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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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12 posters

    The ICIRRUS Team


    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:58 pm

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    [b]Iccirus City | Night | (13)[b]
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    "Well let's get going then!" The Gardevoir says with a cheerful smile, clasping his hands together and smiling light-heartedly at the little Axew's attempt to climb from the bowl-like depression of loose sand-like rubble.
    The Charmeleon with the unique skin patterns seems to be in control of this little group and he's been doing a good job of it so far. Unwittingly his pause for a reply has revealed more than he has intended. Mind-reading was never a specialty of the Gardevoir's, his talent had been developed towards looking as alluring as possible for the judges, but at this range emotions of a certain strength were almost tangible.
    He could read on the Fire Type a single sliver of memory; the cold of ice.
    "Gorgeous place, at night the entire mountain side shone with tail flames like a forest filled with stars." His mouth babbles on as he processes this new piece of information. "But never mind that, I just want to say welcome to the party and I'm sure we're going to be very good friends!" He bows deeply and elegantly, the folds of his white skirt billowing out around him and winks reassuringly at the trapinch who, eyes flashing with strange light as the ground settles around them, seems to regard him with a look of innocent curiousity he hasn't seen since his 'child' left him.
    "I'll call Hayato back." The Gardevoir closes his eyes, raising his conscious mind from the place his body was to seek out Hayato's presence. He was no Kadabra to bend reality as easy as a spoon but there was a deep emotional bond that linked his mind to the Honchkrow's, whether or not Hayato wanted to admit it.
    Return. is the message he sends, as much in emotion as in a word. He was missing the reassuring presence of the black feathered bird.
    Then the sandy-scaled Dratini had asked why she should trust them in a voice that sounded almost rusty from disuse. Certainly she did not seem to be much of a talker which makes her question an ominous one.
    Kaze is preparing his reply when the ground shivers faintly underfoot at the serpentine dragon immeidatly slithers off towards its source.
    "We'd better go after her right...Emett." He says, using the Charmeleon's name in the sentance so he won't forget it. It's a good thing that they were interrupted as the only answer Kaze could think of was that it was better than getting eaten by Hayato.
    Swiftly scrambling up the loose ground of the now shallower depression Kaze cheerfully runs ahead, admiring the tension behind these events. It makes him excited to see what the city has to offer. As he approaches he can only see the dark shape of a crouched shadow.
    "Hey there, PC or NPC?" He calls out, hoping they have wandered onto a boss fight. Nothing speeds up bonding like killing monsters together.

    His beak opens in a happy sigh as he falls backwards and squirms in the mess like a Spearow taking a dust-bath. Blood and other less pleasant substances smear his feathers and bring with them the stench of the vilest of undead as torn free flesh splits open and coats his feathers.
    For a few moments the large Dark Type basks in the glow of his triumph. Even if the animate corpses he has exhausted himself slaughtering could not fill his belly afterwards he enjoys the slaughter and being able to at long last fill his aching stomach with the soft tender flesh of those not struck by the rot.
    He sighs as he slumps back into the gore, feeling the cooling blood seep through his feathers to his skin. A small convulsion, a sudden stiffening of muscles raises his monochrome feathers as a thought not of his own fills his mind with a strange feeling of warmth.
    Return. is the word that whispers across his synapses and Hayato sneers as much as one can with a beak. It had to be Kaze, only Kaze can imbue a mental broadcast with an aura of sunshine and rainbows. So Prettyboy wanted him back already, the Gardevoir couldn't look after himself for five minutes.
    His playtime finished the charcoal feathered bird dips his beak into the waters around the Dragonspiral Tower as he washed the worst of the gore from his beak and talons. Around him the red stains billow out into the water.
    Happily he flicks his wingtips, a few stray droplets flying from the night-black feather tips to splatter the ground around him as he runs his long sharp beak over each feather, grooming with more care than a wild Honchkrow without a mate normally would as he takes care to discard the loose feathers still stuck to his plumage and to straighten out the others before he takes flight.
    He washes thoroughly as he preens himself, making sure any trace of the infected blood is off his feathers.
    The disease is likely to spread through the waterways, corrupting all those that take it in but Hayato cannot care less about that as he preens.
    The water ripples around him as the inhabitants of the lake where the spiralling tower had been built flee the spreading stain of red. The Honchkrow watches the wriggling silhouettes of the water type's swimming away with his bright red eyes. He may no longer be hungry but it has become his custom to carry back his prey so the experience could be shared with Kaze, if not the meat. Perhaps the Axew was brave enough to try pokeflesh or perhaps bringing home a prize still writhing in his grasp could serve as intimidation to let Kaze's 'friends' know who was really in charge.
    Hyato's beak shoots out and spears through the shape of a wriggling Goldeen, plunging into its soft white flesh as it waves it orange patterned tail helplessly in an attempt to swim away. Further blood clouds the now murky red water and the Honchkrow flips the water-type from the water, dark talons closing tightly around its round body as Hayato shakes the last few drops of water from his feathers and takes wing.

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:35 pm

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    Icirrus City|Night(11)

    Shapps's crimson eyes turned gooey with tears. The scary snake creature had snapped at him... He offers food and shelter and she snaps at him. His mom taught him to never swear by Arceus dang it she got under his hide big time. However his mother AND father told him to be a gentledragon and be at every female's beck and call if need be. Shapps dusted his paws off and dropped to all fours sprinting after the snake creature like meerkat. The great Aerodactyl before them left Shapps in awe. He blinked and paced side to side looking it over not trusting the thing to keep calm if Shapps were to venture behind it. The collar with the bell hanging from it gave away it being a previously owned Pokemon. How fascinating though... The razor saw-like teeth clean and bare with specks of blood dotting them. The flesh of its face had been worn away leaving the skull and more interestingly the eyes, throat and possibly tongue still functional. Shapps then noticed the tears in its wings and rubbed his own hands. That looked excruciating. He took a tentative step forward to it and gulped.

    "A-Are you hurting" he asked softly but loud enough to be heard. Shapps gestured to the wraps on his hands keeping him from bleeding out. "I-I can m-mend any bleeding wound you h-have" he added forcing an awkward smile to his muzzle. Shapps wanted to try and be reasonable a bit... If it could still communicate then there was a chance...

    ((OoC:Permmission for anyone to yank Shapps away from the possible suicide he threw himself into granted ^^))


    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:07 pm

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    Icirrus City | Night (6)

    Emett attempted to shift his weight as the ground around him began to reform. His brother had disabled his trap, it would seem. Reaching low, he patted Emissary's head, not taking his eyes off Kaze. The decidedly human-like shape of the creature in front of him had him on-edge, even if his manner was polite. When a soft voice caught his ears, however, he jumped. Nerine had talked! He hadn't been able to coax words out of her for weeks. Hearing that short sentence come from her, hearing what she said, made him glad. She was no fool to be overly trusting. He knew that of course- she had always been bright, but it never hurt to have the reminder.

    When she suddenly dashed away, however, he jumped again. "Nerine! Come back!" Jumping forward, he motioned for Emissary to follow him. She couldn't be left alone! It was far too dangerous. What if she ran into that Honchkrow that Kaze had mentioned? Following her through the city, coming to an open area a ways away from where they had started. In the center he saw Nerine. In front of her, he saw a monster. Dashing forward with all his speed, he tried to grab at Nerine, to pull her away. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. He couldn't.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:06 am

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    Icirrus City | Night (3)

    Unknown to the other two whom did not know him well enough to read his body language, a look into Emissary’s eyes would reveal how much sentimental value his brother patting him on the head withheld. Oh how he envied his siblings for their beauty and draconian heritage whilst he was simply an albino insect whom had lucked out by getting accepted into their family. His thought process however was then discarded as he heard the scaly hiss of his younger sister’s voice.

    Emissary was thrown aback at Nerine finally speaking in what had felt like an eternity, although cold and harsh, it was very relieving to hear her voice again, if not a bit off-putting by her reasonable yet cynical statement.

    The trapinch was left speechless as his sister with a few twitches, slithered off at high speed, followed by the small green draconian, the Kaze-creature and Emett. Not wasting a moment to ponder Emi’ began to hobble after his siblings as fast as he could, avoiding stepping on corpses or shrapnel as he meandered his way on his stubby legs, by the time he had managed to catch up to the group they were face to face with some kind of prehistoric nightmare, a large aviary undead reptilian Pokémon with a face picked clean to bone, and looming sunken crimson eyes inside it’s hollow sockets, truthfully Emissary found it’s appearance extremely distasteful and rather menacing.

    Noticing his brother lunging protectively for Nerine, and Shapps at optimum killing distance for the undead apex predator, the Trapinch vanishes, reappearing suddenly with his huge jaws wide open and almost parallel in a non-hostile faint attack, scooping the Axew into his upper and lower jaw simultaneously slamming his white legs onto the ground jettisoning a sand-attack at the Infected’s unprotected eyes to give Emett time to save Nerine. Vanishing and reappearing several meters back at a safe distance and promptly dropping Shapps from his maw, saliva dripping from his deathtrap as he closes his mouth and focuses on his brother and sister, unsure of what will happen next.
    Although this course of events only transpiring within moments, it feels like decades as Emissary’s mind flashes to uncertainties of what events shall happen next, and the fate of his two siblings. He goes silent as he focuses, prepared to intercept at any moment.

    (OoC: Emissary totally got hungrier from saving shapps with his mouth.

    Also this post looked way longer in Microsoft word OTL, if there are any problems with anything in my post)

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by RhysandNight Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:03 pm

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    Icirrus City||Night||[2]

    The fossil pokemon had just turned down another corner when a snake like creature came stopping inches from his head. It hissed and backed away, asking who he was. Dune just stared with unblinking eyes, slowly tilting his head to the side. The undead heard the thing's heartbeat, but pushed that fact aside and studied it's form. It looked like a Dratini, but the colors were completely off. He gave a low growl, remembering having to battle it's final evolved form as entertainment when he was sent away for training. Seeing the Dratini now left a bitter taste in his mouth.

    Before he could do anything though, a humanoid shape came running up to him in a giddy manner. The thing had the figure of a human, but the undead vaguely noted that there were feathers sticking out where a human's ears would be. The normal peach, tan, or darkened skin it had was green, and a red crystal like substance was protruding from it's chest. Dune barely noticed the red marking on the others face, or the human jacket that it wore. The only thing that stood out to him was the fact that the thing was talking about utter nonsense.

    PC, NPC, what the hell were those things. The creature wasn't very smart in his opinion, and the fact it had ran up to the undead just further supported his opinion. The Areodacyle could hear the thing's heartbeat vibrating in his ear hole, lightly stirring the voice in Dune's head which had quieted since the recent kill. After a long pause of silence, he opened his mouth to tell the green human 'thing' to leave him alone, or at least attempt to. It was slowly becoming harder and harder for the fossil to speak, which on one wing he didn't mind, but then on the other wing, made it a pain to talk with others. But none of that mattered because he never got the chance to reply when another heartbeat sounded and a small dragon thing came walking up to him. Another pokemon he had no knowledge of.

    The undead listened to the dragon as he asked if Dune was in pain and would like his wings healed. If there had been any flesh or muscles remaining on his face, he was sure that his mouth would have twitched. That was the first time that a living thing had asked if he was in pain or wanted healing. Dune didn't know if he should count the dragon stupid, or kindhearted. He settled on a mixture of both.

    "Yes....and no." His voice sounded scratchy and raw, almost like a growl, even to his ears. But the undead didn't care how he sounded, it wasn't going to change for the better, he knew that much.

    A fourth heartbeat joined the fray. It's pattern faster and more frantic than the others as a blue Charmander darted in front of the Dratini protectively.

    What the hell is with all these discolored pokemon? Dune thought to himself in annoyance. He wondered if they would taste better since they were discolored, but wasn't in the mood to put forth the effort to test that question. The Aerodacyle had came here to search the ruins for his human, or kill any other humans he came across. The undead didn't give a damn about any of the other humans. They could all die and suffer in the Hell they had created.

    Dune had momentarily forgotten about the other pokemon around him as he got caught up in his thoughts about the humans. When a white thing popped out of the ground and scooped up the smaller dragon that had been nice to him before, in it's mouth. It startled the undead out of his thoughts, letting out a screeching roar of pain when he found his sensitive eyes assaulted by sand.

    He whipped his head back and forth, blasting out a few Supersonics accidentally and he thrashed about in his anger. Spreading his wings Dune gave a strong thrust downwards, lifting him off the ground enough to fly over the crowd of pokemon that had gathered around him like he was an exhibit. He flew low for a short distance until he came across a body of water and landed down heavily at the edge before plunging his head into the water. The fossil moved his head from side to side violently as he cleansed his eyes of the sand attack.

    After ridding his eyes of most of the sand, Dune lifted his head, looking around until he spotted the white 'insect' a distance away. A low menacing growl rose in his throat, glaring angrily in the thing's direction. He fought with the voices who eagerly told him to tear the pokemon to shreds, and just wanting to search for his trainer. The tip of his tail twitched and whipped wildly behind him like an angered Ekans.

    ((Ooc: He doesn't know any of the pokemon outside of the Kento region, so sorry guys lol.

    Ouch, sand in the eyes hurts a lot, that sand attack makes my eyes hurt thinking about it >.<))

    Age : 25
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:44 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    "Nerine! Come back!" the voice of her brother drew closer, the young serpent looking up to the towering undead. It had growled at her, bitterly, and the Dratini found her courage beginning to falter. Cowering before the Aerodactyl, Nerine almost sighed in relief as she felt the familiar hands of her sibling snatch her away. The dragon-type watched as the purple fossil Pokemon thrashed as the sand his his eyes, a clever move from her other sibling. "GAH, DAMMIT INSECT!" It cried, blasting out Supersonics.

    The undead suddenly thrusted his wings downwards, lifting himself into the sky as debris flew from the gust he created. It had flown over them, landing near a body of water to clear his eyes. The Dratini blinked, before looking into Emmett's bi-colored eyes. "I don't like him," she whispered. The dragon like appearance reminded her all too much of father, and the very thought made tears prick at her eyes. She turned away, the green orbs pleading that they go somewhere away from the foreigner. 'He's not safe,'

    Posts : 13

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Q Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:52 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    What a fabulous group of fragile and foolish creatures! A voice sounded in their heads, laughter ringing loudly. A flash of blinding light flooded the dark streets, quickly fading as a humanoid figure appeared at its' source.

    An Alakazam, suspended in the air, sneered at them with arrogance. With his arms and legs crossed, he levitated effortlessly closer to the group. His amber eyes locked on each of the Pokemon before him, as if pondering each of their fates. The Alakazam grinned as he held out his hand, directing his psychic abilities towards the small Axew. Without any effort, he lifted the creature up into the air and pulled it closer.
    "How repulsive..." He hissed in disgusted fascination, turning the small dragon in mid-air, to get a better look. "Look at those eyes! They're about to bulge right out of its' feeble little skull!"

    ((Hello, everyone. I'm here upon request of Kaze. I'll stay here for a few rounds and have some fun! My temporary turn will be before Kaze. I'll let you know when I make my leaving post))

    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:24 am

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    Iccirus City | Night | (14)
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    Bloody red eyes scan the ground below as with a flick of a charcoal black wing Hayato soars along the invisible paths made of air currents. The flat expanse of ground below him seems 2-D and uninteresting compared to the beckoning curve of the horizon, light blue with pure distance.
    His long cruel talons dig in to the fish's side. The once elegant white and red tail of the Goldeen hangs limply, its thin folds fluttering in the breeze. Its round eyes are glazed over.
    Though Hayato's claws puncture deep into its sides, rivulets of red blood oozing over the Dark Type's scaled feet out of water the layers of its gill have stuck together and it has died of oxygen starvation long before it could be killed by its wounds.
    Its long horn points downwards to avoid injury as Hayato holds his heavy burden by its softer pale underbelly. With the tumbled tower an unnatural grey blot in the distance the Honchkrow keeps one eye on the ground below him, searching for the tell-tale patch of white that will mark the location of his Gardevoir.
    With a contented smirk on his face Hayato passes over a patch of ground still marked with the bloody bodies of the fallen Sawsbuck and the darker blueish blots of fallen Eelectross. The grassy ground there has been churned up into a thick mud by the hooves and spilt bodily fluids of the ones that had met their deaths a second time at his claws. Close by the forest is broken yet again by an unnatural grey blot of a human built structure. A city, Hayato cannot be bothered remembering its name.
    The Honchkrow tightens his talons on the dead Water Type in his grip, re-bathing the long black claws in a fresh stream of blood as he descends.
    With a sickening sweet habit of his Kaze has managed to befriend another group of strays; a sandy colored serpent, a blue lizard and a speck of a white insect. The Axew from earlier, another potential meal he must wait to consume, approaches another shape and Hayato feels a surge of adrenaline run through him once more. The shell of white on the Aerodactyl's face is not some decorative mask but picked clean bone and it was standing too close to his Kaze.
    "Caw, caw Motherfuckers!" Hayato shrieks as he dives from the sky towards the Aerodactyl as it washes the grit from its exposed eyes. The Dark Type's talons loosen their grip as Hayato abandons a potential meal to gain a ballistic missile.
    The dead Goldeen soars majestically through the air to hit the Aerodactyl with a crisp smack as Hayato comes to land beside Kaze, wondering what possessed the delusional Gardevoir to delay so long. By the way the thing was lashing its tail it was ready to attack.

    Shaking his head from side to side while making a small 'tsk, tsk' noise Kaze folds his spring green arms and looks over the hulking shape of the landed Aerodactyl. Its appearance is grim, the stripped bare bone of its angular head particularly gruesome but by now the Gardevoir is all too used to such nightmares.
    "Oh, someone's a grumpy boss." He says casually, noting Shapp's attempt to establish the strange fossil pokemon as an ally was unsuccessful.
    Even though the first blow had already been struck by the pale trapinch the purple-grey thing had not struck back at them in anger but focused instead on washing the sand from its eyes...
    "So what's the verdict, do we kill it now?" he asks Emett casually, a faint blue haze of a starting Focus Blast already starting to play along his green fingers.
    "Caw, caw Motherfuckers!" Kaze's face immediately lights up as he turns his emerald colored eyes to the sky in time to see Hayato let go off his fishy burden and come to land beside them.
    "Hayato!" He calls cheerfully, wrapping his arms around the Honchkrow's fluffy body before a swift peck to the arm forces him to release his grip. "I missed you." Kaze amends, rubbing his pecked arm and for a fraction of a second he seems to lose his focus.
    What a fabulous group of frail and foolish creatures!" Rather than being insulted by the words as he should have been Kaze's feathery ears perk up as the humanoid figure of an Alakazam appears before them.
    The Alakazam had passed effortlessly between the dimensions, pausing time to allow their brief conversation and, even though Kaze and the mysterious arrogant Alakazam had only met for a few brief moments it had apparently been enough to arouse a fraction of the powerful Psychic's interest.
    Though Kaze had never been a particularly gifted psychic, his abilities far too prone to focusing themselves on an individual, but the sheer psychic energy radiating from the Alakazam is starting to making his teeth buzz as it reaches out and picks up Shapps with its powers.
    "I don't suggest squeezing." Kaze says, his smile suddenly looking painted on. "Didn't you say we were going to play a game?"

    ((OOC: Permission to hit Dune with the Goldeen was given and welcome Q~! I'm sure we're all going to have lots of fun!))

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:33 am

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    Icirrus City|Night (12)

    Shapps looked at the white Trapinch with his mouth in a agape position. It was like the repressed action only a small child like himself could have... He clenched his hands into fists and pumped them into the air still looking at the Trapinch. THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED! Shapps went over and over in his mind about how awesome it was being saved like that before remembering the scary skull dragon. He went back to its side and looked up watching it wash out its eyes. Shapps placed his hand on his cheek thinking. When he got sand in his eyes, his mom fed him a White Herb to bring back his accuracy and washing it out dulled the crunchy gritty pain. Shapps had buried berries and other stuff around the city since he had been here so there had to be something. He paced the area scratching the ground uncovering berries and fish but no White Herb... Shappss began losing hope until he was lifted off the ground. He could not fly so what was happening?! Kaze person Pokemon was getting farther away and so was the awesome white Trapinch. Shapps felt himself turn and was face to face with a scary fox person. This creature said he was repulsive and that his eyes were bulging out of his skull. Shapps narrowed his eyes and flailed his small arms at it to no avail. He needed a comeback to shut tis dude up about his eyes and repulsiveness.

    At least I don't have a mustache I can jump rope with! Shapps felt Dragon Rage crackling in his belly and if this creature said anything else about him then all he'd have to do was open his mouth.

    ((OoC: Snarky little beast Shapps is))


    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:37 pm

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    Icirrus City | Night (7)

    Emett stood cautiouslly off to the side, one arm held in front of Nerine. He didn't trust the draconic thing. Whatever it was, it looked rather... dead. He had learned long ago not to trust dead things. When it reacted to Emmissary, however, he nearly attacked. Sudden movements were not something to try when around a protective Charmeleon, after all. Looking down at Nerine, however, he met her eyes, and she whispered her own opinions. Sharing the sentiment, Emett glared at the creature who was now in a water-source nearby. He didn't like him either. Something was off, and that something bugged his protective instincts.

    A black shape and screeching voice suddenly caught his ears, and Emett jumped around to face the dragon in the water. Something swooped low and dropped something near it, then returned to where Kaze was standing. Heartbeat slowing, Emett tried to listen to the exchange that was made. However, he could only see their motions. Judging by them, however, he guessed that this was the other companion that Kaze had mentioned. He would ask about it later.

    A voice suddenly rang in his mind, causing Emett to jump. Looking around frantically, he tried to locate the source. There. A floating yellow creature with a mustache down to his feet. And were those spoons it had? Why would it carry spoons? Without hesitation, it had picked up Shapps and begun spinning him around. Despite this, however, his mannerism and apathetic attitude made Emett think of him less as a threat, and more of just another survivor. He almost felt the urge to laugh at the way the poor little dragon was being spun. Him... I think he's okay. He thought to himself.

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by RhysandNight Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:06 pm

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    Icirrus City||Night||[3]

    Dune had been prepared to use ancient power on the white thing when his attention was averted to the green skinned humanoid. He growled menacingly when it asked his comrades if they should kill him. The thought made the fossil pokemon laugh inwardly. As if something so strange in the head and weird looking could beat him. The Aerodacyl would have the thing's head sliced of with just a whip of his tail.

    Dune crouched down low, sprawling his wings out in warning, ready to charge at the pokemon when he noticed it was preparing an attack.

    "Caw, caw Motherfuckers!"

    The sudden noise caused the undead to snap his head around, letting out a startled hiss when something cold and sticky smacked him in the face. With the motion of flinging the object off, the scent of blood filled his nostrals. Red eyes locked with the ground form on the ground, taking note that it was the carcass of a Goldeen. Without second thoughts he snatched up the dead pokemon and started to devour it, snapping off the fish's horn so that he could finish it up in two bites.

    When he was done, he noticed that the air suddenly felt heavy and full of energy. That was when he noticed yet another pokemon had appeared, and was one that he was familiar with. It was an Alakazam, using it's physic powers to toy with the small dragon pokemon from earlier. Hearing it's voice alone made Dune want to tear the thing's head off. He looked at the other pokemon from before, noticing their attention was also drawn to the physic's appearance. The fossil also noticed a sudden change in the odd humanoid pokemon as he or she or whatever the hell it was, started to talk. The undead pokemon remained silent, staring between the two before noticing the large bird standing beside the humanoid pokemon. If he had eyelids they would have closed to slits. Instead he resorted to glaring coldly at the bird, positive the whole fish smacking was done by it. The tip of the fossil's tail curled around the horn that he had broke off earlier from the Goldeen. He would get the bird back, that was one thing for sure. Pulling his tail back he waited a moment before whipping his tail forward, hurtling the horn directly at the large black bird pokemon

    ((ooc: permission to throw horn at Hayato granted.))

    Posts : 13

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Q Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:38 am

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    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    At least I don't have a mustache I can jump rope with! the little dragon snarled in his mind, its enormous eyes gawking at the Alakazam. The childs' thoughts immediately went to self-defense, pondering on shooting a fireball in his face. But Q merely sneered, his teeth partially bared. "I wouldn't, if I were you." He quipped, bouncing the Axew a few times in the air before dropping him lightly onto the ground. "Not unless you want your primitive brain matter splattered everywhere."

    But it wasn't long before the Gardevoir spoke, smiling graciously. "I don't suggest squeezing. Didn't you say we were going to play a game?" The Alakazams' face suddenly lit up in excitement as his arms unfolded. "Kaze! My fantastic little confidante!" He beamed, opening his arms in greeting. "Of course we will play a game! And what fun would a game be," the Alakazam sneered, reclining in the air as if it were an invisible throne. "...if it weren't a deadly game?"

    Q glanced at them all, his eyes suddenly resting on the large Honchkrow, staring at him as if he were a carcass. A grin split across his face, his sly gaze unblinking.
    Ancient sky dragon.
    One of the tainted.
    Playing games with his future ancestor, equally primitive. Beastly. Bloodthirsty.

    The Alakazam never twitched a muscle as he watched the severed horn launched at the bird, the small chunk of bone halting centimeters before the Honchkrows' head. Q grinned as he let the horn float to his hand before snatching it out of the air. His amber gaze flashed on the fossil pokemon as he rolled the small bone around in his slender claws.
    Tell me, beast, do you want to eat these ones? I bet you do. You're hungry, aren't you? He communicated telepathically to the Aerodactyl, a smile plastered on his face.

    "Is it fun for all of you to play with the bodies of your own dead?" He mused, his gaze falling to the severed horn of the fish. "Maybe that's why you've all been cursed by this plague, ravaging your sad little planet. Next you'll start praying to your primitive idols and start sticking flags into pieces of dirt..." Q clicked his tongue in disapproval, snapping his fingers in passive rage. In a brilliant flash, they all disappeared, only to rematerialize at a nearby hill, the sands dry and brilliant red.

    The family of dragons were buried up to their necks in the red sands, with the Charmeleons tail lighting up the dunes' behind its head. The Aerodactyl stood not far from them atop the sand. And at the base of the hill, the Alakazam levitated over the Honchkrow and Gardevoir.

    Q grinned, clapping his hands in glee as he watched each of their faces. "Welcome to the game!" He shouted, his arms outstretched. Oh, and don't bother to struggle or try to dig your way out...you may wake the Durants. And I can guarantee you, it will not end well for any one of your siblings....He mentally sneered at the constricted dragons, nodding at the towering ant hills around them.
    "Now!" He shouted lightly, turning to the Gardevoir.
    "Should this be a test of strength?" He broke into laughter, waving his hand dismissively. "Meaningless, since you have none. A test of intelligence? Equally meaningless!" He continued, snickering to himself as his spoons danced to his laughter.

    "No, no, no...The point of this game is...can any of you stay alive?"
    He proclaimed, looking at them with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

    ((I've taken plenty of liberties, so forgive me- just part of the game. Any telepathy directed at any one character isn't heard by the group unless stated. Italics are my own thoughts, and not heard by anyone. I've buried the dragon family up to their necks in Durant territory. The Charmeleon has his tail out of the ground, to prevent the flame from going out underground. If you would humor me and stay stuck in the ground until the game is underway))

    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:36 pm

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    Iccirus City/Durant hill | Night | (15)
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    The Gardevoir grins at the Alakazam's words, not seeing the levitating Psychic's dismissive words as anything to get offended about. After all Q had the look about him of one who was powerful enough to do what he wanted for fun and it was fun if they felt taking you along for the ride because the rewards were worth it, provided you survived.
    With the sound of fingers snapping and the brilliant flash of moving from one place to another without moving at all Kaze realizes the game is about to begin.
    Dreamily Kaze reaches down and gathers a handful of the dry ruby red sands in his leafy green fingers, feeling the dry gritty grains pour through his fingers. It really was the most brilliant shade of red, an acrid color obviously linked to some sort of deficiency in the soil.
    Vaguely the Gardevoir remembers something about red in dirt being caused by iron veins becoming exposed to the air and rusting. No wonder the Durants nested here, the tapering cones of the catacomb mounds suddenly filled with extra guests in the form of the dragon siblings.
    The steel armored insects were zealously protective of their domains.
    "Unless you've got a Heatmor in your pocket I'd do what he says." Kaze says with a cheerful smile.
    Oh, this was fun. He was looking forwards to seeing how this game was going to be played.
    He claps his hands together in a pantomime of an excited child as he turns to Hayato who is still blinking in surprise at how close the sharp horn had gotten to his face.
    He nudges the messy feathered Honchkrow. "It is a survival game, you like those right?"
    The Gardevoir folds his arms as he beams up at the Alakazam.
    "Well I'm not that strong-" He flexes a skinny arm in demonstration. "And no one else here has an IQ of 5,000, in fact you'd have to take away at least two zeroes to get Hayato's IQ." Kaze doesn't flinch as he is pecked but rather looks upwards at the hill in front of them and the levitating Alakazam with the condescending grin still on his face.
    "Oh, do we get prizes, besides not dying I mean. Like medals or gold or weapons." Kaze says cheerfully before a thought occurs to him and he raises one hand to his mouth in a mock expression of shock. "Will there be ribbons? I love ribbons."

    Hayato is uncomfortable as he always was when he wasn't in control.
    His long black talons scratch at the dirt beneath his feet as he wonders if it was actually possible for him to get his talons in the Q's throat or if the Psychic was some sort of illusion that couldn't be harmed.
    Certainly the levitating Alakazam didn't seem worried by him, in fact its words were dismissive and that certainly ruffled the Honchkrow's feathers. He hadn't liked the Psychic the first time he saw it and he didn't like it now it was promising to put them all in danger. Hayato's blood red eyes are filled with loathing at the familiar way the Alakazam is addressing his Gardevoir.
    The snap of an arrow ended tail sends the sharp horn of the now devoured Goldeen flying towards him and the Honchkrow whips his head around, his charcoal colored wings opening a fraction with surprise as he expects to feel the horn graze his flesh and instead finds it hovering in mid air just above his beak before being slowly called to the Alakazam's hand.
    Didn't most undead become more docile after a meal?! Irritably the black feathered bird ruffles his feathers, wondering if
    He flicks his wings out, edging closer to Kaze. With the Gardevoir's broken mind he couldn't trust Kaze to look out for himself.
    The flash of teleportation causes a squawk of surprise to leave his beak as Hayato swiftly assesses the situation.
    His memory flicks up a dusty card at the sight of the Aerodactyl perched at the top of the hill and the Alakazam's mention of a game.
    Were they going to play king of the hill?

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:19 pm

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    Icirrus City|Night(13)

    Shapps fell flat on his belly and looked up the bright red hill seeing the three dragons buried up to their necks. He looked between Kaze and Q curiously. Shapps had never played a game before... When he was a baby he used to pounce on his dad's twitching tail but that was no game. It was just something in his mind he felt he had to do. Shapps sat between Kaze and the very large bird. He dug into the ground where he had buried a fish he caught back when he first arrived to the city. Looking from the fish to the big black bird, Shapps held it up to him since he ate earlier and it would be a waste if Shapps couldn't eat all of it entirely. Y-You can have this if you want m-mister Bird

    ((OoC: I assume since you said dragon family you meant Nerine,Emmett and Emmisarry so I left Shapps to do what Shapps does best. Share food))


    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:42 pm

    (posting from ipod, unable to post pocture)
    Iccuris city | night (8)

    The more the newcomer talked, the less Emett liked him. He threw insults out casually, as if he didn't care a ratata's ass about any of them. which he probably doesn't... He thought bitterly. Looking to his siblings, he tried to catch their eyes and shake his head- motioning for them to stay calm. Whoever this guy was, he was surely stronger than them. Perhaps stronger than all of them combined. Emett had no time to react, however, when, in a sudden burst of light, he was teleported away.

    When he opened his eyes again, he found himself buried in sand, his tail thankfully above ground. Turning his head all he could, he found Neriene and Emissary in a similar predicament. What was this guy playing at? He stopped moving however, when Durants were mentioned. shit... He thought to himself. Afraid to even speak for fear of alerting the Durants, he once again slowly shook his head at he sinlings. If any of them moved, they were all screwed. Their lives were in Kaze's hands now. Shit.

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by RhysandNight Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:29 am

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    Icirrus City||Night||[4]

    Dune watched in anticipation as the horn was shot towards the large bird pokemon, eagerly waiting to see the white shard of bone pierce the bird's skull. Although the fish pokemon had quieted his hunger for the time being, getting smacked in the face by that same fish had pissed him off.

    The horn stopped midair, centimeters from the bird's head.

    Confusion filled the undead's eyes as he tilted his head quizzically until with a jolt, snapped his head towards the Alakazam. That snobby physic had stopped the horn! How dare he! Dune growled in annoyance at the Alakazam's meddling, wanting to tear into it's flesh with his claws as payment. Tell me, beast, do you want to eat these ones? I bet you do. You're hungry, aren't you? The Aerodactyle froze, hearing the Phi pokemon inside his head, all the while it smiled down to him. The Aerodacyl looked down at the trapped pokemon before him.

    "Is it fun for all of you to play with the bodies of your own dead?" The Undead's eyes hardened as the Alakazam looked down at the horn. "Maybe that's why you've all been cursed by this plague, ravaging your sad little planet. Next you'll start praying to your primitive idols and start sticking flags into pieces of dirt..."

    "No...!" He snarled, wishing he knew any dark or ghost type moves to kill the talkative pokemon right then and there. "Humans....forget....idiot!" Each word was painful to say and Dune soon lapsed into silence. That was when he remembered most physic pokemon, or at least ones he had met, could sometimes read minds. If the Alakazam could speak in his head, the undead was somewhat sure that the Phi could read thoughts too.

    Speak so high you do on being smart. But obviously stupid you are. Eyes flashed tauntingly. Curse you call this, but not curse at all. Humans cause of this.Everything like this humans are apart of.

    Dune castes his eyes to the three pokemon trapped in the sand, mentally smiling sadistically as he stopped to stare at the white 'insect'
    Killing and eating isn't new, no, was like this before. the Aerodactyl opened his maw, letting out a high pitched cry.
    I hunt, I kill, and I grow stronger! He added force behind the last part of his thoughts, as if proving a point. Again he opened his mouth, voicing what words he could.


    Yes that was what he was. A predator, hunter, killer. Before being revived he had ruled the skies, taking out the weaker pokemon below him in a glorious dance of flashing fangs and claws. The epidemic had done nothing to dull this instict to hunt and kill, it had if anything, made it stronger to a point of near insanity.

    (ooc: sorry for the crappy post, issues in RL. anyways, you guys have my permission to rough Dune up, no permanent damage or death please.)

    Age : 25
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:25 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    What... was going on?

    Nerine was confused, eyes wide and staring at the Alakazam before her who had communicated to them with his mind. The Dratini slithered back, wary of the newcomer. The world around her was muted, her scarred hearing only making them mumbles as the serpent looked around, fearful. The Gardevoir seemed to know this psychic, which didn't help calming the dragon. In a split second she had soon found herself in an unfamiliar setting, body encased in red sands as she struggled to break free. 'What is this...?' she began to panic, eyes darting frantically before landing on Q. 'What are you doing to us?!'

    'Oh, and don't bother to struggle or try to dig your way out...you may wake the Durants. And I can guarantee you, it will not end well for any one of your siblings....' The hideous voice rang clear in her mind, and the Dratini scowled behind the handkerchief that so conveniently hid her face. "No, no, no...The point of this game is...can any of you stay alive?" she thanked whatever gods there were left for being able to at least hear that. Nerine's eyes narrowed, attempting to get a grip on the situation. 'He teleported us and trapped us in the middle of Durant territory. He intends to play a game of survival...'

    She watched as their mouths moved, but her ears unable to hear their words. The Dratini tensed with fear, eyes downcast as she shivered. 'What is he going to make us do?'

    Posts : 13

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Q Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:06 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    Speak so high you do on being smart. But obviously stupid you are. Curse you call this, but not curse at all. Humans cause of this.Everything like this humans are apart of.

    Killing and eating isn't new, no, was like this before.

    Q sneered knowingly, his eyes narrowing at the ancient bird.
    ...Exactly. The Alakazam scoffed, amused by the predators' attempt at intelligent thought. I hope the irony in your statement is not lost on you, macro head. Haha! With a micro brain! Q chuckled to himself, watching the bird flaunt its' infinitesimal power.

    "Yes, yes caveman. FOOD. GOOD. YUM YUM." He said slowly, emphasizing each word and making simplistic gestures with his claws.

    "It is a survival game, you like those right?" The Gardevoir nudged at the Honchkrow, beaming at his companion.
    "Oh, do we get prizes, besides not dying I mean. Like medals or gold or weapons."

    Q laughed heartily at the Gardevoirs' zeal, his laughter echoing loudly in their heads.
    "Oh, mortals are such fun! Medals! Weapons! Such workings of the tiny mind!" He breathed deeply, a large grin still plastered on his face. "You can't possibly ask the Q for prizes and gifts! We are Omniscient! We are Omnipotent! You should feel honored, competing for the gods' attention!" He exclaimed, his spoons suddenly glowing and twirling in the air excitedly.
    "No, I am here to see if your planet is worthy of the Q. That will be your reward if you succeed."

    "But let's not delay the game any further- I bore of this rhetoric." He said, waving his claw dismissively. "To make this more interesting, this game will be...entirely unfair!" The Psychic fox snapped his fingers, and moments later, a deep rumbling began to sound from the ground beneath them, followed by a thick flow of steel ants erupting from the large earthen towers surrounding the dragon family and Aerodactyl.
    "Alright, caveman- you can choose to stake your claim on the meal I've placed before you...or you can fly away, like a coward. If the Durants eat the dragons first, you lose. And when you lose, you die. If you fly away, you die." The Alakazam grinned, turning to the Honchkrow and Gardevoir, his eyes alight with a brilliant fervor.

    "You two must fight to the death- here and now. Such close friends must put their friendship to the test." He chuckled, his eyes moving to each of them for their reactions. "If you refuse, you all face a fate worse than death."

    "As for you, little one..." Q muttered, slowly touching his feet to the ground, towering over the little Axew as he stood erect. You are to go and help your dragon cousins fend off that nasty macro-head! He said light-heartedly. Only one rule- you can't dig your friends out. They have to get out on their own, or they die...

    The Psychic fox smiled darkly as he spread his arms and levitated above them in a show of dramatic elegance. His whole body glowed a brilliant blue as he shouted, "Let the games begin!"

    (If anyone cares to die in the game, they can. I will revive them in the end, but they can't know they'll be revived, to make the story better. Permission and instructions have been given to me for character death-
    Suicune wrote:Rules: Changes to team sheets won't be necessary, and turns will stay the same.
    Dead will be skipped until end of game.
    Remember who dies and when it's your turn, as the sheets won't reflect that.
    Now go- make the fight a glorious one!)

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by RhysandNight Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:57 pm

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    Icirrus City||Night||[5]

    Dune snarled, hating the physic pokemon. But he had little time to think of any answer before the ground started to rumble and shake, spilling out of the ground. He looked down at the dragons before him, then at the ants. As much as he just wanted to kill them all, it would be more entertaining watching them struggle their way out. Instead he took a step forward toward the metal bugs, his body glowing slightly as he summoned the move Ancientpwer and sent the large rocks flying towards the ants.

    ((sorry for the late reply we've been hit with a lot of snow so internet is sketchy, I'm not even sure if this'll go through. So let this short post be okay for now.

    Also I'm sorry if it isn't my turn, though I sure it was. I'll delete this post Monday if that's the case.))

    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:01 am

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    Durant hill | Night | (16)
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    Kaze pouts and crosses his humanoid arms when he hears there isn't going to be any prizes. Even if he knows that the medals and ribbons he has one are frivolous and without point in this dark game world he enjoyed having pretty things.
    The Foxy faced Trickster God with the strange kind of hivemind was full of himself, all trickster's were by nature but he was hoping for a bit more than a burst of XP from such a neatly laid-out game.
    His wide emerald eyes glinting eagerly at when the promised game is going to start, ready to start battling the partially flayed Aerodactyl to save the trapped family that could be potential allies.
    With a showy snap of his fingers the Alakazam wakes the metal armored horde, the sharp jawed insects swarming from the smallest cracks in the dried ground to defend their catacombed mounds.
    Fresh meat lodged in their delicate tunnels, ready to be sectioned up and carried to their underground food stores must be a terrible temptation for the steel/bugs and to make matters worse the Aerodactyl was looking at then the same way a Meowth looked at something shiny.
    This is going to be a fun fight!
    Kaze's feathery ears twitch at the sound of Q's next statement. They wouldn't be joining in? Instead they had to fight...each other.
    The cheerful smile fades from the Gardevoir's face to be replaced by an unfamiliar look of blank shock. In this world the only constant he had was the musky feathered Honchkrow at his side.
    "Hayato..." He says softly, completely at a loss as to what to do.

    A spark of violence gleams brightly in the Honchkrow's bloody red eyes. He is close enough to Kaze to see the Gardevoir's feathered ears perk up in surprise and then lower as the news sinks in.
    A deep rumbling sound starts deep in the bird's throat.
    Who was this Psychic Bastard to tell him who he could and couldn't fight?
    Why waste his time battling the same opponent he is fought over and over again when he can remove their annoying problem at its source.
    With a piercing cry the Honchkrow spreads his charcoal colored wings, beak open wide to stab out the arrogant golden eyes of the smirking Alakazam.
    A haze of ghostly energy starts to ooze from his feathers, building up his image to look even more intimidating as the bloody feathered bird leaps forwards.
    The aura of a Night Shade attack builds around his body to form a greatly enlarged version of himself made entirely of his killing intent but before the illusion can be turned on the Alakazam it is shattered by a sphere of gleaming white energy.
    Hayato turns his head to see the faint glow of a Focus Blast fading from the spring green of Kaze's fingers. His bloody red eyes are filled with a violent anger that causes Kaze to flinch backwards and withdraw his hands.
    The Gardevoir has seen the deepening smirk on Q's face and knew that if Hayato's attack had continued the Alakazam would have probably torn them apart on the spot but to the Honchkrow's blood red eyes the blow is a betrayal of his trust and, worse, he has done it poorly.
    "Fuck you!" The Honchkrow caws, turning his anger on Kaze.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:13 am

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    Icirrus City|Night (14)

    Shapps jumped to his feet and saluted the Alakazam before turning to the Aerodactyl. He had wanted to reason with it but not if it came to a stand still of living and undead. Shapps charged at the undead dragon gaining speed and power until it was a full on Giga Impact. He pounced from place to place. The heat from the attack pushing the sand back away from his feet and aiding in his real attack. Giga Impact was mostly just his way of moving away any obstacles or objects that could slow down his REAL attack or anything he could potentially step on. Shapps opened his mouth wide and a purple wave of dragon energy built up. Take this! Dragon Pulse burst from his mouth sending him backwards from the force. The attack itself was weak but in the right situation could hurt a Druddigon pretty bad.


    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:41 pm

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    Durant Hill | Night (9)

    Emett hissed softly. He was at a loss with this. They had gotten into much more than they could chew in this city. They should have moved on through the night. They should have just turned around. They should have died with their father. Anything but this.

    Emett was buried soundly up to his neck and the tip of his tail, completely unable to move. Turning his neck, he tried to get a glimpse of his siblings. They were in a very simliar situation. He had confidence that Emmissary could dig his way out somehow, but he wasn't sure about Nerine, without any hands or feet to dig. He wasn't sure what this Q guy would think of them digging each other out. From where he was, he couldn't see Shapps fighting the purple dragon, but he could hear the sounds. And they weren't pretty. Scowling, he tried to shift his hands, and was surprised he could move them slightly. He worked at them until he had a small pocket of air around them, enough to move his claws an inch or two. Perhaps... Perhaps he could escape. Once he got out, he could help the others. Steeling himself, he began to shift his body. In his haste to help, however, he forgot about the threat of Durant. They would come soon, whether he knew or not.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:27 am

    (Skip Please, it's late, I have a warning, and bluhhhhh.

    As usual, I give Drago and Lulu full influence over Emissary as they see fit if need be for their posts)

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by RhysandNight Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:46 am

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    Durant Hill||Night||[6]

    A large clawed foot smashed the head of one of the metal bug pokemon, the sound sounding horrible as it screeched and bent under the large undead's weight. Dune made sure to add metal types to the list of pokemon he hated. Their steal-like hides made to much noise as they were killed. A sharp pain shot through his thigh and looked down to find one of those stupid ants sinking it's large pincers into his tender flesh. Roaring both in pain and rage the undead's tail began to glow metallic as he used an iron tail. Because of the angle they were in he wasn't able to hit the Durant directly, but succeeded in causing a large portion of its abdomen to be smashed it. Even with the damage though it didn't release and Dune was forced to clamp his jaws around the things neck and give a hard twist to its head. The body crumbled to the soft sand but the pincers remained embedded in his side.

    Dune didn't have time to try and remove it though because two more of the stupid steal types came charging at him, barely having time to summon an Ancientpower before they were on him. Sending the large rocks at the charging pokemon, he slammed the earthed into them, halting the steel types if just momentarily. the fossil pokemon was so wrapped up with the Durants, he had all but forgotten of the other pokemon around him. So when he turned to find an unable Dragon Pulse racing towards him, he made a motion to move only to snarl as the Durant who's jaws were still in his flesh, grazed against his bone. Dune stumbled, sinking to a knee as he lost his balance. Unable to move he raised his wing to shield the rest of his body from the attack. The blue fire hit the undead's wing, causing the skin to blacken and blister in that area.

    Sweeping his wing down the undead scattered the remaining flames, red eyes looking around angrily for the culprit. At first he thought the three odd siblings had something to do with the attack. But they were still trapped in the sand. Turning his head Dune spotted the small green dragon pokemon that had been nice earlier to him. The little bastard had fired the attack, he was sure of it. A low growl started to come up from his throat as he stood up on his feet again. The dragon thing would pay for attacking him. Reaching down he grabbed the Durant's head with his three finger like appendages on his wings and gave a strong tug. Dark blood oozed from the large gash as he tore the pincher from his flesh and threw it to the side. There was to much pain. His thigh was burning with pain, as his wing felt like it would tear with the simplest movement. It was to much, to much. The voices in his head were starting to grow louder and louder until he could barely even here his own thoughts.

    It was to much, with the pain and the voices Dune just let his own thoughts go blank.

    Th end of his tail began to snake back and forth like an eager Persain staring at a Rattata. From behind him a Durant lunged at him, only to be smacked hard in the face as the fossil's tail made contact. With a roar he charged downhill towards the Axew.

    Age : 25
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:29 pm

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    Durant Hill| |Night

    Hatred burned inside the little serpent, eyes narrowed and snarling. Her gaze was brimming with wrath, glaring right at the Alakazam. 'I'll kill you! How dare you do this to my brothers! Once I get out of here I'll-' the color faded from her face as she felt vibrations within the sand. Whether if it was one of her siblings or a Durant, she couldn't tell, but panic had snaked it's way into the young Dratini, who began to writhe within the Earth. 'Let me out! Let me out! Oh Arceus I don't want to die I don't please just let us out we'll do whatever you want!'

    Tears began to cascade down from her eyes, sniffling as she tried to move. She couldn't, her body form restricting her actions against the sands. She blocked out the world, frantic to escape as she whimpered and sobbed. 'LET ME OUT! Please, I don't want to die, I don't want to...' she looked with pleading eyes to her brothers, shaking with fear. 'I don't want to die...'

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