protect her friends, to not let anything else take them from her. But in this dark time, she wasn't sure she could do it...

    Silver had returned with the items needed to treat Fuzzy, and Lalita reluctantly let him go. Though she wanted to keep him by her, to know that he was safe, he needed medical attention quickly. Carefully stepping aside she went to the pile of broken wood Clyde had made for her and arranged it into a pile. She was grateful for the glow Shiro had provided with his wisp, and gave him a small smile in thanks before lighting the wood to fill the room with warmth and light. Hopefully the thick wood would last the night.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Snitch Thu May 03, 2012 12:07 pm

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    National Park Gate || Late Night [35]

    Clyde smiled gratefully, touched by the Lucario’s utter determination to nurse everybody back to health. He knew damn well that if it weren’t for Silver’s valiant efforts, even as a simple Riolu, he would’ve died in that tunnel. His eyes remained closed, sleep threatening to overwhelm him as his comfort continued to increase. From Silver’s words, the Vigoroth realized that unfortunately, he was going to have to leave the pillow he’d made of Lalita’s shoulder. Groaning slightly as he reluctantly pushed himself away from the canine, Clyde plopped himself down back by the wall, leaning his back against the harsh surface – freezing in comparison to his previous support.
    “It won’t hurt too much, will it?” Clyde asked Silver quietly, the unpleasant gash on his side already stinging from the physical exertion. He was prepared for a little pain to make the worst of the aching go away, but still, there was only so much he could handle.

    His eyes fell onto the collection of items the Lucario had managed to scavenge from the surrounding area, a smile gracing his lips, impressed with her findings. Huffing, he lent his head back and allowed his eyelids to droop over his tired orbs. He trusted Silver – even when he couldn’t, she and the rest of the group were ready and willing to take care of him. The thought comforted him, and despite all the horrors they’d endured, Clyde was thankful for the small family he had come to love.

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 1:19 pm

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    National Park Gate || Late Night (30)

    Silver smiled softly when she heard Clyde's question, “It won’t hurt too much, will it?” Which got her to say, It shouldn't hurt too much Clyde but that doesn't mean that it won't hurt okay. But it may sting a bit. She then grabbed the herbs that will ease the pain and crush it as best as she could and with a little water to make it into paste. Once she had that done she went to work at removing the old bandages around Clyde, along with her red scarf, and put the paste over the wounds as gently as she could. She added a little of her Heal Pulse attack into the wounds to help them heal some before she grabbed the bandages she gotten earlier and began to wrap them around Clyde's wounds. She was being as gentle as she could as she wrapped them around him. Once she was done she grabbed a few of the Oran Berries and handed them to Clyde. Here eat these and it should help you heal more, she said and then she pass the other berries around to the others that were in the group before she took some for herself to eat. These should help us build our strength back up as we rest. I've taken care of any of the infected that was around the area but we still need to be on guard, she added. She made sure Lalita, Shiro, and the others got plenty of the berries to help them along.

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 3:13 am

    ((Please skip as I really don't know what Shiro should do right now))

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 12:31 pm

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    National Park Gate | Late Night (2)

    Rune followed the others into the National Park and watched as each Pokemon did their own things to help. Feeling like she wasn't contributing, Rune jumped into the first tree she saw and began doing what she did best, scouting and watching. About fifty trees in she sat silently in the trees and watched an Undead Pinsir go about its business. It wasn't going their direction and the wind was blowing towards Rune so her smell didn't travel to it. Like a shadow, she sprinted a few more trees over without making a sound. There to her left was a few Undead Metapods and she didn't take a lot of notice to them since they had yet to evolve and were slow going. Turning back around she made her way back to the others with a few Pecha berries to add to the pile Silver had collected. Taking just one she sat a little bit away from the group since she still felt like an outsider and quietly ate her berry before telling them what she had seen.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Min Wed May 09, 2012 5:14 pm

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    National Park Gate| |Late Night

    The Combusken was stumbling around the bushes outside in the park, the night's darkness impairing her vision. With no idea to where she was heading, her sight caught a swift shadow leaping into the trees. "Wh-who's there?" Champagne called warily, gripping tentatively at her Tungsten Pipe. The figure moved about the trees with grace, swiftly leaping from the branches before heading towards the gate.

    Straining her ears, the fire-type could hear soft murmurs and speech from the building. Living? Immediately she rushed towards the gate, delighted at the fact that she may not be alone in this epidemic world. Hastily she reached the doors and peaked inside. She could see figures, living figures, and her eyes lit up with happiness.

    "Uhm... Hello?" Champagne squeaked, scared at what these Pokemon would think of her. What if they didn't like her? What if they chased her out and killed her?

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 10, 2012 7:59 pm

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    National Park Gate|Late Night

    Lalita was a little concerned that the little weasel Pokemon continued into the park without them, while they hid safely inside the gate. She didn't want to risk the dark or the park while Fuzzy was still injured. Speaking of which, she looked over to see how Silver was progressing with the treatment of their friend. He already looked much better, and the soft glow that Lalita had seen earlier was back. It looked like Max's...

    Tear's began to glisten in her eyes as she thought back to the Espeon who saved her life. It had only been that morning that they had lost him, and the pain was still very fresh in her heart. She had begun to care for her fellow shiny when some crazy cat had to go and take him away. They had gained and lost so many in the hours that followed that morning seemed liked it happened a lifetime ago. Now they had lost so many more, and the Ninetales couldn't take anymore hurt. She had resolved herself to protect the few she had left, even if it meant the cost of her own life.

    "Uhm... Hello?" Lalita's ears suddenly pricked up at the sound of a voice coming from the door that led into the park. It-it was a giant bird...thing. She got up from the fire and walked over to the voice carefully, tilting her head to the side in confusion. "H-hello?" she asked quietly. If this creature was a refugee like them, then she would welcome the break from her troubled thoughts. "If you aren't one of them, please, come in. Before the light from the fire catches their attention."

    ((OOC: Yeah guys, I went back through all of our posts and we haven't left the same day in months. We really did kill Max off only that morning. This has been THE. LONGEST. DAY. EVER! LAWL!))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Snitch Fri May 11, 2012 1:47 am

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    National Park Gate || Late Night [36]

    “It shouldn't hurt too much Clyde but that doesn't mean that it won't hurt okay. But it may sting a bit.”

    Clyde managed a crooked smile, his eyes still firmly closed as he listened as Silver got to work. Before he knew it, his old, bloodstained bandages were off and a surprisingly cold, almost tingly sensation was engulfing the pain of his wounds. His face contorted a little at the stinging that followed, but he reminded himself it was all for the best – the Lucario knew what she was doing and he wasn’t about to question her methods. As her nimble paws went about bring him back to health, the Vigoroth felt himself drifting off for a moment. Before he could succumb to sleep however, Silver’s voice returned, urging him to eat some of the berries she’d scavenged. His eyelids flicked back to reveal tired orbs, a small smile on his face as he obediently accepted the Oran berries the canine had handed him.
    “Thank you,” He muttered softly to the Lucario, nodding his head gently in respect for the creature’s unfathomable kindness. Beginning to chew tentatively at first, then more vigorously as hunger kicked in, Clyde’s attention fell to the rest of the group.

    An almost tense atmosphere had fallen over the gathering and the Vigoroth’s face fell slightly at the lack of faces he recognised. There was Shiro – he knew a name, but thus far, the Ninetales was too emotionally oblivious for Clyde to tolerate for long. The canine’s calm, unflinching demeanour still remained a mystery to the ape, as well as being somewhat unnerving. Then there was the quiet, little Sneasel. For Clyde, she had no name – but from her position away from the group, a pang of guilt hit him at the thought she might be threatened or intimidated by the group. Now, some kind of bird was hovering hesitantly at the building’s entrance. He’d never seen such a species before and the Vigoroth managed a weak smile as Lalita urged the newcomer into the warmth of the little group. Closing his eyes once more, Clyde relished in the few minutes peace, knowing that for awhile at least, they would be safe to rest.

    (( Omg, are you serious?! I thought we were on at least the second day! xD ))

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 10:42 am

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    National Park Gate || Late Night (31)

    Silver smiled softly as she worked on Clyde's wounds. She made sure she put the paste on all of them before she used the grass she found and wrapped them securely around the wounds so it will allow them to heal properly. She knew it will take a while for the wounds to heal but at least Clyde will be alright. She smiled once more when she heard him thank her and watch him eat some of the berries glad to see that his appetite was still there. She then closed her eyes and used a little bit of her Heal Pulse to help the wounds heal properly. "Uhm... Hello?" Silver heard someone which caused her to open her eyes and look at the giant bird like Pokemon that had arms and legs had joined the group. Being cautious Silver closed her eyes and allowed her Aura Sense to study the bird and realized that this Pokemon was a living and meant no real harm to them. She gave the Combusken, which she recognized is what the Pokemon was, a smile and a nod. She looked over at Lalita and said softly, ~She is very welcome like you said Lalita. She is a living Pokemon like us. She then looked up where she sense the Sneasel and said softly to her, Sneasel why don't you join us by the fire okay. Her voice was soft and polite though her tiredness can be heard in her voice as well and she almost allowed her head to fall on Clyde's shoulder to sleep but she wasn't sure if that would be a good idea with him hurt and all.

    She couldn't believe how long this day had been. Everything that happened lately seemed to be many days back but was actually just that morning. She remembered how she met this group and what it was fill with when she first met them. How she tried to help them out as a Riolu with her Focus Blast when they had been in that tunnel and then all that happened afterwards including her evolution and the many friends that they had all lost in that one day.

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 12:55 am

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    National Park Gate//Late Night

    Shiro wasn't paying any mind to the others as he went over to a corner of the room and lay down, closing his eyes and blocking out all sounds as he drifted into sleep.

    His dream was blank, much like all his others. Shiro didn't have any dreams anymore, just an empty world. He sat in complete darkness, his silver pelt dull and without shine. He found this darkness to reflect his heart, completely empty, devoid of anything. This heart was emptied a long time ago by human greed, not only blank nothingness remains. Some would think it to be lonely, and they where probably right, but he couldn't feel the loneliness they would have felt, he can't feel anything anymore, only pain remains.

    His tails twitched as he slept, though he wasn't dreaming. He felt as though he could hear something, someone screaming. He didn't know who it was, or why, perhaps an old memory he had pushed to the back of his mind, could explain why it felt so familiar, yet didn't click.

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 10:59 pm

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    National Park Gate | Late Night (3)

    After a while, Rune looked up from her own little world and heard Silver ask her to join them. Shyly, Rune got up and joined the others sitting beside Lalita and rolling her berry from hand to hand nervously. It had been so long since she had been around others and with everything they had been through she didn't let their distance bother her too much but she had hoped they would realize she was decent by now and accept her. Sighing Rune pushed that thought out of her mind and watched the others silently but usually with her face watching the ground. Noticing the newcomer, she tilted her head barely to catch sounds from it to make sure that it wasn't hostile.

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    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Min Tue May 22, 2012 2:12 am

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    National Park Gate| |Late Night

    When the Ninetales slowly walked towards her, the Combuskrn tensed, paranoid that she would be shoved away. Champagne could only slightly loosen at the fox's voice. "If you aren't one of them, please, come in. Before the light from the fire catches their attention." a nod quickly follows as the fire-type fully steps in, closing the door behind her. First thing she notices was the radiating fire, sending waves of cozy heat. The atmosphere seemed friendly, at least, willing to accept her. The very thought of it brought a glimmer of joy to her eyes.

    Champagne paused for a moment, surveying everyone. As her gaze floated across the wounded Vigoroth she frowns, feeling sad yet curious to know what had happened to him. But I mustn't dwell on trivial questions,[i] she thinks. [i]Im sure they'll be time for answers later. The Combusken inches closer to the dancing flames, before almost slapping herself in shame. Where were her manners? These living had just let her in, she had to show respect.

    "Th-thank you." the bird mumbles. "My name is-" Champagne pauses. Charlotte or Champagne? The Combusken looks worried, unsure of which name to introduce herself with. Would they distrust her if she didn't tell them her real name? But it had been so long since one had referred to her as Charlotte... With a quick gulp she decides. "You can call me Chanpagne, f-for now."

    The ALPH Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 24, 2012 7:04 pm

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    National Park Gate|Late Night

    "Th-thank you." Lalita smiled warmly at the fellow fire type as she closed the door behind her. The last thing they needed was more monsters running around this route. "My name is-You can call me Champagne, f-for now." An odd request, but with everyone having such a troubled past the lavender fox decided to ignore the obvious tiptoe around her name. "Very well, Champagne. Welcome. Come sit and make yourself comfortable, we probably won't be going anywhere tonight. Best to get some rest while you can."

    Lalita looked around at her new group of friends and fellow survivors, fire dancing off of her pale coat and making it shine with its silver brilliance. Her ears were kept flat to her head, a somber expression upon her muzzle, as her darkened eyes surveyed the company. Such painful thoughts ran through her mind for each of them, but oddly enough she felt somewhat at ease to know they were all safe in her care once again. She didn't want to fail them ever again, she'd die first.

    Poor Fuzzy looked like he was feeling much better, and Silver didn't seem to be doing so bad anymore. She looked, refreshed would be a good word for it. The strange Ninetales, a shiny like herself, was currently dozing by the fire. The female tilted her head and dropped her ears as she regarded this one, as she just couldn't figure him out. He seemed almost broken, defective, and the very idea that he was numb inside confused the sensitive and emotional fox. Her two newest arrivals, Rune and Champagne seemed harmless enough, but if the last few days had taught her anything it was not to trust wholeheartedly anymore.

    With a heavy mind and an even heavier heart, she fell into a restless sleep.

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