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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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18 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Requiem Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:20 pm

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    Outside The Battle Castle| Dawn|(15)

    Aaden feeling the flames of the other fire types warm the area around them as their fire lit the dawn sky. When Faux said enough he cut the flame short already feeling tired with that much fire being out out. "Alright," Faux said as she held up well to the fire even and cinder may have over stepped herself "The four of us need to blast it at the same time if this is going to work." Aaden only started the plan kindling idea's and Faux now took over with her own idea's "I know we all came out here but if we are going to attack like this the battle is going to move inside. Just keep it out of the halls." as he now fell instep behind the vulpix as he could feel the heat coming off her from all the stored energy as he looked at her then forward grateful that she wasn't hurt. 

     "Etincelle, Miju, Ven, you three need to back away from the initial blast, its going to get hot. Rush it once their is an opening in the flames, those tiles wont keep it lit long."  Aaden opening his mouth to suggest something closed it again as she continued to speak with authority.   "Aaden, Cinder, you two rush in right after Mel and I. Flames wont do much to ether of you." Aaden nodded his head hearing her plan loud and clear, adjusting his wounded arm to better hold his chest feathers in what comfort he could get knowing it would have to be reset and taken care of soon.

      "Lets get crackin!"  cinder seemed again all for the idea as the blazekin looks at the blue electric dog and the ninetails to see what they had to say before it got started. "Alright.. now!" faux screamed before Aaden asked what about Mist if she was in there or not and that they could hit her with the attack. but it was to late as fire erupted into the building already scorching the walls with black soot. Blazekin opeing his short beck let lose another overheat though it color not a white hot as it's first was but a normal looking fire to join with Faux's.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:39 pm

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    Outside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 23 | Melanie 32

    Snapping her teeth closed the Ninetales couldn't stand attacking the Vulpix any longer as she heard yet more fire around her. The other fox's angry voice soon after was enough to make her tilt her muzzle the other way. "It looks like were moving into position." Etin whispered to her softly, his short tail brushing against her. "Alright," She breathed, Guess its time.. however, with each step her legs trembled. "I.. don't know if I can do it." The last time she had battled she burned the Electrike. Even with her blurred vision she could see the angry red skin on his side. I don't want to do that to anyone ever again. Yet the shiny Pokemon just shook his head, a soft smile across his muzzle. "I know you'll do fine but if you don't have to fight if you don't want to." No one was forcing her, right?

    "Etincelle, Miju, Ven, you three need to back away from the initial blast, its going to get hot. Rush it once their is an opening in the flames, those tiles wont keep it lit long." Etincelle nodded, "Gotcha." He responded before looking back to Mel. "No, no I am coming." She quickly muttered with a flick of her ears. The Electrike smiled even larger. ]It will be okay. As much as he wanted Mel to try apprehension still tugged at his own paws as he walked toward the Eevee. Would she be able to dodge? Hell, would he? The wound on his side still radiated with pain and could be a liability. I am wounded, Mel can't see.. He gazed at the other Pokemon. The Blaziken has a bad arm, Ven a bad wing.. this could go terrible so fast. But if they didn't try it would mean death. Taking a deep breath Etin forced himself to calm down and offered Miju a smile. They could do this. They had to..

    Melanie's many tails felt uncomfortable as she padded close to Faux. She had been a Ninetales for only a few days but now the excitement was fading and she missed the small size of her Vulpix self. "Alright.." Was she ready? Fear jolted through her veins. "Now!" There was no time to think it over. With a deep breath the Fox Pokemon listened to the roar of fire as Faux let free her powered attack. Forcing herself to focus Mel launched her own Flamethrower into the room, hopefully aiming above the Vulpix through it wouldn't harm her. Leaping into the room her blurred sight was immediately swamped by a quick cloud of smoke and flickering orange shapes. The heat tingled against her fur and screamed at her brain to run away. No! Taking another burning breath the Ninetales spat at the first dark color she saw, the Empoleon roaring in hatred.

    Etincelle stared with wide pink eyes as fire filled the Battle Castle. In an instant the light and heat made him shield them away with one paw. And we have to go in there? Every sensible nerve in his body said to run away from such a sight. But as the moments pasted and the fight began any feelings of cowardliness washed away. His muscles tensed and the Electrike let out a loud Howl. "For Mist!" He cried, feeling energized and ready to strike. With a few powerful strides the blue canine had thrown himself into the room, the initial flames already flickering out like Faux had said. His gaze darted about before locking onto the burnt form of the Gallade. He couldn't even recognize the creature for what it was or if it was still moving. Not wanting to find out Etin launched himself at it with a powerful Quick Attack.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Min Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:38 pm

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    Outside the Battle Castle| |Morning
    78| |56

             Mist finally screamed.
        She wailed, tears brimming her eyes as she hunched forward, fresh drips of blood pouring down from her wounded chest. The Arbok gagged, her voice dying in her throat as she stumbled backwards. A thick aura of fear pulsed from her body, her terrified gaze staring at the bloodied Gallade. Mist shook, her back pressed against the crumbling wall behind her as her foe advanced towards her.
        "Oh gods," she cried, already wincing in anticipation for another attack. "Someone save me," the serpent choked, faint memories of her friends vivid in her mind as she slowly sunk to the earth, body disgracefully bent and coiled on the tiled floor. "I don't...want to die."
             "For Mist!"
        A mass of flames broke through the walls and into the room, the undead quickly caught in the vicious blaze whilst a few stray embers burnt Mist's scales. Cautiously, she opened her eyes, gasping at the sight--a pillar of fire breaking into the castle and soon subsiding, leaving a charred Gallade in it's wake. A blur of blue fur sped forward, launching itself in a Quick Attack towards the psychic-type.
        "I..." Mist sighed, her body shuddering as she exhaled and closed her eyes. "I'm...alive..." the Arbok swayed dangerously, the whole front of her body soaked in dark blood. "Thank Arceus...I'm..." with a cough and a gag, she fell forward, hitting the ground with a thud before losing consciousness.

        Ven paced worriedly near the castle, barely listening to what the others spoke of as he waited for any sign of Mist. Concern was clear on his face, eyes wide and stomach nauseous as he fought back tears.
        "Etincelle, Miju, Ven, you three need to back away from the initial blast, its going to get hot. Rush it once their is an opening in the flames, those tiles wont keep it lit long." the bat barely registered the Vulpix's words as he gave a nod, backing away from the castle with an empty stare. He watched as they got ready to release their attack, his gaze now focused on the targeted wall as flames burst towards it.
             And then he heard her scream.
        "MEESCHT!" he screamed, throwing himself forwards and towards the dying flame to catch a glimpse of the wounded snake. "MEESCHT! Oh gods, oh gods, zhe's hurt--" he choked, watching as the Arbok fell forward and onto the ground. "Zomebody help her!"

    ((mist's gonna be out for a few rounds--it's good to be back!))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:46 pm

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    Outside The Battle Castle | Morning
    Cinder 43 | Faux 14

    The Vulpix shot the fire with as much force as possible, rocking her head to the sides to hopefully hit both undead. All the energy stored within her body rushed into the flames making them burn brighter, hotter, and larger until the Flamethrower was supercharged. As the built up power rushed into the burst and left her lithe form Faux felt weakness surge through her veins. Staggering for a moment the Fox Pokemon knew she didn't have the time to recover and pumped hard with all the strength of her limbs to both stay upright and push herself forward. Her paws beat against the ground, giving her enough momentum to get to the other side of the room before the flames even had a chance to flicker away. Casting her eyes back for only a moment Faux watched as Mel did the same.

    The fire was practically blinding but the Vulpix could still see the enraged silhouette of the Empoleon standing within it. Its hard feathers were blackening under the heat and it roared. Of course it wouldn't go down, things are never that easy. Trying her best to remain calm Faux focused on a single spot on the bird, sending a wave of psychic energy at it with her Extrasensory. It burst and made the air waver but did little more then push the flames around it. The steel type was hardly even fazed and continued to go after whatever it had previously been targeting. "You bastard!" She growled, annoyed by her inability to hold its attention.

    Cinder was way more then excited. She had already used two powerful Flamethrowers and felt the itch of flame exhaustion in her throat but ignored completely. It was time! Kicking up her feet the Cyndaquil nodded to Aaden before going back into the building. The fire licked at her long fur but she hardly paid it any attention as something more pressing came to ear. "MEESCHT! Oh gods, oh gods, zhe's hurt--" Mist, the whole reason they had this, she need them! "Zomebody help her!" Quickly rethinking things Cinder worried that their was little she could do even if she tried to help. She's too big for me to move, and the undead will need someone on them.. Shaking the thoughts away she knew she had to help the Arbok or at least look and make sure she was alright. What if we hurt her? She hurried over to the sound of Ven's voice, trying not to think of the fight she was missing.

    The sight of the Arbok was enough to make her back flame flare. "Mist.." Paws curing into tight little fists Cinder scowled as she took in the sight of Mist's wounds. "You'll pay for this!" She cried back at the undead. "We need to get here out of here."

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:08 pm

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    Outside the Battle Castle | Dawn (51) (17)


    As the Fire-Types came together, a storm of bright flames roared into the Battle Castle. Anything in their path was in big trouble. The inferno made by Miyu's friends was about to teach those pesky Undead that they were a group not to be trifled with!
    "For Mist!" Cried Etin as he dashed into the fray. Miyu ran in behind him, flinching at the hot tile left behind by dying flames heating up her paw pads.

    With the speed of a Quick Attack, Etincelle charged towards what Miyu guessed was the 'Gallade' spoken of. She began to back him up with her own Quick Attack, until she heard Ven's cry and nearly fell over her own paws. "MEESCHT! Oh gods, oh gods, zhe's hurt--" A bloody Mist laid unconscious in front of Miyu. The fox's paws quaked. Were they too late...?

    "Zomebody help her!" As much as Miyu wanted to, to take charge and help Mist, she was clueless. She didn't know anything about helping an injured Pokémon. "S-Sorry.. I don't.. don't know what to do..." She murmured, hanging her head and staring at her paws. "We need to get here out of here."

    "Do you think Aaden could carry her out?" Miyu looked to Cinder. That seemed like their best option, "Maybe I could help distract the Undead while they got out..."

    Age : 33
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    Post by Requiem Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:44 pm

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    Inside  The Battle Castle| Dawn|(16)

    As the blazekin closed his beck cutting off the fire following cinders idea he was next to enter the castle feeling the left over heat still clinging to the walls around him. The Psychic was a black burnt remains of a shell he didn't care if it was still alive of not, but as the water type came into view he froze now seeing clearly what it was.  "MEESCHT!" Ven screamed bringing him back out of his trance as he looked seeing the cobra off to the side not moving. "Do you think Aaden could carry her out?" Aiden over heard the eevee talking to another, "I can but I will need some back up" the blaze pokemon said quickly making his way over to Mist.

    Trying to figure out how to pick up something this heavy and just as long as he was tall. Aiden quickly figures if he can support her head he should be able to carefully drag the rest of her to safety. Kneeling down he tried to lift her head carefully, it wasn't working with just one arm. Aiden frowns a little as he curls his other arm under her head and picks up up slowly. Pain shoots up his arm like a burning pain as he want to try something else but he was running out of time. Useing his legs he picks up just under half of Mists total length over his good shoulder holding her head softly on his upper chest. As he straiten himself out he can feel her full wait.

    "It will be slow moving her and I need space and time" Aiden said his struggle in his voice as he slowly makes his way back to the tower entrance. Trying not to drag mist over anything that could hurt her limp form as her long body would be likely to rub into debris and other things that littered the floor.

    (Lulu gave permission to move mist in this fashion)

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:11 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 24 | Melanie 33

    With all the speed he could muster Etincelle collided against the Gallade shoulder first. The pair went toppling backward, the undead making a strange sound between a hiss and a roar as it skid across the ground a foot or two. Turning on a dime the Electrike recovered himself and hopped off, landing squat on the floor before moving away from the undead. Its red eyes burned with hatred as it struggled to get up, one arm now useless and the other badly injured. Pelt sparking with adrenaline Etin focused the energy as best he could. "You stay down!" He growled, blasting the electrical waves at the Gallade. As the Thunderwave stormed its body the undead had no choice but to fall back over, unable to regain its footing with the paralysis.

    Mel shook with fear. She had no idea if her Flamethrower had hit the Empoleon but it must of at least noticed her and was pissed off. Anxiety coursed through the Ninetales veins and a desperate need to run screamed in the back of her head as it stormed closer to her. Fire was one thing and even as the bright flames died back the she knew this was a bad situation to be in. It was too bright, too blurry, everything mixing together in a blur of color. Smoke filled her lungs as she took in a breath, instantly chocking the fox as the water bird came closer. Disoriented and coughing her lungs out Mel couldn't of dodged if she wanted to as the undead batted her away with one wing. She whines as she is tossed to the ground though it is unclear if it is from pain or fear.

    "Mel!" Etin called out to the sound. What had he been thinking? She couldn't see and he had left her alone! I should of came to your side as soon as I entered.. He turned toward the sound, wavering fire blocking a direct view of the Ninetales. Hoping the same tactic would work twice the Electrike burst forward with a Quick Attack. Flames licked at his belly and as he flinched from the tingling pain the canine ended up in an awful position when he collided with the Empoleon. Burning Agony raced through his skin, the burn on his side blazing with fury. Falling to the ground the electric type huddled in pain, thin trails of blood already coming to the surface of the angry red flesh. "No Etin, be careful!" Mel begged, slowly regaining her own footing.

    But the Electrike was not to be downed from one bad hit. Forcing his way back to his paws the shiny Pokemon rounded the bird with labored steps. Standing protectively in front of the much large Mel Etincelle growled at the Emploeon, the bird already prepping some sort of beak attack. His paws curled across the tiles. Could he take a hit like that when he was already hurt? I have to.. for Mel, I'd take anything! Sparks again start to fly from his shiny blue fur but before they can even form flames whiz over his head and strike the dual type in the chest. Small balls of fire scatter in all directions from the Flame Burst while their target only flinches from the hit it was seemingly not expecting. Without thinking the Ninetales shoves the Electrike away, knocking him out of range as the Drill Peck came at her.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:54 pm

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    Inside The Battle Castle | Morning
    Cinder 44 | Faux 15

    Cinder's small eyes were full of worry as they drifted back and forth between her fighting friends and fallen comrade. She was the one who loved to fight, the one that wanted to fight, that was ready for it! Yet she was standing, doing nothing as the others took damage. "I can but I will need some back up." Backup. She could do that. She could do that in her sleep! Backfire flaring, the Cyndaquil eyed the undead carefully. "I got your back." She smirked, fire already bubbling up her itchy throat. "Maybe I could help distract the Undead while they got out..." It quickly fettered away, teeth clamping together to quell it completely. Hell no. No way would she let the Eevee put herself in that kind of danger! At least not alone. Forepaws curling into little fists the Cyndaquil shook her head, offering Miju a soft smile. "No no, you're coming with me. Lets get the Gallade together." Quickly looking to the Empoleon is seemed to be covered, how well, she couldn't tell, but the others were on it at least.

    Dashing toward the Gallade that had already recovered itself and was standing Cinder swamped herself in fire, curling into a ball before jumping toward the dual type. It made an uncompromisable sound, feinting to the side so her Flame Wheel could only hit one arm. The opposite arm began to glow with a purple light as it prepped an attack, malice burning in its red eyes. "Don't even think about it!" She spat, a stream of stars flying toward it its burnt form.

    Faux barked at the Empoleon, enraged that she couldn't hold its hatred compared to that of her teammates. Eyes flickering between her the Ninetales and Electrike she was unsure what to do. As fast as her paws would carry her the Vulpix rushes toward her companions, her eyes glowing with psychic energy as she launches a bright orb toward the undead. The Confuse Ray drifted towards the water types head and faded into its red eyes. However it was not enough to stop the Drill Peck. Diving forward the Empoleon sought to attack to the Pokemon before it, narrowly missing the small fire type as she side stepped away. "Attack me, not them." Faux growled, fire licking at her lips.

    Taking a deep breath the Vukpix spat her flamethrower straight at the birds busted face, the fire scorching its skin for only a few moments before it used a wing to block. Roaring as its feathers blackened further the undead took several steps back, seemingly wary of the Pokemon before it. Faux was not fooled, her tails flaring with anticipation. The bird roared again, bringing its wings up along with one foot. Eyeing the Vulpix darkly it prepared to smash it down. "Brace yourselves, Earthquake!" She called out to the other Pokemon in the Battle Castle. Swiftly as she could Faux nudged the the fallen Electrike and Ninetales back to their paws. This was going to hurt..

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:41 am

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning (52) (18)

    Miyu paced two steps to the left. Two steps to the right. And again, as she watched Aaden try to pick up Mist. She didn't know anything about tending to an injured Pokémon, but she prayed moving Mist wouldn't make her worse. After all, it was Miyu's idea and she knew if something worse happened, she would be to blame. Oh God, what if--! The sound of battle snapped Miyu out of her thoughts. She had offered to cover Aaden and Mist, and it was the least she could do. "No no, you're coming with me. Lets get the Gallade together." Cinder smiled, offering those words to Miyu.

    "Right!" Miyu nodded, her oversized ears bouncing almost comically. Now Miyu was gonna prove she wasn't a liability. She could be strong too, and the foes were about to know it!
    Cinder blazed the path against the Gallade with a Flame Wheel, crashing into it's arm and quickly ending it's plans to move against her with a barrage of stars. Miyu took her turn, blasting forward with a Quick Attack and colliding with the burnt zombie, her small form surprisingly stumbling the Gallade. It reached to snatch her up, but she rolled to the side and glowed with a move of her own.

    A Hidden Power shot from Miyu's body in the form of an icy blue light, making it's mark on the Gallade with a screech from the latter. A smirk played on Miyu's face as she hopped back, putting some distance between herself and the Gallade. "Brace yourselves, Earthquake!" Faux warned. Miyu was fallen to her belly as the ground began to quake, the Normal-Type hitting the floor hard and shooting pain up her limbs.

    "Darn!" She growled, trying to push herself back up.

    ((OoC - Let me know if I need to edit. ^^))

    Age : 33
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    Post by Requiem Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:37 pm

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    Outside The Battle Castle| Morning|(17)

    The blazekin was making a good pace as he walks around the fallen building bits that littered the floor. He felt useless now for being hurt then as he careful move Mist around behind him, 'Hold on guys just a little longer' he thought to himself trying to help his own nerves clam down before feeling the ground shift under his talons. Aaden braced as best as he could as he refused to drop Mist, as it throws him into the wall that groans under both their weight and threatens to crumble away as dust falls from the ceiling. Aaden catching himself so he'd hit the wall on his other shoulder  from where the cobra was, wincing in pain as his already busted up arm took most of the hit.

    'No Aaden be strong for them take care of mist then come back and help the others' he screamed in his head righting both pokemon before resuming his way to the entrance of the building as he feared for the others and this already crumbling building coming down on all of them. The blazekin looking ahead saw the doors as a spark of hope then relights in him.  'Damn it I can leave mist outside alone, other undead might find her... shit shit shit' he thought as he reached the doors and pulled them both outside. Morning sun rays where already outside then lighting up the area so the undead wouldn't hopefully be as active.

    Aaden carefully putting the giant cobra pokemon down softly on the cleared ground, before taking a step back inside to help the others. Aaden stopped and looked back at Mist, 'you'll only get in the way Aaden have faith in them that they can take care of them selves' he told himself again moving back to Mist's side as his keen eyes watch the doors for movement.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:49 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 25 | Melanie 34

    She did not know what was coming her way. It had to be bad, there was no doubt in that. Muscles tensing the Ninetales wailed in pain as something stabbed her shoulder and knocked her back. Blind eyes scouring for anything of reference all Mel could pick up was the red color welling from her shoulder. "Mel, no!" She heard Etin whine, obviously he had caught sight of the strike and the blood. Im alright. I think.. She thought to herself, though as the fire type tried to stand she found is difficult to put pressure on the leg. "Attack me, not them." Faux? As Etincelle's blue form scurried up to her Mel felt fire rush past her. No Im not hurt that bad. Forcing her way to her paws again Melanie winced at the pain radiating from her shoulder. Her ears pressed hard to her head in an attempt to pacify the feeling.

    Etincelle stared with wide pink eyes. Mel got hurt because of me, for me! He moved himself close to her, making sure the fox is aware of his presence as he gives the wound only the quickest of glances. Its painful and bleeding badly.. Is all he can think before, "Brace yourselves, Earthquake!" No.. Panic stricken the Electrike watched the Empoleon lift one webbed foot for several moments before reacting. Mel. She was already hurt, she had already done something for him, and she certainly didn't need another hit. "Jump Mel!" He yelped, pushing her chest with his paws. The Ninetales hesitated, taking a few steps back before forcing herself to jump into the air. Then the quaking started. Unable to prepare himself the small canine was pain-stricken has agony bolted up his limbs, welling in his joints and tossing his body to the floor like a ragdoll.
    Then Mel landed, on him.

    Flailing in surprise, many tails flicking wildly, Mel whined as the Earthquake wrecked her body. Even with an Electrike cushion and  missing the initial moment the ground type attack was quickly sapping her strength. Dust and crumbles from the ceiling was raining down, tapping on the Ninetales sensitive face to further stress the blind vulpine. Scrabbling as best she could against the shaking floor Melanie moved off of Etin, huddling close to his small blue form but no longer squashing him. Slowly, the attack calmed down. Pain persisted, and her injured shoulder screamed with a fiery passion, but the fox only had one thing on her mind. "Are you okay?" She whispered to the Electrike, worry evident in her voice.

    His face was buried in his paws, body screaming from bouncing like rubber ball on the hard tiles. Everything hurts.. Even opening his eyes was a labor to his weakened body but somehow the electric type managed to tilt his head sideways, gently smiling at the Ninetales though he knew she could not tell. "Are you?" He muttered softly. Forcing himself to suck in air, his lungs refusing, Mel's sweet scent swamped him. Her red eyes were full of concern, blood from her bad shoulder now staining her check. The colors.. they matched so perfectly. Attempting to stand the Electrike gritted his teeth as the burn on his side radiated with a fresh wave of pain. Be strong.. His Thunderstone clattered against the floor as he rose.

    Her ears immediately attuned to the sound of Etincelle in pain, each grunt, whine, and scrape. Wedging her nose under his side Melanie nudged the smaller Pokemon back to his paws as she slowly found her way to her own. He, he could stand, but still.. "Etin you're hurt.." He shook his head, legs trembling with effort to stay standing. "I'll be okay.. we need to help the others.." He had to be strong, there wasn't a chance to rest yet..

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 20 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Min Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:22 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle| |Morning
    79| |57

             "Brace yourselves, Earthquake!"
        At the sound of those very words the building shuddered and the tiles beneath him cracked, the distraught Golbat barely managing to flutter a few inches above the ground to evade the attack. With each harsh beat of his wings a familiar pain coursed through his veins. The castle groaned, blocks from the ceiling crumbled down while a nearby pillar slowly broke into chunks of limestone. Lacking enough energy to keep himself in the air, Ven collapsed back onto the earth. His solemn gaze overlooked his wounded companions, the despair inside him growing with every wound and pained expression he witnessed.
        "Ve...Ve can't..." he cried, red eyes meeting the Empoleon's own with a mixture of fear and horror. "Ve can't...vin...I..." He turned to Mel and Etin, before gazing towards Faux. He had already lost Mist, what would he do if he lost the others? What could he do? He was powerless, broken. He was defective, a flying-type that can't even fly. All he could do is sit and watch, can't even protect his own friends. "Ve...hafe to retreat..." he whispered as he stumbled back. "Ve're all going to die..."

        Mist gagged, her body shook and convulsed with each breath she took as her own blood stained her scales. She wheezed, eyes squeezed shut as she coughed up the few dwindling remains of her last meal. Pain coursed through her arteries and veins with every beat of her heart, causing the serpent to writhe uncomfortably on the ground. Her tongue stuck out, tasting the air and her surroundings.
        "A-Aaden, she gasped, eyes still closed as she spoke. "T-Take me back...I need to...protect..." she cried, gentle hiccups shaking her form as she mumbled her weak words. "I need to...protect them...please..." Mist wailed. "I can't leave them...."

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:20 am

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning (53) (19)

    The ground couldn't cease quaking fast enough for the Normal-type. She had barely made her way to a somewhat defensive stance, back arched and hackles raised. The pain from the Earthquake slowly dulled away, but she could hear debris crashing down around her.
    She backed from the Gallade cautiously, eyeing it down. Her sight snapped upwards as a chunk of the ceiling rained down towards her. Trying to evade, her paws slipped and slid on the tile floor.

    A weight pulled the little fox toward the ground, her back leg held down by something. She knew she hadn't been quick enough to dodge the falling debris, she didn't even need to look. She began scrabbling forward, trying to free herself from the piece of ceiling. It would have none of it though, and simply shifted slightly, adding to the throbbing pain suffered by Miyu. A clicking behind her made her blood run cold.

    The Gallade, good and angry now, was sauntering it's way toward the fallen fox. She felt tears form in her eyes as it came closer. All earlier feelings of excitement and adrenaline faded to pure fear. She began to thrash beneath the debris, giving a hard tug, she freed herself from it's grasp. She was relieved for just a moment, until she looked up to the Gallade looking her in the eye.
    It swung a scythe-like arm to deliver a Leaf Blade to the Eevee, sending her tumbling backwards.

    She laid still, gasping for lost breath with her chin placed on the floor. As the Gallade crept closer, a white light formed in the shape of a blade. Her eyes widened, knowing a Psycho Cut at such close range would wound her critically. She called weakly, knowing who could save her; "Cinder... Help me..."

    Age : 33
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    Post by Requiem Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:15 am

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    Outside The Battle Castle| Morning|(18)

        "A-Aaden, the blazekin turns around to see that Mist is awake again as much as he was happy she was till alive he wasn't with what was being said. "T-Take me back...I need to...protect..." . "I need to...protect them...please..." Aaden walks back to mist to try and calm her down "I can't leave them...."

    Aaden isn't sure what to saw to her then as Mist was to hurt in her current status to fight for them "Please Mist your hurt" he tried at first before looking back to the building himself, thinking to himself that was just him talking about himself. A small weak candle blowing in the wind storm, Aaden had to push away the thought he didn't know what to do could mist even move herself now or would Aaden have to carry her back, would the others hate him for bringing mist back. How were the others fairing now, were they still alive while he was watching over mist outside where it was safe. Aaden just wanted to scream, 'no if Mist wants to go back to help them' Aaden looks back at mist then. "Arceus forgive me" he mutter to himself hoping that he wasn't about to kill them all.

    Aaden looks down at Mist "Okay hold on Mist we got to be strong for them" Aaden said getting himself back under mist's massive hooded head before bringing them back to the inside hoping Mist would have fully recovered by the time they got back to the hallways.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:01 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 26 | Melanie 35

    The Electrike was gasping from the effort to stay standing. His entire body screamed from the weight of the Earthquake that had pounded his bones, dust and chunks from above littering his shiny blue pelt. It was just one hit, hang in there Etin.. One hit or not the Electric Type clenched his teeth as he moved just one pawstep forward. A small whine escaped his muzzle. Great legends give me strength.. Head pounding with effort the small canine almost toppled over as Melanie's nose brushed against his head. "Etin I.. we can't" He frowned. Was the Ninetales admitting to her blindness, or just worried about him? Taking one more step Etincelle felt his legs buckle as pain shot through his side. With a gasp and a groan he looked to see his burn spouting more blood then he would of liked. Supported by his wrists and knees he worried that the simple burn might bring the end of his part in the battle.

    "Ve...Ve can't..." Ven's words caught his attention. "Ve can't...vin...I..." Was ge giving up? Melanie again nudged the Electric type but this time he did not get to his paws. "Ve...hafe to retreat... Ve're all going to die..." No.. The Empoleon roared again, its clawed wings scrapping at its eyes and head in confusion. Don't give Ven.. Struggling to move and forcing it aching limbs to stand the Electric stumbled forward. "No.. we.. have to try." Forcing his clenched teeth into a brave face the Lightening Pokemon took labored steps forward, electricity cracking through his shiny, blood splattered fur. "Etin we can't, we have to retreat." Turning his pink eyes to the Ninetales he frowned to see that she wasn't putting pressure on the limb with the injured shoulder. Shaking his head he softly said, "You can go with Ven. Make sure he's alright."

    Sparks flew from his static-riddled pelt. Were they losing? It didn't seem like they were winning but Etin couldn't admit to a lose. No, no they couldn't lose like this. Before doubt could freeze him the Electrike forced himself to act, rushing the confused bird with as much speed as he could muster. Behind him he could hear Melanie shout something but it was smothered by the roar of blood in his ears and lightening in his fur. "We shall not lose!" He roared, smashing into the steel birds chest, letting his electricity run free. What..?

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:16 pm

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    Inside The Battle Castle | Morning
    Cinder 45 | Faux 16

    The Vulpix dodged the debris as best she could. The damage she was taking from the quaking earth was enough, she did not need more from falling rubble. Though she tried to focus on avoiding the chunks her eyes shifted to a different sight- Cinder was being bounced by the Earthquake like a ragdoll. "Hold Cinder, hold!" She calls out to the other Fire Type but it is no use, she keeps being bounced and tossed about. Faux is about to run to the other and try to help when somethings drops on her before shimmying away with the shaking. "Dammit all.." She groans aloud squashing her body close to the ground in a tight form. Gritting her teeth against the pain in her hip the Vulpix tries her best to remain still as the quaking finally comes to a stop. A sharp pain shoots from her hip and coats her body but she must ignore it as she retakes a fighting stance.

    Cinder groans, eyes slowly opening to see clouds of dust and grit in the air. Her body screamed in protest, hurting from snout to toe as she shifted against the cracked tiles. Well.. that sucked. Placing a paw to her head she can already feel welts and bruises forming from debris had hit her, a thin trail of blood coming from a few spots. Taking a deep breath the Cyndaquil recoils as sharp agony rushes through her chest and lungs. Straining herself to get off the floor she grimaces at both the pain and the sight of blood covering her creamy chest. The force must of shattered her bell with the impacts and the fragments has caused a lot of cuts and stab wounds. "Uhh.." She groans, slowly clawing at a piece that still clung to her skin. It pops out with a spurt of blood and a sharp gasp. A cry of pain immediately snaps her head forward to see the Gallade going after Miyu, the poor Eevee being overpowered by the strong undead. No no no no!

    Staggering a step forward she had to do something. "Cinder... Help me..." Taking a breath for a Flamethrower the Fire Mouse coughs up clouds of smoke as pain wracks her chest. "Miju!" She gasps, wincing hard and struggling to breathe. There wasn't enough time to think about it. With all the strength she could muster the Cyndaquil leaps at the dual type undead, landing square between its shoulder blades. "Leave her alone!" She yowls, a volley of stars coming from her maw. The Gallade totters and swings its bladed arms violently, attacking wildly as though unsure what to do.

    Faux was torn on which mob to attack. The Empoleon was the larger of the threats, the Gallade starting the fight nearly dead after the mega flame, and though the bird wasn't resistant to fire it would not be easy to defeat. With labored steps she moves closer to the large starter, thankful to see the Electrike go to fighting it when the sounds and sight of the Gallade fight draw her attention. Hesitating for only a moment Faux turns her body toward the Eevee and Cyndaquil. "Cinder get.. off it!" She orders with blazing purple eyes. With a quick jerk of her head the Vulpix sends a psychic wave of energy at the undead. Its burnt and blackened skin pulls away as the energy rushes through its body in a quick burst of power. Its useless, rotten organs spills over the floor as its muscles ans skin can no longer hold them inside. It hisses with hatred as the Extrasensory ruins its already destroyed body but it does not react to the Fox Pokemon.

    Having fallen to the ground Cinder delayed any further movement. Her body hurt.. ground attacks were just hell to her and that last one really did a number on her. "Kill it!" Faux's roar wrecks her ears as the Gallade staggers beside her. The fire would not come, her dry, scratchy throat burning uncomfortably with each attempt to bring it up. Jump.. She could do it one more time.. Forcing the rest of her strength into her paws the Cyndaquil jumps above the Gallade with one paw extended. With a rapid downward slash with fire starter delivers an Aerial Ace to undeads weakened, exposed neck. Thick, black blood pours from the creature as it cries and stumbles before falling to its knees. Within moments it fell flat on its stomach, twitching slightly but giving no signs of getting back up. Panting hard from strain Cinder is breathless. "I.. I think thats that." That was one down. Tired eyes shifting to the Empoleon she knew there was another to go.. Cinder took one step then stopped as her body felt something it had never felt before. Vision fading away the Cyndaquil was afraid.

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:57 am

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning (54) (20)

    With eyes shut tight, Miyu expected the worst, her short life would end at this Undead's hand. She knew she wasn't strong enough; She couldn't help Rebel, and she couldn't even help herself. She laid shuddering on the still warm tile, waiting for her pained end. "Leave her alone!" Following those words, hope soared in her mind. Her saving grace came in the form of an attacking Cinder, sending a storm of stars toward the Gallade. The Undead lost all rhythm and swung it's arms madly, as if fighting an unseen foe.

    "Cinder get.. off it!" Ordered Faux. Her eyes glowed a brilliant purple, sending some kind of awesome move toward the Gallade. In an instant, it's body tore open and innards spilled over onto the floor. Miyu cringed at the macabre sight, feeling a sudden urge to throw up following the awful smell. She quickly erased irrelevant thoughts as she realized Cinder had fallen. "Cinder!" Called Miyu over the hissing of the Gallade.

    "Kill it!" Cinder finally moved after Faux's shout. She leapt into the air above the Gallade, and with a well placed Aerial Ace, she sliced into it's neck. The nasty sight of gore grew worse, and Miyu thought she'd be sick. But regardless of the grossness, it was a triumphal moment as the Gallade fell flat. "I.. I think thats that." Cinder panted. But that wasn't the last threat standing. The Empoleon was still at large, and the Evolution Pokémon knew she needed to help.

    Placing weight on her leg, pain raced up it, but she refused to be held back by it any longer. She strode to Cinder's side, "Ready to get 'em?" Miyu was taken aback at the crimson staining her friend's chest. "Are you okay?" She asked quickly, "Cinder?"

    Age : 33
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    Post by Requiem Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:36 pm

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    Inside The Battle Castle| Morning|(19)

    Aaden hearing what was going on deeper in with the building starting to look worse then it had before. The blazkin looked at Mist who was a little more aware what was going on but couldn't move to fast or risk dropping her, but she could hear the others and wanted to go help them. " Am sorry Mist I can't get to them quickly with you on me please come when your ready I'll go help them" he said before kneeling down and letting mist off softly to the floor "You should be safe for for now" he said before standing up again his arm now numb from the weight on it and still being busted up.

    He turns to where he hears the battle going on hoping everyone was still alive and not to badly hurt while he was off helping mist. Aaden turned back one last time before  turning to leave her in a safe area. Going to find the others was fairly easy due to remains of battle on wall scars. Aaden followed the sounds of battle before they went silent, quickening his pace fearing the worst. He comes around behind the undead then as shock quickly crossed his face now being able to clearly see the water type. The other duel type was no where to be seen, had the others managed to kill it already? he thought then. 

    The water steel type had it's back toward him as Aaden was able to see around the bird now at who was left. Miyu, cinder, faux, the nine tails and electric dog, where was Ven? aaden made a quick look and couldn't see him. Anger flashing across his face now as he burns his glare into the back of the oblivious emopleon. He uses High Jump kick and leaps at the opponent and it swings his knee around once while going towards his opponent. Aaden then thrusts his knee forward and it begins to glow red-orange. He then strikes the opponent with his knee.The undead bird pokemon having been caught of guard screeches out before turning around to the blazekin.

    Last edited by Requiem on Sat May 03, 2014 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Fri May 02, 2014 9:43 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 27 | Melanie 36

    Pink eyes going wide with surprise the Electrike felt a new surge of energy in his veins as he realized what he was doing. He was controlling his lightening! The Spark attack swarmed over the Empoleon's purpled feathers, the majority flashing about the impact site on his chest. It roared, unmoving as though surprised by the attack. Excitement fulling his movements Etincelle ignored his hard landing and refueled his blue fur with more electricity. The feeling was unreal, a power he was in control of yet it was nothing like using Thunderwave. No, no this was more.. powerful. Though the Lightening Pokemon was not one more strength a since of pride rushed through his pelt so that even the aching burn on his side could not dim his mood.

    Suddenly his eyes saw fire but the canine did not flinch. No, he remained standing tall and firm as he watched Aaden strike the expecting undead. Its feathers blackened further or charred off completely with a sickening smell, unable to take the heat in their zombie state. That's at least twice now its taken surprise attacks. Its reaction time must of left it already. Even so.. its strength certainly hadn't. The bird staggered for a moment, anger burning bright in its red stare that had locked on the Blaziken.

    Melanie slowly worked her way along the wall. She.. she was so ashamed of herself. She really, really didn't want to run away from the fight and legends knew she was not abandoning Etincelle and her friends but.. but what could she do? Her senses were completely trashed. Attacks and cries roared in her delicate hearing, burning flesh, smoke, and ashes filled her nose until it was utterly clogged. Hell, she could even taste its awful flavor. The Earthquake had littered the ground with ruble and other debris that she was constantly bumping into. Im hopeless.. Ears low and tails dragging the Ninetales kept moving along the way, feeling her way slowly toward the door she prayed Ven had gone through. Maybe outside she would do better..

    Swallowing dryly she could still hear Etincelle. Terrifying battle howls and barks, he must be fighting so hard! What was she doing? Retreating like a coward.. The Electrikes words echoed in her head. 'You can go with Ven. Make sure he's alright.' Was it because he knew how useless she felt? Her stomach knotted. Im still able bodied, I should be fighting! Her paw kicked a column fragment, tripping up the Ninetales until she huddled. With a sharp hiss she winced in pain, her injured shoulder spouting a fresh wave of blood and pain. Its not that bad.. Stopping for a moment the Fox Pokemon put her nose to the wound, trying to examine it as best she could without sight.

    Etincelle gave a guttural growl, letting himself give into the adrenaline rush. "Come and get me!" He barked with a head bob, the Thunderstone around his neck gently tapping his throat. With a few good strides the Electrike gave a mighty leap and again struck the Empoleon. However, this time it must of notice him, probably do to the cry. The bird turned his direction, making the canine crash into its strong shoulder.  Bouncing back he had to give himself a hard shake before look up.
    He wished he hadn't. The Empoleon had a powerful water type attack at the ready and in its movement launched it much too high. It was going to another target..
    His head turned, face changing to that of horror. "Mel run!" His desperate plea was too late- he couldn't even see her under the blast of water as it crashed against the spot she had been in.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Tue May 06, 2014 2:22 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle| |Late Morning
    80| |58

        "Please Mist you're hurt." Aaden's tone was pleading, but the words had fallen on deaf ears. She writhed indignantly, hood fanned out as she hissed.
        "T...Take me...to them..." Despite her best efforts her demands were weak, her orders died as her energy drained. "I need to...save...them...I ca-can't let th-them... she hiccuped as her tears began to drown out her request. "Wh-What if th...they die...it'll b-be all..." she trailed off, choked on her own gasps for air.
        "Arceus forgive me," the Blaziken mumbled. "Okay, hold on Mist we got to be strong for them." Slowly he lifted the massive serpent back onto his back, slowly stumbling back to the collapsing building.
        The Arbok cried, grateful of the fire-type's act as she steadied herself on the avian's shoulders. "Th-thank y...you..."
        The further the duo trudged into the castle, the louder the voices became. A deep concern arose in the poison-type, the faint sounds of screaming and shouting reverberating through her ears. The walls crumbled, pillars dangerously swayed as Aaden stopped, much to the cobra's surprise. "I'm sorry Mist I can't get to them quickly with you on me. Please come when your ready, I'll go help them." Her eyes widened as the Blazekin slowly placed her onto the debris-ridden ground. "You should be safe for for now."
        "N-No!" she gagged, watching in silence as the fire-type left her. Desperate to follow the serpent struggled to push herself forward, but the lack of energy and blood loss stopped her. She sputtered and coughed, weeping.
        "D-Don't leave...me..."

             Why did they do this to themselves?
        "No.. we.. have to try." The electric-type slowly trudged forwards, refusing to back down from the battle. Despite his companion's pleas he continued. "You can go with Ven. Make sure he's alright." By the time he spoke his command, however, the bat was already gone.
        "I am friends vith ze dead," he muttered, a bitter expression moulding his face. He limped, silent as he turned a corner and dragged his pained body past a pillar. With every movement a sharp agony coursed through his, every nerve screaming in pain as he crawled away from the scene. He could still hear the others, barking and crying, and somewhere inside the bat, his resolution steeled.
        This was the best he could do.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sat May 10, 2014 11:06 pm

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    Inside The Battle Castle | Morning
    Cinder 46 | Faux 17

    Cinder tensed as light filled her eyes. Her body felt strange. It was.. energized. Almost like the adrenaline rush of battle but the feeling was a bit different. No, it was something else entirely. It felt wrong. After the Earthquake even the battle rush wouldn't make her feel like this. Is this, deaths embrace? Her paws trembled. There was no way, she was stronger then that! "Are you okay? Cinder?" The fire type didn't know how to respond. Was she? Then as rapidly as it started the feeling ceased, blinding light fading to show Miyu's worried gaze staring up at her. Cinder didn't move but turned her now visible gold and green-flecked gaze toward the Eevee. The stressed pounding of her heart against her chest was more then the starter could bear. Taking a step back she was shocked to find herself losing her balance, her body feeling awkward and unsupported until she toppled backward.

    Grumbling to herself the Quilava put one hand to her head but quickly pulled it away as she felt the tinge of flames against her pads. "The hell," Blinking in surprise Cinder examined her paw and looked past it toward her body. That's not normal. She tried to stand but found herself struggling, her new form not responding and different sized limbs working against one another. The Empoleon was roaring nearby but she could not be concerned with it now as she forced her four legs to support her- they shook with effort. "Great timing on the evolution, we'll need the extra power." Faux said, her normally serious tone having a slight gentleness to it. Taking the moment to look herself over the Quilava tilted her head to one side, curious but so very confused. "Evolved huh.." If that's what that feeling was earlier she never wanted to feel it again. It was just... so unnatural.

    Another cry from the Empoleon sounded through the room but this time is successfully caught the Volcano Pokemons attention as well as the scream after it. "Mel run!" How long had they been sitting around and lost the hate on the bird? Glass eyes darting around the room Cinder could see the burst of water being prepped. Im fast, I can do it! But within one step the weasel was tripping over her own paws, long body tumbling over. "No!" She groans, gritting her teeth in frustration. Yeah, evolution was definitely not for her if she couldn't even use her own legs.
    The Vulpix was quicker. Working on instinct alone the fox dashed as fast as her quick feet would allow. Her brain hadn't even thought of what it would do when she got there but Faux knew she had to do something. "Move!" She hisses to the Ninetales only a few yards away but its too late. The roar of water sounds behind her and before the Fox Pokemon can even turn her head to see it the blast zooms past, soaking half her body before tossing her away with its pressure. "Graahh!" She cries out before smacking against a broken column or some other rubble.

    "Faux, Mel!" Cinder wails, unsure what to do. The Empoleon roared again, stomping about the room in what was either an angry or triumphant display. They need help.. Two injured friends and a rampaging undead. Who was she supposed to help? Gold eyes darting between the two foxes she could see that Faux was attempting to stand so she was at least alive.. The undead. She should be attacking it, preventing more damage from coming to her team mates. Can I even fight like this? Rising to her paws again the Quilava did not struggle as much. Slowly it was becoming easier but yet.. I cant.. She still needed to adjust. Until that happened she was nothing more then a target and would end up just like the foxes.. Shaking her head clear the Volcano Pokemon began lopping forward, finding the movement awkward but necessary. Evening out the hitch in her step as best she could the Quilava dashes toward where the Ninetales was, calling out, "Are you alright?"

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Tue May 13, 2014 1:48 am

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning (55) (21)

    This familiar white light... Miyu had seen it before, evolution. She remembered from when Ethana evolved into a Charizard. She hadn't seen it until then, but it was unmistakable now. She also remembered how Ethana had reacted, hopefully Cinder was more welcoming to her new form.

    The light dimmed to find Miyu staring into Cinder's golden eyes, the Eevee unable to read her expression. Miyu gave a gentle smile, hoping this was a good thing. The newly evolved Quilava stumbled and fell backwards,  Miyu gasping lightly as she did so, and watched as she awkwardly tried her new form. "Great timing on the evolution, we'll need the extra power." said Faux.

    "So, how do you--" Miyu began to speak, but was interrupted by a roar from the Undead Empoleon. She had momentarily forgotten about that creep! Giving a low growl, she glared in it's direction. As she realized it was preparing a Water-type move, a shout from Etin gave her heart a jumpstart, "Mel run!"

    Miyu began to charge off aside Cinder until the latter's new form began to give her trouble. She stopped beside her, watching grimly as Faux attempted to help Mel. The Eevee looked away, eyes locked onto the son of a that had attacked them. "Faux, Mel!" she heard Cinder behind her as she dashed off toward the Empoleon. She knew trying to be a hero would end badly for her, but something propelled her paws forward.

    The Eevee felt a hatred welling up inside her as she dashed forward with a light trailing behind her. She aimed a Quick Attack at the monster, crashing into it's chest. Miyu felt it's body crunch a little, but it swatted her away with a wing. She slid backwards and bared her fangs in anger. She was didn't become angry easily, but she'd had enough of these monsters' crap.

    "Just die already!" she screamed, shooting a Hidden Power towards it. It had little effect due to it's typing, Miyu's chocolate eyes widening in disbelief. "Seriously...?"

    Age : 33
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    Post by Requiem Thu May 15, 2014 3:33 pm

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    Inside The Battle Castle| Morning|(20)

    aiden studied the area quickly ven was missing everyone else was still hurt but fighting, cinder was now eveolved but not used to her new body as of yet as he watched the steel water bird attacking his team mates as he let out his rage in another overheat as white hot flames pour from his small beak  into the back of the duel type as it roars around again after attacking Miyu. splashing off it's back in a miniature explosion then as embers and ash start to fall then as the emopleon turns around with another steel wing to strike at the blazekin who has a focused energy high jump kick ready as he blocks the wing with his leg as it kept going having the type advantage and his pure rage as the wing snaps off at the shoulder from the force and goes flying now as the blazekin opens his beck again letting out another over heat now not at white hot into the duel types face.

    (sorry for the short post, recovering from sickness)

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Mon May 19, 2014 11:32 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 28 | Melanie 37

    No no no! Etincelle pumped his short legs as hard as he could, using the speed he had spent his entire life increasing to move. Not Mel, not again! Why hadn't he been watching her? She couldn't see and he just left her! What kind of Pokemon was he?! Pushing even harder he can see Mel, he can see her sodden pelt along with streaks of red. There was another Pokemon next to her. "Are you alright?" Fear shakes in his bones and the Electrike's pelt sparks, a small tear daring to form. "Move!" He whines desperately, unable to stop and inadvertently knocking the other Pokemon away. Heat crawls through his pelt but he doesn't even notice as he the Ninetales is all he can focus on.

    "Melanie, Melanie are you alright?" He begs, placing his paws delicately on her wet fur. "Please, say something!" The shiny Pokemon trembles. There is blood coming from her mouth, her wounded shoulder, and several spots along her back and side. Not that he can tell- its all blending together with the water and staining her fur pink.. "Please.." Pained pink eyes force themselves closed for a moment as the Electric type fights back tears. "Etin.." The Ninetales mutters weakly, her red eyes no more then slits that matched the blood dripping from her mouth. "Oh Mel.. oh youre alright" He sighs with obvious relief. She was alive.. and thats all that mattered.

    "Im okay.. It just, tossed me against the wall.." The Ninetales coughed as she spoke, blood and water pouring from her muzzle. Pain riddled he soaked body. Just the idea of opening her eyes, let alone moving, was too much. Laying still was all she could do and with the undead about that was not very safe.. With a semi-deep breath Mel had to make a decision. She didn't want to worry Etincelle even further but she couldn't lie at a time this. "I.. dont think.. I can get up.." Even through her distorted vision she could see Etin's head shake and a delicate smile daring to break. His fear scent must of been intense to make it through all the water clogging her senses.

    Licking her cheek softly Etin kept his voice as steady as he could. "You rest here.. we'll take care of things." With a gentle nuzzle he looked turned back around to face the Empoleon, surprised to find the others keeping it under control. I had completely forgotten about it.. it could of snuck up on me. Thank you everyone. Letting the electricity fly from his fur the Electrike barred his teeth. You'll die for hurting Mel. And he charged.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Tue May 27, 2014 7:40 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle| |Late Morning
    81| |59

        Crawling slowly over the filthy rubble and chunks of concrete, Ven meandered slowly to his destination: a marble pillar. It was agonizing, every time he pulled his body forward a new found pain bloomed, barely able to keep himself from retching. He was over-exerting himself, moving slowly despite his physical condition, and as he soon neared the pillar, he collapsed.
        Breathing heavy and raw, he grit his teeth. The Golbat forced himself to rise again, wings gently grazing the surface of the marble before him for small nooks and crannies. Finding one, he hauls himself upwards, slowly ascending the pillar. He barely hanged onto consciousness, only the faint adrenaline and sheer determination driving him forward as he began to near the top. Reaching the peak, he grasped tightly to the cracks in the ceiling, making his way back towards the group.
        The gravity was disastrous, heaving for breath as he hung on for dear life. He struggled to stay upside-down, body bent in awkward angles as the distance between him and his companions grew closer. He could see them now, fighting against the Empoleon. Scanning his surroundings, he noticed the Quilava, a slight spark of hope igniting within him hoping that the once-Cyndaquil grew stronger. He swallowed, steeling his determination as he loosened his grip, twisting and shooting down towards the water-type.
        "This is your chanze!" he screamed, mouth widening as he unleashed a Supersonic, simultaneously readying a Bite attack. "KILL IT!"

    [ooc: skipping mist]

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