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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:44 am

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    Snowpoint City| Morning (45)

    Strix barreled after a hesitant Dante, who kept pausing to look at himself awkwardly.

    What the fuck is wrong with him? Why is it so fucking cold? I hate fucking blizzards. I hate fucking snow. Why does he look so fucking different? Are they following us?

    A million questions ran through his head as he plowed through snow hallway Dante had made. The raw power of the fire attacks astounded him, but it was not the time to be marveling at things.

    They burst through the door of the warehouse as they got out of the blizzard. Strix looked at all of them, then at Dante, who stood there awkwardly.

    "...We're back." Dante grumbled. Strix snorted quietly as he hurriedly stomped in and put Ciara down near the fire before rushing to the doors and shutting all of them, shoving heavy crates and machinery in front of them as quietly as he could. Despite his size, he was able to move very quickly.

    "Everyone quiet. Don't know if they followed or not." he hissed as he looked at them from around his shoulder.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 27
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Drago Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:09 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse | Morning (36)

    Allie? Alice supposed she deserved it, acting so familiar with Yon-co, but it still didn't bode well with her. Very well... She thought to herself. We'll call it a game. First to call each other by their real name loses. Ah, this would be entertaining. "Wierd force... That sounds like how we got here as well. I believe we were in the Ice Caves in Johto..." As it turned out, Yonny may not have been too far from them in the first place... His story only deepened the feelings she felt before, the sickening in the pit of her stomach. What was wrong with her? Hera had Strix, there was nothing between her and the Raichu anymore... And why should it matter? Alice didn't need a mate. She was about to open up another sly remark, when the others returned.

    Alice's eyes grew wide as she saw Dante, or at least, she thought it was Dante. He had changed considerably, adding spikes and horns and whatnot. Strange. Alice hadn't known he had a third evolution stage... But then again, not long ago she hadn't known that a virus could infect creatures enough that they turned into blood thirsty zombies. Anything was possible. Strix, on the other hand, confused her. "Who followed?"
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    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:40 pm

    Post 53

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    Snowpoint Warehouse

    Dante shook himself free of any clinging snow and made his way around the group, further surveying them. Hera seemed the worse off -besides Ciara, of course- and seeing that the medicine had helped so much alleviated his own fears. The others queried over who could have followed them, and the raichu took it from the hound's mouth before he could answer. "Yeah. Infected. I think we lost them, but the trench might lead them here..." He looked to the doors and found them properly barred, but the rest of the warehouse was a mystery. Besides, every other building was in disrepair in this damned town, why would this one stay?

    He shook his head. They were relatively safe for now, and they needed to heal the pup back top health. "Strix, put her down by the fire. The box still has some meds left, get what you can into her." He turned to Alice, glancing between her and the fat rat. A weird air was between them... odd. "How've things been here?"

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:24 am; edited 1 time in total


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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:16 pm

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    Snowpoint City| Morning (46)

    Strix nodded at Dante as he barked out quick orders, grabbing the med kit and kneeling down in front of Ciara. He popped open the box and shuffled about the multitude of paper and plastic garbage to find the remaining medicine. His face brightened as his claws uncovered the large syringe. With a swift motion, he uncovered the canine and gave her a quick glance-over.

    He pulled the protective lid off of the syringe and carefully stuck it into her leg.
    "I'm sorry, kid, but this will help. You stay with us, y'hear?" he said, looking at her sideways as he worked. Tossing the empty syringe, he stood up and approached Hera, who seemed to be dreaming.
    His brows furrowed as he knelt down beside her, concern filling him.

    No, not the time. Ciara. Gotta help her.
    He gently and slowly pulled one of the coats from behind the Espeon, letting his claw rest on her shoulder a moment before standing up and shredding the jacket. He used the polyester strips to bandage Ciaras' wounds, and placed the cotton interior under her head.

    "There..." he sighed, slowly backing up a bit as he tried to quell his nerves.
    Too much blood and injuries all at once. This isn't looking good. he thought nervously as he looked at the others.
    We can't move them for days...maybe weeks...how are we going to do this?...

    "Ciara, let us know if you need anything, alright?" He whispered as gently as he could to the hurt canine.

    His gaze eventually turned to the newly-evolved Dante, who was questioning the group. His ears fell a bit as he stomped away from the group, looking for something to clean himself with. He spotted a large engine, with old, oily and dusty linen draped over it.
    Better than being covered in blood.

    He sighed as he pulled at the covers, wiping his claws and chest clean of the dark substance as he half-listened to the others' conversations.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 27
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Drago Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:08 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse |Morning (37)

    Alice sighed. It seemed no matter where they went, some undead or another was always trying to kill them. It was quite bothersome, that. Her eyes widened when she saw what Strix was carrying: the mangled body of Ciara. But wait - she was moving. So she was still alive... Thank Arceus. Luckily, Doctor Strix, who had already proved his worth, struck gold a third time by helping the Mighteyena. Turning back to Dante, she responded in a submissive tone.

    "It's been calm. We've just been getting to..." Her eyes darted to Yonny. "Getting to know each other."
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:54 pm

    ((I'm having such a hard time posting due to lack of sleep, please skip. Just say Ciara passed out during treatment from shock/bloodloss))

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:17 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse//Morning

    Inochi watched as the... Houndoom? Dante, who, didn't really look like a Houndoom anymore, along with the Nidoking came back to the shed carrying a wounded mightyena, possibly a friend of theres. The Houndour raised her head, her hears perked as Dante mention undead, and how they mite have lost them. Inochi flattened her ears at the thought of undead, and how she wouldn't be able to do much if they encountered them since she was so weak and useless.

    Letting out a sigh she lay her head on her paws again before shooting to her paws at the sound of the Espeon shouting no. Fear was on Inochi's face as she looked around, and the espeon seemed to be sharing the same fear, but it seemed to be toward the Nidoking. Inochi tried to relax, and simply sat down, letting out a long sigh as she did her best to keep herself calm.

    Looking back up, she wondered why the Espeon was so scared of the Nidoking. Did he do something to her before he left to answer Dante's howl? That was a possibility. But she didn't know what she could do to calm her down, it be best if one of the others did. Once again, she found herself just sitting by, and doing nothing.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:50 pm

    Post 54

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| Late Morning

    Screaming. That's all that rang in his ears, despite Alice's voice speaking. No. The blood-curdling scream of a terrified woman clawed through his senses, making him visibly flinch as the fur on his haunches bristled. The source was shocking; Hera, her only eye wide with fear, her horrified gaze planted on Strix. Dante didn't even get a chance to wonder why, especially after the awkwardly tender moments they'd shared in their short time together. No, all he could think about was the scream rattling in his ears, and the wild look in Hera's eyes.

    A look he knew all too well.

    Delia's grin flashed in his mind, and in flash, his strong, lithe legs carried him to Hera, fangs out. She was turning; she lost her mind. It had to be. She'd shown hints of weakness here and there, but now, she was showing her true self, and he had to end her before she turned around and ended them.

    Just... like...

    His massive paws were on her in an instant, pinning her down under his massive weight of bone and muscle. Cold blue eyes stared down into her one, fangs bared, snarl rumbling in his chest and throat. Only one thought was running through his mind. 'She's crazy... She's crazy, Dante. Just one fell swoop and you've got her. She won't hurt you or the others... She's gotta be killed... You have to do it before it's too late... and she...'

    A small glance of pain and indecision flashed across his features, but it was snuffed as quickly as it had surfaced. Without another word, he bent down to bite her, to rip her trachea from her scarred neck.


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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:40 pm

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    Snowpoint City| Late Morning (47)

    An ear-splitting screech shattered the quiet. Strix shuddered as his ears flew straight up in utter shock, his eyes on the purple feline. Heras' eye was wide with pure terror, her yowling echoing loudly through the building as she dashed to the barricaded door.

    "Hera!" He cried out, mortified by her howling.
    Fuck! Every infected from here to the next town would have heard that! Strix stomped forward, his claws outstretched towards her in protest.

    "G-get away from me!!" She screamed, her fur bristling and her back arching in terror. The Nidoking froze in his tracks as her terrified gaze stayed on him. His heart stopped in his chest as the realization hit him.

    She's afraid of me...! Her screams and terror hit him like a freight train at full speed. His ears fell and his face became a mask of pain. He saw a Psy Beam growing in her mouth as everything seemed to slow down. She turned her maw to the barricade, ready to blow it to pieces.
    From the corner of his eyes, he saw a black and white flash race towards the delirious Espeon, pinning her to the ground, and the others next to him, standing there with horrified gazes on their maws.
    If she breaks through the barricade...it's all over...we couldn't hold them back...

    The Houndusk snarled, his enormous fangs bared as he pinned the Espeon effortlessly. Rage suddenly began to boil in the Nidokings' blood, and his vision went black- all he saw was the Espeon and Houndusk. A blood-curdling roar erupted from the beast, his tail whipping violently behind him as he rampaged. Strix bellowed as he smashed his fists against the ground, the concrete snapping like dry twigs under his fists. His brilliant eyes flashed at the others, whipping his claw around and grabbing the first thing that moved; the Raichu. He flung the mouse effortlessly into the darkness, its' body colliding with the furthest warehouse wall with a loud crash. With a gutteral roar, he crashed towards the snarling hound, splintering crates and twisting steel as he plowed ahead.

    "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" Strix roared, grabbing the hound by the throat and flipping him into the ground as hard as he could. The Nidoking roared in the hounds' face, his whole frame shaking in anger as he bared his large fangs. He looked at the dark hound, his claws shivering with the overwhelming urge to snap his neck. His insides were on fire with the merciless rage, but he struggled to hold it back. The Nidoking snorted heavily, his breath hissing through his large nostrils and jagged teeth.

    No! No! It's Dante! It's fucking Dante!!

    Out of the darkness, his vision returned partially, enough for the Nidoking to regain control. His eyes searched the dogs' face, an unexplainable emotion on his own before growling and quickly launching the large canine into the wall. Without hesitation, he turned to the Espeon. He snatched up her light form and curled himself around her, his powerful tail pinning her body against his. He leaned against the barricade, his large claws holding her body still with a firm bear hug.
    "Hera! Get a fucking grip! I'm-!" He hissed against her trembling frame. "I'm not going to hurt you!"

    Strix could feel his arm getting slick. The armored reptile looked down to see the Espeons' wound opening again, the crimson liquid pouring from her belly.

    "Hera...please...please stop...." He whispered, his eyes tearing up and tightly closing as he hid his face behind her neck.

    (OoC- permission given to wreak havoc, lol)

    Last edited by Anathema on Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:49 pm; edited 2 times in total


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 27
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Drago Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:33 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse | Late Morning (39)

    Alice jumped when she heard the screaming. Hera had woken up, and seemed to be... hallucinating? She seemed to be afraid of Strix. What possible reason could there be for that? Great. More confusion. Naturally, Alice did what she'd done for what seemed like forever now, in times of crisis. She looked to Dante.

    However... the large wolf stood menacingly over Hera. He bent down as if to whisper something in her ear... But, wait. He bent too low for that. And he was baring his fangs.


    Thank Arceus. Strix was able to stop him in time. What the hell had gotten into him?! Hera was one of them! She was still injured! Had Dante been infected? No... He certainly seemed alive. But now... What the hell was Strix doing?! Alice could understand getting him away from Hera, but... Strix looked to be about to do the same to Dante that he was about to do to the Espeon!

    No... No!

    It was too much. Her friends and allies were breaking apart. They were starting to kill each other! Was this all the world was destined for? The survivors so stuck up with madness that they begin to kill each other, doing the Undead's work for them? Tears began to well up in the Luxray's eyes, but she managed to hold them back. Until, of course, she turned around to avoid looking at the others. And there... lying in the darker part of the Warehouse, struck against the wall was Yon-co. Strix must had thrown him when she wasn't looking.

    No no no no no no no no no!

    Alice turned her back on the others, the tears now freely coming down her face. Why the fuck should she care so much about this smartmouthed prick of a Raichu, when her closest friends were fighting each other to the death? It made no sense, but she didn't slow down as she ran to Yon-co's side. He seemed to at least be conscience, but Alice would take no chances. She put her back to the wall, standing next to him. If Strix decided to take his anger out on someone else, she would make sure it would not be Yon-co.
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:28 pm

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    Snowpoint City|Morning

    Ciara's eyes snapped open to the horrifying sounds of terror, a female screaming in such fear that it chilled her blood. In her weakened and woozy state, it took a few minutes before she could get her eyes focused enough to see that Hera was the one screaming. But what she didn't expect was to see Strix pick up Dante by the horns and toss him effortlessly to the floor, a deep roar vibrating the very floor she lay upon. He looked poised to kill, fury burning in his eyes as Hera's screams still pierced the air. What...what had just happened?

    Abandoning his mark Strix went for Hera, which caused Ciara's heart to stop for just a moment until she realized he was trying to comfort her. Had-had she been screaming because of Dante? Was Strix trying to protect her from their alpha? No...not alpha...not anymore. She witnessed herself as Dante was bested in one fell swoop, marking Strix as the strongest and most dominant in the pack. Confusion swirling in her mind to the point of nausea, she was able to hold on to that one truth. Strix had bested the alpha, so now he was the one she was supposed to look to.

    But, in her heart, she knew she couldn't just abandon the one who had braved ice and fire to save her life. Dante was still laying on the floor and who knew if he was injured. Forcing herself to her feet, the badly beaten Mightyena limped her way over to the other hound and tried bumping him lightly with her head. She looked pleadingly into his eyes, begging him silently to tell her what happened. The last thing she remembered was Strix and Dante as friends, working together to save her life and get her back to them. "Why...?" she whispered. "Why is everyone fighting? Did I do something wrong?" She just...didn't understand.

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:33 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse//Morning

    Inochi flattened her ears and widened her eyes as the whole warehouse went into chaos. The Houndour was scared now of these pokemon as they all started to fight amongst themselves. She back away slowly into a corner. With the entrance blocked, there was no way for her to get away. She was trapped, and not in a good way.

    The Mightyena looked just as baffled by everything as Inochi was, asking if the fighting was her fault. Inochi didn't think it was her fault, the Espeon just started to freak out, then Dante attacked her, ready to kill her, then Strix knocked him off, and now the two where fighting. Inochi shut her eyes and placed her paws over her ears, hoping to block out the sounds of turmoil happening around her.

    "There is nothing I can do. I'm weak..." She said. There really was nothing she could do, nothing. What could she do anyway, she wasn't strong enough to fight these pokemon, there was no way she could take them on, no way at all. Opening her eyes again, she looked up. "Why am I so useless?"

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:07 pm

    Post 55

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| Late Morning


    In the moment that Dante's teeth even thought about touching Hera's neck, the huge Canine suddenly found himself upside-down, paws in the air, Strix's hate-contorted face the only visible image. He opened his mouth to defend himself, that she was fucking nuts and needed to be killed before she killed them, but with Strix's crushing grip, he found talking was pretty hopeless. "St... Str...x..." His throat popped and tightened, his breath now coming in short, labored gasps. Instinctively, his paws pushed and scratched against the Nidoking, his body fighting hard for air. His eyes watched the monster above him as Dante slowly realized that Delia may never get the chance to kill him.

    Before him dimming vision could take him, the houndusk's senses were momentarily overwhelmed by a furious roar, and before he could even fathom leaving the ground, he was already on the other side of the room, hitting the wall and collapsing on the concrete floor in an undignified heap. For a moment, all he saw was black.

    Mere moments later, sound once again filled his ears, a cacophany of voices, shrieks and whimpers. He groaned against them, his own monotone tenor something of a rock for his mind to lean on. What had just happened? He chanced opening his eyes and saw Ciara near him, whimpering questions. The pup from earlier was also cowering, Alice was with the rat, and Strix, of course, was handling Hera. He sat up, anxiety still on his mind. She was nuts. She was going to turn and attack them and eat them and everything else... Delia's haunting giggled echoed in his mind, louder than Hera's quiet pleas to Strix. No... She was faking... it had to be a fake...

    She was...

    Upon standing, Dante found his left front leg somewhat painful to walk on, but he dismissed it as a temporary inconvenience. He pushed past Ciara, past the others as he hobbled closer to the odd couple. Once a safe distance away, his breath short with pain and fear, he gave a small growl. He didn't know if he'd be able to come out of another tangle with the nidoking with just a sore leg. "Strix, she's fucking lost it," He began, his throat catching a little, voice raw from the abuse not minutes prior. "I've seen it before! She's nuts! She'll kill us all, and lick our blood off of her fucking paws! She'll giggle, she'll laugh, she'll have a goddamn festival around our bloody corpses! She's the fucking devil!"

    His words were a fire-filled venom, his fury spitting every syllable with a loathing he'd never allowed before. His icy gaze fell to the espeon, her expression contorted with Delia's grin, her malice. For that moment, all he saw was the little Zorua, bathed in his mate's and trainer's blood, her teeth pristine even after the slaughter. His lip curled more, the snarl in his bruised throat building more and more. "She's a demon!"

    The air hung on his last word for a moment, his thoughts rampant in his own mind. 'Strix must be as insane as she is, thinking he can stop her once she's back to normal. She'll slit our throats in the night. She'll pluck out our eyes and eat them with fucking cake! Delia's the enemy here, no--'

    And suddenly, he knew. His gaze still on the espeon in Strix's arms, his mind now sober, he saw no malice, no evil like before. Hera's good eye was wide, deep, soulful. His face fell as his entire demeanor crumbled. That wasn't Delia... That wasn't... She wasn't...

    His words echoed in his mind, his thoughts repeating themselves as Delia's giggle haunted in the background. He'd thought she was Delia... How could he have thought that? How could he have thought and said those despicable things? His eyes widened more, stepping back a bit as it dawned on him that he'd nearly killed her. The recent memory of her struggling beneath his foreign paw, the fear in her eyes that he'd mistaken for madness. The terror he'd mistaken for hysteria. He took another step back, the epiphany making him tremble.

    Oh, God... what had he done?

    ((Long post is loooooooong))


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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:36 pm

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    Snowpoint City| Late Morning (48)

    Dantes' furious voice echoed violently through the warehouse, his words as vicious and hurtful as his tone.

    "She's a demon!" he roared, his voice frantic and enraged. The Nidoking could do nothing but hold Hera close to him, terrified of letting her go. His ears were plastered low on his head, his eyes still hidden from the others.

    Make it quick...Strix, make it quick...

    Her words echoed through his head, tearing holes in his heart with every repetition. They're all terrified of me...all of them...even Hera...why am I such a monster...? Why do I try so hard to be anything else, when this is what I was born to be?...

    ....She won't see me as anything more than this...a monster...

    Opening his eyes, tears streamed down his hardened face as his eyes fell on Dante. The hound looked utterly defeated, lost in his own head. With sorrow in his eyes, he looked to Heras' golden gaze, wide and fearful. The Nidoking slowly loosened his grip, gently placing the Espeon down before looking back up at Dante.

    "...Nobody is a monster here," He growled, loud enough for everyone to hear. "...Nobody but me." He grumbled the last part under his breath as he stomped past the canine, disappearing into the darkness of the warehouse.

    His heavy steps stopped in front of a dark hallway, where strange sounds were echoing through. He perked his ears and stayed silent, listening intently.
    Can't think on all this shit now. Can't.
    We're not going to live if they get through.
    Need to barricade.
    Need to protect.
    Doesn't matter what they think.

    The Nidoking growled as he shoved some heavy machinery in front of the door, feeling torn and hollow. His gaze was cold and empty, devoid of the overwhelming emotion he had let show moments ago. He turned his gaze to the others, his ears falling in a cold resolution as he moved to the next hallway to do the same.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Drago Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:52 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse | Late Morning (40)

    Her friends were going insane. Here they were, in the middle of who-knows-where, in a frozen warehouse, with undead surrounding the oustide, and they were fighting each other. As if the problems they were facing weren't great enough. Is this what the world was destined to? The Undead killing the living, and the survivors killing each other? Cabin fever... Alice thought. Hopefully... It should wear off soon. But no. Alice knew more than that. It was her fault. If she hadn't used Discharge against the Whitehound, Hera wouldn't have been hurt, and they wouldn't be in this mess. It was her fault, and her friends were going to kill each other for it.

    Yon-co's question didn't come as a surprise, but she still flinched when he asked it. She hadn't realized he was able to stand, if shakily, yet. She couldn't tell him the truth, that Hera, after recovering from the injuries Alice gave her, had apparently gone insane. Her pride- her damned pride wouldn't let her tell him. So she told him the first thing that came to mind. "He loves her." She whispered, flicking her tail at the purple dinosaur. "And... I think she loves him back." Thinking back, to the night in the cabin, she also remembered vaguely Dante's story of his past. She was barely conscience at the time though, and the details were fuzzy. "I think Dante had a traumatic experience when he was younger involving his close friend becoming infected. That may be it, Yonny." She added the name for good effect.
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    Post by Guest Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:53 pm

    ((Ciara was kind of ignored, lol, because Dante is freaking crazy, so please just skip her. She is just horrified by what is going on and knows she is too injured to help. Sorry for the late reply I was really trying to think of something to post but nothing came out.))

    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:58 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse//Morning

    Inochi really didn't know what she could do to stop the fighting. With the noise they where making, the undead they had lost were sure to find them again. But she was to scared to point that out. She slinked closed to the wall before the ruckus finally cooled down and the fighting stopped.

    She wondered if this really was the place where she was meant to go. She didn't know, but something felt right, even though these pokemon scared her just as much of the undead, she believed they could help her come over her fear and help her get stronger. But when will she get the courage to ask them?

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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:39 am

    Post 56

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    Snowpoint Warehouse| Late Morning

    It was all a mess. His own misguided insults had not only help cast the group into chaos, but began tearing them apart. Strix seemed the only one capable of manual labor at this point as he worked to rebuild the barricade, with little Hera on his heels. How she thought any of this was her fault was beyond the houndusk, who was convinced himself that his misery had finally caught up to him and was slowly driving him to the point he feared most: Insanity.

    Insanity... the one synonym to Delia. The thing he feared perhaps above everything else-- the infected, getting lost, starving, even death had second priority when it came to the crazy fox. She haunted him like a shadow, dogging the heels of his mind even now, when she'd likely been killed. A year after their separation, she was still playing tricks on his mind... and those tricks nearly cost him his pack. His eyes stared down at the floor as his mind ran; he was no longer fit for leading these people. When he couldn't decipher the difference between sweet, damaged Hera and the demon he knew as his sister, that was the time to draw the line. Setting his jaw, knowing what he had to do, he lifted his bone-crowned head to say so, but found himself mute.

    He looked at the others, Alice and the rat, sitting by the fire. He hadn't known the rat long, but Alice had been there since the caves. She'd grown a lot in a mere few days, evolving to her final form instead of being a whiny kitty. Ciara stood nearby, behind him, watching and waiting for him to do something, he supposed. The little pup -whose name he'd forgotten- was slinking by the wall, trying to remain hidden. His eyes fell on Hera and Strix, and his resolve to speak fell. What could he tell these two, the ones he'd hurt the most with his mindless words? How could he tell Hera he was sorry by insulting her so, by mistaking her for one of the most vile pokemon he'd ever known? How could he apologize to Strix for almost killing her?

    How could he apologize to any of them?

    He'd let them down, he'd made the mistake, this was his fault. The weight of the burden was nearly overwhelming, and he just wanted to disappear into the abyssal waters he'd thrown that damn camerupt into. Licking his lips and nodding to himself, he merely turned away from the others, his large form slipping silently into the darkness the warehouse offered. Away from the fire, the warmth, the pack. He didn't belong with them. Not when he was beginning to slip into the horrific mannerisms Delia had... He'd just end up hurting them...

    ...and liking it.


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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Fox Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:54 pm

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    Snowpoint City| Late Morning (49)

    The large lizard gazed down at Hera, her brow furrowed with worry.
    "Strix... Do you... Do you hate me?" He looked at her a moment in silence, his ears falling slightly but his eyes staying carefully guarded.

    "...Hera..." He replied quietly, his claw covering hers, resting on his shoulder. Strix swallowed hard, about to continue when he heard something that made him freeze...a sound coming from the end of the hallway. His large, barbed ears stood straight up as his eyes frantically searched the darkness ahead of him. The door at the end of the hallway began to give as something slammed itself against it repeatedly. Strix growled, his eyes growing hard.

    Need to protect.

    He pushed Hera back, quickly maneuvering around the large engine he was pushing and slipped into the hallway. The sound of glass shattering and steel giving echoed through the narrow passage as the Nidoking gave one last glance back at the others before hauling the large hunk of metal in front of the door, effectively blocking the hallway completely...with him on the outside.

    As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, his sensitive ears picked up the patter of many small paws approaching him and something sharp getting scraped against the walls as they drew closer.

    The poison behemoth took a deep breath and barreled forward, his heavy feet pounding heavily on the concrete as he gained speed. As he drew closer to the sound, he lowered his upper body and head, ready to ram whatever was at the end of the hallway.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ELITE) The SNOWPOINT Team

    Post by Drago Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:02 pm

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    Snowpoint Warehouse | Late Morning (41)

    "That's rather... Mature, of you, Yonny."
    Alice was surprised, and somewhat relieved, that he took it so easily. His next comment caused Alice's tail to flick out. She was about to whack him with it, when he fell on his own. Quickly, she knealed down sideways in front of him, offering her back as support. It seemed like the others had stopped fighting, adding to her relief. Stri began running again, however, and still seemed to be in rage-mode. It wasn't safe for Yon-co as long as he was like that...

    "Maybe we should go somewhere else in the warehouse for a little while... It'd be safer."
    As long as Strix didn't see Yonny, he should be okay. Alice didn't need them killing each other.
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