Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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12 posters

    The SAFARI Team


    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:11 pm

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    Safari Zone -- Forest Area/Entrance || Dusk || 4

    Some wild birds flew through the twilight air, their shadows black under the setting sun, emerging from some trees a little ways away. Mary took no heed of the fleeing Pidgeys, the few remaining that were still alive. "In a garden..." responded the Eevee, rather quietly. "We met in that garden too," added Garry, the Honchkrow, tilting his head to reveal the blue rose on the Big Boss Pokémon's head. Mary blinked slowly, looking to and from the Eevee and the Honchkrow, her blue eyes wide. "Wow, they're both so pretty! I have a rose, too. A yellow one," Mary said with a grin, pawing through her fur, spreading it and shaking out the plastic yellow rose that she normally kept hidden. She put it down on the doll's lap before looking back at Ib with the smile still on her face, before she broke into a giggle. "Woow, Ib's rose is red! My rose is yellow! I like yellow, but I also like pink... and blue! I really like blue," she added, eyeing the pretty blue rose on Garry's hat-like feathers. It looked so pretty to her, a lot more than her own, fake yellow rose, though the Jolteon loved it too. It was a reminder of the short freedom she had.

    "Well, hey there!" Suddenly, Mary's attention was cut off by the sound of a newcomer. The creature was up in the trees, waving a clawed arm happily. "Who are you guys? I can't believe I found survivors! Man, It's been AGES since I found someone breathing!...Well, he was going to die, but it doesn't matter now!" Ages? The Jolteon looked at the Weavile with a head tilt and a slight frown. Were living pokémon that rare? But there were three of them, other than Mary [four with the Weavile] right here in front of her. And what was that about dying? Mary caught Garry's expression from the corner of her eyes, the big bird narrowing his eyes and glaring at the Weavile before looking down at Ib. Mary followed his gaze, staring down at the bright, silver Eevee. She seemed scared. Of course, Mary and she were still children! But why wasn't Mary scared, in a situation like this?

    "B-blood," the Eevee stuttered. Now that she mentioned it, there was a spreading scent of iron and death in the air; and it was fresh. "It's not too far from here; someone died." Mary stared at Ib, her face forming a little frown. "Huh? You're worried about that?" she asked, ears flicking at her sister's worried expression. She was looking at Garry again. Just what was so special about that bird? And the new Zorua, too. Ib kept looking at the gray fox more than she looked or talked to Mary herself. "It's just blood," the Jolteon mumbled, looking down and away into the bushes, holding a paw over her doll and holding it a bit closer to herself.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:32 pm

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    Safari Zone||Dusk [4]

    After coming out of her stupor, Twilight screamed with an unholy rage, her voice echoing across the zone. The sky darkened and roared with her as she summoned massive lightning bolts striking randomly where she saw the infected stroll away. Her efforts were in vain, and all she succeeded in doing was causing several trees to catch aflame, The Monster Fox already gone. Red eye blazing she looked upon the mutilated corpse hoping for any chance to revive him.

    'No... He's already dead,' Pain-split wouldn't work and surgery would prove just as useless. 'Just like you are' She said.

    After a moment of silence, she quietly started to bury the body.

    Last edited by Twilit Banette on Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:31 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:12 am

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    Safari Zone/Dusk

    Well, the expressions of the survivors disappointed me a little. How rude! They didn't really like me, but whatever.
    The little white one, though, was scared.

    Awww, am I really THIS scary?

    But then I realized I wasn't the problem. Well, not completely. I quickly started to smell it, too.

    Immediately after, I heard a terrifying scream near the scent of sap.

    I quickly jumped on a tree, following the trail.
    Ooooh, It's coming from there! I said, pointing between some trees. I then continued to jump from tree to tree, with that blood trace who was always more near.

    I wonder if one of those guys killed someone again.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:17 am

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    Safari Zone, Dusk

    Kide listened to there exchange of words, hearing that Ib got her rose from a garden. Kide had seen plenty of gardens before, his trainers mother had one of her own, though he had never seen roses in it. A shame. It was a beautiful flower.
    Kide smiled as hearing there story. He wished he had a friend like Gary or Ib, but every friend he had just ended up dying. He even started to doubt his trainer had survived the ship. No, he had to stop thinking like that. If he kept this up he may start thinking that life's not worth living, and he didn't want to think that, not ever.

    "Well, hey there! Who are you guys? I can't believe I found survivors! Man, It's been AGES since I found someone breathing!...Well, he was going to die, but it doesn't matter now!"
    Kide's attention was now turned to that of a Weavile. Another dark type, but also an ice type. Kide frowned again when he heard it saying it left someone to die. Did he do it without even trying to help? Those that did that where nothing but cowered unworthy of anything.

    Suddenly something caught his senses. Blood? It looked as though Ib smelled it as well cause she seemed to be frozen is fear, and he didn't think it was from the arrival of this new crazy pokemon.
    "B-blood, It's not too far from here; someone died." She said, stuttering when she said blood.
    "I smell it to." He said as he looked at Ib. "Though I've smelt it far to many times while being here to be scared of its scent anymore." He added as closed his eyes and lowered his head. Remembering all the bloody bodies of his friends, as well as those he had never met. And that Zoroark. He hoped he didn't turn into that when he evolved.

    The Jolteon seemed to be emotionless at the mention of the blood, and Kide really could care less about it as well. It wasn't uncommon to smell blood during the apocalypse.
    "Should we go and investigate? Or get as far from the smell as possible?" He asked as he turned to Gary and Ib, then to the Jolteon Mary. And simple gave a side glance to the Weavile. Little emotion showing in his eyes as he looked at the ice type.

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:17 pm

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    Ib/Garry – Safari Zone – Forest Area/Entrance || Dusk
    --- -- -5 || 5- -- ---

    "Ooooh, It's coming from there!" The Weavile pointed out, rather optimistic as he dashed between the trees. Leaving the group behind with Garry throwing daggers in his direction for a brief second. His gaze softened as he glanced back toward Ib. However, Mary butts into the conversation, "Huh? You're worried about that?" The Jolteon frowned, "It's just blood," The Honchkrow nodded slowly, though it was mostly out of understanding... He will admit that the smell of blood is common now. But Ib, she lost her parents, she's not use to death yet, she probably didn't like the idea that somewhere, people are constantly dying to... those things. She's probably not use to this kind of reality in hopes she could stick with those nice memories of the times before this mess happened. "I smell it too." Kide began, bringing Garry's thoughts up to surface with his comment of how blood was uncommon during these days.

    "Should we go and investigate? Or get as far from the smell as possible?" Kide asked, breaking Ib's trance as the Eevee slowly turned to him. Investigate? What does that mean...? She frowned, her vocabulary was as poor as ever. Though her parents used to teach her new words every day, now it's Garry's job to do that. But now isn't the time to ask him what it means. The Flying/Dark Dual type didn't dislike Kide's idea, but he probably didn't want to 'investigate' because of the Evolution Pokemon, "I think it's best we leave it be," He began, glancing over at the Weavile's direction and back at the group, "But the sun is setting, therefore time to take shelter yes?" He broke into a goofy grin at the end, Ib knew what he meant by taking shelter. It meant go home, or at least... find a place to be her home for tonight. Night time was the time for Undead, though some still roam during the day, night was pretty much when they're most active.

    Ib gave a nod of approval at Garry's suggestion, the Honchkrow slightly smiling, she must really need a break if she's that willing to find shelter, "Yeah, let's go." Garry casually glanced over at Kide, he's been here the longest no? He should know a shelter to go by, maybe even food! Though the Big Boss Pokemon was rather iffy, Kide would have a lot of mouths to feed, it would be rather troublesome and rude... He shook his head, maybe Garry shall find food for himself and Ib. Kide could just watch over the young Eevee for the time being. That could work too right? Maybe, just maybe. Though the best choice was to just plain out ask the Zorua if he had food or not, and offer to find some if there was a shortage. "So Kide, do you have any food supplies?" He asked, "If not, shall I go fly out to find some for us?"

    The Shiny Evolution moved her sullen gaze from the ground to Garry, then over to Mary. Ib blinked as she stared at the doll that the Jolteon held closely, curiosity getting the best of her as she tilted her head. Strange, but cute doll... Ib suddenly remembered the Electric-type's comment on how she liked the color blue the best. Though she liked pink and yellow, she liked blue the best. For some reason, that very comment seemed foreboding, suspicious even. The Eevee dismissed that, however, shaking her head as she directed her attention back at the doll. She remembered how Garry glanced at it with fear in his eyes, how was this scary? "That's a cute doll," Ib murmured, only loud enough for her, Mary and maybe Garry to hear. Though Garry was too busy conversing with Kide to take notice of Ib's comment perhaps.

    "Where'd you get it?" She asked, her crimson red eyes slowly moved from the doll to Mary's sapphire blue. Though the Jolteon evolved, she seemed young as the Eevee. Why is that? Weren't evolved Pokemon the more mature ones? She's just as small as Ib. Though Ib kept her fur groomed and clean, Mary's fur was messy and ruffled up. Yet, despite these differences, she felt like they were related somehow. A connection between the two of them, one that only they shared and Garry could not even join in. Why is that?

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:08 pm

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    Safari Zone -- Forest Area/Entrance || Dusk || 5

    Mary's eyes blinked slowly -- sadly, such little horrors like the smell of blood weren't frightening taboos to her young mind. She had already gotten used to worse, and though the Undead did scare her, she only ran away because she wasn't strong enough to fight back, not out of sheer fear. Even Garry agrees, his head moving vertically in a slow nod. The Zorua suggested going to search for it, but Garry disagreed with that idea pretty quickly, and Mary [for once] went with Garry's decision. After all, if there was blood, it was most likely dead or Undead, and even if it was only injured, the wounded fell quickly in this kind of enviroment. "But the sun is setting, therefore time to take shelter yes?"

    "Yeah!" the Jolteon yipped, a big grin on her face and the white fur around her neck spiking out in excitement. It was already around dusk, anyway; most of the pokémon there had horrible eyesight from the start. Night would not be a wise time to wander around. They were in a forest-like place, too; and everybody knew those kinds of places had weird things lurking around. The memory of that half-eaten Pidgey appeared in Mary's mind and she shivered. She didn't want to go back into the deeper parts of the forest, that was for sure. Weird things could happen in the forest at night. The art gallery had made it look so pretty and peaceful, though; the art gallery where Mary was given her rose. Why couldn't everything be just like art, where everything was nothing but beauty?

    "That's a cute doll... where'd you get it?" Mary heard, interrupting her thoughts and bringing her attention to Ib. She blinked slowly once, before a smile spread across her face. Whether Garry knew it or not, she had noticed his surprised, and disgusted expression when the Jolteon had gone to retrieve it. Why did Garry hate her doll? See, Ib thought it was cute! "I know, right? I love it... " Mary paused for a second, thinking about the latter half of the Eevee's question. She fidgeted a little awkwardly, her paws kneading the ground to the right and left of the ragged toy. "Um... I guess I just... sort of found it. I mean, it was about to be thrown away, and I just kept it. Hey! You and Garry have a rose right? I have one too," Mary answered with a grin, abruptly changing the subject towards the end. She pawed at her fur, the rose getting stuck on the hairs for a moment before it fell out onto the doll's lap. A new hole or two appeared in it when her fur had spiked out in happiness, but it wasn't that big so Mary didn't mind it too much. It made her rose look a little ugly though, much to her disappointment.

    "See? My rose is yellow!~ I like yellow," she added with a happy giggle. Yellow was the color of happiness, of fun. Just looking at that color made Mary feel happy, and it was one of the only things she liked about being forced into evolution as a Jolteon. Her blue eyes stared back at Ib, the Eevee's red eyes seeming to study the Jolteon. She tilted her head a bit, her smile replaced by a small frown. "Something the matter?" Mary twitched a little bit, back to looking terribly awkward. What? What was wrong with Mary? Did she look weird? Did she look too happy in this situation? But Mary is happy; she's free, and she's with Ib. Isn't she? Mary internally cursed her trainer, blaming her horrible social skills on him and his treatment. Despite being siblings, though Ib didn't recognize her, Mary felt so distant from the Eevee. Why was that? The Jolteon's eyes slowly slid over, resting to the Honchkrow that spoke with the Zorua. Was it him? Was it Garry that made Ib so distant?

    A group of two can have relief, but a group of three...
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:09 am

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    Safari zone//Dusk
    Twilight was looking at the grave that she made for the unknown Venonat, that read 'Here lies an unfortunate traveler, taken away from this world by those who would not leave ours. May Arceus save his soul'
    'At least you can build a decent grave, with all the practice with your failures...' Both the real and the imaginary. 'I just don't know any more.' Twilight stood for awhile, pondering. Then she remembered one important question...
    'I forgot to ask if he could break dance! He probably could too!'

    By this point she was trembling with rage, and proclaimed to the heavens 'When I find that diseased pile of FILTH, I'll rip his face off and feed it to him!!!' Then she Whipped around at astonishing speeds she faced the Weavel in the trees. All malice on her face gone, replaced with a sunny smile she said 'Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to sneak up on Pokemon?'

    ((Damn, that girl's bipolar.))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:25 am

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    'Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to sneak up on Pokemon?'

    My my, the ghost was not completely sane. I didn't care though. I could surely defeat a Ghost type if it was necessary. I chuckled, jumping down from the tree, saluting the ghost 'Mon with a quick bow.

    Kekekeke, my mother is no more in this world, I'm afraid. I'm sorry if I frightened yo--no, wait, you don't look scared! You look quite sad! How can I know? Well, i saw you.

    I walked near the fresh-made grave, looking at the incision.

    So the blood came from here, huh? Tragic...

    A bug died, mh? Sorry to hear that. Was he with you? Or..was he with the other guys, near this place? I said, pointing with my paw the direction I came from.

    I met some Pokemons over there. They were quite rude...I think they don't like me. I made a false frown.

    Oh, but, where are my manners? I chuckled, bowing again. My name is Jinzo, dear. And you are...?

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:59 am

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    Safari Zone, Dusk

    Everyone agreed to leave things as it was, to ignore the blood and move away rather then stay where they where. Kide simply nodded as he sat down and listened to the others converse.
    "So Kide, do you have any food supplies? If not, shall I go fly out to find some for us?" Gary asked, and at that Kide immediately jumped to his paws.
    "I don't have any food supplies, but I do know of a safe place we can spend the night, and its not to far from here either." Kide said, excited that he would be able to help. "And we may be able to pick up some food along the way if were lucky."

    The place Kide was talking about was the den he had taken shelter in when he first arrived here. He was sure it had survived the raging fire, after all, it was made out of rock not ferns.
    "Its well hidden, and it would take the infected sometime to get to it unless they flew." He added as he used his tail to point into its direction. "Shall I lead the way?"

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:38 am

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    Ib/Garry – Safari Zone – Forest Area/Entrance || Dusk
    --- -- -6 || 6- -- ---

    "I know, right? I love it... " Mary said, pausing for a brief second before continuing, "Um... I guess I just... sort of found it. I mean, it was about to be thrown away, and I just kept it. Hey! You and Garry have a rose right? I have one too," Abruptly, she changed the subject near the end not continuing with her history, Garry narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Something's off about her, he just can't shake the feeling no matter how many doubts he had about the Thunder Pokemon. But she's a survivor just like him and Ib, there's no questioning that, therefore he shouldn't doubt her much right? The Honchkrow watched the scene out of the corner of his eye as the Jolteon shook a yellow rose off her fur. That rose... Garry hadn't seen it before, but even so, it didn't even seem all that magnificent compared to his or the Eevee's. Not to brag, but it's as if it was fake and not meant to be beautiful...

    In Ib's eyes, she thought Mary's rose was pretty, as it shook off her fur and landed delicately on the doll's lap. It was different from Ib's and Garry's roses, that was an obvious trait, but even so it was pretty. Far more prettier than those roses. "See? My rose is yellow!~ I like yellow," The Shiny Eevee nodded slowly in acknowledgement, her eyes fixed to the doll and the rose that sat on its lap. Surely, Ib was expecting the doll to hug the rose and smile, but then again, its just a doll and had no life. She expected too much from the simplest of things doesn't she? Yellow is a nice color, so is dark blue, and a bunch of other colors like red. She really couldn't pick just one, it seemed unfair and unjust that way, especially to the other colors. Colors were what defined the world afterall right? Her father mentioned that once, when the fox-like Pokemon began to take a notice in the fine arts. They couldn't go into a museum since they were Pokemon, but Ib could still remember how she and her family sneaked in one very morning as her birthday present...

    "Something the matter?" The Electric-type said, snapping the Evolution Pokemon back to reality from her nostalgic dreams. Ib shook her head quickly, trying to clear up the misunderstanding if Mary had one. After all, if she gave her input about Mary, sharing the fact that the Jolteon seemed familiar was just plain out weird, especially since they just met. Sure there could be those possibilities that passed by each other at one point, but probably never spoken up until this very time. Hesitant, she lightly gulped as she blinked and looked down at her feet, "I like all the colors," She started off quietly, "But your rose is definitely the prettiest."

    "I don't have any food supplies, but I do know of a safe place we can spend the night, and its not to far from here either." Kide said, the Honchkrow blinking in utter surprise. If that's the case, shouldn't he go out now and find food for the group? Going on an empty stomach to bed seemed like a terrible thought. Especially since during the days he had cared for Ib, he would always grab at least a snack for her before she went off to dreamland. "And we may be able to pick up some food along the way if were lucky." He continued, were there berries on the route they would be taking? Maybe he shouldn't fly out just yet, with the little of the daytime left, he could have grabbed a bit by now, but maybe just grabbing some food along the way would be less troublesome. "Its well hidden, and it would take the infected sometime to get to it unless they flew... Shall I lead the way?"

    With a slight pause, Garry placed a feather on his chin, thinking before finally turning back to the Zorua with a bright smile, "Mmm... If that's the case, then do lead the way!" He said, optimistic on going to this shelter for the night. Better than staying out in the cold honestly, especially since this is a new area for the Big Boss Pokemon and her. It seemed best they would try to get use to the landscape. The bird turned his head over his shoulder, giving his usual call-out to Ib, "Let's go Ib!..." His smile half-faded as he shifted his gaze towards Mary, still a smile, but not as broad as when he faced the Evolution Pokemon. With a slight gulp, he gave a nervous chuckle, continuing as he urged the Electric-type to come along; "You too Mary."

    [Ooc: Sorry for late post, I'll try to be on time in the next round ;;3;; /I blame AP Human Geo like usual]

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:31 am

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    Safari Zone -- Forest Area/Entrance || Dusk || 6

    Mary quietly pawed at the doll at her feet with a short, gloomy silence at the memories they both held. They weren't good memories; none of them were, except for the one trip to the art gallery where she received the rose; the one chance of freedom she had. And yet, that had been taken away from her shortly and quickly. Mary was free now, she supposed, but it was an odd idea to think about. Nearly her whole life, she had been ruled under practical tyranny from her owner, and the concept of him no longer existing, of the Jolteon's trainer gone was nearly unbelievable. But it was true. Mary abandoned him when the trainer actually needed her, and he was most likely dead right now. But she didn't feel any remorse. He deserved it.

    The Jolteon looked up, still waiting for an answer from the Eevee. It seemed she had been mulling over some other thoughts and was thinking now, eyes looking down hesitantly towards her paws. "I like all the colors," began Ib, her voice quiet and Mary having to lean in a bit to hear the Eevee properly. "But your rose is definitely the prettiest." In response to Ib's words, Mary's expression changed once again into a happy one, her fur turning a bit frizzy and spiky towards the ends. Though they were pretty much the same age, Ib's praise felt like it meant much more to the Jolteon. Could it have been just because Mary was not used to praise? Or perhaps it was because it was simply Ib, the only sibling of hers and only pokémon in the group that the Thunder pokémon knew and trusted. Either way was likely.

    "Thanks," mumbled Mary, a slight blush dotting her cheeks under the yellow fur. "Your rose... is really pretty too. Your red one. It fits you well," she added, the small smile staying on her maw. Before she could say any more, though, it seemed the Honchkrow and Zorua were done talking. The Big Boss Pokémon looked around at Ib with a big smile, gesturing her over with a kind look and a voice that spilled amity. "Let's go Ib!..." said his voice, and Mary gave him a quick glance. The Honchkrow's eyes turned to meet the Jolteon's own, and though he was still smiling, Mary could swear that his voice and attitude had grown a tone colder towards herself. "You too Mary," said Garry, a somewhat nervous tone underlining his voice.

    Though she was frowning a bit, the Jolteon gave a nod of acknowledgement and approval. "Okay... where are we going?" she asked, wondering why the Honchkrow seemed so on guard around her. What did Mary do wrong? She hadn't even done anything yet, other than talk to Ib...

    [Half-assed post, falling asleeeep blrugahhrgh

    Edit: LOL Went back and edited it. Ermergerd never post at 2 am again, BAD VERDZI. xD]

    Last edited by Verdzi on Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:57 am

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    Safari Zone-Forest Area (4)

    The Banette didn't really want to answer to me. Why? I mean, first you start a conversation and then you shut up? Pfff, whatever.

    I don't have time to play around...

    "Listen up, sweetie-pie." I said, turning around. "I don't know who are you, but if you keep being THIS impolite with me, well...I don't think we can still be together in the same place. I bid you adieu...or...uh, goodbye, whatever you want...if you REALLY want to tell me something, I'm sure you'll be able to track me down.

    And with that, I left the Banette...only for stopping immediately after.

    Mhhh....those guys prbably left me. Heh...I'm quite sure they don't like me. But...it would be a REAL jerkish move leaving 'em in this big, bad forest. So, I'm gonna catch 'em up fast.

    "And with fast, I mean REALLY fast."
    And with that, I prepared myself.

    "Ready..." My feet glowed. First Agility used.

    "...set..." Another glow. Second Agility used.

    "...go!" Third and last glow. The final Agility was used, and as soon as I started running, I was amazed by the speed I gained! Man, it was pure adrenaline!


    ...It wasn't a matter of time before I saw the group of Pokemons in the middle of the trees.


    I jumped on a tree only for landing in the front of the survivors. I turned, with my innocent smile.

    "...Did you missed me? Jinzo's baa-aack ~

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:44 pm

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    Safari Zone, Dusk

    Nodding his head, Kide began to lead the others to the place he had gone to when he had first arrived in this place. The small cave that rested at the back of a well protective cliff that overlooked the forest. Even though more then half the forest had been set ablaze by the fire produced by the undead Rapidash.
    "Keep close. It's easy to lose track of me in the dark." The Zorua said, his cyan eyes looking as though they where aglow as they reflected the light of the setting sun.

    Kide made sure to keep close to Ib and Marry, being sure to stay in there sight since they had brighter colours then the Zorua.
    They soon came to the edge of the burned forest. The place where the fire had raged looked like a place you would find ghosts. Ash lay everywhere, and what trees where left where as black as night. In the dark, it probably looked even creepier.
    "In case your wondering, what you see is what happens when you provoke an undead Rapidash when its in a really bad mood." Kide said, sounding almost like a tour guide. "And if you look strait ahead, you will see where we are heading."
    Kide pointed with his nose to the cliff that held the cave that was probably the only safe place from land undead as possible in this place.
    It was at the edge of the forest and mountain zone, with the caves mouth turned toward the once lush and beautiful forest. Now it looks at a wasteland of fire and ash. As if a volcano had gone off, with burnt corpses littered almost everywhere you looked.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Moon Moon Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:27 pm

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    Twilight silently struggled while the The Weavel spoke, Her zipper mouth jammed with all the caked blood that was soaked on her face from the last time she had encountered an infected. The poor Venonat's guts had already started to solidify and she needed to get to a stream to wash it off. 'Damn,' She thought to herself. ' Why can't I take more baths?!? It'll take hours to get out, and this poor fellow thinks I'm ignoring him! I'd better follow him to see where he goes and visit him later after I wash this gunk off.'

    The Possessed plush doll raced after the Dark type as fast as her stubby feet could carry her, incoherently muffling her apologies.

    ((Back from a long vacation! Sorry that I took so long!))

    This is for while I was gone

    Last edited by Twilit Banette on Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:39 pm

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    Safari Zone -- Forest Area/Entrance || Dusk || 7

    [1. Darastrix bro, it's "Mary", not "Marry". XD
    2. Thunderform, putting the time of the rp is required. xD So along with area and post count, you also have to put 'Dusk' since that's the time right now.
    3. Twilight, man, you skipped me. Not cool. lol]

    Though she had asked Garry the question, the Zorua had answered for her. With a nod, she bent down to pick up the doll and rose in her mouth before following the others with a light trot as the illusionist fox began leading them away like a tour guide. A tour guide in a Safari Zone; that was unheard of. But it was kind of fun and a bit mysterious, sticking close to Kide's trail, following the flash of his bright eyes though his dark pelt easily blended into the dark. The Jolteon gave a quick glance to her own fur, then to Ib's, then at Garry's; the Honchkrow was also dark-colored and definitely blended into the dark, but the two younger kits' fur color showed up in the dark as if they were wearing holiday lights. Mary shook a little uncomfortably, the fur on her back spiking out as she rushed forward a little to keep up with Kide.

    Soon, the crunching of branches and leaves became louder underpaw. The young Jolteon looked around nervously as the healthy green trees turned into bare, black branches, almost like dark hands reaching up and clawing at the sky. She thought she could see them moving, almost, groping for something they couldn't reach; maybe it was just her child's mind making up illusions. Mary had a slight memory of a painting she saw in the art gallery, of a lonely forest of grey; what surrounded her now reminded her of that. She was about to ask about it, but the Zorua already had an answer ready: "In case you're wondering, what you see is what happens when you provoke an undead Rapidash when its in a really bad mood." It only added to the Jolteon's nervousness; a fire? A fire had caused this? Mary hated fire; it was a burning harbinger of destruction and pain. No, she hated flames. Sincerely hoping that the Rapidash the fox mentioned was long gone, she looked towards Kide. Where was the fox taking them, anyway?

    "And if you look straight ahead, you will see where we are heading."

    Mary's eyes moved from the burned trees and blackened ground to where the Zorua had pointed out. A tall, mountain cliff wall stood before the group, and the Jolteon took a step back in awe, before looking around the area. The dividing line between the terrains was so... clean. Surely this place wasn't natural. The forest couldn't end so abruptly to give way to a sudden, forest-less rocky terrain of mountains; even with her rather sheltered life, Mary knew at least that much. Maybe this "Safari Zone" was a place made by man from the very base, built from the very beginning for the one purpose it served. The dark maw of a cave was turned towards them, and Mary allowed another shiver to pass down her spine. It looked so dark and foreboding, and she subconsciously took a step back. Did they really have to go in there? Mary wasn't quite fond of the dark... nor was she a patron of fire.

    "Hey guys! Over here!" she suddenly heard, and the Jolteon glanced away from the dark cave entrance to the source of the voice. Before she knew it, though, the shape jumped from the trees to in front of the group and Mary blinked in slight surprise. The Weavile looked familiar. Was it the one from before? "...Did you miss me? Jinzo's baa-aack~" he said, and Mary flicked an ear. Well, to be honest, she didn't really know this guy much... and she was more preoccupied with sticking close to Ib. Nonetheless, she blinked with her bright, blue eyes and tilted her head, staring at the cheerful Weavile. "Hi..." she mumbled quietly, shuffling a little closer to Kide.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:35 pm

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    At this point Twilight was frantically clawing at her face, leaving small tears in her fabric. Twilight was desperate to get the cement-like innards on her face and tried to muffle out for help'Mhmph hmm hmmph phu!'
    Twilight looked on in exasperation as the Dark type left, speeding along to Legends know where.'Fuuuuuuuuuuph!'

    After staring incredulously for a few seconds, Twilight gave up and shot a Shadow ball at her face point blank.
    A resounding boom echoed throughout the area
    'Sweet Bloody Arceus that hurt!' Twilight screeched while picking herself off the ground. 'Rahh! At least that Zekrom damned gore is off me. It's ridiculous! That stuffs like Fricking cement!'
    Remembering that the Dark type had run off she groaned again, 'Arceus damn it all, there goes the last living for Lord knows how long.'

    She stood, anger building. It's that Pile of filth's fault. Those infected destroy everything they touch If it hadn't murdered that poor nat I wouldn't been muted. Terra would still be alive. These thoughts ran through her mind. And after a few moments,
    A dark look spread over her face as she spoke, her voice seething with malevolence 'SOMETHING NEEDS TO DIE.' And she head off to the nearest infected with murderous intent.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:54 am

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    Safari Zone/ Dusk (5)

    Aaaaah, it was nice to rejoin the group, were people could finally notice me...well, more or less. That Zorua still didn't want to care about me, while the Jolteon just answered with a shy "Hi". The Honchkrow and the little one were just silent. Hmh. I could've done better.

    "Oh well! At least we're still together, right guys? Two heads are better than one, and we have five here! I mean, we're super-safe against the zombies now." I said, in my fake, cheerful attitude. I entered in the cave along the others, following the Zorua. That little guy sure had the Leading spirit.
    During the travel, I kept close to the little white Eevee, smiling at her: she was just so adorable!

    As we came near to the burned forest...heck, I was shocked too! One single Rapidash did all that mess. Sheesh, was that bad.
    "Well, my fear of fire is waaaay more stronger now. Y'know, Ice type here!" and with that, I continued to follow the group, this time near the Jolteon.

    "Hey, I saw a doll like yours too! Only, I think it was alive...more or less. What's the name of their kind? Doll..ba...bo...marionette...uuuh, yeah! Banette!"

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:47 am

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    Safari Zone, Dusk

    Kide couldn't say he was exactly happy to see the weavile. He talked way to much for the Zorua, that it made him frown with distaste.
    Trying to block the annoyance, he noticed Mary backing away from the cliff that held the cave. "Don't worry Mery, it's not as foreboding as it looks." Kide said, trying to reassure the Jolteon that it was safe. "May look a little creepy in the dark, but I asure you, its safe."
    After saying that he began to climb up the cliff. The fire hadn't done anything to the foot hole's he had used last time to got to the top. He had a group then as well. Would they go the same way as the last? He hoped not. Oh well, time to get over it and move on.

    Once at the top of the cliff he ran over to the cave. Just the way it had been when he first got here.
    The cave looked rather large in the dark, with the shadow making it look as though it could go on forever when really you could see the back if you looked hard enough. The cave was large enough to fit two Lugias and then some. And it was safe. Any infected that wanted to get here would have to climb that cliff, or fly, so it seemed like it would be easy to defend.
    Kide noticed the food he had gathered much earlier was still here. Rotten and no longer edible, but still there. What his other companions didn't eat anyway. "Yup, just the way I left it."

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:10 pm

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    Safari Zone -- Forest Area/Entrance || Dusk || 8

    [OH IT'S MY TURN ASLKJSODIFHSDGOSDIGSLDFJD With TK gone, I got confused about the order, and thought someone else was after Darastrix. ;; Sorry.]

    The Jolteon shifted her eyes, glancing with uncertainty from Jinzo to Kide. She had no idea what to do; Ib and Garry weren't responding, and Mary herself was just a kid. "Don't worry Mary, it's not as foreboding as it looks," said the Zorua, apparently having noticed how she backed away from the gaping maw of the cave. "May look a little creepy in the dark, but I asure you, its safe." Though she was still a bit unsure about it, the Jolteon chose to trust Kide's words and answered with a quick nod. After all, what else could she do? Outright deny it and refuse to follow him? Yeah, right; it was already dark and Mary couldn't see well in the dark. Add to that, the danger of undead lurking everywhere? No thank you!

    Once the Zorua had begun to climb up the cliff, Mary stood at the base of it watching up with wonder how carefully he could climb up that. Could she do that too? ...Well, it didn't look awfully hard. Carefully placing a paw into one of the nooks, she began following Kide's path up, the doll and rose clamped firmly in her jaws; there was no way she was losing these. Meanwhile, the Weavile was chattering away, the Jolteon only able to pay attention to about half due to her concentration on not falling.

    "Hey, I saw a doll like yours too! Only, I think it was alive... more or less. What's the name of their kind? Doll... ba... bo... marionette... uuuh, yeah! Banette!" Mary heard, and she made a face at Jinzo's statement. A... Banette? Her doll?? They looked nothing alike, not to her, at least! In Mary's eyes, her doll was much more precious -- oh, and cute! Definitely, to the Jolteon, the doll was adorable despite what Garry seemed to think. Ib agreed with her! With the doll and rose in her mouth, though, she was unable to respond to the Weavile and only gave him a glance, her eyebrows furrowed disapprovingly. She nearly slipped once or twice, much to her terror, but somehow she made it up without any serious problems.

    She reached the edge of the cliff with a big sigh, hauling herself over the edge and stopping for a moment to stave off the shaking in her legs. How high up were they, now? Mary didn't really want to check. Instead, she meekly followed after Kide, staring at the giant mouth of the cave. To put it in the simplest terms, the cave was huge. And Mary meant huge. "Yup, just they way I left it," she heard the Zorua say, and she shivered. They really slept inside of that thing?... Well, it wasn't like she had much choice, anyway. "We're really sleeping in that?" she mumbled, staying away from the cliff edge but not exactly eager to go near the cave.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:33 pm

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    Safari Zone||Plains|| Dusk (8)

    (>_< man the timing to post is getting confusing.)
    The Grim Banette marched stiffly in the short grass, searching for a recipient for her wrath. Quickly she hid, she had felt the tell-tale presence of a psychic, it's sentience long since gone.
    'Perfect' she whispered. She rose up suddenly, making enough noise to draw the Abra's attention. It's cautious nature long since replaced with the Infected's blood-lust, It cried a distorted scream and it attacked with a weak psychokinetic blast. Brushing off it's pitiful attempt, Twilight knocked it down with a back-handed strike. She then grasped it by the neck and lifted it off the ground, it's gurgled screeches becoming frantic. She then hurled it to the ground, clutching it's throat while vomiting a black, foul-smelling liquid.

    'Must have recently turned,' She stated coldly. 'Shame. You could have been kind.' She then stomped on it's hand before continuing 'You probably had a Mother, a Father, friends.' The mad ghost then gouged out three large slashes down it's stomach, spilling it's rotten entrails. 'But you probably killed those friends. Facing them screaming while you MURDERED THEM.' She then shot a compressed Shadow ball at it's right fore-limb, completely obliterating it. The infected howled in pain, blood spurting copiously all over the possessed marionette. She then ripped off the pale skin on it's left leg, exposing it to the evening air. Pressing her blood stained foot on the head of the thrashing infected she said 'But you don't care do you?' Twilight then released a Nightshade, killing the infected.

    Walking away she whispered 'But I do.'

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:06 am

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    Safari Zone -- Forest Area/Entrance/ Dusk (6)

    Whew, climbing was fun, but tiring! As I started to chuckle looking at the Jolteon face, I realized we did it again: the cliff was over, and the entrance of the Zorua's lair was there. Man, that was easy...too much easy.

    As I looked around, I whistled in surprise as I saw the size of the cave! It was the biggest space I ever saw in a while, and it was just cold enough for looking like the Ice Path: oh, how I miss that place.

    "I have to congratulate with you, boy." I said, looking towards the Zorua. "This place is perfect for me! ...It's almost like home."

    As I sat and sniffled my nose (as it was getting very humid) I remained in silence for a while. I proved something...strange, inside me. These Pokemons still wanted to remain with me even though they saw me as an oddball.

    This will be embarrassing. I raised my head towards the group, and said:

    "So...uh...I know you guys probably don't like me and all very much, but...may I know your names? I mean, it's not very easy to call someone with their species name: sounds very bad." I chuckled. I didn't care for an eventual negative response: those guys were a really odd group, and it will be awesome to follow them everywere.


    Last edited by Thunderform on Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:33 am; edited 1 time in total

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:48 pm

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    Safari Zone -- Forest Area/Entrance/ Dusk (37)

    Meghdad kept on running not noticing how time was passing by and not stopping until he came upon an entrance of some kind. The Glaceon was wearing his crimson scarf and his necklace with the NeverMeltIce on it and two trinkets. One of the trinkets was in the shape of an Umbreon while the other was in the shape of a Squirtle that was waving at whoever looked at it. Meghdad stopped to catch his breath before he used one of his paws to look at the trinkets as the memories of his loss came to him. Luna and Taoide, how he will forever miss them. The fresh snow Pokemon sighed before he let a few tears fall and then he looked at the entrance once more. This place was new to the Glaceon even though Jacob had trained him and Shiva all around Johto he doesn't remember ever being brought to this place with his trainer or his twin sister. With his guard up in this new place he thought back to his old companions and to the one that made the trinkets for him, Taki. The Dewott he didn't trust from the very start gave these to him before he lost his mind to the infection he had been hiding from them. Meghdad truly hoped that Mirror and Javolt were safe and that they will survive whatever Taki may have plan.

    His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the sound of voices not too far ahead of him. Growing curious and hoping that he will be able to make friends in this new place the fresh snow Pokemon began walking towards the sounds of the voices before he came upon a cliff. Wondering where the owners of the voices could have gone Meghdad began to look around until he looked up at the top of the cliff and caught a glimpse of someone climbing over the edge and leaving his sight. Figuring that all the owners of the voices he heard earlier had climb up the cliff Meghdad used Ice Beam to make steps for him to go up and climb them before the ice melted.

    After a few moments have pass Meghdad reached the top of the cliff and stepped on sturdy ground. He looked ahead and saw a cave in front of him where he once again heard voices. Moving towards the entrance but keeping his guard up just in case he came upon a group of infected or undead Meghdad took a deep breath and called out through the entrance of the cave, "Hello is anyone there?" He then waited to see if he will get a response from a living or be attack by an infected or undead.

    (Hey there guys Meghdad has joined the team so I hope we have fun roleplaying together)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:58 am

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    Safari Zone, Dusk

    "We're really sleeping in that?" Mary said, not sounding to thrilled about it. Kide didn't know if it was the cave itself making her uneasy, or simply the dark.
    "Safest place I know here." Kide said as he turned to face the Jolteon. Her doll was really creeping the Zorua out, how she found the thing cute was beyond him. "Its not as scary look when its light out." He added, not really knowing if that was reassuring or not, but he said it with a smile.
    Ib and Gary still hadn't said anything since they got here. Maybe they didn't think it was that great either? Or maybe they where just concerned about food. They really didn't get the chance to gather anything on there way here, and the food that wasn't eaten here last time was far to gone to be edible now.

    "I have to congratulate with you, boy. This place is perfect for me! ...It's almost like home." The Weavile said. Kide had forgotten about the dark ice type in all honesty.
    Turning to face the ice pokemon he gave a grin. "That so?" He said, not sure if finding a place good for a pokemon they hardly knew was a good thing or not.
    "So...uh...I know you guys probably don't like me and all very much, but...may I know your names? I mean, it's not very easy to call someone with their species name: sounds very bad." He added, and Kide raised a brow. How could he not like someone he hardly knew? Guess he just thinks he's hated cause he must have been hated in the past.

    Before Kide could introduce himself, another voice was heard, one closer to the edge of the cliff. "Hello is anyone there?" It didn't sound unfriendly, and it talked as well so it couldn't be undead, though some of those monsters did talk, it was mostly gibberish.
    "Hello." He said as he trotted forward to meet the new pokemon. He kept his distance, in case it was hostile. It was another ice type, and another eeveelution. A Glaceon if he remembered. "Are you friend, or foe?"

    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:03 pm

    [Skip me for just this turn, please. ;w; I was trying to stall for Qwrk, looool. Plus, I'm a bit busy. I'll post next turn; sorry.]
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:34 pm

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    Safari Zone||Dusk (9)

    Note to self: Never insult old human technology again, and [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] are innately evil.

    Twilight looked on towards the cliff. She had seen what appeared to be a Glaceon approach the area, and now that she was close enough she could sense varying emotions coming from there. Alright, I better not babble this time but still not be mute. Twilight looked around suspiciously 'And no rot-bags that I can see.' The somewhat nervous plush doll took a deep breath. 'I should be calm, There are no infected to kill them, and if Jinzo is a good pokemon he'll accept my apology and explanation.' Twilight put up a wide grin and said 'Wish me luck Jeffery!' And bounded up the cliff.

    Twilight quickly scaled the cliff, all the while her confidence and excitement increasing. She then leapt to the entrance of the cave. 'Hello! I'm Twilight! It's very good to meet all of you!' Twilight cheered. Not waiting for an answer She Then quickly turned to Jinzo, 'And Jinzo I apologize for not speaking to you when you approached me. My mouth was glued shut from the guts of that Poor Venonat that splashed of my face.' She once again faced the group, The Giddy plush doll happily hopped in place as she waited for a reply. Dear Arceus, please don't let this go as bad as last time. She silently dreaded.

    ((Shorter than my last post but I don't really have much to say for this))

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