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    The SUNYSHORE Team


    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:38 pm

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    Sunnyshore City [Coast] | Evening [1]

    The place where Lamialuce was... It was calm, quiet, a bit chilly out. She poked her head out of the water, she couldn't see, but she smelled the many scents twirling in the air, some sweet, some bitter, mostly blood has been up her nose, but she didn't mind. She was looking for her love. The young undead Gorebyss felt the slight breeze pushing against her wet skin. It felt cold. Just like how she feels in her world. Then again, everything felt cold. Nothing was right after everything fell apart. Her happiness, her world. Lamialuce - Lucy in short - felt like everything seemed wrong. Lucy wanted a spark of hope to light in her, but no, everyone she met, they all reminded her of her mate.

    In the distance, a splash was heard, Lucy perked up, "Is ThAt YoU mY lOvE?" She quickly dived underwater, swimming towards the source of the splash, the smell, it was the same nostalgic scent as her mate's! She smiled devilishly, wrapping around her mate protectively, "YoU cAmE fOr Me!" The alive Floatzel she was wrapping around gave a growl, "Get off of me!" Lucy stopped, wrapping tighter, "DoN't LeAvE mE aGaIn!" The sane Floatzel gasped, though he was a water type, he needed to breath to get the oxygen in the water, after moments, what seemed like hours, passed, Lamialuce released her prey, sobbing, 'You're not him...' She thought sadly.

    The Gorebyss swam toward the rocks off to the edge, ramming into it, 'Where are you? Why did you leave!' she sobbed, her head all bloodied up, even though she was undead, blood still seemed to be in her. The rock had a couple of cracks, but Lucy didn't care, she needed her mate. It was her mate's fault that he left her, it wasn't the humans that took his life, it was him, himself. The Pink Snake-like Pokemon poked her head out of the water, giving a sickening wail, "WhY dId ThIs HaPpEn?"

    Last edited by SkyRocket on Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:44 pm

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    | Sunnyshore City // Evening |

    Krenari smelled the water. She rested inside of her cave; nestled in the underwater cliffs of Sunnyshore. She closed her glowing red eyes, and tried to focus on what she could improve on herself....
    "I should lose some more weight. Honestly, I'm kind of fat." She opened her eye to see her paw; her bones obviously visible, even only skin.
    "Ugh. Ugly." she sneered in her mind.

    "Is ThAt YoU, mY lOvE?"

    Well. That's interesting. Krenari suddenly turned to water, disguising herself in her cave.

    "YoU cAmE fOr Me! ... DoN't LeAvE mE aGaIn!"

    Very interesting indeed.... Suddenly, she felt her home being shook by something hitting it. "What in Arceus's name!?" Krenari snuck out of her cavern, still as water, and looked to the grieving Gorebyss as it swam to the surface. Even if she was underwater, she could still hear the keen of the water snake.

    "WhY dId ThIs HaPpEn?"

    "Well. If it's so miserable, I should put it out of it's misery." Krenari would have sadistically smiled if she was visible. She suddenly flew towards the Gorebyss that was still half emerged, ready to tear it to shreds. She didn't even notice the Finneon to the side of her, who had called out.


    (OoC: She's out for the kill, but I won't let her. XD)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:15 pm

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    Sunnyshore City [Coast] | Evening [2]

    "Is someone there?" Someone called out from the distance, Lamialuce froze, whirling around, "Is ThAt YoU mY lOvE?" Her voice more distorted and hoarse, she was on the verge of giving up, all hope, perhaps maybe give up looking. The pink snake dived underwater, going towards the source, unaware that she passed by an undead Vaporeon ready to kill her. The Gorebyss prayed and prayed that it was him, finally her mate. To smell him, to feel him, to EAT HIM. She shook her head, no they shall live a normal life, they will raise a family just as planned, they will watch their children grow and raise a family of their own, they will do everything as they planned. Just as they planned, just as they planned...

    Lucy finally arrived to the source, whirling around, feeling the pressure of the water against her skin, "WhY dId ThIs HaPpEn?" she said more desperately, and more as a whisper. Memories started to form in her mind, how her mate was killed, how he cheated on her, how their childhood love began, how they met... She felt so lost, whirling around searching for any familiar smell or voice.

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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:22 am

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    | Sunnyshore City // Evening |

    She sped right by it. "Damn it!" Krenari growled mentally, seeing the Gorebyss speed from her clutches. Only then she noticed it was going after a small Finneon below it.

    "WhY dId ThIs HaPpEn?"

    Krenari turned invisible again, just to see the reactions of the pokemon below her. She loved the see a good chase between pokemon. The race of life and death. She swam invisibly behind the Gorebyss, ready to put her out of her searching misery if she got the appropriate chance.
    "A creature like that is not a proud thing at all. What's the point of life when there's no pride?"


    (OoC: Short post is short. ;0;)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:52 pm

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    Sunnyshore City [Coast] | Evening [3]

    Lamialuce suddenly caught a scent... Two scents, they differed from each other, and they were different than the scent of her mate that she was looking for... But the scents reminded her of her friends, family, her clan, "FrIeNd?" She whispered, coming closer to the scent, it smelled like a Fineon, like Bellatrix. The Gorebyss sniffed the fish again, "FrIeNd?"

    The Other scent was in the other direction, it was faint, but it also had the smell of death. The Pink Water Snake shoved the thought away, she shall continue to look for her mate, but first she shall greet her new 'Friend'. Possibly eat the fellow later... No, she won't do that, she'll try to eat something else, not her friends.

    [Ooc: Sorry for short post, Writer's block is coming onto me OTL]

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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:00 pm

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    | Sunnyshore City // Evening |


    Krenari watched the Gorebyss approach the Finneon, seeing the Finneon panic.


    The Gorebyss sniffed the other fish pokemon, and it squeaked.
    "Go on and attack the little thing.... Rip it to shreds...." Krenari cackled in her mind. She wasn't too fond of speaking unless she had to. She was excited to see how this would play out. She stayed her distance, watching with relish. She liked a good kill, but liked watching them even more. Since she turned into this monster she was, she always had. She grinned in joy as she brought up memories of smashing those pretty little faces of pretty little pokemon into that acidic water, burning their little eyes and throats out. The sheer thought of having a pokemon prettier than her being burned to death by her own paws was enough to make her laugh for hours. She continued to watch the Gorebyss and Finneon, and suddenly realized something....
    "Those two damned pokemon are prettier than me...." her pupils would have shrunk if she had been visible.
    "Prettier.... Prettier than Pride...." she couldn't restrain herself from suddenly hissing, then charging as fast as she possibly could swim at the Gorebyss and Finneon, turning visible, and horribly screeched as she swam deeper into the water.



    (OoC: Oh shizz here she comes again. |D And this time, she set on DEFINITE KILL MODE. :| But once again, I won't let her hurt you cuties~ <3)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:12 pm

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    Sunnyshore City [Coast] | Evening [4]

    "Uhhm, y-yeah," The voice was awkward, a bit shaken, "I-I'll be your f-friend..." The Gorebyss wondered why the voice was all shaken up, perhaps she looked different than usual? She was more hungry now that food was more scarce, she even starved herself after her mate's death, Lamialuce nodded happily, nonetheless, before she could wrap her tail around her new 'friend', another voice, more angrier, came, "PRETTIER THAN PRIDE?!" It was feminine, obviously angry about physical appearance. Lucy growled, moving out of the way, how would she know how she looked like? SHE WAS BORN BLIND. The reminder of her being blind, shooken her, rage, frustration, depression, LONELINESS, flooded her.

    The Gorebyss wrapped her tail around the Vaporeon's neck, finally realizing the scent belonged to one, but that didn't matter. She was furious! "I cAn'T sEe! ShUt Up!" Although she couldn't form complete sentences, making her look blunt, but her basic idea of passing on the message; show the bitch that physical appearance shouldn't matter! Especially since SHE WAS BLIND, and HAS BEEN for HER WHOLE LIFE.

    [Permission to grab the Vaporeon was granted xP And again, short post fff]

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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:15 pm

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    | Sunnyshore City // Evening |

    It all happened so suddenly. Krenari thought she would be able to dig her teeth into that pretty face, but then a long, pink tail wrapped around her neck, and tightly coiled itself. The Gorebyss had brought her face closer to Krenari's.

    "I cAn'T sEe! ShUt Up!"

    "Well, it's obvious you can't see, dear--" Krenari was suddenly spat at with a small Water Gun. She suddenly lost all attention on the Gorebyss, and turned to the damned little Finneon who spat water at her, very furious looking. Her eyes must have been glowing red with furious rage. She suddenly released a hiss, and a screech that sounded like she had been in an angry cat fight. She then turned to water, slipped out of the Gorebyss' grasp, then suddenly reappeared and threw an Ice Beam at the Gorebyss to knock it completely out of the way. Then, her furious expression suddenly flicked over to the Finneon; the look in her eyes signaled she was ready to KILL.


    (OoC: Scarring Finneons for life. |3 lol XD I won't get her hurt your Finneon <3 I GIVE SKY PERMISSION TO HAVE LUCY ATTACK HER BACK :U)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 30
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:46 pm

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    (OoC if its too soon or don't work I'm soooo sorry)

    [Sunyshore City/ Evening]

    Man... What a day... Managed to avoid a run in with Tentacruel... Seems Sinnoh's losin' it's touch... I'm just gonna take a dip and clear my head... Well what's happening over there? That's an infected! I can't let that poor little guy get hurt! Here I go I guess!

    (OoC like that?)

    Last edited by Baloo on Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 37
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Suicune Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:06 pm

    Baloo, you need to use your profile image, along with making a longer post. Follow the others' examples.
    Please change this asap.


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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:25 pm

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    Sunnyshore City | Evening (1)

    Scuttling... Swimming... Scuttling... swimming some more... It was getting tedious. Aegis craved interaction with others. Fear still gripped him, however. He had narrowly escaped fights already, and he knew some of what this new world was like. He didn't like it. It didn't make sense, this mindless violence. Some of the pokemon he had seen along the way had been even more violent, however. He had watched as they ripped each other to pieces. Luckily none of them had caught him yet. He realized he couldn't forget the look of those more violent pokemon, though. They looked like corpses. Living corpses. Almost like him.

    He was somewhere around Sunnyshore now, by his estimation. Where exactly he was, however, he had no idea. The water was cold, but not the coldest he'd swam in since leaving Oreburgh. Suddenly, Aegis stopped swimming. He could hear voices. He couldn't make out any individual voices, but they sounded... twisted... Strange. Before he could move, one yelled above the others. He caught part of the phrase...


    That was odd. He didn't like where this was going. He twisted his head in thought, and ended up capsizing himself. Flipping himself back over, he swam slightly closer to the voices, without getting too near. Just within earshot.

    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:32 pm

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    Sunnyshore City [Coast] | Evening [5]

    Lamialuce didn't know what was going on, was the Finneon really attacking the Vaporeon as well? She snarled in anger, she won't let that Vaporeon attack her newly found friend! Lucy immediately rammed into the Eeveelution, pushing her against a boulder, BITCH slapping her hard with her tail, "BiTcH! sTaY aWaY fRoM mY fRiEnDs!"

    Lucy treasured her friends, she loved them all, even though she never saw them, and mostly hear their voices and smell their scents, she loved them all. But did they love her back? Maybe. Or perhaps they were with her out of sympathy for the poor blind Clampearl/Gorebyss. Her love was never fake, but their love might be.

    [Had permission to attack the Vaporeon lol]

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    Age : 28
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:26 pm

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    | Sunnyshore City // Evening |

    She was suddenly thrown against a rock with extreme force.

    "BiTcH! sTaY aWaY fRoM mY fRiEnDs!"

    Krenari was suddenly blinded as the Finneon used Flash. She tried to get over the shock of being thrown against the boulder, but then she then felt a harsh slap to her face from the opposing pokemon. Krenari panted as her vision returned, and she saw the other pokemon in front of her. She started to smile mid-pant.
    "Well, can't you talk bad?" she said smoothly, slowly moving herself from the rock before she heard the Finneon shout at her.

    "Yeah! You get 'er!"

    Her rage had been renewed. NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY make fun of pride that way. She was so aggravated she came to a complete stop from sheer anger. Her panting face suddenly went small pupiled and and glowing a fierce red. Her breath caught in her throat.

    "I will stop attacking you if you tell that little..."
    She strained and gave all of her being to prevent going off at the little Finneon below her as she looked to glare at it. She gave a small cat-growl at it, then turned away and sighed to try to relieve herself.
    "... I will stop attacking if you tell that Finneon to learn his place." Her eyes flickered red again. She would kill him. But later, when that Gorebyss wasn't around. She now respected the Gorebyss for attacking her; she did NOT, however, have patience for pokemon who throw insults from afar.
    "Could I maybe... apologize? I am sorry for attacking...."
    Good thing the Gorebyss couldn't see the smirk on her face. She hoped it could accept her apology. However, it wasn't in any way directed towards the Finneon. Krenari couldn't even look it it lest she wanted to fire up again. She was starting to LOATHE this little pest of a fish she could EASILY catch....


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:00 pm

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    (OoC Guys can you tell me what I'm supposed to do?I'm confused)

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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:37 pm

    (O ok so do I attack or somethin' next turn?)
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Baloo Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:02 pm

    (Oh thanks helpful person! :D)

    Age : 37
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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Suicune Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:13 pm

    Baloo is removed from the team, no harbinger attack.


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    The SUNYSHORE Team Empty Re: The SUNYSHORE Team

    Post by Drago Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:04 pm

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    Sunnyshore City | Evening (2)

    Due to now being closer to the other creatures, Aegis could decipher what seemed to be going on. The Finneon and Gorebyss were fighting against the Vaporeon. Odd, though. In the little light that was remaining in the day, he could make out two characteristic features on the Gorebys and Vaporeon. The Gorebyss was blind, missing her eyes completely, and the Vaporeon had bits of purple on her skin, along with glowing red eyes. Aegis gave a shudder. That's what the Gabite that attacked him looked like. Corpse-like, and ruthless. Silently, he weighed his options, letting his eyes glaze over in thought for a moment.

    The Vaporeon species was known for being quick swimmers. If the Vaporeon happened to defeat the Gorebyss and Finneon, he would not be able to get away, scuttling as he was forced to do. If the Gorebyss and Finneon won, doubtful, do to the former's handicap and the latter's size, he would still need to explain why he didn't help. He could hold his own in a fight, enough that he wouldn't die or cause others to die for him. Logic seemed to point towar-

    In a sudden burst of pink-ish light, Aegi's thought was interrupted. He quickly deduced that one of the pokemon had used flash. It was probably the Finneon, as the Gorebyss was blind, and the Vaporeon would not bother trying to hinder the Finneon. Taking his chance, he swam forward to where the Finneon was. Aegis could hear the Vaporeon talking now, but her words were contrary to her facial expressions. Dropping his voice low, Aegis spoke for the first time in quite a while. "Don't trust her."

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