Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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11 posters

    The SAFFRON Team


    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:03 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Poke Mart | Morning (4)

    Enixx watched as the Farfetch'd stormed off in a huff. "Well, that's inconvenient... I can bet you, though, he's going to come back soon... And I want all of you to be nicer to him. Especially you, Servine. It's not worth it to lose a potential team member over a stupid argument just because you don't like someone. This is all kindergarten shit, so you should know that. Now lighten up, chumps. We need to get away," Enixx told the group. "We'll need to run fast, so are any of you slow runners? I can have two people hitch a ride on my head and on my shoulders."

    The Scyther looked off in the distance. She could still see the Farfetch'd in the distance. "We'll be by the Fighting Dojo if you decide to come back!" she yelled at him.
    Now it was time to get away. After allowing some time to let the slower Pokemon to board her, she zipped off, at least so the other Pokemon in the group could keep up. Enixx wasn't inclined to bring the Undead Galvantula along. It wasn't wise to trust an Undead Pokemon.

    [OoC: If your character decides to board Enixx, you don't need permission from me to do that, because your permission is right here. A good place would be to rest on her head with a tail wrapped around her three crests or draped over her shoulders with a tail loosely wrapped around Enixx's neck. For Memphis, it would also be okay to wind herself around the knee, leg, or waist, since she is all tail and head.]

    Last edited by Guardiavoir on Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:58 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Poke Mart | Morning (4)

    (Guard you may want to change your 3 to a 4)

    Memphis watched as the Farfetch'd flew off in a huff. The little snake Pokemon wasn't sure what all happened but she knew that the other snakes seemed to be really mean to him. She hopes the bird Pokemon will join them again soon. The Ekans looked at Thom and gave him a shy smile before her head turned to Enixx's direction as she heard the Scyther say, "Well, that's inconvenient... I can bet you, though, he's going to come back soon... And I want all of you to be nicer to him. Especially you, Servine. It's not worth it to lose a potential team member over a stupid argument just because you don't like someone. This is all kindergarten shit, so you should know that. Now lighten up, chumps. We need to get away. We'll need to run fast, so are any of you slow runners? I can have two people hitch a ride on my head and on my shoulders." The Ekans smiled at those words. She didn't have feet to run with so she knew she will be one of the slow ones so the small Ekans slithered up the Scyther's leg and wrapped around her waist in a comfortable position. She also made sure she didn't constrict too tightly around the Scyther's waist but she also want to make sure she wouldn't slip off when the mantis ran. "Thank you Enixx," the Ekans said shyly.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:26 pm

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    Saffron City|Late Morning (11)

    Though Thom was smirking on the outside as the Farfetch'd stormed off, he really wish he didn't say that. It just wasn't like him to be mean. He didn't like it at all, and he felt like a total jerk. He frowned as he was scolded by the Scyther. "Well, that's inconvenient... I can bet you, though, he's going to come back soon... And I want all of you to be nicer to him. Especially you, Servine. It's not worth it to lose a potential team member over a stupid argument just because you don't like someone. This is all kindergarten shit, so you should know that. Now lighten up, chumps. We need to get away," Thom didn't like being called "Servine". "My name is Thom... He said, looking down at the ground ashamed of himself.

    The Scyther then mentioned going somewhere else. She asked who was a fast runner. Thom raised his hand. "I'm a fast runner." He said. He waited for everyone else to get on the Scyther. Memphis was already on, so the Servine waited for Yue to get on.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:42 am

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    Pokemon centre | Saffron City | Morning |(48)

    Her mouth filled with the body of her ratata 'sister' Angel twists her head to the side curiously. It isn't simply decay effecting her vision she has actually seen a small movement.
    Carefully she puts down the ratata and makes a motion for it to stay put. The tiny corpse doesn't move and she nods with satisfaction, wiping a fringed forelimb over it with an almost tender care.
    'Be safe...' She thinks before twitching her forelimb with curiousity and scuttling towards the pokecenter.
    The thick glass doors shatter noisly under a few solid thumos of her spiked feet and the Elespider struggles to squeeze her body through the gap between the now empty twisted metal frame and the large chunk of desk that had barricaded the opening and prevented the doors from being opened normally.
    She has to twist her head rapidly from side to side to try and get a view of the room beyond.
    It is in the same decrepid state as all the other human buildings and empty.
    Angel stamps her foot in derision.
    She knows she saw something.
    "Lullaby?" She calls out to the empty room.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:38 pm

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    TBC's Perch, Morning

    The Silph Tower was largely destroyed, many parts still burning. But up her, amidst the smouldering and mildewing wreckage, a single beam of steel. Tall strong, and firm, stood, with a few bits of wood and other such bits of junk attached to it to form a makeshift nest in the once towering structure. Up here.... he had everything. Food. Water. Supplies. Hell, even a map he scavenged out of some junk. All the while he watched the pokemon in the broken PokeMart. Also, in the distance he spotted the Galvantula, scuttling about in the PokeCenter. He spotted the creature through the large hole in the Center's roof.
    "This is the monster the Marked Pokemon were talking about... This... creature. An infected relic. A piece of diseases trash that reminds us of the death that ravaged the old world. The hell the humans brought upon us. Soon everything will burn. Winds will tear this place. Water shall wash away. Fire shall purge. All will fall into order soon enough."

    He took a drink of water from an aluminum canteen. Smirking at them from below, he contemplated the idea of helping the snake and the Scyther... maybe... He wasn't sure. TBC wanted to hate them all for refusing to listen to him. Grabbing a book he also saved up here... he flipped through a few pages.
    "But I, refusing to help my fellow man, do sugar o'er the devil himself...."

    After he recited those words, he picked up his Stick and set down the book gently.
    "I shall not sugar the devil, lest I become far worse than the beasts that prowl below... Wait for me Marked Pokemon. I shall return shortly... but first... the spider must die."

    Taking flight, he dived into the Pokemon Center and brandished his Stick like a sword at the Infected Galvantula.
    "Your life has gone on for quite long enough creature. Now... suffer the deaht you deserved a long time ago. No more tears will be shed because of your hunger monster. PREPARE TO DIE!"

    His words were loud and proud and he stood defiantly in front of the monster he faced. He was outmatched... but he would vanquish this beast alone... or he would die trying. Either way.. only one was leaving the Pokemon Center this day.
    ((OOC-Huzaah... time for battle! That quote is from a book I'm reading by T.H. White called "The Once and Future King"))

    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:33 pm

    (OoC: Pass. Nothing for Enixx to say now. Just running. Also, the heavy book "meant" for fighting is a volume of the Odyssey. ;) )

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:37 pm

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    Saffron City|Late Morning (5)

    Memphis just held on with her grip on Enixx's waist so she wouldn't fall off but she glance at Thom while he was beside them and then looking up towards where she figured the Farfetch'd could be at right now. She hopes the bird Pokemon will joined with them again soon because she knew it would be better to have more numbers in the group to be safe.

    (sorry short post but not really anything for Memphis to do but hold on while Enixx ran.)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:00 am

    (OoC: Bleh, I have a horrible cold, I want to post but my brain won't let me. It's 10:00 PM here, and I'm really tired... Please skip me...)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:35 pm

    (Skip me, please. Just say Thom was running next to Enixx.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:34 pm

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    Pokemon centre | Saffron City | Morning |(49)

    Still with the bloody corpse of the ratata next to her Angel whips her head around at an unnatural angle to survey the source of the remark.
    For a moment she sees the farfetch'd as it stands before the madness imprints bloody tatters over its body.
    Poor injured thing, he instincts cry out. Catch it and take it to mother.
    The Taunt sparks a response in her.
    "I don't feel enough for you to cry." She says hesitantly, flicking her fringed forelimbs with curiosity.
    There is no malevolent intent in her remaining red eyes as she raises herself up on her blue tipped legs and scuttles towards the other pokemon.
    "Where is the light?" She asks as she circles the Farfetch'd, her head cocked endearingly to the side.

    ((OOC: Permission to attack and damage Angel is given.))

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:38 pm

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    PokeCenter, Morning

    It... spoke...
    "Where is the light?"
    Its head cocked to the side and it looked at him with a vaguely intelligent expression. The eyes... they were nearly hypnotizing. He had to snap out of it! Shaking his head furiously, he lashed out.

    "Get back demon!"
    His Stick glowed a neon green, and began to look like a real sword, only colored with the strange fluorescence of green that emanated. Lunging forward, he made a great arc of motion as he jumped up, took the Stick in both wings, and swung down with as much force as he could manage, giving the beast a mighty slice, makingit reel back from him as a gash made itself known on the creature. The line of disgusting blood made its way from the back to the back of the skull. It would not be fatal, but it looked gruesome. Jumping back hastily, he flicked the blood off of the Stick and held himself ready, thoughts of battle and strategy forming in his mind.

    "That was easier than I thought... Alrightey then! Step right up and claim a prize! Come on little spider! Let's dance!"
    He let his true colors show for a moment, confident, arrogant, and vain, in his belief he'd kill the spider.

    ((OOC-Strike back if you want Kaze.... Also... TBC USED LEAF BLADE))

    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:04 am

    ((OoC: Pass yet again, because all eyes are on TBC and Kazie. So much passing. ;P)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:03 am

    (skips since there isn't anything for Memphis to do still besides it's quiet interesting to watch this battle but I hope we don't skip anymore)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:18 pm

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    Pokemon Centre | Saffron City | Morning |(50)

    Fill-in Harbinger attack!

    With an ear-splitting screech the Galvantula scurries backwards, her own dark blood dripping into her matted yellow fur.
    Four ruby eyes burn inside with a dark hatred as the spider flings her fringed forearms wide and opens a black dripping mouth lined with sharp fangs dripping milky venom amongst the dark ooze of her rotting insides.
    Her blue caraparced claws hit the ground hard, cracking it as surely as a sword blade would have and the spider leaps straight up into the air.
    "Your tears may mean nothing to me now"
    The spider lands heavily on the ceiling, staying clutched firmly to the stones like the big disgusting bug she was. A length of sparking webbing extrudes from the spinnarettes under her belly.
    "The wind howling at the window." Her bloated belly scraping the ground the spider leaps again, using the web to swing away from the annoying bird.

    Hunger consumes her, burns inside her even as she desperately chants out the rest of the song.
    "The love you never gave, I give to you." Twisting her neck at an unatural angle her four remaining eyes glare at the Grass Type sheltered in the corner. She had been here for longer than anyone, she had been here back when the nice psychic and her had all been friends. Why wasn't she helping?! Why was she being such a poor little sister to sweet Angel?
    "You really don't deserve it."
    The Galvantula fills the entire corridor with her body, her fangs extended and her voice high and childish.
    "But now there's nothing you can do."
    The Snivy tries to back away but there is nothing behind her but a solid unyeilding wall and nothing in front of her but the hungry jaws of the undead Electric Type.
    "So sleep in your only memory of me."
    The grass type lashes out desperately but Angel is faster. The glow of the grass type move fades away as Angel's fangs plunge straight into Yue's neck.
    Slowly the light starts to flee the Snivy's eyes but the Galvantula is already wrapping her electrically charged webbing around Yue's body.

    Leisurely Angel begins to consume her prey, starting from the Snivy's long tail and small feet and singing softly to the trapped Yue as she does so.
    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes. Goodbye.
    Rip! The tail is a slowly bleeding stump. Almost comfortingly the yellow fringed forelimbs stroke over the Snivy's head.
    "It was always you that I despised."
    Blood begins to mingle with the black ooze of decay as Angel tears loose another piece of flesh and gulps it down greedily.
    "I don't feel enough for you to cry..."
    The Snivy's breathing becomes fainter and fainter as more of her blood soaks into the webbing. At the very end she could even struggle.
    "Oh well."
    Eagerly Angel devours her meal, her disease rotted brain projecting a distorted mirror view of events over the bloody mess of the Snivy.
    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes."
    Yue finally dies and the Galvantula picks up her severed head in its fringed forelimbs as it slowly joins the rest of her in the elespider's belly.
    Angel scuttles back to her arrogant opponent, sparks playing along the fur lining her blood stained jaws.
    In her eyes she sees a Snivy, happy and healthy without the worries caused by the Infection and a cheerful little Joltik wander off into the dark corridors of the Pokecentre. Angel can tell they are laughing. They are finally happy.
    They are finally free.

    Posts : 391

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Ho-Oh Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:11 pm

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    Above Saffron City | Morning

    Ho-Oh was in a hurry, the span of his natural rainbow trail behind him making his flight appear fast from the ground, but in the air, he was not moving nearly as fast as he would have liked. He did not have the luxury of being able to take his time, resting his wings and taking in the scenery like he had been accustomed for the most part of his life.

    He was going so fast over kanto that he almost missed the commotion.

    “Get back foul demon.” The key word of demon catching his ears more than anything else.

    Undead were common nowadays, hell, not meeting an undead inside a city would raise more eyebrows than anything. Yet it was the fact that there were survivors suffering from it that pulled at Ho-Oh’s heart. He was in a major hurry, time was of the essence, and every minute could mean life or death practically. And while his mind screamed to pretend to not have heard that, to fly off to more important matters, every fiber of his being kept him in that same spot. And he mentally berated himself for thinking for a second that one life was more important than another, thus worth abandoning.

    It took a moment to find the exact location of the struggle, the whole city was so badly damaged it was hard to find the origin. Even its biggest buildings did not escape the wreckage….. The eerie and slightly creepy song did end up pointed him right towards the pokemon center, but the words of ‘Goodbye’ already confirming his suspicions without him having to see it for himself.

    Whatever was fighting in there was already dead, he should just turn around and make up for his lost time, but the nagging possibility that the undead was saving the pokemon for later made him act.

    From inside the pokemon center, the corner of the roof fell in, revealing to all a figure against the blinding light that reflected against its shiny feathers. The room revealed the unsightly remains of a grass type, one a few limbs and a few bones remained of the meal. But he was not alone, an undead bug and electric type, not native to these lands, stood in the room as well as a bird type with the will to survive engrained deep into its eyes.

    These pokemon were fighting day by day to merely survive while the legends took care of bigger matters, to have turned back was to have abandoned hope for their future, a future full of untold bravery. He would not let hope die dammit, especially not today of all days.

    Creating a wall of sacred fire between the few remains of the grass pokemon and the undead type, Ho-Oh got to work at the one thing he did best. He was going to bring back this grass pokemon no matter what.

    It took more energy than normal, especially since there was hardly any parts left, but with his ashes in hand, and his burning energy, the enclosed space he made with his wings shone right through his feathers, and in a few moments Ho-Oh brushed a sweat drop off his head to reveal the grass pokemon, now identified as a Snivy.

    “I cannot stay, but live young Snivy, live and fight for a brighter future you hear me?”

    The wall of fire was solely dying down, it would not hold the undead bug for long. So making one last gesture, Ho-oh tore down one segment of the wall before taking flight. Whether the Snivy wished to stay and fight the one who killed it, or run to live another day was a decision for her to make. Either way Ho-Oh was rushing to be a little less late than what he would surely be.

    ((Due to a mistake, Yue the Snivy has been revived and is to post immediately after me, but seeing as Neoven8tr is in the safehouse, the post order shall resume how it was before my intervention.))

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:55 am


    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:21 am

    Skip of course.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:02 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Saffron City [Pokémon Center] | Late morning | 70
    Yue was pondering what had happened in all the time she had been here, when she was confronted by the Galvantula. "The love you never gave, I give to you." Twisting her neck at an unatural angle, her four remaining eyes glared at Yue, who was sheltered in the corner and lost in thought until now. "You really don't deserve it." Angel fills the entire corridor with her body, fangs bared and voice childish. "But now there's nothing you can do." Yue tried to back away, but she hit the wall of the building. It would not budge any time soon. "So sleep in your only memory of me." In desperation, Yue threw a Leaf Tornado at her. She saw it fade quickly as the monster dove into her neck, blood splattering everywhere. She began to wrap Yue in a webbing. Yue wanted to scream, but her throat was suddenly too dry to do so."Here's a lullaby to close your eyes. Goodbye. With a sickening RRRRRIP! Yue's tail fell off, her stump bleeding slowly. The Galvantula strokes Yue with her forelimbs. It was sickening. "It was always you that I despised." Her blood begins to drip to the floor, coordinating with the puddles of infectious goo dripping from Angel as she tore loose another piece of flesh and gulped it down like a glutton. "I don't feel enough for you to cry..." Yue's breathing became fainter and wispy with every chew the sickening monster made. She wanted to scream. Not in pain, but in anger. Oh, what a way to go out. Painful, yes, but pathetic. It shows weaknesses everywhere. "Oh well." With the last of her breath, she managed to mutter a dying phrase.

    "Damn you, bug... damn you to hell. Join your 'mother' there, you monster." She scowled in a feeble attempt to look toughened over a long time, even as she was dying. At least the spider had the coutresy of leaving her tail behind. Now, if that damn Axew came along, he would know it was her that died here.

    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes." The world was fading quickly. Yue felt herself slipping. The pain was unbearable. Angel's fangs embedded in her body lacerated what was left of her as she tore off chunks of flesh and her vital organs spilled onto the ground.

    And then, she died.

    "Goodbye." The childish voice of such a beast echoed through the building as if she were being mocked. "Goodbye." Yue was sure she was. "Goodbye..." Except she was dead now, and she couldn't do anything about it.

    Yue woke up in a field. She brushed herself off. "... Where am I?" She looked around. You're in your mind, called a voice. You aren't quite dead yet. Yue recognized the voice. "... Mommy?" She began to walk towards the voice. The scenery changed as she walked, from a mowed, fenced field to a sandy beach, a scorching desert, then an overgrown jungle, and finally to a field of sunflowers. It was the last thing Yue and her mother talked about. Come, the voice called, You must be so tired. Come to mommy. The voice came from off a cliff. She hesitated, but finally jumped. The clear blue skies turned dark as the surrounding areas began to resemble the inside of a mouth. Yue realized she was falling head first into her father's mouth, fangs stretched and eyes gleaming red. His jaws snapped shut and she kept falling, falling, falling down into the slimy, deep darkness...
    Then she woke up.

    “I cannot stay, but live young Snivy, live and fight for a brighter future you hear me?” Ho-Oh had revived her. "Oh... I... thank you!" She nodded. There was a dying wall of fire between her and the Galvantula. Ho-Oh pushed down a wall for her to escape through before leaving. "Thank you, mister Ho-Oh, sir!" She scurried out the wall quickly, before anyone could attack her again. She would live today. She would live tomorrow, and the day after that. This time, life itself would fade before her.

    (OoC: came back from school, decided the dream sequence sounded a bit rushed, and tweaked it a bit. I also buried another video game reference in here.)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:20 pm

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    Saffron City, Morning

    It was...strange. To behold it all went beyond all of the intelligent duck's comprehension. The spider fled, only to kill the snake, only for Ho-oh, the almighty God of Resurrection, to revive the snake and then leave. Such things simply did not happen...ever. Pondering the scenario, he decided to return to his perch. Odd... considering what had happened to this place, that the Gods still cared enough to revive the living. Indeed he was perplexed. Amidst his thoughts he grabbed a book and read a few pages, ignoring what was going on around him to enjoy the story. These people didn't require his help it seemed. Questioning his own actions at this point, he closed the book and leaned against the metal beam that supported his home. Why had it all happened?

    More importantly... why didn't he care?

    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:58 pm

    (Pass. :|)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:43 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Saffron City [Southern streets] | Late morning | 71
    The Snivy's feet made soft padding noises against the cobblestone walkways as she galumphed around the city. Her eyes were still getting adjusted to the light of what was almost afternoon, and she decided she would take the time to go through what had happened in the past month. She got her leg crushed by a Garchomp, met two shiny Pokémon (Bells the Flaffy and Crimson the Quilava) in a day, tried to cure an Infected Grovyle (Shark) of its infection, ran off into the woods looking for a friend that had already crossed over to the Undead's ranks, met a third shiny Pokémon (Ayumi the Luxray) and threw snowballs at an Infected Porygon (Hackyrus, she believed) with her, met Jirachi and told her she was sparkly, kicked some Hoenn starter Pokémon's asses, murdered the Infected Porygon she threw snowballs at that morning, escaped from a burning building, got killed and eaten by a spider (Angel, that Galvantula), and was finally revived by Ho-Oh. "I've led a full life in the past month... I really appreciate Ho-Oh reviving me, but... why? It seems I've already done everything and more that anyone could do in a life time... I've met three discolored Pokémon, talked to an Infected, met Jirachi, and I've died and came back through Ho-Oh's whim. What now?" Kicking some of the slush on the ground where Angel had frozen it, she walked up to the Gym. "This is a gym. Humans brought Pokémon here to get a shiny button... I think. Mommy was never clear when she talked about humans... she also sounded kinda like she did something wrong to them." She walked inside, just out of curiosity.

    Saffron City [Gym]
    The walls were only barely falling in and there were no artificial lights in the abandoned building, so it was naturally quite dark. There were a few holes in the ceiling so it was possible to see a little bit, but not enough to illuminate the building. Yue felt around until she bumped into the Gym statue. She looked up and gasped, she had never seen a human thing like this before. She backed away to see its entirety, and the gym was silent for a while. Yue marveled at the statue, a Rhydon worn down over time and broken in places, before hearing quiet breathing... heavy breathing, at that. She knew how to preserve her life this time, and dashed out of the gym. She looked back to see if there was something following her... and there was. An Infected Alakazam was lumbering out of the doorway. "Wonderful," she muttered under her breath, "Just the way to keep living, huh?"

    (OoC: Telling Jirachi she's sparkly is a running gag of mine. IT WILL HAPPEN A THIRD TIME, I ASSURE YOU, JIRACHI! xD)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:13 am

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    Pokemon Centre | Saffron City | Morning |(51)

    Angel is as confused as if she had just been hit by a Zubat's Supersonic. One moment she had been beside the Snivy and then bright, much bright had hurt her red eyes and she had chittered in pain as the rainbow bird had done...something.
    She twitches her forelimbs in her confusion, watching the dying wall of fire burn away to ashes.
    For a moment she had been double; she saw the snivy and Walter run back home to Mother and at the same time she had seen the pretty shining thing revive it and Yue run off in the opposite direction.
    Blood still drying in a crust around her jaws she unconsciously runs a fringed forelimb over her stomach.
    It is still feeling full.
    "Goodbye..." She calls after the Snivy, confusion still ringing in her voice before she remembers she has been wounded.
    Twitching and struggling to get into the correct position she manages to run a limb along the wound and looks at the blood like fluid welling from her body that now stains her caraparced leg's tip.
    She experimentally licks it and pulls a face. It tastes fouler than engine oil.

    With a persistent tap, tap tapping of her pointed legs on the hard terrain Angel scurries back into the bowels of the human building, raising her yellow furred head to the sky as she curiously sniffs around. She just knows she has more siblings here to help. She just can't find them.
    "Where is the light?..." she mutters sadly under her breath, tossing aside a fallen chunk of masonry to look underneath it.
    "I wonder if its weeping somewhere..."

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:35 pm

    Can't post Image right now. Would if I could.

    Saffron, Morning

    It was too quiet. Ignoring the bleeding spider that was scuttling away, he returned to the fools. Seeing the Scyther made him laugh, and even more so when he witnessed the Snivy. Sure, it was a wonderous sight to behold Ho-oh resurrect one so quickly. Why did the Snivy deserve it though? She probably needed to die. It'd save everyone alot of trouble. He nearly chuckled again, looking at the Snivy much more calmly.

    "You going to stand there all day or are you going to move? We need to go. All of you do... now."

    He wasn't in a gaming mood, nor would he accept no for an answer. She needed to stay safe. They all did, and he had what they needed. They needed to stop being to so reckless and start listening to him. He had the brains and the supplies to keep them alive, so if they didn't halt their pathetic attempts at survival and started obeying what he said they were all going to die. Of this he was very certain. Not that he was fully sure they'd listen to him. Especially that damned Serperior and Snivy.

    "It seems you will need my help after all little girl, considering your 'Guardian' Infected killed you moments ago. Now enough of your nonsense. I have food and water in my perch. Come with me if you don't want to die twice."


    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:18 pm

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    Fighting Dojo | Morning (5)

    Enixx saw the Dojo appear in the distance. They were almost there. She picked up her pace and blazed at a speed that would make Memphis's face jiggle hilariously from the wind (OoC: Lol.). "We can rest now..," said Enixx. She was ready to bolt at any given time, however. They weren't ready yet to fight Infected. They needed the rest of the team and their numbers were scattered. "We have to wait for the others. A single twig is weak, but a bundle of twigs is strong," she decided. Hunger was reaching her mind. "Does anyone have anything to eat?" the Scyther asked.

    (OoC: Short post is short, but really not much to do until Thom and Memphis recoup.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:21 pm

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    Pokemon Centre | Saffron City | Morning |(52)

    With a myriad of tiny 'tak' noises from her pointed legs Angel scuttles her way through the building.
    "Goodbye..." She whispers to herself as she hungrily searches top and bottom for any trace of living still left in this place.
    Her clumsy body scatters jars and topples stacks of carefully piled boxes to the ground and she largely ignores the racket caused by her inexpert searching.
    "Lullaby!" She protests sulkily, stamping a blue caraparced foot moodily and pouting.
    Giving up on searching this place she scuttles outside to comport her little sister.
    So scavenger has eaten one of the rattata's eyes but in the haze of her slowly dissolving mind Angel sees the tiny rodent look up at her and wag a purple tail happily.
    She once again picks the corpse up in her jaws.
    She scuttles towards the charred remains of Silph Co.

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