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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The MARSH Team


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:29 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Felix is silent but ready to fight alongside Seek and Shenron
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:16 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 AaEgCmf
    ❖ Pastoria City + Pastoria Gym + Morning + 99 ❖

    The legend could feel his skin crawling as the negativity ever increased. A feeling of impending doom, or perhaps simply implosion, scoured the remaining conversation as it crumbled. Progress had been little to none throughout, but after divulging into personal judgements and attacks it only turned to a steep tumble. Uxie chose to tune out, his mind privy only to moments of importance. Felix claimed cowardice, and with it, Seek finally broke. She went off on the others, her words not of interest to him until the end of her rant.

    "Legends, if you ask me you're all a bunch of cowards. Deal with your own problems and leave all of us out of it!"

    The Sylveon had offered the point and the other Pokemon clung to it. "You cowardly rodent... How dare you..!" Shenron snapped back as first blood was drawn, rage sparked and even his thoughtful attempts dying away. The room bellowed, chaos daring to overflow as the anemic crowd finally awoke. Yet no matter the cacophony that filled the space it was the dragon's thoughts that rang true in his ears.

    "Or have you not realized your blind silly ideals have caused your "warriors" to abandon this suicide cult?"

    Though he did not comment the legend commended the dragon's deduction, for he knew he was no longer the only one who realized it.; there were no Radeon left here. There were no 'warriors' to defend the city stronghold these Pokemon had wandered in to. If they were wiped out or defected was unverified, but their intentions made clear from this failed reasoning made it clear these strong Pokemon had grown complacent after resting upon their laurels.


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:51 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 PahNIaG
    Pastoria Gym Main Area|| Morning [Storming]
    Eleroo 158 || Seek 178

    Seek could feel a dreadful weight upon herself. No longer was it only on her shoulders, now it weighed heavy in her belly, her paws, her very wings felt too heavy to lift. The room quickly became deafening, the uproar echoed by the slapping of fins, leaves, and jowls as miniature arguments broke out. There was something in East's eyes, that same sort of bitter contempt and disdain they had received outside, yet for some reason now it felt all the more personal. Having messed up wasn't even a thought to her, no, this never had a chance of going well, but as the Swampert parted his maw and roared with the same bitterness Seek felt her unbridled confidence shrink away to a pitiful flicker. Truly, she knew not how to proceed any further while knowing full well they could not back down.

    As Shenron backed her up, backed Felix's point up, she felt some meager amounts of confidence restore, but the looks on the water types' faces refused to let her guard down. "This is not survival, you are all cowering and hiding here. To live is to survive, you disgrace yourselves.." Following her companions lead she forced herself to stand just a bit taller, and refusing to regret her choice of words she bore her own daggers into the others. Her body was trembling slightly from the pulsing emotion. As unsure as she felt she stood by her words and let the dragon empower her to continue. "Being your puppet is not a higher purpose, its enslavement. For something you don't have enough of a spine to deal with!"

    "Seek, stop!" Eleroo wailed, scrabbling his paws against the side of the plastic prison as he begged her to keep her mouth shut. He shuffled and moved, his adrenaline finally overpowering his stupor and letting him come back to life. He pushed and turned, getting rowdy and knocking the container about as he scratched. "Whether you accept it or not, as a Radeon he is indebted to this swamp." The leader roared as he took lumbering steps closer, his heavy steps enough to rock their floating platform. Eleroo stopped scratching, though hard kick against the container was enough to toss him from his paws for just a moment. A sharp squeal made its way from his maw. "Stop it..!" He sobbed, his own wounds hurting in memory as he stood again and clasped his teeth around the measly grate.

    That sound was her breaking point, the pain in her cheek telling her heavy paws to move. No matter how loud the other Pokemon had become Eleroo was all she could hear and she could no longer stand by in her failure attempt at diplomacy. "Leave. Him. Alone! Seek barked, her wings fanning out and parcel abandoned as she lunged forward and wrapped her body around the crate. "I've had enough of this charade! We're leaving, end of story!" East growled, paws grabbing at the crate in an effort to shake her off but Seek would not give in so easy. "You should be honored to be exalted!" The Swampert roared, their entire talk clearly doing nothing to persuade him  as he shot his own burst of water forward. A sharp pain pierced the child's shoulders as, without a free hand, East sunk his ice cold fangs into her back.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:42 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Morning (151)

    Seemed like things dissolved into chaos quickly. His wings spread behind him making him seem much larger. Words no longer sufficed and violence was the only answer. Hellfire spilled from his mouth as he stomped closer snarling and snapping. His words sizzling and burning as he snarled. "You take one more step mud fish and I'll burn this building to the ground. With you and your sheep inside" They had tried to be diplomatic. Tried to be reasonable. But this insistence that a kit not born here, not loyal to these lands should help was a really good joke. Except they were serious. Dead serious. But the one who died would be Eleroo if they had their way. Which he would not allow. Shenron turned his flaming maw to East but kept an eye on the Swampert. How dare he... While he was at a sharp disadvantage, this was his teammate. This was a bad situation and was getting worse..!


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Jan 02, 2022 8:11 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 KugUZ7n

    Pastoria City|Morning

    Battle broke out and it was because they wanted Eleroo to be forced into serving them. He was right, they're nothing but lowly cowards. Felix's feelers had raised up and lashed out at East wrapping around his neck and right arm. "Get off her!" Though normally he wouldn't lash out if it was a fair battle but this was more of an unfair battle. He then shot the Swampert a very angry look. The negotiations failed to produce any results and it had came to this. "What Arceus damned thing you did was not worthy of any leadership! We tried to be reasonable! We tried to tell you that we was meaning no harm! Yet you had your Golduck put stuff in my head and tried to force me to turn against my allies! This is cowardice! You hide inside a human structure and mind you that the undead can still get in here!" Felix squeezed a bit on East's throat and had his moonblast readied to be fired at the swampert. He makes one sudden move to attack or to harm Eleroo, the moonblast will go through his chest. However he also had a sense of dread that there is something coming and it was hungry.
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:30 pm

    (OoC: I will pass this round; I have not interfered.)


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:27 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 PahNIaG
    Pastoria Gym Main Area|| Morning [Storming]
    Eleroo 159 || Seek 179

    It was the same spot. As the cold creep instantly shot throughout her body Seek was reminded of the last time East had bitten her. It was only a few seconds but her mind whirled with thought. What if he was sick, what if she got sick? There was no way, there were too many Pokemon here to allow the disease to fester. She was weak to ice now, would this take her down? Was he trying to break her spine, to metaphorically break her wings? Then her mind snapped back to reality as he tried to throw her. This time, there was no rain, no mud to ground her, and spreading her wings through the pain the Aiveon forced drag to keep her locked the crate. It wasn't enough, and were it not for Felix's iron grip she would have been bait for the pools or the crowd. "Get off her!" He ordered, and while he did not release her from his icy grip the shaking stopped.

    Eleroo practically screamed as he sobbed, having been tossed and thrown about in his small prison. Felix yowled, his voice carrying through the room though Eleroo could hardly focus on the exchange of words. With the Sylveon restraining East the Floatzel could no longer shake the pair of Eeveelutions, and his world stopped shaking for moment until his container clunked heavily on the floor. Though he he felt unwell and unsure of the world about him, his perceptions completely distorted by the tiny windows of visiiblity, there was no mistaking Seek's angry grunts as she kicked and managed to rip herself free from the weasels grasp.

    Were the drop not short she would not have landed on her paws, the burning cold pain in her back enough to rock her balance. "Eleroo!" She gasped, grabbed at the container once again with her claws. East growled, water cloaking his body as his tails spun for a priority Aqua Jet. With a hard beat of the floor he dashed, racing forward to both break the grasp Felix had on him and sneak past his oncoming attack. "Eleroo- just burn.. through the container!" Seek grunted before giving a loud squeal as someone from the audience braved adding a spurt of water her way. The sound was echoed by Eleroo, the panic in his cry almost as telling as his meek, "I-I-I.. I c-cant.." If he broke free.. what would they do to him, to his friends..? As he shook his head the Radeon could feel his stomach turning and daring to spit the acid needed for just that, but he refused it freedom.

    Dangit Eleroo. The noise in the room grew louder, the entire space seeming to shake as the watching Pokemon started to panic on top of riot. Shenron's voice was strong and familiar, a deep seriousness lacing his words. "You take one more step Mud Fish and I'll burn this building to the ground. With you and your sheep inside." These Pokemon would be foolish to disregard him, and the Swampert was quick to respond. "You're out of your element, dragon!" He did not need to move to squash their threats. With his own inhale another deadly stream of water raced toward the tiny group, their options of dodging the girthy blast limited as Seek pressed herself to the ground. Her ears screamed as though they were underwater, the air quickly growing as moist as it was outside. What have I done? Creeping forward on her belly the Aiveon scrabbled at the metal grate on the cage, but her paws just could not undo the spring latch. Another blast of water raced, thumping her in the side and rolling her over. As panic overtook the crowd and their bystander effect started to wane blasts of water came from all directions, daring to drown the unwelcome Pokemon as they were showered from all sides. Desperately reaching her paws through the grates to hold onto the crate the Aiveon wailed. "You gotta get out!"

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Jan 12, 2022 4:06 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Morning (152)

    All training he ever went through flooded his brain. You can't dodge, dig in. One savage infuriated roar and he slid his right foot back and braced his weight on the left. Protect your flame and face. If you get wet you can't spit fire... His wings wrapped around him and his arms crossed at his chest. To hide his face and shoulder the pressure. It would hurt. Bite. His scales would not forgive him but... It was better then being sent flying backwards into the pool or landing on a teammate. The room descended into chaos. He only hoped his threat rang with them and they didn't assist the Swampert in attacking.
    Otherwise they maybe in trouble...


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:04 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 KugUZ7n

    Pastoria City|Morning

    His grip was broken. East had gotten free and it made him a bit more aware that as long as East is still mobile and free, he could make things harder for them. Then the feeling of dread was more greater not from what would be an oncoming attack from the Swampert but his own words, the undead can get in still. All there needed to be is a little bit of blood to lure the undead towards their location. Getting hit by that attack did launch him back a little bit but he rebounded off the wall and landed on the floor. A little something he learned watching tv with his trainer on their day off. The pain though from the hit did make him sore. Wait, Seek was bleeding a bit and that meant that the threat is now very much real. "You gotta get out!" There was little time left and they need to get Eleroo out before things reach a deadly turn to the worst.

    Felix then raced over to help Seek. They wasn't going to let Eleroo fall or be taken. The pressure was getting very strong from the water buildup as well. "Eleroo, I know your scared and its alright to be scared. I'm scared too but I'm more afraid what might happen if I didn't do what I'm doing. Sometimes the best bravery comes from when you fear something that you know might happen if you didn't do it." The Sylveon turns his head and nods to Seek for them to open the kennel up for Eleroo to get out. "Seek, lets get this open, he'll hesitate if it risks harming Eleroo." Then his feeling of the threat that was hungry was more greater than before. He might not be psychic but to know how the undead act and the fact that their ravenous hunger for living flesh and meat is not an argument when it has been proven true. Blood, even in the slightest cut or drip can attract them easily.
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:49 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 AaEgCmf
    ❖ Pastoria City + Pastoria Gym + Morning + 100 ❖

    And then, as if a fatigued dam had burst, the room exploded into chaos. The squabbling from before was but a mild chatter compared to the uproar that ensued. The crowd held nothing back, yelling at one another as well as the minimal intruders. Whether they agreed with their leader or not they found reason to bicker, and even fight as their ranged attacks hit one another instead of their intended targets. What a pity, the legend thought, that civil Pokemon could devolve so quickly.

    With them came a great surge in energy. Intense, near electric feeling as emotions soared like the streams of water aimed toward them. Dipping and dodging, the legend moved himself closer to the ground to become a less prominent or susceptible target. The whizzing spurts of liquid still soared about them, soaking the ground and moistening the air.

    Their looming opponent made his presence known, the deadly stream of water he released just short of a tidal wave worth as it made contact on them. Each Pokemon braced in their own way, Uxie undoing his own work by rising back into the air and above the stream. It gushed by, the volume barely able to be contained as the platform attempted to drain. Uxie watched the others, taking in their choice of defense and how none of them held onto their token items. It was not surprising, but after the effort one would expect them to take a bit more care--

    A blast of water struck him in the back of the head.

    It was not powerful or deadly, but the bolt was purposeful, aimed, and radiated an indignity throughout the legendary Pokemon. They would dare strike him? Knocked off his access the pixie waiver in the air, needing a moment to regain himself in the stiffest of stances. His eyelids flickered, nearly opening as a boiling rage once again started to creep through his skin. How dare they.

    Raising his tails the legendary Pokemon flared with psychic energy. 'That is enough!' He roared telepathically to all within the room. Red gems flickering, the Psychic Type let the energy consume him and made no effort to hide his temper. These Pokemon, both resident and visitor, had tried his patience and exhausted what tolerance he had for mortal beings. They were all petulant, vexating, insolent fools who saw none but the immediate space around them. Nothing but that which would effect their lives.

    Uxie was beyond that scope.

    Much like the sensation that dripped from the back of his head his breadth was beyond their reasoning. With only the slightest grasp on his eyelids the pixie remained closed off to the cruel world, refusing to humor its barbaric nature any longer. His pulsating energy expanded, his focus needing but a moment longer as he formed a mental lock on those under attack. Tightening both the link and focus Uxie drew in a sharp inhale, the image clear though skewed of color as the horrendous cacophony refused to stop. Then, as if a bubble had burst and the energies whisked at an impossible rapid pace, they blink away.


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:18 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Storming]
    Eleroo 160 || Seek 180

    Seek scrabbled at the crate, her paws unable to find hold on the plastic material or the metal bars. She panted, exasperation getting to her as she floundered and watched Felix get blasted away. She was so close-- "Please." She hissed, chomping uselessly on the metal as the Radeon shied against the back of the crate. "They'll kill you, or worse!! You h-have to get out!" Eleroo begged, his protective words futile in saving his friends as Seek moved to the other side of the box. "Not without you." She was able to give the crate one good shove before East gripped her scruff with a firm paw. She yelped, her body tensing, but with the room in shambles she no longer cared about being polite. Sparks and light arched across her pelt, and with a furious roar the Aiveon let her Hidden Power race freely into his arm. The shock was enough to make him release her, and at least for a moment she could return to her task as he scolded the room who cried at the sight of an electric attack.

    Despite the water Felix was quick to return to her side, and seeing her desperation tried to calm the lad as well. "Eleroo, I know your scared and its alright to be scared. I'm scared too but I'm more afraid what might happen if I didn't do what I'm doing. Sometimes the best bravery comes from when you fear something that you know might happen if you didn't do it." The older eeveelution's face shined as clear as it could through the metal grate, calming and honest, but the trembling child shook his no. "I-I'm not worth it..!" He sobbed, pushing his chin against his Toxic Orb. The smooth surface offered him little comfort, but he rubbed it nonetheless as he curled into a tighter ball.

    "Seek, lets get this open, he'll hesitate if it risks harming Eleroo." The Sylveon reasoned, his gaze darting to the Floatzel and back. It didn't matter why though, as she nodded immediately and pointed to the latch of the bottom spring "Push it up, quick." She told him, knowing she would struggle with upward force. Climbing on top of the crate to keep it stable she pressed on the top spring with all her might. "Push!" She ordered the Sylveon as she felt the metal rod retreat into the housing. "Eleroo, Please." She asked once more, the strain clear in her voice as she struggled to keep it compressed. The crate shuffled, Eleroo clearly moving, contemplating, trembling as he finally balled his courage enough to charge the grate. With the locking rods compressed the heavy slam was enough to let it swing open, the force throwing the Aiveon forward as the Radeon curled into the ball.

    "Eleroo!" Seek gasped, creeping forward and curling her limbs around the purple scrap of fur in a loving embrace. "I would never leave you." Eleroo panted, his body still shaking as he nestled within Seek's fur. No words would come, his jaw quivering as he sobbed like a child into her pelt. I know. The tender embrace could only last so long, the bombardment of water and noise ruining the moment as his thick fur already started to take on water. Keeping herself protectively on top of him Seek shielded Eleroo as much as she could, but the strikes found a way to reach him, and a particularly hard blast from a Bubble beam made her lose footing.

    But there was no time for pain, for fighting. Rescued. That's all Seek could think about. We got him. They did it, they got him! They just had to get out--- Feeling weak within her paws the Aiveon took inventory of the room once more. The crowd was cannibalizing itself, flying attacks striking one another and starting smaller squabbles as tried to hit the intruders. Smaller members snuck past the larger ones, diving into the pools and making their way toward them. Surrounded. The others-- Shenron! Panicked gripped the youth's chest; he had been brave with the water and rain but this was too much. What were they going to do, what if they killed him?!

    Try as she might she could not get herself to race to his side, to be helpful or move away from Eleroo. Another roar from the Swampert snapped her head around. Balling his fists before himself there was a tense moment as he inhaled and waited. Then, much like a broken damn or roar of thunder he threw his arms back, and another stream of water raced toward them. This time however, it soaked brown and foul, a vile, massive wave that threatened to drown them. Again, the Aiveon yelped, managing to move just enough to wrap her limbs around Eleroo who was still balled up on the floor.

    It crashed over them just like a surging river, dragging both kids down the arena like a couple of wet sacks. Holding on to one another Seek refused to lose grip, her eyes only peaking open as a sound blasted through her mind, louder than any noise within the gym or the water within her ears. 'That is enough!' Blurry vision looking forward, she struggled to see but could hear the sounds of the gym suddenly change.
    There was a sharp gasp and rapid, panicked chatter as her gaze landed upon her parcel that been strewn across the floor. The straw and shells had fallen from their sack and were floating away, soiled by the brown water and painfully convincing looking as the crowd believed the lie. Then, there was a moment of silence. Just a few heartbeats, but they were palpable as her crystal blue gaze drifted just beyond that. Shenron had also forgotten his cargo, and the surge had freed the severed head. It lolled on the water, the liquids sick color unclear if it was from contamination or mud, and as the surrounding Pokemon realized what they were looking at they broke into panicked screams.

    Motion filled the room, a buzz of sheer terror as the water Pokemon scrambled to get out of the water and out of the room. They trampled one another, clawing and kicking to keep themselves safe from the diseased head. The noise was agony to listen to, sheer terror and pain mixed with the mortified sounds from East and the Swampert. Flicking her gaze toward them Seek had only a moment to read their expressions before both charged toward them.

    Then, they were gone.

    In a whisk of psychic energy the Aiveon no longer knew where she was. It was a rush, a burst, a grip of energy...! The world was gone and then, it was some place completely different. The sound, smell, touch.. everything was different as the screaming cut instantly. Still wrapped around the small Radeon Seek struggled to look around and take in the drastic change in their surroundings. "Are.. are we..?" She asked, her voice soft but tense, a rising anxiety nearly making it quiver as she realized the answer to her own question.

    They were back in the Great Marsh.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:32 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Morning (153)

    Shenron felt his body give as the attack passed. His wings flapped shakily to get the water off but his muscles agonized to move. Even his tail flame sputtered painfully. But he couldn't rest or retreat. This was a fight. A battle..! There was strength in him somewhere. Why was he on his knees..? No no... Shenron looked up seeing the pandemonium around them and the oncoming wave of filthy water hoping his Flying typing protected him from the worst of it. Wait... Seek, Eleroo and Felix..! His eyes wide and wild he searched for his smaller companions. Or Uxie. He was certain the legend was capable but it still seized his heart to imagine they could be hurt. But the wave hit him broadside and he breathed hard roaring his fire to resist being put out at the cost of not being able to breathe. Don't de here. Don't... He felt something pulling at his body. Feeling like he was being dragged off. Where? What? Darkness... Was it... Raining? His eye flicked open for a moment registering grass and puddles. Outside..? Were they... Not now, the darkness was coming back.
    He was tired.


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:01 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon

    The attacks kept coming as they freed Eleroo but the swampert was more hesitant on both him and Seek as they was to close to Eleroo. It reached a critical point where their lives was now in complete danger until suddenly he felt his body and seen the others lift up into the air before a sudden flash. While Felix couldn’t explain what was going on, he heard all the memories of his and his trainer. What else is the information that the Golduck put in his head and forcing him to say stuff. Something he didn’t want to remember and the pain he caused when saying them forcefully. If he could go back in time, he’d stop himself from falling right into that trap. Suddenly they was back outside, back into the rain. They was out of that insanity and back in the Great Marsh. Yet Felix had a feeling that the information that the Golduck put into his head wasn’t something he wanted. The sylveon didn’t want any of it. It would pose a risk to them if such information fell into the hands of the Swampert and his cohorts. There was only one thing to do. Give it to Uxie and expunge it from his head so it was in the hands of the being of knowledge. ”The Great Marsh, though they’ll try to find us if we take to long, we can likely hide somewhere while Shenron gets his strength back.”

    Feeling a bit down from what happened earlier, he walked up to Seek. ”Seek, I know I can’t make you trust me as much but what happened was something I couldn’t stop myself from saying or let alone doing. If I must then I’ll have Uxie take whatever it was that the Golduck put in my head and take it before erasing that memory. After that he walked over towards Uxie willing to have that memory taken and erased so he doesn’t have to remember the pain he caused unwillingly. ”Uxie, can you take that information from my head? I’m willingly doing this so that way, it will no longr burden me. I won’t resist if it helps.”

    OoC)) I give permission for Uxie to take the memory from Felix if its okay with them.
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:03 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 AaEgCmf
    ❖ The Great Marsh + Noon + 101 ❖

    A bright anger pulsed through the legend in tandem with his psychic energy. He had had enough of this rabble and would stomach it no longer. Such anger did not allow him the focus needed to choose their location effectively, and imperative part of the magics, and the first sight to come to mind would be his destination.

    Admittedly, the pixie would have preferred his brother's lake, but some sense of trepidation prevented even him from trespassing without reasonable cause. No, he would not go that close or dare to picture the view, and instead his mind focused on the last place he flew over; The Great Marsh. Within those few heartbeats he locked on his target, irrefutable, and with the psychic linked formed whisked the party out of the scene in an instant.

    There was no delay between motions but as their forms appeared in the new location Uxie felt the weight of time upon his shoulders; he was truly tried. The rest he had sought, the energy he tried to preserve, it was all squandered. Wasted. And for what? A few petty squabbles, a handful of sights he had already scene or surmised. He had learned next to not, and the wasted expenditure was enough to make his skin prickle with irritation.

    "Are.. are we..?" Seek's voice was the first to speak up, her voice shaken and tense, not at all the sound of relief it should have been. Not a single drop of gratitude edged her whimper; did she not understand what this 'stunt' cost him, or did the world simply revolve around her? As another Pokemon spoke up Uxie knew he would left wanting of a thank you.

    ”Uxie, can you take that information from my head? I’m willingly doing this so that way it will no longer burden me. I won’t resist if it helps.”

    Had these Pokemon learned nothing from their choices? The legend's twin tails thrashed up and down, emotion rocking his neutral aspect. "My power is not your plaything." The pixie spat, his calm demeanor betrayed by the endless irritation plaguing him. "You seek to use what you do not understand. That will not purge the memories from your comrades, nor those you left behind. It will not restore the trust you assume was damaged, aye, it would only serve to worsen it with your newfound ignorance to their memories of the event."

    He could erase all of their memories from the past day with ease, he should for their folly, but what would be gained from that? What would his suffering of been for? To have these Pokemon gleefully move on with ignorant bliss to their sins would be foolish on his part. They all needed to have their eyes opened.

    "You wish to not be burdened by a choice that was not yours, but you would choose to place undue burden on thyne own companions? You were forgiven, absolved of the sin, and this is how you would compensate them? How selfish."

    Sickening, these Pokemon made not only his skin but his stomach crawl with absolute disgust. He has hoped them worthy of some sort of observation, of some sort of insight into those overcoming the epidemic, but alas, he would leave this place wanting. The legend moved up higher, further away from the Pokemon as he addressed the entire group. "You must all learn from mistakes, not cast them aside like refuse. Your choices from start of my observation have been predictable to a fault, basic or barely thought through, or wasted effort when you dared to stray. Make your choices and live with them, but also learn to make better ones or suffer the consequences."

    His voice was spent. His patience was at the thinnest of threads. What he had sought to gain had been squandered, and while he had the energy to teleport the Legend would listen to his own advice and not waste the effort. "Learn, mortals, or your remaining days will be few." He warned, drifting further away. "Do not disappoint."

    With a sharp inhale the Legend took off, flying fast and true the direction he had prior. Will his memories would not be forgotten these Pokemon would not take up space in his mind, and he brought his goals back to the forefront of his mind as he made off for a new destination.

    (OoC: While much later than anticipated, I have left the team. Thank you for having me.)


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:31 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Storming]
    Eleroo 161 || Seek 181

    Seek's stomach churned. Legends, she wanted to vomit her entire breakfast. So many emotions mixed in a nauseating pool inside her, but she didn't have a chance to decipher the mess she was feeling as one thought pulsed throughout her; Eleroo?! He was here, right, right?! In the panic and disorientation of being suddenly teleported the Avieon needed several more seconds to realize he was safely wrapped within her limbs still, his face barely within her puffy mane. "Eleroo!" She squealed, the raw emotion seeping on ever syllable as she tightened her grip around him. "Don't you ever do that again!" Nuzzling her face along his in a rough embrace the pair rolled about the marsh plants.

    For a few precious moments it was all that existed for her. They were no longer in that horrid place and she could focus wholly on the one who mattered most. Eleroo's fur was soggy and disheveled, his eyes squeezed shut as he refused to even look up. Was he still afraid, what horrible things had they done? A couple of wounds dotted his being. Had they gotten rough with him?! The very idea that anyone would dare lay a hand on him was enough to make her blood boil, and to know her weakness had caused it... Seek could only grip him tighter as she swore to never let such a thing happen again.

    In that tight, soft, protective embrace Eleroo struggled to pull his mind back together. They had come for him.. manged to take him back..! His body shook, riddled with adrenaline and anxiety as he pushed himself deeper into her fur. I didn't do it. He thought, though the lad knew she did not mean it that way. Her uneven breaths brushed his fur, a mix of laughter and sobs as she licked him. "You could have go-o-o-tten hurt.. You ar-re hurt..!" He whined, the words barely more than a whisper. They could have killed you..! His voice struggled, his words betraying everything he truly felt as he tilted his head up to look at the Aiveon. Precious few tears managed to drip from her eyes, countable on his own paws as they dripped onto Eleroo's head. So few times had he seen her genuinely cry.. it meant so much more than the buckets pouring from his ruby sights. "Th-thank you.." he cried, eyes shimmering over as he finally broke down and screamed, "AAaaaaaaaa I was so scared! Those Pokemon are monsters!"

    Weeping like the small child he always felt like Eleroo could not manage anymore words as he cried. Living Pokemon had never seemed to heartless. He didn't want to think about it, to remember that horrid place. Surrounded by Seek's scent he simply wanted those memories to fade away, to let him forgot the cruelty he was subjected to. ”The Great Marsh, though they’ll try to find us if we take to long, we can likely hide somewhere while Shenron gets his strength back.” Felix's voice broke into his delicate bubble, and the whimpering child was truly dragged back into the present moment.
    The same thought must have occurred to Seek, her face growing hot beneath her fur as she peeled herself away from Eleroo and instead stood next to him protectively. "Yeah.. we'll need to find a shelter, even if temporary." She wheezed distractedly, barely able to register the words she was saying. Eleroo sniffled, the tears refusing to stop though life quickly moved on.

    Felix approached him, his head clearly elsewhere than the rescue as he spoke with a clouded gaze. ”Seek, I know I can’t make you trust me as much but what happened was something I couldn’t stop myself from saying or let alone doing. If I must then I’ll have Uxie take whatever it was that the Golduck put in my head and take it before erasing that memory." Seek stared blankly at the Sylveon, his head low as he walked away toward Uxie. What? Had something else happened? Had he hit his head on the ground?? She sensed no other presence though admittedly she had not been aware of her own surroundings the past few moments. "What are you talking about?!" She barked, her teeth glinting as disbelief filled her cry. "It wasn't your fault, I already said that! I don't care; it wasn't you saying that garbage." She had been annoyed in the moment, hurt by his words, but she still begrudgingly accepted the truth. Her emotions were still very riled but without the stress of that awful room it was easier to acknowledge that had been manipulated.

    At least it was for her. The Sylveon did not break from his path, and continued on with asking the legend, ”Uxie, can you take that information from my head? I’m willingly doing this so that way it will no longer burden me. I won’t resist if it helps.” Eleroo stared with wide eyes. Was it deja vu, a shared thought, or just a coincidence that they desired the same thing? Would it, should he? No. His skin crawled at the memory of Uxie purging the bird, and it festered recalling the psychic energy gripping him. To want to forgot was one thing, it was painful to remember, but to actually have a memory erased? It was enough to make the sobbing Pokemon cower beside the Aiveon. What a scary, intrusive, violating thought. That isn't right.

    Seek must have thought the same, and perhaps being free of their adversaries freed her from her "adult" shackles as she finally snapped. "Aaaarrghh, why are you being so dramatic?!" She wailed, her voice rising in pitch as she stamped the sodden ground. "Can't you just be happy we got Eleroo back and made it out?" The Radeon sunk lower to the ground, his own fur growing hot. If anything it was his fault, and that guilt pushed him even further into the weeds. Memories hurt.. he thought, but as he looked at Seek and her evolved form he knew she was painfully aware of that.

    "My power is not your plaything." Their legendary friend spoke with a venomous sting, railing in any bickering for his soapbox. His words were heated, angered, and neither Eeveelution thought to interrupt his rant as he went off on the Sylveon and then the group. "You must all learn from mistakes, not cast them aside like refuse. Your choices from start of my observation have been predictable to a fault, basic or barely thought through, or wasted effort when you dared to stray. Make your choices and live with them, but also learn to make better ones or suffer the consequences." Each took it as a personal attack. For being too slow, too weak, ill-equipped, too ignorant. Seek bared her fangs. I'm trying, she wanted to argue, but her prior statements said otherwise.  

    Without waiting for them the pixie started to move away, though his distance did not seem like he was leading them anwyay. Heck, he never said where exactly he had dropped them. "Learn, mortals, or your remaining days will be few. Do not disappoint."
    With that haunting statement he was gone, flying off with so much as a goodbye. "Where are you going?!" Seek wailed, unable to accept such a entitled departure. Chasing after the pixie for several bounds she made no progress; he was moving much faster and further than she could ever hope to. Tearing through the marsh the small child was quickly losing steam, and flapping her sodden wings tried to take to the air. Pain raced through her, sharp and unforgiving. Had she taken unknown injury? Pushing past it Seek managed to gain lift, and doing her best to focus on strong, steady beats gained height but not distance on the legendary Pokemon. Panting an flailing, Seek was back on the ground in a disheveled heap before she could accept that the other Pokemon was gone. "Good for nothing.." She cursed, her breaths coming hard as she walked stiffly back to her team.

    Learn? Learn what? To lead, to be an adult? By the gods she was trying. To have prevented that mess? It was a surprise attack, and she tried her damnedest to fix it, and did! "Okay," She panted, planting her rump next to Eleroo once more. She didn't want to let the Legend's words effect her, but with her moment past and bickering cut off she took a different approach. "Everyone okay after that mess? No pressing injuries?"

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Feb 11, 2022 6:06 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (154)

    Shenron's mind buzzed and hummed as he attempted again to rouse himself. Get up dragon. No time to layabout. He shook himself able to get up to his knees and flap his wings. Shaking the ache and wetness from Swampert's assault. He'd need some more rest or berries to be fully ok but at the least he could move. He blinked a few times stirring his vision and looked around. "Where is... Has Uxie departed?" He wouldn't blame him if he did. The legend saw them safe travels and had been more then enough help. They should not rely on him to skirt this epidemic. That bred poor survival skills. Shenron sat back on his haunches and rubbed his thighs trying to will warmth back into himself.
    "We're back in this dreary place... What should we do? Sunyshore? Veilstone? The safe passage to Lake Valor is no longer viable"


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Feb 15, 2022 8:31 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon

    Felix took Uxie’s words in as a life lesson. This knowledge he carries now might become dangerous in the wrong claws but for them, it might be their greatest weapon against this harsh marsh. Perhaps Uxie left the knowledge with him for a reason. Though the others might not understand it, maybe he could put it in simple words that they would understand. "Everyone okay after that mess? No pressing injuries?” No major injuries on him and nothing he could see on Eleroo or Shenron. "We're back in this dreary place... What should we do? Sunyshore? Veilstone? The safe passage to Lake Valor is no longer viable” The only way through is Pastoria but they’d be attacked on sight and Eleroo would be taken again.

    Felix moved around a bit though he was sore somewhat when he stepped, it wasn’t broken. ”I’m okay, sore from that rebound but nothing broken. Pastoria City would be to dangerous to go back towards. Not to mention that East and that Swampert would likely kill us and take Eleroo away again.” How will they get around Pastoria City though? the alternate path is extremely dangerous and infested with undead from what the information that was crammed inside his head as well but it was very vague on it. ”If anything, we should probably get moving before East and his goons find us. I’ll tell you guys later once we’re out of this marsh for the time being.”

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Feb 19, 2022 6:24 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Storming]
    Eleroo 162 || Seek 182

    Taking in several deep breaths Seek tried to pull herself together, but as they grew fast she knew it wasn't working. "Where is... Has Uxie departed?" Shenron asked, sounding delirious on top of disorientated. "Yeah," she mumbled stiffly, her neck craning back to the spot she had last spotted the Legend; there was nothing buy grey clouds. "He's gone and left us here." Narrowing her eyes she felt nothing but contempt for the pixie. Of all places.. why this one?? Gritting her teeth the Aiveon wailed in frustration. He had literally every option possible to place them somewhere, why put them back in this godsforsaken place?! They had mentioned their pain from this place so many times, did he not care? Why lecture them, why fly and not teleport away?? Legends she had so many questions she wanted to rail into the Pokemon but she would never get the chance.

    Pulling her head back and seething out yet another breath Seek yelled at herself, get over it! There was nothing she could do about that now; she had to deal with the others. "We're back in this dreary place... What should we do? Sunyshore? Veilstone? The safe passage to Lake Valor is no longer viable." Shenron continued, having at least one Pokemon look out for their well-being. She had no answer though, and instead walked up to the dragon while shaking her head. He didn't answer her question either, and his stance told enough of the pain he was in. Reaching into her mane she grabbed the few berries Felix had gathered them before that disaster, and offered them to the dragon. "Take these." She told him, not making it an option for the suffering fire type, before allowing him space once more.

    Eleroo had kept himself low to the ground. Burying his nose in his paws he tried his best to stop sobbing like a kit but could not stop the flowing tears no matter how much he wiped his eyes. "I-I'm okay." He whimpered, the few scrapes and dings he had not worth mentioning. Each time he peaked up he could not help but zone in on the blood on Seek's cheek. The wound wasn't deep but she still got that because of him. Everyone was hurt because of him. The overwhelming relief and love he felt was smothered by a sea of guilt as his friends were hurt and once again in the awful marsh. If they had left him they could be safe, they could have gotten out--!

    But Eleroo knew in his heart that was never an option, not for these Pokemon, and he shuddered at hearing Felix's thoughts. ”I’m okay, sore from that rebound but nothing broken. Pastoria City would be too dangerous to go back towards. Not to mention that East and that Swampert would likely kill us and take Eleroo away again.” Bringing his paws further over his snout to block his eyes he wanted nothing to do with that horrible place or those Pokemon. Much like Seek's disdain for this Marsh he felt it deep in his belly, and wanted to vomit at the idea of making their way back to it. Maybe Seek noticed, as her bounding steps brought her to his side once more as she guarded him protectively. "We are not going back there, especially like this." She growled, wiping at her bloodied cheek. "The plan was to get out, together. At least we did that."

    Resting his cheek against her leg Eleroo felt crushed beneath gratitude and even more guilt. That right, he recalled, they were going to head out before being spotted, before the undead barged in, but without Uxie the idea of travel just seemed to fizzle away. ”If anything, we should probably get moving before East and his goons find us.” Whether it be Felix's words or the general vibe, a gentle nudge from Seek helped persuade Eleroo to his paws. His legs trembled, threatening to buckle as he put his meager weight on them. "They know this place." He whined, picturing the group being hunted down like cattle. With their strength in numbers it was only a matter of time. "They know it better than us!"

    "Then lets not stick around." Seek reassured him, allowing her flank to be his support. But yet.. where did they go? Where were they now, what direction should they head, what time was it? Looking up in the sky the Aiveon tried desperately to gain some bearings. The grey covering of clouds told them little, and the few cracks and breaks offered seeping light but little else. Midday, maybe? They had time at least.. Flexing her stiff wings and shuffling her paws Seek considered getting and aerial view, just enough to spot the city and know their positioning, but the aching appendages protested at every twitch. No, they would have to find another way.

    Turning about their dropoff point Seek saw no real signs or trails that told which way to go. Eventually she stopped, and picked they way with tree cover that was not too dense. Her jaw clenched once more as she realized it was the same direction Uxie had flown, but she tried not to let that fact influence her loose decision. "Let's go this way. Hopefully there will be a place she can shelter close by."

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:43 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Afternoon (155)

    Shenron shook himself again with more wetness collecting on him. "I see, thank you" He rolled his shoulders some and felt sore muscles groan in protest. But he managed to sit up and eat the given berries. It was enough to soothe the ache and enough sugar to stoke up his fire. Should they be able to rest for the evening, Shenron would have no problem falling asleep. He stood up giving one last stretch and nodded. His wings had defiantly shook off any pain from the attack but he wouldn't risk it by flying.
    "Understood, lead the way"


    Age : 38
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:18 pm

    OoC)) Skip, I got nothing for Felix this round.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:57 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 163 | | Seek 183

    "Understood, lead the way."

    Heading off into the undergrowth Seek could only be grateful that they were all together and that they had not been dropped next to undead. Nudging Eleroo she made sure he was keeping pace, and moreso that he was marching alongside her. Are you really okay? After all that.. he wasn't saying much. He hadn't said much at all since being broken out, and a mix of curiosity and worry would not leave Seek alone. What did they do to you? An uncomfortable shiver ran down her spine as she remembered being stolen away through the marsh by that demented Sceptile. Had she talked about about...? Was this the same sort of event, but for him? Her jaw clenched, and her eyes refused to rise from the ground. I shouldn't have let him take you.

    The rain was still coming down, and while lighter and warmer than it had been in the chilly dawn air the stream was still constant and drowning. Their progress was slow, the distance surely less than it felt like, and again Seek was reminded of their last journey through the blazing storm. Would it always be like this...? Looking up at the tearful heavens Seek wondered, if they had stuck to their plan, if this would have been their best chance to fly away.  Her wings trailed behind her, aching and cold, and just trying to spread them to her sides sent a wave of pain throughout her.  No, she would be doing no long distance flying for some time, and with a solemn glance at Shenron she knew he was no better. Without Uxie they didn't even have a backup plan of flying with psychic energy. Once again, they were stuck here.

    Eleroo's breathing was uneven. He was tired, and cold, and wet, and just downright uncomfortable, but not a single complaint came from the child. He walked with his head low but eyes eyes forward, alert and aware of their surroundings. He couldn't say exactly where they were but even in the monotonous landscape of the marsh he knew this was not the same place they had traveled before. Wheres the cable car? That had been their first shelter, the place they had met Pokemon that had now vanished. It would be leaky and wet, but it was better than nothing. Yet none of the landscape looked familiar, nothing gave even a slight hint at its direction, and the Radeon knew not to get his hopes up.

    The trees were growing denser, offering slightly more overhead shelter and protection from the rain. The soggy ground was no drier here, and Eleroo's aching wet paws were sore from the silt. The mostly flat ground was only broken by tufts and ponds, but thankfully their solid path through the worst of it was holding out as Seek pressed on. "There," the single word came with a point of her paw. Eleroo looked up, unsure of what he was expecting. A large tree had been split in half down its length, the broken trunk falling against the surrounding trees and creating an overhang large enough for them all. "Its not much but this'll have to do, just to catch our breath." She sighed, giving in to the pitiful excuse for a shelter.

    Bounding up to their 'shelter' the Aiveon was grateful for the slight rise to the ground that drained water away. It was still cold and windy, but the rain would have to fight to get to them. Eleroo flopped to the ground, his eyes wide and unfocused as he sunk into his personal exhaustion. Seek was quick to join him, curling her body around his in an effort to keep him close and share warmth. "...Could have been worse." She mumbled to herself while resting her head on the Radeon's nape.

    Last edited by Dandelion on Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 30
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    Post by Baloo Wed Mar 02, 2022 1:27 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (156)

    Shenron was careful lumbering after the three Eeveelutions and giving a cautionary look around. His whole body felt sore and weak. Damn rain. Damn Marsh. He was grateful for the temporary shelter and raised his hand carefully shaking his scales dry. With the dryness it let his body reheat and charge back up. He snorted a huff of smoke feeling some content sink back. Not necessarily relaxed but just eased a bit. His wings flicked he remaining moisture away and he looked out at the rain. Solemnly. Thinking. What could they do..? Was there anything they could do? They couldn't stay here unless they intended to hide in the tram cars and hope a crate of rations just fell in their laps. Not to mention they'd have to worry about undead and retaliation from that accursed Swampert.
    "If we intend to escape we shouldn't wait for it to be dark..."


    Age : 38
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Mar 06, 2022 5:00 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon

    Felix was keeping watch as the rain continued to fall. Everything that was said by the Swampert and East had bothered him quite a bit plus he had no idea what they would have done with him if he had gave in. The Sylveon at first thought about leaving them in order to keep Seek, Eleroo and Shenron safe, but Uxie had words of wisdom that made sense and the fact he did save them from the clutches of a crazed pokemon. Felix was grateful still that Seek and Eleroo had found the medicine and healed him from his illness that would have crippled him completely. The eeveelution thought about on how he could return the favor. However, it was to tough to figure out how he could do so. ”What could I do to repay them? Sigh, if it was that simple to find some help. The only other thing I can think of is helping them as much as I can. Time can only tell what happens.” Felix said to himself out loud. He looked at Seek and Eleroo, seeing them together as siblings. They have each other and nobody can separate them no matter how hard they try. Bonding is something remarkable for eeveelutions like them. He wouldn’t ask for anything else in the world. 

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:54 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 164 | | Seek 184

    Trying her best to touch as much of Eleroo's body as she could Seek contorted to shift her legs beneath his form as well, anything to help keep him off the ground and retain as much heat as possible. He whimpered and sniffled, eyes barely open as he stared blankly out into the rain. While the overhead cover was not the thickest and they were by no means hidden it felt better than being completely exposed.. yet Seek could not relax. Her mind raced, her body tense no matter how much she tried to settle down. How far out were they, were they traveling in the direction she thought? Were they being tracked, by those damn water types or undead? Letting her large ears fan out the Aiveon listened intently for any devious signs, but the droning sound of wind and rain smothered all.

    He felt so exposed, yet no amount of fear could move the Radeon. After everything today, his body had completely quit and gone limp as he lay on the spongy peat. He didn't want to talk about it, to think about it, to recall those fresh, fresh memories, but they were stuck on repeat in his mind. Even as his eyes glazed over he could not stop the reel and the nauseating emotions that followed. "If we intend to escape we shouldn't wait for it to be dark..." Shenron reasoned, his words wise and fair. Eleroo had no idea how much time had passed, legends it felt like an eternity, but spending another night in the Marsh sounded like a worst case scenario. "Yeah," Seek sighed after a thoughtful delay. "But we don't have many options to get away."

    Pressing his head down heavier onto her cloudy mane Eleroo shrunk under the weight of reality. Why did Uxie choose to leave them in such a place...? No matter how little he wanted to participate, without him it suddenly felt so much more dangerous. No suddenly teleportation or levitation, no general knowledge and learned answers. "They might not know where we are." Eleroo whispered hopefully. "Uxie didn't say where he was sending us." In such a sudden burst, and from the legends own explanation on logistics, the other Pokemon could assume they were close, but Eleroo had his doubts about them truly knowing where they had gone. His body thought otherwise, still trembling at the thought of a blue, orange, or purple shape popping up from the reeds, but he really wanted to believe. "Better safe than sorry." Seek dismissed the thought, the sentiment not lost of the small male though it did not improve his dejected feelings.

    Felix mumbled something to himself absently as he watched the world around them and Seek couldnt help but listen. Her ears flicked suddenly, flinging off any new drops of water as she tried not to but damn there was nothing to distract her aside from her own thoughts. Shutting out her own immediate responses, as she didnt want anyone wandering, the Aiveon could not think of anything to say, constructive or otherwise. They were all exhausted, aching, grumpy, and cold. In the current moment they had nothing to offer one another other than their presence as a group, and for once Seek decided to keep her mouth shut and enjoy that familiar presence.

    The shared warmth between her and Eleroo was finally started to radiate, and she thought it would be comforting, but the woebegone Radeon did not seem to be improving. "...Those Pokemon were scared." He confided to no one in particular, voice just as despondent as before and his eyes continued to stare out into the marsh. "Do you think that justifies what they did to you, what they were going to do?" Seek refused instantly, shocked that he would even remotely defend those Pokemon. He didn't answer immediately, his lagging tail limply shifting closer to his body. "Does it matter?" He lamented, gaze finally shifting to look toward her. Sadness filled his eyes, a deep pain settling them she so desperately wanted to understand. "We're in the marsh anyway."

    Age : 30
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    Post by Baloo Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:01 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 7 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Afternoon (157)

    Shenron nodded and scuffed the grass until there was only dirt as he thought. He plucked a piece of bark from the tree and exhaled fire onto it placing it on the dirt to watch the fire dance. His trainer's Delphox did this when she needed to clear her mind for thought. "They may not want to venture into the Marsh to follow us. Such a task befits their "warriors" since they are immune to the rot" A thought Shenron heartily scoffed at. Immune to it but... What of other hazards? He shook his head and stoked the fire with soft breaths and his paw against the wind to stop it putting the fire out. "They would not come here unless something compelled them to do so. I will watch for them, you three should certainly rest. It has been a stressful morning" Shenron didn't need to rest himself, his mind swam with anxiety and desperation for an answer. He could not rest.
    The kits would benefit more from it then him.

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