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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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11 posters

    The SAFFRON Team


    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:42 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Saffron City [Pokémon Center] | Night | 52
    "Pokemon! Tonight we dine in..... oh darn I forget that part... gimme a second here...."
    Helena had jumped onto the Xatu and was mauling it. A cloud of dust was kicked up as the Xatu was thrashing about wildly. Telekinetic energy flew around in a light hue of pink.
    "It's rude to interrupt people while they're trying to think! Didn't your mommy teach you manners?" She back-flipped off of the Xatu and smiled. It was unconscious for a while, but it soon tripped Helena with its wings. Helena wrapped her tail around the Xatu's neck and blasted it with a rainbow psychic energy. The Xatu's head crumpled.
    Yue stepped back. "Well, I didn't know you were such a mass murderer, Helena."
    To make an effort to help, she fired a small seed into the Altaria's flesh. It made a bullet-like impact and quickly grew vines around the affected area.
    "Ah, that's refreshing."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:43 am

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    Outside Saffron Pokecentre |Night (33)

    "It was always you that I despised" Angel squeezes her bulk in through the cracked walls of the pokecentre. The smell of blood and rot doesn't bother her at all but the sounds from up ahead and the blurred shapes she had seen through the roof did.
    They would not hurt her siblings!
    The galvantula scurries quickly towards the sounds of conflict, sparks flying from her jagged fur.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:12 am

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    Saffron Pokemon Center| Night (28)

    They continued to search the storage room of the pokemon center. Then, some infected bird pokemon flew in from one of the many holes in the beaten roof and attacked them. They got ready for battle. One of the three birds dove down to attack her. She moved out of the way, dodging its attack. She made glowing leaves float around her. She flung them at the birds, performing a Magical leaf attack. A couple of them were hit, but the attack did not seem to be very effective. The other pokemon continued to fight alongside each other, while helena yelling something that couldn't be heard clearly in the conflict.
    Forever noticed something spark in the back of the room. The giant spider-it was back-and it appeared to be wanting to join the fight too.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:26 am

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    Saffron City Streets| Night (8)

    Distant voices and loud noises, it took Civ a while to figure out that this was not coming from inside his head, that it was the world causing it. For some reason the sounds where starting to blur together, like one messy yelling crash that seemed to come from inside his skull. As if some voice was going crazy in his brain and was trying to pry itself out by destroying his skull. “Eh, crazier things have happened.”

    And indeed they have, just look at him.

    “Follow, or don’t….No point in not following, but if I follow it would no longer be a mystery.” He sighed, mysteries where not mysteries if they where not sought out, but then there would be no mystery left….and for some strange reason he wanted a little mystery. But fuck it, it’s not like he’d miss it anyways. So search he did for the noise.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:49 pm

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    Saffron City|Night (14)

    It seemed like everyone was in on killing the other two birds. Helena took care of the Xatu, while Yue was working the Altaria. However, Leah took on the Fearow herself. She kept wailing on it violently. She needed to settle the score with it.

    "The infection was spreading. Very quickly. David and I were still residing in Saffron at the time. We thought we could survive it. As we were on the rush for materials, we got attacked by an undead Fearow. But, for some reason, it wasn't intersted in me. It was more interested in David. It just tore him limb from limb and ate his insides. I attacked the Fearow. It wasn't strong enough to kill it, but it was more of a warning attack. It flew away, and it took David's life with it..."

    As she failed to fight back tears, she delivered a final blow to the Fearow, bringing him to the ground. As soon as it hit the ground, Leah stared it down. She then ran up to it and punched it nonstop. She refused to accept that it was dead. "YOU FUCKING KILLER!!! YOU TOOK DAVID AWAY!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!"

    (OoC: I give permission for anyone to pull Leah away from the corpse.)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:19 am

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    PokeCenter, Midnight

    "Be still. It's over."

    She adopted her mother's kind tone as she wrapped her front paw around Leah and gently pulled her away. Something clearly linked these two. Whoever this David character was clearly was important to her. Maybe even family. Helena wasn't sure, but she was certain not to let go until Leah was better. Nothing would allow her to let someone feel so sad and angry.

    "Calm down. Let the anger go. It's all over now. You did it. Now let the pain go, and relax..."

    Helena wasn't sure if this would soothe her like it would her, but then again, very few she has met can resist a hug. So... she hugged Leah. It wasn't an awkward hug, it was a gentle, kind hug, from someone who had already forgotten her anger towards the Roserade who had insulted her. It was simple in her mind. Someone needs help, so she helps, no matter who it is.

    "I know it hurts.... but you have to let it go. Or else it'll turn into a worse monster than them."

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:07 pm

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    Saffron City [Pokémon Center] | Night | 53
    (OoC: It's so short. :< )
    Yue quickly made a small Leaf Tornado aimed for the Altaria's neck, and it scraped it considerably before making it fly away due to the sudden whirlwind it causes.
    Helena went over to Leah to comfort her. She was especially angry at the Fearow, even though it was already a corpse. Yue offered what words she could.
    They got my mother and my father, too, She said. She looked at her tail. Well, my dad did give me a goodbye present before leaving... She paused. I'm sorry.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:30 am

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    Outside Saffron Pokecentre |Night (34)

    The sudden breath of wind against her fur the Galvantula was swift to find her opposition, a blue flying type grazed by sharp leaves and marked by holes from tiny seeds.
    "It was always you that I despised" She repeats, leaping off the floor to land on the weakened infected's back and pining it's cloud like wings with her pointed toes.
    It shreiks something unintelligable at her and she angrily retorts.
    "I don't care enough for you to cry."
    Her fringed fore-limbs grip it tightly as the bug-type's mouth opens fully, foul black goo oozing over her yellow fur from her rotting stomach.
    One harsh bite is enough to snap the Altaria's slender neck like a twig but Angel doesn't leave it there.
    The Galvantula twists her jaws and tears the bird-like dragon's head clean off before dragging it's body back into a quiet recess of the pokecenter.
    She can hear the loud noises very close ahead, the noises of anger and pain.
    What kind of sister would she be if she didn't comfort her siblings?
    They needed a hug from mother to make them feel better...
    Angel creeps closer, making no attempt to hide her presense from the others but making no agressive moves either.
    They would be jumpy enough, the electric type thinks.

    ((OOC:One more post until my next badge~))

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:11 pm

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    Saffron Pokemon Center | Night (30)

    The fighting was over as almost as fast as it started. The flock of bird pokemon that had attacked them lay on the ground, dead. Leah, however, was still angry, still yelling at the dead body. This someone-David-must have meant a lot to her.
    She walked up back to the group, offering her feelings as well. Helena said to her, in her always gentle tone, "Calm down. Let the anger go. It's all over now. You did it. Now let the pain go, and relax..."
    Relax now? The giant infected spider was still right behind them, chewing away at one of the birds. It seemed too busy with its meal to attack them at the moment. Helena hugged her as well. "I know it hurts.... but you have to let it go. Or else it'll turn into a worse monster than them." She was right. Yue offered what words she could.
    They got my mother and my father, too, She said. She looked at her tail. Well, my dad did give me a goodbye present before leaving... She paused. I'm sorry.'' Forever tried to help her feel better as well."I'm sorry about what happened to David. He must have meant lots to you."

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:09 pm

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    Saffron City Pokemon Center|Night (15)

    "Be still. It's over." Leah felt something take her away from the Fearow. It was Helena. "Calm down. Let the anger go. It's all over now. You did it. Now let the pain go, and relax..." Leah could tell Helena was helping her. It was true. The Fearow was dead. As a means of more comfort, Helena hugged the troubled Roserade. "I know it hurts.... but you have to let it go. Or else it'll turn into a worse monster than them." Leah returned the hug to the Espeon. This was the kind of comfort that was needed in times like these.

    Everyone else showed worry towards Leah. The Roserade began to calm down, but she was still shaking like a leaf. She slumped herself against the wall of the Pokemon Center, out of breath from everything. Helena was right, she did need to relax. David was already dead. The one who killed him was dead. It was all over.

    Leah looked around the pokemon center. She saw that the spider was back, devouring the Altaria. From her spot against the wall, she pointed to it and said, "Guys... it's not over yet."

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:53 pm

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    PokeCenter, Night

    She was concerned now. The spider was back, though it seemed to be.... peaceful? This made Helena smile. How she loved it when things were at peace again. It made her dance... literally. She swung and swayed and bounced and giggled at herself for being silly. Once she had worn herself out she regarded the Galvantula with intelligent acquisition, knowing full well that it may be a ruse to kill them all, being an infected.

    Still, through her logic.... she felt compelled... to hug the spider. Hugs made everyone better it seemed. It made Leah better. It always made her trainer happy.... so why not an Infected. With a smile Helena bounded over and wrapped her front paws around the spider in a soft hug.

    "Yay! We can be friends now! You killed the birdy!"

    She snuggled into the rotting spider, disregarding whatever foul viscera and materials were beginning to stick to her fur.

    ((OOC- Have you hugged your Monster Spider today? XD))

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:35 pm

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    Saffron City [Pokémon Center] | Midnight | 54
    (OoC: I have not hugged my monster spider today! I really should more often! xD)
    The Altaria shrieked as the rotten spider pinned it down. It opened its deteriorated, rotting mouth and expelled black goo with a foul smell. The Altaria's neck was snapped like a toothpick as the Galvantula completely murdered the already-dead bird. It dragged the head off to a corner. When it came back, Helena was quick to hug it.
    "Yay! We can be friends now! You killed the birdy!"
    Um, Helena... Even though you're hugging it, it's still a zombie. Be careful. Yue would have said more, but, she didn't want to upset Helena again. She would probably say something stupid and make her cry. Yue wasn't a Pokémon... Pokémon.

    (OoC: People person doesn't translate well into Pokémon terms.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:48 am

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    Outside Saffron Pokecentre |Night (35)
    (( Everybody hug the monster spider~! SHE DEMANDS IT!))

    ""Yay! We can be friends now! You killed the birdy!""
    Angel turns her head to the side so her good eyes can see the thing clinging to her like a purple burr.
    It is...touching her.
    No wait she remembers this vaguely from her little brother.
    Moving slowly as to not knock the psychic type off she raises her forelegs and slowly moves them down in an "x" shape across the espeon's back, taking care that her pointed toes are a safe distance from the violet fur.
    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes." The undead spider hums softly, making her body vibrate with the tune.
    What a friendly little sister, mother will like her very much.
    The others haven't attacked yet and it doesn't look like they will with the espeon still clinging to her.
    Angel tilts her head to the side, her good eyes gleaming a ruby red.
    Inquisitively she twitches one of her fringed forelimbs as if saying "so now what?"

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:54 pm

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    Saffron City Streets| Night (9)

    Noises everywhere, if he could have sworn that the noises where showing him things, as if this glorious infection has given him a new way of seeing things. Bright colorful spots dancing in his field of vision, in rhythm with the noises. “Yes. Yes. Nothing my advancements, beautiful and pretty advancements.”

    Even his head was feeling these advancements as he stumbled along. It felt lighter, and he was being plagued by pesky heavy thinking with each step.

    It was as if he was being reborn with each step he took, further evolving into a being with no pesky problems of the past, leaving behind a body free and true.

    He didn’t want to stop, he was starving and thirsty beyond possible, but he wanted to keep evolving so he had to keep walking. He had to ignore the blisters on his numbing feet, ignore the soreness he surely must be hallucinating from his memories of being alive, and ignore the pangs of hunger for now.

    He kept walking into the night, and he kept evolving to his new state of freedom.

    ((Sorry about the lateness, didn't know Tastybob was in the safehouse. And putting Civ in inactivity for now, need to do some serious revamping with him :|))

    ((OOC: Was fun RPing with you, and may come back in the Future~))

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:48 am

    (Skip me, please. I'm unable to think of a good post. Just say Leah closed her eyes to rest.)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:37 am

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    PokeCenter, Dawn

    Helena let go of the spider and listened to the sweet humming emanating from her. It was nice of her to be so kind, even though nobody seemed to understand that the Infected are people too, they just need a friend to make their hearts all better again. The innocence of a child dwelled in the Espeon's soul, and she saw no reason to fight those who simply needed help, and it pained her that she had attacked the Xatu like that.

    "Now again I find myself so far down, away from the sun again...."

    Her eyes shone with a few tears of happiness as she noticed the sun beginning to rise. She halted singing. It had been a wild night, and the night is always darkest before the dawn. Here was dawn, so she felt at least some of the hardships were over. Not all, but she felt she could rest and relax knowing everything was all right again. Helena brushed some dust and dirt off her top hat with her tail and sat next to the Galvantula.

    "You know... we never got to say hello like friends should! I'm Helena okay? Who're you?"

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:07 am

    (OoC: I'm sorry, I have to skip. I know I could post tomorrow, [well, actually it'd be in 7 hours from now lol] but, this team moves fairly quickly and I hate it when people wait for me.)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:35 am

    (Damn, two people away, and Try's going inactive. I don't really have much to work with so skip. Wow this team moves fast.)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:04 am

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    PokeCenter, Morning

    "WELL! I wanna go explore! Bye bye for now!"

    Helena was growing bored of the monotony and lack of action, and nobody seemed to be talking, so, what the hell? Might as well explore. With a skip, she bounced happily away, arriving outside in a matter of moments. Indeed it was not completely lit, as the sun was just waking up to greet her, but still, she liked how significantly warmer it was. Jumping down the road she laughed and sang to herself, uncaring of whatever creatures were out there. Of course, this might leave her vulnerable... but she knew Protect was fast, and would stop any monster who dared to attack her.

    She smiled happily to herself approached where the Saffron gym used to be. It was truly disheartening to see such splendor in ruins, but she didn't mind, what she was interested in is raiding the refrigerator inside and getting her tummy to stop complaining. Already... she was starting to exit Saffron. Leaving.... going away. She was done here.

    "I hope they have apples!"

    ((OOC- I'll be putting Helena in Inactive. I had a wonderful time here. Bye bye guys!))

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:17 pm

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    Saffron City [Pokémon Center] | Morning | 55
    Yue yawned. She hadn't slept all night. Yue watched through a broken window as the sun broke over the hills, and a bright scarlet light enveloped the area. It slowly rose over the buildings and the empty space that used to be the behemoth of a tower known as Silph Co. A full day had passed since she was here, and friends and acquaintances had rotated in and out over time. Ayumi, Tesla, Forever, Shark, Crimson, Watson, Bells, Helena, and Leah... She knew that at one point she would be all alone. She would be abandoned by everybody to fend for herself. As always.

    The light of the world shifted slowly to a dim morning hue. The rain had stopped, and the world seemed just a little bit clearer. Helena announced that she was going to go and explore. Yue sighed. It wasn't going to do anything, sitting around and moping. She began to sift through the macabre scene, pushing aside bones reluctantly. Did you find anything, Leah?

    (OoC: I can see clearly now, the rain is gone! xD)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:04 pm

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    Outside Saffron Pokecentre |Night (36)

    The purple thing had smiled at her before it went away...
    Angel's face twitches as she tries in vain to remember the motions.
    Happy, it had been so long since there was happiness.
    With a soft "tock" the blue points of her caraparced foot tap the concrete, letting the other two know she was still there.
    Dark-stained saliva mixed with viscera still oozed past her jaws as the large spidery pokemon waggled her abdomen and rose.
    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes."
    She repeats, her tone a bit less comforting then it had been to the espeon.
    Taken by themselves the words are most...ominous.
    She raises her foreleg, seemingly pointing to something outside of the pokecentre.
    "Eyes..." She says with a gutteral tone and taps her pointed toe on the concrete, waiting for a response.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:18 pm

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    Saffron Pokemon Center|Morning (16)

    (OoC: Damn, this team is moving fast!)

    The sun began to rise in Saffron City. Leah drowsily opened her eyes, her vision slightly blurry, for some reason. Helena said that she was going out exploring. Yue and Forever were the only ones left. Luckily, Leah thinks the Nidorino ran off. Good, another infected gone.

    The Roserade saw the scene. It was just covered in bones and blood and all of the gory stuff. "Did you find anything, Leah?" Yue asked as she was pushing bones aside. Leah was still drowsy, her eyes were half open, and her brain hasn't been awake long enough to function properly. So she asked the Snivy, "Huh? What are you talking about?" Her voice showed that she was tired as well.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:40 am

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    Saffron City [Pokémon Center] | Morning | 56
    (OoC: Did you notice the last page was #330? That's the national dex number of Flygon, which happens to be my favorite Pokémon. That really put a smile on my face.)
    "Huh? What are you talking about?" Leah's voice sounded tired too. Supplies. That's what we came back here for. Did you find anything usable? Yue yawned. She spotted a fleck of pink in the blood, and picked up a Hyper Potion. What's this thing? She pulled the trigger. Nothing. It was empty. Oh. I think it's broken... She heard the tapping of something on the concrete. The Galvantula was still there. Nervously, Yue turned to ask, Uhm... D- Do you want me to hug you too? ... Because, umm, I'm completely fine with that...

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:02 am

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    Outside Saffron Pokecentre |Night (37)

    Exerimentally the Galvantula flexes its fore-legs in response as if practise going through the actions of a hug before cocking her head to the side to get a better view of the snivy.
    The only words she could remember were those of the lullaby and it hurt her to tear them out of order, even to try to cobble together a coherent sentance.
    "Find...light." She spits out, struggling to think of the words that would let the two know she wants them to follow her.
    Wriggling her abdomen she crouches low and jerks her head at the direction of the door.
    "[color:dd1a=FFCC00]Where is...dearest..."
    She grinds her jaw.
    Talking was hard.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:20 pm

    (Skip me, please. Can't really think of anything to do...)

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