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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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8 posters

    The CORONET Team


    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 11, 2012 12:25 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Within Mt. Coronet//Late Evening?

    It was dark, the only light being the flame that came out of the Typhlosions neck as he walked through the cave. Ricky could hear the dripping of water, this place seemed full of water, so it wasn't a surprise. He found himself stepping in a lot of puddles. He didn't really care though, it was simply an obstacle, one that was keeping him from finding Jean.

    The Voice hadn't talken to him since he had left that place far north. Snowpoint City, where that undead Absol had tried to help him. Ricky wondered if Jean really have been in that temple, maybe, but she wasn't there anymore. "Jean, where are you?" It was so dark, and his blue light was dim, not giving much.

    If it's so dark, why not light it up? Burn, let your fire engulf this dark cave. make it as bright as the sun!

    Ricky looked up. The voice, it was back, and it was telling him to light up the cave with his fire. "I can't, what if Jean is here?" He said, looking around as if looking for the being behind the voice, but there was no being, it was all in his head, it was simply that infection telling him what to do. "If I set the cave ablaze, she could get hurt, or worse." He added, raising his hands. He could feel his thick bloody tears stream down his face once again at the thought of harming Jean, he would never harm her, it was the only thing he would never do.

    His ears began to flick slightly at what sounded like talking. Maybe they knew where Jean was? Getting on all fours he began to run in there direction, soon coming to a halt and looking onto a small group of survivors. "Jean?" He said as he looked among them, but he didn't see the familiar figure of his trainer.

    What are you waiting for? They may know, ask? Demand. Torture. Make them tell you, and burn them if they refuse.

    ((Floating here for awhile ouo))
    ((Continuing my post count from Snowpoint.))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat May 12, 2012 2:09 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    Benton wasn't sure what had happened. Just a moment ago the Shieldon watched his friends practically drape themselves onto each other with what he portrayed as frustrated love, and the next Osmund #2 had started mauling the original Ozzy, shouting something that he couldn't quite hear since they were so far off. We should stop this! BT looked up to Stella for her stark guidance, only to find that the Ampharos had disappeared. He shook his head, looking up to the top of the staircase - had she gone up there by herself? To maybe look for her cousin that she still thought of as alive?

    "Mister Xerxes...?" He looked at the Arcanine, not really sure what was happening. The Shield Pokemon turned his gaze over to the others... only to find Aria by herself? Butting his smooth head upon the leg of Xerxes to get his attention, BT padded his way over to the Serperior. Not only had Stella gone up and disappeared, but so have the other Ozzy's! Seeing that Aria was crying silently, he frowned. What had happened to his friends...?

    He was going to miss Osmund's laid back nature, how he appeared snazzy in his tie and black glasses. He was going to miss Stella's loud and boisterous friendliness, how akin she was to Bells and how she immediately fell into their group's antics. He was going to miss the Second Osmund's mysteriousness and her link to Aria - he hadn't even learned her name! Ah... Suddenly Benton realized why Aria was crying before him, sprawled on the floor. "It will be okay, Miss Aria. I can't promise you that, but let us try to... right?" The Shieldon had skirted over to the front of the snake, licking her forehead in a comforting manner (hopefully).

    "Jean?" Hm? BT lifted his eyes to see a Typhlosion with a pretty flame on its back, but it had red streaks of tears upon its face; it was crying just as Aria was. Its eyes wore a look of lost and forlorn grievance, and it tore at the little Pokemon, seeing another one affected by the epidemic. And who was this 'Jean'? Perhaps it was a friend they were seeking for?

    "Hello, Mister Typhlosion!" He called its attention to him, lifting a paw and waving it.

    [ooc: BT will be back to his normal self after this one post lol]

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 7:47 am

    ((ooc: im sorry but pls skip))

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 16, 2012 7:49 pm

    (OoC: Ember is putting Aria into inactive. I guess that would make it my turn.)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Mt. Cornet|Late Evening? (1)

    In the dead silence that stood in Mt. Coronet, the sound of small feet running across the floor in a hustle. The little feet belonged to a Snorunt, and Bobby was running for his life. "Damn, damn, damn, damn!" he exclaimed. The damn Golbats just came after him for no reason. Every twist and turn the Snow Hat pokemon made took him deeper into the cave, and making him even more lost than before.

    Bobby couldn't attack while running, either. If he dared stop, the Golbats would rip him up. It sucks even more because he has a type advantage over them. In his haste, the Snorunt saw two figures. He was not sure of what they were because he was too scared to think about anything but running. Instead, Bobby just called out one phrase to the two. "Help me!"

    (OoC: Glad to be a part of this team.)

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 20, 2012 2:19 am

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    Within Mt. Coronet//Late Evening?

    "Hello, Mister Typhlosion!" The little shield thing said, lifting one of its legs in a wave. Ricky clenched his teeth and looked down at his own hand before lifting it and waving back weakly. Perhaps I wont have to hurt them? He though to himself as he took a small step forward, his blue flame flickering on the back of his neck.

    "I-I'm looking for someone." He said. "Have you seen her?" Ricky asked, hoping that the shield had. He didn't want to hurt them, but he would if he had to, if they didn't tell him where Jean was, then they will die.

    He kept opening and closing his fists, as if eager to get moving again. If they had seen Jean, they should know what she looked like right? But what if it was a long time ago that they saw her? What if they had forgotten what she looked like, perhaps he should describe her so they can remember. "Her name is Jean." He said. "She has long brown hair, and a purple shirt, and scars on her left arm."

    It had been so long since Ricky had seen Jean, that that was all he could truly remember of her. He felt guilty, guilty that he could hardly remember her. Was he losing his memory? Was it that voice? Was it making him forget? Or was it himself? He was so lost in thought there, that he didn't even hear the sound of someone calling for help.

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 2:32 am

    ((ooc: skip))

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 2:58 am

    (skip. OTL)
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 11:27 pm

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    Within Mt. Coronet | Time Unknown

    The eeveelutions eyes turned black as the icy blue orbs turned to icicle spears and sliced into the bats. Many of the bats dodged the attacks, but the evolution pokemon simply grinned and more orbs appeared around the Eevee. The bats seem to be confused as to what to attack as the Eevee blended into the darkness of the cave. The orbs turned to shards again and pieced many of the bats wings and faces. She ran forward, the grin on her face never leaving, as she raised her glowing paw and struck the fallen bats.

    She seemed to be having fun as she continued to strike down and kill Golbat after Golbat, but there was too many. She looked at the group of pokemon, Well, you going to help me or what? The Eevee said as she pushed up her glasses. She turned back to the bats as her eyes turned black and more ice spears appeared around her. She grinned wildly and stomped her foot forward as the spears shot forward, knocking more bats to the ground. Some dead, some still moving, but pearly.

    (Hi guys! It's nice to be here~)

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:36 am

    ((I need to skip, waiting on negas reply :/ ))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:00 am

    [ooc: sorry for the delay! ;O; Internet is hard to get on as of lately fdajlfsd]
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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    "Her name is Jean." Oh? Looking at the worn Typhlosion, its tired eyes and its blue flame, BT realized that the poor lug wasn't better off than any of them were. The Shieldon cocked its head to the side in sympathy, before slowly shaking his head. What a sad tale! Ohh, the agony! The angst! He tromped up to the fire starter, licking its leg in hopes of making him feel better.

    The world had changed much from the times when Benton was still just a baby Shieldon. When you made friends, it was either being life-long friends or friends that would eat each other sometime later! But in these 'modern' days, when you make a friend, it's because you had no other choice. Stepping backwards, he noted to himself that that was what he thought was right - but seeing how his friends disappeared... not knowing where they had gone... "I guess we're all looking for someone, Mister Typhlosion..."

    "Help me!" A Snorunt ran into the scene, Golbats in hot pursuit. At least it isn't Geodudes! BT laughed at his own joke, remembering full well how just a few moments ago they were riding Geodude en masse. Shuffling his paws, the Shieldon set up a Rock Polish to speed himself up, charging forward and rushing past Xerxes. Let's help a few more out, Sir Xerxes!! He thought in great excitement, taking one last step before launching himself into the air.

    It was weird that in those few moments, so much could happen at once. A Honchkrow was dealing with a few of the Golbats with Shadow Balls, calling to them to help out. A pitch black Eevee was using some sort of ice-shard-mystical-wonderfuls, ripping through the skin of the bats with ease. Watching with awe, BT brought his smooth head upon one of the Golbats, bringing it down and effectively killing it with his weight.

    "Hello, hello!" He called to the newcomers, neighing in delight. He missed his friends, with an ache that sort of followed him around, but what use would he be if he stayed in the past? If he had 'stayed in the past', he'd be a primitive and nonthinking individual, akin to devolved human beings! Hee hee, I'm glad I'm not, then! Huffing to himself, BT used Tackle on another Golbat, the infected Pokemon fluttering about noisily. "Tally-ho!"

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:31 am

    ((ooc: sorry for the shitty post. haven't been feeling up to it lately))
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    Okay so what the fuck just happened? First Oz ran off to who-knows-where followed by Cacturne #2 and the Nubs. Now, it seems Stella has scampered off somewhere, leaving just him and the little Shieldon...Holy shit. He was alone, with BT, while everyone else ditched him...WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! Did they think they'd get away without his pursuit?! He hoped not! No one ran off under Xerxes the Arcanine's beautiful, shiny nose! NO ONE!


    The furry dog creature was so caught up in his little world that he barely even noticed the Typhlosion that made its way over, followed by a Snorunt, a mass of Golbats (Annoying little buggers, right up there with those damned Geodudes), a Honchicrow, and a random ass Eevee. Nor did he acknowledge the Shadow Balls being shot around. Or the ice spears that were literally flying all over the place- One of which was headed straight for his head.


    Xer managed to escape a rather painful death by ducking his big ass head right in the nick o' time and whipped around to face his attacker, only to find that he'd been graced with some new companions. (All of which seemed to be living, although he wasn't so sure about that Typhlosion.)

    Inspired by the sudden pour of newcomers, Xerxes was just about to engage in a battle of epically awesome proportions when a faint whistle beckoned for his attention. So, instead of being the awesome hero that he was supposed to be, the Arcanine stood there, looking down the tunnel where the others had disappeared off to, the faint whistle calling him to take that one little step into its cold, dark embrace.

    'Yo, Gigantosaur, I don't think that's a good idea! You don't know what nasty shit could be down in there- Hey, hey! LISTEN TO ME DAMMIT! I'M YOUR FUCKING VOICE OF REASO-'

    Even Bells' incessant warnings couldn't stop Xerxes from taking a hesitant step into the unknown.

    'Bells, I need you to calm your tits for a second. Listen, there might be something in there that could help speed up this train wreck and lead us a little closer to finding that lazy ass, Arceus... And hopefully some answers on how to stop this infected mess, so I'm seriously beggin' you to just let me investigate. And if I just so happen to die then you can scream "I TOLD YOU SO" at me for the rest of my eternal existance.'

    In the end, the lion/dog creature was met with silence, to which he graciously took as a resigned agreement. Staring down the pathway to inevitable hell, the Arcanine braced himself as he took his first few steps into the beyond. What he'd find, he wasn't really sure.

    ...But one thing was certain.

    "I'll be back. Just hang on tight without me!"

    And with that, he took off.

    ((ooc: Xer will still be on the team, just he gonna be venturing off alone for a bit, but not for too long))

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:54 pm

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    Mt. Coronet|Late Evening? (2)

    It seemed that the gods answered his cries for help. There was a black Eevee, a Honchkrow, and a Shieldon helping take care of the infected bats. Bobby could also see there was an Arcanine, but he ran off deeper into the cave. The Snorunt wanted to follow him, but he couldn't leave these guys to fight the Golbat all by themselves. And besides, bringing undead to newcomers and just leaving them wasn't exactly the nicest thing to do.

    Bobby turned around to face the group fighting. He called out to them, "Everybody down!" and let out an Icy Wind. It didn't get all of the Golbat, but it got a few of them killed. Bobby was impressed with his own power. But now it was time shit got real. He ran up to the group and said, "Hey, you're gonna need help with them! But don't worry, I am the help you guys need!"

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:33 pm

    ((ooc: skip))

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:54 am

    (OoC: Skip.)

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:24 pm

    (Skip. Just say Vee used more Hidden Power Ice spears along with Curse. Then she introduced herself with a crazy grin)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:20 am

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    | Within Mt. Coronet // Late Afternoon |

    Vortex slipped into the entrance of the cave, slinking her way in, only her tail fire visible in the thick darkness of the cave. She scampered down the path of the cave, her figure bouncing as much as her fire was. She kept running for what seemed like a lifetime. She came up to a wall and stopped. Where was she going? Just mindlessly running away from that Honchkrow or just running because her body couldn't rest after her mind was scarred. "Alucard...." her thoughts rang. She whimpered aloud. She was alone now in Arceus knows where. She walked further on, her tail her only comfort. Vortex soon heard echoing of battling. She cowered a bit before walking a bit forward, heading towards the area in a full sprint. She came upon the battle, her face slightly stricken with fear at the other Honchkrow. She yelped, running behind a rock. Was this one going to hurt her too?!


    (OoC: Finally. I am finally here. After 8 months of wanting to be on this team with Vortex. |D I AM SO HAPPY TO BE ON THE TEAM!! *flails*)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:41 am

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    Coronet Cave, Afternoon

    Something disturbed the silence, and it also disturbed a Shedinja attempting to study the ruins within Coronet. Before he left his studies, he gave the ruins a promise.

    "I shall return my dear."
    His voice was rattling, and it came out nearly monotone. Without any indication of his next action, he hovered away, and he saw... light. Such a pretty orange light, and it made him slightly sad knowing it most likely came from an Infected... but wait... Forgotten remembered, Fire-Types are more susceptible to the virus, and their outer fire usually dies out when they contract it... meaning... this was a survivor. There were more... it was a grand battle.

    "I do believe some other being resides within this cave.... is that a Honchkrow?"

    Forgotten, which was the Shedinja's name, darted forward to investigate the anomily that was the light. Upon finding it was a mere Charmeleon, he turned to another more pressing matter, the matter of the Honchkrow. How he despised Infected. Purple energy began to cover his ancient body as he slammed himself into one of the Undead again and again.

    "You uneducated, unenlightened, disgusting, pathetic, rotting, waste of flesh! You are unworthy of the body Arceus gave you! You miserable beast! Have at thee!"

    After his furious onslought, the creature fled, and he turned back to the Charmeleon. She must've been terrified, but that was not his concern. With that, Forgotten began to float away... but not before addressing the Charmeleon.

    "I do hope m'lady that thee not be vexed into inaction in the near future whilst monsters approach. I bid thee good day."

    ((OOC- Creepy guy who talks weird comes in randomly, attacks undead, and then is rude. XD I'm so happy to be on this Team finally!))

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:47 am

    ((I'm sorry, but I'm really tired :( Please skip, I shall have Ricky do somethin next round v.v ))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:18 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    Those mangy Golbats and the like were beginning to thin out, maybe even disappear like fog in the morning sun! We are fantastic! BT's eyes shone with enthusiasm as the infected enemies fell to their strength in numbers, eating a small pebble from the ground in a victorious feasting. The Shieldon had always been an upbeat Pokemon, and this win against yet another horde of the epidemic proved his belief in Arceus' behalf. The Arceus was looking out for them, in the littlest of ways - like allowing them to breath another breathe for instance! Benton whinnied to himself in content, before noticing that there were other Pokemon that he hadn't seen before!

    The small Shield Pokemon took in a breath, trying to grab a hold of the fast events incoming towards him. On his journey to the sacred living place of Almighty Arceus, he had met so many new friends, but at the same time he had lost so much. Bells as she was crushed by the rock slide; Jared and his mysterious disappearance; Toxishock and his martyred body; Stella and her search for his dead cousin; Osmund and his snazzy tie; Aria and Ms. Ozzy 2 and their mysterious chemistry. Yes, Benton had experienced many things in his short time, and the one friend he had come to depend on was the Legendary Pokemon, Xerxes. Xerxes! The name sounded familiar on his tongue, equivalent to a 'bro' rather than another being he worshiped to high heaven. BT smiled automatically as he turned his head to look for his friend, before realizing that the Arcanine had said he was looking for something deeper in the tunnel.

    He'll be back. I know it! He said with complete, almost blind, faith in the tiger-dog-something-extremely-epic Pokemon. Waving a paw to signal the funny Typhlosion to come follow him to meet the others, Benton jogged on over to the Shedinja and the Charmeleon, yipping in excitement. "Hello, hello! I couldn't help but see that you have such a large vocabulary!" He addressed the ghost bug, his oval head looking up to it happily. BT then turned towards the lizard with a comfy looking scarf, reminding him of his own gifted bow. "I think we can all be friends." He said in a much quieter tone, his memories of all his lost friends flashing to the front of his mind again. Although the Shieldon had always promised himself that he would be happier, he wasn't going to turn a blind eye and convince himself that all the bad things that happened just didn't happen - because they did, and he'd always remember it.

    "I'm Benton, BT for short!" A lighthearted smile crossed his face, looking from the Typhlosion, to the Charmeleon, to the Shedinja. He wagged his tail happily, putting the past behind him and looking forward to the future. What mattered yesterday was a trifle today, and BT wasn't about to regret every bad decision he had made. He was going to take in his mistake, and through that he would become stronger, yes! "I'm just off to go to the Spear Pillar, where Arceus supposedly stays at! Would you all like to come?"

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:39 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    "Damn...Okay maybe this wasn't the smartest thing I've done in a while."

    It's been a few minutes into the Fire type's quest to search for his missing friends and he'd already gotten lost. Then again, Xerxes would always get lost in caves like these...All the damn time, even when he was following other people. It was pathetic. Like seriously, how does one get lost while trotting behind a group that clearly knows where they're going.

    'Told you this was a shitty ass idea, but did you listen to me? Noooo, of course not.'

    'Bells, shut the fuck up. I don't need this right now.'

    'Whatever, bitch. Find your way out. If you need me I'll be over there, laughing at you while you merrily fuck your way around this hell-hole.'

    ...Fuck. And there went his last companion. Damn was this a bad idea. To make matters worse, it was practically pitch black in there and didn't seem to be any source of light for miles. Oh and did the dog mention that he could feel this weird-ass breeze one one section of his head? It was really pissing him off. Like, to the point that he wanted to find some sort of mirror just to see what the fuck was making him feel so cold up there. But as things were, that wouldn't be happening any time soon.

    "OH SHIT!"

    And just when Xerxes thought matters couldn't get any worse... He just had to trip on some roc- wait. Was that rock moving? Hold the phone, why's the floor slithe- Oh SWEET ARCEUS.

    ...Great, just great. He just had to come across a Steelix. A Steelix that just so happens to be infected and coming right at him. Yippie.


    And so there our lovely dog lion was, running to save his ass from being bitten by an infected steel type that was currently nipping and roaring and basically scaring the poor Arcanine shitless. To put it simply, Xerxes was royally fucked, especially with him not even knowing where he was skittering off too.

    '...Oh hello there, golbats. It's nice to see you bastards again, too.

    ...Fuck my life.'

    ((ooc: sorry this post sucks))

    Last edited by OptPess on Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:28 pm

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    | Within Mt. Coronet // Late Afternoon |

    Vortex looked up to where she saw a Shedninja zoom past her.

    "You uneducated, unenlightened, disgusting, pathetic, rotting, waste of flesh! You are unworthy of the body Arceus gave you! You miserable beast! Have at thee!"

    He struck down the bird, and floated back towards her. She watched curiously.

    "I do hope m'lady that thee not be vexed into inaction in the near future whilst monsters approach. I bid thee good day."

    Vortex blinked. "Ok, so don't die. Thanks."
    "Thank you.... she said quietly and collected, standing up."You too." Vortex then started to walk deeper into the cave. "I wonder what kind of hostile pokemon are in here...." She nearly jumped out of her scales when she heard something.

    "Hello, hello! I couldn't help but see that you have such a large vocabulary!"

    She looked up then, quite surprised, seeing the other pokemon. She walked nearer them, a blue flamed Typhlosion and a Sheildon.

    "I think we can all be friends. ... I'm Benton, BT for short!"

    Vortex gave a soft smile. This pokemon was quite an energetic one.
    "I'm Vortex. Pleased to meet you, Benton." She hoped these pokemon would be friendly to her.... She wasn't nearly as scared as the other times though. Her nerves were steely now.

    "I'm just off to go to the Spear Pillar, where Arceus supposedly stays at! Would you all like to come?"

    Vortex paused. Spear Pillar? Arceus? It seemed crazy... but then again, with this epidemic, anything seemed possible. Even the insanities. "I could... come with you. Sure." She saw her shadow flicker from her tail flames.

    (OoC: I redid part of my post just because I didn't read Benton's post. OTL So It's redone. ^^;)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:28 pm; edited 4 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:49 am

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    Coronet Cave, Afternoon

    Forgotten glanced over at the voices. They attempted to engage him in conversation after he left, and he found it comical. Pathetic worms, unaware of how pointless it would be to try and befriend him... Indeed it provided an amusing challenge for his intellect. Whatever would be gained by helping those who could get him killed? Then he remembered... he was immune to all forms of damage. The petty Infected were no match for his superior intelligence and skill. He looked back at the Charmeleon, the veritable damsel in distress, as it were.

    "Madame, I shall protect you to the best of my ability. As it seems you require assistance m'lady."

    He bent his body so he faced the ground, and though his body's shell could not move, it was a clear bow of fealty. The Immortal Shedinja floated to her side, knowing the ruins could and would wait for him. The Shieldon attempted to befriend him, and he ignored the creature. Though most would find the Pokemon a rare specimen, few realized how many of them there were 3,000 years ago. Though Carbon Dating puts fossils and 3,000,000 years, in truth, in the City of Alph these so called 'Fossil Pokemon' were everywhere. Their kind were truly not so ancient. In fact, they were commoners to the Shedinja, and he ignored the small being.

    "Be away with you child. I have no time for petty acts of kindness and friendship."

    After this haughty declaration, he began to hover around the Charmeleon in concentric circles, slowly, but surely generating an alternating orbit, much like an electron around an atom, keeping his eyes everywhere to keep watch for danger.

    "T'would be wise if we ventured away from these creatures now m'dear."

    (OOC-The Noble Knight protecting the lady XDD)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:10 am

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    Coronet Cave||Afternoon(1)

    The silver Umbreon sighed and adjusted her mask. Looking about was getting tiring. She was worried she would never see another survivor in this strange region. That was until up ahead she heard voices. 'Voices...I'm saved!' Yersinia thought rather meekly. She detested the idea of having to rely on others but in this apocalyptic world where she was barely older than a kit, help was needed if she wished to survive.

    Mumbling to herself about her hate towards others she quietly approached the voices, her mask barely wiggling. When she came within sight she saw a strange assortment of pokemon. Of course none of them were quite as strange as Yersinia with her shiny sliver fur, and strangely colored rings. Stepping out of the shadows, the oddly colored Umbreon made her presence known to the others. "Hello." She said, her tone slightly cold as she sat down proudly. She would wait until one asked her name to give it, and even then she would probably give her false name to avoid becoming attached.

    Age : 26
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    The CORONET Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:52 pm

    [ooc: T'was the Jest making a fool of himself LOL]
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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    The Charmeleon had given her name - Vortex! He wondered if she meant the spirally motion, or something in space or something and whatever - with a tentative smile, BT giving a little diddie of hopping between all of his feet happily. Friends! The Shieldon thought in good fortune, his shining eyes looking up to both of the newest Pokemon. "Be away with you child. I have no time for petty acts of kindness and friendship." The Shedinja spoke to him in a lifeless tone, though it was simple enough to catch the degrading words. His mother (she always had something to complain about him) had always ranted that he was too nice and easy on others, trusting much too easily and never standing up to himself. But how do you make friends when your backbone is too stiff? He wondered idly, looking at the ghastly bug. The floating shell had then turned away from him, speaking directly to Vortex about leaving 'these creatures'. I'ma listen to you, Momma! He was not an invertebrate - Benton the Shieldon had a metaphorical backbone!

    In the far-off distance the Shield Pokemon could hear shouting reminiscent of his wonderful pal Xerxes, but at the moment, BT ignored it completely. "Excuse me, Mister Shedinja!" He said as he padded up until he stood directly before (and under?) the ghost. "But if you plan on following Vortex, whom she herself is coming with me, wouldn't that mean that you'd in turn be following me?" He said as he cocked his head in question. "Unless!!" Benton gasped in realization, countering himself. "Unless you actually plan to stalk her even without her consent, thus giving yourself distance but still following her following me! That's a no-no, Mister Shedinja!" He ended his discussion with almost a whimper, not wanting his new Charmeleon friend to be stalked. BT shook his head profusely, ruffling his yellow bow; he could remember all too well how it felt like to be stalked in the wild wonders!

    "Hello." A lucid voice cut through what was slowly becoming a horrendous rant with himself, causing his head to turn. Wha...? There stood before him an oddly colored Umbreon, and a shiver crept up his spine in mystical wonder. Arceus has sent another shiny within my presence! Praise! BT looked at the dark type with large eyes, momentarily forgetting the others as he slowly walked towards her in a trance-like motion. So... pretty... He couldn't help but think, coming to a bow as he finally stood before her. What an honor!

    "O Blessed Shiny Pokemon, it is an honor!" Benton said wholly, his head pressed against the floor. "I am too unworthy to hear your name, but it would be so wonderful to hear what a name someone like you heralds!" He inadvertently asked, bowing his head further as his rump raised up even higher.

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