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8 posters

    The CORONET Team


    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:20 am

    ((ooc: please skip))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:35 am

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    | Within Mt. Coronet // Late Afternoon |

    "T'would be wise if we ventured away from these creatures now m'dear."

    Benton perked up as the Shedninja said this.

    "Excuse me, Mister Shedinja! But if you plan on following Vortex, whom she herself is coming with me, wouldn't that mean that you'd in turn be following me?"

    Vortex looked to Benton. She guessed she was going to make off like she was going to walk away.

    "Unless!! ...Unless you actually plan to stalk her even without her consent, thus giving yourself distance but still following her following me! That's a no-no, Mister Shedinja!"

    The orange lizard jolted. This little guy was... a funny wit. She had to stifle a giggle from the way Benton explained. She put a paw over her face, her smile visible even through her claws. She just smiled at Benton, not really talking to them. She just nodded in yes, as in she was going with Benton. She decided to finally speak up then. "Indeed, I am going with him." she said politely, "Sorry if I was going to make like I was going to walk off." she smiled a tiny smile at the Shedninja, then looked to Benton and winked. She already liked this little dino.

    (OoC: <3 Heheh. Benton, I love you so much~ xDD)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:18 pm

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    Coronet, Time Unknown

    Forgotten was already plenty irritated with these foolish people, and the pointless reverence of the white rodent. Plus, the idiotic fossil made him want to strangle him if he had hands. So, he merely turned away from them, and hovered away. The fools could die. It wasn't his concern from the beginning. Besides, he had ruins to return to and investigate. Arceus was far more pressing than these children.

    Upon finding the ruins, he hovered deeper in, until there was no light to be seen, and darkness, and whatever horrors within it, swallowed what was once visible about his features.

    ((OOC.... lame exit post DX bye guyz))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:20 pm

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    Mt. Coronet||Time Unknown(2)

    O Blessed Shiny Pokemon, it is an honor! I am too unworthy to hear your name, but it would be so wonderful to hear what a name someone like you heralds!" A Sheildon asked her, bowing.

    Yersinia looked at the over friendly creature with disgust. "Back off." She said growling. Maybe approaching these creatures was a bad idea after all. Turning her head she started to walk away, her paws hitting the ground in a silent rhythm. Yersinia had every intention of continuing to walk away when a large figure burst from the ground.

    Yersinia growled defensively as the large steel snake like Pokemon dug its way free of the rocky terrain. The Steelix's glowing red eyes instantly giving it away. "Damn, another one of these fucking things." She snarled, backing up. Under her mask a faint purple glow cast a shadowed light on Yersinia's eyes. With a growl the silver Umbreon fired a Shadow Ball at the approaching beast but it barely made a dent in the creature.

    Screeching angrily at the attack of the snarling Umbreon, the Steelix retaliated. It began to hurl boulders at her and the rest of the group. Yersinia did what she could to avoid the attack but the more boulders the Steelix threw at them the less room Yersinia had to dodge, it was slowing her down and cutting her off at every turn. She looked to the others, seeming to plead for help as she continued to run away from the attack of the Steelix.

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:04 am

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    Within Mt. Coronet//Late Evening?

    Rick was lost on everything that had been happening that he had stopped trying to make sense of it awhile ago. His blue flame flickered on his neck, giving the cave a little light as he looked around at all these pokemon. Letting out a sigh, he knew that they had no idea where Jean was, or if they had even seen her.

    "I will leave now." He said as he began to make for the caves exit, wanting to get away before he lost control of himself, or the voice in his mind began to go on about killing them again. Ricky didn't like killing, but if they stood between him and Jean, then he would kill them. With one final glance at the small group of survivors, he extinguished his flame and left.

    ((Ricky has now left the team cause it just started getting to confusing for me ':/ Nice rping with you. Until next time~))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:50 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    "Back off." The Umbreon barked at him sharply, though he didn't take too much offense. We all have plenty of bad days! Benton reasoned, bowing his head and stepping away respectfully. Some more than others, but why look at the technicalities! BT knew from experience that if someone needed some alone time, it would be best to give it to them; but not to stray too far, because even in their loneliest of nights, everyone needs a little hug to remind them that someone was there for them. It would be like kicking an Eevee if I turned a cold shoulder! The thought of the poor Eevees being kicked made the Shieldon tear up a little, but he shook his head as another turn of conversation took place.

    "Indeed, I am going with him." Vortex had said to the ghost with a little smile, in which BT could only wag his tail in happiness. Oh giggity! Although it seemed like the ghastly bug didn't enjoy the fact of having more than one companion, and floated away with a straight face - if he had one, of course! The Shieldon rose a paw a waved it feebly, not knowing whether or not the Shedinja was going off on a spiritual quest like Xerxes or just running away without reason like Ozzy #2! He really would have blanked out then with what would have been a stupid face, if not for the screams of terror and yells of madness that erupted. How could he not notice that Steelix, or when the shiny Umbreon cried for help?! He would have thought that after all the Geodude hordes, the Zubats and Golbats, and finally another Steelix, he would have been able to preemptively sense these kinds of things!

    "I will save you, beautiful Umbreon!" He yelped, nudging Vortex along with them towards the battle. Oh yes, he would make a dashing escape and slip past these fiendish boulders that seemed to come out of nowhere! He would be her knight of shining armor-head! Setting up a quick Rock Polish, BT burst forward with a new form of speed - he didn't even feel the need to stop and eat the boulders! Finding himself to the front of the large steel snake in no time at all, he charged forward to attack the Steelix with the only offensive move he knew - which was Tackle, of course! "Take this, Onix on Steroids! You hath no place here!"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:56 pm

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    | Mt. Coronet // LKT: Late Evening |

    Vortex turned around, suddenly seeing the Shedninja disappear. She suddenly felt a feeling in her gut. She felt like she had contributed to his sudden leaving. She looked down again at the floor of the cave, but then looked up again.

    "Back off. Damn, another one of these fucking things."

    Vortex looked up to see a white Umbreon starting to attack a Steelix that just came into view. Holy crap, how did she miss that. She growled at it, but then saw Benton leap up in excitement.

    "I will save you, beautiful Umbreon!"

    Benton quickly nudged the little fire lizard before he flew into battle. Vortex watched as Benton went to tackle the large steel snake.

    "Take this, Onix on Steroids! You hath no place here!"

    She could take care of this. She walked closer, but then widened her stance, throwing her head back and then releasing a river of fire out at the Steelix. It hit the large snake, literally melting the steel of its body until its middle-section was nearly melted, but in a deformed shape. It roared, still alive but horribly damaged from the powerful attack Vortex threw at it.

    (OoC: |3 Didn't kill it but horribly wounded it. B3 lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:37 am

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    Mt. Coronet||LKT; Late Evening.(29)(3)

    (continuing Aria's post count from her previous time on this team.)

    Yersinia breathed heavily she was tired of running. Of course the help from these new Pokemon was useful but she wanted to be able to fight on her own. After the Charmeleon melted the middle section of the Steelix, Yersinia prepared another Shadow Ball attack. Leaving her most powerful Frustration until it was an absolute necessity to use. However before she could make the attack the Steelix was sliced clean in half. Yersinia nearly screamed, shooting the Shadow Ball into the darkness.

    Aria made her way through the cavern, looking for hints of her friends. Any way to get back to them. Then she heard the loud rumbling and the roar that came a long with it, must have been another infected. Following the sounds and tremors of the shaking ground the Serperior arrived moments after the Steelix had been half melted. With a low hiss of warning Aria flung her tail through the air, it became blade like and quickly cut through the Steelix's middle half.

    Ducking under an on-coming Shadow Ball, Aria came out into the light, smiling gently at BT and the others."Is everyone alright?" The large grass snake pokemon asked, her voice having a strange, somewhat familiar British accent to it. She quietly looked among her fellow survivors. When she noticed that BT appeared to be the only familiar one that caught her eye. But if he was here Xerxes was probably somewhere here as well.


    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:46 pm

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    Mt. Coronet||LKT; Late Evening(21)

    Hours, hours who knows how long. Running, dashing moving in this contorted chasm of darkness, around bending halls, and walls. Climbing mounds, dashing through the dark for dear fucking kife. My red Tie flowing behind me as I hauled ass through the darkness, firing pin missiles at the horde of 30 geodude behind me. Needle arming anything that'd jump out or get close to me as I galloped my stumpy feet toward a god damn dead end. Pressing my thorny back against the wall, I faced my pursuers and began to blow through them with as many needle arms and Brick breaks as I could muster, little did I know that a graveler on the ridge above decided to FUCKING USE MAGNITUDE.

    As the Boulder Pokemon slammed into the ground with a 8.4 Magnetude, it promptly broke through the floor, and the ceiling comprising the other half of it, sending our dear Osmund and around thirty infected Geodude tumbeling from the corridor above. As Osmund fell, he opened his eyes, and saw to great pleasure, his friend Benton, along with some other Pokemon. " I'M BACK BABY!" The disoritated Cactus Said, as He slammed onto something hard and cold. One minute? Two minutes?, actually nether It only took fourty seconds for our dear boy to wake from his slammed stupor.
    And my god it fucking hurt., With a huge thud I hit some large steel object, only to wake up to find myself atop some kind of giant fucking metal snake worm thing that was already cut in half. Needless to say I was not pleased.
    " OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? I SPEND ABOUT THREE TO FOUR HOURS RUNNING FOR MY LIFE AFTER BEING SNATCHED AWAY IN THE DARK, AND NOW THIS SHIT? GOD DAMMIT." As Ozzy began to rant, the beast stirred from it's false dirt nap. Letting out a shreiking metal sond, and shaking it's head back and fourth violently, the behemoth began to thrash about.

    "YOU, SHUT THE FUCK UP. I. AM. NOT. IN. THE. FUCKING. MOOD." Osmund Yelled As His right arm glowed Crimson and the Needles on his left arm glowed a bright green and began to enlarge to long spikes. Still violently thrashing and muddeling about, the creature tossed Ozzy into the air, and surged up with it's maw ready for the kill. " I. SAID. FUCK. YOU! " Osmund yelled as He slammed down, impaling his needle arm though it's eye, and Slamming his left arm down with such a brutal brick break, that he shatterd it's steel exterior and caved it's skull in.

    And as our dear friend sat there, with his right arm still in the creature's eye socket, he looked into some of it's shatterd metal fragments, and smiled at his refelction. 'Hey good looking, I'll be back to pick you up later. ' he thought with a chuckle before attempting to stand up, only to find his arm was now stuck in the monstrous metal snake's eye socket. Sighing heavily, he sat back down. His shade's over his eyes, straghtining his tie with his free arm.

    " Anyone gonna help ? I kind of just kicked this assholes fucking ass and now my arm is stuck. "

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    Ooc: I'M BACK BABY

    Last edited by ReD RuM on Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:44 pm

    [ ooc: sorry for the late reply lol forgot it was my turn. BUT THIS TEAM <33 ]
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    Mt. Coronet | LKT ; Late Evening

    You know, Benton might be a fool, but he wasn't stupid. His little Tackles just barely made a dent on the Steelix's hard body, and the little Shieldon had to admit defeat, a huge pout set on his face. Oh Arceus, send your wrath upon this Pokemon - but not too much wrath, please! He prayed to his Highness, closing his eyes tightly and opening them slowly. And suddenly, beside him stood Vortex, a horrific inferno shooting from her gaping mouth. "His Wrath! Ha ha! Praise! Praise!" BT chanted, although he supposed chanting for 'wrath' might have been sadistic, evil almost. But the fire had left the Steelix melted to an ugly mess; and he wouldn't have had it any other way!

    But was far from over, and the Steelix was far from defeated. Becoming simply the overseer of the battle, Benton watched the fight in tense patience, knowing to swoop in and protect the others when the situation called for it. The beautiful Umbreon had been surprised at the flames, letting out a loose Shadow Ball into the unknown - but from the darkness came forth a familiar face. "Aria!" He shouted in such a light voice, his eyes watering up with emotions. Oh, he never thought he'd ever see his wonderful friends again, not after they all disappeared without a trace. Stella had gone, Ozzy Number Two had ran off, and... Original Osmund had fallen from the heavens and was now quite literally placing hell on earth?! At this BT let out a weighty laugh as the tears came willingly, but the Shieldon shook his head to get rid of the water - bros don't cry, not at all! I forgot how much I missed everyone cursing around me so much!

    There were a few Geodudes laying around from Ozzy's downfall, so with great pleasure Benton took to tackling the smaller guys. But with five gente impresionante (his previous trainer had taught him that!), the crowd wasn't much of a battle, and soon enough the fray had ended once again, and this time with Osmund's arm stuck in the Steelix's head. Although Benton pretended to have too much testosterone to appear as if he didn't care too much that they came back, there was such a happy bubbly feeling in his stomach that he couldn't conceal. "You guys came back...!" He said as he padded up to the still Steelix, to Osmund and his snazzy tie and shades. BT waved his fore paw over to Aria and to the shiny Umbreon, then to Vortex to say that everyone should come to the Steelix head and pull the Cacturne outta this funk. He neighed in apology up to Osmund. "I'd pull you out myself, but the only thing I can do right now is probably eat the Steelix head off of you - unless you want that!" He quickly amended his apology, nodding exuberantly.

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:25 am

    ((working on getting an image back, yo!))

    Mt. Coronet | LKT ; Late Evening


    Okay, so at this point in time, having rushed past tunnel upon tunnel, and detour upon detour, Xerxes was proud to say that he'd was on the right track back to his... Ah, he really didn't know what to call the others, excluding BT, of course. After all, the Arcanine hadn't really interacted with the newbies of the once misfit, but comforting team.

    ...Yes, that team. The team that managed to get him into fights with hordes of random ass Geodudes, a reunion with an old love interest, a near death experience involving an avalanche of boulders, and many, many more other things that shouldn't really happen to one person. Needless to say, that team got him, a big, mighty, metal-armed Arcanine, in more shit than a sane person/pokemon could handle.

    But, discussing the mental welfare of one Xerxes, the majestic Lion-Dog, was a story for another time. At the moment, the pokemon had just managed to sidestep being crushed to death by the Steel-Typed behemoth as he finally reached his destination point-


    'Like shit they'd help some whack-job like you.'

    'Oh shut up, Bells! I don't need your sass right now!'

    'Fine. Be that way, but when you come crawling back on your ass on how I was right, don't expect me not to tell you to suck it.'

    'I wouldn't expect any less.'

    And he didn't. But luckily, his pleas for help were answered, although he had to scramble away from the flurry of attacks that came from all over the place. For a second there, Xerxes felt a bit of remorse for the giant steel tail with a face...One fugly ass face......But yeah, he felt a little bad for it. Why? Well, first it was partially melted by a Charmeleon, only to have it's middle get crushed to bits by- HOLY SHIT-

    "Oz! Aria! You two came back."

    Yeah disbelief, surprise, happiness, anger- pretty much every single emotion that could be listed flashed across the Arcanine's face at that single moment.

    But then he remembered that they were still essentially in a battlefield and maybe throwing a tantrum/victory dance wouldn't be a good idea, despite the brief respite- which was exactly when he noticed the Cacturne was still stuck to the Steelix's face.

    "I'll get you out."

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:22 pm

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    | Mt. Coronet // LKT: Late Evening |

    Everything had happened quickly. Suddenly, a Cacturne had flung itself from the roof, and killed the Steelix as it flailed from getting cut in half by a suddenly appearing Serperior. Vortex had been confused from the sudden appearance of the two who killed the Steelix after Vortex had attacked it. Suddenly, a roar came down the cave as an Arcanine seemed to appear. All of these pokemon knew each other, and Vortex suddenly felt very, very left out. She stood there quietly as they all rejoiced, staying away from BT, even. She didn't feel comfortable around all of these familiarized pokemon. She backed up against the cave wall, her tail flame illuminating the wall she was near. She watched from a safe distance, her eyes obviously showing fear and discomfort.

    (OoC: Crappy post, but it's the best I could honestly do right now. |D Vortex isn't much of a socializing pokemon. Someonegocomforther--*shot*)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:15 pm

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    Mt. Coronet||LKT; Late Evening(22)

    "I'd pull you out myself, but the only thing I can do right now is probably eat the Steelix head off of you - unless you want that!" Benton neighed apologetically, nodding his head reptidly. Osmund couldn't help but smile at this , not that anyone would notice, since his face was usually in a perpetual smile, he then gave the Sheildon a light pat on the head.
    Xerxes had yelled something that the cacturne didn't quite catch, but then followed up with "I'll get you out." while padding over to the Cacturne.
    "Wait wait wait wait" Our prickely pal said, before sucking in air then with a slight gasp, retracting all, except for the large dark green thorns back into his body, leaving it nice and smooth. "Alright, my thorns are in now. So heres how we do it, you wrap your arms around my waist, then pull with your hind legs, note, i said your arms, not your huge tiger-dog claws of incredible boulder crushing, metal slicing, bone breaking death, I do not want those digging into me, and I've seen what an Arcanine's nails can do. That'd hurt like hell and leave some damn large scares, not to mention I only have about a week or two left of water before I need to ether kill something and drain it's fluids, or find a water source." Ozzy quipped to the Arcanine in an almost bored sounding voice before following up. " it's good to see you guys again, lets get the fuck out of this cave soon, becuase I honestly do not ever want to see a Geodude again in my entire life."
    Turing his head, he noticed a Charmeleon against the cave wall witha disgruntled look on it's face. Osmund's pourous smile immediatly became a frown, and his eyes stared sharply. It's tail was an open burning flame, illuminating the wall, that was enough to make him not want to even go near the god damn plant hazard. Shaking his head of these thoughts he began to focus on the situations at hand. "where is a water type when you need them dammit" he then mumbled to himself, he was not lying when he said he only had a week or so of water left in his body, if he didn't replinish himself for the month, he'd begin to dehydrate, become predatory, and if all in all, wilt and die of thirst, which mind you is definitly not on his to do list.

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    Last edited by ReD RuM on Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:20 pm

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    Mt.Coronet||LKT;Late Evening

    Even as zombies, they still ride their bikes, Phineas thought as he walked up to Mt.Coronet. He was sacred at first but then quickly changed his mind. Remember, your trainer never allowed fear. Phineas used his x-ray vision on a nearby wall so he can make sure there are no undead waiting for him. He did however see something, something blinding.Phineas, out of curiosity, walks into the cave to see exactly what he thought. It was! It was a Charmeleon! Phineas worked up his courage and went right up to the fire type. Hello, my name is Phineas and you are?

    ((OoC: Sorry for a short post, this is the best I can come up with. Curse you Writers Block!))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:47 pm

    [ooc: dfjakljdf; skip please. ;o; just say that BT yipped at the return of Xerxes and quietly climbed onto his back. Also he prayed to Arceus for the bald spot on Xerxes' back, and said "Hello there, friendly friend!" to Phineas!]

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:12 pm

    Mt. Coronet | LKT ; Late Evening
    "-r two left of water before I need to ether kill something and drain it's fluids, or find a water source."

    At this point Xerxes was just standing there, blinking with wide set eyes at the word vomit that came spitting out of the Cacturne's mouth.

    "Don't pull you out with my paws but arms- Got it."

    And "got it" he did as the Arcanine clambered onto his feet and wrapped his furry arms around his friend's waist, tugging until his arm finally came loose and was pulled free from the Steelix' head. The action kind of reminded the furry dog lion creature of the pulling of one's teeth, jerking and yanking at the poor thing until it broke free from all the roots that would bind it to one's gums.

    It was rather painful when forced out- at least, that's what he heard from his trainer when she'd come home with some missing teeth and a little goodie bag from the dentist's.

    But that was besides the point- Actually, that whole thought was besides the point. He wasn't with his trainer, nor was Xerxes pulling out teeth. The Arcanine was stuck inside a mountain with fellow pokemon who were just trying to survive just like him.

    And one said Charmeleon seemed to just be standing around, looking the part of that awkward kid who hung back while the cool kids/pokemon would talk and joke and laugh amongst themselves.

    Reminded him a bit of himself when he was back at the pound.

    "YO! You, Fire-type! Get your ass over here and introduce yourself! I wanna know you-"

    "Hello, my name is Phineas and you are?"

    "Hello there, friendly friend!" to Phineas!"

    'The fuck? Where are all these pokemon coming from?'

    'I have no fucking clue, Bells. No fucking clue.'


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:54 pm

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    | Mt. Coronet // LKT: Late Evening |

    Vortex looked up as the Arcanine's voice barked at her, his voice brusque to her.

    "YO! You, Fire-type! Get your ass over here and introduce yourself! I wanna know you-"

    Vortex yelped slightly as a voice rung out from the opposite side of the fire dogs, seemingly right next to her. She jerked to look at what was next to her, to be met with the glowing eyes of a Luxray.

    "Hello, my name is Phineas. And you are?"

    Vortex's mind slightly spun a bit at being a bit overwhelmed with interaction. Her dry, hot breath came out of her mouth in wisps, the usually relieving, sticky saliva in her throat was absent, making her breathing uncomfortable. Her eyes nervously glanced between the two large, quadrupedal creatures.
    "I--I'm Vortex...." It'd had been a long time since she had been backed into such a corner. Not that they were threatening her, but her own mind was threatening her. The memories of bigger pokemon in the lab.... They were capable of such brute power and destruction. The Kangaskhan.... She felt like the little Charmander she used to be back at the lab, surrounded by happy and she had none of it. She remembered the walks in the park, and that embarrassing as fuck metal leash attached to the scarf on her neck, that lead everyone glared at. All the laughter and the happiness she had been too awkward to hold onto.... No, this was much different. This wasn't threatening mocks from other pokemon.
    "You look like one of those stupid misbehaved Growlithes on that leash. What are you, a lowly dog? You're a fire dragon." she remembered a burly Charizard call out to her. It stood tall and proud next to his team and trainer, obviously strong and self confident. All she could do was look with bags under her eyes, and get tugged harshly away. The look in his eyes was wild and untamed.... He didn't understand why she didn't fight back.
    ...She had no will to. She couldn't fight back, unless she wanted to get flogged. It was all a give and take. In which she gave everything and they took all of her. She was a broken spirit.
    She looked to the Arcanine and Luxray again, slowly edging her way against the wall towards where all the others were.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:40 am

    [skip, no time]

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:05 am

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    Mt.Coronet | LKT;Late Evening (2)

    So far everyone is pretty friendly, except the Arcanine who shouted, "YO! You, Fire-type! Get your ass over here and introduce yourself! I wanna know you!" when Phineas entered the mountain. I know he's not talking to me. Phineas thought to himself. There are more Pokemon than Phineas expected. There is a Shieldon, an Arcanine, a Charmeleon, and a Cacturn. Phineas is looking around to see anything wrong with this perfect group, until he see's a dead Steelix lying on the ground. Um, did you do that was there? Phineas asked the Pokemon, the Cacturn who was next to it.

    The Cacturn looked sickly and it was panting. Phineas remembered something about Cacturns, after defeating many of them, if they don't get water after a long time they, they die. Dude, we need to get this guy some water, who cares about that Steelix now. Its dead. Phineas said, Sorry to change the subject so fast. I wish I was here to help, this Cacturn looks pretty jacked up. I could've helped. Phineas thought.

    Last edited by Spencer1222 on Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:51 pm

    [ ooc: short post is short because I jammed a lot of stuff in there and didn't feel like expanding haha ]
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    Mt. Coronet | LKT: Late Evening

    There was greetings, swaggy Cacturnes, shouty Arcanines, shy Vortex, and a new Luxray! And, of course, the dead Steelix. He added in quietly, climbing off of Xerxes and placing a tender paw on the deceased steel snake. Not long after though, Benton gave himself a good peppy dance and watched everyone sort of run around doing different things; with a careful nod, the Shieldon padded to the center. "Lendith thou ears, Pokemon! As stated I think at least 4 times and thought of probably thrice as much, our mission is to visit Arceus!" BT became increasingly excited and his breath became ragged as he continued. "It will be treacherous, and it will be scary, but we're in it together - and don't think I've forgotten you, Missie Vortex. I don't forget anything!" He called to the Charmeleon, smiling broadly though he was out of breath. Ooh, how exalting in the name of Arceus made him so tired! He could roll around in the Geodumps all day!

    Neighing to himself, he could recall all of the wondrous things (and a few sad ones) that had happened since his time within Mount Coronet. How a chiming of a bell had actually brought a group together, how it also brought the infected en masse! The cotton candy taste of Bells' fur still felt so fresh in his mouth, and he could never forget his mad dash atop of the Arcanine, or the horrid silence after the landslide had killed their beloved Flaffy. The team could barely hold itself together after that! He quietly yipped in his mind - it was only because more Geodudes had found them that they had stuck together for a while longer yet; and even then more of them had disappeared. "Phineas!" BT called to the lion, a little forceful but not enough to sound harsh. "You... you are the newest Pokemon here, yeah! Hi again!" Awkward chuckle, feign innocence because that's basically his middle name! Okay, moving on!

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:09 pm

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    | Mt. Coronet // LKT: Late Evening |

    The orange lizard looked up as Benton's voice rang out.

    "Lendith thou ears, Pokemon! As stated I think at least 4 times and thought of probably thrice as much, our mission is to visit Arceus! It will be treacherous, and it will be scary, but we're in it together,"

    Arceus.... They were going to see Arceus? She honestly didn't know whether to believe in Arceus or not, but she guessed she wouldn't mind to find out.... But even so... they were on their way to meet with the god of all pokemon? The first ever pokemon alive? The pokemon all the humans had prayed to and preached about in those tall buildings with the bells? What were they going to do or talk about with him? If he even existed? It created a whirlwind of thoughts that she wished to find out.

    "and don't think I've forgotten you, Missie Vortex. I don't forget anything!"

    Vortex slightly stared at Benton when he said this. Well, at least he remembered she was there even in the midst of everyone who was there that he knew. And even if the Arcanine had a slightly rough gesture of kindness, it was still accepted. She was slightly relieved. In this new sense of calm, she slowly edged away from the wall. At least her confidence had been boosted; she wasn't so meek anymore around all these pokemon who had known each other. She gently padded across the ground, her nails gently clacking on the rock floor. She looked to the Cacturne who had just attacked and killed the Steelix. She gave him a friendly nod and walked onwards towards the large, fire husky who had addressed her earlier and Benton. She looked to the shield pokemon and grinned. "So you were on your way to see Arceus, if I heard right? Just curious, ah... why are you looking for him?" She looked between the two of them, waiting for the pending answer from Benton, as he seemed to be the leader of the little ragtag of a team.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:01 pm

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    Mt.Coronet | LKT;Late Evening (3)

    "Lendith thou ears, Pokemon! As stated I think at least 4 times and thought of probably thrice as much, our mission is to visit Arceus! It will be treacherous, and it will be scary, but we're in it together - and don't think I've forgotten you, Missie Vortex. I don't forget anything!" What is he talking about? Arceus? Lendith thou ears? This person, no this team is all to weird. Phineas thought. "You... you are the newest Pokemon here, yeah! Hi again!" Hello...again. I think I'll be a great addition to the team because I am really strong. I hope I can help you find Arceus, isn't he the one who created us? Phineas asked/said to the Shieldon.

    "So you were on your way to see Arceus, if I heard right? Just curious, ah... why are you looking for him?" Vortex said. Yeah why are you looking for him. Phineas copied. Then Phineas gave a little smirk, thinking it probably started with him the Shieldon all by himself. Also he still didn't tell him his name, such a strange team.

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:10 pm

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    Mt. Coronet, Evening(1)

    "Dumdeedumdumdumdum! Doobop dewop bop bam!"
    A small, cheerful pink feline was giggling as she made nonsensical noises of pure happiness. It was turly a nice night. No Undead attacking her... just the drip drop plunk of water falling off the stalactites.
    "Or is it stalagmites? Oh well. I can never remember."
    Skipping along playfully, her hat tilted on her head, allowing the gem between her eyes to light the way with its bright, happy pink glow. Helena's eyes brightened and she smiled wider, smelling what she could only describe as....candy! Oh boy oh boy oh boy! This was going to be the best night ever. The smell stopped at a backpack, which she rummaged through carelessly, throwing various objects behind her. Books... CD players... pictures... the occasional Cell Phone. Finally, grinning, she found her prize. A box of Skittles.

    "If only the rainbow lasted longer... this would be the best treat ever! Open wide! Time to taste the rainbow!"
    She opened her mouth wide, only to be a bit disappointed when the box only dropped three skittles into her waiting mouth. Still smiling, she shrugged it off and threw the box behind her, enjoying what little treat she got. Suddenly her sensitive ears picked up noise.. perhaps... people? Oh how she loved people! So many friends to make!

    "Oh HOORAY!"
    Her voice echoed throughout the cave... unfortunately attracting the wrong attention. Before she fully knew what was happening, she was bouncing, playing a game of cat-and-mouse with an Undead Excadrill who couldn't seem to catch her.

    "You're doing it wrong! You gotta really run if you wanna win! Run run run run run running running run!"
    Helena giggled with childlike happiness, despite the inevitable doom approaching her... still too slow to catch her... but eventually. She saw some people, and waved wildly and happily, smiling and winking as she passed the people by, the Excadrill zooming past their group as well, still fixated on catching the talkative Espeon. She turned around and bounced back towards the group.

    "You're never gonna catch meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm super duper fast! I'm like Speedy Gonzales if Speedy had Skittles! I had some skittles! Woo hoo! I'm all jacked up on some rainbow!"

    ((First post yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:11 am

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    Mt. Coronet | LKT: Late Evening

    "Yeah, why are you looking for him," the Luxray mimicked Vortex, stating previously that he would be a great addition to the team.

    Benton nodded enthusiastically at that, seeing that anyone would be a happy addition to their team. His mind was alight with an almost childlike exterior, but there was a persistent part within him, a little part of him that was mature -- the part that worried, which the Shieldon honestly didn't want to do! Why make yourself sadder when you could take things in stride and hopefully make things better? Doing a little hop, BT's eyes shone as he did a little round-about to look at all his friends. "Friends, newcomers who are still friends. Arceus is an all-true being, but like everything else in the world, he is not perfect. Perhaps in his ever most humble time he had forgotten what an epidemic must look like? Or he considers the infected still as a living being, and thus has not acted?" A little part of the Shieldon's thoughtful side shone, also through his eyes, and he continued on. "That is why we -- or at least me! -- are going to visit his holiest shrine, desecrating the almighty throne with a question that no one else is brave enough to ask the God himself aloud." He let that stand so that the others could think for themselves, mumble to themselves about what that question might be.

    All the while, Benton sort of wanted to giggle at how dramatic he was being, how he was playing this out. "I want to ask Arceus -- why? -- why is he letting so many suffer? Why is there death happening when you should be protecting life? Why?" At the last word he kinda-sorta wailed it, a cry to the unforeseen God. The Shieldon did a little trot near the Steelix's dead head, before he came to a gentle stop then looked at each of his friends. Of course he knew he couldn't drag all of them along with him, force them to come along when they didn't want to. That was cruel, and Benton was quite the opposite of that, he hoped! The Shieldon neighed, pawing the ground with an almost calmness settling within him. These were his friends, and the journey that he had taken upon himself (and what Bells had come for also!) was no easy task. BT regarded each of them with sad eyes, remembering the deaths he had encountered and the abandoning of friends that he had suffered.

    "I'm all jacked up on some rainbow!" And just like that, Benton's rather-mature side was thrown to the back of his mind, and the little Shieldon laughed at the silly sight. How peculiar that Epseon was, with a dapper top hat at that! An Excadrill charged through the scene, its powerful claws and stubby legs its prime signature. BT waved back at the psychic, before hopping up and down in excitement to his teammates.

    "We should help this dapper fellow, yes!" Ah, this was the life and tale of a little Pokemon who chanced a meeting on the ring of a bell.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:55 pm

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    | Mt. Coronet // LKT: Late Evening |

    "Friends, newcomers who are still friends. Arceus is an all-true being, but like everything else in the world, he is not perfect. Perhaps in his ever most humble time he had forgotten what an epidemic must look like? Or he considers the infected still as a living being, and thus has not acted?"

    Vortex looked to her toes and pondered the same. This was why she usually like to stay off the topic of Arceus. She didn't know what to believe, nor did she... kind of honestly care. She guessed if he was real or not, it'd be fine and dandy to her either way.

    "That is why we -- or at least me! -- are going to visit his holiest shrine, desecrating the almighty throne with a question that no one else is brave enough to ask the God himself aloud. I want to ask Arceus -- why? -- why is he letting so many suffer? Why is there death happening when you should be protecting life? Why?"

    Why all the suffering indeed.... Her mind went back to the Kangaskhan she saw in the lab, back when the infection first started.... That mother Kangaskhan was a test subject for a cure to the disease.... She wanted to know why as well. Arceus is the creator of all pokemon.... Shouldn't he care more than he does?
    "... I would like to find this answer too, Benton. I'd like to join on your voyage to see Him." Vortex offered a small smile, but then a voice burst through the cave.

    "You're never gonna catch meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm super duper fast! I'm like Speedy Gonzales if Speedy had Skittles! I had some skittles! Woo hoo! I'm all jacked up on some rainbow!"

    The voice almost made her come unglued from the sheer pitch. She whipped her head around to see the Espeon who has just run in. She saw Benton jump in a gleeful manner.

    "We should help this dapper fellow, yes!"

    Vortex looked to the Espeon again, but then nodded slowly. "Sure.... We could use another teammate, I suppose." But she stood as she was, slightly like a statue. She was slightly scared of louder, excited pokemon to put it frankly. She wasn't sure yet. It was friendly enough, but she faltered back and stood her place before further was known about this... pink cat.

    (OoC: Just realized it was my turn today. ;A; Oh my jebus. lol I posted at least. |3 <3)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

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