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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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11 posters

    The SAFFRON Team


    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:35 am

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    Saffron City|Morning (7)

    Thom watched the ice attack move closer to him. When it got very close, the Servine made a run for it, following Yue to a place he recognized as the Poke Mart. The opening was tiny, but he was able to get his slender body through the opening.

    Saffron City|Poke Mart

    Once inside, Thom let out a sigh of relief. As soon as he inhaled, he picked up on a scent. A familiar one. He followed the scent until he reached a brown backpack that had small round holes in it, covered in blood. He recognized this bag. "No..." He whispered to himself. Thom went through the bag to see if what he was thinking was the truth after all. He found a photograph in the bag.

    His thoughts were right.

    The Servine was speechless. All this time, he thought his trainer, Jennifer, was still alive. Tears formed in his eyes as the realization hit him like a high speed train. He sat down and cried. "All this time..." Thom whispered. His whisper turned into a loud cry of frustration. "All this time and you were fucking dead?!" He used a Slam attack on the bag, out of anger. He felt betrayed because he was all alone now. Once again, he found himself on the ground crying.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:13 pm

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    Ouside the pokemon centre | Saffron City | Morning |(43)

    Although she is lacking some of them the Galvantula's keen eyes pick up the tiny crack in the walls of the pokecentre.
    With care Angel brushes her fringed forelimbs over the hole in the rough plaster, testing the wall for any weakness.
    She plunges in the navy blue tip of one caraparced leg and wiggles it around in the gap but although it causes a small puff of plaster dust there is simply not enough room for her to fit her sizable bulk through.
    Under the stained yellow fur of her jaws Angel gnashes he razor teeth with frustration.
    The Snivy has gone inside and it will take a long time of constant pounding of the walls to enlarge the gap enough for her to fit through.
    The galvantula chooses instead to creep around to the front of the pokecentre once again to pick up the body of the servine to take to Mother.
    The thin film of ice that remains on the pavement makes her legs slip out from under her at inconveniant moments and it is with great difficulty Angel searches the debris and finds that the other grass type is well and truly gone.
    She twitches her fringed forelimbs in agitation and begins a long scuttle around the building to where her powerful Thunder had blown a hole in the building previously.
    "Close your eyes." She murmurs to comfort herself.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:30 pm

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    Silph Co., Morning

    "Of all the shitholes I wind up in this one. Hmmph. Well, I suppose now would be time as any to read... but of course every copy of Ulysses is either gone or was taken with the humans... typical."
    After his stout snort of disapproval, he waddled out of the building, taking flight and perching on a streetlight. Squawking a morning salute to the sun he looked at, he flew off once more. There really wasn't much of anything. He found by dousing his Stick in the blood of Infected, most ignored him, thinking he was Infected himself. Of course, he couldn't stand to see the blood, so he washed it off, but thankfully the scent remained. The Stick reaked of death and it made him smile. The intelligent duck regarded what was below him half-heartedly, and perched on the PokeCenter Roof. Then... he saw them.

    Not trusting them yet, he kept himself quiet, and his breathing quieter, as he looked at them... Just outside the Poke Mart. All of them. Lost, confused, needing guidance. Then a thought hit TBC... it was natural instinct to tell others what was right and what was smart. Why not these poor souls. One was crying, another humming, and one looking around looking clueless more than the others. Truly pitiful, and simultaneously perfect. Nobody, and he meant nobody, could resist his natural charm and charismatic aroma of arrogance. Even those who disliked him were drawn to him instinctively.

    "The Big Cheese means Head Honcho after all... they need somebody to hold up the torch and get them through the fog."
    With a confident, and simultaneously kind and caring smile, he flew down at a slow glide to the Mart, landing quietly and approaching. Tapping his Stick gently against the broken door of the Mart, he squawked a few kind words to lull them and soothe them, so the wouldn't attack him.
    "Come now. You all must get moving...in an hour this place will be swarming with Infected who've caught your scent... I'll help you get going if you wish. But we mustn't linger. Survival is paramount."
    The very way he spoke was gentle and relaxing. It was his gift. He could quell a Gyarados with that calm voice, the way it was simultaneously firm and orderly and yet helpful and gentle. Like a Father's voice.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:53 am

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    Saffron City [Poké Mart] | Morning | 67
    (OoC: Silph Co. had burnt down earlier...)
    As Yue finished the Pecha Berry, she noticed Thom was mumbling to himself. She was about to ask what was wrong until he screamed in anger. "All this time and you were fucking dead?!" Yue flinched at this. She was startled by his yelling, as well as stuck on how to comfort him, this wasn't something she knew how to deal with. He used a Slam attack on the bag and soon began to cry.
    "You know... They got my whole family in front of my eyes. I could have even saved them if I told them I had seen the infected... But, that was a year ago... Lingering in the past is something the both of us shouldn't do." There was a pause before a tapping noise was heard on the door and a kind and pleasant voice rung out.
    "Come now. You all must get moving...in an hour this place will be swarming with Infected who've caught your scent... I'll help you get going if you wish. But we mustn't linger. Survival is paramount."
    Yue glanced at the newcomer, a Farfetch'd. "... I have two concerns: One, we just got here, and I at least would like to rest. Two, how did you not get eaten by the monster spider out there?"

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:41 pm

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    Saffron Poke Mart|Morning (8)

    Thom was showing weakness. His crying grew silent, even though tears still rolled down his eyes. He had completely lost his cool over the death of a friend. He looked over to Yue, "You know... They got my whole family in front of my eyes. I could have even saved them if I told them I had seen the infected... But, that was a year ago... Lingering in the past is something the both of us shouldn't do." The Servine was just experiencing a rush of emotions and they kept changing really quickly. He couldn't stop himself from running over to Yue and hugging her tightly. "Thank you, Yue..." Without even realizing what he was doing, he gave the Snivy a quick peck on the cheek.

    Thom heard a tapping noise on the door. A Farfetch'd was there. "Come now. You all must get moving...in an hour this place will be swarming with Infected who've caught your scent... I'll help you get going if you wish. But we mustn't linger. Survival is paramount." Thom tilted his head in confusion. "But we just got here," Thom said, "Don't you think it would be best to rest for a little while?"

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:48 pm

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    Poke Mart, Morning (2)

    TBC smirked slyly at the questions. They truly DID need his help.
    "I survived because my Stick here wads dipped in Infected blood, makes me smell like one of them so they don't attack me... and as for the matter of resting. Resting a luxury we can't afford. This whole place will be crawling when they smell you... which they will. Soon."
    With a twirl of his Stick, he backed out of the way of the door, gesturing for them to follow him. At this very moment, he might be, in his eyes, their best chance at survival. With his knowledge he'd easily devise a plan to help them escape, survive, and continue such living. TBC smiled gently at them, knowing they'd be uneasy taking orders from a random stranger. Calling forth his gentle, sweet voice again, he smiled kindly again.
    "My name is TBC by the way... to whom and I speaking?"
    Introductions usually quelled any fears people had about listening to another. Know their name, and that is the first bond of trust. It worked with any Pokemon he'd ever met... and he'd mat quite a few odd ducks in his time... no pun intended.

    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:56 am

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    Poke Mart | Morning (1)
    Enixx had stopped by a nearby building by a PokeMart, away from sight to rest very briefly before she would start running away from the swarm of Infecteds again. She had overheard the conversation between the Farfetch'd and the Snivy. "My name is Enixx and he's right, I'm being chased by a swarm of them. They'll reach me in a few minutes, and I'm only willing to give it a max time cap of 20. You all better get going," she yelled across the alley to them, preferring to stay out of their way. She didn't like the bloody Galvantula who was creeping around the Mart, who seemed to have dealt with numerous very powerful enemies before due to her scars. It seemed like Enixx wouldn't be able to battle him, her, or WHATEVER it was and come out alive. But it seemed like these Pokemon were a team, and she had been looking for a team for a while. If she bumped into them again further down the road, maybe she would ask to join.
    Hmm... And then there were the Infecteds chasing her... She decided to rest for five minutes, steal some healing merchandise, and spray them on herself on the run. Or drink it down, if she had to. That seemed like a likely option. After all, her species didn't have hands or anything of the like.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:55 pm

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    Poke Mart | Morning (1)

    Memphis laid curled up under a shelf inside the Poke Mart. She had been woken up by Pokemon coming inside the Poke Mart and had hidden further under the shelf in worry until she began to hear them talking and began to realized that these Pokemon must be living since she hadn't heard many of the undead and infected Pokemon talk She then heard one of the Pokemon about living this place before infected and undead find them. Not wanting to be alone again Memphis slithered out from her hiding spot and look nervously at the group of Pokemon. "H-Hello," she said softly as she look around at the group of Pokemon around her. She saw a Snivy, Servine, and Farfetch'd. It had taken her a bit to recognized the two grass snake Pokemon since she they weren't from her region but Apollo had showed her pictures of Pokemon that was snake-like like herself as well as her evolution.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:27 pm

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    Ouside the pokemon centre | Saffron City | Morning |(44)

    ((Was skipped by TBC))

    "Lullaby..." Angel's questing limbs find her previous hasty enterance, she squuezes her body in through the broken walls, her ruby red eyes gleaming in the dark and her black dripping jaws spilling foul smelling goo onto the floors. She wipes some away with a fringed forlimb before taking a tenous grasp on the broken masonry.
    Silly things, silly silly things.
    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes." She shreiks as she scuttles swiftly down the corridors, turning her head from side of side as she scans the long since abandoned rooms.
    Surgical machinery, dusty labcoats, boxes and cartons of healing potions, she doesn't care about any of them.
    What cares about is the luring scent of others.
    Brothers and Sisters in need of help.
    Angel will not abandon them.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:24 pm

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    Saffron City [Poké Mart] | Morning | 68
    Yue was practically tackled by Thom's sudden hug. "Thank you, Yue..." She tried not to suffocate in his hug. He gave Yue a quick peck on the cheek. Yue didn't know how to react, and would have choked up on her words had the Farfetch'd not come right after.

    (Divider because this happened before TBC came, this is confusing. xD)

    The Farfetch'd smirked as he answered Yue's question. Yue wasn't even sure how that was possible. "I survived because my Stick here wads dipped in Infected blood, makes me smell like one of them so they don't attack me... and as for the matter of resting. Resting a luxury we can't afford. This whole place will be crawling when they smell you... which they will. Soon." Yue wasn't too amused. She didn't like how overconfident this guy was and how he thought he could just swoop in and become their leader. "My name is TBC by the way... to whom and I speaking?"

    "You speak too soon about the Galvantula," she spoke up, "It's very territorial. It has attacked other infected. Even some with a major type advantage over it. I was there to watch. Its foe was an Altaria, big and bulky and looking like it was a human's at one point. It bit its head off and ate it like it was some sort of drumstick. It also knows an Ice-type move, so you're in this problem as deep as we are." She paused. "I don't like your attitude... And I'm not sure I want to trust you."

    "My name is Enixx and he's right, I'm being chased by a swarm of them. They'll reach me in a few minutes, and I'm only willing to give it a max time cap of 20. You all better get going," yelled a voice from an alley. "Twenty what?" She asked. Yue couldn't see what it was clearly, but it was greenish and sounded female. It didn't sound hostile, so she thought, anyway, there might more friendly faces out there.

    "H-Hello," Another voice called out. It was an Ekans. She wore a collar jeweled with stones- she wasn't sure if they were real or not- and spoke with a rather nervous tone. Antisocial? Possibly. Shy? Obviously. "Hello there," Yue said, smiling at the newcomer. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

    Last edited by Neoven8tr on Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:41 am

    (Skip me, please. Can't really think of a decent post at the moment.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:47 am

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    Ouside the pokemon centre | Saffron City | Morning |(45)

    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes..." The ominous sound echoes through the dark places as Angel finds an open space in the wall and crawls inside it, her four legs lending her perfect grip as she climbs up the wooden support inside the wall to the empty spaces near the roof.
    "It was always you that I despised"
    Eerily the song penetrates the building, echoing disorted from the broken walls and filling the corners of rooms as she passes like a grotesque distortion of elevator music.
    "I don't care enough for you to cry."
    The sound edges closer to the living pokemon as the Elespider searches.
    Her ruby colored eyes gleam through a gap in the wall.
    Found you...
    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes."
    Then Angel begins to make an earsplitting sound, a screeching buzzing that drills right into the centre of the skull like the worst migrane imaginable.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:12 pm

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    Pokemon Center, Morning

    He was getting irritated by how stubborn they were, though it was not evident on his features. He twirled his Stick carelessly and strode over to the Snivy calmly. He smiled gently and soothingly to her, to attempt to quell her distrust for him.
    "My dear I apologize if I'm coming off forceful but this is indeed a life or death situation. If you'll just follow me I can take you somewhere you can rest for a time, if you'll only trust me."

    He held his wing out to her in a gesture of friendship, offering for her to take hold of his wing, offering another to the Servine. Then... he heard an earsplitting noise. It is common knowledge that Farfetch'd have sensitive ears, and the sound was boring into his brain. He kept his wing out to her so as to not appear weak, but the pain of the noise soon became evident on his face, and he grimaced, but still refusing to cover his ears. He got close to her face so she'd hear his next words above the noise.
    "I suggest we get away from this sound before our head turn to jelly."

    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:59 pm

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    Poke Mart | Morning (2)

    Enixx didn't exactly care about these strangers. She barely knew them and wasn't cozying up yet after just a few sentences. It had been two minutes already. 18 minutes left. She heard an annoying sound from far off... Apparently the Farfetch'd had very sharp ears, because she saw him grimace as she looked around the corner of the building to look into the PokeMart. She mentally measured the level of the sound and panicked slightly, again in her mind. --That's only 14 minutes left! They're faster than I thought...
    Enixx made a decision to ransack the PokeMart quickly and make haste for the road.
    "I'm going to gather some supplies for myself. This place has some stuff left and is of no use to the Infected," she told the group. She threw a messenger bag over her shoulder and tested the strap. --This should last some blade whacking.
    The Mantis Pokemon bashed through the glass of the fridge door and, flipping open the cover of her still-tagged satchel with a quick flick of her scythe, pushed a few Super and Hyper potions into it. But only a few. Too many would slow her down and make her living meat for the undead further behind. She took a couple of revives from behind the counter and stopped in her raid to look at a volume of dusty pages in the corner. Enixx realized this PokeMart was well-stocked for one in these times. It did seem pretty clean from the outside, so she guessed not many had been here before them. Enixx made a split decision and scooted the heavy book in her bag, using her foot like a janitor would use a broom to brush dust into a lobby dustpan. Sure, it may slow her down, but it was heavy and would come in useful for cracking over an enemy's head.
    After hopping back over the counter, she noticed the small Ekans on the floor and peered a bit closer. "H-hello," said the Ekans. The Ekans had a pretty jeweled collar of a sort. "Hello to you too," Enixx responded. But the Mantis Pokemon felt a strong urge to get out fast. She was nervous about the Infected drawing near her.

    She turned to the rest of the team. "The Infected are gaining faster than I thought. I'm going to give it 14 minutes tops now. Are any of you coming with me? Because it'd be a shame to run into several hostile Pokemon down the road without anyone to help," Enixx said. "Plus, you seem to have some valuable persuasive skills in that cranium of yours and I'd rather not leave you to... the Infected," Enixx hinted, waving vaguely at the Farfetch'd. She set a Super potion on the counter and sliced a small leak in it and poured it over her wounds, leaving half to use up later.
    She closed her bag and sliced the tag off neatly and quickly with her sharp blades. Enixx took a last look around and decided that was it for her thousand-dollar shopping spree. The bag was a bit heavy, so she offered a few super potions to the Ekans, Snivy, Farfetch'd, and Servine. "Take them while you can before they get here. Are any of you coming with me?" Enixx asked. She waited for their responses, planning to run out the door as soon as she got an answer.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:06 am

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    Poke Mart | Morning (2)

    "Hello there. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." Memphis heard the Snivy say to her. This caused the little Ekans to smile at the other snake already feeling comfortable around her since she seemed to be really kind. She looked at the Farfetch'd as he tried to urge the others to listen to him. When the ear-splitting noise started the Ekans grimance at the sound and judging by the look on the Farfetch'd face she figured that the sound effected him as well. The Servine still hasn't said anything but she heard another voice saying, "Hello to you too." She look and saw the Scyther before she began to gather items and put them in her bag. The young Ekans figured that the items will defiantly come in handy on the trail in case any of them were injured. "The Infected are gaining faster than I thought. I'm going to give it 14 minutes tops now. Are any of you coming with me? Because it'd be a shame to run into several hostile Pokemon down the road without anyone to help. Plus, you seem to have some valuable persuasive skills in that cranium of yours and I'd rather not leave you to... the Infected." Memphis had to agree with the mantis Pokemon and accepted the items that the Syther gave to her though she didn't have a way to carry them, that is until she saw an empty sack that looked to be light enough for her to carry as long as she gets someone to tie it on her once they were safe. Until then she'll carry it in her mouth. The Ekans grabbed the little sack and put the items that the Scyther gave her in it. When she heard the Scyther ask if any of them were coming with her she said, "I'll come with you and I hope everyone else will. Not only will our strenghts be useful if we battle but it could help us in many ways." In the urgancy in getting away from any infect heading their way the little Ekans let go of her shyness for the moment.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:31 am

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    Saffron City [Poké Mart] | Late morning | 69
    This Farftech'd was starting to get on Yue's nerves. He twirled his Stick carelessly and strode over to Yue calmly. "My dear I apologize if I'm coming off forceful but this is indeed a life or death situation. If you'll just follow me I can take you somewhere you can rest for a time, if you'll only trust me." How SLEAZY. If you wanted to make a cheesy horrid pun... it was CHEESY. Yue wanted to barf. An earsplitting screech suddenly rung through the air. Yue winced. "I suggest we get away from this sound before our heads turn to jelly."

    Why should I trust you?! This is an alien invasion! ...If you don't count the fact that they're zombies, she thought. "I'll follow your little attention cult when you prove your authority. Wipe some zombies out." She shot him a narrow look. "I hear your kind was endangered because humans ate your species. Let's not demonstrate how good you'd taste today." Her expression reverted to her mildly annoyed look from before. "I have been told that if I were a human, I'd be eight. If an eight-year old can murder, you can too."

    "I'm going to gather some supplies for myself. This place has some stuff left and is of no use to the Infected," stated a Scyther that had just seemed to appear. Yue recognized the voice as the one who yelled out earlier. "... Twenty what?" Yue parroted just like she had earlier. The Scyther than ransacked the store. Then, saw the Ekans from earlier. "Hello to you too," she greeted the purple snake. "The Infected are gaining faster than I thought. I'm going to give it 14 minutes tops now. Are any of you coming with me? Because it'd be a shame to run into several hostile Pokemon down the road without anyone to help," the Scyther, Enixx, said. "Plus, you seem to have some valuable persuasive skills in that cranium of yours and I'd rather not leave you to... the Infected," she said, hinting at TBC when she said that. She healed herself with the orange and red variety of human inventions before stating clearly to "Take them while you can before they get here. Are any of you coming with me?"

    "I'll come with you and I hope everyone else will. Not only will our strenghts be useful if we battle but it could help us in many ways," said the Ekans. She had momentary bravery, at least, not eternal shyness. Maybe even being with others would help her in overcoming shyness. Yue shrugged. "Strength in numbers... I already have some supplies, by the way. I just raided the Pokémon Center."

    (OoC: You win if you can weed out my sneaky reference to another video game here. YOU WIN.)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:14 am

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    Saffron Poke Mart|Late Morning (9)

    A lot had happened in such a short time.

    The Farfetch'd was going on about how they needed to get away. Who was he to tell them what to do? He was too damn smug for someone like Thom. A Scyther and an Ekans joined the group. The Scyther wasn't very nice. She was giving them a set amount of time before they had to leave. The Ekans, on the other hand, seemed to be a bit shy. But she was still nice, so Thom walked up to her. "Hello." He said with a smile. "My name is Thom."

    Thom looked at the Farfetch'd and frowned. He was starting to become a bit of a hypocrite. The Scyther offered to take them some place that seemed to be safe, according to her. Yue and the Ekans chose to go with her. Thom didn't need to think about it. Either be stuck with the asshole duck and most likely get killed, or go with the group to a safe destination. "I'll go too." He said, moving the headphones from his head to his neck. "We're better off staying in numbers than with a duck who seems to be all talk, right?"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:43 pm

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    Pokemon centre | Saffron City | Morning |(46)

    A blue tipped claw forces its way through the weaker plasterboard walls.
    Smash! Smash! Smash!
    Three more join it as Angel claws her way through the wall, scattering plaster dust and chunks of dry wall as the Undead elespider hurries into the light.
    Her ruby eyes are ravenous, dark stained saliva oozes from her jaws.
    "Lullaby!" She screeches as she falls on her target, digging her electrified teeth into it again and again and again.
    The disorientated Ratatta squeals one last time before the electric webbing paralyzes its throat and Angel busies herself in wrapping up the no longer struggling rodent in a still sparking web of electricity.
    "Where is the light? I wonder if its weeping somewhere..." Angel tells it as she hangs the pokemon from the rafters to take to Mother later.
    Nosing her way through the debris the elespider pokemon sweeps aside old IV packets and twisted parts of metal until she finds the thing she has been looking for.
    She swiftly tucks it into her cheeks, storing inside her cavernous mouth for when it is needed.
    Then she quizzically tilts her head to the side.
    She can hear something, no she can feel the vibrations running through her feet like a spider on a web.
    "Eyes?" She asks herself quizzically.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:55 pm

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    Saffron City Center, Morning

    All he had been was kind to them. The only one who didn't seem to dislike him was the Scyther, and that was no better. The ignorant and rude Snivy had made jabs about HIS SPECIES. Now shit just got personal. Then, that emotional fucking Servine had the balls to give him a hateful look!
    "Why is it you all must insult me? What is it with you insufferable grass types? Always frolicking about like you're better than everyone else?!"

    He let the words sink in before he began again, this time speaking directly to the Snivy.
    "Of course when somebody is genuinely concerned about you and cares enough to go out of his fucking way to offer aid and assistance you fucking insult his species and then have the nerve to tell him to fucking FIGHT WITH YOU?!"

    TBC pulled at the feathers at the top of his head before angrily knocking some assorted items off the shelves with his stick. Panting angrily, he didn't bother looking at those rude and improper grass-types. When he spoke again, it was low, calm, and most of all, devoid of any more emotion.
    "Trust is a two-way street you ignorant children, and if you think you can survive with no supplies, nowhere to hide, and no eyes in the sky warning you if something is up ahead to eat you, then go ahead and die, because you proved to me already how much you deserve my help.... I'd rather stay with the Scyther than you two repugnant bufoons."

    Without another word, he stepped out, and prepared to take wing, merely squawking to the Scyther, as means to summon it and make it follow him to where he planned to hide. After all, it was the only one so far who had actually listened to his plan.

    Age : 34
    Posts : 62

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by AdminTestAccount Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:55 pm

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    Poke Mart | Morning (3)

    So it seemed like everyone wanted to go with her and specifically NOT the Farfetch'd and the Farfetch'd wanted Enixx to follow him. Not good. They obviously didn't want to follow the brown bird Pokemon and she would rather continue on her own way with the rest of the group than be led by someone else with only one person with her. With the Farfetch'd, it'd be a group of two. And with her, it'd be a group of four. But then she did want the Farfetch'd to come with her, too. The more the better. She had a feeling she would become the team peacekeeper for a while.
    "Alright, so here's the problem. The Infected will arrive within a matter of minutes now, so we don't have a week to ponder each option. It seems like Mr. Farfetch'd here--what's his name, TBC?--wants me to come with him. But the rest of you want to come with me, and not him, as you all have voiced. I don't want to lose TBC, since from what he's shown, I'm sure he'll be valuable to have on a team. I'm just going my own way and I don't intend to follow anyone. So since I don't want to lose TBC, I would rather he followed us too and later check out his hideout. The thing is, it seems like none of you trust him. Can I be sure that any of you aren't going to harm him? Safety comes in numbers and we need all the backup we can get," Enixx said.

    "Make your decisions fast, because we really don't have time and we want to stay as far ahead from the Infected as possible for now, right?" she added.
    Enixx didn't like wasting time. She was getting a little jumpy and anxious to get back out on the run. There wasn't much time left now. Just in a few minutes...
    --Wait! Didn't the Snivy say something about an Undead Galvantula with them?
    "Hold on, Snivy, whatever your name is, you mentioned an Undead Galvantula with you all. Where is it?"
    The Scyther didn't like Undead Pokemon--She didn't know any living who did--and wanted to at least know something about the possible enemy before a possible battle. Maybe on the road...

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:26 pm

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    Poke Mart | Morning (3)

    Memphis looked at the new group around her. She noticed that the Snivy doesn't really like the Farfetch'd which the young Ekans can't understand why. But then again she had just met everyone here so she doesn't know what the Farfetch'd is really like. She listen as the Scyther, Enixx, said, "Alright, so here's the problem. The Infected will arrive within a matter of minutes now, so we don't have a week to ponder each option. It seems like Mr. Farfetch'd here--what's his name, TBC?--wants me to come with him. But the rest of you want to come with me, and not him, as you all have voiced. I don't want to lose TBC, since from what he's shown, I'm sure he'll be valuable to have on a team. I'm just going my own way and I don't intend to follow anyone. So since I don't want to lose TBC, I would rather he followed us too and later check out his hideout. The thing is, it seems like none of you trust him. Can I be sure that any of you aren't going to harm him? Safety comes in numbers and we need all the backup we can get." The Ekans had never heard so much being said in just a few seconds but she listen to what the Scyther said and glance at the Farfetch'd. She was about to go to the duck, though cautiously because she heard that some birds eat snakes like her, but before she could she heard a male voice say beside her, "Hello. My name is Thom." She looked at the Servine and saw him smiling at her which cause Memphis to relax some more and smile back. Her shyness was returning but she fault it back because they had to get out of this place and soon, especially if there are undead or infected heading their way. "It's nice to meet you Thom my name is Memphis," she said giving him another smile before she looked at the Scyther and then at the Farfetch'd and added, "It will be nice to have another flying type in the group since you both are able to fly up high in the sky and look around from the sky from any possible trouble." She hoped the Farfetch'd caught her words before he took off on his own. She could tell the bird was getting aggravated with the others for some reason.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:24 am

    (OoC: I'm sorry, but I have to skip. SCHOOL. :c)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:28 pm

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    Saffron Poke Mart|Late Morning (10)

    The Scyther seemed to be taking over the role as leader of the group. "Alright, so here's the problem. The Infected will arrive within a matter of minutes now, so we don't have a week to ponder each option. It seems like Mr. Farfetch'd here--what's his name, TBC?--wants me to come with him. But the rest of you want to come with me, and not him, as you all have voiced. I don't want to lose TBC, since from what he's shown, I'm sure he'll be valuable to have on a team. I'm just going my own way and I don't intend to follow anyone. So since I don't want to lose TBC, I would rather he followed us too and later check out his hideout. The thing is, it seems like none of you trust him. Can I be sure that any of you aren't going to harm him? Safety comes in numbers and we need all the backup we can get,"

    Thom sighed. He really didn't want the Farfetch'd to go with them, but at the same time, he didn't want to be left out of a group because of one person. The Scyther mentioned something about the Galvantula still being out there. "One of us should go check to see if it's still out there..." The Servine said. "I nominate TBC to go out and check..." He said the last sentence with a hint of sarcasm. If he didn't hear TBC after he left, then the spider is still out there.

    (Crappy post is crappy...)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:46 am

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    Pokemon centre | Saffron City | Morning |(47)

    "Lullaby?" She asks the hanging corpse of the ratatta.
    It does not reply and merely oozes dark blood from one corner of its mouth.
    "Oh yes Sister we should go and check it out right away. I'm so happy to be playing with you." Angel's rotting brain provides the voice for herself.
    With an approving nod the Elespider pulls the limbless remains of the rattata down from her web, a few stray sparks skill playing around the tattered webbing as she tears the ratata away from its center and holds the tiny rodent pokemon firmly between hr jaws.
    She can't sing with such a burden still in her mouth so she merely hums contently as she drags carries the corpse with her like a doll as the Galvantula scuttles outside.
    Her pointed tipped legs make small noises as they tap on the paved ground.
    The remains of her former attack are still visible as a thin veneer of melting ice upon the paving stones as Angel throws one red eyed look at the Pokemart. With her torn face her eyesight isn't what it used to be but she swears she can detect movement inside...

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:06 am

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    PokeMart, Morning

    TBC sneered at the repugnant Servine. The cocky child wanted him to die? He refused to lay down so easily.
    "Burn in hell you fucking snake. I'll see you there soon enough."

    He stepped outside and slammed his Stick into the ground like a cane, tapping out a drum-like beat. With a confident smile, he took wing, flying towards Silph Co. His nest was there. It was safe, secure, and most of all, he had supplies. They wouldn't... for all he cared they COULD burn in hell. They all wanted him dead so badly? Fine. He'd leave. Some of them didn't deserve the scorn and burning hatred, like the Ekans and the Scyther, but nobody wanted to listen. Everyone wanted to argue. The time for argument passed when this crisis took hold of the Earth. This was not the time for pathetic insults and petty disputes. They could die... all of them.

    TBC's Perch/Silph Co. 8th Floor, Morning

    The silence was deafening. There was nothing. Nobody to help. Nobody to enjoy the peace and safety with. He forced the thoughts away. They drove him off. It was their fault. If they didn't want his help that's all they had to say. They didn't have to insult him. Nothing would find him, get him, hurt him, or eat him here. Grabbing some stored berries he popped a few in his mouth for good measure, to curb his guilt and get something in his now rumbling stomach.

    "Soon enough they'll need me... these people always do. Especially since they're sharing space with that spider... it'll turn on them. Infected always do. You think they're tame... like goddamn pets? No... they're beasts... and they'll all die soon enough. They'll regret not getting my help. I'll watch as this place tears at them. Their souls, flesh, minds, all succumbing to madness and decay as this... disease, rips at them. Soon they'll be marked. Soon... this place will conquer them... and I'll be watching when it does."

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