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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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14 posters

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team


    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Min Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:07 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Viridian City| |Morning

    Ecstatically, Luzige leaped around the room, giddily cheering for food as he pranced and spun mid-air, before dramatically landing back onto the dirty tiled floor. Suddenly, he was flung backwards when a large chunk of drywall hit him square in the face, his legs flailing in protest before landing onto his back. He gently rubbed his nose, pouting like a child. "Hey! That was mean!" he squeaked. "Shut your stupid trap, you useless garbage can! You shriek like a fruitbat." before he could form a retort to the Archeop's shout, he paused when he wondered what a fruitbat tasted like. "Fruitbat...would a fruitbat go well with fruits or meat? What do they even taste like? Fruity? I mean, their name is fruitbat, so I'd assume they'd be kinda fruity tasting but then names can be misleading...Like um, that legendary from Hoenn, Jirachi! Jirachi kinda sounds like that Siracha hot sauce...but I'm pretty sure a legendary doesn't taste like hot sauce?" he contemplated, giving a light-hearted shrug. "Well if they did that'd be really fucking cool! I mean, think of the things you can marinate with the fresh blood of a Legendary! I could become the best chef in the world!" Not to mention there'd be no competition, anyways.

    He stopped his rambling when he realized the Scyther was standing in front of him, and swiftly the Arachneon scrambled onto his legs, begging like a dog as the bags of food were dropped before him. "Get your fill. We'll only be able to carry so much before it slows us down and makes us more vulnerable. Luz, you have your own bag, so stay out of the others. If you're still hungry, eat your feet." his eyes brightened considerably with excitement, yipping in joy as he stuck his head into the sacks, completely oblivious to what the others were doing as he began to chew throw the layers of different sustenance. He paid no heed to the quality of the food, barely noticing as he ate rotten meat or moldy fruit as his mandibles clicked in rapid succession.

    He only stopped for a few moments to catch his breath, already eating half of his given fill in record time. "$3.99 for all you can eat? Well, Imma stuff my face to a funky beat!" he sang, plopping some kibble into his mouth. "Give me some chicken, franks, and fries, and you can pass me a lettuce. Imma pass it by!" he eagerly took another mouthful, barely chewing now as he swallowed chucks whole. (And Arceus knows how he's even doing this without choking...) "So keep shoveling, onto my plate--give me some sweets and lots of cake!" he stopped singing to plunge his face back into the bag, his hunger insatiable as he gobbled down more.

    [[OOC: Luzige, did you really just compare a Legendary to a hot sauce? xD Skipping Ricochet this round. For those who were curious, he's singing the song "All You Can Eat" by "The Fat Boys"]]

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:07 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Viridian City/Pokemart|Morning

    Skoll offered for her to eat but honestly her heart was still in her throat from Loki's reaction earlier so she wasn't all together hungry. But she could probably pack something for later, assuming Luzige didn't eat it all. Thankfully the Scyther seemed to have thought of that as well because he gave the over-excitable bug his own bag, the large female Ari effectively blocking him from the rest. Kenna eyed the provisions carefully before selecting a few dry foods and placing them in a small pack she spotted behind one of the counters. It probably something they offered to traveling trainers at one point, but it would serve her purposes as well.

    The idea was put forth that there should be a lookout even now and while Kenna agreed she didn't think forcing Crane to keep doing it was such a good idea. The male hadn't rested at all that she could tell and it didn't seem fair to insist he keep doing every shift. "If no one minds I would like to take over for Crane instead," she called out softly. "I...I could use the focus." Turning to the large bird her eyes slid closed and she gave him a gentle smile, nodding her head towards the food. "Crane please get something to eat, you don't have to worry about watching over us. Take care of yourself for a little while."

    The small Abra moved to sit beside the front window of the mart, senses stretching out completely to forewarn her if there were any danger. Kenna knew that with their superior ability to predict danger Abra's were built to be lookouts, so it seemed only fitting that she take over for Crane. Rationlizing her decision Kenna set herself upon tuning out the rest of the group and instead focused solely on new arrivals and their intent. Singular focus. That was all she needed.


    Viridian City|Morning (1)

    Keran dragged his feet heavily across the ground, completely exhausted but unwilling to stop. Every time he stopped moving something came out of the shadows to attack him, though as soon as he fought back it would run. They had been playing this game for two days now and it was still stalking him, just waiting for the Infernape to falter. Well he wouldn't give it the satisfaction.

    Just to test that it was still following Keran slowed his pace to a near stop and heard a soft scraping sound behind him. Turning around he shot the flame of his Blaze kick into the direction of the sound, snickering when he heard the creature scurry away. "Gonna have to do better than that now aren't ya?" Laughing lightly at his own joke he began to trudge forward once more breathing in a sigh of relief when he saw the dilapidated sign for the town's Pokemart. Hopefully it would have something for him to snack on, or at least offer a place to rest from, well, whatever the hell it was that was following him.

    ((Keran will pop in next round after Kenna senses him and the Undead following him. We should have a little fun with it too, lol. I shall reveal what it is next time around))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:42 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Viridian City Poke Mart || Morning [25][20]

    As the group turned to the matter of breakfast, stocking up on energy whilst they had a moment’s peace, Crane moved to claim his own fill. Delicately grasping the corner of an untouched bag with his beak and dragging it towards his large, mangled form, the avian had just succeeded in revealing the berries when he heard his name. Shaking his head to shift where the tatty sack had slipped down to momentarily engulf him in darkness, the one-eyed Fearow was a little disappointed at Ari’s request.

    "So Crane, could we ask you to act as a lookout a little bit longer?"

    He shuffled somewhat uncomfortably, his talons pratically touching the berry, as he found himself reluctantly nodding his head. Crane was starving, exhausted by the night’s look-out and desperate for revitalization – but, he supposed it could wait. He hated the idea of letting the group down.
    “Um, sure,” Nodding his head, voice firm despite the creeping fatigue, the Fearow had turned to reposition his awkward bulk when Kenna spoke up. The little Abra offered to accept the job, her consideration quite touching.

    "Crane please get something to eat, you don't have to worry about watching over us. Take care of yourself for a little while."

    Mimicking the psychic’s smile, Crane dipped his head in thanks though remained unsure whether the creature would even see his gratitude for her eyes were closed.
    “Thank you,” He hoped the appreciation in his voice would get the message across. Watching her move to take a position by the window, Crane’s attention then returned to the berries waiting patiently before him. Managing a weak smile at Ari, hoping the female wouldn’t hold this quiet rebellion against him, he cautiously tucked in.

    However, whilst everyone seemed totally content with the meal, Crane soon found the food lacking a certain lustre. In fact, it had no taste at all. He had never been a picky individual but as another berry disappeared down his throat; it seemed there had been no change at all. For a moment, he thought he had just been imagining the sensation, but as he looked down to an empty space, a sense of unease crawled up Crane’s spine. His hunger remained insatiable.
    “I don’t suppose there’s any… meat?” The bird enquired after a pause, hesitant as he looked to Skoll for guidance. Although it soon became apparent he wasn’t alone in his request.
    “My thoughts exactly,” Loki grumbled, looking disdainfully upon some pitiful excuse for food, no doubt manufactured by the humans. He set it down, flexing his claws as if to rid himself from the disease that such a thing carried.

    The Zoroark had been sitting quietly in the room’s corner, observing proceedings as if he were behind a screen – content, for the time being, to slip into the background. Of course, his eyes had often wandered across to the nervous Abra, bemused by her shift in demeanour, but otherwise he’d remained harmless. He’d followed suit by investigating the choice of food and had been bitterly disappointed at the blandness presented before him. He turned his nose up, shamelessly picking through to find only the freshest supplies. Whilst berries could lift him out of his fatigue, he lusted for something richer. The only meat he’d spotted thus far was rotten and rapidly devoured by Luzige.

    As he voiced his agreement with the awkward Fearow, Loki rose to his paws and sauntered over to Kenna – standing a fraction too-close behind her to peer through the window. It seemed quiet, boring even, but there had to be a couple of rodents scurrying about the city. Who would miss them? No doubt they’d be looking for a quick way out of the epidemic anyway, right? Smirking to himself, the fox turned away and headed back towards the group.
    “How about a little hunting trip, hm? Ari, Luzige, surely you fancy killing something?”

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Storm Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:34 pm

    (( Sorry, but please skip. I do not have time to post today. Just say that Roy started eating his shar. ))

    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by NyraXerz Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:35 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Viridian City || Morning || 1

    Stepping through the damaged and seemingly desolate city Wildheart makes his way through rubble and trash as quietly as his hoofs will allow without compromising his pace too much. Sound appeared to attract infected, at least in the zebstrika's experience and he didn't need the horde of infected individuals that surely inhabited this city to swarm into, well, a horde. The zebra's ears perk and twitch to the faintest of sounds they can pick up, human cities always made him a bit uneasy even before the epidemic. The odd sounds, lights, and devices...He did not wish to learn or know about humans before they all fled and he certainly didn't care to begin exploring now.

    However, at this point the choices were this or the jungle of a forest he had just spent the last several days fighting through. The maze of branches and vines of the Viridian forest were not designed for large hoofed and spiked pokemon. As Wildheart wanders through the city one item stands out from the rest of the rubble. It is damaged, but still propped up albeit at an angle...made of wood and smooth for the most part with strange symbols covering its surface in an unnatural color. Carefully, the zebra walks over to it, leaning his horned head down to get a better look at the object. The human letters meant little to him, but there was also a fading picture of a pokeball. That item Wildheart could recognize. He has seen trainers through those devices and capture other pokemon in the woods he used to live in in Unova, a few times, he had even had them thrown at him though he had always managed to break free.

    Pokeballs meant pokemon, pokemon from humans that hopefully have not succumb to whatever sickness was overcoming everyone and every place. Glancing up from the sign he finds and arrow attached at the top. It didn't take a genius to figure out what that symbol meant. Stepping back from the object, the zebstrika takes one 360 glance before trotting tentatively to where he was being directed. Trying his best to stick next to buildings, peer around corners before taking them and walking along anything that could hide a large horse. The city just was not the forest when it came to cover...

    ((ooc- Feel free to sense him/see him or not, it seems like there is a bit of a battle coming soon and it wouldn't be hard to get him mixed up with that.))


    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:50 pm

    Post 53 [both]

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Viridian City Poke Mart| Morning

    ~I suppose the old adage 'let sleeping dogs lie' applies to Zoroarks as well~ The reply in Skoll's mind was soft and saddened, though he wasn't quite sure why. He only gave a small shrug in response, unsure how to reply. At least he hadn't hurt her and seemed to be recovering fairly quickly from the slightly embarrassing shock.

    "FOOOOOOOD!" Skoll visibly flinched at Luz's enthusiastic declaration, the day not looking any more promising to be in the foodie's company. "Breakfast, breakfast, breaaaakfaaaaast~! Everyone loves breaaaakfaaaast!" Though the scyther knew that it was unlikely any scolding would actually be heard or taken to heart, Ari made his point for him. She threw a nearby chunk of drywall at the buggish hound, feathers ruffled a bit-- no doubt from being startled by Luz.

    "Shut your stupid trap, you useless garbage can!" she snapped, readjusting herself on her perch on the counter. "You shriek like a fruitbat." Regardless, he moved to a few bags, knowing that they wouldn't be able to travel with too many of them. While his mind cried out to not waste, it was either let it rot or eat it now. Besides, even if the little Abra could carry all this with her psychic powers, she was still an abra and needed her sleep. When asleep, he wasn't quite sure she could still be used as a forklift. Using his scythes to gently push the bags, he brought three into the center of the reception area, in front of the counter. "Anything I can do to help?" she offered, floating gently down from the fridge. "I can easily carry anything with my powers so as to not weigh anyone down."

    "Yeah," he began, opening the bags and toppling one all together in front of Luz. "Get your fill. We'll only be able to carry so much before it slows us down and makes us more vulnerable. Luz, you have your own bag, so stay out of the others. If you're still hungry, eat your feet." Ari dropped down, putting herself between Luz and the other bags, acting as a bouncer as she began shoveling food into her mouth. Skoll pulled some to himself and began to eat as he heard the little Archen speak from the crowd.

    "Should someone be on watch while we do all that? So none of those things catch us off guard?" The scyther paused, but Ari, in her joy to speak to her little miniature, rose to the occassion.

    "Good idea, Mini Me!" she chimed proudly, looking quickly over to the undead fearow. "So Crane, could we ask you to act as a lookout a little bit longer?"

    Skoll paused, blinking as he stopped in his breakfast as Ari chimed happily once more at the little Archen. Didn't... Didn't she already say that? Glancing around, he wondered if anyone else thought it odd. Obviously, he couldn't ask Ari herself; he'd likely just get laughed at. But maybe someone else noticed it? He stayed his blades as the others continued on, unsure whether or not he was going just a little out of his mind.


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    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Min Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:32 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Viridian City| |Morning

    Ecstatically, Luzige leaped around the room, giddily cheering for food as he pranced and spun mid-air, before dramatically landing back onto the dirty tiled floor. Suddenly, he was flung backwards when a large chunk of drywall hit him square in the face, his legs flailing in protest before landing onto his back. He wasn't quite sure why, but he felt like that would happen. He gently rubbed his nose, pouting like a child. "Hey! That was mean!" he squeaked. "Shut your stupid trap, you useless garbage can! You shriek like a fruitbat." before he could form a retort to the Archeop's shout, he paused when he wondered what a fruitbat tasted like. "Fruitbat...would a fruitbat go well with fruits or meat? What do they even taste like? Fruity? I mean, their name is fruitbat, so I'd assume they'd be kinda fruity tasting but then names can be misleading...Like um, that legendary from Hoenn, Jirachi! Jirachi kinda sounds like that Siracha hot sauce...but I'm pretty sure a legendary doesn't taste like hot sauce?" he contemplated, giving a light-hearted shrug. It felt like he had already said this before... "Well if they did that'd be really fucking cool! I mean, think of the things you can marinate with the fresh blood of a Legendary! I could become the best chef in the world!" Not to mention there'd be no competition, anyways.

    He stopped his rambling when he realized the Scyther was standing in front of him, and swiftly the Arachneon scrambled onto his legs, begging like a dog as the bags of food were dropped before him. "Get your fill. We'll only be able to carry so much before it slows us down and makes us more vulnerable. Luz, you have your own bag, so stay out of the others. If you're still hungry, eat your feet." his eyes brightened considerably with excitement, yipping in joy as he stuck his head into the sacks, completely oblivious to what the others were doing as he began to chew throw the layers of different sustenance. He paid no heed to the quality of the food, barely noticing as he ate rotten meat or moldy fruit as his mandibles clicked in rapid succession. The taste was familiar, almost as if he had eaten the exact same thing recently. Oh well, more food for me!

    He only stopped for a few moments to catch his breath, already eating half of his given fill in record time. "$3.99 for all you can eat? Well, Imma stuff my face to a funky beat!" he sang, plopping some kibble into his mouth. "Give me some chicken, franks, and fries, and you can pass me a lettuce. Imma pass it by!" he eagerly took another mouthful, barely chewing now as he swallowed chucks whole. (And Arceus knows how he's even doing this without choking...) "So keep shoveling, onto my plate--give me some sweets and lots of cake!" he stopped singing to plunge his face back into the bag, his hunger insatiable as he gobbled down more. He was sure he had already sung those lyrics a few moments before--but he disregarded it as he continued to feast. After all, why bother wondering about a feeling of deja vu when you can eat all you want?

    [[OOC: I hope I did this right? ;;u;; ]]

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:01 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Viridian City/Pokemart|Morning

    Skoll offered for her to eat but honestly her heart was still in her throat from Loki's reaction earlier so she wasn't all together hungry. But she could probably pack something for later, assuming Luzige didn't eat it all. Thankfully the Scyther seemed to have thought of that as well because he gave the over-excitable bug his own bag, the large female Ari effectively blocking him from the rest. Kenna eyed the provisions carefully before selecting a few dry foods and placing them in a small pack she spotted behind one of the counters. It probably something they offered to traveling trainers at one point, but it would serve her purposes as well.

    The idea was put forth that there should be a lookout even now and while Kenna agreed she didn't think forcing Crane to keep doing it was such a good idea. The male hadn't rested at all that she could tell and it didn't seem fair to insist he keep doing every shift. "If no one minds I would like to take over for Crane instead," she called out softly. "I...I could use the focus." Turning to the large bird her eyes slid closed and she gave him a gentle smile, nodding her head towards the food. "Crane please get something to eat, you don't have to worry about watching over us. Take care of yourself for a little while."

    The small Abra moved to sit beside the front window of the mart, senses stretching out completely to forewarn her if there were any danger. Kenna knew that with their superior ability to predict danger Abra's were built to be lookouts, so it seemed only fitting that she take over for Crane. Rationlizing her decision Kenna set herself upon tuning out the rest of the group and instead focused solely on new arrivals and their intent. Singular focus. That was all she needed.


    Viridian City|Morning (1)

    Keran dragged his feet heavily across the ground, completely exhausted but unwilling to stop. Every time he stopped moving something came out of the shadows to attack him, though as soon as he fought back it would run. They had been playing this game for two days now and it was still stalking him, just waiting for the Infernape to falter. Well he wouldn't give it the satisfaction.

    Just to test that it was still following Keran slowed his pace to a near stop and heard a soft scraping sound behind him. Turning around he shot the flame of his Blaze kick into the direction of the sound, snickering when he heard the creature scurry away. "Gonna have to do better than that now aren't ya?" Laughing lightly at his own joke he began to trudge forward once more breathing in a sigh of relief when he saw the dilapidated sign for the town's Pokemart. Hopefully it would have something for him to snack on, or at least offer a place to rest from, well, whatever the hell it was that was following him.

    ((Repeat! lol. Didn't change anything in this post. Keran will still pop in next round after Kenna senses him and I will reveal the Undead following him.))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:13 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Viridian City Poke Mart || Morning [25][20]
    As the group turned to the matter of breakfast, stocking up on energy whilst they had a moment’s peace, Crane moved to claim his own fill. Delicately grasping the corner of an untouched bag with his beak and dragging it towards his large, mangled form, the avian had just succeeded in revealing the berries when he heard his name. Shaking his head to shift where the tatty sack had slipped down to momentarily engulf him in darkness, the one-eyed Fearow was a little disappointed at Ari’s request.
    "So Crane, could we ask you to act as a lookout a little bit longer?"
    He shuffled somewhat uncomfortably, his talons practically touching the berry, as he found himself reluctantly nodding his head. Crane was starving, exhausted by the night’s look-out and desperate for revitalization – but, he supposed it could wait. He hated the idea of letting the group down.
    “Um, sure,” Nodding his head, voice firm despite the creeping fatigue, the Fearow had turned to reposition his awkward bulk when Kenna spoke up. The little Abra offered to accept the job, her consideration quite touching.
    "Crane please get something to eat, you don't have to worry about watching over us. Take care of yourself for a little while."
    Mimicking the psychic’s smile, Crane dipped his head in thanks though remained unsure whether the creature would even see his gratitude for her eyes were closed.
    “Thank you,” He hoped the appreciation in his voice would get the message across. Watching her move to take a position by the window, Crane’s attention then returned to the berries waiting patiently before him. Managing a weak smile at Ari, hoping the female wouldn’t hold this quiet rebellion against him, he cautiously tucked in.
    However, whilst everyone seemed totally content with the meal, Crane soon found the food lacking a certain lustre. In fact, it had no taste at all. He had never been a picky individual but as another berry disappeared down his throat; it seemed there had been no change at all. For a moment, he thought he had just been imagining the sensation, but as he looked down to an empty space, a sense of unease crawled up Crane’s spine. His hunger remained insatiable.
    “I don’t suppose there’s any… meat?” The bird enquired after a pause, hesitant as he looked to Skoll for guidance. Although it soon became apparent he wasn’t alone in his request.
    “My thoughts exactly,” Loki grumbled, looking disdainfully upon some pitiful excuse for food, no doubt manufactured by the humans. He set it down, flexing his claws as if to rid himself from the disease that such a thing carried.
    The Zoroark had been sitting quietly in the room’s corner, observing proceedings as if he were behind a screen – content, for the time being, to slip into the background. Of course, his eyes had often wandered across to the nervous Abra, bemused by her shift in demeanour, but otherwise he’d remained harmless. He’d followed suit by investigating the choice of food and had been bitterly disappointed at the blandness presented before him. He turned his nose up, shamelessly picking through to find only the freshest supplies. Whilst berries could lift him out of his fatigue, he lusted for something richer. The only meat he’d spotted thus far was rotten and rapidly devoured by Luzige.
    As he voiced his agreement with the awkward Fearow, Loki rose to his paws and sauntered over to Kenna – standing a fraction too-close behind her to peer through the window. It seemed quiet, boring even, but there had to be a couple of rodents scurrying about the city. Who would miss them? No doubt they’d be looking for a quick way out of the epidemic anyway, right? Smirking to himself, the fox turned away and headed back towards the group.
    “How about a little hunting trip, hm? Ari, Luzige, surely you fancy killing something?”

    (( No change here either, just a plain repeat. ))

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Storm Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:55 am

    (( I really hate skipping but please skip. I am having technical difficulty on my end. Were getting a bad storm which is causing a power out in my neighborhood. And if the storm gets worse we may face flooding. Should be all good by the weekend though. ))

    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by NyraXerz Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:40 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Viridian City || Morning || 2

    Stepping through the damaged and seemingly desolate city Wildheart makes his way through rubble and trash as quietly as his hoofs will allow without compromising his pace too much. Sound appeared to attract infected, at least in the zebstrika's experience and he didn't need the horde of infected individuals that surely inhabited this city to swarm into, well, a horde. The zebra's ears perk and twitch to the faintest of sounds they can pick up, human cities always made him a bit uneasy even before the epidemic. The odd sounds, lights, and devices...He did not wish to learn or know about humans before they all fled and he certainly didn't care to begin exploring now.

    However, at this point the choices were this or the jungle of a forest he had just spent the last several days fighting through. The maze of branches and vines of the Viridian forest were not designed for large hoofed and spiked pokemon. As Wildheart wanders through the city one item stands out from the rest of the rubble. It is damaged, but still propped up albeit at an angle...made of wood and smooth for the most part with strange symbols covering its surface in an unnatural color. Carefully, the zebra walks over to it, leaning his horned head down to get a better look at the object. The human letters meant little to him, but there was also a fading picture of a pokeball. That item Wildheart could recognize. He has seen trainers through those devices and capture other pokemon in the woods he used to live in in Unova, a few times, he had even had them thrown at him though he had always managed to break free.

    Pokeballs meant pokemon, pokemon from humans that hopefully have not succumb to whatever sickness was overcoming everyone and every place. Glancing up from the sign he finds and arrow attached at the top. It didn't take a genius to figure out what that symbol meant. Stepping back from the object, the zebstrika takes one 360 glance before trotting tentatively to where he was being directed. Trying his best to stick next to buildings, peer around corners before taking them and walking along anything that could hide a large horse. The city just was not the forest when it came to cover...

    Although the zebstrika had never stopped heading forward, building and objects from before appeared before the zebra...initially Wildheart disregards it, but more familiar landmarks appear. He is sure he had seen that same crumbling red and white building before...His trot slows as he looks around him, but...he had not turned around so these buildings...he could not have seen them before. The zebstrika snorts and picks up his pace. He must be more tired than he thought.

    ((Mostly a repeat with him getting some deja vu at the end))


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:23 pm

    Post 54 [both]

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Viridian City Poke Mart| Morning
    "Fruitbat...would a fruitbat go well with fruits or meat? What do they even taste like? Fruity? I mean, their name is fruitbat, so I'd assume..."
    Ari rolled her eyes and groaned as the little insectoid terror rambled as he ate, unsure how he was able to accomplish such a task. To her question, Crane quietly obliged, but soon the little abra stepped up to the plate. "If no one minds I would like to take over for Crane instead," she called out softly. "I...I could use the focus." Ari shrugged, stepping into the doorway, taking in the new morning with fresh eyes. As long as there was a watch that wasn't that crazy meat-head, she didn't really give a shit. "Crane please get something to eat, you don't have to worry about watching over us. Take care of yourself for a little while." He thanked her, but it didn't take long for Ari to hear his soft voice once more.
    “I don’t suppose there’s any… meat?” the fearow asked, to which Ari scoffed loudly and Skoll sighed softly. Of course there wasn't any-- it'd all be rotten anyway. “My thoughts exactly,” Loki chimed behind her.
    Skoll had been watching the others carefully, dismissing his earlier deja vu as mere coincidence, making sure nothing else was awry. He'd been craving meat himself, but in times like these, you worked with what you had. He'd found it a blessing to find such a giant store of still-good food, even if it wasn't meat, but... perhaps the others weren't quite as thankful. Or maybe they were all a little pickier. Still, he wasn't about to go out and rally a hunt--
    “How about a little hunting trip, hm? Ari, Luzige, surely you fancy killing something?”
    An audible groan escaped the scyther, accompanied by a mirthless sigh. Of course. His scowl deepened as Ari turned excitedly, feral grin plastered across her face. "FUCK YEAH!" she cheered, tail lashing with excitement. "THAT'S what I'm talkin' about, bitches! Some good old-fashioned hunting! We can't be the only sorry slobs around this pathetic excuse for a city!" Her grin widened and got a fraction darker as she added, "Let's go eat some people."
    Ari... Skoll groaned within his own mind, his exacerbation clearly evident. Rolling his eyes, he tapped her shoulder to grab her attention, feeling the need to put in his own opinion. After all, he was supposed to be the leader. Somehow. "Fine. If you want meat, then go get it. Whoever's left and I will be moving the leftovers along with us to the next shelter. Meat spoils quickly, so get your fill and meet us there, at the furthest building heading east." He pointed in the direction of the sun, stale glare unflinching. "If you're not back in two hours, we're leaving."


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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Min Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:57 am

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    Viridian City| |Morning

    “How about a little hunting trip, hm? Ari, Luzige, surely you fancy killing something?” the bug's response was immediate, body jolting upwards in a flash as he eagerly hopped about. "Yes yes yes yes YES!" he squealed, already salivating at the mouth and his stomach growling despite having devoured a ridiculous amount moments before. His eyes lit up with an excited flame. "THAT'S what I'm talkin' about, bitches! Some good old-fashioned hunting! We can't be the only sorry slobs around this pathetic excuse for a city! Let's go eat some people." Luzige didn't even bother to answer, to occupied with vigorously nodding his head up and down in agreement. He wagged his tails, churning the air with his feet as he got ready to bolt out the door. He impatiently listened to the Scyther's orders. "If you're not back in two hours, we're leaving." the Arachneon grinned, crouching low to the ground. "I'll be back before you know it!"

    With a mad cackle and hysterical squeal, all six of Luzige's spindly legs pushed him off the ground, sprinting madly through the filthy streets with wide eyes looking for his treasure. His limbs were fast, carrying his slightly plump body across the city. Seeing slight movement from the edges of his sight, he made a sharp turn to the right, dashing towards what he had seen. A Raticate, who had hissed and angrily bared it's fangs at the bug-type. The Arachneon has completely disregarded the act, pouncing upon the rodent as it cried for mercy and salvation. Neither meant anything to the insectoid, however, as he roughly plunged one of his feet into it's eye, grinning widely as it writhed in pain. "You should stop moving so much, you know! You'll just make more of a mess." he whined, removing his leg from the rat's now-bloody eye socket. Roughly biting down on it's neck, he tore away at his flesh, continuing to savage the body as it grew cold and limp. It took a few minutes for him to realize that the Raticate was finally dead, and although a little disappointed that his living plaything no longer produced harmonic screaming, he quickly devoured the corpse.

    Cleaning off the gore on his mandibles, he tidied himself up from the kill, wiping away the blood on his feet and the specks splattered on his pelt. Looking down at the corpse, which was now reduced to small pieces of flesh and uncovered bone, he shuffled it to the side of the street. "Mmm...tasty. Not as good as a bug though..." stretching his body, he began to trot through the streets once again, this time a little slower from his recent meal. His ears twitched and flicked, listening intently for any sounds.

    Ricochet had to wonder how her pathetic sibling had yet to be killed by undead.

    She was on the other side of the fucking city, yet heard his squealing and yipping load and clear, her ears flicking in annoyance as she bristled. The voice was irritating, and that was an understatement. She grumbled under her breath, hissing profanities as she makes her way around the corner, spotting a large, black-and-white figure down the street from where she stood. She blinked, focusing on the equine in an attempt to figure out whether it was a survivor or not. She had heard of this species before, Zebstrika, was it? Although she had never met one face-to-face, she knew how fast they could run. Carefully, she approached, purposely making herself look smaller in hopes that the stranger didn't take her as a threat. She limped, and almost yelped when she stumbled forward--one of her prosthetic legs catching on a small rock. Quickly gathering herself, she looked up at the electric-type. "Um...hello?"

    "MINE!" Luzige screeched, having seen the Zebstrika from a few meters away. Oh wait a feast the equine would make--he'd be enough meat for the whole group, he was sure! Without hesitation he leaped from a building's roof, landing only a foot away from the duo and rushing towards the electric-type with a Bite. The Oreon yelped, stumbling backwards. "Watch out!"

    [OOC: wow it's been a while since I posted for Rico. xD Nyra, just tell me if you want anything changed. C: ]

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:54 pm

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    Viridian City/Pokemart|Morning

    Kenna was lost to the conversations behind her, softly seated at the window sill and resting her head against the smooth cool surface of the glass. Her eyes were closed but the Abra could see everything outside. The wind in the trees, the occasional tap of a window shutter as it flapped against a house, even the rhythmic dripping of a leaky gutter from the house across the street. She couldn't recall any rain the last couple of days but it was possible that it had built over time, the uncared for runoffs creating a thick enough blockage to prevent any drainage.

    She sighed in contentment at the serenity outside until the sharps stabs of warning flared in her mind, having to check herself as she felt her instinct take over and her body attempting a Teleport. Now wasn't the time to waste such talents and it was obvious the warning bells in her head were because Loki decided to come abnormally close to her to the point she could feel the heat of his body warming her. Thankfully she earned a distraction in the form of Ari and Luzige bursting out of the Mart, shouting about food and hunting.

    Resuming her pose against the window she allowed her senses to stretch further, feeling somewhat more protective knowing that the others were out and about with need of a watchful eye. Without realizing it her senses trailed back to Loki, following his every move as he walked the streets in search of something to kill. Though in his heart she wasn't sure if he was doing it for food or for the satisfaction of snatching life from an unsuspecting victim. As she traced the streets in her mind something struck out as odd against her, a fiery aura lurking in the shadows. Lurking too near Loki to be safe for either one of them she tried reaching out to the entity when suddenly a bright flash of pain hit her and Kenna cried out, dropping from the window and hitting the floor. Whoever this familiar mind was she was already linked to it and that scared the little Abra.

    “Skoll...” she whimpered pathetically. “Help me...”


    Viridian City|Morning (2)

    Whatever that annoying grinding sound was had come back and finally Keran had it. He was within eyesight of the Mart but wasn't able to get out into the open for several large and obviously powerful creatures came storming out of it, one of them screaming joyously about food. Likely wasn't the best idea to go near a place where those freaks were sheltering so instead he had retreated back in to the alley. Unfortunately whatever he had scared off earlier decided now was a good time to come back and the gnashing of teeth was driving the Infernape insane.

    Pissed and annoyed he finally used a Taunt and drew the bastard out of hiding, a sickly looking Raticate coming out and eying him with his beady red orbs. This Raticate was absolutely disgusting. It had a large chunk missing out of its head, the skull easily viewable beneath purple lumps of flesh and what looked like black tar. Its fur was patchy and matted, obviously mangy before its death, and now it looked minus a front leg. The limb itself was still there but the bone was snapped clean through, the pathetic foreleg dangling uselessly by a few tendons still clinging desperately to the shoulder of its former host body. But it was the annoying way it kept clicking its teeth, sounding like an old joke shop chatterbox, that had Keran sneering at the loathsome creature. That sound was driving him crazy.

    Throwing another Blaze Kick, remembering it was effective in driving it away last time, he was surprised to find the Raticate duck under the flash of fire and charge for him. It was how he found himself on the receiving end of an extrememly painful Super Fang. This was no low level pain in the ass rat that came out in the thousands around the cities, no, this was someone's trained Pokemon. Cursing his bad luck Keran attempted a Mach Punch but the blinding pain in his side had him failing in his attempt, choosing instead to get the hell out of there and take off in another direction. If there was one thing bad for a side wound it would definitely be running for you life because he was leaving a river of blood everywhere he went.

    And that trail ended right in front of a rather scary ass looking black fox with green hair. Great.

    ((Discussed this series of events with Snitch in PM, but let me know if I need to edit doll. This will also be my only post today since I am sick but had it half done a couple of days ago before PMing Snitch.))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:42 am

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    Viridian City Poke Mart || Morning [26][21]

    "FUCK YEAH!" 
    "Yes yes yes yes YES!"
    Loki’s wily grin expanded until he gave a short, triumphant laugh at the enthusiastic response of the troops. Skoll’s reaction only sweetened the victory. The Zoroark stood proud and smirking at having caused a small uprising to the natural order, almost basking in the glow of control as he offered the irate mantis a mischievous wink. It was only a small feat, but the taste was sweet and satisfying nonetheless.
    Crane couldn’t quite share the wild fervour of his company but smiled on regardless, hunger beginning to blur the lines of his morals. He shifted, preparing himself to go in search of a small, perhaps already dead survivor to feast on, though remained quietly reluctant to kill anything. He hadn’t eaten meat in years – or so it seemed – but his body’s demands would not silence. It was either kill or starve.
    "Fine. If you want meat, then go get it. Whoever's left and I will be moving the leftovers along with us to the next shelter. Meat spoils quickly, so get your fill and meet us there, at the furthest building heading east,”
    Of course, Skoll had to dampen the festivities with his rules. Loki’s grin died down at the lecture, though his hold on the warming sense of self-satisfaction was strong, a sensation he was unwilling to part with. It was rare, fleeting and he was going to bask in it for as long as possible. In fact, he hungered for more. Skoll would have to watch his back. The probing desire for leadership was gnawing away at the back of the fox’s mind once more, reminding him that he shouldn’t tolerate a subservient life. He belonged on the top of the heap and had taken his first steps towards scaling the mountain with the hunting-party rebellion.
    “If you're not back in two hours, we're leaving."
    Loki snorted, watching as Ari and Luzige burst from the building in search of a victim. Crane took his time in his exit, forced to bend his gangly frame uncomfortably to fit through the door frame to leave the fox a moment to part with his dearest superior.
    “Yes, Dad,” The venom in the word was arresting, shocking even to Loki as he realized what had replaced ‘Boss’. His demeanour faltered, cracks emerging over his sharp features as embarrassment grasped tight at his throat. Glimpse of the proud Luxray he once knew was momentarily visible behind Skoll’s form, a creation of the canine’s own mind stood laughing and mocking his bastard son.   
    The fox was out of the door in a second, weaving expertly beneath Crane’s bulk to emerge gasping and shaken in the outside world.
    Crane, alarmed as something brushed past his bony wings, paused in his exit as fear for the creature’s welfare hit him. He wasn’t heavy, but his talons were sharp and overgrown – one false move and the escapee may receive an unpleasant cut. As the bird strained to catch glimpse of the creature in question, Loki sprinted past him in a blur of black and green.
    “Loki?” He called helplessly after the fox, unable to converse with those still within the mart as he blocked the entrance.
    Hurriedly struggling his way into daylight, he found the fox was long gone. Concern gripping him, he peered back into the mart, unable to tell what had been responsible for the canine’s erratic behaviour.
    “I-I’ll follow him,” It didn’t seem the best idea, but Loki’s escape was reminiscent of his outing the night before. He seemed shaky, volatile and could wind up getting himself hurt. Crane wasn’t his biggest fan, but he wouldn’t let someone – no matter their crimes – endanger themselves.
    Taking to the skies awkwardly, Crane cast a fearsome shadow over the lonely streets below. The sunlight beat down on his broad wings, warming his skeletal body as for a moment the bird felt completely as peace. He was a good flier, leisurely surveying the area above the city for glimpse of the now disbanded hunting party – namely unpredictable Loki. Soon, he spotted movement on the outskirts.  
    “There you area,” He sighed, relieved as he set off after the individual he had mistaken for a shiny Zoroark. From his height, the bird half distracted by his love of flying, Crane failed to see that he was in fact in pursuit of an undead canine – the creature in question hunting a small meal of its own far beyond the city. Blissfully unaware, the Fearow had disappeared beyond the border curious to where Loki thought he was going.
    Loki was running the other way, cursing viciously beneath his breath and angry that the night’s dreams had succeeded to infect his conscious state. He tore through the city streets, reckless; not caring to survey for undead or even a potential meal. Instead he was ensnared by his own fragility, annoyed at the reminder of a miserable life before the epidemic. He had worked to dispel such memories, reinventing himself into the image of power and perfection – but his ‘family’ were stubborn. Even confined to his subconscious, they wouldn’t abandon young Loki.
    “Get out of my head!” He snarled furiously, snapping at the air as he clutched wildly at his thick mane. He was on breaking point, paws trembling as he simply lusted for the opportunity to kill something. He needed to vent and his pride wouldn’t allow him to cry. The only alternative was violence.
    Fortunately, a wounded chimp rounded the corner to give Loki his chance.
    The Zoroark didn’t even flinch, an almost maniacal glint in his eye as his gaze wandered over the bloody stranger. Taking a deep breath, the dark fox relaxed – claws falling down to his sides as he faced the creature with an unpleasant smile. There was a total shift. Minutes earlier, he had been on the verge of screaming. Now he had vainly and temporarily pieced himself back together in a picture of fragile serenity.
    “Ooh, that looks painful,” He commented softly, voice emerging unusually hoarse. Clearing his throat, he took a step forward and subtly flexed his claws. “Let me put you out of your misery, buddy,”
    A short chuckle and a dozen illusory doubles of the menacing fox appeared. The Double Team copies and the original demon circled the Infernape, stalking slowly as the villain awaited his opportunity to strike. Somewhere amidst the circle came a single teasing voice.
    “It’s the kindest thing,”
    (( Phoe, I’ve given you a couple of things to play around with here in regards to Kenna’s mind-stalking, but if it’s not what you expected I’m happy to edit. c: Also this is Crane’s leaving post, he’s just gone and followed some stranger out of the area, haha. ))

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by NyraXerz Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:42 pm

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    Viridian City || Morning || 3

    Squealing and yipping reaches the zebstrika's ears. They immediately flick about to locate the direction of the noise, whatever it is making the horrible noise must be a ways a way. And loud, Wildheart snorts. It won't be hard to hear that infected when it comes. He thinks to himself as he does not think any living pokemon would dare to be so vocal. It comes as a surprise when another voice arises, much closer to him...


    A bit startled, though the natural angry slant to his species' eyes made it hard to tell visually. Carefully, the equine turned around his eyes meeting the those of the the oreon...what type of pokemon was this? Wildheart lowered his head to be closer to Rico's height. ..It was small, gray and quite a few of its parts reminded the equine of human construction. Particularly the new arrival's legs were drawing interest. However he pushed the thoughts of what pokemon this was and the connection to human influence. Clearly this pokemon was not infected and that was enough for now."Watch out!" He had time to nod to her before the voice from before resurfaced.


    The zebstrika's head shot up quick enough to see Luz leap from the top of a building. A flash of green that landed no more than a foot from him and Rico. There was no time for thoughts or talking as the newcomer lunges with fangs bared. Adrenaline pump through the equine's veins as instinct takes over. His hind legs hit the pavement below his hooves hard taking his heavy form forward for his front hooves to smack and brace against the pavement. This 'jump' giving momentum to the final outburst that his hind legs give as they buck out from under him. Gray hooves slam hard against the attacking archeon.

    "Not today bug!" The words leave the zebstrika in a gruff snort. With both hits of his double kick delivered his back hooves once again connect with solid ground and use the remaining momentum to propel him a short distance back and around to face the threat. His mane, though normally spiked appears all the stiffer as electricity visibly courses between the hairs of his mane and tail in angry hisses. Wildheart steals a moment to glance back at the oreon behind him. A faint smile on his muzzle.

    "Thank-you." He says before his smile turns into a scowl directed towards the bug evolution. Blue eyes narrow as he watches...fully expecting another attack.
    "Don't think I won't end you if you try again! Stop now!"

    (ooc: Permission given to have double kick hit)


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:52 pm

    Post 55 [both]

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    Viridian City Poke Mart| Morning

    Skoll wasn't blind to the triumphant smirk Loki wore when he had to acquiesce to his sister's and Luz's enthusiastic rally for the proposition to hunt. No, he saw that little wink, the proud grin... The strange hunger behind those forested eyes. What, did Loki think he accomplished something? Don't think on it, Skoll reprimanded himself inwardly. The guy reeks of trouble. Of course he's gonna try and fuck with your head. But after speaking his rules, Loki's grin faded, and as the other two erupted out of the door, he scoffed and gave a strangely venomous, “Yes, Dad,”

    It seemed both parties were a little taken aback by how much malice had found its way into what was likely supposed to be a dismissive comment. Skoll stared at the fox, surprised and a little confused, while the latter's expression fell into something akin to horror before dashing off. Blinking and turning to Crane, whose feathers Loki had almost ripped off in his desperation to leave, the bird seemed about as knowledgeable of the situation as the rest of them were. "Loki?" the bird called, which of course, there was no answer. The bird shuffled a bit, uncomfortable with the situation, then added, "I-I'll follow him..." Skoll could only nod, his eyes still wide with concern and his brow still furrowed. He watched silently as Crane too, left, taking to the sky easily.

    I guess... Skoll's mind began as he tried making sense of the situation, Someone has... daddy issues? Well... while it was... odd to say the least, it was something to hold over Loki in the event that Skoll would need a bit of leverage. And while Skoll wasn't one to actively hope that everyone around him was a traitorous bastard, it always seemed to work out that way and, well.. best to be prepared.

    Skoll glanced back, spotting that the only ones left with him were Kenna and MiniMe. Frowning, then glancing to the bags, it was obvious that they wouldn't be able to take nearly as much as he'd hoped. But maybe with Kenna's powers...? Whatever. He began to gather the food when the little abra suddenly dropped from her perch on the window, a yelp of pain escaping her before she hit the stained tile below. "Kenna!" he called, going back to her and looking down at her from above. Her face winced a little, and as he leaned down closer to inspect her, she whispered,

    “Skoll...” she whimpered pathetically. “Help me...”

    "What do I need to do?"


    Man, that little freaky-faced sonnovabitch was fast! Ari leaped and flew over the buildings, huffing to just keep up with the twerpy little bastard's zealotry as he scuttled around on the ground like a neon green roach. There wasn't anything good up where she was, and obviously, nothing much down where he was either.  You'd think that a city as big as this one would actually have something decent around... she growled, her sharp eyes catching nothing that could actually be eaten. Mandibles then veered off on his own, catching a lean-looking raticate. Ari snapped her claws in mock despair. Well, she had to hand it to the little freak-- he sure knew how to find food. Of course, with him, "food" was a very lenient term...

    She hopped away, hoping to find something bigger. Something more than a raticate to satiate her own vigorous gluttony. As she actually took wing, she managed to spot something closer to the edge of town as something sparkled and winked at her from down below. Black and white stripes stood out against the dying green, and something silver stood beside it. Her scaled maw broke out into a hungry grin; she'd found dinner.

    Diving with claws outstretched, she meant to grab the thing's head and neck when he suddenly reared and attacked something else, causing her to miss and have to fly back around. Once turned, she saw the signature neon green with her dinner, and she gave a loud cry. "The fuck?!" How could he have gotten done with that bigass rat  already!?

    Landing in time to hear the zebra's thanks to a metal eevee thing that looked pretty familiar, Ari scoffed. The fuck was the bug doing? "Don't think I won't end you if you try again! Stop now!"

    "Fuck off, Mandibles," Ari growled, her eyes keeping on the zebra and the really-might-have-met-that-chick-before pokemon as she readied an Earthquake, "I saw these assholes first. Go eat some more rats, or find a dumpster to live in. These guys are mine."


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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Min Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:12 pm

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    Viridian City| |Morning

        Luzige collided hard against the equine's powerful hooves, unlucky enough for one of the kicks to directly hit his cheek. He could hear the sharp crack from one of his mandibles as the Zebstrika exclaimed, "Not today bug!" The Arachneon flew through the air, stopping when he hit a nearby wall before slumping to the ground. His form shuddered, one of his front limbs tentatively felt the area where his right mandible used to be before scowling. The impact had caused a little over a quarter of the body part to crumble off, leaving a rough, unattractive stub. He gingerly looked up, sharp gaze glaring daggers at the electric-type before he settled onto his sibling.
        "Thank-you." Ricochet looked up with wide eyes at the Zebstrika, managing her own little grin at the sight of the stranger's smile. She was glad she had been of help in some way, especially against the bug-mutt. "No problem," she mumbled. Her joyous expression began to fade, however, when she realized that the Arachneon was staring right at her. She shifted uneasily against her prosthetics, listening as the equine shouted at the insectoid. "Don't think I won't end you if you try again! Stop now!"
        "Fuck off, Mandibles. I saw these assholes first. Go eat some more rats, or find a dumpster to live in. These guys are mine." Luzige was quick to dismiss the Archeops with a grunt. His body shook in unrestrained fury while a low snarl rolled off his tongue. His red eyes almost seemed to glow in a vicious anger. Silently he lowered his body closer to the earth, the fur on his chest only slightly grazing the pavement below him.
        "I'm," he started, his wrath clearly evident in his words. His voice trembled slightly, feral growls and clicking interrupting the pauses between his words. "Going to KILL YOU! with a final roar he lunged forward, movements reckless and unrefined as he flung himself at the Zebstrika's face, intending to blind him.
        The Oreon watched in horror, panic beginning to rise inside of her as she hesitated, unsure of what to do. She fretted, tensing her body before finally forming and launching a Shadow Ball towards the leaping menace before grimacing as the attack only slightly grazed the fur on his back. "Z-Zebstrika!" unsure of the foreigner's name, she resigns to simply calling out his species in concern, silver fur bristling as she watched the scene in fear.

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:30 pm

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    Viridian City/Pokemart|Morning
    Kenna didn’t know what was going on, her mind still trying to grip on the phantom link of the other mind that had invaded hers. But the worst part was that in her retreat from the mystery entity the small Abra wound up right back in the link she had forged with Loki and before she realized it her mind was flooded with more snapshots of the Zoroark’s life. The word ‘dad’ had obviously triggered something in the fox because her mind was flooded with images of neglect and anger, the small Zorua and eventual Zoroark struggling for what seemed to be his whole life to get his father to notice him. But every time there was a Shinx, soon a Luxio, and finally a Luxray who was always in the spotlight.
    Loki was always left alone…
    In every memory he was always second to the large feline, and Kenna couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the dark fox. His personality was really the product of striving for years to get any form of attention he could, until only violence got him there. It was a painful truth to realize. Skoll was at her side, asking what he could do to help, and really Kenna had no answer for him. “ “I…I just need a ground…please…” Reaching out for him the young female gently gripped one of his scythes and tried to pull herself from Loki’s mind before it consumed her. “Don’t let it take me.”[/color]
    Viridian City|Morning (3)
    “Ooh, that looks painful,”A cool, sly voice said to him, causing Keran to whirl around and eye an obnoxiously green Zoroark. He never did like the color of grass too much and this guy looked like mold. “Let me put you out of your misery, buddy,” The Infernape simply barked out a laugh and, despite clutching his side, still tossed his head back in arrogance. “Over my dead body foxy,” he challenged, even as the multitude split up and surrounded him. A Double Team? How boring. As his eyes darted around, trying to find the original, a voice from the shadows caught his ear.
    “It’s the kindest thing,”
    Swinging his free fist towards the sound Keran unleashed a Mach Punch, disheartened when his fist collided with brick rather than an opponent. He turned angrily, throwing his head back and forth as he looked for the true form of the fox so he could kick its face in. “What’s the matter peat moss? Too scared to fight like a man?” He chuckled as he started tracing the odd patterns of the doubles, noting which ones where obvious copies. The more one made the more mistakes appeared, but since he was dealing with a Zoroark they were incredibly subtle and he was only able to mark two of them for certain. Summoning his Taunt he let it fuel his words in hopes of drawing the fiend out. “Fine, keep hiding behind your shadows, I’ll still find you! A coward like you is probably just trying to hide the fact that you never grew a pair.”
    Taking a step back he let his back come flush to the side of a run down house so that he could at least protect his flank, not willing to let any backstabber get the better of him.
    ((Snitch I will have Kenna freak and pop in on their fight when something really deadly and frightening happens so have fun with Keran, near free reign to hurt him other than death or loss of limb/eye. I will work around whatever you choose so that I can pick the best point to have her jump in.))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:44 pm

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    Viridian City Poke Mart || Morning [27]

    If anything could reignite Loki’s mischievous spirit, effectively alleviating him the burden of returning demons, it was the prospect of a challenge. This wounded monkey wasn’t going to lie down and accept his fate; a poor determined fool – almost pitiable as his eyes sought out an illusory target. Loki snickered at the failing attack, slick grin mirrored on each conniving double.
    “Ooh, that hurt,” Voice delightfully cruel, a mixture of charm and biting sarcasm, the dark fox had risen to his pedestal. He was in control here. He was shrouding the chimp’s vision, relishing in his growing irritation as he was forced to lash out in the only way he could, with words. Loki had, for now, eliminated the ape’s attempts at physical retaliation and was perfectly content to let the response stroke his neglected ego.

    “What’s the matter peat moss? Too scared to fight like a man?”

    The Zoroark snorted, watching the fire-type carefully as the small but intimidating pack made their approach, gradually backing their victim into a corner. Loki’s pride remained unscathed by insult, the remarks batted away by the fox’s growing bloodlust. He didn’t enjoy murder, but he’d learnt from past experiences that it helped sooth an aching heart. Images of family were already fading into a crimson blur; his earlier helplessness gaining a steely defence as he took on the role of a predator. This poor stranger had slipped into the guise of a cat, a cat Loki happened to despise.

    “Fine, keep hiding behind your shadows, I’ll still find you! A coward like you is probably just trying to hide the fact that you never grew a pair.”

    His prey’s Taunt worked splendidly.

    Shadow? Loki spat the word, the chimp’s lucky choice of vocabulary probing at those vulnerable memories once more. He had lived in the shadows all his life, practically part of that enveloping darkness. Always there, always forgotten. But that was a dying tradition. Loki was stepping into the spotlight, giving the world a reminder that he was a force to be truly reckoned with. Unworthy of love and praise, the fox sought to garner respect through fear.

    His lips curled into an ugly snarl, striking eyes narrowed as they locked onto the monkey’s throat. He didn’t want to give him the luxury of a quick death; the sadist inside urging to draw out his pain, make the bastard suffer until he was begging for death. His thoughts fast-darkening with the blood of past victims, those who had thought it acceptable to wrong him, Loki claws flexed in anticipation.

    ”I walk in no-one’s shadow,”

    With a deadly snarl, Loki leapt towards the ape. Mid-air the illusions melded into one half-maniacal form, eyes wild and claws raised high ready to rake down upon his victim’s head with a Night Slash attack.

    (( I wasn’t too sure on what you’re expecting from the battle, Phoe. Perhaps we could have a little chat over PM and I can come back and edit this if need be? ^^ ))

    Age : 31
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    Post by Storm Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:45 am

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    Viridian City || Poke Mart || Morning

    Roy had just been sitting at the back of the group, not really saying anything or giving his thoughts on what they should do. He didn’t bother going with the others when they suggested hunting, feeling like he wouldn’t be much help to them, not ever hunting himself. He just stayed in the poke mart with those that stayed behind, pondering on his thoughts about what to do next.
    He more or less wondered a little farther into the mart, wanting to know if he could find anything else they could use. He guessed that wasn’t a good idea though, seeing as they already had a lot to carry, and now that the others went hunting, even more. Guess he just wanted to try and pull his own weight cause of the fact he was feeling like he was just extra baggage.
    What can I do to help?
    Much be something.

    He thought to himself as he looked around, but the place had already been cleaning out mostly. What they had found was probably all that was left. Letting out a sigh, he went back to Skoll and whoever else was still in the mart.

    Didn’t take him long to find him again, after all, these small city marts where never very big. His eyes widened when Kenna fell from the window, asking for help. He didn’t really understand what happened, but Skoll was already there. He wanted to go over, but what help could he provide? The bug type seemed to have things under control. Maybe he should just start packing the food and stuff for everyone. That was doing something right?

    (( I’m really sorry for such a bad post, but I had no idea what to have Roy do, and it was better then skipping again. Not to mention I didn’t have time to read up on what was going on as well. ))

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:14 am

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    Viridian City || Morning || 4

    "I saw these assholes first. Go eat some more rats, or find a dumpster to live in. These guys are mine."There was another one. Wildheart's head snaps sharply to glare at the prehistoric pokemon. It was a type he faintly remembers seeing before, but nothing he could remember the name of. It didn't matter. Digging his hooves securely against the ground the electric-type shows he has no intention of fleeing. Apparent survivors or not, if they would choose to become his enemy then he would fight like he always has.

    "Don't even think about it-"Even as he speaks the words he can hear the archeon's voice return. This clearly was not over. It was back with all the menace building from the initial buck.  "I'm," The Zebstrika's eyes snap back to their original target with intensity. The lime green mess of limbs and fur not hard to pick out against the grimy city street. His lips pulling back as he tenses, knowing where this is leading. Teeth gritting, muscles tensing and finally

    "Going to KILL YOU!"

    Someone was pissed. The movements were reckless and primal. There was no thought behind this attack which made it easier to dodge, but harder-hitting.


    "I see him.!" Striped ears flick to further acknowledge he heard the cry, and certainly he couldn't miss the shadow ball that follows--drat! it only grazes the insect! Rearing up the equine is able to dodge the hastily made attack. With another double kick powering his limbs he brings his front hooves down with all his weight aiming for the bug-type.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:27 pm

    Post 56 [both]

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    Viridian City Poke Mart| Late Morning

    It was odd, watching the little abra wince in pain when there was no apparent wound. Feeling rather useless and superfluous, Skoll could only stand there, watching helplessly until she finally reached out with a little clawed hand for support. It went to one of his scythes, which he supplied without question. “I…I just need a ground…please…” Skoll nodded, eyes still searching her small form over for some sort of clue of how to ease her pain. The fuck was even happening? “Don’t let it take me.”

    The scyther's already thin patience was being tried. What was hurting her? How could he even help? The fuck was even going on?! He leaned in closer, propping her on another scythe so he could look into her closed eyes. "You aren't telling me anything." Though beginning to feel the effects of anxiety, his voice was steady and calm. Factual. Something sturdy and unwavering. "What. Do I need. To do?"

    If this had something to do with something in the area, he'd slice it down without a second thought.


    "Don't even think about it-" The zebstrika seemed a little off put by her threat, which Ari could care less for. Of course he'd try and intimidate her. Bitch was about to die, and that was always a last resort for bitches. Flaring her wings, she flew back into the air when the bug completely lost his shit.

    She hadn't heard the first word, but the rest was all too clear.
    "...going to KILL YOU!" Recoiling hard away from the psychotic arachnid, she watched as he truly spazzed, fangs, feet and fur flying everywhere. The fuck is wrong with him?!

    But the others down below were reacting a bit faster than she, likely because he was actually attacking them.

    "Z-Zebstrika!" the steel doggy thing cried.

    "I see him!" the zebra called back, gearing up its own attack as Tinplate fired a Shadow Ball at Mandibles. As Luz dodged it easily, his fur only getting singed, the horse reared, about to hit him with another attack.

    "You better DON'T!" Ari cried, diving down and slamming her feet into the ground, releasing an Earthquake attack. There wasn't no way this low-class mutton buffet was taking down Mandibles-- not when she wanted that fucking priveledge.


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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:16 pm

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    Viridian City/Pokemart|Morning

    "What. Do I need. To do?"

    "Voices...so many voices...." she whimpered pathetically, gripping the scythe for all that she was worth. If she hadn't been grabbing the blunt edge the small Abra likely would have sliced her hand through with the force of her desperate clutching. "Loki...it hurts...stop...please...listen....why does everything hurt so MUCH?!" Trapped within a strangers mind, drawn to the power of the aura near it, the little Abra was beginning to glimmer and fade in a horrific strobe effect, parts of her body disappearing and reappearing in the shimmering veil that surrounded her. She had hoped having Skoll as an anchor would help her draw her mind into the physical realm around her rather than the tortured mind of her captor but alas, his presence only made Loki's memories seem as real as her own.

    She was drowning in Loki's suffering and no one was pulling her out.
    Not because they couldn't, but because they wouldn't.

    Kenna's eyes shot open, glowing a fierce blue as her powers finally registered exactly who was standing beside Loki, his fiery aura glistening as clear as day. "Keran..." she whispered, voice hollow and devoid of any feeling or substance. They were at war, Loki with his mind and Keran with his pride, a quick downfall surely met them both were things allowed to continue. Her mind quickly traveled to a future where a dead Keran meant a fatally wounded Loki, easily caught and corrupted by the virus, only to come back and prey on those he had traveled beside. Pain...endless pain that the Zoroark would never be able to escape as his mind slowly died with no other thought in mind but how much he hated happiness. It was...



    Viridian City|Morning (4)

    The fox sprang like a living nightmare, eyes wild and full of hatred and bloodlust. Perhaps Taunting something so feral hadn't been the brightest of ideas but Keran wasn't going to back on it now. The Night Slash was inches from his head but thankfully the primate allowed gravity to take over and drop him out of the way just in the nick of time. Hopefully the bastard nailed the wall in his attempt to strike the Infernape. Rounding about he pivoted on one leg and made to sweep the other underneath the Zoroark, hoping to drop it to the ground where he could get a better leverage on the dark type. Unfortunately, the wound on his side made his movements sloppy and instead of getting the fox under him he wound up under the fox.

    This was not a good place to be.

    Diving out as quickly as he could Keran soon began to fully regret egging the dark type on. He had a type advantage, sure, but in this injured state type meant fuck all when his opponent was healthy and insane. "Fuck me," he groaned painfully, clutching his side once more. "Leave it to me to find the craziest fucker in town that isn't already dead." Eying the Zoroark carefully he waited for the male to make his next move. Hopefully a well timed counterattack would make it his last.

    ((Snitch, since it has taken a while to get to this point due to life and circumstance what say we just move it along a little bit? Rather than draw out the fight go ahead and have Loki get close to killing Keran and have him pinned so that Kenna can do her thing ^_^
    Also Kenna's premonition is just her mind going to the extreme, her powers giving her one possible future if the fight is allowed to continue. I thought it would be fun to torture your boy a bit but let me know if you want me to change it.))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:43 am

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    Viridian City Poke Mart || Morning [28]

    He missed.

    Loki’s fur bristled as the warmth of the chimp’s head at his arm taunted him, a terrible snarl breaking across his features at the humiliation of poor accuracy. He put it down to his opponent’s venomous tongue and sheer dumb luck. The fox was proud, he would never admit that the deadly combination of rage and impulsivity would see his downfall.
    “Bastard,” He hissed under his breath, whatever previous attempts at upholding a charming façade completely obliterated now. Loki was raw. He wore such fierce emotion on his sleeve, vulnerable as ugly memories spurred his bloodlust on.

    Claws clung stubbornly to the wall, embedded deep within the cracking façade to leave the fox frenziedly trying to escape. He was completely exposed to attack and was soon paying for his rash movements. The ground disappeared from under his paws, gravity painfully freeing his claws from the wall and bringing his slender form to the ground. Yet his fall was thankfully cushioned. His chin hit the ground hard, blood dribbling from his mouth as fang pierced lip, but his body went totally unharmed – instead making contact with the fire-type.

    Loki didn’t waste time. The moment the creature moved to flee, his claws, dusty but ravenous as ever, sought out the creature’s existing wound. It was a blind attempt at preventing the escape, but the Zoroark now saw his target. Whilst he had every intention of building up the Infernape’s collection of injuries, he realized now that the route to halting him was by intensifying his existing pain. Only when he was writhing in agony, the gash on his side widened tenfold, Loki would truly have some fun.

    As he scrambled to pursue his opponent, something strange happened. For a moment, the fox was blinded – recoiling with a snarl as if he’d been physically struck. However, Loki was not hurt. He had witnessed a brief vision of his own demise, his body battered, bloody and barely clinging to life whilst Keran lay dead at his feet. It shook the canine more than he liked to admit. Whilst it gave him no end of satisfaction to see himself the victor, that second of premonition gave him a reminder of his own mortality. Above all else, Loki feared death.

    Shaking his head in a vain bid to dismiss the vision, Loki managed to momentarily quell his rage from its effect. A chill running down his spine was enough to lure him back into a more battle-appropriate state of mind. Barbarians attacked without thinking, relying on brute strength because they were too dim to fight with finesse – Loki would not become that.

    Still caught resting on one knee, wild mane falling down over his face, it was the steady drip of blood on the ground that pulled Loki’s latest charade together. He looked wounded; the extent of his facial injury hard to perceive from his hunched position.
    “Stop,” He murmured, feigned fatigue still laced with fury. He forced a cough, thankful that an amount of blood splashed out to accompany the sound. “Just… wait,” He made an attempt to stand with a grunt, rising only slightly before convincingly stumbling back to the ground and in doing so subtly closing the distance between himself and his foe. “You… You can’t… defeat… me,” He tried once more, this time claws raised in attack only to repeat the process, but this time he acted, and fast.

    The moment he collapsed at the Infernape’s paws, Loki used Double-Team. The wounded illusion looked up; devilish smirk wide on his vulpine face as his eyes sparked with malice, whilst the real fox leapt to land behind the chimp. He acted only when he turned to face him.  
    “Pathetic,” He chuckled darkly, one set of claws digging deep into the creature’s already wounded side, slowly twisting around in a bid to evoke those delicious cries of pain. “Know your superiors…” Tearing at the wound, Loki’s other paw came to grasp brutally at the creature’s shoulder, forcing him to his knees in an act of beautiful submission. Loki was in control here. “Now… Kneel,”

    Loki’s expression shifted into one of upmost pride, a twisted happiness overcoming the dark canine as bloody lips drew back and he lunged for his victim’s throat.

    (( Ooh I loved the premonition thing and spilled it over to Loki’s mind a little bit to freak him out some more, lol – hope that’s okay. Just drop me a PM if there are any problems, I thought Loki should be quite elaborate in the way he attacks. Also I just couldn’t resist throwing in that quote! xD ))

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