Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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8 posters

    The ALPH Team


    The ALPH Team Empty The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:57 am

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    Ruins of Alph | Late Evening

    The scent of rotting flesh lingered in the evening. A sky once full of a never-ending blue was slowly starting to succumb to the oranges, purples, and yellows that the lowering sun brought. It was beautiful. Despite the knowledge that there were undead trumping around everywhere, the sight of such a peaceful sunset could warm the heart if anyone willing to stop and watch it fall. Unfortunately, the event that followed always seemed to put fear in the living: darkness. A black abyss devoured the world once the sun lowered itself beyond the horizon. It left a playground for the dead; it gave them the stealth they needed in order to rip their pray limb from limb. Even when he was alive, Reed had enjoyed the night. It was probably the only piece of himself that hadn't been stripped from him when he had turned.

    He sat statue-like, glazed eyes watching the light narrow, and as darkness consumed the world around him, there were no feelings of joy or solace at the sight of such beauty. He didn't need to worry about the epidemic. After all, he was one of them. (Not like he was actually aware of this.) The littlest bit of instinct he had left was to search for a beating heart, rip it out, maybe eat it, and then repeat the pattern all over again. That was all he had to do nowadays...but still, there had always been something about the sunset that made him quiet. It made him stop and stare, as though he were watching an old memory succumb to the darkness.

    At Reed's paws lay a rotting corpse. An untimely death fell upon a wandering Pokemon whose body had been sliced into ribbons. It was to hard for anyone to identify now, for the Arcanine had been indulging himself on the sweet flesh that stuck itself to the bones of the creature. All around him lay droplets of scarlet. There was even a path of crimson leading from the pond where the once-living Fire-type had brutally wounded his victim, then proceeded to drag it, still alive, to the spot he sat now. Afterwards, bit by bit, Reed began to eat it while slowly ripping apart its still-living flesh. The screaming had been nothing more than a deaf whisper to the Arcanine's ears. He was an Infected. He had no sense of understanding for pleas or cries for mercy. What remained of the creature was nothing more than a hollow soul inside a decaying body.

    Reed tore his eyes away from the sunset to take another mouthful of his prey. He shredded a piece of meat through his jagged teeth and gulped down the scraps of flesh. Just sitting there was making him restless. He hungered for more flesh...no, not even that! He was just dying to hear a bloodcurdling scream as his fangs ripped through skin and muscle, severing tendons as the other fought. The single memory of such an event made his mangled body shiver. He wanted more blood. Even if he wasn't going to eat the remains, he wanted to toy with the living. The sounds of their beating hearts brought him excitement as he listened to them slow to a stop. The joy it brought was simply unexplainable.

    Reed stood and made his way past the corpse. His body was full of muscle, most of which could clearly be seen thanks to how many wounds he had. (That, and much of his fur had fallen off along with decaying heaps of his flesh.) His face was a gnarled mess: more than half had been beaten away thanks to slamming his victims against the ground. His left ear was completely gone, and both his eyeballs were no longer guarded by meaty lids. They were constantly open, constantly watching for new prey. Through his turning, his claws and teeth had become jagged, sharpened to the point where he could slice through rocks. He was a walking factory of mayhem just waiting to be released, and as he wandered the Ruins of Alph, he would, without a doubt, found him something new to sink his claws into.

    Last edited by Suicune on Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:59 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammar/wording)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Abysswalker Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:18 pm

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    Ruins of Alph/ Late Evening

    Twlight was falling across the landscape, bringing death and despair to the living left in this world when night fell. Spirit relished the darkness that was the night; with its assistance, the Flareon could easily attack his prey without them ever realizing he was waiting in the shadows. Spirit watched the sunset, his eyes glittering with the thought of fresh meat. How Spirit loved the screams of the dying as he tore into their raw flesh, ripping the uninfected apart to sastify his ravenous hunger. The blood gushing, tendons snapping, his claws and fangs tearing exposed skin and muscle with ease....it was the most beautiful sight to him. The undead Flareon bared his blood-stained fangs in excitement. Now it was time for the hunt, and Spirit wanted to hear a beating heart that belonged to a living one, to claim that life.....he had heard screams a while before, and knew one of his brothers had claimed prey. The screams, the begging, the crying was nothing to Spirit now. The Flareon was no longer truly alive, but a host for a virus that ran through his entire being. Spirit did not care. He showed no emotions of sorrow or regret, for he was one of the infected. The lucky ones, who did not feel the pain of this epidemic. He was just a part of it now, so very small, but yet still significant....

    The Flareon walked slowly through the ruins, his pawsteps stone silent, his senses on high alert for new meat. A beating heart, one with no stench of disease, who bared no signs of being infected. That was his prey, and every other infected Pokemon's prey...but he had to claim it first, before the others. Spirit hadn't caught a decent meal in a while..in fact, the last one had been that female Lucario. Spirit still remembered that adrenaline-rushing hunt...the female and her son had been surrounded by infected, and Spirit had seen her get her son into a safe place. The Flareon had been slightly surprised she had managed to fight off so many, and then the mother took to flight, abandoning her child. Spirit never gave up the hunt, and had to track the pesky female down for a great distance. Eventually, however, she could no longer run or fight in pathetic exhaustion, granting Spirit the chance to feast on her tender flesh. The best meal he had ever eaten, and hopefully better prey would be running around in the Ruins for Spirit to sink his teeth into....


    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:26 am

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    Ruins of Alph/Late evening
    As the sun fell the Vulpix began falling asleep. Wait, no! She forced herself awake. She couldn't allow herself to fall asleep. She needed to protect herself in this wasteland of undead freaks. She couldn't help but feel afraid, even though she always believed that fear is a weakness. So she continued to keep herself awake in fear.

    As the night grew on, the Vulpix felt the need to create a shelter. It probably wouldn't help against the freaks that now inhabit the once-peaceful Johto region.

    She went in search of materials.She started at an old junkyard. She managed to get some metal and wood scraps, at least enough to make a small fort that she could squeeze her body into.
    This will have to do. She is safe.
    But for how long?

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:12 am

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    Ruins of Alph|A few hours from dawn
    Max's eyes glowed as silently padded through the ruins. It was odd to see a place that had been destroyed before the epidemic. The small metallic lump on his underbelly pulsed rhythmically as he passed the mutilated corpse of some poor soul. The lump had originally been a "Twisted Spoon" but it was melted to him during an attack by his three Flareon brothers after they'd become infected. Now it throbbed in at the presence of the infected, not that he need it at the moment, the air hung with the stench of the undead.

    "Some kind of Eeveelution has been here", He thought, bearing his fangs in disgust. "An infected one". Max hated it when his own kind became infected, he took it as a personal insult as that was how his pack was destroyed.

    A branch snapped somewhere ahead, cutting through Max's thoughts. With a low growl Max sprung atop one of the shadowed monoliths and readied himself to attack.

    Last edited by Latias on Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:11 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Image and Location not centred.)

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:13 am

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    Ruins of Alph|Nearly Dawn

    Lia flew quietly through the ruins. Quite scared of the infected, she tried not to make any noise. As much as flying hurt her precious burnt wing, she had to keep going. She suddenly fell to the ground, making a loud ruckus. Oh gosh, oh gosh, I have to hide before someone notices..!
    She instantly ran to hide behind a tree, hitting a branch on her way. Oh good lord...
    She breathed heavily and quickily as she hid behind the tree. Please nobody notice...PLEASE ARCEUS, LET NOBODY NOTICE...

    ((OOC: So sorry, I rushed this...and I have rp-block...))

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:57 pm

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    Ruins of Alph | Dawn

    Lalita was exhausted. She had been running for a couple of days, dodging infected and those who thought her to be. It became obvious to her that panic made others loose their judgement in times of crisis. Curled up in her little crevasse in the ruins Lalita refused to let herself sleep. Every time she closed her eyes the same moment replayed in her mind, the day she failed Little Miss. Watching as the garden pokemon ripped apart her family, quite literally, she was powerless to help. All she did was stand there in terror as her one true friend had her throat ripped open by a decaying meowth. She shivered at the thought, shaking her head as though to banish the foul memories away.

    Lalita made to stand, her limbs shaking from over exertion, and gently padded out of her hiding place. She could feel her stomach gnawing at itself, as she hadn't eaten since before Little Miss used the fire stone on her, but without any form of fire Lalita had no way of cooking her food. She had never eaten anything raw and wasn't about to start just yet. She was once, after all, a very pampered pet.

    "It would seem a fitting punishment to just starve," she thought to herself. "For failing Little Miss...Ooph!" Just as she was once again about to loose herself in her mournful thoughts, one of her tails managed to get under her hind leg and tripped her, sending her face first and sprawled out on her stomach with a yip. Would she never get used to these things?! Nearly two days from what she could tell had passed and she was no closer to understanding her new form than she was when it happened. Glancing up through the tails that managed to land on her head she looked around nervously. "I really hope no one heard that..." she whispered quietly.

    Last edited by PhoenixVelshaine on Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:54 pm

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    Ruins of Alph | Late Evening

    As Reed padded through the ruins. His breath heaved heavily, exhaling a rotting stink and wheezing with each intake of oxygen. No longer did her need his nose for looking out for a loved one. It was used for something much more alluring to him, and that was scenting the smell of fresh meat. The scent of which had found its way drifting into the Ruins of Alph practically unaware of the monster wondering the path within. Whatever was there. He would find, and mutilate. There was nothing more than a dying scream and the taste of sweet iron on his bloated, discolored tongue that the Arcanine didn't love more.

    He paused for a brief moment. His sickly discolored muscles of dark bluish gray bulged as a bit of slobber ran over his jaws. A beating heart was somewhere within these ruins. It was almost like movement was in every direction, now just where would he be off to? Not like he had much to think about. The nearest thing to make a sound was where he went to investigate first. The faintest of yelps had caught his attention. Immediately, his paws had began to clumsily beat across the ground in a full on sprint. Within eyes glowing crimson, and his teeth clacking against each other through the ruins. It wasn't hard to tell something big was headed in ones direction. He had no reason for stealth. No reason to fear being killed or hunted. He was the hunter.

    With a sharp turn, and dirt and pebbles flying into the air behind him. Reed had rounded a corner with such ease one would have trouble believing he was an Undead if it weren't for his tattered appearance. He had such power, and such speed even though his footing appeared clumsy. Within moments, something came into his sight. A shimmering coat of silver of some creature in the distance. Whatever it was. He'd turn the lovely glistening coat into one stained crimson. He was quickly closing the vast gap between him and what he would have once recognized as a Ninetales. A bellowing roar escaped his mighty jaws as his claws dug into the earth with every pounding step.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Abysswalker Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:24 pm

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    Ruins of Alph/ Late Evening

    Spirit went slowly through the ruins, his putrid, rotting stench engulfing the air around him as he made his way through the ruins. He didn't bother to check his surroundings or look over his shoulder; that was what the living did out of terror. But Spirit was no longer on the bottom of the totem pole. Taking a faded path, the undead Flareon reflected on this; now he was the one making the others afraid, hunting them down. The joy of the chase. The joy of the kill. If he had been alive, Spirit's mind would've been overwhelmed each time. Scents of fresh meat was everywhere, or perhaps that was just because Spirit loved it so much. Whatever living had decided to take refuge in the ruins was foolish...and be in for one hell of a surprise. He would take immense joy in tearing that fool apart, or maybe there was more than one....that would be good. Good for Spirit. Defiantly not for the victim of his hunt.

    Spirit stopped to detect the location of his prey, his dying senses going haywire to find the living. The sickly-pale remains of the Flareon's fur was covered in the blood of his past meals, and his blue-black muscles could be seen where his flesh was torn. Spirit could smell the living, he could sense their hearts still pumping. The main sign that they were alive....suddenly Spirit's acute hearing picked up sounds of something hitting the ground, then hitting a branch...whoever it was, they were clumsy, but soon Spirit would put them out of their misery with his claws and fangs. The undead Flareon kicked up dirt and sharp stones when he began to run as fast as he could, not caring who heard him. Spirit was intent on finding whatever had made the noise...he could sense that beating heart strongly now.

    Spirit's throat was rumbling with the rush of the hunt and blood came out of his mouth as he ran.
    So very close...very close now.... he managed to piece the thought together. Spirit jumped behind a tree and found himself face-to-face with a Ledian, one with a burnt wing at that. Teeth bared, he lunged at the weak thing....

    Posts : 24

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Houndoom Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:46 pm


    It was dark. Dark enough for the silent figure to stalk through the ruins without worry. Then again, what undead feared? What did one have to fear?


    The half decayed houndoom shook her horned head; the dead silence annoyed her. She broke it with her own gurgled choke of a growl. Silence would not distract her.

    Most of the skin was peeled away, her face naught but an ever smiling skull. Her eyes no longer saw, but she could still sense the changes in the air. She could not feel the warmth of the dimming sun, but she knew it was still dimming all the same.

    And that meant food.

    She lifted her head, and a sweet scent of life drifted in. Her permanent skeletal grin suited her "mood" and she darted toward the source of the scent. It didn't matter what it was. It was going to be hers.


    It was all too soon that she found her prey; a lone pup of some sort. Her maw agape with deadly flames, she leaped at the pup, enjoying the cries of terror and pleas for her to stop. The silence now broken, she pinned the poor creature down, eating it from the legs up and occasionally scalding the flesh. Though she was hungry, she wanted the sweet noises to last...

    Sweet meat...

    Sweet sounds...

    She continued to feast, the pup's cries getting weaker as she ate. If she had eyes or the notion to care, she would see the vulpix underneath her, her eyes bulging with fear as she watched her own entrails spilling out of the demon's mouth.

    Sweet meat...

    Sweet sounds...


    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:05 pm

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    Ruins of Alph|Dawn

    With fangs bared Max crept forward, slinking from shadow to shadow, eyes and metallic lump pulsing with rage. A small figure lay prone in a patch of grass in front of him. Inhaling deeply the evolution Pokemon realized that although it seemed scarred, the small bug-type wasn't infected.

    Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream tore through the slowing lightening sky. Emerging from the shadows Max quickly shoved the insect to it's feet.

    We need to go friend, this ruckus you've made will attract every infected in this Arceus-damned place!

    Last edited by Latias on Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Image and location not centered)

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:40 pm

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    Ruins of Alph|Dawn

    As she was attacked, she screamed. An infected. Her heart beat fast, she was careless. Now she was going to die, she'd be another victim. But then to her surprise, she saw an oddly colored Eevee. She wanted to shout to him to run before he becomes a victim too, but instead, he suddenly helped her up.
    We need to go friend, this ruckus you've made will attract every infected in this Arceus-damned place!
    Lia gasped slightly, still in shock. She was saved...
    ...C-Come on!
    Without warning, she grabbed the Eevee into her arms, and, struggling for a few seconds, she began to fly away from the infected Flareon, as fast as her wings would let her without her feeling too much pain.

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:24 pm

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    Ruins of Alph|Dawn

    Lalita shot up at the sound of the echoing roar. Her head snapped to the left and she saw a great beast rampaging towards her, of what appeared to her, but was obviously not, as a giant growlithe, much like the officer Jenny's used to run around with. But this was very much an infected. Hunks of fur and flesh missing, half of its face exposed and both eyes permanently in a dead stare, what chance did a small, lithe creature like her stand against a mound of muscle like that? Even then there were other screams of terror echoing down the tunnels of the Ruins. With those thoughts and those screams in her mind Lalita felt herself freeze.

    NO! she cried in her head, Not again! She couldn't face this thing as she had when the infected tore through the gardens. She froze then but she couldn't let the fear grip her now! If she was ever to repent for letting her Little Miss die then she had to live. But how...?

    Lalita knew she had no offensive attacks that would even faze this beast. It had a good few hundred pounds on her and most infected had limitless stamina to top it off. She shivered slightly trying to come up with a plan in the few seconds she had left. Just as she was about to turn tail it was on top of her. Squirming under its mighty paw she did the only thing she could, and let out a blinding Confuse Ray right in its face. Using its disorientation she quickly wriggled out from under the beast to take off down the tunnels, using a Quick Attack to gain more speed and, of course, to put as much distance between herself and that thing as she could.

    As she ran she passed over the mauled corpse of what looked like it used to be a vulpix. Though it stabbed at her heart to see a fellow fox so brutally ended she couldn't allow herself any time to mourn. And of course, as was her luck today, she was running right towards even more screaming. Stopping dead in her tracks she quickly glanced around for a spot to hide. THERE! she observed as she spotted a small alcove about 30 ft from the ground. Though she wasn't as confident as she used to be as a vulpix she was still nimble enough to jump a few rocks onto the small ledge. Burrowing herself as far back as she could Lalita wrapped her long tails around her as a security while she tried to calm her heart beat.

    Please...she thought, Let the wicked ones not find me...

    Last edited by PhoenixVelshaine on Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:02 pm

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    Ruins of Alph|Late Morning

    It was extremely quiet for Chelsea, but she liked having a bit of a lone time. The thirst and crave for blood was not as strong to her as to other infected, for the Gardevoir still strongly cared about grace, charm, beauty, poise, and impressions. She crept along the rocky ground, her black ball gown sweeping the ground silently. Killing was only fit for those that are more pretty, more precious than her. She will be the queen of this world, nothing will be loved more than her, that is her goal.

    The world is a cruel place for the Gardevoir. She has to be ranked with the filthy, normal infected. Her body was very much intact, and the only thing that was abnormal about her was the colours of her dress, skin and hair, not to mention the Gracidea. When Chelsea dined, she was careful of how she did so. She did not wolf it down, but instead use Magic Leaf as cutlery that sliced off the target's flesh cleanly and into her mouth. She is now looking for food, for she had not eaten in two days...

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:05 pm

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    Ruins of Alph | Dawn

    Paw after paw, jagged nail was digging into solid earth and kicking up a veil of dust and dirt behind the mighty beast. A mixture of tainted saliva and curdled scarlet was streaming from his tattered jaws as Reed closed in on the brilliant coated Ninetales. Each and every step he took was followed by a disgusting crackling of bone scraping against bone. His jaws were smacking against each other so powerfully it almost sounded like he still had the spine of his most recent victim splintering in his teeth. Just a few more moments! A few short moments and he'd have the tingling sensation of sweet crimson running over his bloated tongue and tinkling down his matted fur. He couldn't stand it, the time it took between him and his prey felt like it'd actually make his heart start beating again.

    Then all at once, he was upon the Ninetales. A bellowing roar rumbled from his throat. Turning into a spine tingling screech as he prepared himself to pounce and tear into the beautiful fur of the Fox Pokemon. His rotting muscles bulged as he lunged and went to take a swipe at the graceful creature. When a sudden fit of confusion overcame him. His unseeing sight suddenly saw double... then triple. What was left of his senses were all thrown off, and as his paws came crashing back to earth he flipped forward and tumbled to the ground with a sickening crack in his leg.

    His senses were going crazy. His blood shot eyes couldn't make out any sort of detail as everything went from tripled images to being nothing more than a blur. Sights and sounds, even his fading sense of smell had gone off. Taking in each and every scent, everything just seemed to blend together. Immediately the undead beast rose in a great state of confusion and rage. He slung his body around in such a fit, that as he slammed his bone exposed face into the nearest boulder. A large crack split the boulder down the middle. He slung his head back. Kicking his hind legs and slashing the earth trying to get at the Ninetales, however he was unable to lay a single hit on it. Still he continued to rampage. Releasing a flamethrower that burned and singed the surrounding vegetation till nothing but charred land was left.

    Reed slammed his head into the ground as though it would knock him out of the state of confusion. His rage and anger seemed to be growing, and he was growing more and more aggressive as he claws dug deep into the ground. With no grip on time, the Arcanine held no clue to how long his confusion may have lasted. The pain and injuries he caused himself went entirely unnoticed as his senses slowly begin to return and his sight began to focus. The normal blood shot sight slowly returned, and to his blood lust's disdain. The Ninetales had escaped. His jaws snapped as he snarled and growled, casting his gaze around as a quieter screech escaped his throat before nothing but growls began to rumble in his bony jaws.

    He'd find her. He'd find her and everything else within the Ruins and tear them to shreds! It had become his carnal instinct. The only desire he had left was to feed on the flesh of the living. Once more he went on the prowl. His muscles working as hard as they could just to keep him held together as he searched for his prey.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Abysswalker Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:06 am

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    Ruins of Alph/ Dawn

    "...C-Come on!"

    After those words, the Ledian took an Eevee and went into flight, Spirit outraged as he realized that Eevee was also living, and mere prey for him. The Flareon let out a furious roar and blasted a searing Flamethrower at the bug in flight, hoping to burn both of its wings off so Spirit could catch it and rip the stupid bug to shreds.....but for denying its inevitable death, Spirit was going to drag on the bugs agony when he got to eat it. The infected Flareon aimed another Flamethrower at the Ledian before racing underneath where it was flying, using Shadow Ball. Nothing escaped Spirit when he was ravenous for living flesh. The Ledian and Eevee would meet their end by his fangs, his fire, and his claws only. Spirit wouldn't allow another Infected to steal his prey.

    (Short post ><)

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:29 am

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    Ruins of Alph | Dawn

    Max quickly curled in his tail as a flamethrower shot beneath him.
    Flareon, why did it have to be a Flareon?! He groaned as a Shadow Ball blurred past him.

    He heard the abomination of an eeveelution behind them roar it's frustration. But it was gaining on them, they couldn't gain enough speed with the insect carrying him.
    Go,I got this bitch! he yelled, slipping from the other pokemon's grip and landing on the ground with his teeth bared. The bug stopped, refusing to leave him.
    Oh we are so boned! thought Max as the Flareon came to a stop a few feet in front of them.

    Suddenly the morning sun crested the horizon, sending beams of light through the ruins. This could only work in his and his new companions favour as the infected were weaker during the day.

    But as the first ray hit Max's body, every molecule in the eevee body burst with light. It felt like he was on fire and frozen at the same time. He felt the metal on his stomach burn. He felt his body and his mind expand, suddenly he could feel his the insect behind him as a pulsing ball of light as well as his enemy as a void of hatred and hunger.

    The light from his body grew brighter and brighter until suddenly, Max blacked out.

    (Ooc: iiiiiiiiiit's Evolution time!)

    Last edited by Latias on Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Image and location not centered)

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:00 am

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    Ruins of Alph|Dawn

    The female insect managed to just barely avoid the Flamethrower, her flashback of the Typhlosion that gave her her burnt wing coming to her.
    Go, I got this bitch!
    The oddly colored Eevee yelled as he slipped from her grasp. She panicked.
    I-I'm not just gonna leave you!
    Dawn came. Light beamed against the Eevee, and his entire figure was covered in light.
    W-What's happening...?! ...You're evolving!

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:21 am

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    Ruins of Alph/Just After Dawn

    From her perch above the floor of the ruins Lalita watched as two creature flew past her. One she recognized as an Eevee, probably a shiny by its shimmering coat, for they were very popular among the upper class children, and also some strange bug she had never seen before. They hurried past, not even sparing her a glance. She realized why though, for as they went by so did a rather large flamethrower. The pair barely avoided it and it was close enough even she could feel the heat from its fire, followed by a Shadow Ball that narrowly missed her ledge. Nervously glancing down she saw a decrepit Flareon charging after them. Could they be uninfected, like her? She hadn't seen any in days and was beginning to wonder if there even were others.

    "Go, I got this bitch!" The Eevee cried. Lalita thought him either brave or stupid for wanting to challenge one of its eevolutions for his friend. She saw the bug panic as he threw himself from its grasp, but the bug didn't keep running. "I-I'm not just gonna leave you!" the insect cried. She sounded so sincere, so concerned that Lalita felt her heart tug. This creature's empathy reminded her so much of Little Miss...

    She watched as the Eevee challenged the Flareon, the decaying creature stopping just before the attack, as though trying to decide who to kill first. When the sun poured through the Ruins and tunnels Lalita saw a brilliant light emanating from the shiny below. He was evolving?! Without a Master? Without a Trainer? She tried to remember during all of her visits with her Little Miss' classmates and their pokemon. What kind of Eevolution was born from light? She just couldn't remember. But whatever it was, she hoped that it would be strong enough to defeat the infected. Because, she was certain, it couldn't be much longer before that great beast that nearly had her would catch up.

    Last edited by PhoenixVelshaine on Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:24 am

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    Ruins of Alph| Dawn-Morning

    Chelsea heard chaos among the ruins, her questioning red eyes darted around her. The undead will attack ones that are also undead, and she didn't want to be around them, but it seems like they're rather craving for the flesh of live ones... Her eyes glowed with a malicious light as she hovered around before teleporting, looking for what she might savage. Corpses littered the floor, and she did her best to pick the remaining meat off with delicate Magic Leaf attacks that delivered the food to her mouth. The scent of the blood was strong in her tongue, she looked aroud.

    The Gardevoir spotted something shining, something radiating a glow... Perhaps an evolution going on, she can kill it when it's guard is still off... But something above the glowing figure troubled her. A beautiful Ninetales, silver and blue. Chelsea narrowed her eyes competitively. "Only I hold the beauty that must be known to the world... And I will not allow any creature to surpass myself." she was vain, that she was, and vain enough to get rid of anything that is prettier. She teleported again, onto a ledge that was not far from the Ninetales, it's shining coat was exposing itself very nicely...

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:36 pm

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    Ruins of Alph | Dawn

    It took Reed quite some until he managed to pick up the scent of his escaped victim. His nose had long since been crushed by his recklessness, and many of the sensory glands inside had decayed away. Still, he somehow managed to stumbled around a corner. His bony nostrils taking in a mixture of iron, and the sweet smell of fresh blood. He had only briefly took in the scent of the Ninetales, however it had been enough for him to faintly recognize that the path he was now following definitely belonged to the Fox Pokemon. He rarely gave up on a particular kill. The only times he did was if something else crossed his path, then his memory had something else to focus on and that was destroying the new meat. His brain could only hold so much important information. Which was why basic instincts of feeding and battling, and of course, hunting remained. His memory could just faintly remember one scent at a time.

    His body trudged on down one of the many paths inside the Ruins. At one point he stuck his head into a dark building. His nostrils flared, and out flew flames that lit of the room. His unseeing eyes saw nothing, and after a growl from deep in his throat he retracted his hand and continued in search of his prey. There was a number of other scents his snout caught. All of which redirected him into different paths thanks to a short attention span he had gained through turning. As determined as he was to find a new kill, it was still fairly difficult for him to stay focus on a single victim. His lust for blood was unending, and though he may not be able to think his fangs into that lovely silver pelt of the Ninetales. He'd find himself something else to indulge on.

    ( ooc; Rushed and short post from me, sorry bout that but I gotta leave for a party! Dx)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Abysswalker Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:24 pm

    ((OoC: Skip my turn; Spirit's going to be killed by Max.))

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:22 pm

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    Ruins of Alph | Dawn

    Max slowly rose as both the light and pain receded to a dull throbbing. Looking up at the Flareon, he realized that only a minute or two had passed. Curious how everything seemed slightly smaller. Suddenly the realization of what had happened hit the shiny like an angry Rhydon. Bloody hell! I evolved! He thought as adrenaline and power rushed through his body.

    Oh HELL YES!The Sun pokemon yelled. Focusing on the power he could feel growing inside him, Max concentrated on the abomination before him. With a burst of dark green light the Flareon was suddenly pummeled with a Psychic that lifted it clear off it's feet and sent it flying into tree behind it with an earsplitting crash! But Max wasn't done yet. With a shout he charged the rising Flareon, Blue energy crackling around his skull and with another crash, He impacted with a bone-shattering Zen Headbutt.

    Shaking himself off Max turned to walk away from the obviously defeated pokemon.But from behind him, he heard a soft,wheezing growl as the infected struggled to it's feet again, despite it now completely destroyed left side. The gem adorning Max's forehead began to glow and pulse as rage shot through him.

    With a shout, psychic energy surrounded the Flareon as the enraged Espeon lifted him bodily into the air.
    He screamed as he began to telekineticly smash the living corpse into the surrounding trees. YOU!Smash!BASTARDS!Smash!NEVER!Smash!LEARN!And with an ungodly scream and a spray of blood the now thoroughly pummeled Flareon was torn clean in half.

    Max released the body and jumped back less the blood ruin his new emerald green fur. With a sad shake of his head the Sun pokemon turned walked back towards where the insect stared in awe and horror. Flareon, why'd it have to be a bloody Flareon?

    Last edited by Latias on Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Image and location not centered)

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:21 pm

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    Ruins of Alph|Dawn

    Lia was very shocked, and happy that the new beautifully colored Espeon has managed to kill the frightening undead Flareon. She breathed heavily.
    She was safe. The Espeon was safe. They were both safe. For now.
    Lia stared at the dead Flareon. It was really dead. She wasn't dreaming. It was dead.
    She looked at the Espeon and slowly began to smile. You...you saved me...thank you...m-my name is Lia... She whispered to the Pokemon that saved her. Who are you?

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:58 pm

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    Ruins of Alph|Dawn

    Lalita was thrilled. He was brilliant! The fox pokemon had watched quietly as the new eevolution's powers were strong enough to vanquish such a strong opponent. Such a fierce battle awakened a yearning in her to be able to perform that way, if only she could get this body to work like it was supposed to. Maybe, if she was lucky, she could get down there and tag along with the Espeon and insect-thing and she might have a chance of getting out of this place.

    Still observing the two she noticed them talking. So, the bugs name was Lia, she liked it. She was so excited by the idea of possible allies that she almost didn't notice the air glimmer off to her right, only her keen senses and general skittishness made her aware. She stiffened slightly and chanced a look.

    Tina? she thought. There, on a nearby ledge, was a Gardevoir much like Little Miss' mother used to have around the house. But no, it couldn't be. This creature was black as night. Oh no! It must be another infected! Lalita jumped up in surprise, but unfortunately this caused her to loose her footing on the ledge and she went tumbling down, landing right on top of the poor green eevolution. Carefully standing up, Lalita flushed in embarrassment. Of course the first thing this pair would notice is that she is a klutz. As she opened her mouth to apologize she saw the Gardevoir readying an attack, so rather than an apology all that came out was a quick "Look out!" before she shoved the two out of the way.

    She couldn't understand it, why did everything seem to be targeting her down here. First the behemoth now this crazy ballerina, what next? She cringed. Uh oh, she had forgotten about the massive hulk of a pokemon that had attacked her earlier. Turing quickly to the green one and the bug she pointed a paw at the Gardevior and whispered urgently, "Listen, she isn't the only other. I ran from an even bigger monster earlier. I don't know if it followed me but we should still get out of here!"

    Last edited by PhoenixVelshaine on Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ALPH Team Empty Re: The ALPH Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:27 am

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    Ruins of Alph|Morning

    Chelsea narrowed her ruby eyes even further as the bright silver fox jumped-or rather tumbled-down from the ledge she was. Then, it gained allies. A flying insect and a bright green Espeon... Another that was exceeding her gorgeousness, her beauty. Jealousy boiled in her stomach. "I am the prettiest, I am the only queen here..." she longed for attention, and didn't want these two stealing her spotlight. The Gardevoir would have to kill them and eat them...

    Glancing at what she now identified as a Ledian, Gardevoir raised a slender purple arm. Psychic waves radiated from her palm and towards the creature in an attempt to lure it into sleep. Hypnosis was a move that Chelsea liked, making death for her opponents all the more peaceful... Not caring the results of whether her move has been successful or not, she played with the folds of her dress, trying to smooth out the dried up specks of blood that ruined it. "Blood..." she droned, "You... You don't deserve to live..." she pointed at the Ninetales and Espeon in turn. "You can't... I'll show make you perish..." she clashed her jaws together, preparing to attack.

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