Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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12 posters

    The ICIRRUS Team


    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:30 pm

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    Burned Tower Entrance | Morning

    "T'would be a fine morning, had we not been in the midst of terrible times." A voice had jerked Nevan forth from her thoughts. Immediately she had ripped her attention from the area she had dived to upon her entry and to the Luxray that was padding towards her. Being fairly observant. She couldn't help but notice he seemed just a tad larger than the average Luxray. Her tail flicked nervously.

    "Y-yes, it would." Once more, Nevan's amethyst eyes had turned to the hole in the ceiling. The warmth of the sun still comforting her. "I miss relaxing beneath the sun without having to worry about some wretched thing trying to kill me." She missed a lot of things. Most of all her beloved brother, and the trainer she had meant to protect. The memory crept up on her. Coiling from the back of her mind, and briefly flashing a body moment when the child hit the ground and breathed its final breath. Her body shuttered at the memory, though she continued to stare at the hole. The sun was the only thing that made her feel safe these days. It provided her with something to look forward to in the night, and something to give her power during the day.

    "Excuse me, Tarinthe was it? I have a feeling like I've met you before, though with this outbreak... My mind could just be hoping to run into a familiar face." A conscious decision or not, that was definitely the case. She had hoped many a day to run into the parents of her trainer, or even one of their Pokemon. Unfortunately something within her said they might be gone too. It was hard to accept such a tear jerking thought, and to tell the truth. The poor Espeon didn't. There was a part of her, if not her entire being, that begged this all to be a dream. It was terrifying that everything felt so real. That a thorn hurt when she stepped on it. That fire burned. That a blood curdling scream was real...

    She always tried convincing herself that this was all illusion, but she knew better. That's when she heard something bumping its way down what sounded like stairs. The Sun Pokemon looked towards where Blade and Paladin had been headed towards to see that the Deino was no longer in sight. "Did he... fall?" A soft giggle escaped her lips as she rose and took a hesitant step forward. "Paladin, are you alright?" She called after the creature in hopes of getting a pleasant reply when only moments after did a scream erupt through the tower. Her body recoiled as her fur stood on end and the gem on her forehead began blowing a faint red.

    She had expected the Undead. A rotting corpse to fly through the ceiling, however it wasn't of any sort. Blade had released the yell, and soon fell limp to the floor. "D-did something hit him?!" She had failed to make since of the words the Gallade had spoken just before he had fainted. Still in attack position, her eyes frantically searched the room for attacker. Her nose desperately took in the surroundings scents, and her ears were strained for every little noise.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:17 pm

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    Burned Tower Entrance | Morning

    Across Draol's journy to wipe out the infected, he came across what seemed to be a Hydreigon flying through the sky. Bleeding from its belly from a huge cut coming form the direction of the burt tower he was headed towards. Before Droal decided to investigate the building he came across the most disturbing sight he has ever seen. An Altaria, the bird of peace in the sky, ripped apart into pieces by what possibly could've been the Hydreigon. If so what gave him the huge cut? No Altaria could produce such a swipe. Draol carfully opened the door to see in front of him 4 uninfected looking at him angrily with some charred Meowth on the ground. Draol said with caution, "I am Draol, I'm uninfected. What are your names? And whats going on here?".

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:01 pm

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    Burned Tower Basement | Late Morning
    ((OOC: Wait- how can Paladin look at something? And especially when he's at the bottom of the stairs wounded? o.o;;; ))

    Paladin grunted as he heard the foor open as he struggled to get back on his feet. "I am Draol, I'm uninfected. What are your names? And whats going on here?" Paladin stood there for a moment. "Hey, Draol, are you from Unova? You have a familiar scent of the region with you." Paladin asked, a bit relieved that there might be a Pokemon from his own region here now, instead of all these foreigners.

    "I'm Paladin, by the way. I'm a Deino, a rather badly wounded one..." he shouted as he got up and tried to go back up the stairs again.

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:01 am

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    Burned Tower Entrance | Late Morning

    Blade was still laying on the floor unconscious as he mumbled a few things. "KAIRI" Blade shouted concern in his voice as he sat up quickly in cold sweat.after recollecting himself he looked around to see everyone around him and staring(except paladin because he can't see) at another pokemon he could only assume came from Unova."sorry everyone about what happened, something triggered a very bad memory that was too much to handle,also to the new pokemon I'm Blade a Gallade I'm also a guardian,who are you?" Blade said as he got up and dusted himself off.

    ((OOC: short post XD))

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:43 pm

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    Burned Tower Entrance | Morning

    Nevan flicked her tail in silence as she waited for Tarinthe's reply, pausing when the door swung open to reveal a Pokemon foreign to the Johto region. Immediately, her fur stood on end as she retreated quite a few steps. Had the infected come in? Her senses went to work. Ears alert, and nose wrinkling as she took in every little scent around her. From the uninfected, to even the burnt corpses of Meowth that resided outside the Burn Tower. She was just able to make out that this creature was yet another uninfected, and even more so. A creature that she was not familiar with. The Deino she had figured was from the Unova region. This must have been the same case for this creature.

    "I am Draol, I'm uninfected. What are your names? And whats going on here?" The Dragon type demanded. This time around, Nevan was much quicker to calm herself. Now that she was aware that their were beating hearts around her, she wasn't as frightened. However, she was still quite shy. It took her a moment to find her voice, and more so calm herself down enough so that her fur was flat.

    'I can't believe how many uninfected there are... I haven't seen anyone alive in so long,' Nevan thought as she gave a quiet look to the surrounding faces. "I'm Nevan," she spoke softly. Her voice holding no form of threat to it. Her tail once again wound around her paws as she examined the faces of each of the living individuals in the room before curiously looking back up towards the ceiling. The rafters were so burnt, it was hard to believe they had been holding up the building since the fire so long ago.

    Drifting thoughts managed to calm her. They helped her drag her away from the real world where everything was nothing more than a vast land of collapsed dreams and scattered chaos. Daydreaming was all that really helped her nowadays.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:12 am

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    Burned Tower Basement | Late Morning

    ."sorry everyone about what happened, something triggered a very bad memory that was too much to handle,also to the new pokemon I'm Blade a Gallade I'm also a guardian,who are you?" Paladin had finally reached the top of the stairs, as he stretched a bit and gave a small smile of success. "Must've been really bad- for you to scream that loud... Y'know, if you tell them you're a guardian, they might get confused. What type of guardian? Or just leave that out altogether, nevermind." Paladin rambled, as he started talking to himself. He seemed to be in his own little bubble.

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:52 pm

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    Burned Tower Entrance | Late Morning

    "oh sorry if i don't specify about what kind of guardian i am paladin,but it's quite complicated,for now all i know is sense I've gotten here my abilities which are not normal for pokemon to have are not working,and on top of that i'm worried about Kairi my mate,I wish i knew how her and Luna my daughter are doing" Blade said sadness in his voice as he said the last two bits [damn if only my abilities were working i could get out of here no problem]Blade thought "anyways i'm going back down stairs i'll call if i find the secret base, okay" Blade said back to his old self as he started walking back down the stairs(i hope there both safe) Blade mumbled as he took a picture of Kairi holding Luna,out from under his head band and unfolded it.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:36 pm

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    Burned Tower Entrance | Late Morning

    Nevan had considerably calmed herself and was now listening to those around her. Her amethyst eyes quietly shifting from Paladin as he asked Blade just what sort of guardian he was. Most certainly he wasn't one of the Legendary Pokemon. Nevan knew very well of many of the old legends of Johto and Kanto. They had always been something her and her brother enjoyed whenever their trainer decided to take them to a library and have a little read aloud to the team. Of course, all the Espeon had ever seen of Legendaries were nothing but pictures. She had never witnessed one in her years of traveling.

    "Oh sorry if I don't specify about what kind of guardian I am paladin, but it's quite complicated. For now all I know is since I've gotten here. My abilities, which are not normal for pokemon to have, are not working. On top of that I'm worried about Kairi my mate. I wish I knew how her and Luna my daughter are doing." Blade had said just before making his way on down the stairs. Nevan gave a flick of her ears, slowly rising from her haunches and taking a few cautious steps forward as she observed the top of the stairs. She still wasn't to willing to head down them. The basement of the Burnt Tower had once been a terrifying experience for her after a bunch of Ghastly and Haunter had decided to scare her and her young trainer.

    "He had a family?" Nevan mumbled, her ears drooping at the thought of a lost daughter and love. The pain of being torn from her trainer, and even more so her brother was heart shattering. Rarely did she stop to think what others may have lost thanks to the epidemic, but then again. She rarely ever ran into others. Her tail gave a nervous twitch as she cast her gaze upon the Deino. "Paladin, y-your wounds. Do you need help with them?" Unfortunately she didn't have the benefit of using Morning Sun. Healing herself and things would have been much easier if she had been just a bit stronger, but she did have a basic knowledge of tending to wounds. It may require venturing outside for maybe a berry or some herbs, but she was always willing to help.

    Last edited by Radiation Fox on Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:19 pm

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    Burned Tower Basement | Late Morning

    "oh sorry if i don't specify about what kind of guardian i am paladin,but it's quite complicated,for now all i know is sense I've gotten here my abilities which are not normal for pokemon to have are not working,and on top of that i'm worried about Kairi my mate,I wish i knew how her and Luna my daughter are doing" Paladin huffed. "That's lovely, but I don't care. You're lucky that you don't know if you're family's dead or not, because I know that my family is long past dead, and were all killed by infected..." he growled. He sat down. "But it's not like I give a damn anyways..." he whispered to himself, slumping even more to the ground.

    "Paladin, y-your wounds. Do you need help with them?" Paladin raised his head and turned it to where he assumed the Espeon was. "Uh- sure. I don't mind. It'll be nice to get them treated once in a while too..." he replied, a bit surprised by the sudden offer.

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:16 pm

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    Burned Tower Basement|afternoon

    (ugh, where the hell is it) Blade mumbled to him self as he tried to search for the entrance to the secret base.[it's got to be around here somewhere, ah found it] Blade thought as he pushed a panel in the wall. [damn bastards alway making it difficult to find these places] Blade thought as the door to the base opened and lights started to turn on inside the base "hey everyone i found the base, so come on down" Blade yelled up the stairs happily (would be nice to actually sleep on one of the beds in the base for a change instead of the cold hard ground) Blade mumbled to himself. Blade decided to look around the base to see if every thing was in check "aw no tv here ,well the communication radio works and oh theres food in the storage, man they kept this place nice and in tip top shape before they left" Blade said. Blade noticed a letter on the table of the main room "oh whats this" blade said to himself as he picked up the letter. |to whatever guardian that finds this letter we had left this base because one of our own had turned we locked him up in the prisoners area of the base we could not bring our selves to kill him for he was our friend we left for sinnoh in hopes of escaping this new living hell if you plan on making this place an area to live for the time being then you must kill our friend so he doesn't kill you.
    -sincerely Flare the charizard

    P.s. thank you for ending our friends torture he is a Beheeyem a pokemon from unova, aim for the head for a quick kill,and i hope you like how we fixed up the place before we left.| after reading this Blade ran over to the prisoners area and looked at all the cages, he stopped in front of one cages as he saw something move inside, all of a sudden the thing that was inside jumped and clung to the cage door shrieking "KILL ME PLEASE" Blade put a face shield on to make sure that when he did kill this thing nothing would fly into his mouth, eyes, or nose. Blade then readied his shadow ball and fired at it's head making it explode on impact and killing it. "Ah fuck where was the shower again" Blade said as he walked in the direction of where the bathroom was. Blade took a shower before heading back to the burned tower basement to see if any one had come down yet.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:12 pm

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    Ecruteak Pokemart | Late Morning

    Nevan took a few steps closer to the Deino, her ears flinching as she listen to him talk once Blade had spoken of his family. "That's lovely, but I don't care. You're lucky that you don't know if you're family's dead or not, because I know that my family is long past dead, and were all killed by infected..." Her ears drooped, however she remained quiet. Her amethyst eyes looked Paladin's wounds over, and he only continued. "But it's not like I give a damn anyways..." Poor thing, Nevan couldn't help but to pity him. Of course, she had her own problems. She desperately desired the loving arms of her trainer to wrap around her and her brother. Her heart yearned to be comforted by them, but they were long gone. The memory of her trainer... falling to earth. Her blood sloshing across the ground as bones cracked and splintered, and then there was that memory of her brother. Flesh dangling, jagged teeth pulled into a never ending grin as he wheezed just to breath. Her bones shivered, how she begged herself to get rid of that forsaken memory.

    She observed Paladin's body language. Something told her he truly did care, but was merely putting on a tough act. She didn't comment on it.

    "Uh- sure. I don't mind. It'll be nice to get them treated once in a while too..." Deino responded to her question and she nodded, and hesitantly made her way towards the door.

    "I'll be back soon," and after using her tail to slowly slide the outside door open. Nevan slipped into the outside world and shut it behind her. She hadn't heard the Gallade call for them to head down into whatever base was within the tower. Now that she was back outside, her heart had begun pounding. Buildings of Ecruteak blocked her view, but from what she could see. The cost were clear. The charred bodies left behind by the Luxray still lay motionless. As the Espeon cautiously made her way down the stairs that lead up to the entrance. A thought popped up in her mind. She wouldn't have to venture out to the forests. There was a Pokemon Center nearby! More so a Pokemart! One of the two had to have some medicine, maybe even a potion or two.

    She gave another cautious look around, her paws quietly gliding over the ground as she ran to the nearest body and pressed her form against it. Her eyes peered around the corner, the coast was still clear.. but there were a few bodies of the humans within her line of sight. Her form cringed at their mangled appearance as her ears pricked. She could only hope to get in and out of the Pokemart and return to the safety of the Burnt Tower. Being out in the open for to long made her feel exposed, and vulnerable to attack.

    Another swift sprint to the next building, and Nevan began to push closer and closer to the Pokemart. She did her best to stay beneath any debris or roofs of buildings as a means to stay out of sight of anything flying over head. More so, he sense of smell and her ears were alert. Any little pebble that over turned didn't go unheard by the Espeon. She'd always freeze, checking every corner. Whatever sort of luck she normally had, today it must have been good. She had cleared what felt like ten football fields worth of a distance from the Burnt Tower to the Pokemart in a matter of minutes. She stood before the doorway, at her paws were the shattered glass that use to make up the actual door. The inside was dark, only occasionally flickering a light from the ceiling above. Quietly, she entered. The gem on her forehead glowing faintly in response to her body preparing an attack.

    'Oh Arceus, oh Arceus, oh Arceus...,' her heart was pounding so hard she feared a distant zombie would hear her. Silently, she crept through broken glass. Stepping over a few human bodies who had been ripped to ribbons, and lurking over ball containers and a mass amount of other items. There were all sorts of objects sprung across the floor. 'Just a simple Potion will do... just one, all I need is one. Please dear Arcceus let there be one. Please, oh please.' She searched and she searched. She wound up behind one of the towering shelves, her eyes wide as she searched and listened. Suddenly, her body froze.

    Glass crunched, as something else entered the Pokemart.

    Last edited by Radiation Fox on Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Wording)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:40 pm

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    Burned Tower Basement | Late Morning

    "I'll be back soon," Paladin raised his head. "W-Wait!" Paladin called, but he was already too late. The Espeon had gone off somewhere. "You shouldn't go outside alone..." he whispered.

    "Hey everyone I found the base, so come on down" Paladin tumbled down towards where he supposed Blade would be, and called out. "Blade- Blade! Nevan went outside alone, I'm going to follow her. Stay here to make sure no infected get inside the tower." Paladin called out, as he stumbled back up the stairs and outside.

    "Nevan! Nevan?" He called, feeling worry well up inside of him. It's been a while since he met the living and he didn't want to be alone again. He moved his stubby legs, trying to run but tripped on a rock and fell. He heard tiny movements from here and there. He struggled to get up, and as he did, he heard several movements around him. He heard gurgles and distorted growls as he moved his head around.

    "Oh shit. I'm screwed." he muttered, as he heard even more growls. He figured he was surrounded by Raticates and Growlithes as he got into a battle stance, his mouth exploding with electricity as he readied a Thunder Fang.

    "No damned infected is gonna take me."

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:06 pm

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    Burned Tower Basement | Afternoon

    after his shower Blade dried off and went into the Burned tower basement no one had showed up yet. Blade then heard Paladin calling down to him "Blade- Blade! Nevan went outside alone, I'm going to follow her. Stay here to make sure no infected get inside the tower." hearing this Blade closed up the door to the base making sure to mark where it was by putting a slash on the ground in front of the door. Blade raced up the stairs and out the door and saw Paladin surrounded by infected Blade quickly shot a couple shadow ball's and used a few psyshock's on them the three that weren't hit charged at Blade, he smiled and said "you damn infected when will you learn that you can't kill me when i have someone to protect" Blade shouted as he slashed them all with a single psycho cut severing their heads. Blade ran over to Paladin who was about to use Thunder fang. "whoa calm down there Paladin there gone i took care of them, now how about I put you down on my shoulder and seeing as though your blind you have a high sense of smell you can smell out Nevan and tell me where to go okay?" Blade asked awaiting an answer from Paladin.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:08 pm

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    Ecruteak Pokemart | Late Morning

    Nevan's tail tucked in beneath her as her ears and body lowered close to the ground. Her stomach was only an inch from the floor as the sound of hooves tapped across the floor. She knew of a few hoofed animals in the area, however the tapping also sounded like claws against a chalk board. As if the hooves had gotten sharper, and one was being drug. A putrid stink began to filter throughout the Pokemart. It was enough to nearly make the Espeon vomit. It was a stink of rotting flesh... flesh that had been decaying for quite some time now. Whatever had entered the store. It was without a doubt, undead.

    Her heart pounded as Nevan's jaws opened to reveal tiny fangs. More and more she lowered herself, until her amethyst eyes were just able to see beneath the shelf she hid behind. All she could see was was slender legs. One of the hind ones had a bone jutting out right at the ankle, and was also the one being drug on the floor. The sight of it made her cringe, and she further observed the specimen. Its four hooves were badly splintered. Its fur mattered, and much of it loss. It was slowly tapping around, and was in the isle over from where she was. Was it about to turn down her isle? Was it following her scent? Slowly, she began to back away from the shelves when her rear bumped into a small stand. Causing a number of cans and items to tumbled down, one in particular hit her in the head and fell to the ground with the loudest clink she had ever heard. Her eyes followed it, and recognized it as a Potion...

    The noises had definitely attracted the attention of the monster in beyond her isle. For a low, hoarse bleat suddenly echoed through the desecrated building as the monster reared up. Its front hooves thrashed forward and down the shelves came, Nevan was to shocked to move out the way. However, she did grab hold of the Potion. Tightly holding it in her jaws, the shelf collapsed on top of her while a mountain of items piled on top of her. Immediately, the creature went to stomp at where it had last seen her. The Sun Pokemon suddenly shot from beneath the items, a dazzling light followed behind her as she kicked off the ground and landed on the counter. The Potion still in her jaws, her fur bristled and her tail furiously whipped from side to side as her fur stood on end.

    Turns out, the creature was a Stantler. Its body bloated and a sickly gray while its intestines hung from its belly. Crimson eyes turned on her, and the monstrosity came charging. Its sharpened horns shown red as blood glistened on its points. The attack Nevan had been charging was suddenly released. From her gem, blasted a powerful Psybeam headed straight for the Stantler however it quickly sidestepped and the Espeon gasped. She launched herself into the air, while the horns of the undead slammed straight into the counter. Completely destroying it. She barely had time to recover from her land, for the Stantler had removed its horns from the now tattered counter and was running at her again. Whatever happened, she had no intention of releasing the Potion. Her gem glowed faintly, releasing a ball of white energy into the air. It floated up and suddenly disappeared into hanging lights above.

    Nevan charged forward, suddenly gaining speed as she used a Quick Attack to give her a boost. The Stantler slammed its horns to the ground, trying to smash and mutilate her when she was close enough but she had bounded right over it, landing on the other side. It went to whip right around, but Nevan was quicker. She fired yet another Psybeam, this time landing a direct hit on its rear and causing it to stumble. It let out another terrifying ghostly bleat before turning on her and throwing itself at her. She managed to once again avoid those nasty horns, however it stepped just in time to roughly dig its shoulder into her chest with a great deal of force. It was enough to send her flying across the room and right into the wall. The impact made her lose her breath, and for a moment her body felt as if it were paralyzed. Thankfully she still had control.

    Another bleat sounded in her hears, and her eyes widened to see the monster looming over her. Its two hooves reared in the air ready to stomach her brains out, when suddenly the energy she had sent above came raining down. Powerful bolts of energy shot out from the lights, striking the Stantler directly and throwing it off balance. It screeched as it was forced into the wall right next to Nevan. Immediately, she fired another Future Sight. The energy was once again temporarily absorbed by the lights as she bounded away. However, she gave the monster little time to recover. A Psybeam was fired, and she didn't let up. Each paw was firmly pressed to the ground as her eyes grew brighter and brighter. The attack growing more and more powerful. It had hit the monster right in the chest, and was keeping it pinned against the wall. It thrashed all above. The tear in its abdomen only grew bigger and bigger, until finally all of its guts came spilling out on the floor.

    She was getting tired, her body aching from having been so forcfully slammed into the wall. The Psybeam suddenly ceased, and the Stantler went about thrashing around madly inside the store. Setting down the Potion, Nevan panted. Opening her mouth as a white light charged up. The Stantler lurched at her for one finally attack, but she had timed it perfectly. As she fired a Swift attack, the bolts of energy from the Future Sight seemed to return stronger than ever. The two attackers hit the beast in mid air and sent it flying backwards, right back into that same spot in the wall so that it went flying through. Creating a gaping hole in the side of the building. It lay in the rubble, its body terribly misshapen from the attack. It was motionless, and hopefully, dead. She heaved, kneeling down and picking up the Potion. Hopefully she wouldn't run into anything on the way back.

    She silently made her way out the Pokemart, aching and tired.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:46 pm

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    Outside the Tower | Late Morning

    "Whoa calm down there Paladin there gone i took care of them, now how about I put you down on my shoulder and seeing as though your blind you have a high sense of smell you can smell out Nevan and tell me where to go okay?" Paladin huffed. "Thanks for stealing my kill. That was nice of you." Paladin's voice dripped with sarcasm as he stopped his Thunderfang and turned his head towards where he heard a crashing sound. "There, I presume Nevan's over there." Paladin replied, as he ran as fast as he could blindly to the Pokemart.

    As soon as he reached a area near the mart, he heard a sound similiar to panting. "Nevan? Nevan? Is that you? Are you alright?" Paladin asked, swinging his head and different directions, his body in a stance to run just in case it wasn't Nevan but an infected instead.

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:03 pm

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    Outside the Tower | Afternoon

    Blade had heard a crash and looked in the direction he heard it from "There, I presume Nevan's over there." Paladin said as he ran off in the direction of the pokemart Blade ran along side Paladin but stopped for only a second when he saw the stantler and the wall. Blade rushed inside the pokemart careful not to step on the broken glass,"Nevan? Nevan? Is that you? Are you alright?" Blade heard Paladin say. Blade saw the worn out form of Nevan and picked her up but not before he picked up a couple of potions "alright Paladin lets get back to the tower, do you want me to carry you on my back?" Blade asked waiting for an answer

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:25 pm

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    Ecruteak Pokemart | Late Morning

    "Nevan? Nevan? Is that you? Are you alright?"

    The Espeon pricked her ears, her tired eyes looking to see the form of the Deino. She placed the Potion on the ground, her tail wrapping around it instead and lifting it up.

    "It's me, Paladin! What in the world are you doing out here?" It was easy to tell that she was exhausted just by her voice. That Stantler had managed to do a deal of damage just from slamming her into the wall. It made her remember that those monsters always used every ounce of there power just to try and kill the living. She had Arceus to thank that she had managed to survive the encounter. She padded over to him, carefully avoiding the bits of glass on the ground. To think she went out in search of medicine only for him to end up following her. He was blind, and already wounded as it was! If he had gotten hurt, or worse. Nevan just wouldn't be able to live with herself.

    Only moments later did Blade come into her line of vision as well. She must have appeared exhausted, otherwise he wouldn't have so suddenly picked her up. "I'm fine, really! I can walk." She wriggled free of his grasp and landed flat on his paws, watching the creature as he picked up more Potions before looking back at Paladin. "I found a Potion... and Blade's gathering up some more, so hopefully they'll help heal up some of your wounds." Okay, so maybe her actions of venturing off on her own hadn't exactly been smart, but Paladin was wounded and she couldn't just sit there and let him stay in that condition. The world had turned into a bad place. She figured if she were going to survive, she might as well do her best to help others. Maybe then, it would help give her closure. She may have not been able to protect her trainer, but at least she could help out here. She hoped.

    "You two should have stayed back at the Burnt Tower, what if one of you wound up injured?" Well at least they had the Potions now. Still, if they became infected. The Potions wouldn't help much. She shook her head once, and took a quick look around. In her worry, she almost allowed the thought that they were still outside to slip her mind. "M-maybe we should head back. It stinks out here..."

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    Post by Min Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:36 am

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    Outside the Tower | Late Morning

    "It's me, Paladin! What in the world are you doing out here?" Paladin could clearly hear the exhaustion in her voice. "You idiot, you shouldn't be going out alone... You should have at least asked Blade or something to go with you, you could've gotten killed." Paladin was doing what he could to hide the worry in his voice, but was failing miserably. "Alright Paladin lets get back to the tower, do you want me to carry you on my back?" Paladin shook his head. "No, I'm fine. It's embarrassing to be carried around everywhere." he sighed.

    "I found a Potion... and Blade's gathering up some more, so hopefully they'll help heal up some of your wounds." Paladin looked confused. "...Erm. What's a potion...?" he asked, being raised up in the wild he had never encountered potions before.

    "You two should have stayed back at the Burnt Tower, what if one of you wound up injured?" Paladin huffed. "Well, what if you had died? Injuries don't matter as long as everyone lived. You could've died Nevan, especially being on your own... You were lucky whatever attacked you didn't get to kill you." Paladin scolded her, but then stopped. "M-maybe we should head back. It stinks out here..." Paladin nodded. "...Now that you mention it, it doesn't just stink, it reeks. Is it just me or.... Is the scent getting stronger?" Paladin asked.

    Around the trio several Raticates, Growlithes, Vulpixes, and Stantler were closing in on them, attracted by the earlier commotion. The infected leading them was a group of all the Eevee evolutions except Glaceon and Leafeon. All looking like they were ready to attack.

    [And by all Eevee evolutions, I do mean the Kimono girl's Pokemon. Except on a higher level. 8D]

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:27 am

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    Ecruteak Pokemart | Afternoon

    "You idiot, you shouldn't be going out alone... You should have at least asked Blade or something to go with you, you could've gotten killed." Blade heard Paladin and noticed how he tried to hide the worry in his voice and was failing to do so. Blade had finished collecting potions, "I found a Potion... and Blade's gathering up some more, so hopefully they'll help heal up some of your wounds." Neavan said "...Erm. What's a potion...?"Paladin replied Blade should have know Paladin was a wild pokemon. "You two should have stayed back at the Burnt Tower, what if one of you wound up injured?" Neavan said "heh you think anything can hurt me i trained at one of the finest temples in sinnoh my sensei trained me for all sorts of situations, and he wasn't a pokemon trainer i'm wild my sensei was also a pokemon" Blade replied ."Well, what if you had died? Injuries don't matter as long as everyone lived. You could've died Nevan, especially being on your own... You were lucky whatever attacked you didn't get to kill you." Blade just stood there silently hearing what paladin had to say to her (heh sounds and looks like a mother and son relationship between those two) Blade mumbled to himself. "M-maybe we should head back. It stinks out here..." Nevan said "...Now that you mention it, it doesn't just stink, it reeks. Is it just me or.... Is the scent getting stronger?" Paladin asked. "i'm afraid it's not you Paladin" Blade replied getting ready to fight as the Blade at his elbows extended and started to glow intensly "you shall not harm either of them, you try to do so i will end your misserable exsistence right here and now" Blade snarled at the infected pure anger in his voice "get behind me you two i won't let anything harm you two or anyone else" Blade said to Neavan and Paladin. one of the eevee evoloutions was stupid enough to try and pounce on Blade but he was faster and used a psycho cut to slash its head off with no problem "you know whats wrong with you all. You've lost your way, you've lost your souls, your friends, partners all of it just because you became infected and let the infection take over your minds, your nothing but pupetts dangling by the strings of the infection, now ask yourselves was it worth it, was it worth losing every thing to try to become stronger when in reality you've actually become weaker" Blade yelled enraged as a raticate tried to attack him but was met with a similar fate as the eevee evolution "now you shall all die for your arrogance" Blade yelled as the blades on his elbows started to grow more brightly until he released a psyco cut so powerful it killed half the infected hit by it "damn i used my only super charged psycho cut, well i've got shadow balls and psyshocks for all of you bastards" Blade now starting to lose control because of anger. Blade used his speed to his advantage as a growlith and vulpix duo tried to bite him he used his armor to block the bites and a shadow ball to kill them "HAHAHAHAHA IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT YOU UNDEAD FREAKS" Blade yelled losing even more controle.He started laughing as he killed the infected one by one by the end of it there were only 3 eevee evolutions left "come on i can take all three of you on" Blade yelled but could not contain his power anymore "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE, I'M LOSING CONTROL" Blade yelled.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:36 pm

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    Ecruteak Streets | Afternoon

    "You idiot, you shouldn't be going out alone... You should have at least asked Blade or something to go with you, you could've gotten killed."

    Nevan hadn't meant to cause the creature an worry. It hadn't quite crossed her mind that she could have wound up dead by rushing out into such a cruel world. Her ears drooped, her tail flicking slightly. Her emotions weren't hard to read. Those large ears of hers easily showed whether she was sad or happy or a variation of the two. Still, they pricked back up after a brief moment. Hearing as how Paladin didn't seem to know what a Potion was. It puzzled her, however she explained, "It's this medicine humans created for us Pokemon. It kinda stings at first, but it does a good job of healing us up fairly fast." She could remember multiple occasions where her trainer had to use some on her, and thankfully they had worked fairly fast.

    Paladin only seemed to scold her for her concern again. It had all been for a good cause in her mind. Then again when it came to the welfare of others, Nevan could be a bit reckless despite how shy she was upon the first meet.

    "...Now that you mention it, it doesn't just stink, it reeks. Is it just me or.... Is the scent getting stronger?" She had been hoping to return to the Burnt Tower after retrieving a Potion. However, death had surrounded the three. Immediately, the Sun Pokemon had risen to all four of her paws. Her tail still tightly knit around the Potion while her fur bristled and a low hiss blew through her fangs. Her back still ached, and she could feel her muscles were just as sore from the fight with the Stantler. Getting through this would end up as hell.

    "Get behind me you two. I won't let anything harm you two or anyone else." Her ears rotated back, listening to the Gallade however Nevan only grimaced. When danger was near. She couldn't just sit back, however the Gallade was fairly quick at taking out most of the undead. She merely watched. Her tail setting the Potion on the ground and whipping behind her. Her eyes glowed softly, as she began using the fine hairs along her body to read the air currents. Doing so, it was almost as if she were able to slow down the Blade Pokemon's movements. Her ears caught every sound, and her mind was able to further predict his actions until finally only three of the evolved forms of Eevee remained. Blade shouted out for help, and that he was losing control while the three remainders were pouncing.

    She jumped in front of the Gallade, wildly firing a Psybeam so that the impact was able to push back the three Pokemon. "Paladin, can you fight?" She called out, running forward and shooting another Psybeam to try and push back the three Undead. One managed to easily break away. Its black clad body pounding towards her while glowing rings and crimson eyes stared hungrily at her. "Y-yevan?" Her body sunk back with a sudden fear consuming her, it may have not been her brother but the Umbreon was still an Umbreon. In her state of shock, the creature had faded away and suddenly reappeared using its Faint Attack to slam its body full force into her and send her skidding across the earth a good thirteen feet. Her body shuttered to move as the two other Eeveelutions focused their attacks on Paladin and Blade.

    Nevan had been separated and was having trouble getting to her feet. She struggled, seeing as how the creature was coming back at her she had to get up fast! Psychic attacks wouldn't work on an Umbreon. She knew that all to well. Staggering to her feet, she managed to jump away just in time to avoid the creature sinking its gnarled claws into her flesh. She knew all to well if she was struck by tooth or nail, she'd wind up as one of them. Still, the memories seemed to flood into her mind the more and more she stared at the monster. She cringed, hesitantly taking steps back. "I-i can't!" She stuttered, terrified as it once again jumped to attack. She used a Quick Attack to avoid it. Facing an Umbreon was to heartbreaking, and brought back to many haunted memories.

    Last edited by Radiation Fox on Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:37 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Time and location.)

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:25 pm

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    Outside the Tower | Late Morning

    "It's this medicine humans created for us Pokemon. It kinda stings at first, but it does a good job of healing us up fairly fast." Paladin nodded thoughtfully. "I see."

    Paladin realizing they were surrounded, was about to use a move when Blade said; "Get behind me you two. I won't let anything harm you two or anyone else." . Paladin growled. "Oh hell no- you aren't gonna steal kills again! I'm about to evolve!" he spat. Soon after, Blade had lost control and was pushed back.

    "Paladin, can you fight?" Paladin nodded. "Course I can!" he smiled, using a dragon rush on an infected Vaporeon, then he charged up a Thunder Fang, but instead of sinking his teeth in it's rotten flesh, he put his mouth close to it's body, making the infected Vaporeon spasm and screech wildly, being electrocuted.

    "I-i can't!" Hearing Nevan say that, Paladin rushed to where he heard her voice, charging up a Draco Meteor. "Heads up Nevan, Blade! I'm exploding these bastards!" he yelled his warning, as an orange ball of light went up into the air from his mouth. Suddenly, it burst into many large meteors, raining down on the whole city. One of them hit and crushed the infected Umbreon, while another landed in a nearby house. As soon as the meteor shower was over, Paladin huffed, tired from the attack.

    "Damn I need to stop doing that. There's no more infected, right?" he asked, slumping to the ground. Suddenly, he fell to the ground, but a white light shown from his body, as his form started changing.

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Hydreigon Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:11 pm

    His bloated dark body writhed in pain as the hunger clawed at his broken, rotting body. His heads groaned and roared, angry that the pain had not abated. His eyes opened, dull, foggy red, and he rose. His last victim lay crumpled beneath him, her skeleton nearly unrecognizable as he lifted himself up.

    He needed food... His three tongues thirsted, yearned for the sweet taste of warm blood...

    Warmth... Taste... Food...

    He roared, infuriated, and nearly broke what was left of the roof as he ascended on broken wings into the warm sky. He needed more. Always, he needed more...

    As he hunted, light bounced at his eyes, calling to him. He dove down, drawn to the light, and caught the shining thing in his mouths, simply carting it away into the air with him. The thing screamed, trying to get away from his grasp.

    Hydreigon smiled; the only real emotion he could still show...


    His other heads broke the joints they were biting onto, mangling the Gallade's arm and leg. The warm blood trickled and sprayed out, making it rain red to those unfortunate below. The screams rang out, crisp and clear, as the heads moved on to the gallade's pelvis and midsection, armor be damned.


    His main head reared triumphantly above the Gallade's, the latter's eyes still open and comprehending the horror he was facing. The grin, maimed and decaying, grew closer to its victim as Hydreigon moved closer to the poor creature's face.


    The great decaying maw, full of dead blood and tissue, fangs and death, opened and came down upon the gallade's, the latter's final scream choked out as the trachea and vocal cords were severed, rendering the victim silent. Hydreigon relished in the sudden silence, knowing that it was gone.

    Quickly, the corpse was separated and devoured by all three heads, all relishing in the fresh meat. The useless armor fell down below in a bloody heap of scrap metal, a mere reminder to all who passed that no one, no matter how prepared, was safe.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:46 pm

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    Ecruteak Streets | Afternoon

    "Heads up Nevan, Blade! I'm exploding these bastards!" The skin beneath Nevan's soft fur was crawling. Her ears had caught wind of the Deino's words and she was carefully backing away from the Umbreon. There was something inside her, something that made her fear her darker counterpart. Only moments later did a rain of meteors begin to crash to the earth. The Espeon was able to swiftly read the air currents, enabling her to avoid the meteors just in time. The particular one that crashed down on the Umbreon sent a few pebbles her way, and that was it. When the attack was over, the Sun Pokemon was left breathing heavily. Her amethyst eyes staring at the curlded blood that oozed from beneath the meteor. 'Yevan,' her mind echoed the name.

    "Damn I need to stop doing that. There's no more infected, right?" She was just readying to answer him, when a brilliant light engulfed the Pokemon.

    'He's... evolving!' Nevan thought in awe, her eyes wide in astonishment as she watched the spectacle. It brought back memories of when she first evolved from an Eevee. Her only question. What was Paladin evolving into? She saw very few Unova Pokemon here in Johto, so her full attention had been diverted to him.

    At least, until the sound of beating wings fluttered into her ears. Her entire body stiffened as her head turned to see Blade being snatched up by a monstrous being. She sank back, nearly stumbling over her own paws as her heart lurched and her breath fell short. "B-b-BLADE!" She screamed, her body uncomfortably numb as she screeched. It happened so fast... his mangled body was bit into, and soon his very blood rain to the ground below.

    Nevan's body convulsed in a fit of fear as stray tears ran down her cheek. She curled into a tightly knit ball, her eyes flopped to their sides as her tail curled around her form. "Stop, please! Just stop!" She grit her fangs, the glistening crimson fell all around and her body only shook. She was tired of seeing things die. At that moment, she felt an old feeling return. Loneliness had never bothered, but as another was taken. Nevan began to feel alone. Impossibly alone.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:43 pm

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    Ecruteak Shrine|Afternoon

    Kinah sat quietly from her perch above the crumbling shrine between the two towers. She had spent most of her morning that day watching the uninfected in this area fight for their lives, but hadn't quite had the reasoning to step in. When the great Hydreigon crashed the scene not one, but twice, she was intrigued. Being from Unova herself she was quite familiar with the great beast, her former trainer having just managed to evolve his before she was so crudely traded away. Seeing the feisty little Deino below brought back fond memories of her times training with Tarik, but seeing the Espeon running around like a fool turned those memories sour. Pompous little things, she thought.

    That Espeon was mostly the reason she hadn't stepped in. But noticing that one of their team had been so wickedly disposed of by the giant infected, and the purple cat having a nervous breakdown, someone was going to have to. The others she had seen were likely still inside the Burnt Tower and with the Deino in the midst of an evolution he was vulnerable until he finished. Her keen senses drew her attention to a couple of Rattata sneaking up on the pair. In all reality they were probably just drawn to the ruckus from the Hydreigon and were looking for an easy meal. However, they were about to get much more.

    Expertly she launched herself from her post with and Acrobatics, landing squarely on the head of one of the lurking parasites formerly known as pokemon. It's putrid blood sprayed across the ground as she felt the skull crunching beneath her foot. Using a swift force palm she was able to make quick work of the other before turning her attention to the Espeon.

    "Listen drama queen," she began, "You can't just lay there. Get up and show some spine. It's not the end of the world unless you let it be." Kinah shook her head and sighed. Bringing her full attention back to the Deino's evolution, which, thankfully, was just about to end she smiled. If nothing else, maybe she could get a little training out of them and finally evolve.

    ((OOC: forgive the image it is still being updated))

    Last edited by PhoenixVelshaine on Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:55 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : img update)

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    Post by Min Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:35 pm

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    Ecruteak Streets | Afternoon

    Paladin felt his form shift and the blinding light slowly fade when he heard Nevan's scream. "B-b-BLADE!" He evolved into a Zweilous, two heads, stubby wings, and the ability to see. And he was able to see just in time a Hydreigon swoop down at an alarming rate and tear Blade apart. The shiny golden armor made clanging sounds as it fell to the ground, hurting his ears. And it was his own kind who was doing the killing.

    This had to be a dream.

    He looked over to where a light purple cat was, crying. Nevan.
    "Stop, please! Just stop!" her cry made him shiver. He looked up at the Hydreigon starting to fly away. He puffed his chest, trying to look strong when he really just wanted to cry. Just bottle all the bad things up.

    "I'll never be one of you." his voice softly echoed through the clearing, as the Hydreigon flew away. Suddenly, he noticed a Mienfoo- a Pokemon from his own region, jump and crush the skulls of some Rattatas. He could hear her talking to Nevan. "You can't just lay there. Get up and show some spine. It's not the end of the world unless you let it be." Then he found the Pokemon looking at him. He felt his other head rise up and scowl. "What are you looking at?" he growled. Paladin walked towards the two.

    "Um, Nevan, are you alright?" he asked gently, then looked over to the Mienfoo. "What's your name? I-I'm Paladin." he said. He figured he can trust this Pokemon, it did talk after all. So it wasn't infected.

    [OOC: Red text is Angry Paladin, the head without the scarf. Normal text is 'True' Paladin. c:]

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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