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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Ho-Oh Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:07 pm

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    Human Fortress|Late Morning (3)

    He had such a close connection with Lugia and his legendary beasts that he did not need to be told where to go, especially since they were all in the same location, it was practically a homing beacon. As Ho-Oh got closer and closer to the location of his brothers he could feel himself speeding up more and more. Partly because he had feared the worst during these darks, and he was over joyed that he would see them all together, a human epitome of a big happy family, even if two were of the aviary variety and three of the canine species. But there was another reason he was losing his composure, something he put above everything else, as he got closer he was starting to feel something wrong, something that he had to see with his own eyes.

    When he landed right next to his brothers, opposite of Lugia, it would seem cowardly to shy away from Lugia’s gaze, he would take any statement or question his brother had straight on. Along with the ones he knew, there was also a purple humanoid pokemon, one he had never seen before, and he looked slightly agitated. “Greetings, I am Ho-Oh.” After all, it is polite to inroduce one's self when greeted with a foreign pokemon. He was glad to see both suicune and raikou safe, though one look at entei confirmed the bad feeling he had earlier. He supposed that it was good enough that still he appeared sane., maybe the infection worked differently on legendaries….Still, he was overjoyed. “Suicune, Raikou, Entei, it has been far too long, and for a while, I feared the worst. One could not express how pleased I am to see you all safe. Though I knew for a fact Lugia would be safe, I cannot think of a force strong enough to match you.” Ho-Oh might have been buttering Lugia up a bit so as to persuade him to cut the lecture short, but deep down, he believed everything he said.

    There was a large structure, obviously human made, that towered over the trees, many corpses of pokemon lay in the area, the smell of rotting flesh and old gunpowder in the air. Guns….the most violent and dangerous of human inventions to date, he understood the compelling need for the humans to protect themselves with such tools seeing as they had no abilities or powers, though he still detested things. He had seen may humans filled with fear, both of the unknown and of the infection, and judging by the wounds on the dead pokemon, they had placed their fear on them. It saddened him to see so many lives brought to a premature death, humans and pokemon do radical things when faced with a danger. The entrance of the building had the edges widened by force, meaning they had already searched it, and comparing the size of the entrance to the size of Lugia, his brother had attempted to search it.
    “What information have you derived from the structure?”

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lugia Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:18 am

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    Human Fortress| Late Morning (24)

    Lugia was about to answer the newcomer; there were so many different conversations going at once, when Ho-Oh's silhouette appeared on the horizon. Lugia's eye twitched, and he waited for his brother to land and greet his Beasts, the three obviously happy to see him. He was glad to see Ho-Oh unharmed, and also noticed the small twinge of fear or sadness in the phoenix's eye when he laid eyes on his Entei. Lugia waited for Ho-Oh to finish and then ruffled his own feathers.

    You just appear out of nowhere, eh, Brother, like always? I hear nothing from you for ages, fearing the worst, and yet here you are, completely fine. Did it not occur to you to say anything- ANYTHING- of your whereabouts during this plague? You have psychic abilities, just like the rest of us. I had feared the worst! That the damned black bird had taken you like he did the ice golem! His voice was on the edge of fury when his bristled feathers lowered as he heaved a sigh. Though... I cannot stay angry at you. I am glad to see you safe, dear Brother. He moved to the other bird and crossed necks with him, his large wings wrapping around the fire bird.

    After the embrace, he turned back to the strange newcomer and went back to his other spot. The bird is one I've never seen before, but it flies with a black, greasy flock of Murkrow at all times. It looks like it may be an evolution of them, though I've never seen one evolve. Do not take him lightly; he killed another Legendary, an ice golem, completely by himself without much hassle. He came from here, he said as he nodded to the fortress, and left, saying something lay within. Suicune and the others found a video of sorts, telling us that the humans created this disease... Lugia trailed off a little, the hate and anger emanating from his very being.

    After a moment of calming himself, he looked back at the newcomer, composed once more. Now, I've answered your questions, Newcomer, at great length. Would you mind terribly if you answered mine? What is your name, where did you come from, and how did you end up on my back? The last question was asked with a little less composure as Lugia tilted his head in a very confused manner.

    Last edited by Lugia on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:30 pm

    (Forgive me for waiting so long to post. Not entirely sure what to write. I'll just pass my turn for now)


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:58 pm

    (I'll have to pass too. Entei's just waiting for Mewtwo to answer. :/)


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Raikou Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:24 am

    Post Four
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    Human Fortress | Late Morning

    ... and left, saying something lay within. Suicune and the others found a video of sorts, telling us that the humans created this disease...

    Raikou hissed to himself, though not in anger, but in confusion. Not only was there a rapid-increasing virus, a purple humanoid Pokemon with no sense of manners, and an undead Honchkrow to take care of, but humans were the cause of everything? I can't make anything of all this. He thought to himself in frustration. In fact, the Thunder Pokemon hated over thinking his tactics; but for the sake of working with his Brothers, he stayed put, scraping the ground with his elongated claws.

    Looking around the fortress, Raikou couldn't help but wonder what drove the humans to such insane actions. Weapons of mass destruction were their demise, I suppose. The beast was getting worked up once more- they can leave a dent on the Dark Bird's plot, he was sure, but they weren't going to do much lollygagging around. Getting right to the point, the electric type barked sharply at the purple horrid.

    Just answer the damn questions! We don't have time for this.

    Last edited by Raikou on Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:03 pm

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    Human Fortress|Noon(5)

    The bird is one I've never seen before, but it flies with a black, greasy flock of Murkrow at all times. It looks like it may be an evolution of them, though I've never seen one evolve...Mewtwo stopped listening to the ramblings of the legendary, still not understanding what exactly this black bird had to do with anything. Shaking his head he barely caught the end of Lugia's 'explanation'. ...found a video of sorts, telling us that the humans created this disease...The great white bird trailed off, his face betraying his feelings. They all seemed livid at the prospect of humans creating this wasteland they now roamed. Now, I've answered your questions, Newcomer, at great length. Would you mind terribly if you answered mine? What is your name, where did you come from, and how did you end up on my back? Mewtwo scoffed, and this didn't seem to please the trio of dogs surrounding him, or the fire turkey.

    Just answer the damn questions! We don't have time for this.

    Mewtwo was livid. He had already told these creatures once his opinion their questions and now they demanded answers as though they had a right to them. Well fine, they wanted answers, he would give them. And damn what they thought of what he told them. For starters, ingrates, I am Mewtwo. And of course humans created this, I was there when they discussed it. I know who was behind all of it, even. The very humans who created me also created the plague sweeping through every region as we speak, all in the pursuit of creating the most powerful Pokemon in existence. I am a successful version of their first attempts, a clone of several powerful creatures, even the humans themselves. Though I will say my coming was several years before this disaster, and you'll get nothing else from me on the subject.

    He gave a satisfied smirk at some of the expressions of the beasts around him. A pleasing combination of horror and shock that made Mewtwo give a sinister grin of his own in return. Turning back to Lugia that grin faded into one of irritation and hidden embarrassment. As for how I ended up on your back, that I cannot say. I am at as much a loss on that topic as you, I'm afraid. The last thing I remember was knocking into a vid-screen in Oak's Lab that showed one of the human professors ordering the quarantine of Johto, nothing in nothing out. Complete lock-down. If anything crossed the borders, even humans, they were to be killed on sight. The sheer gall of humanity that they can try and control nature the way they do sickens me, and I was thoroughly pissed they let it get this far out of hand. I...overreacted. The next thing I knew I was here.

    He turned to face the building behind him, negative energy radiated off the structure and it unnerved him. Humans had gone far to far this time, and as much as he hated to admit it, he might need these creatures' help to right things. Shaking his head he turned to the blue dog, one of the most level headed out of the group he had observed, and crossed his arms. Perhaps I was a little...overhasty. I will agree to tell you what I know in exchange for what you know. Full detail. However, I will only speak with you and the white one. I don't much care for your...companions. What say you?

    Last edited by Mewtwo on Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Ho-Oh Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:51 am

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    Human Fortress|Noon (4)

    The berate from his brother came and went a lot smoother than he was expecting, ending in a hug, the strange warmth from Lugia that persisted even after his long stay in cold damp caves reached Ho-Oh. Ever since things started to look bad, he wanted nothing more than to contact his brothers, and his three beasts just to see if they were okay, but he feared that if he did so, he would want to stay with them to make sure all his brothers were kept safe, and If he did that he would not be able to survey the other areas and learn more about the undead, especially any possible weaknesses. Ho-Oh assumed that if it where only Lugia and Ho-Oh around, the talking to would have lasted longer, but it would most likely have ended the same, it was hard to stay mad at someone you have known for ages.

    He talked about a bird, with an army of murkrow that flew in his wake, strong enough to lay waste to a legendary made of pure ice. He has not heard of any legendary made of ice, most likely from a different region, but he has heard rumor of a large impeding bird, who is said to block out the sun where ever he goes. The some of the lost and scared pokemon he spoke to told rumors of such a bird, said it to be a terrifying Honchkrow, they said he was a most fearsome infected, but took their ramblings as post-traumatic stress, making the bird sound more powerful than it actually was, now he wished he took the claims more seriously.

    The news that the humans had a hand in this plague that was spreading all throughout the regions did not surprise him, he suspected some rogue humans had something to do with it, it would explain how they were able to evacuate so quickly. Sometimes, it was hard to keep up the hope that humans and pokemon could live peacefully together, especially during times like these, there always seems to be a select few who manage to undo countless good deeds. But Ho-Oh still remained hopeful, despite the way things looked, it is in darkest times that the good band together to overcome the dark forces and set the balance back to normal, which is evident in all these legendries coming together. The thing he was most worried about was that once the infection was taken care of, the trust that had taken so long to build between humans and pokemon would need to be slowly built up again.

    Suffice it to say, the white and purple humanoid was a rude one. Even if he had apparently been transported on the back of Lugia, the rashness of him was a tad bit unsettling. Though from his story, it is understandable, being created in a lab by humans, and transported against his will in the middle of a group of imposing legendary’s would overwhelm just about anyone. He had information that could benefit them all, but only wanted to share it with Lugia and Suicune. Ho-Oh wasn’t hurt by the remark, after all he did just arrive, but it was useless to try to keep the information a secret. "As you wish, though we will all end up hearing about it eventually.”He said with a slight bow of the head, if it was important, then they would all need to be told, and if it isn’t important, then there is no need to hide it either way.

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lugia Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:45 pm

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    Human Fortress| Noon (25)

    Lugia sat and listened to the Newcomer's words, whose name was Mewtwo, with rapt attention and focused eyes. He didn't seem that surprised that humans were involved; the fact that he had been present during humans discussing the pandemic was a little alarming. He then went on about a "vidskrean" and that completely lost the avian legend. While Lugia still tried to follow, he only caught up to Mewtwo's odd words when he "apologized" for ending up on the former's back.

    He continued to say that in a change of heart, he would divulge any and all information they sought, but only to himself and Suicune. Lugia sighed in relief, though Ho-Oh brought up a good point that the rest would simply find out later. It doesn't matter. As long as we learn the information you have, Mewtwo, I am satisfied. I want to know everything I can about this hell and maybe together, we can think of a way to reverse it.

    He looked to his brother and sighed. Ho-Oh, perhaps you could take Raikou and Entei and see if there are any other facilities like this in the immediate area? Some entrance to an underground bunker? While this is a large fortress, I doubt it's the only. He turned back to Mewtwo and nodded a little.

    Thank you, Mewtwo, for cooperating. We shouldn't be bickering amongst ourselves in a time like this. Please, share anything you may know about this disease, how it came to be, and maybe how we can stop it.

    Last edited by Lugia on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:12 pm

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    Human Fortress| Noon (28)

    For starters, ingrates, I am Mewtwo. And of course humans created this, I was there when they discussed it. I know who was behind all of it, even. The very humans who created me also created the plague sweeping through every region as we speak, all in the pursuit of creating the most powerful Pokemon in existence.

    Suicune started and stood up from his resting position as the creature who called itself Mewtwo shared its' past.
    His creators shared the same motive as those who occupied this fortress, He privately whispered to Lugia.

    Mewtwo...? I have heard your name, whispered amongst even the strongest trainers in hushed and fearful tones...They spoke of...a criminal organization as well...you are saying this same group is responsible for this...abomination? He said quietly.
    If the humans even recognized them as morally corrupt, perhaps they are not all....monsters...
    Other thoughts stewed in the aurora pokemons' mind, raising more questions than answers.

    Suicunes' eyes widened at the new revelation of Oak and the quarantine. He had not had the chance to go near the borders of their region and see it for himself; but the foolishness of the humans made his blood boil. Thunder began to rumble in the distance, menacing and deep.
    ...Oak. I know of him. He is Kantos' lead scientist. Our region has one as well, but he disappeared shortly after the outbreak... What are they planning on doing to fix this? Humanities' greatest minds better be doing something to mend what they destroyed...

    Mewtwo then agreed to share more information with both himself and his brother, Lugia.
    Suicune bowed his head in acceptance towards Mewtwo as Lugia agreed to his terms and suggested the others search nearby for more information.

    The legendary water pokemon waited for the others to retreat, then turned to Mewtwo.
    Brother, thank you for sharing what you have so far.
    He took a deep breath and continued.
    After the initial outbreak, I tried my best to keep the disease from spreading by means of water...but I was quickly overcome by the countless pokemon who were infected. So we decided to convene and summon as many legendaries as we could.
    Suicune snorted in frustration.
    Not soon after, we came across this...fortress...and the piles of dead. There was an army of Murkrow guarding this place....millions of black, undead things.
    They were led by a powerful ebony bird known only as Honchkrow...He was...extremely powerful.
    He has the strength and guile of a legendary, perhaps more. He destroyed one of our brothers without a second thought.
    He spoke of conquering this world as his own, and flew off, leaving us the secrets in this forsaken human building...

    Suicune was bristling with rage. He couldn't continue speaking. The decay he had smelled in his brothers' fur still haunted him. The pure hatred he felt for the flying plague was enough to make storm clouds reappear. Glancing at Lugia, he silently asked him to continue as he paced angrily near the giant beast.

    Last edited by Suicune on Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:53 am

    ((Sorry I didn't post earlier, guys. I didn't get a warning. >>))

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    Human Fortress| Noon (13)

    Entei growled quietly as the white and purple pokemon talked down to them all, paying them insults and venom. His lip curled and his eyes began to glow red. How DARE he talk to us like novices or ingrates! He thinks he's such hot damn stuff? I should show him something to knock him down a fucking peg! The growling grew louder, and his brother Raikou seemed to have the same sentiment.

    However, when his anger broiled, the pain in his chest attacked again, and a deafening ring resounded through his ears and head. He gave a small whimper of pain, but tried to keep himself composed, knowing that the newcomer, Mewtwo, would take advantage of it. His legs shook with effort as he attempted to stay upright.

    This pain... This awful pain... What is it...?

    He continued to listen in on the onversation at hand without being able to give his own input, so when the decision was made that Mewtwo, Lugia and his brother Suicune would stay and talk about important things, he, Ho-Oh and Raikou wereto go and "scout out" other locations like the Fortress. Though he HATED this idea, he had no real choice but to stay quiet, lest the pain overtake his voice.

    Last edited by Entei on Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:32 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Raikou Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:18 pm

    Post Five
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    Human Fortress | Noon

    The odd psychic Pokemon, who had called himself Mewtwo, not only explained that he was created by humans, by was also at the planning stages of this entire epidemic. Blasphemy! Raikou felt his anger spike up as Mewtwo ordered that they be excused, with the exception of Lugia and Suicune.

    We have every right to know as the next Legendary! Beside him, Entei was growling too, even shaking with anger at the thought of this rude imbecile. Despite his misgivings, the Thunder Pokemon knew that having two of them learn more was better than none at all. Who knows what the purple cat might hold in that messed up noggin of his? What knowledge they might learn from his experience? The Beast clapped his jaw in frustration. I won't be the one to know.

    Fine. Raikou gave a curt nod, his narrowed eyes darting towards Suicune and Lugia for a moment. If you trust this thing, then I'll trust you. Attempting to settle his urge to rake his claws across Mewtwo's wretched face, the electric type pointedly turned around and started towards the entrance. Surely Suicune would tell his Brothers afterwards...?

    Last edited by Raikou on Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:29 pm

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    Human Fortress|Noon(6)

    Mewtwo scoffed at the indignant looks he was getting, they seemed offended by the mere idea that he didn't want to talk to them and the fire dog looked like it wanted to throw a tantrum. "As you wish, though we will all end up hearing about it eventually.” Silly turkey, what did he care if they actually knew the information or not? He just simply didn't want to waste his breath on the inferior. If there was one thing that Mewtwo had absolutely no tolerance for, it was dumb. The blue dog Suicune ordered them away and he and the white bird Lugia walked with Mewtwo out of earshot of the others.

    Brother, thank you for sharing what you have so far. Again Mewtwo scoffed, as this was more out of necessity than charity. He almost missed the part about Suicune purifying the waters...which how was that possibly by the way? He focused back on the information the water dog was passing on.

    Not soon after, we came across this...fortress...and the piles of dead. There was an army of Murkrow guarding this place....millions of black, undead things.
    They were led by a powerful ebony bird known only as Honchkrow...He was...extremely powerful.
    He has the strength and guile of a legendary, perhaps more.
    He destroyed one of our brothers without a second thought. He spoke of conquering this world as his own, and flew off, leaving us the secrets in this forsaken human building...

    Now that was intriguing. So the bird was a ringleader in this whole mess, how unusual. From what he had seen the infected all lose their minds and run on pure instinct, but if some where to retain their cunning, well now that was a problem. Mewtwo crossed his arms and looked out at the large building, as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. If there were indeed some vital information in there perhaps...Then it seems you do have something to share with me. About these secrets, tell me, what have you discovered?

    Last edited by Mewtwo on Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Ho-Oh Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:05 am

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    Human Fortress|Noon (5)

    He was okay with not being told any details as of the moment, there was no use withholding secretes that could be of any use in times like these. What he was worried about was leaving his brother and Suicune alone with this supposed purple pokemon, who so far has shown many violent tendencies. Though Lugia and Suicune where not children to be worried and doted about, but his was still there, at least till this “legendary” mewtwo who was supposedly created in a lab, has shown himself in control of his own emotions. He could easily tell by the looks from his legendary beasts that they did not want to go on a scouting mission, and anger at the rudeness emitting from Mewtwo was clear on their faces. Him adding to the negative atmosphere right now would not help anyone, no matter how much he wanted to express his annoyance at having to waste time on his brothers would need to convey the message to the rest when everyone hearing it at once would be more efficient. He decided on holding his tongue instead.

    “As you wish dear brother. Entei, Raikou let us give them some time work things out.” It was better than waiting around perched in a tree for the three to finish their conversation, though he had to admit, he wanted to investigate the fortress right here firsthand. There had to have been a reason behind the experiments, other than making stronger pokemon, something, anything….Maybe he will have better luck in a different fortress, or better yet, an actual laborite where the testing and experiments took place.

    Ho-Oh took off into the air with a grace honed through years of experience, leaving nothing but a faint outline of a rainbow in his wake. It would be more efficient to spread out in different locations to cover more ground, but he was apprehensive about doing so. Partially because he wanted to see if Entei demonstrated any strange or peculiar habits, and that he wanted to be within reach should some large dispute breaks out between the three legendary’s not out scouting, but also because after delayed absence, he wished to stay close to his children and cave dwelling brother.

    “It would be best if we were to spread our search through multiple areas, and notify the others if something is found. Though I would take care as to not spread too far, in these times, we need to be able to regroup quickly should something were to happen.” It was not an order, a suggestion, if they wished to stay together to catch up or let out some steam about the newcomer, it would be their decision, all three of his beasts had different tactics and ways of dealing with situations that a single set of rules would not suite each of their needs, but it was this diversity that he loved about them so much, and the fact that no matter how much time passed by, they each where capable of seeing past each faults.

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lugia Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:26 am

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    Human Fortress| Afternoon (26)

    Lugia sighed as his brother took his beasts, Entei and Raikou, as Mewtwo requested. He was unsure of why, exactly, Mewtwo only wanted his and Suicune's company... After all, they would just relay the information... Lugia shook his head, stressing over the situation. He did not like the idea of them splitting apart... the black bird may come back for them...

    He turned his ivory-feathered head back to the smaller humanoid pokemon, who was waiting not-so-patiently for the others to leave. ...If you wish, you could view the video box Suicune found within the fortress... I'm not sure if it'll play again though... We know little of this plague; the only thing that really stands clear is that the bird Honchkrow is somehow in control of this situation. He flew to the South after killing a Legendary that was traveling with us and we haven't seen him since.

    It's strange...
    Lugia frowned as he looked to the fortress' bailey. Of all the Infected we've seen and fought, none of them had the capacity to speak even the smallest of coherent sentences, nor had any sort of higher brain function. Honchkrow greeted us with not only cognitive sentences, but with... Lugia paused as he searched for the right word, ...the graciousness of a host greeting his guests. I've never seen anything like it.


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:16 am

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    Human Fortress| Noon (29)

    Suicune felt the tension between Lugia and the newcomer, but if they were to get answers, they needed to work on Mewtwos' terms in this case...since this being seemed to have a profound knowledge on the happenings behind the epidemic.

    ...If you wish, you could view the video box Suicune found within the fortress... I'm not sure if it'll play again though...
    Suicune ceased his pacing as his heart sank. He did not wish to go back in there.
    Clenching his jaw, he nodded in Mewtwos' direction.

    The message has been repeating itself...we left it as we found it...It is better if you see it for yourself. There...really are no words...
    He hesitated. Suicune sensed great impatience and rashness in this creature. As an extra precaution, he made sure to keep his mental defenses up.
    If you wish, I can show you what the bird left us. He continued, snarling. Rest assured, he did leave this here for us.
    ...He wanted us to know.

    As he started towards the base, he paused, tilting his head in Mewtwos' direction.
    Before we go in, perhaps you can share what you know with us. I am eager to hear what has been happening in our neighboring regions.


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    Post by Entei Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:52 am

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    Ecruteak Outskirts| Noon (14)

    Entei walked off, bounding easily over the high concrete walls away from his Brothers and the pompous bastard that thought they were inferior enough to be shooed away like kits when the adults wanted to talk. He didn't understand the meaning of it all, but he figured obeying was better than getting in a fight with Mewtwo and possibly Suicune and Lugia. Whatever. They could have their meeting. He, Ho-Oh and Raikou would just go out and... do other things.

    He paused as his Father soared over he and Raikou, saying it would be best to fan out and search rather than do a concentrated search. Entei couldn't agree more. A chance to get out and run off his anger. "I'll take the West end of this area," he said gruffly to Raikou as he sped away, enjoying the wind rushing past and his legs pumping him further and further away from the Fortress.

    His chest seemed odd still; as if the episode weren't over. The rhythm was off, it sputtered and tripped on itself, but it was not painful. He slowed as he had to catch his breath, his pulse pounding in his ears. What was wrong with him? He shook himself, trying to rid the sensation from him, and for a moment, it refused to subside. However, after a few minutes of steady breathing, his heart calmed and beat how it was normally supposed to beat. Entei heaved a sigh of relief. He needed whatever was happening to stop...

    In the absence of his brothers, his mind wandered along with his paws, traveling without any real destination. Suicune had thought he was one of the Infected, and he could not forget the faces of Lugia or Ho-Oh when they lay eyes on him. Even Raikou had said something... and the dreams... and that poor puppy...

    Was... Was he really one of them now?

    He slowed to a stop near a pond, one fortunate enough to have been cleaned by his brother. He stared at his reflection, which was rather different than he remembered. Red eyes... Discolored, bloody, matted fur... Odd, poisonous-looking smoke billowing from his back... He looked away; he looked just like one of the black bird's Damned.


    Then... how was he still himself? How could he still think, feel and all that? Were Legends afflicted differently? What would happen to him? Would he be lost to this strange limbo, treading the precarious line of life and death? Or was there hope for a cure, since he was so strong?

    He looked back the way he had come, his Brothers and Father in his mind. If he wanted to help, then he would need to help find a cure. He didn't want to expose his Brothers more than he already had... Maybe splitting up was more of a good idea than Entei had originally thought. Mind made up, he turned back to the gloomy lands. There had to be another fortress, another place where the humans fled, and they had to have answers.

    ...There HAD to be...


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    Post by Raikou Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:17 pm

    Post Six
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    Ecruteak Outskirts | Noon

    I'll take the West end of this area. his Brother had answered edgily at Ho-oh's suggestion of spreading out to cover more land. Entei bounded off without another word, his hefty muscles obviously tense and mane billowing behind him. Raikou watched his fiery Brother's purple mane, what used to be a perfect white. Something has happened to you, Entei, and I swear upon Arceus' name I'll find a way to help you.

    I won't go too far, Ho-Oh. The Thunder Pokemon glanced towards the ominous walls of the Fortress. I do not wish to stray and leave the Fortress unattended. Raikou bounded off into the nearby forest, slowing down into a gentle trot as the forest engulfed his surroundings. What was he to do? Scraping his claw along the trunk of a tree, Raikou felt so useless- was he doing anything to help the situation? If so, he needed to speed up the process. Time was not their ally in their case.

    He caught a small Ratatta by surprise, and finding that its insides were rotting inside out, Raikou tossed it to the side carelessly. Their world, the very world the Legendary Pokemon had protected and upheld all these years, was slowly killing itself. Even with their combined forces, the electric type had begun to doubt that they were able to stop this pandemic. This pestilence seemed nearly unstoppable.

    Arceus. He cursed God's name with venom. Where was the otherworldly Pokemon now, in their greatest time of need? Off resting another thousand years, waking up to a long gone planet? I've never seen this 'God' myself actually. Raikou was always led to believe that Arceus was omnipresent, and at all times he was helping the world in little ways. However... Raikou's faith in the Alpha Pokemon shook dangerously as he looked through the eerily quiet woods.

    He won't help us, even if he were real. He spat the words out, his thoughts dark and stormy. I can't believe in a God that won't help us when we're dropping like Ledybas. Arceus... Raikou felt the heaviness of his words as he spoke them, but he nonetheless couldn't help but agree. Arceus isn't real.

    Last edited by Raikou on Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Post by Mewtwo Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:42 pm

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    Human Fortress|Late Noon(7)

    Mewtwo frowned at the idea of having to dig through yet another system of human computers to find out where they went wrong. As much as he knew about the connections between his own creation, the Cipher labs, Rocket, and Giovanni in all of this, there were still hundreds of more questions. He had no idea about how they managed to create a virus in all of this, whether or not the shadow technology was the root or his bio-engineering was. Why it was forced to kill its host before bringing them back, or why they were so bloodthirsty.

    Because of his very existence he felt responsible for much of this mess, and it was that guilt that kept him with these creatures to learn how to stop it. He knew that the humans were over-reaching, he knew that they would go too far, yet still he did nothing. He should have stopped them sooner, when he found out about the research, not now after the resulting experiments had destroyed so much...

    The blue dog Suicune mentioned the bird, Honchkrow, again. Somehow one of these demons managed to retain its mind and that was a frightening thought. When they run on instinct they are easier to kill, but when they can plot against you then killing them is much more difficult. Before we go in, perhaps you can share what you know with us. I am eager to hear what has been happening in our neighboring regions. Mewtwo came out of his thoughts as Suicune spoke, and after a moment nodded his head. Perhaps...perhaps it was time.

    I'm afraid the answers you seek are not happy ones. I will tell you the shortest tale first, the current state of our sister regions. My own included, they are all affected. The regions further away have not had as many incidents, but I can sense the plague spreading deeper in to their lands. If it cannot be stopped soon then there will be nothing left to save. He could tell this news was hard on the other Legends, they truly had deep hearts to care about regions that they had never even step foot in. Mewtwo himself had never felt much kinship to other Pokemon, or humans for that matter, simply because of what he was. He belonged to both yet to neither, and both rejected him as a monster which was why he made his home so far away from everyone as possible. Though he didn't expect them to accept him either, he would tell these two of the origins of this nightmare, which sadly began with his past.

    What I have to tell you about the plague is a long and terrible story, and I will try to summarize as best I can. But it begins many years ago at...at the time of my birth. I remember it well, and the men involved held a great hand in the creation of the current world around us. He paused for a moment, closing his eyes in reflection. His own hand in not stopping this downward spiral were weighing heavily on his mind. If they found him to be at fault, they may not help him, and he needed their help. Once he told them everything they may decide he was no longer useful and try to remove him, so he would need to stop them. You may be angry with me at the end of my tale, so I must make you swear to me, here and now, before I reveal anything, that you will not judge me based on what I have done. Do you agree?

    Last edited by Mewtwo on Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Ho-Oh Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:27 pm

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    Ecruteak Outskirts | Noon (6)

    The human made tower that all the legendries gathered around was getting farther and farther as Ho-Oh flew off in his possibly fruitless search for another structure. The possibility of there being two man-made structures that would have information about these undead pokemon being close by is entirely unlikely. He knew this, and most likely the ones who suggested them three go looking most likely knew this, it was all one big excuse so that the Mewtwo fellow may have his way. It was beginning to irritate him how that purple human-shaped figure was so bossy and rude, and it was clearly showing in his legendary beasts.

    He had expected Raikou to question him on his whereabouts, at first he thought suicune would be the one to bring it up, but the purple one had kept everyone distracted. He was not sure if their willingness to not ask was a good thing, if they trusted he was not merely hiding and cowering in a hole somewhere as Lugia would phrase it, or if had taken so long in arriving that all three of his children had begun to not care where he end up. It was a troubling thing to ponder over.

    Entei, like he figured, ended up going off on his own to search. He knew by now that sometimes that one needed to vent out his frustration, and be left alone while doing so, though that did not stop Ho-Oh from worrying about him. Ever since he laid eyes on that purple pelt, he has not stopped thinking what may happen. It made him want to lean over his shoulder all the time just to make sure he was alright, to find the human who started all this and demand he or she come up with a cure for all this….a cure….he doubted anymore if there would every really be one. If one has already been made, then the humans should have already administered it to the population, even the ones that thought only of themselves since the infection is deadly to them. And if there is the possibility of one, they would need resources, electricity, and time to make it, all of which they did not have enough of…..With no cure, it was possible that his child will become hostile, become mindless and crave flesh, even if he seemed perfectly composed now. If the time came, would I be able to do what is necessary? He doubted he even had the answer to that, and he wished beyond reason that that time would never come.

    Ho-Oh had flown higher in his musing, the forest below becoming a massive blur of green. He no longer had a clear sight of the other two, but he had to trust that they did not run off, to be ambushed by a mass of infected. He trusted in their ability to protect themselves, but if what his brother and Suicune said was true, there was a bird out there who was as big of a threat as a legendary, that knowledge alone unsettled him. The human tower was beginning to fade off, he was going too far for an ordinary search, and from the direction he was facing, no large structure came into sight. The three who had stayed behind would not have finished their conversation so soon….could either fly in the opposite direction and overlap his search with one of his sons, or ignore his own warning and press forward a bit more.

    The unsettling image of what Entei may become was enough to convince himself to press on forward, even if it was just a tiny bit more. Right now, finding a way to help his son was the main priority.

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Lugia Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:35 am

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    Human Fortress| Noon (27)

    Lugia listened to Mewtwo's words carefully and could hear the slight tone of desperation in the other's mental voice. Though he seemed arrogant, selfish and tenacious, Lugia could see that what he was about to tell them was something close to him, something difficult...

    Lugia's expression grew warm with understanding. ...In this time of peril and death, any information is simply that: information. I shall not judge you on your past, Brother, since it is the future I am concerned with. Go on with your story. We are here to learn, not judge.

    (Short post D|)


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:33 am

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    Human Fortress| Noon (30)
    After hearing the bad news about the other regions, Suicune couldn't help but feel helplessness creep into his heart.

    What can we do with such a large scale disaster?...
    How are we to keep this from spreading further?...

    Suicune began to feel deep emanations of guilt and anxiety coming from Mewtwo as he spoke of his past. What had this legendary done in its' past to have such a deep pain eating at him?

    Lugia spoke up, promising the newcomer that we would not judge him upon his request. Suicune stayed silent, pacing slowly. If he is somehow directly responsible, should he not be held accountable? We do not know the extent of damage this disease has done...but just in our region...we have seen thousands perish...however...this deep guilt I feel emanating from him, it is honest, and his request stands on good intentions. If he was truly malicious, we would know. I believe he truly seeks an end to this madness.

    After a moment of quiet, the aurora Pokemon nodded.
    We must work together to repair what has been broken...and we must trust each other, regardless of each others' past.
    Suicune stepped toward the Kanto legend, bowing his head in respect.

    You are one of us, brother.
    From henceforth, we will stand by you as such.


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:40 pm

    (Skip please. He's just running around, being emo.)


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    Post by Raikou Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:31 pm

    Post Seven
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    Ecruteak Outskirts | Noon

    Thunder clouds had accumulated overhead after a while as his emotions grew darker and more malevolent. Those clouds rumbled with disturbance, and Raikou felt his blood boil with resent towards the fake god of Arceus. I was foolish to believe in it in the first place. The Thunder Pokemon glanced at the rotting Ratatta that he had killed earlier, before going up to it and slicing its head off with eased practice. How could he have been disillusioned for so long? How can his Brethren still be looking up to the scoundrel?

    Arceus isn't going to help anything. If something were to happen in the world, it was the other Legends and himself that were to make it happen. It was ridiculous, Raikou told himself as he pounced to the top of one of the trees. Every Pokemon, every human being on this universe, they were all looking up to a false god. The Legendary looked up to the stormy clouds above, and with his mighty bark, thunder rolled in the distance. We don't need a god to make a difference!

    A weight lifted off his chest- he was no longer held back by a more powerful Being, he was his own self, one that can make his own decisions in life and find his own path. Raikou barked again, the lightning even closer to him. I have my life to live without some Lord controlling it! Another bark, the streak of unmerciful voltage nearing the forest in which he stood. I lead my life as I want it to! His chant within his mind raising to an overbearing vow, Raikou leaped back down to the forest floor and sped through the trees.

    The thunder and lightning continued to flash above head as he pounded his strong padded feet against the ground. He was to trust only the things and Pokemon that he could see face to face, and with that declaration, Raikou gave one last mighty roar as he came back to the area where he first began, with the chopped up Ratatta. The lightning blinded everything in Raikou's vision in a white flash, and soon after the thunder boomed as loud as his roar. He growled with intensity, knowing that it was time to get down to business. We may be the only ones left to do anything in this ruined world.


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    Post by Mewtwo Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:25 pm

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    Human Fortress|Noon(8)

    ...In this time of peril and death, any information is simply that: information. I shall not judge you on your past, Brother, since it is the future I am concerned with. Go on with your story. We are here to learn, not judge. Mewtwo was almost rendered speechless by the quick acquiescence to his request. He had thought his demand for understanding and a non-judgmental mind would be too great a price to pay for information. After all, he had one hell of a hand in the destruction that lay before them. Was the white one really so quick to believe that he was not in the wrong? Or was he simply a fool who trusted anyone with a sob story? No...he didn't seem to be the fool, despite Mewtwo's earlier insults to the notion, so why was he so willing to trust him?

    We must work together to repair what has been broken...and we must trust each other, regardless of each others' past. Now the blue one too? Were they so desperate for the truth that they would not slay him were he stand once learning his part in this whole ordeal? Of course he was certain they would not even come close to ending his perfection, his power such as it was, they could potentially put up one hell of a fight.

    You are one of us, brother.
    From henceforth, we will stand by you as such.


    A word he had never heard used in conjunction with his being before...brother...what a strange feeling it invoked. Could this be what the other Pokemon and Humans referred to as...companionship? Shaking his head he cleared his throat and motioned for the others to make themselves at rest, this was going to be a long story.

    While I will try to summarize as best I can, understand there is still much detail that must be confessed for you to understand exactly what the humans have done. What I have done. It goes back many years, to the time of my creation. I remember it well, the day I first awoke in the laboratory. There were humans all around me, many of them wearing a white coat with large red "R"s emblazoned on the chest. They were Team Rocket, or at least scientists belonging to the group, and they had succeeded in an experiment to create the most powerful Pokemon in existence. Myself.

    He waited a moment to gauge their reactions to him being an experiment. In his experience it usually took others a few moments to fully understand what that meant, that he wasn't really a Pokemon. Oh, but here came the best part...I was created using the DNA of several known Pokemon species, including the fossilized DNA of an ancient Mew they had found. But the DNA wasn't stable on its own, no, they needed something...more. So they combined me with one of the head scientist, a human, as well and the DNA became stable enough to create a life. By playing god, the humans created a half-pokemon/half-human hybrid and named it Mewtwo.

    They trained me ruthlessly, brutally, attaching all sorts of strange equipment to me to suppress my full power so they could control me. I would have none of it, I escaped, killing several in the process, but still they came after me. Their leader, a pompous ass named Giovanni, had put a lot of money into my creation and wasn't one to let go of an investment. For years I fought them off, finally seeking refuge in the deepest recess of a cave where not even the Pokemon would go. But I would sneak into the human world nightly to spy on my former masters, and after a few years of giving up on finding me, they began a new plan. That plan was the birth of everything you see around you.

    ((Okay. Long post. I tend to be a little long winded...don't I? hehe))

    Last edited by Mewtwo on Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Post by Ho-Oh Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:04 pm

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    Outskirts of Ecruteak| Noon(7)

    Calm yourself, anger is like the disease, once one succumbs to it, it will eventually spread to the others… He had to keep repeating that mantra to himself just to remain in control of his emotions. This mini search for a nearby human fortress was more than anything a wild goose chase. Yet the three were still indulging the rest in this search, all to suit the needs of one particular individual. The possibility of there being a second building like the one already found in the same region was looking very slim. They would have only had enough time to build one building fortified enough to withstand attacks once the sudden outbreak started. It would have been better is they continued to look through the human fortress, if there was a second fortress, there must be some form of communication between the two locations, maybe even logs on the information transferred if the other one was doing experiments.

    He had flown so far, he could already see the next town over, and still nothing. It would be just about time to regroup, the three most likely had not finished their conversation yet though…..He was just wasting time basically. He sighed, Lugia and his sons were patient when he was not present, the least he could do is buy Lugia and Suicune some time. He might as well check in with entei and raikou, if they found anything then they would have said something immediately…..but it was worth trying. “Nothing of significance over here. Any luck?”

    Last edited by Ho-Oh on Mon May 14, 2012 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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