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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:50 am

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    Mt. Silver| Afternoon (22)

    ...He knew it. As his brothers' attacks picked off the horde of Infected one by one, it revealed the steelix's armor broken and hole-ridden, revealing soft organs and bleeding tissue within. Some of it had even been pulled out by the dead that had tried to feast upon it... Entei stared for a moment, entranced by the sight. How.... delicious that looked...

    Suicune's voice broke the thought and soon Entei found himself back to his original train of thought. He knew they were going to have to kill this poor creature, to put him down with the rest of the dying dogs. Suicune launched a powerful Hydro Pump, and for a moment, Entei saw himself instead of that bleeding buffet of a steelix, and something in him wouldn't let him attack. That... That was going to be him, wasn't it...?

    I... don't feel so well... Entei spoke softly, for once, as he stepped back from the scene. The hunger that was rising and the revulsion of that same hunger was making him dizzy, and he needed to sit. You can handle it... I'll just... be over here... He trudged to a nearby tree and flopped down.

    It was obvious to all now what he was... so why keep him alive? Did they truly think they could find a cure before he turned completely into a monster? He was starting to have his doubts...


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Raikou Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:59 pm

    Post Sixteen
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    Mt. Silver | Afternoon

    Just like that, the undead that had been holding onto the Steelix were taken off due to their tireless efforts, and now the steel snake lay on the ground. Raikou allowed his cloud to grow back to its normal size (it grows larger during battle... hehe), before padding closer to Suicune, whom was facing the Pokemon with a sorrowful face. "... K-... Kill... M... e..." It was words that the Thunder Legend never wanted to hear. For the first time in a very long time, fear began to creep on the edge of his mind, causing his body to become rigid as he took in the words this Steelix had muttered. In this world where life has become scarce, there were others that have come to the conclusion that it was better off to be dead. In this world, the Legendary Pokemon have gathered together in hopes that they can end this blight, but this Steelix was just one reminder of many that they do not have much time.

    Raikou sighed to himself in resignation. Long ago, he and his Brothers lay dead in the Burned Tower, life harshly taken away from them. But they were given another chance by their Father, Ho-Oh, and since then, he had never taken life for granted; because he knew that life is expendable, and so easily diminished. Suicune spoke with the same withdrawn and lost feeling that he felt, speaking that it was too late for this Steelix, that they must end his life together. Without a response, Raikou forced his feet to move forward until he was at the head of the large steel type. The Thunder Pokemon lowered his head, and licked the forehead of the Steelix in respect. I wish you a peaceful sleep... you have earned it.

    The electric Legend turned away, watching as Entei backed off, saying that he wasn't feeling too well. Raikou felt too dazed to ask what was wrong, so with an absentminded nod to his other Brother, he unleashed a Thunder that was sure to kill instantly. ... Where is the life we are striving so hard to protect...? He whispered to Suicune in a tired voice.


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Ho-Oh Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:55 pm

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    Mt. Silver | Afternoon(15)

    Death refused to release the poor steelix from its cold menacing grasp. Its body was beyond saving, bloody holes that probably dug straight through to its vital organs prevented the beast from being able to recover from these wounds. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] And knowing it has been bitten, the steel type probably contracted the same virus that plagued the monsters that attacked it. No matter how one looked at it, the steelix would need to be put down, to both spare it agony and prevent it from turning.

    They were to attack it at the same time, to spare the poor beast further pain, the electricity in the air already hinting at raikou readying a thunder attack. Ho-Oh’s feathers shined in the sun before the energy from Sacred Fire was released, its flames dancing around the body of the steelix. He had focused the flames around the head, hoping to finish it off with less pain. It was a sad sight, and he wished they did not have to do such a thing, they were around to protect, yet they could not do so for this one but someone had to do it. A grim deed, but a necessary one also.

    He had no clue if his children had had to do something like this before, so he assumed they would take it hard. “We should get moving…” He said as he already prepared to fly off in the direction they were heading before they saw Zapdos. It was best not to dwell on it, it would not help. And he hated to admit it, but right now he was more concerned with finding a cure for entei than grieving for a pokemon he did not know.

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Mon May 14, 2012 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Zapdos Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:44 am

    ((OOC; Apologies for the late response.))
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    Post four

    [Mountains around Mt. Silver//Afternoon]

    Well, Zapdos was thrilled to the the massive hoard of undead rinally begin to break up. But the horrors of the Steelix underneath almost made him wish that he hadn't helped. Oh... Dear Arceus... The thing- it was a miracle it was still alive. zapdos hovered down lower, touching his great taloned feet to the ground. His head bowed down in uncharacteristic respect, pulling his small wings in close to his body as the duel type simply lay there. But then it spoke. The Kanto region Legend's head snapped up, horror showing in his wide cerulean eyes as he listened to the poor creature begged for death. The revelation that they, five of the strongest and most well known Legends, could not save even this one creature shook Zapdos to the core. He took an involentary step back, unqble to hide the horror that dawned on his face. The Steelix was infected, there was not a doubt in the world now, and it would just become a simple monster unless they acted in mercy. But where Suicune, Raikou, and Ho-oh all acted swiftly, Zapdos found himself stiff and frozen in place. His gaze stayed upon the Steelix's as it was given a swift death with many different elements. He was unable to tear his gaze away as the poor creature was given back to Arceus.

    It was only when the attacks ceased that Zapdos was able to move, wretching his gaze away from the mutalated body. He was tremebling but quickly opened his wongs to hide his discomfort. The thunder bird had not even been able to attack in time to help with saving the Steelix. He had failed his own duties as a Legend. The revelation brought bile to his throat.

    But it was only them that Zapdos realized that Entei had not taken part, either. The bird snapped back to attention, glancing around with narrowed eyes. Where did you go... Without warning, the Kanto native snapped his wings out, electricity cackling off of his wing feathers, and took back to the air. He rose into the air, stopping to hover several yards above ground, and he all too easily spotted the third dog. He was laying under a tree not far from the group. Zapdos regaurded him with scrutiny. Looks more like he collapsed than taking a nice little nap. His mental voice was bitter. Zapdos had already forgotten his own cowardice at not attacking with the others and now he was putting all of his fear and frustration into hate for the infected mutt. Zapdos felt the clouds that had threatened to gather before swirl above him, a distant thunder booming. His anger was taking over all too easily at the sick sight of Entei. He should have cared more, but Zapdos just wanted to smite his infected brother with a thunderbolt. It was Ho-oh's voice that brought Zapdos from his murderous thoughts.

     We should get moving… The Kanto Legend immediately dismissed his thoughts, the clouds above remaining but the thunder now nothing more than a distant grumble. He turned his head to regaurd Ho-oh, giving the smallest of nods. With a few flaps of his wings, Zapdos was back by the phoenix's side. Zapdos cleared his throat awkwardly. Now that he was in his right mind again he felt ashamed for his previous actions. But he spoke to his fellow bird anyway. I agree. There is nothing more that we could do. Zapdos was more than awear that by 'we' he had meant Suicune, Raikou, and Ho-oh, but he was not going to give anyone a chance to correct him. Zapdos' next words for everyone, save Entei, Ho-oh informed me that you are heading for a human base in Viridian. I don't know how well all of you know Kanto, but I could easily lead the way if nessisary. Zapdos turned to Ho-oh, more directing the offer at him. He was the one that had been in front of the group and, after all, he was their father.

    Posts : 46

    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:22 pm

    (Sorry to skip, but a lot's going on. He just got up to join the rest of them, feeling sick still)


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Raikou Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:27 pm

    Post Seventeen
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    Mt. Silver | Afternoon

    Not bothering to grace Suicune time to answer his naught question, Raikou padded past the still body of the Steelix, amber eyes trained on the setting sun. This wasn't what they had set out to do, giving innocent Pokemon the 'rest' that they deserved. ... that, or I'm just a coward. If the Thunder Pokemon had to recount how many living beings he had ever outright killed by brute force, he could say it under five minutes. He wasn't a killer, and hopefully he'll never have to be one. There were a lot of things that had to be done under necessity, and Raikou was positive that stealing others' lives was not one of them.

    Ho-oh suggested that they keep moving onward, and with a flick of his tail he knew that his Father was right. If they continued to stop to mourn for every death they encountered - well, they might as well not have had moved at all. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Raikou dug his claws into the ground before readying himself to launch into an all-out sprint towards Viridian. He had traveled through Kanto only a few times, but he had done it enough to know the general locations of each town. Viridian's was a huge hub for the humans, so it shouldn't be too hard to miss. The great Beast glanced towards his Brothers, but he soon turned his head away, unable to meet any of their gazes. The sooner we get there, the better it'll be.


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Ho-Oh Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:01 am

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    Mt. Silver | Afternoon (16)

    Ho-Oh was starting to feel guilty for being so cold about the death of the steelix. He was relieved to hear Zapdos agree that there was indeed nothing that they could do. Though he knew if it was one of his children in its position, he would have tried harder. Does worrying more about them than other pokemon make me unfit to call myself a Legendary pokemon? Lately that question has been at the back of his mind a lot, and he feared the answer to it.

    The thunderclouds above receded a bit, they no longer cast their menacing glow, so that meant that at least Raikou or Zapdos were following him. He didn’t want to have to double back and drag one of the legendary beasts forward because they could not get over the death.

    Zapdos brought up the idea of him being their guide again, it wasn’t like he wasn’t unfamiliar with the Kanto region, he had flown over it many times before in the past. But it was just that, he flew over it, not really taking in all the landmarks.

    Ho-Oh made sure not to avoid eye contact with the legendary bird, like he had said, there was nothing more to be done, so there was no use being sad, and avoiding eye contact would be like telling the world that they had done an unspoken act. “That would be most helpful. The faster we find it the better.” He couldn’t stop himself from glancing back at Entei when he said that. “The only thing we know is that it is in Viridian City, though the last base was rather large, so the one there may mimic its stature, but that is just a guess at the moment…”

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Mon May 14, 2012 2:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Zapdos Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:03 pm

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    Post five

    [Mountains around Mt. Silver//Afternoon]

    Seemed like none of his fellow Legends really cared that he had not actually helped with the deed. A grin pulled at his beak as much as physically possible.  He was more than releived to not be placed under scrutiny by his brothers. They needed not to bicker among themselves. However the bird's eyes turned to Entei with narrowed suspicion. Hypocracy was a common thing in the world. 

    Zapdos kept his peircing gaze before turning back to Ho-oh. The colorful Legend seemed to debating something deep inside of his head, his posture and expression giving him away. However the Thunderbird was more than releived when his Uncle regaurded him again. That would be most helpful. The faster we find it the better. Zapdos nodded in response, taking in the fact that Ho-oh was telling him that he would actually be useful. The Kanto Legend's eys shone. Would have been better if the praise had been from his own father, but -as the Phoenix had explained -he was not anywhere nearby. However, even when basking in the elder Legend's words, Zapdos did not miss the glance he shot down at the firey mutt. The bird resisted the urge to groan in frustration- He is infected, you idiot! He is nothing more than a liability now! - but he would never speak that outloud. Instead he dipped his head quickly, accepting what Ho-oh agreed to. Then it is agreed. Anything specific to keep a watch for? Zapdos inquired as he prepared to take off in the correct direction of the human city.

    The only thing we know is that it is in Viridian City, though the last base was rather large, so the one there may mimic its stature, but that is just a guess at the moment… Ho-oh trailed off slightly and Zapdos merely nodded in response. Nothing more really needed to be said. He beat his stout wings, taking great joy in the power behind them, small electrical charges shooting off of his wingtips. He picked up speed more than height, not wanting to lose Raikou or Suicune in the thunderclouds overhead. It is mostly just east of here! He explained mentally to everyone. But it should not take too long! Let us go on brothers! Sapdos released a loud peircing cry to the skies, a large lightningbolt coming down from the heavens to strike the bird. His pace suddenly quickened dramatically, electricity rolling off of him in waves as he led the way to Kanto.

    Age : 37
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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:25 pm

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    Mt.Silver| Afternoon (37)

    Suicune watched the Kanto legend intently, his crimson eyes narrowing with grim suspicion. The bird was undoubtedly uncomfortable with his brother around and seemed to be on the verge of protest, but had changed its mind as it took to the sky.
    Keep flying, bird...he growled to himself as a protective instinct of his kin kicked into place.
    He knew that the bird was right to feel as he did. He knew that an infected legendary was nothing more than a ticking time-bomb. But what enraged the legend the most was that it was left unsaid.
    Everyone knows. It is not something that can even be hidden...
    Doubt gnawed at the great beast, the deepening burden of hypocrisy and guilt weighing heavy on him.
    If it were any other legend, would I look the other way, as I am now with him?
    Could I bring myself to kill him, as I did with that Steelix?...

    The canine simply could not bring himself to answer his own questions, though he knew full-well that the burning answer was no.

    Suicune sighed heavily as his thoughts turned to the grounding episode he had endured during the fight.
    He gazed up at Zapdos, concern darkening his thoughts further.
    It is clear that he doesn't know of what has become of his father...but with the group so...unsettled...I don't think this would be the best time to tell him...even if he has a right to know...We need everyones' mind clear right now...more than ever...
    he thought darkly, as he trotted up to his fiery sibling.

    Brother...how are you holding up...? He asked him quietly so only they could hear. Entei seemed to quake on his feet, his eyes glazed over, as if he were hiding something.


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:44 am

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    Mt. Silver| Afternoon (23)

    Entei seemed checked out of his own mind, slightly panting with a vacant look. He didn't know he had been shaking; he didn't know he had even stood to join the others, nor the strange looks everyone was giving him. Even as his watery brother asked his wellness, it took a moment for the fire Beast to even comprehend that Suicune was next to him. His maned head turned slowly to Suicune, and the other could see the slowly dialating pupils on the deepening crimson scolera. He was not completely gone yet, but it was obvious he was getting worse.

    Much worse.

    Entei shook his head and came back to reality, looking Suicune in the eyes. ...Did you say something, Brother? With the concern in Suicune's expression, hecould only guess it had something to do with his declining health. O-Oh, I, uh... I feel better now that I had a little rest, he lied, giving his brother a grin. So, are we leaving for Viridian, now?

    Last edited by Entei on Sun May 06, 2012 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Raikou Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:05 pm

    (ooc; eh, sorry for the late reply. .-. since I can't do much other than prepare for the others call to run towards Viridian, I'll take a skip)


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Ho-Oh Wed May 02, 2012 12:33 am

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    Mt. Silver | Afternoon (17)


    It was eating away at the rainbow plumed bird. Making him overthink things that were not meant to be dwelled upon, for there would be no end to the dwelling once it started. And Ho-Oh had started it a while ago. It was making him impatient; every flap of his wings did not propel him through the skies fast enough for his liking.

    Get to the fortress, get the info, find a cure. Those were the only thing he was thinking about right now. The faster he got did those the more certain the wellbeing of his family may be. He could tell that Suicune and Entei were lagging behind, he wasn’t blind, he had seen how Entei went off to the side when dealing with the Steelix.

    But like he had said, other than getting to the fortress and by that logic the cure, Ho-Oh did not want to waste time on anything else, even consoling the son who all this was about. He’d rather have his three children alive and healthy with a distant father right now than have only two sons with a comforting and lovable father.

    “Don’t fall behind you three.” Every minute wasted was a minute that they did not have right now. No one had said it out loud, but they must have all thought about it, about how long Entei had. Months? Weeks? Days? Maybe even hours….

    Fortress, Info, Cure. Get to those and his family will still have a chance.

    Fortress, Info, Cure, find it and he will still have something to call a family. Then maybe all that time he ignored Suicune and Lugia’s call would not plague him so much, the question of 'if he had shown up sooner, maybe he would not have lost a son' would not need to be faced as long as he finds that blasted cure.

    Ho-Oh picked up the pace, his wings were starting to grow heavier, but his mind ignored that, it was too busy thinking of other things.

    Fortress, Info, Cure.

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Zapdos Thu May 03, 2012 3:50 pm

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    Post six

    [Mountains around Mt. Silver//Afternoon]

    Well. This is awkward. 

    After his huge confidence boost from Ho-Oh and then his huge exclaimation about heading off, everyone just seemed to go all quiet. Zapdos said nothing, giving no indication of his hurt pride, and just continued on the way to Viridian. Ho-Oh seemed to be almost like a cold machine, his movements consistant and with no emotion; Entei ... Well, Entei was just Entei; Suicune and Raikou were probably comforting their so called brother. The phoenix beside him called out a warning not to be too slow, but Zapdos had to fight the urge to scoff. Why does he continue to act as if nothing is wrong? the Kanto Legend growled in silent frustration within the safety of his own mind. His swift wingbeats were easily taking him ahead of the larger bird, especially with that boost of electricity he had taken a minute ago, and he shook his head sharply from side to side, as if riddin himself of an insitant bug. We can all tell he is one of them. Entei is gone, a lost cause now. And yet all of them pretend that he is harmless. This time an actual rumble of irritation errupted softly from Zapdos' broad chest. 

    He was beginning to get sick of the coddling that dammed mutt was getting. 

    However, just as quick, he forced the anger away with a sigh. The thunderbird was more than awear he was overracting but he didn't care. Of course he knew that if it were hus own family instead, with Lugia and his siblings, and Zapdos himself were in Entei's shoes... Well, he knew that he would act and feel near the same. But he himself was a hipocrite and not afraid to admit it. Zapdos aighed once more, softer this time, as he led the way. 

    His mood had dropped like a rock.

    Age : 37
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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Sat May 05, 2012 10:39 pm

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    Mt.Silver| Afternoon (38)

    Suicune felt like his heart would cease beating any moment as he gazed into his brothers' dilating eyes, his stare empty and hollow.
    ...Did you say something, Brother? O-Oh, I, uh... I feel better now that I had a little rest. So, are we leaving for Viridian, now?

    The water legend nodded his heavy head slowly, his face grim with poorly concealed pain. He saw how much his brother suffered; he was losing himself. Suicune could see his mind slipping away, and it's only been days...
    He knew that he couldn't bear seeing his brother completely overtaken by the virus. He couldn't endure the thought of his kin attacking him...trying to eat him...

    Entei...I know what ails you...but know that you do not need to go through this alone. We will find a cure, brother. Suicune said, padding up to embrace him, his voice threatening to break.

    Please...do not succumb to it.
    Raikou...Father...they need you....I need you...
    he said solemnly, his eyes filling with tears as he buried his muzzle in his brothers' tainted mane.

    ...We'll make it through this, brother...he murmured quietly, reassuring himself more than Entei.

    Clearing his throat, he pulled from the embrace and shook his mane.
    Shall we join the others...?


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Sun May 06, 2012 1:24 pm

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    Mt. Silver| Afternoon (24)

    As much as Suicune tried -and tried his damndest- to cheer Entei up, the latter couldn't help but feel that it was more aimed to making himself feel better, not the recipient. Still, hearing his steadfast brother in such a state... It... really must be hopeless... Suicune had never acted this way around him; it... really had to be bad.

    Still, even with these horrible doubts, Entei couldn't help but get some reassurrance from the words. They wouldn't simply turn on him like they had the steelix; he wasn't another Infected that needed to be killed. When Suicune seemed to regain his composure, he asked if Entei was ready to rejoin the others. Entei nodded with a little more vigor than he felt. Yes... I'm eager to get away from here... Hope lies in Viridian, right? Well, let's get this ticking bomb to Viridian! He pranced ahead, looking back at Suicune and to Raikou. Daylight's awastin! With a booming roar of a laugh, he took off in the direction his father and Zapdos were headed, taunting his brothers.

    While he had little hope, knowing his brothers did gave him his courage, his strength... If they faltered, so would he...


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Raikou Thu May 10, 2012 9:45 pm

    Post Eighteen
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    Mt. Silver | Afternoon
    (ooc; apologies for the terribly late reply @-@)

    Daylight's awastin! Entei roared with new vigor (although Raikou could sense it was a little forced), running forward ahead of them. Despite listening in silence to Suicune's and Entei's conversation, and how significant the... problem was becoming, Raikou did not allow him the time to mourn. Upon combining his forces with the others around him, he had gone too far to back down now, to give up hope and maybe even will to live. Heh. The Thunder Pokemon couldn't even be sure what he exactly felt about the path they were taking - he just knew that it was simply their only lead thus far.

    Looking back towards Suicune with a small smile, Raikou pounced after Entei. The electric Legendary wasn't even sure what he felt about the pending doom of his Brother. No! Indignation rose up in him instantly and instinctively, fear gripping his heart and sadness skirting on the back of his mind. He wouldn't let what happened to that Steelix happen to Entei. He just wouldn't, disregarding whatever circumstances might come along with that oath.

    Onwards, Brothers! He yowled, his words giving way to a roar that voiced all his determination to do what he felt was right. With a glint in his eye, Raikou knew that he would continue to fight until his end; and that end would be very far from now, he assured himself that.


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 9 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Ho-Oh Sun May 13, 2012 8:18 pm

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    Over Kanto| Afternoon (18)

    Fortress, Info, Cure. They needed to get to the fortress before they could do anything else, but that would still take some time unfortunately.

    It seemed as though the distance between them and the three legendary beasts was steadily increasing…If it wasn’t for the rainbow trail he was leaving in the air, he would have had to wait up as to not lose them.

    They were not traveling fast enough, it would still take some time, so he might as well make it time well spent. He had not told Zapdos of their current predicament, he had only said what was necessary at the moment, and enough for them to get to the Viridian City. But now, with time that would be spent awkwardly silent, there was no point in keeping the bird out of the loop.

    Ho-Oh sighed, there was another reason he was hesitant to tell Zapdos. Zapdos has yet to know exactly how far the human’s mistake went, and when he told him he knew the Lightning Legendary would express deep hatred to humans in general, it was what any logical pokemon would do. As things grow worse everyone will start hating all humans, ignoring the fact that it is only a select few who had a part in this, ignoring the fact that many humans were as surprised as they were, and reacted only in fear and confusion, making things worse.

    “The four of us along with Lugia and a Legendary named Mewtwo, who I had never heard of, meet up in the fortress a lot of humans holed up in. It was there where we heard about the fortress in Viridian, and from there that Lugia and Mewtwo parted to go to the region of Orre.” There was really no gentler way to put it, Zapdos’s father had basically gone off to a region unknown to him with a pokemon he barely knows.

    “I was the last to get the fortress in Johto, and they had already examined the fortress, but i was there in time to view a video, it was transmitted from the headquarters we are heading to now. It told us that they were behind this epideimic that plagues us right now. They were experimenting on how to make pokemon into weapons of mass destructions, as you can see, they succeeded in a way, but their experiments turned on them.” Now for the part that would make any pokemon furious…

    “Around the fortress there was dead bodies littering the ground, bodies piled up into large mounds of death, containing both humans and pokemon, though pokemon far outnumbered the humans….The humans must have panicked and used their beloved guns to kill the pokemon, for a lot of the pokemon that were put down did not show any signs of infection.” It was gruesome just thinking about it, yet it didn’t even compared to seeing it in real life, especially the smell that lingered in the air, the smell was probably the worse.

    "The conflict left the building in a horrible state, other than the video we were not able to salvage anything of importance from there. That is why we go to Viridian, for even the slightest amount of information, and hopefully a solution for what is going on."

    ((OOC: Terribly sorry if this sounds rushed, wrote it between writing up my Final and celebrating Mother's day...))

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Zapdos Wed May 16, 2012 11:28 pm

    [OOC: Apologies for the late reply >.< Busy day. Busy, busy, busy.]
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    Post seven

    [Skies above Kanto//Afternoon]

    Zapdos was perfectly content as he was then. He was finally doing something helpful in his life and, even though it hurt that his own father was not there, things would still be okay. Or at least the Kanto Legend hoped they would be. He was deep within the bowels of his head and the thunderbird turned with a start as Ho-Oh suddenly came closer. The phoenix gave no words of warning before he suddenly began to speak of their current state. It was not until a few words in that Zapdos realized that this was very important information being shared and he listened closely, his wings slowing as to keep perfect pace with the larger bird other than abandon him.

    The four of us along with Lugia and a Legendary named Mewtwo, who I had never heard of, meet up in the fortress a lot of humans holed up in.  It was there where we heard about the fortress in Viridian, and from there that Lugia and Mewtwo parted to go to the region of Orre. Zapdos said nothing, instead allowing his eyes to widen with supprise. Father... He truly has just abandoned us for some stranger? ...No. Abandon is too harsh. Zapdos raised his head, determination hardening his gaze. He is simply doing what is to be done- even if I do not understand a lick of it. Ho-Oh soon went on to describe the horrors of which they just came from. Some sort of fortress... The phoenix described the horrific scene, painting the picture of death and chaos behind the Kanto Legend's eyes. He found his wing beats suddenly faster, his legs tense as his claws itched to do something. But the key fact that Ho-Oh shared continued to play within his mind. It told us that they were behind this epideimic that plagues us right now. 
    It told us that they were behind this epideimic that plagues us right now. 

    It told us that they were behind this epideimic that plagues us right now.
    They. They. They. 

    Pure fury began to seeth within Zapdos, making his vision even blurry with rage. Humans, he hissed within his mind. The bird put all of his hatred, all of his wrath, all of his raw emotions of the world that they now lived in- all of it into that one word. Zapdos found himself simply shaking with his emotions despite not speaking a single word out loud to the Johto Legend.

    Ho-Oh continued on, speaking in detail of the state that the fortress' occupants were in as well as how they came to the decision to explore Viridian as a place of possible information, but the words were all simply blending together in the thunderbird's mind. He could only focus on the key facts and he ran through them in his head for many minutes before considering himself ready to speak. The humans made this pandemic, and on pupose, as a weapon against other humans all the while using us, the Pokemon, as the actual weapon. Then they turn on us when we fight back... killing many of our own kind at their disposal. Then they... They just- they just act as if this is all justified?! A frighteningly emotional growl errupted once more from the bird's broad chest before he finally spoke out loud again. He did not want to let his emotions get the better of him but it was becoming increasingly difficult for the Kanto Legend... Especially without any his father or siblings around.

    Zapdos cleared his throat, in a way, more going through the motions of preparing to speak. His normaly clear eyes flickered to Ho-Oh through the corner of his gaze, his face expressionless. Zapdos started simply. So... Ho-Oh... You are telling me that not only have these wretched humans sacrificed countless of our kind to their own causes, but they did this on purpose? His eyes flashed brighted for a heart beat. They they have planned this for a long time?

    Zapdos allowed his memories of Ho-Oh to come into his head and he could not help the next words that he snapped at the phoenix. And I bet you still see good in those vile things, eh, Ho-Oh? The thunderbird did not mean for his words to come out sounding so spiteful, directing all of hatred at an ally, but that was the way that they came out and he would not take them back now. Zapdos only half expected a response as he flew, his gaze straight ahead of him, as he still refused to meet the other bird's eyes.

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    Post by Suicune Sat May 19, 2012 5:02 am

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    Mt.Silver| Afternoon (39)

    Suicune couldn't help but let a sad smile spread across his muzzle as Entei leaped ahead of him, his strong laughter booming across the forest, his mane flying behind him in a deep purple flurry.

    The water legendary bounded forward, following his brothers into the cover of the trees as he roared with a renewed fury. He dashed forward, seamlessly skimming through the trees, his large paws hitting the soft ground.

    The humans are going to pay for this.
    I'm going to track down the ones responsible....
    And they're going to pay dearly for what they've done...
    For everything they've ever done...


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    Post by Entei Sun May 20, 2012 6:20 am

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    Mt. Silver| Afternoon (25)

    As Entei sprang from the sight of the poor, wretched steelix -or what was left of it, at least- he ran beneath his father's shadow and the electric bird that flew with him. Being where he was and accounting for his fantastic hearing, he was able to eavesdrop hear the conversation at hand. While he knew he wasn't a part of it, the subject still made him ill at ease.

    Father seemed to be regailing Zapdos on the current events, bringing their fellow Legend up to date on matters. Even though Entei knew all of this information and saw the terrible carnage for himself, the waste and carelessness for life the humans showed still infuriated him, though he knew better than to let it fester within him... His chest always seemed to ache when he grew angry. Zapdos was rightfully upset, but then shot out a small, back-handed insult to Father. Entei glared. 'Think yourself lucky, bird, that I cannot reach you all the way up there...' he growled in the safety of his mind. While he never understood his Father's faith in humans, it still irked him that Zapdos would take such a cheap shot at him, especially in a time of such crises.


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    Post by Raikou Thu May 24, 2012 9:45 pm

    Post Nineteen
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    Mt. Silver | Afternoon

    The wind rushed through Raikou's short fur, strength bristling in his muscles as he lunged forward. Outside he held a prowess and a power, but inside he held turmoil and confusion. Each step they took he was never sure if they were going the right path, and each encounter only threw him into more disarray. Hrm... The Thunder Pokemon kept the doubts he held within, sensing that the others were already facing their own problems.

    Ho-oh and Zapdos were speaking, but the conversation took a turn for the worse when the electric Legendary lashed out at his Father. While having felt a natural kinship with Zapdos, the words that were spoken about humans ruffled his fur. Personally, Raikou felt that whatever the humans had done, it was already in the past. Perhaps it was because he had always warded away from the two-legged beasts, and had never truly connected to any of the species, but the last of his worries at the moment were what he felt towards the humans.

    Raikou stayed silent on the topic, focusing his eyes on the travel ahead. Can we really end an epidemic when we can't even see eye to eye?


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    Post by Ho-Oh Sun May 27, 2012 10:25 pm

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    Over Kanto| Afternoon (19)

    Zapdos reacted exactly how Ho-Oh had figured, with shock, revulsion and hatred, it was all clearly seen on the thunder bird’s face. He had expected that, as well as his first few questions. To those Ho-Oh merely nodded solemnly, the group of humans behind this epidemic had done what they had done, getting angry more than necessary was pointless at this moment, some was needed for drive and determination, but too much will have them all forget their goals.

    And then the second question threw him off guard. It was basically common knowledge amongst the Johto and Kanto Legends that he had a soft spot for the human race, hell, after his and Lugia’s home in the Ecruteak towers where burned down during the war, Lugia chose his home in the whirl islands, but Ho-Oh never left the human’s, choosing instead to travel to different locations near human civilization. Zapdos was so quick to blame the entire race for the actions of a handful of them.

    “This epidemic was caused by a group of humans, not the entire human race. Would you condemn all rock types if one destroyed an entire town? Would it be justified for the humans to persecute all poison types whenever a Muk enters their water supply and poisons hundreds? When a herd of tauros panic and stamped, killing and hurting anything that is in their way, would it be acceptable to punish every pokmeon in the world? No, the actions of a few does not reflect the actions of the many.”

    Ho-Oh sighed, Zapdos wasn’t even looking at him, he wasn’t sure if it was out of spite, or if the bird was feeling guilty about his own outburst. As much as he firmly believed that a paradise where both humans and pokemon alike lived alongside each other in equality, it was getting hard to see that right now. He hated to admit it, but maybe this plague would instill the idea that pokemon are not meant to be weapons in the humans, leaving them with the sole concept that they were living beings with the same hopes and dreams as them.

    He said this next part a little louder, so that even his children on the ground could hear. “The idea of pokemon and humans living peacefully together is not a mere pipe dream. There are gentle hearted humans out there; humans who go out of their way to bring medicine to wounded pokemon in the wild, humans who spend years developing medicine and food specifically for individual pokemon, humans who spend their entire lives striving to keep the peace between wild pokemon and making sure their homes are not destroyed, all while never catching any of them. And I have seen many humans take pokemon into their own homes and care and love for them as if they were their own, till they are so closely integrated into their family, that one cannot think of life without the other.”

    “Like there are pokemon who cause trouble and cause nothing but harm to both humans and pokemon alike, Humans are made up of both bad and good. We need to see them for everything, and not just focus on the bad.”

    He hadn't meant to preach to the bird, but he felt it necessary. If that did not convince Zapdos, or his children, he feared nothing will, but he could still hope that they will eventually come around. And as they neared the fortress and possibly the information for a cure, he couldn't help but feel that their ideas about humans would come into play soon.

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Zapdos Thu May 31, 2012 11:05 am

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    Post eight

    [Skies above Kanto//Afternoon]

    Unfortunately it was as Zapdos expected and Ho-Oh did indeed respond with a lengthy speech. A frown appeared on the Kanto Legend's face but he sid not interrupt the other as he spoke. In truth the thunderbird wished he could have bit back the words he had snapped at the phoenix but it was too late nor was it the birst time he had spoken without thought. His feathers spiked up in agitation and embaressment as Ho-Oh compared humans and Pokemon as if they were the same damn creatures and were all buddy buddy. No. That would never be the case nor had it ever been.

    But even as the Johto Legend went in depth, scolding and thoroughly pointing out his veiws, Zapdos did not completely agree. Yes, Pokemon did do bad things sometimes and it was a fact, but never had they worked to make and distribute a completely fatal and contagious disease. That was going too far. He merely grunted in response to the phoenix's words on the humans that did indeed care and had cared for Pokemon when they needed it. That still didn't leave them in the complete right. Those stupid crwatures were far from angelic. But in the end, Zapdos merely sighed. The last thing he wanted was to turn his brothers against him and if he made a foe in Ho-Oh then his sons would surely follow suit.

    He cleared his throat in the silence after the Johto bird finished speaking. I won't lie to you- I do not agree with you on your veiws, Zapdos relied bluntly with a dry voice. But the thunderous avian did not leave long enough for Ho-Oh to respond before continuing in a more civil voice, his tone even humble. But you are right, brother. And I do not want to cause any rifts between us Legends. I... I, er, I'm sorry for my tone. The apology was awkward, to say the least, with the proud Legend stumbling over his words and refusing to meet Ho-Oh's eyes, but he meant it. 

    Sudden electricity sparked off of his wings as the scenery rapidly changed. The Kanto Legend tensed, his attention no longer on the conversation. His sky blue gaze narrowed, taking in the human city with intelligent but peircing eyes. We are here, Zapdos commented in a stiff tone. Time to see the real damage the humans have done.

    Age : 37
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    Post by Suicune Thu May 31, 2012 4:57 pm

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    Mt.Silver| Afternoon (40)

    The idea of pokemon and humans living peacefully together is not a mere pipe dream. There are gentle hearted humans out there; humans who go out of their way to bring medicine to wounded pokemon in the wild, humans who spend years developing medicine and food specifically for individual pokemon, humans who spend their entire lives striving to keep the peace between wild pokemon and making sure their homes are not destroyed, all while never catching any of them. And I have seen many humans take pokemon into their own homes and care and love for them as if they were their own, till they are so closely integrated into their family, that one cannot think of life without the other.

    Like there are pokemon who cause trouble and cause nothing but harm to both humans and pokemon alike, Humans are made up of both bad and good. We need to see them for everything, and not just focus on the bad.

    Suicune listened to his father silently as they ran underneath the giant birds, his own thoughts festering in his mind.

    Though it is true that not all humans are bad or corrupt, they have fallen into a way of life as a whole that is destructive to both humans and Pokemon alike...they're a foolish species, one that will eventually kill itself off...

    The only question here is...will they take the rest of us with them in their foolish struggle for domination?

    Suicune growled quietly as the trees began to thin.
    No, we will not allow that to happen...the humans have chosen their path...we cannot help them...but the other animals of this world should not suffer for their mistakes.

    We are here. The lightning bird said grimly, just as the forest gave way to a grass field. The small city of Viridian could be seen not even a mile away. Suicune trotted to a halt, his nose high as he searched the air for scents.

    Be wary brothers, there are many infected within the city...he growled as the heavy stench of death reached his nostrils. The message spoke of...some sort of base, for the criminal humans...


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    Post by Lugia Thu May 31, 2012 5:45 pm

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    Cipher Key Lab| Night (42)

    ((lol, you skipped Mewtwo and me, brother))

    Mewtwo placed a cool, collected hand on his grand cranium, and before he could utter a cry of protest, he was whisked away from his daughter, his poor, poor daughter -or at least, what remained of her- to not bleak, empty sky, but to harsh, open sun.

    Viridian City| Afternoon

    Lugia's eyes blinked against the sudden brightness, turning his head away from the wretched orb that threatened to scorch his vision. He shook his head free, or attempted to, and tried to collect his bearings. Where had they ended up now? Where was Articuno, where were the ruins of the lab...? He looked down to see Mewtwo and deduced that they had teleported once again... His chest became heavy; he didn't even get the chance to properly dispose of her corpse... The thought that her remains would likely be desecrated further sent fury through him like the serum that enslaved him, his blood boiling. However, the sight before the great avian beast caused such surprise, his rage was put into a stupor.

    There, his brothers, still trudging forward. He had to hand it to Mewtwo; he knew where to teleport. However, the mere sight of his brothers running and flying toward them was not what caught his heart in his throat; it was the bright yellow avian accompanying them.


    Seeing another one of his children so soon after the horror of Articuno's death was a mix of relief and terror. Relief that Zapdos was still alive; terror that he may very well remedy that soon. B-Brothers...! he called, taking a step toward them, completely forgetting his new, malicious appearance. ...Son...


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