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7 posters

    The SUNYSHORE Team


    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:16 pm

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    Sunnyshore City [Coast] | Evening [6]

    "... I will stop attacking if you tell that Finneon to learn his place. Could I maybe... apologize? I am sorry for attacking...." The Vaporeon apologized, to be honest, Lucy thought she could be smiling, but she pushed the thought away, nodding her head, "It'S fInE." the Gorebyss continued to nod her head, standing back from the Vaporeon, giving her space, and swam back to the Finneon.

    That was when a new scent overwhelmed her, "Don't trust her." The Gorebyss gave a silent hiss, let Lucy be the judge of that, she won't judge people that quickly. The Water Type took in the new scent, and introduced herself, as she considered everyone around her was on good terms, "LaMiAlUcE. cAlL mE lUcY tHoUgH. yOu?" She nodded her head.
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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:44 pm

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    | Sunnyshore City // Evening |

    "It'S fInE."

    Krenari's face suddenly went from evil looking to sincere. She loosened up the smile on her face to a calm look. She looked around and saw the visitor. But then she heard it mutter something to lead Lucy onto thinking she was bad. She meant no trouble, really. She just wanted to teach that Finneon a lesson.... She narrowed her eyebrows at the ones who accused her. "I can be trusted."

    "LaMiAlUcE. cAlL mE lUcY tHoUgH. yOu?"

    "Nice to meet you, Lucy. I am Krenari. But if it's easier for you, call me Pride." she smirked in an friendly way as she swam closer, but then loosened her smile as she saw the other; the Kabuto. "Ah. And who are you?" Krenari was yet to judge this pokemon; it depended if it was brave enough to fight her or not if she pursued it. She decided to not anger Lucy any more than she was; her shoulder blades felt loose enough. She sat on a rock around everyone. She waited for the Kabutops' name....


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:18 pm

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    Sunnyshore | Evening

    Lucy. Aegis thought.Fin, Lucy, and... Pride? He didn't like the sound of that. Facing none of the three in particular, he told them his name. "The name that was given to me upon my birth is irrelevent. The name that was given to me at rebirth, which you may use, is Aegis." He softened his tone. "My name is Aegis." He clicked his pincers together, staring at Lucy with his one top eye, and Pride with the bottom two. Now that he got a good look at the Gorebyss, he wasn't sure if she could be trusted either. Her eyes were completely gone, black voids in their place, but he had a feeling if they were there, they would be glowing red. The Finneon however, seemed harmless enough. It was obviously alive, and was too young to do any serious damage.

    The tension began to build as Aegis floated. He allowed himself to float closer to the Finneon. If a fight broke out, he could at least help protect it, even if he was not too much bigger. "What was going on before I arrived?" He clicked. The answer was obvious, they were fighting, but Aegis needed to keep the other two talking and distracted for the moment, so he could weigh his options again. He knew these living-corpses could be dangerous, and he hoped it didn't come to a fight, but he was preparing himself for if it did.

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:36 pm

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    Sunnyshore [Coast] | Evening [7]
    Lucy nodded her head, now knowing her new found friends' names. She felt excitement thump in her non-existent heart, wanting to pull all of her friends and hug them, but decided it was best to figure out what to do now that this crazy drama was overwith, but since Aegis asked, the Gorebyss answered with honesty, "FiGhT. PrIdE wAs PiSsEd. BuT wE mAdE uP~" She wagged her tail madly like a dog, she was glad that Pride was her friend now, despite the name calling and cat fight earlier.

    She glanced over the back of her, remembering that the 'League' was that way. She should go there sometime, and maybe with her friends agree, "WaNnA gO tHeRe?" She points toward the direction of the Pokemon League, she wants to meet Arceus.
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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:06 pm

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    | Sunyshore City // Evening |

    "The name that was given to me upon my birth is irrelevant. The name that was given to me at rebirth, which you may use, is Aegis. ... My name is Aegis."

    "Pleased to meet you." Krenari said politely. She had no intention of letting the others onto her plans. She sat calmly and watched as Fin played around with Aegis.

    "I have never seen you before!"

    "What was going on before I arrived?"

    "FiGhT. PrIdE wAs PiSsEd. BuT wE mAdE uP~"

    Krenari mentally snorted. "You have no idea...." As if to vocalize this, she slightly, almost subtly narrowed her eyes at the Finneon to her side. Suddenly Krenari was taken aback by what Lucy asked them to do.

    "WaNnA gO tHeRe?"

    "Go where?"

    "It doesn't matter where she's going...." Krenari mentally growled, "We're kind of at sea. We can go wherever and whenever as we please." Krenari kept her composure though as she looked at all of them.

    "Yes. Let us go from here. I'm slightly sick of the smell of rancid meat here."

    It was true; the kills Krenari had made had began to stink up the water in her cave. Besides; she had new friends! Well... Aegis and Lucy, at least. She still had a bit of resentment for Fin. "I don't care if he's a child; he insulted me. Someone who insults from afar will never be strong."


    (OoC: I give Ciana full permission to have Fin beat the shittola out of Krenari if and when he evolves. |3 I'm getting tired of her being mean to children. >;U SHE NEEDS TO LEARN RESPECT. >8U)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:38 pm

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    Sunyshore City | Evening (4)

    Aegis allowed the smaller fish to hide behind him, shifting his shell slightly. He felt proud to be admired so quickly by someone so young. Slowly, he followed the gaze of the other pokemon with his one good top eye. He didn't move his other two from the Vaporeon though. He thought for a moment, while the others spoke. From what he could remember of the maps the humans showed him, the old Pokemon League of Sinnoh was in that direction. He remembered stories the scientists told of the area. That was how he learned the name, of course. He couldn't read human language. Trainers used to send their pokemon there to battle. How barbaric.

    There was something else though, that bothered him, however. "Victory road." He began. That was where trainers took the trials to prove they were worthy to fight in the league. "Not to mention, there's supposed to be a waterfall before the League. Can we all make it?" He supposed it was worth a try. There would probably be ways to climb up around it. However, he didn't like the thought of being in a cave with the Vaporeon. Not to mention the other significant problem... "Lucy and Fin are rather confined to the water. We could still try, I suppose, if you wish it. Not that they would get too far. Curiously, he thought of the prospect of carrying the Finneon in his shell. No.. Too cramped...

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:12 pm

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    Sunyshore | Evening [8]

    "Go where?" Fin asked innocently, Lucy gave a huge grin, "MeEt ArCeUs." Aegis, however, told a huge con to Lucy's plan, "Victory road. Not to mention, there's supposed to be a waterfall before the League. Can we all make it?"

    The Gorebyss gave a little giggle, "I dUnNo, BuT iT's WoRtH a TrY."

    Krenari agreed, "Yes. Let us go from here. I'm slightly sick of the smell of rancid meat here." Lucy wondered what the Vaporeon meant by that, but she didn't ask, finding it a bit rude to get into one's privacy, especially since it's her new friend.

    The Pink Pokemon swung her tail, swimming towards the League, to be honest, she was a bit hungry, but she'll eat something Vegetarian, Lucy doesn't want to drive away the friends that didn't like meat.
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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:18 pm

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    | Sunyshore City // Evening |

    Krenari acknowledged all of their answers without response. She wasn't feeling too social at the moment. She proceeded to swim off the rock and after the rest of them as they headed to Victory Road. She silently swam, her tail swishing side to side and swam akin to a crocodile (except she paddled with her front feet to make herself look at least less funny.) She didn't bother to look at the Finneon, which she had no idea was looking at her. She heard his incessant talking though. But it was only scrabble as she was lost inside her own thoughts. She kept her eyes almost glued at the path ahead of them, swimming to the left of Lucy, but a little farther back. She felt... tired.... Her shoulder blades were quite visible as she paddled along, and her rib cage almost nothing but visible bone. She felt... dead, to say the least. She had little idea that is soon what she would be; she only knew of the now. And the now was to enjoy. She then popped out of her mind to look at the coral and rocks that surrounded them, and a colorful under water wonderland akin to that of the air-breathers flowers. She looked around at the beauty of all that was there, making her happy smile be viewable by everyone there who was paying attention. "How pretty these would be to make accessories out of~"


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:57 pm

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    Sunyshore City | Evening (5)

    "Dinosaur pokemon?" Aegis thought for a bit. He hadn't dwelled on his past life in a very long time. In truth, he couldn't remember too much. "Yes, I saw some of them. I can remember lots of Aerodactyl. As for surviving this long... The truth is, I didn't. His pincers clicked as he continued. I died quite a long time ago. The only reason I'm here now is because I was revived by some scientists. His voice gave little emotion on the subject, but the way he clicked franticly showed it was an uncomfortable topic for him. He was carful to leave his voice low enough so that only the Finneon could hear. He didn't want the others know he had felt death. Similar to the Vaporeon, I suspect. He thought to himself. He wondered why the others moved so slowly, and continued to lose himself in thought while he waited for another barrage of questions from Fin. Arceus... I don't remember any myths about Arceus at the Pokemon League... We're heading in the opposite direction. Arceus is said to rest atop the Spear Pillar. He didn't voice any more of his notions, however. He didn't want to upset Lucy, or to give Pride a chance to attack. He was wary of her, very wary.

    ((OOC: Sorry for short post. >.<))

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:48 pm

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    Sunyshore | Evening [9]

    Lucy continued to swim toward the Pokemon League, unaware that her teammates were slowing down, Krenari being distracted by fascinating colorful underwater akin. The Gorebyss came to a stop as she realized she couldn't hear the talking of Aegis and Fin. She whirled around, hearing for them, smelling for them.

    She went too far ahead.

    Lucy panicked, 'Where are they?' The Gorebyss tried to listen for them, but couldn't hear a thing. Next thing she knew, she heard water swooshing, as if something was swimming toward her, "GuYs?"

    She never realized the huge undead Gyardos that was right in front of her, wanting to eat the poor Gorebyss.
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    Age : 27
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:59 pm

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    Sunyshore Coast | Evening (6)

    Aegis was thinking. About what, he could never remember, but he was thinking. Always thinking. Before long, Fin's shouts dragged him away from his thoughts, as he realized that they were alone with Pride. Fear gripped him, until he realized that if Lucy wasn't with them, she was somewhere else. Obviously, Fin had found her first. In front of her was a very large Gyarados. Its eyes were glowing red, and it's body was rotting around it, with purple splashes all across its skin. This was the kind of living corpse he had seen before, similar to what Pride reminded him of. And Lucy too... But no where near as much... He thought briskly to himself.

    Fin was nearing the Gyarados alone, while Aegis floated in the same spot. That wouldn't do... Aegis thought quickly, more quickly than he would have liked to. Energy filled him as his red eyes flashed for an instant. Clouds began to gather over-head, much more quickly than would normally occur. The gem inbedded into Aegis's eye socket began to glow with a soft, pulsating blue, as rain fell from the sky. Aegis could feel his limbs move quicker as he judged the distance to the Gyarados. With Swift Swim, his Aqua Jet made him nearly invisible as he sped ahead of Fin and attacked the Gyarados.

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:19 pm

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    Sunyshore Coast | Late Evening [10]

    "LUCY! Behind you!!" the familiar voice called out, Lucy whirled around, catching a drift of the scent, 'Is ThAt YoU mY lOvE?' she thought to herself, feeling hope rise in her.
    'nO' a voice inside of her called out, it was Fin. Fin was not her love, but a friend, a new friend that actually tolerated her for a while, and didn't backstab the Gorebyss, instead, he warned her.

    She caught herself on time as she snapped back into reality, dodging the Gyardos's tail that was whirling around, as if it didn't really have a sense of direction.
    Lucy flew over to Fin, where his scent was strongest, "tHaNkS FiN" she panted, it was quite scary, especially since these situations don't happen to her often.

    Lucy did a quick Agility, just in case the Gyrados were to hit her.
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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:05 pm

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    | Sunyshore // Late Evening |

    Krenari had been so distracted by the scenery that she lost everyone as they sped forward. Krenari then snapped back to reality and saw nothing but murky water. She huffed, and swam a bit forward. That's when she saw the Gyarados. "Oh boy. This is gonna be bad...." she suddenly melted into the water with goopey, poisonous purple blob, then returned to her normal form, letting Acid Armor take effect. She then sped towards the Gyarados, and watched as Fin used what she assumed to be Whirlpool. That's when she took a chance for the attack. She screeched as she released a Aurora Beam directly for the serpent pokemon.


    (OoC: Short crappy post is short and crappy |D)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:14 pm

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    Sunyshore Coast | Late Evening (7)

    Aegis laughed as he zoomed around the Gyarados. It wasn't fast enough to catch him. The rain above him grew stronger, and his gem began to glow even stronger, almost blinding his other eye. Fin must of used Rain Dance himself. Aegis felt exhilerated, and was surprised when, not noticing Fin's attack, was caught up in a whirlpool. It was strange though, and spun upward, instead of down. Aegis was quickly launched above the surface of the water, into the air, and arched over the water. He landed with a splash back into the water, sinking back to the original depth. He had landed right next to Fin and Lucy. His eyes spun as his dizzyness cleared, and he saw that the Gyarados hadn't moved towards them yet.

    "Good aim." Aegis said simply, allowing his head to clear. "Where's Pride?" Pride herself answered his question, as she screeched and attacked the Gyarados. Aegis shook his body, trying to clear his head faster. He didn't want the Vaporeon to have all the fun.

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:45 pm

    [Ooc: Skip me. Nothing to say much... Interact with Lucy or have the Gyrados aimed at her maybe]
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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:53 pm

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    | Sunyshore City // Late Evening |

    Krenari growled fiercely as she hit the Gyarados, and flew by the other two pokemon as she sped over to the knocked back Gyarados and bit into it with her teeth before she slammed it with another Aurora Beam straight onto it's skin from her bite. The Gyarados roared in pain; being directly frozen on the neck. Krenari snarled again, throwing up a huge wave of water around herself, creating a ring of water. Then, she sped again, ramming into the Gyarados with tremendous power, then hit it with a Muddy Water attack. She panted, watching it being blown away, then looked up to the others as if to say "C'mon and help me".


    (OoC: She didn't actually say that quote, by the way. Sorry for the short post. :C)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:58 pm

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    Sunyshore City | Late Evening (8)

    Aegis's body still twitched with the speed that the storm overhead gave him. Through the blue haze of the Damp Rock implanted in his eye-socket, he watched Pride fight the Gyarados. Before long, however, the Vaporeon knocked the Gyarados a small distance away. Time for Aegis to jump in again. Turning to Lucy, he talked quickly. "If you want to fight, follow the sound of my body. I'll make it click more frequently so you can hear me. Once we're close enough to the Gyarados, you should be able to smell it. Turning to Fin, he dropped his voice lower. "I trust your judgement. Do what you need to do." Clicking his pincers against each other delibrately, he sped off towards Pride with another Aqua Jet.

    The Gyarados had returned by the time he arrived, however. Before Aegis, even with his enhanced speed, could react, the Gyarados smashed his shell with its tail, sending him deeper into the water. He could feel small scratch being left on the outside of his shell, sending the Kabuto into a rage. Maneuvering himself with Aqua Jets, he positioned himself behind the Gyarados. Latching onto the back of it's head, he stuck his pincers into its side, using his Absorb to heal himself. He was not there for long, however, before the monster managed to throw him off. It didn't matter to him, however, he had healed his shell. And the Gyarados threw him the opposited direction of Pride. It now had two enemies on two sides. Quite the ideal situation.

    ((OOC: I don't know what the rules are for controlling an NPC, so I tried not to do too much. :x))

    The SUNYSHORE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:42 pm

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    Sunyshore | Late Evening [11]

    Lucy felt her mind being a blur, not remembering much of anything. All she could think of was hunger, but that faded away the moment Aegis perked up, talking fairly quickly, "If you want to fight, follow the sound of my body. I'll make it click more frequently so you can hear me. Once we're close enough to the Gyarados, you should be able to smell it." Nodding, she followed the constant clicking noise Aegis had continued to make.

    The Gorebyss sniffed the water, smelling the reek of blood that was spilling out of the Gyardos's mouth. She couldn't make out what was going on, but she heard a bunch of Aqua Jets taking place, specifically next to her. She took it as Aegis making his move.
    As Aegis was attack, she put an Aqua Ring around her, readying a Hydro Pump. She tried her best to motion er friends to keep attack the Gyrados, and leave it to Lucy to finish him off.
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