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18 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 37 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:29 pm

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    The Battle Arcade | Afternoon | (127)(57)

    Temporary peace filled the room. Like a gunshot right beside you, the lack of sound was so ironically loud in the Eon siblings ears, having moments before been filled with the vicious sounds of battle.

    "G-ghost..?" Mel’s voice was hushed, the one quiet word taking strain to be heard by the Joltie and Eevee. "A ghost?!" The room immediately felt colder, more dangerous as a trick of the mind. Undead were one thing and a bad enough sundae on their own, a maniacal ghost with obvious hostile intentions was a cherry they didn’t order. Faux’s skepticism waned as the team accepted, albeit with heavy disdain, their issues also included Casper the not so friendly ghost. "If it's a ghost then we have bigger problems." Yeah. Like being snatched up out of nowhere for Arceus knows what…

    Meanwhile the lioness turned her attention to the space where the eyes had been. Now free of undead targets for the moment, Amber fired a bolt of electricity at the location. Everything was pure light, like a firework had gone off inches from their momentarily blinded eyes. The loud, crackling electricity faded. The room was now quiet, the air heavy. Adrenaline continued pumping as the darkness smothered them, making the unease infinitely worse as the idea of being watched sunk in and became paranoia.
    Miyu was obviously affected worse by the feeling but her brother was on edge, whether it was obvious or not. Things continued to spiral downwards.

    "Did it.." Cinder’s voice broke the silence, "did she get it?"
    "We would have seen it," Faux responded. "Even a ghost would have to be corporeal before fading."
    Miyu let out a small, drawn out whine in chagrin before Rebel nudged her to be quiet.

    "Then what could of--" The Quilava was silenced before another word as everything lit back up-- the board and the lights themselves felt like they were taunting the Pokémon, showing no mercy as the game continued.

    "Game No. 2 has been completed. Victory is awarded to the challenger!"

    It didn’t feel like much of an achievement…

    “Where are you going?” Rebel asked matter-of-factly as his sibling paced away, nose leading her towards the scent of metal.
    “Arry,” she stated simply. The room may have been full of shed blood, but it was old, it was rotten. Her nose caught whiffs of clean iron free from illness, leading the kit to an overturned box. He was scared…

    “Arry, are you alright?” She asked gently. “The bad ones are gone for now, but more might show up…” If a fair warning was all she could provide...

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 37 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu May 10, 2018 5:25 pm

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    The Battle Arcade | Afternoon
    Etincelle 103 | Melanie 112

    The loud and sudden crackle of electrically made Mel react without thought. Her legs buckled, dropping her down into a crouch as the hissing soared overhead. That's not Etin. It couldn't be, he was beside her and that sound started too far away. It wasn't on the right side to be from Rebel's voice, so that meant.. The Luxray? What had it attacked, was she helping or hurting them? She didn't hear anymore undead. "Face us!" It roared, confirming the fox's suspicion, and while the others quickly verified it tried to attack this new threat nothing came out of it.

    "Even a ghost would have to be corporeal before fading." Faux's words sent a fresh chill down Mel's spine. "We don't know if it is a ghost." She swallowed roughly. I was just throwing out an assumption. Static continued to buzz in her ears, the quiet room now void of moans but lacking calm. Overhead, the screeching voice chimed in again with a, "Game No. 2 has been completed. Victory is awarded to the challenger!" That was a good thing.. right? Beside her, Etin's fur brushed coarsely against her flanks. "These things usually come in three's, don't they?" While she couldn't see his face the fox knew he was concerned, and making a valid assumption himself. "Let's hope not. We shouldn't need a tie breaker."

    Etincelle shook out his pelt and let the hairs settle lightly back against his body. Whatever was left, regardless of what it was, seemed to be avoiding them. It was sticking to the shadows and only launched a ranged attack, its form still hidden. Now that they all knew it was there as long as they were vigilant it shouldn't be able to sneak up on them. With a light sigh the Electrike wondered what they should do next when Miyu marched purposefully past him. For a moment, he wondered if she had seen something that needed investigating, but her next move instead just tore at his heartstrings.

    “Arry, are you alright?” The Eevee called gently as he padded after her. The poor thing. Despite all the fighting and pain, the kid was probably having a worst time of them all. "Arry?" He echoed the Eevee, trying to sound as sweet as possible to calm the child. “The bad ones are gone for now, but more might show up…” Arching his head back Etin looked out at the field of rotten, mangled bodies that now littered the battlefield. This was no place for a child.. "You've been really brave Arry," he cooed, smiling gently. "Can you keep being brave for a little bit longer?"

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 37 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon May 14, 2018 4:33 pm

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    Battle Arcade|Afternoon

    The fighting continued for a while and Arry kept himself quiet as much as he could. Somehow though he didn't feel alone. Something was in their with him and around him at the same time. Like something had been there waiting for them. "Game No. 2 has been completed. Victory is awarded to the challenger!" That eerie voice from the speaker sounded off again and the fighting stopped along with it. Arry started pushing the box again trying to get uncovered when he heard Miyu speak. “Arry, are you alright?” Miyu? Where is she at? The child tried to find where she was but all he could see was darkness. What she said next made him feel the need to get the box off of him. “The bad ones are gone for now, but more might show up…” More mean pokemon? What a horrible day he's already having. He lost to many things and the fact his fears continue to interfere with his judgment. He wanted to get stronger and fight against the mean pokemon. Somehow he felt a little brave spurt coming up.

    Another voice had spoken and it sounded like Etin. "Arry?" Etin must of been worried for Arry after all that fighting. The steel type still couldn't figure out where the voices are coming from but he had to do something. "You've been really brave Arry," Arry didn't know about that. The kid still felt terrified somewhat. "Can you keep being brave for a little bit longer?" If he could call a box on top of him being brave. Still with nowhere to see any light he started pushing it more until he started bumping into something that felt like a solid wall. But as he got tried to push again he bumped his head on the side and the box didn't move any further. "Owwie, that hurt." So he shifted over to another side and started pushing again and moved along the floor to try once more to getting it off him.

    Each push continued to make the box move; ultimately he bumped into something else and it felt like a leg with metal. It must be the luxray. "Um, c-can you g-g-get this off of m-me?" He wasn't sure if Amber would hear him, but he didn't know if it was her in front of him or not. He heard something smack the box and it was a thud like that of a tail smacking against it. Perhaps it could be Faux as well. He waited for someone to lift the box up and while he waited, he tapped his tiny claws onto the floor a bit silently to listen to the sounds it makes. It didn't sound like the floor out there. It was more hard and not as amusing. "I wanna go play with my toy again. This place is scary still." That he can't deny since coming into this room that it has done nothing but scare him more and more. At least though the box made it easier to hide from the undead pokemon that they was fighting.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Fri May 18, 2018 5:19 am

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    The Battle Arcade || Afternoon | 22

    Amber's clenched fangs parted slowly with saliva strings hanging between them as she stared at the empty ceiling. She could still see the hidden figure within, but it gave no signs of being wounded by her attack. Coward! It would choose to hide rather than fight or even flee? To attack from the shadows as a pitiful excuse despite itself? A growl rippled through her throat muscles. With her focus placed, she could feel its power now. The thing was no pushover, and such behavior was nothing but cowardice.  

    A pair of Pokemon passed her, their distance kept, but she paid them no mind as her baleful red eye stared at the one spot. How could they carry on with their own desires while a daemon hung upon them like a looming storm cloud? Amber trashed her battered tail, the voices of the passing Pokemon surprising close and interrupting her garbled thoughts. She took a few paces forward and rejudged her distance and the angle needed to launch another attack. The thing had not moved, she should attack again! She would teach it that she was aware of its presence! Spacing out her paws the big cat let an orb of light start to form at her jaws when a horrified gasp brushed her ear fur, and something straight-edged thunked against her leg.

    "Um, c-can you g-g-get this off of m-me?"

    The voice was muffled, barley an interest to the large predator as she bent her neck and over breathed with a gaping maw. The hard tinge of metal brushed her palate, along with dusty material and the buried scent of something living. The last was faint, barely a tickle to her hunting instincts compared to the pungent taste of fear scent, but the cat did growl in response to the taste of iron. The crate shifted slightly, the movement catching her eye's attention. Whatever the creature had said, she had missed it, but its distraction was enough to send irritation prickling down her pelt. It would pay for this mistake.

    Shifting her weight onto her haunches Amber reared up and brought her massive forepaws down on the crate. A gasp rang out nearby, but the sound was drowned beneath the creaking of the wood as she put more and more pressure upon it. The crate splintered, bowing inward beneath her weight while the sides pushed outwards. Each slate suffered, cracking and shifting until massive gaps formed between them. Small noises outside the snapping drew her attention downward, and she dropped her head to peer between the splintered sheet.

    The small tinge of silver did not interest her. It reeked of iron, a substance of her cruelty, but did not hold the same pain that it had once brought to her. This was something different. Dragging her claws forward the cat growled bitterly as she scoured long gashes in the wood, and as they caught the raised edge it tipped with her weight. What remained of the crate toppled toward her, forcing the cat to back up and blocking her view of the child. Her interest faded, irritation sparking through her pelt as her tail lashed, and realization that she forgot her real prey flung the cat's head around.

    She stared hard at the wall, her x-ray vision peering through the dense material like a sheet of rice paper. Though the darkened ceiling could hide things from normal eyes it could not hide a hidden figure from her, but still it remained empty.
    In her careless distraction she had lost her prey; the creature had moved.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Mon May 21, 2018 5:32 pm

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    The Battle Arcade || Afternoon
    Cinder 121 || Faux 92

    "These things usually come in three's, don't they?" Faux's ears flicked toward Etincelle's voice. That was very possible. A three set match was often standard, and they had already completed two. The third would be pointless now, unless this place was set for a progressive challenge. The fox felt a chill run through her spine. With undead as the enemy they wouldn't stop at a loss, but at death. Endless 'challenges' until we finally succumb. What a cruel, pointless way to go out. We can't let that happen. Taking a few hurried steps toward the roulette board the fox stared at it while her body was on high alert. The lights were chasing and flashing in a way not like before. Had something happened to it when the power faltered?

    Cinder couldn't stay nearly as still. Peeling her eyes off the board she watched the others head toward the boxes Arry had hid in, but before they could truly check on the kid he started creeping away from the sounds of their voices. Horror dropped in the pit of her stomach like a stone as she watched him inch all the way to their undead alley, and panic lit her nerves on fire. The cat's eye was wild, as though the battle had not ended for her, and while others starting racing for the crumbling crate Cinder's paws were rooted to the spot, voice gone. Scenarios ran through her head like bolts of lightening, how could they be so foolish, but before she could watch yet another Pokemon die before her eyes, the cat turned away, the box broken, and interest lost.

    Cinder puffed out a held breath, relieved and a bit disappointed in herself that she had doubted their tentative alley. While her gaze still lingered on them her focus was lost. Cinder's paws were shaking, her mentality just as unsteady as she tried to find her center. There has to be a way to get out. Their hidden foe aside, they were still trapped in here in a sea of dead, rotting bodies. Was Faux's door viable? Could they find a way to get up to it? Taking in ragged breaths the Quilava turned to follow both the Luxray's and Faux's gazes. They were staring at the roulette board, its lights chasing and flickering strangely while its back-lit panels glowed and darkened. The fur along her shoulders stood stiffly. Was it getting ready to start a new round? Were about to face yet another set of abused enemies? She swallowed as the overhead lights started to flash once more.

    The flashing stopped with the room being even darker than before, as though only a third of the lights remained lit. The glow of the game board blazed against her retinas, with only her personal flames standing testament against it. The panels stopped flashing, and the lights fell into a constant chasing pattern. The piercing shriek of the intercom came back, followed by a voice that was only vaguely familiar. "Challengers, you have done well." The sound was off, no longer sounding like a recording despite the voice being the same. Faux dropped her torso defensively, tails fanning out as she slowly slide her paws back. "Be on guard!" She called back to the others. While the next round was expected, the board came back with a question instead. "Do you think yourselves worthy of our challenge?"

    Last edited by Dandelion on Thu May 31, 2018 3:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Thu May 24, 2018 1:58 pm

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    The Battle Arcade | Afternoon | (128)(58)

    Miyu followed the crate with her eyes, flabbergasted as it shuffled away from her and Etin. “That was Arry…” she muttered, turning her confused gaze to the Electrike, “wasn’t it?”
    The wooden box continued scooting over the floor until it ran into a wall - something that undoubtedly would’ve been amusing had it not felt like her nerves were both frozen and on fire simultaneously. "Um, c-can you g-g-get this off of m-me?"

    Miyu’s jaw hung slack. The kid was asking help from the creature he’d just very literally bumped into - which happened to be the Luxray. She stood high on her hind legs and brought down her massive paw upon the box. The splintering of wood and seeing the crate bend and bow until boards gave way kicked Mi’s feet into gear and she sped alongside the others to prevent a premature death.
    “Don’t touch him!” Her feeble voice cracked, the shrill and panicked sound beckoning Rebel’s attention. He too dashed for the Luxray, who silently watched the tiny Aron through broken boards before simply dismissing him.

    Rebel literally skidded to a halt before the crate, standing like a no-nonsense guard dog in case Amber’s interest suddenly reignited. Damn, that could’ve gone badly…

    The board began its nearly epileptic flashing yet again, signaling something was imminent and that something probably wasn’t in their favor. “Stay close to one of the adults,” Rebel urged. His calm tone was clearly forced as his stiff and jerky body language betrayed unease.

    The lights changed pattern in their peripheral vision and both siblings stared up at the board, dimmer now with large bulbs moving in an infinite loop around the board. "Challenges, you have done well." The intercom’s voice gouged their ears with its static screams again. Something was off this time…
    "Be on guard!" Faux shouted, her posture already dropping into a defensive stance.
    "Do you think yourselves worry of our challenge?" It felt… sentient.
    The Jolteon huffed, his fur sharpening back up into needles. “Do you think yourself worthy of going and fucking yourself? He spat. Sentient or not, it made him feel slightly better. Slightly.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun May 27, 2018 5:06 pm

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    The Battle Arcade | Afternoon
    Etincelle 104 | Melanie 113

    Etincelle's muzzle curved into that of a soft smile as the kid started to crawl around some more. He didn't actually reply, but the motion was enough to assure him the child was fine. “That was Arry…” Miyu's voice was not nearly as confident, and it bore seeds of doubt in the Electrike's mind. “wasn’t it?” ...Was it? "I.. think so?" Arry probably would have responded, and he probably wouldn't have left their voices. The further away the box got, the more doubt clouded his judgement. Was an undead trying to sneak out unscathed? Or worse, an infected fearing its fate? A chill started down his spine at that thought, and intensified as the box hit the other undead in the room. The Luxray had already proven it's will to kill its own kind, if the thing was trying to--- "Um, c-can you g-g-get this off of m-me?"

    The chill turned to ice cold dread. Oh gods. Without another thought Etin raced toward the box as the cat started to break it apart. Miyu's wail was enough to draw Mel's paws forward as well, her voice raising with an, "Arry!" Blood roared in the electric types ears, sparks littering his pelt as the splintered wood relieved the small child huddled within the crate. The others were bolting faster than him, but he feared none would be fast enough as the Luxray got closer to the kid. "Don't!" He screamed, jumping the last few bounds, but before he could claw the undead's remaining eye she lost interest and turned away.

    His heart beat like a drum in his chest. Curving fiercely in front of the shattered crate at Rebel's side he glared at the lioness, fangs bared and hackles raised, his eyes sparkling with the clear hatred and distrust he had for the cat. “Stay close to one of the adults,” Rebel said smoothly, but Etin knew he was just as riled as he was. That was too close. Whatever luck they had to distract the Luxray, he wouldn't take it for granted. "And don't go near that one." He followed as calmly as possibly, despite the vemon that was clear on one word. The fur along his spine was still tall and stiff, but with a hard breath he forced it to lie flat. He had grown careless, reckless even, and it was Arry that would have suffered for it. Clenching his fangs the Electrike cursed himself, for he couldn't even uphold promises to himself.

    Mel's pads brushed the sharp, splintered wood that littered the floor. Her imagination was going rampant, fear for what could have happened making her knees weak as she stood by the remains of the crate. Fanning out her tails he tried to look menacing, but she felt nothing of the sort. We could have lost him. That easily, just gone, like their last friend. Suddenly, she felt sick to her stomach, and the acrid scent of all the rotting undead was not helping. But yet, the fox was still standing tall on her wobbly legs. The Luxray didn't attack, she hadn't harmed the child in any way. Was that proof of a good nature? The others didn't seem convinced..

    The subject was whisked from her mind however, as the room again burst into electrical crackles and hums as the intercom turned on. "Challengers, you have done well." It spoke, the words distrubing compared to prior announcements. "What?" She breathed, unable to really formulate her jumbled thoughts. Did that mean it was over? "Do you think yourselves worthy of our challenge?" No.. of course not. The voice finish with an even more disturbing question, and a promise for more suffering. "No, no more of this, please.." She begged, practically whimpering as Rebel spat furiously. Did the thing think this was a game? Did it think they wanted to do this? "We never wanted to challenge you!"

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu May 31, 2018 5:16 pm

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    Battle Arcade|Afternoon

    Amber was breaking the crate apart as if it was nothing. How much strength she had made Arry wanting to become stronger so he can fight as well. Wood had splintered and cracked as each hit it took from the undead Luxray made it more and more easier for him to see outside. The box broke and it was enough for Arry to get out from it, but the Luxray had no interest in saying anything to him. "Arry!" Mel? She sounded like she was scared. "Don't!" Etin was worried as well but he sounded a bit more angered in a defensive way. Only thing he got from her was an irritated growl as if he did something wrong. As much as he wanted to say thank you to her it could end up upsetting her more or make her tell him to grow up and take responsibility.  “Don’t touch him!” Miyu and the others came running to defend him from the Luxray. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad. Though Arry couldn't tell what the large cat was thinking, but she was looking around for something. “Stay close to one of the adults,” Wasn't the luxray an adult? Though in a sense something like Amber would likely avoid eye contact right now since the danger wasn't over yet. "And don't go near that one." Arry wanted to tell them that she was only helping him get out of the crate, but they had little to no trust in the Luxray.

    The air itself was becoming heavy and a sense of dread filled the air. Something was wrong. They did everything they could but the door would still not open. What was they doing wrong that kept the door closed? That creepy voice once more came from the speakers and it sounded like it knew what they was doing. "Challengers, you have done well." It was diffrent instead of activating the wheel it was as if it was taunting them. "Be on guard!" Was there going to be more mean pokemon? He really didn't like this room and it made him view this place as something only in a nightmare. The voice had then issued its challenge to them as if it was going to confront them directly. "Do you think yourselves worry of our challenge?" Rebel then spoke back only to say a naughty word. “Do you think yourself worthy of going and fucking yourself? Last thing they want to do was to make whatever it is angry, but something evil in that voice was telling them all that it was going to finish this once and for all. "No, no more of this, please.." Mel was trying to plead with it to stop, but for some reason Arry thought it wasn't going to listen. "We never wanted to challenge you!" Something was way off that made this not a game, but for entertainment and torture of a psychotic pokemon.

    The Aron had felt more fear than anything and there was nowhere to hide this time. His toy was destroyed in the skirmish and his other toy was back in the kitchen. "You are a big bully! I wanna play with my toy. Let us out of this scary room!" He could have said something that might make the pokemon that was hiding in the battle arcade angry or worse out right fight them. If there was more undead pokemon though; he might have a problem trying to stay brave as it is not his strong suit. Arry seen something out of the ordinary floating and phasing through walls. While everyone was on alert still the steel type had spotted the movement and it was enough to make him ask everyone, even the undead Luxray. "Hey, what's that floating there!?" The child had little to no knowledge of ghost types so he didn't know what it was. Whatever it was, it sent chills down the child's spine and gave off the danger sense that he's so used to. They was about to fight something that was keeping them inside.

    OoC)) Arry might have a brave spurt if anyone is pinned by this wave.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:19 am

    (Skipping with Amber.)

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:05 pm

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    The Battle Arcade || Afternoon
    Cinder 122 || Faux 93

    “Do you think yourself worthy of going and fucking yourself? Rebel took the words right from Faux's mouth, though she dare not say them to their new guest. "No, no more of this, please.. We never wanted to challenge you!" Mel's voice was a wail, panic clearly rising in the much larger fox. "We never accepted this challenge," she growled firmly, reiterating Mel's words. Though she tried to stay coy the bite was still present in her voice. Was this truly a trial, a 'challenge' as it called it to test their mettle for some reason? Or, was the thing just messing with them? Torment for fun's sake, boredom after the abandonment of this facility by its caretakers. The fox curled her claws into the floor. The latter was disturbingly more likely. "Nor did we wish to participate."

    Cinder's gold eyes were wide, her jaw tight with teeth visible through her drawn lips. They were talking to a screen, but there was a very real presence to the voice and machinery. What was it? A Rotom, a ghost, some sort of steel or electric type? Letting her thoughts race through options the Quilava tried to think of the most logical thing to do or say, but thinking things through like that had never been her specialty. "Thank you," she started, winging it despite what her head was telling her. "Your challenge was quite intense, but we do not wish to continue."

    The voice was silent. Was it waiting for a proper answer, like it was more machine than sentient and needed something for a normal fight sequences to understand? Cinder hesitated, her voice still calm but thoughts quickly clouding. "I understand this is before a seven-streak, and we will willingly relinquish any points we earned." Heart thumping in her chest, Cinder waited with baited breath until, finally, it responded.
    "Immmpressive." It said, the sound lingering on the 'm' longer than necessary. "You stand boldly even after intense combat." Swallowing, the Quilava didn't like how it was ignoring, or at least avoiding, what they had all said. When it next spoke, its voice had dropped pitch to something more menacing. "Then perhaps you have what it takes."

    The lights overhead flashed again, then darkened as the chasing game board lights became very intense. Both fire types has to shy their eyes away, and only when one light suddenly shattered did the rest dim back down. Glass rained down before the board, the small fragments glittering in front of the back light. "Let us go!" Faux called out with a defiant step forward, but she did not get a verbal response. A swirling purple sphere edged in black emerged from the center of the board, it's presence too eerily ghost-like to be denied. On the sides of it a pair of creep grey fingers poked out lightly, but both fire type's view was cut short as a cluster of Shadow Ball's was launched toward them all.

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Mon Jun 18, 2018 1:19 am

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    The Battle Arcade | Afternoon | (129)(59)

    "No, no more of this, please.. We never wanted to challenge you!" Mel whined as the desperation they all felt took hold, followed by little Arry, "You are a big bully! I wanna play with my toy. Let us out of this scary room!" The little guy was so bashful before… Miyu had to wonder if he had a complete grasp of the situation.

    Meanwhile the Joltie’s blood boiled in his veins despite every inch of him being cold and dead. The pleads of their companions were heartbreaking knowing this was their last plan for survival in this horrific game… if only they’d chosen another building. Left this one to wither and rot away… if only life worked like the video games that were so plentiful in what seemed like a safe haven.
    "We never accepted this challenge," Faux’s voice was controlled but fury was ever-present in her tone, "Nor did we wish to participate."
    Adrenaline had the Eevee piping up next when she otherwise would’ve the talking to her companions. “We want to leave, just open the doors! Please!”

    "Thank you," Cinder began. Her choice of words were jarring to say the least— thank you for what?! Before the Jolteon could point this out, her next sentence made her intentions clearer. "Your challenge was quite intense, but we do not wish to continue."
    The sibling duo fell silent, not so much as a breath as their leader spoke calmly and clearly. "I understand this is before a seven-streak, and we will willingly relinquish any points we earned."

    Everything was quiet. Not the peaceful, tranquil type either. Calm before a storm quiet, the most dread inducing thing to not actually exist.


    The voice was reminiscent of how snakes were long-joked to hold their ‘s,’ sounds in speech. It was a voice quirk they hadn’t noticed before and reinforced the idea of a ghost or some other kind of mastermind controlling the game.

    "You stand boldly even after intense combat."

    A sharp and vulgar comment was on the tip of Rebel’s tongue but the pissed off Jolteon found his inhibition before unloading another rage-fit on the faceless voice. A moment of that eerie silence later, it spoke again.

    "Then perhaps you have what it takes."

    The voice twisted into something sounding far more evil than before, ill will practically dripping from its very words.
    The chasing lights dotted around the game board began their hypnotic dance again, almost like the bulbs themselves were enraged as they sped along their path dizzyingly. It wasn’t until one bulb exploded and rained shards of glass down upon them did the chasing cease.

    "Let us go!" Faux roared. She took a stride forward but all was silent. The voice had nothing left to say it seemed.

    Though that didn’t mean it was finished. A shape was forming in the dead-center of the game board, a swirling mix of purples with a black outer glow. On either side hands began to emerge, looking much like a sick old witch’s hands might in a Halloween fiction. They had hardly a moment to stare at the grotesque looking ghost before it fired not one, but several Shadow Balls towards the survivors.

    A hurried Protect from the exhausted Joltie deflected the first so-many Shadow Balls but it didn’t hold very long before it shattered like a wall of glass and disappeared beneath the barrage of ghost energy. Thanks to her brother’s quick response, the Eevee made it out of the line of fire - even with an immunity, debris was dangerous - unscathed. The Jolteon’s usual horrific appearance made it hard to tell how he fared but he was still on his feet, which meant he was still raring to face off. He yowled in anger, making a sound more akin to a demon than a fox. Someone would die today, and he was confident he could send a ghost to its grave.

    ((His use of Protect is getting repetitive but at the same time it doesn’t make sense for him not to use it if he has it lmao. So my solution was to THROW IT ON THE GROUND I mean break it. Just felt like pointing it out. Also there was probably like three seconds of protection before it broke.))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 37 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:45 pm

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    The Battle Arcade | Afternoon
    Etincelle 105 | Melanie 114

    Etincelle stood defensively by Mel as the others barked at the screen. Cinder gave it a tailored response, to the point Etin thought she had done this before, but when the voice returned it hardly seemed to notice their answers. Was this thing a machine, or was it alive? "Immmpressive." The note was sour, and the Electrike took a step back to shield his ears. His thighs brushed the fox's, and he could feel Melanie growing more tense as the shriek assaulted her sense. "You stand boldly even after intense combat." Clenching his teeth the hound tried not to be sick. We didn't want to die. They were fighting for their lives; they didn't have much choice other than to fight with all they had. What was this voice testing, what was it's purpose? Just to see how much they could take..?

    "Then perhaps you have what it takes." A cold chill swept through his body, a bad sign that something horrible was about to happen. The lights on the board acted even stranger, before suddenly bursting into light and exploding. Mel heard the sound, and the flashback scorched her mind instantly. The sick Umbreon, her attempt to attack, harming Etin... and the windows exploding as the last thing she would ever see. As the shards of glass rained down around them Etin grabbed her head and brought it low to the ground as he stood protectively in front of her eyes. There was nothing left to protect, she thought, but she was grateful nonetheless that she would not have to experience that a second time.

    Huddled low to the floor, Etin dared to turn his eyes back to the board and was horrified at what he saw. A sphere of darkness, something unworldly and not like he had seen before, was an obvious danger that started to emerge from the board. But it was beyond that that his eyes locked. A pair of thick fingers coming from the wall in a way that isnt possible for the corporeal. Some real creature was doing this, had done all of this. "Get down!" He tried to warn everyone as that horror came to light, but between the shrill squeak it came out as and the obvious attack he kinda hoped no one heard him. Whether or not his pathetic warning helped, the series of Shadow Ball's rained down upon them with excessive force.

    There wasn't time to breathe. Melanie just, reacted. Jutting her muzzle forward her teeth met fur, and in a flash of cream and blue she curled around the small Pokemon in a ball of protection. Her many tailed also curled around her, a secondary shield as the booms of impact sounded around her. Paws churned at her belly, whatever was happening Etin wanted to go for it, but she would not let him be wounded again. The horrid flashback was still playing in her mind, and the heat from Etin's burn seemed to brush her nose with the same intensity as when he got it despite its cool touch now.

    Another crash like breaking glass hit her ears, and suddenly her entire body locked up in fright. More crashed rained around her, but the fox was not in a position to move. Most the Shadow Ball's had been deflected, but without Rebel's barrier the blind fox was a literal sitting target as several angled their way toward her. On her next inhale, pain struck her. The ghostly attack scoured pain like claws would, though it would leave no marks. Mel yelped, shocked by the intensity of the pain in her flank from just the first alone, but she refused to move and expose Etin until it was safe once more.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Jun 24, 2018 5:02 am

    OoC)) Skip for now, I've been unable to come up with anything so expect a longer post next cycle.

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    Post by Dandelion Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:34 pm

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    The Battle Arcade || Afternoon | 23

    "Ghost," she roared, the power missing but rumbling boom ever present. "Foolish ghost! Release us." Her massive yellow fangs glinted purple and gold in the light of the spheres and board, but any shine they had was lost in the blast. The others were wary, defending themselves and shrouding what they could in protection, but Amber reacted. Flexing her long, curled claws the Luxray bound forward through the shower of purple spheres. They crashed down like small meteors, their ghostly explosions shaking the integrity of the Jolteon's Protect and sending small wispy fragments every which way. Some were completely deflected and changed course drastically to the point they shot sideways at the rushing undead.

    But she did not falter. The Shadow Ball's were relentless, with impact after impact hitting any and every part of her battered body. One slammed against her chest like a giant stone, and another against her skull, shaking her vision, but her paws refused to stop. This ghost had to pay. When the board was within reach the cat reared up with her jaws parted wide. "Transssscceendence." She hissed as the pale green orb before her maw grew in size. The color reflected in her red eye, hiding a burning hatred behind a wall of mantis. With a hard jerk of her head the lioness shot her Signal Beam, letting it race upward with all her fury. The ghostly shape mustn't of noticed her, as it flinched in shot a second before the beam swept through all that was exposed.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:35 pm

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    The Battle Arcade || Afternoon
    Cinder 123 || Faux 94

    Faux was quick, her pawsteps gliding across the floor as she weaved between the raining balls, but speed could only get her so far. While she tried to keep her eyes peeled for the barrage, they kept making quick glances at the others to make sure they were alright. Rebel was fast on the Protect, deflecting Shadow Balls from his sister as she found safety, and Mel shrouded Etin in a living shield. Cinder wasn't nearly as quick-witted. After a few hard hits she charged forward toward the screen to slip beneath the shower. Her gold eyes were rolling, clearly she couldn't just play off that damage, but her muzzle was tilted upward in what looked like a pre-flamethrower.

    But Faux had two more bodies to spot. She didn't see their smallest, and with ghost being neutral she knew even his steel typing wouldn't protect him, but the other Pokemon made her presence known. The Luxray charged through the storm and practically on top of Cinder as she reached high up upon the screen. Worry bolted through the small fox, and as she turned to defend her friend her focus was split. A Shadow Ball aimed right for her smashed against her head with a spectral aura. Her paws blundered, dragging her to the floor as the Quilava fumbled to the side. The scrabbling Luxray didn't seem to notice them as she gave her own attack toward the dark sphere. "Transssscceendence."

    The beam looked familiar to Faux, a bug type move? Signal beam? What were the odds. With her pale eyes locked on the shape Faux watched as the green laser swept across the first set of fingers and through the dark sphere before the spectre could retreat into the wall. "Guuh!" It called out, yet another confirmation that it was a real creature they were dealing with. Faux could see the excitement light up Cinder's face, and her own acquiesced praise for the big cat simmered inside. "Is everyone alright?" She barked, not daring to take her eyes from the spot their enemy had just been.

    But, after just a few moments, the damn thing recovered. "Brilliant," was its first word, and the fingers reappeared far above the game board. "Fantastic!" The circling lights started to flash again, their levels or brightness erratic and eerie as the Pokemon revealed itself high in the air. Its swollen grey body was accented with gold, while its one true eye was surrounded by a tall collar. The dark red sphere was staring right at them, and the face on its belly seemed to give the same disturbing smile. "Oh, but the sides are not balanced now, are they?" The Dusknoir snapped its fingers on one hand, and a sudden boom came from high above the north wall.

    Cinder and Faux threw their heads toward the noise. Way up in the seating area a thin cloud of dust could be seen. It came right from the center, possibly the back wall, but any speculation was cut short as a Medicham sauntered up to the railing with a devilish smirk. "These aren't undead," Cinder whispered on a choked breath as the Medicham put her hands on the railing. If it heard her or not, she had no idea, but the dual type Pokemon took one step up on the railing before leaping at them with a fist glowing with aggression. "These aren't undead!" She repeated on a yelp while scrambling to get away from the impact.

    Last edited by Dandelion on Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Dazey Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:15 pm

    ((Skip me, please. I burnt my hands pretty bad last night and typing a whole post with my little finger sounds like a bad time lmao.))

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    Post by Dandelion Sun Jul 08, 2018 5:11 pm

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    The Battle Arcade | Afternoon
    Etincelle 106 | Melanie 115

    Was it over? Etincelle didn't dare open his eyes. The shattering, shaking, crashing, and wailing were so much like a repeat of the Umbreon. Except, unlike that time, he was surround by soft, sweet smelling fur. For the first time in days he felt secure, and he didn't want that feeling to end. His paws twitched, letting his pads touch the familiar fur as his pink eyes slowly tried to peek open. Around him was a mix of soft yellow and faint purple, and after a moment his other senses started to recover. There was the sickly smell of burnt hair and blistered skin, and after another heartbeat the Electrike remembered the situation he was in.

    "Mel!" He barked, struggling within her grasp as his soft colored gaze bore into the wounds littering her haunches. "Are you alright?" She croaked, getting the question out moments before Etin could. Choking back an 'of course' or a repeat of the same question, he simply nodded. "Only because of you." He said on an uneasy sigh, but a smile had spread across his muzzle. Mel had the same smile, beneath a wince of pain, but a smile nonetheless. "Thank goodness," she breathed, brushing her muzzle along the side of his. The ginger touch made his heart flutter. Tingles ran down the small hounds spine as he stood, truly amazed, grateful, and inspired by the fox's courage. He was a fool to think she incapable of anything.

    But for all the sweetness he felt, the moment could not last. The ghost revealed itself to them, its red eye baleful yet intrigued. With his heart bursting in his chest Etincelle stepped in front of Mel, though this time it wasn't just to be the 'bigger Pokemon.' She's hurt. The fox was staggering as she got back to her paws, the wounds she sustained definitely causing more pain than she could brush off. He would protect her where she needed it, as she had done him, but it was not the Dusknoir that attacked next. A boom from above told him they had company, and within moments a cocky Medicham was sauntering closer. Within moments it jumped down on them with a deadly impact. Keeping his distance Etin tried to come up with a plan as fast as possible. Spark, Spark it while its stationary.

    With its fist in the ground he could leap for its exposed shoulder. He'd have a clean hit and possible get aw-- as he soared through the air the Medicham was more than ready for his attack. Using the downed arm as a pivot she swung her leg around and kicked him hard into the wall with ease. All the air was knocked from the Electrike's lungs as he slid to the ground. "Come on pup, that was too easy!" She mocked him while he sat as no more than a miserable heap of fur. "Etin!" Mel screamed having heard the impact. She burst forward, heading for Etin, but aiming her head toward the Medicham as she shot an enraged flamethrower toward it. The fighter was less than impressed, and easily jumped over the flare only to come down with another impact closer to the others.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:47 pm

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    The Battle Arcade|Afternoon

    Something came flying down at them. Whatever it was it was an eerie looking color and it was coming at a fast rate. Thought it wasn't large, it was big enough to cause serious damage to anyone who it hit. However it was followed by many more. Each shadow ball for each pokemon. It was as if whoever it was didn't care of who was hit even a child could guess what would come. Seven of the eight all came flying past him but one was heading towards him. Without a doubt Arry used protect to block the attack completely. "Immmpressive." It was that chilling voice. Whoever it was was definitely playing with them as if it was enjoying the torture it was inflicting on them mentally. Whether the voice had a cruel mind or it thought of adding them to its undead that seemed tortured. "You stand boldly even after intense combat." Was it testing them or was it watching them for traits it wanted. This wasn't looking good as more and more things Arry was seeing had increased in numbers. Arry's heart was starting to beat faster as if his fear was returning. They was going to fight and what's worse is that the ghosts seemed to be all to inclined to do so. "Then perhaps you have what it takes." Wait, what? Ghost types had started to surround them with their cackling. The Aron couldn't do it. He couldn't fight back against something that was tough.

    Amber roared and she was not taking any of the ghost's reticule."Ghost," She was getting angry at the ghost type that was keeping them in there like a bunch of caged pokemon. "Foolish ghost! Release us." It wasn't listening as more shadow balls came flying out and Arry couldn't defend against them as protect had failed. Due to his tiny frame though  it was hard for them to hit dead accurate. He ran, trying to avoid them each of them hitting the ground but one hit very close to him sending him flying sideways and landing onto his side as more came towards him "Cinder, Faux, anyone help!" However, the balls then changed target towards the Luxray. Something was moving them and as such it was tenacious in causing harm. "Transssscceendence." A signal beam? It had damaged the large monitor and along with it the ghost made a sound. "Guuh!" It was something and it was alive. Yet they used the mean pokemon to hurt others. Thusly they was mean as well.

    Arry was terrified at what was going on. he couldn't fight back but with the shadow balls stopped he got back up and was slowly walking towards Cinder and Faux shaking in fear. "Is everyone alright?" Truthfully he was scared. Arry wanted out of this place and back to his toy and his metalic snack. Yet the ghost had other plans. It wanted to do mean things. Then it talked as if it shrugged off the attack. "Brilliant," Was it mocking Amber's attack as if it was a tickle? The ghost wasn't just mocking it was as if it was messing with them. This wasn't good as if it was planning something sinister. What could it be. "Fantastic!" Arry in turn stared at the broken screen as something above it started coming out. It was a Dusknoir and it was the type that would give even children nightmares. The evil, sinister smile on its stomach matched its face. "Oh, but the sides are not balanced now, are they?" A sudden flick and a boom came from high up on the North wall. Amongst it was a Medicham who had the same devilish smile that screamed madness. "These aren't undead!" It attacked Cinder and it was as if it was going after any of them.

    The Aron was terrified as it attacked with such aggressive behavior. Etin tried to attack it and only met with a painful attack. "Come on pup, that was too easy!" Etin was on the ground in pain and Mel came running to attack it. "Etin!" A flamethrower came shooting out of her mouth as Arry stood there as if he was wasn't able to do much. Soon it dodged as if it was nothing. It attacked the others. Suddenly anger fumed from Arry as if it was full on rage. "You. Why are you so mean....you evil heartless BULLY!!" He came charging at the Medicham in an attempt to stop him. However, it was all in vain as his speed was to slow for one such as the Medicham. Like so it dodged him effortlessly. It was laughing at him as if it was trying to tire him out. Which it was waiting for a chance to strike. As Arry continued his attempt to hit the medicham he couldn't land a single one. "Look at this a little aron trying to be a hero." It was mocking him as it continued to toy with Arry as much as it could. After that Arry ran out of gas like so and was tired out from his attack attempts. "Was that it? Effortless!" There was nothing Arry can do. It was to fast and to strong to even land a single hit.

    The Steel type wondered what would happen to him and what would happen to everyone else. Luckily he watched how long it took for it to make its powerful attack and when it'll impact. It was going to do the same thing it did to Cinder on him, but Arry just had enough time to catch his breath and block the incoming attack with protect. The smile on the Medicham's face faded to that of irritation from that protect. "You're a bully! Why are you so mean!" Perhaps Arry shouldn't have done that. It might irritate the medicham to actually doing something more serious.

    OoC)) I need to know what the medicham's color code is. Had to use the standard colors to substitute.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Fri Jul 13, 2018 9:03 pm

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    The Battle Arcade || Evening | 24

    Amber roared, her long yellow fangs displayed and claws digging into the wall as she scrabbled at it. This creature. How, what? With small jumps she tried to scale the wall but barely managed a few inches before her pads hit the floor once more. Thrashing her tail the cat clawed at the wall until long gouges marked its surface, but her fluster stopped when the ghost came back and moved out of its hiding spot. "Youuu." She roared, bouncing off the wall with a hard thud. Pacing beneath the high floating ghost the Luxray growled until saliva strings bubbled from her teeth and gums. Prey, is what it was. A demon, it had become. She would rectify things. She had to, for she was the light.

    Pacing faster, Amber's steps grew to bigger strides, her distance covered increasing until she was bounding forward and back. With a hard turn the lioness leaped in the air to reach the ghost, but didn't even come close before hitting the ground once more. With another irritated roar she formed her second Signal Beam while back stepping to an appropriate angle. Death, it deserved. The thing was speaking but the cat could not make sense of the white noise. Her jaw aching, feeling stiff as her attack finished charging, but before she could release it a burst from above drew her attention. Another Pokemon appeared, leaping down at them with deadly power. Instinct took over, and Amber's Signal Beam shot toward the descending Medicham, but it missed horrendously.

    Free to do as it pleased the fighter attacked, knocking away the opposing Pokemon with ease. Why? This Pokemon was different from the ghost, so deliberate yet aloof. Her claws  curled into the floor as it struck again, and of all Pokemon the child attempted to attack to no avail. What darkness possessed a creature to return fire on children? For a second her gaze went back to the ghost, its 'face' giddy and sickening, but Amber's terrorized brain had chosen a different target. Hissing at herself the lioness looked back at the Medicham. Sick. Twisted. It was different from the Dusknoir. It was worse.

    Her slow thoughts had taken too long. The child threw up desperate protection but the Medicham's impact was enough to splinter cracks throughout it. Electrically crackled across her fangs as the sprinted forward. She would taste this monster's blood. Jumping on the protect bubble like a stepping stone the cat clamped the faux electrically fangs on the Medicham's shoulder. It reacted, curving its body just in time to avoid her fangs, but the electrical flares still made some contact. She gasped, hopping then jumping back to the balcony above become glancing at the darkened skin of her shoulder. "Oooooh, a feisty one. Close, Puss, but you'll have to try harder than that."

    ((The color is AB1B46, but you can easily copy any colored text by pasting it in the reply box with editor mode on, then turn editor mode off. You'll have the color/code with no hassle.
    Or, you can hit the quote button and copy it from there.))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Tue Jul 17, 2018 6:12 pm

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    The Battle Arcade || Evening
    Cinder 124 || Faux 95

    Cinder's eyes fluttered as she rolled onto her belly. She had narrowly missed the second impact, with the force from the blast knocking her back a fair degree. The air had been knocked from her lungs, the world going black for a few seconds as the ground felt so much harder than she remembered. Dammit.. Struggling to her paws the Quilava blinked until her eyes would stay open, and with a grunt locked her golden gaze on the Medicham. Through the blurred world she could see it attacking again, laughing like it was a funny game, and her stomach practically came up as she saw the small grey shape before it. "Arry!" She gasped but nearly chocked as she was still regaining her breath. Her paws fumbled, dropping her chest back to the floor as the aggressive Pokemon went after the innocent child.

    Faux was quicker, dashing forward with a stream of fire at the ready, but as the bluish shield of a Protect formed around the child her paws skid to a sloppy halt on the wet floor. The Flamethrower raced forward, but the awkward loss of momentum had jerked the angle of the stream the wrong way and it splashed out against the far wall. Panic widened her eyes, and her paws fluttered to regain their step as another shape raced by. For the first heartbeat, she thought it was Rebel, but by the next she realized her error in perception and was reaching out with fangs agape. The Luxray's tail narrowly escaped her grasp, and the small fox could only watch, stupefied, as the lioness went after the Medicham.
    And, unlike her, managed some sort of a hit against the speedy dual type.

    Cinder heaved her body forward, staggering to reach a child in need, but help had arrived before she even took a dozen steps. While she was ever relieved, grateful for, and surprised by the undead's aid, her focus had to remain on their actual enemies and not unlikely ally. Her head swept around, catching a glimpse of a brooding fox, before landing back on the looming Dusknoir. For someone so key to follow the facilities motif it was devastating that the thing couldn't honor their dismissal. Clearly, it had no plans to let them go, and barely even acknowledged her awareness of the rules. Even as it hovered stiffly high above them, the Quilava couldn't help but wonder what happened to such a Pokemon to make it turn on them. Was it trying to relive the old days, or preserve the memory of this place? Her flames bolstered as fire burned at the back of her throat. It didn't matter.

    Digging her pads into the floor the Quilava burst into a sprint. Bounding forward she blew a short stream of fire before curling into it, and raced forward in a Flame Wheel. Barreling past the Medicham she shot at the corner of the room, and using the walls to her advantage gained altitude in a mix of arcs and short hops. In a fluid motion that only came from excess practice, she kicked off the side of the stands and back toward the Dusknoir with a burst of speed. Landing on the far wall, fire burned behind her as she rolled across it with nothing but momentum to carry her and came up on the ghost's side.

    It looked at her, as if expecting something more, and raised its far fist in defense. The fire type tensed, knowing a counter was imminent despite her obscured vision. Within moments, she made impact, feeling the oddly corporeal body of the ghost seconds before pain shot through her shoulder. Her fire fizzled away, but the light remained as the electricity from the Thunder Punch bounced through her fur. The kinetic energies fought each other but the Dusknoir won out, and the starter was thrown to the ground below in a sparking heap.

    ((The Dusknoir has Shadow Ball, Thunder Punch, Shadow Sneak (which is a 'goes first' move) and Ice Punch.))

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Fri Jul 20, 2018 2:52 am

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    The Battle Arcade | Afternoon | (130)(60)

    Their companions were taking a beating, one after another they tried and were struck down. The Jolteon charged haphazardly, his previous near death experience with Amber as far from his mind as possible. Rebel’s mind was lit with the idea of tearing into the bastards that opposed them, the living creatures turned into corrupt monsters no better than undead. He would rob them of their lives, savor their hot blood and tender meat.

    Miyu chased along behind, as much at a loss as her brother but gods be damned they wouldn’t try. His purple, matted pelt gave off wild bolts of enraged electricity as he raced and used the fallen corpses as a bridge to his enemy.
    He launched himself through the air towards the Medicham, mouth wide like a Seviper striking a Ratatta. The Fighting-type made a smooth dodge and the Jolteon spun for a follow up attack as his sister caught up and leapt for the foe at the same time. The Medicham directed it’s attention towards the more obvious threat first, hooking it’s foot underneath Rebel’s ribcage. A 180 degree turn caught the unprepared Miyu along with her brother as the kick launched them both off the balcony.

    They skidded across the floor and tumbled to a painful stop with a mess of both their claws trying desperately for traction but availing to little more than clawing each other.

    The tiny Eevee lay limp, electrical currents paralyzing her limbs momentarily. Rebel was back onto his feet long before her, for obvious reasons unaffected by the Discharge he released a fraction of a second before the Medicham tossed them both. “You fucking like that?” He spat at the Medicham. It did little to the Fighting-type, the attack having only a heartbeat to hit before the producer of the electricity was thrown away.

    “It hurts…” Miyu whined, on her feet but crouched as she wheezed for stolen breath.

    ((My imagination is never accurate for locations, if Rebel and Miyu wouldn’t be able to reach the Medicham, let me know.))

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    Post by Dandelion Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:56 pm

    ((I think Im actually going to skip with these guys as attacking with another set feels oversaturated.))

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    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Aug 03, 2018 3:42 pm

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    Battle Arcade|Afternoon

    Everything was getting worse and worse with each of the pokemon being knocked around. Arry couldn't touch him, but he knew what could. It was a risky move, but if he could help Amber with his protect they might have a winning chance. Yet the others told him to stay away from her. The protect was cracked. Something had awakened in him as he watched the Medicham's brutal and twisted smile as he continued to hurt his friends. "Cinder, Miyu, Rebel, Mel, Etin." Anger had grew in Arry's mind. The Medicham wasn't going to get away with this any more. "Stop! I won't let you hurt my friends any more!" He was angered and the Medicham was chuckling at him. "Oh? What are you going to do about it kid?" Arry once more tried to attack again with tackling. Still missing as if it was a child throwing a fit. Something had to give though. Only if it was distracted long enough for Amber to land a direct hit on him then it could give them a chance to win. "Give it up kid. You tried that already."

    He wasn't giving up even though he was a scaredy cat most of the time, but he cared so deeply about his friends. Even though Amber was an undead pokemon he seen something in her that nobody else would. She had a heart still. Behind that rotting body and tainted blood there was something he could tell. As Arry made the last attempt to tackle the Medicham it got a greater distance away leaving a gap to where it could attack again. "That's it kid. Time to take a time out." He was about to get punched and the protect was already in bad shape to where it could break through at that much kinetic force. Arry's eyes widen as he knew he was in deep trouble. The Aron was quite scared as the attack was way to much for even his body to handle. He was paralyzed with fear as his body wasn't doing what he wanted it to do.

    OoC)) Short post.

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    Post by Dandelion Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:28 pm

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    The Battle Arcade || Evening | 25

    Pain. She felt... pain. Amber roared, screaming her frustrations in a language no one else knew. She had been numb for so long, only to be met with pain? How dare this creature do that. Taking one, two, three sets forward the cat let light sparks bounce across her fur. What was happening? These Pokemon were attacking each other, fiercely. Attacking her. Hate. Her red eye swept the room, looking for solace, but was only met with blood. Death. So many had perished here, so much pain, agony, and suffering for nothing. "Hhahow dAAre you." The cat said breathlessly as she stamped forward. There were too many flames going at the ghost for her liking but the Medicham had no such hazards.

    Cantering forward with her maw agape Amber wanted nothing more than to sink her fangs into its chest and purge this world of its sin. Her tail trashed, muscles bunching with each stride and ready to pounce, but something happened before she could reach it. The fighter, occupied with the small one, never even noticed her as her attention turned around to the flashing lights of the game board. It was moving once again, and when it stopped the floor shook with the same feeling as before.
    Something was coming.
    Growling at nothing the undead lynx lowered her head and prepared herself for an onslaught, but to her surprise only one Pokemon rose from the floor this one. Except, this one was different. It's fur was matted, eyes a blazing red and it had wounds that were festering and purplish. It smelled different, moved different, and gave a airy moan that she could only describe as familiar. It was like her.

    Chuffing, Amber felt her blood start to boil at the sight of it. She started to trot in its direction, an overwhelming sense of the hunt filling her mind as a Thunder Fang spread over her teeth. It was prey and that was all that matter. The Ludicolo called out, its voice disgruntled, but it did not seem to notice her until it was too late. Pouncing, the big cat clamped her massive fangs into the wide hat of the Ludicolo and started to trash. It was surprisingly fleshy and lively, and hot blood started to well into her mouth that set the rest of her senses ablaze. It was.. delicious. Scrabbling with her forepaws for grip the lynx wanted nothing more than to tear a chunk of her catch away from the rest, but was thrown aside as a heavy fist smashed into her torso.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 37 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:12 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    The Battle Arcade || Evening
    Cinder 125 || Faux 96

    Faux's maw parted in a silent scream as the fox gasped at what she was seeing. For a creature that looked clean, healthy, and well fed, to go after a child was inexcusable. Hell, it was more sickening than the fucked up shit they had done to the undead in here. For what it was worth the Medicham was going easy on the Aron but that didn't justify its actions. You're knowingly attacking a child. Again and again Arry valiantly tried to fight alongside them. It was a brave act for one so timid, but the dual type antagonized his every attempt and didn't even allow him a courtesy hit. Her counters weren't meant to kill but would do more than someone so young could take, and Arry was clearly exhausting himself. "Get out of there!" She ordered, but the poor kiddo was lost within his own desperation.

    And then, it tired of him. Jumping back she just waved a hand dismissively before belittling the child even further. "That's it kid. Time to take a time out." Faux's jaw clenched so tight fresh drops of blood squeezed out from between her teeth. She didn't care what had corrupted this Pokemon's moral compass; she was no better than an undead to threaten a finisher against a child at type disadvantage. "Arry, get away from it!" She exclaimed but knew it was already too late for that. He was panting, shaking yet stiff as he stared down the oncoming attack. Before another heartbeat could pass Faux's paws churned, scrabbling across the floor in a full-body sprint with her Quick Attack. She would not let this happen.

    Not daring to blink the world blurred by in an instant. Faux leaped, soaring through the air like a swooping Taillow to collide perpendicular to the oncoming punch. It's fist had the faint glow of some weak attack, but Faux wasn't concerned with what it could be. Her jaw spread, and like a rabid animal she sank her fangs into its outstretched arm. The momentum knocked the fighter off course and to the ground and the pair struggled in a flailing heap. The Medicham gave a shrill yelp, having been too occupied to notice the blazing fast fox she writhed in pain as the Vulpix tore into her with both claws and teeth. Blood was welling into her mouth and out her gums but Faux was too livid to stop.

    A fist gripped her scruff and yanked but the fox dug in her fangs and claws. "You cur!" She hollered between gasps of pain. Releasing her grasp the Medicham shook her caught arm but stopped as the pain got worse. "Get the fuck off!" Her free hand balled into a fist and the Brick Break was driven right into Faux's back. The air was knocked from her lungs and the fox nearly lost her grip with the strike alone. Loosened, the Medicham was able to yank her off this time and send her flying across the room.

    The world was spinning so much that Cinder could not tell which way was up. The flashing lights of the game board, electric and fire attacks being thrown about, and the dull glow from the ceiling lights did little to stop the shakes as her paws fumbled uselessly against the wet floor. These guys are no pushovers. All the fodder they dealt with before was just that- fodder. With their strength drained on trash these naturally powerful Pokemon were giving them the runaround without even trying. Had that been the plan all along? Were they going to be the next set of pawns?

    "Engh," Cinder wheezed as she pressed a paw firmly into the floor. Her legs shook as she got to them but the Quilava forced herself to stay strong long enough to regain her balance. Looking up she glared at the Dusknoir, but its red eye was jovial as it floated its way down toward her. "We did what you wanted. You don't need to do this." The words came on a cough as her lungs still fought for a steady breath, but any struggle she dealt with was ignored by the Dusknoir as it spoke. "But what is victory without a challenge?" It spread its hands out palms-up as though shrugging. Was this really so much of a joke to it, a nonchalant matter?

    As she backed away from the ghost Cinder's flame's sputtered in an attempt to kick back into full gear. "We didn't ask for a challenge, let alone a battle." Letting a Flamethrower build at the back of her throat she shot the stream while taking a defensive stride away from it. These guys want a challenge. We don't have a choice but to give it to them. While it's ghostly tail met the heat of her burst the Dusknoir dodged without much effort. It's red eye flashed wide and its stomach-mouth opened to counter, but before it could give one the ghost sunk back into the wall seconds before the eeveelution pair flew past the spot it had just been.

    What? Was that..? "Rebel! Miyu!" Cinder cried out. Having missed the attack that did it she could only fear the worse with a direct hit or even a crit. "Are you alright?!" Concern for her friends filled her as the nasty crash made her wince, but checking on them would have to wait. The Dusknoir shot out of the wall much lower than before, and slammed an icy fist down beside her before she could even registrar the attack. Stumbling over, Cinder was lucky enough to only have one foot get clipped, but unlucky enough to have it instantly freeze to the moist floor. "You dick!" She hissed, yanking at the stinging paw to no avail. Unable to angle her rear flames properly Cinder was stuck in place with her Flamethrower occupied with releasing her foot.

    Keeping her golden gaze on the ghost she was shocked to see it fade back into the game board rather than strike when she was vulnerable. The lights starting chasing once more as the cycling began, and once her paw was free Cinder bound away from all walls to be free of any more sneak attacks. "No more gimmicks.. Just stop this!" The Quilava pleaded, hoping to get some sort of response, but the board just spun until it stopped on a strange set of Pokemon icons. Grimacing, she feared a new wave of fodder would be joining them, but instead only the center panels seemed to react. The floor rumbled around them, and a banging could be heard beneath it. Backpedaling to the edge of the arena the Quialava suddenly felt very cornered despite having open space on all sides. The previous undead had not beaten their confinement as they were released.

    The panels started pulling apart, and when the slot opened and pushed its way up only a single Pokemon stood before them. It was a Ludicolo, large and strong looking much like the other two Pokemon, but also clearly not well. Its pale fur was almost grayish with grime and was matted in several places like it couldn't bother to clean itself. Nicks and wounds dotted its body, some festering and smelling of disease, but worst was up high. The stock of its hat had a large slash in it with a telltale purple color that was spreading. Below that, its eyes were a malevolent, brilliant red.

    A rough swallow choked its way down Cinder's throat and she practically gagged as the intercom voice that was now known to be the Dusknoir's came back. "Come, Rumba, it's time you met our guests." What? Is that its name? He called it by name.. A cold sweat started to seep through her fur. This Pokemon was there friend. And now, it was no more than another infected for them to toy with. "HehehEEEhheh," it laughed while taking a few labored steps forward. Cinder wanted to vomit at the whole situation. "T-this ones infected," she tried to warn, but her voice was as faint as her jelly legs. While stiff the Ludicolo was not nearly as frail.

    It charged, shooting a stream of water at her that flowed upward. In that instant Cinder froze, her gold eyes wide as she was dragged up before being slammed back on the ground. Gasping for breath she stared blearily at the incoming infected, positive it would just beat her down relentlessly, when Amber came out of nowhere to shred the Pokemon to pieces. What, her? The savage sounds of the attacking lynx felt distant as darkness shrouded the Quilava's vision. Another hit like that would be her last.

    ((These posts are technically out of order but whatever. The last boss of the set is out now, and he's infected and nutty :3c Something that in character would attack anything.
    Its set is Waterfall, Drain Punch, Razor Leaf, and Ice Beam.
    Medicham's is Brick Break, Psyshock, Low Kick and Force Palm [But she does plently of normal punches/kicks too]))

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