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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters

    The LAVARIDGE Team


    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:22 am

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon || 9

    The Rampardos straightened out his back, rising to his full height before craning his neck. "Nah, nothin' too important, yeah," the old man answered, earning a slight frown from the floating purple ghost. She had expected an answer that was more interesting, more satisfying for her need of action, of chaos. Where was the fun when everything was just order and everybody was happy? None, there was none. The world needed disorder, and it looked as if the Ninetails would've brought some; too bad he had left before introductions. "How 'bout you? Have you seen anythin' of int'rest?"

    A small grin spread on the Mismagius's face, the ghost floating back and forwards in a sort of pondering tick. "Well... Let's see... I haven't explored a lot around this town yet. But if I had to say anything... Don't go into the gym, okay? Or at least, don't bring little children with you into the gym." Lady Midday believed that the old man could at least handle a gymful of dead, rotting human corpses; he'd probably seen a lot, considering his age and everything. On the other hand, little children! -- How scarred would the little Poliwag be if she had seen the mound of dead children and adults alike? Probably scarred and afraid, for sure!

    "Are you sure you didn't find anything at all in the Pokécenter?" asked the ghost with a small pout adorning her face, but leaving the subject behind rather quickly nonetheless. "We could also explore the other parts of the town, you know. There seems to be a lot of stuff we can find... and maybe even find some shelter that we can use to sleep in when night falls." The ghost didn't have a need for sleep, but the living pokémon did. Though it would be tiring, Lady Midday would have to bend to the will and needs of these pokémon if she wanted to change her boring life, even in the slightest.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Jay Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:19 pm

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon || 3

    Bleek couldn't help but wonder, who were those that were merely behind him? All he had to do was walk back and see. Maybe the large fox would-- Then again, Bleek was just too fabulous for the likes of them. He could-- however-- teach the him ways. Who wouldn't want to learn the ways of the o-so-marvelous Bleek! It was decided, the Ninetails would go back and talk to the group for a bit, if they didn't agree, what's so bad about a roasted dinosaur for a next meal? Smiling devilishly, the Fox Pokemon looks behind him, dropping the Spoink and leaving it, some other Pokemon could have it. He slowly pads back towards the group, a Rampardos, and a Mismagius.

    Oh, this was going to be so much fun!

    He turns his glaring gaze towards the Mismagius, smiling a crooked, toothy smile. His face, covered in delicious Spoink-Blood, was bright in the sunlight, the blood shining, fresh... As much as Bleek wanted to clean his snout, he knew how rude it was to do anything like that in front of others! Whatever-- He would do it later.
    "Why hello there~!" Bleek prances around the Mismagius, chin up. He takes a step back, giving the ghost Pokemon some room. He laughs a bit, before continuing his sentence; "Might I ask, what is your name? Mine, well you should know mine! I'm Bleek - the most fabulous Ninetails around~!"

    Chuckling, he moves his body towards the Rampardos, glaring at its face with his crisp, blue eyes. "A spectacular day, isn't mr. Dino?" He circles the Dino o-so-elegantly, before prancing over toward the Mismagius once more, studying her figure.
    "Is that a necklace?" He says, squinting his eyes, "Or is it just my eyes playing a trick on me?" He turns his head towards the rampardos, and while tilting his head, Bleek spots an infected bug Pokemon, no longer recognizable, slowly crawling across the ground behind the Dino.

    "Ohoho! What is this?" He questions, pointing a paw behind the Rampardos. He laughs a bit, turning his body fully towards the infected and moving a bit closer to it. Frowning, the Ninetails cautiously lowers himself to a pouncing position and flamethrowers the bug, burning it until it slowly begins to disintegrate, a long a painful death.

    Laughing, he gets up. "See that? I just saved an innocent life, the poor thing was suffering... So I ended it." Of course-- Bleek would have to do better than that to please and learn about these Pokemon. Studying there figure and weaknesses would be a long task, so why not stick around and wait? Sooner or later, the Ninetails would have a delicious meal. Hopefully-- sooner.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:25 pm

    [ooc: sorta hoping someone would adopt Aurora/Spectrum askjflsdf]
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    Lavaridge Town | Noon

    Lady Midday made a backhanded snide remark about not bringing children into the gym. Harumph! Braxton gave her a grim look, imagining Bell's innocent mind being ruined in an instant. Of course by this point of time of the epidemic it was definitely hard to find a mind undamaged by the destructive forces of the pandemic -- you learn something new every day, he supposed? The Rampardos sniffled slightly at the ghost's words, only responding to her with a nod when she suggested that they go around the rest of the town. Best make sure that they avoid the Glooms in the hot spring... Just imagine the spores they'll give off once they wake up... Quite frankly, Braxton really didn't want to imagine, so he brought his attention back as a certain Ninetails came back.

    To see the pep in Bleek's step was a little unnerving, he had to admit. Perhaps it was the blood upon the fox's body, or it was the sneering smile, but Braxton took an involuntary step backwards. There was definitely something off about this Ninetails, the dinosaur decided. He really wasn't one to base people on first impressions, but there was certainly something about intuition that drove the Rampardos, and it was that intuition that said hey Braxton, maybe this fox isn't all sugar and rainbows! He glanced backwards to see if Aurora or Spectrum had followed, but seeing as they had not, he shrugged to himself helplessly. Hopefully they had done nothing wrong with Bell, else he'd have to... Hah, too old tah pull off somethin' like that. Was it a surprise then, when he turned around and saw that Bleek was running toward him that he raised his arms defensively? "Blarghahohoo!" He sputtered out incoherently, stumbling backwards, before craning his head as he witnessed the fire type decimate yet another Pokemon.

    "... So I ended it."

    Arceus, crap! Braxton silently cursed, trying to retain whatever composure he still had. That Ninetails just saved him, yet he had an odd way of putting it. Perhaps it wasn't that he was saying it oddly, but rather that he referred to a life as an 'it'? The Rampardos grunted in displeasure at how much he was over thinking all this, and shook his head roughly. "Aye, thanks mate. Promise me you'll tell me when ya are gonna pull somethin' like that 'gain." He said, his searching eyes looking into the Ninetails', before directing them towards Lady Midday and wondering what she thought of this... situation.

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:34 am

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon || 10

    [@Negative10: amg I gigglesnorted at the image of Braxton going "BLARGAHOHOO"]

    The ghost answered Braxton's grim look with an innocent little giggle and grin, though in such a situation, it seemed far from that. But it was true! It was just a joke on Lady Midday's part, after all; what was so bad about a little bit of humor these days? Brandon just needed to loosen up a bit, really. Maybe take a break by going into Lavaridge Town's famed hot springs -- oh, but wait... He's a rock type! He can't do that! With another giggle at that internal thought, she floated back a little bit from the Rampardos, giving him some space. The old man definitely had something on his mind though; the Mismagius's curiosity was killing her. But she's a ghost; she's already dead. Whoops.

    But Brandon wasn't even paying attention to the ghost anymore. Lady Midday tilted her head and looked at the dinosaur with a pout, wondering if he just went into old man derp mode or was just thinking or -- what? But her answer came quickly in the form of a familiar Ninetails. He came back! He'd only been gone what, two minutes though? The fox pranced around the Mismagius and she giggled in response, floating around in a twirl in place to keep facing the creature; he looked like a fun guy! "Why hello there~! Might I ask, what is your name? Mine, well you should know mine! I'm Bleek - the most fabulous Ninetails around~!" laughed this 'Bleek' as he took a step back. Well certainly, "Bleek" was much easier to remember than... whatever the dinosaur's name was. Lady Midday supposed she'd just get along with this new fox just wonderfully.

    Bleek chanced a light banter at the dinosaur as well, slinking around gracefully only to let out a powerful fire that burned a half-crushed Undead that had been trying to make their way over to them. But what could the bug do? It had to crawl on the ground to simply lay on the ground that Lady Midday floated on -- a feeling she reveled over. What better feeling could there be than watching others crawl beneath yourself, where you were the ruler and everybody else were just bugs? But that was not the case; who looks at a bug crawling on a leaf, dying in the soil and pities it? Feels power over it? Nobody would feel emotion at something as low as a bug, let alone an undead bug dying: and that was exactly how Lady Midday felt about the world, after all.

    "See that? I just saved an innocent life, the poor thing was suffering... So I ended it," Bleek finished, straightening up after incinerating the bug into nothing but more ashes and trash for this world. If Lady Midday still had solid hands, perhaps she would've clapped for that spectacular fire show. Instead, she smiled, though her grins never quite reached her eyes, remembering her manners and proceeding to introduce herself in return for the fox. "Hellooooooooo there!~" she laughed, matching Bleek's tone of voice and doing another mid-air twirl. "Good day to you, Mr. Bleek! My name is Lady Midday. How nice to meet someone as 'fabulous' as you!"

    It was all just too funny! So many weeks, months, yeaaaaaaaaars of isolation and simply boredom, and then something like this just comes along and gives the Mismagius so many new chess pieces to play a game with. Who was the witch now, the one that everybody avoided just because she liked to play a few pranks? No more! Lady Midday was a lady, not a witch, and ladies would entertain their guests back in the day. It was her responsibility after all. So let's play a game, she thought, excitement of the fun that was waiting for them expanding in her empty chest. A game where the chess players are the chess pieces. Surely that'll be entertaining enough!

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Jay Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:50 pm

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon || 4

    Bleek's nine tails gave a satisfied flick before his snout curves into a grin. He takes one step back, taking in the Rampardos' response. It was full of mixed feelings, not that the fox cared. Distrust; Confusion; maybe a bit frightened - Bleek couldn't tell. However, the ninetails did have a feeling that the dino was very curious about Bleek, who wouldn't be! Bleek was so fabulous, the rampardos' fabulousness was not even close to his on the fabulous-o-meter. That means, on a scale of one to ten, Bleek would be 37, a reminder to all who dare challenge him. As the Ninetails gets distracted on his own thoughts of beautiful things(otherwise known as himself), the Mismagius gives him a well made greeting.

    "Hellooooooooo there!~ Good day to you, Mr. Bleek! My name is Lady Midday. How nice to meet someone as 'fabulous' as you!"

    Was she mocking him? He didn't care either way- but mocking a Pokemon of importance like Bleek deserves a punishment! Though, being a ghost type, this "Lady Midday" might be a tough one to punish. He would think of one as he goes, for now, the fox decided he would stay with the group. They seemed like excellent Pokemon, great tag-a-long kind of group. If he could get them to follow him into the cave were he had been living in for a bit, they would be a perfect snack. At least- the Dino would.
    Bleek, of course, had to stop thinking to himself and give her a proper greeting. He was - after all, a gentlefox.

    "Nice to meet you, Lady Midday!" Giving the best bow a four legged creature could, the pokemon took a pleasureful breathe in. The air spelled wonderful - at least, to him. The sweet scent of epidemic over joyed him. Ah, I love this world!

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:39 pm

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon

    NME floated into the ruined town, confused as if he had no idea where he was. Nothing could be closer to the truth. After breaking down he just floated around aimlessly until his sanity returned to him. "Where are we?" Ember asked curiously. Now you maybe wondering as to why he said we, if you looked to his right there was a small plush doll looking pokemon. When he recieved no reply Ember just sighed and continued to look around the town for a sign or some sort of clue as to where in the name of Arceus he was.

    When he found nothing NME stopped by the Pokemon Center and opened his journal to a fresh page and began to draw. Just little scribbles as he had nothing to write within the pages. It was almost as soothing as it was frustrating to travel with that damned Banette that wouldn't leave him alone.

    Jandrah grinned as he followed the cute little Duskull. It hadn't been nearly as much fun since Ember had gained his sanity back but Jandrah would make do for now. After all the little Ghost Pokemon was nothing more than a puppet to him. Easily manipulated. "Where are we?" Ember asked him. Jandrah didn't answer, he only grinned. At least until they stopped and Ember began to scribble in his little book.

    Jandrah didn't mind much when NME did that but it seemed that book got more of the Requiem Pokemons attention than he did and that made him irritated. Reaching up he snatched the book away. "What's so special about this stupid book of yours that makes it worth paying more attention to than me?" Jandrah questioned, his zipper mouth curling into a dissatisfied frown when all he found in the book where scribbled of notes and drawings. Irate, the strange colored Banette began to tear out pages from the book.

    Ember continued to scribble in his book until Jandrah snatched it away. If NME had a mouth he would have frowned. "What's so special about this stupid book of yours that makes it worth paying more attention to than me?" The Banette asked him as he flipped through the pages of NME's notebook. "I-it's not....i-it just h-he-helps m-me stay c-calm..." Ember answered but as he did the Banette began tearing pages out of the book. NME tried to take it back but Jandrah kept it out of his reach.

    "Please give it back Jandrah pleaaaaaaaaase. I beg you don't do that, give it back." Ember whimpered, nearly crying as he watched the pages fall to the ground. It was clear that Jandrah hated that book because it took Ember's attention away from him. However that book was very important to him as it held many of his thoughts and personal sketches.

    Jandrah laughed at the Duskulls begging and stopped, picking up the torn pages and stuffing them back in the book before returning."Fine but don't let it distract you too much from me again my puppet. Let me sing for you." He said, it could be taken as a threat or an apology but either way Jandrah knew Ember would listen to him out of fear. Closing his eyes, Jandrah began to hum softly his voice melodic and eerie. Slowly Jandrah began to sing his eerie voice echoing softly through the town.

    "Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window
    Go back to sleep, Lay your head down child.
    I won't let the boogeyman come.Counting bodies like sheep
    to the rhythm of the war drums.
    Pay no mind to the rabble, Pay no mind to the rabble. Head down, go to sleep to the rhythm of the war drums.
    Pay no mind what other voices say,
    they don't care about you, like I do, like I do.
    Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils. See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do. Just stay with me, safe and ignorant, go back to sleep,
    go back to sleep.

    Lay your head down child I won't let the boogeyman come. Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.Pay no mind to the rabble, pay no mind to the rabble. Head down, go to sleep to the rhythm of the war drums. I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons.I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason.

    I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices dear.They're one in the same.I must isolate you.
    Isolate and save you from yourself. Swaying to the rhythm of the new world order, and count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums. The boogeymen are coming
    the boogeymen are coming. Keep your head down, go to sleep, to the rhythm of a war drums.

    Stay with me safe and ignorant. Just stay with me.
    Hold you and protect you from the other ones. The evil ones don't love you dear, go back to sleep."

    NME sighed lightly when his book was returned and listened to Jandrah's soft, calming voice as he sang to him. Even if the song was worrying to some, Ember found comfort in it. his eye closing lightly as he listened, the glow from his eye turning a soft blue.

    (Long post is long, Song is Pet - A Perfect Circle. With slight edits to the words to make it more suitable.
    Glad to be on the team guys)

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Drago Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:01 pm

    ((Skip please, I need someone to go back for Bell now, since Aurora and Spectrum are gone. >.<))

    Age : 26
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:26 pm

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    Lavaridge Town | Noon

    Braxton stood there in disgruntled silence as both Bleek and the Lady conversed with each other, crossing his arms with a huff of his breath. He saw those glints in the eyes, the smirks of the mouth. These two weren't just innocent persons surviving an epidemic; these two were manic and-or calculating individuals, quick in their mind and on their feet (figuratively, of course). The Rampardos sniffled slightly, arching his back to stretch his worn muscles. How easy it was for these young ones to act on their intuition, while he was held back because he was simply too old -- it annoyed Braxton, how such a thing like age could prevent him from being the youngster he still felt like. I've still got a few years left in my life, I kid you not. He thought grimly, watching the Ninetails grin devilishly. "Nice to meet you, Lady Midday!"

    "A'right, then. I'm Braxton," he took a glance towards the ghost, hoping she'd catch that he wasn't a Brandon, nor anything else that she had called him. "Introductions outta the way, I say we head on back to the Pokemon Center. Aurora and Specky haven't come, and it's got me worryin' 'bout Bell." The Head Butt Pokemon gave a nod to the both of them, turning on his heel and beginning his trek back to the proposed area. Truth be told, he wasn't really scared that the two quadrupeds would do harm with Bell. Despite being obvious infected Pokemon, it was obvious that they still had heart as well as a conscience -- he was really more worried of being around Lady Midday and Bleek with no objective in mind. Who knows wha' business they could get up in when they ain't busy... Try as he might, these two were unnerving, a disaster just waiting to happen. Braxton could only try so hard to keep them from going on to their own devices.

    "... Stay with me, safe and ignorant. Just stay with me..." Instant suspicion flared up within him as he paused in his tracks. Who was singing this song? It was ragged, it was powerful; the words held an oath of protection but also insinuated a dangerous malice. I'm too old to be 'fraid of sum singer! The Rampardos had quite enough of treading lightly around the danger. With a grunt, he stepped forward and away from hiding, determined to find Bell and keep her safe. His inner paternal self jumped forward as he realized that this unknown being could have found Bell within the Pokemon Center. He rushed a little more as he rounded the corner and found two ghosts instead of two infected.

    "Eh? Who're you?!" Braxton interrogated, pointing a dangerous finger and waggling it in condescension. He didn't really care if they were scary, or if they were angry. All that mattered was Bell, and that she was safe. I won't let another good soul go to waste because I wasn't careful.

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:02 pm



    Age : 25
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Jay Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:14 pm

    ([ooc: nuuuuuu ;U; I guess I have to skip since Brandon Braxton went away and Verdzi into the safehouse... Sorry DX! ;;])

    Age : 28
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:59 pm

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    Lavaridge Town | Noon

    NME jumped slightly when a new voice startled him out of the musical induced calm he had barely just slipped into. "Eh? Who're you?!" The voice had asked. He looked around to find the source of the voice, the glow of his single eye retreating to a stormy grey as it settled upon an unfamiliar Pokemon. At the very least it showed no signs of infection so he didn't mind it much but before he could speak Jandrah stepped in front of him.

    Jandrah's twisted smile returned to his mouth when he noticed NME's lift in moods by the color change of the Duskulls single pendulum like eye. Admittedly Jandrah found Ember to be quite cute when he was calm and happy though he would never say so aloud. He was about to make a somewhat insincere apology about the book until a Ramparados confronted them, asking who they were. Before his beloved puppet could form words to make a reply he moved in front of the baffled Duskull."I'm Jandrah. As for my pet, you may not know his name, nor should you look at him for long." The Marionette Pokemon replied, his grin turning to an expression of irritation.


    Age : 27
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Drago Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:01 pm

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    Lavaridge Town | Noon (18)

    Rightly so, Bell was a little nervous.

    The two that she had been left with had disappeared, and she was left alone in the Pokecenter. The dark, lonely, pokecenter. She stayed put as long as she could, as she was sure Braxy would've wanted her to do, however... Then the singing started. A soft, eerie sound that sent chills down her non-existant spine. Tears welled up quickly in her eyes, and she fought to hold them back. Arceus, she was afraid. Hopping down from the counter she had been sitting on, she fled from the Pokecenter, trying to hunt down the others. At last she found them, and at last the singing stopped. Looking at the two new shapes, she tilted her body slightly. This was what had frightened her so much? They were barely bigger than she was!

    Jumping up again, tears all gone, she hopped up Braxy's tail and back onto her perch on his head. It really was much more fun up there, after all. She could see everything from up here, everything!

    ((Needed to get Bell back with everyone. >.<))

    Age : 26
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:53 pm

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    Lavaridge Town | Noon

    "I'm Jandrah. As for my pet, you may not know his name, nor should you look at him for long." Yeh, well eff you too! Braxton gave a grunt in response, crossing his arms. This Jandrah character was a shady one, and while the Rampardos honestly could care less of what background one might have, it always mattered that they have a decent attitude in the present. The dinosaur admitted to himself that it took a lot more effort than it should have to not roll his eyes in annoyance. Pokemon like this Jandrah ought to have a lesson in etiquette or two! He stared into the happily icy eyes of the ghost for a moment longer before giving a curt nod. Just 'cause this boy might 'ave some issues, don't mean I'm given the right too either.

    Bell had stumbled out of the Pokemon Center, gave one frightened look towards the two new Pokemon, and hopped on over to him. "Hey there, li'l gal. Sorry for leaving you for a bit. We're square?" He asked her with a small smile, looking upward to the Poliwag now atop his head. Braxton tried to keep the child's attention away from that distasteful Jandrah, keep her from looking at the Duskull and further annoying that Jandrah. In fact, Braxton wanted to make sure the Bell would stay the happy child she was, regardless of what he shielded her from. Ain't no one goin' to hurt ya wit' me around. He promised quietly, giving a toothy grin.

    But he was allowing a psychopathic Ninetails to come along, and a suspiciously happy Mismagius also; and he'll be damned if he left these two ghosts simply because they gave off a bad impression! Dun wanna be giving a bad 'xample, I s'pose. He uncrossed his arms and gave a look straight on to that Jandrah. "Aye, well then. I'm Braxton, and you can start avoiding trouble by avoiding li'l Bell here. Else we'll have ourselves a problem, capiché?"

    [ooc: Jandrah is now that Jandrah LOL]

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:26 pm

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon || 11

    The Ninetails returned the ghost's greeting with equal fervor, and she allowed herself a little bow in response. This 'Bleek' should feel honored to have a bow from a lady like Lady Midday! After Bleek, the dinosaur shared his part of the small introduction, seemng to put a slight emphasis on his own name. She saw the small glance that he gave to Lady Midday, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly and giggle. Alright, Mr. Braxton, have it your way. But she wasn't going to pester him about it, not now, for she heard a soft tune humming with the wind. She closed her eyes with a smile, spinning around and listening quietly. What was that sweet music she heard? It was rare to hear such a nice sound in such a dystopic world like this one. Hardly any of the lyrics could be heard -- the voice was too far away and faint -- but Lady Midday could hear the basic melody, and she couldn't help but slightly hum along.

    She opened her eyes when the sound of crunching leaves distracted her, and saw that the dinosaur was already beginning to walk away, perhaps going to search for the source of the sound. She followed suit, floating in the air besides Bradley Braxton whilst giving some short glances towards the Ninetails. Would he follow or stay behind? Surely, Bleek would accompany the lady and gentleman! Even if the Ninetails preferred to be alone, there was no place else to go, anyway... and besides, Lady Midday was sure she would enjoy the fox's company. The ruins of Lavaridge Town creeped into the ghost's view, and she found that the sound of soft singing was even louder. It was coming from a very familiar place, as well -- the same where Aurora and Spectrum had gone to. The Pokémon Center! But there were two new figures in front of the building, and to Lady Midday's distaste, they were a Banette and Duskull... ghosts, just like her.

    "Eh? Who're you?!" blubbered Braxy, pointing a finger at the two like a silly old man telling children to get off of his lawn. The Mismagius just couldn't help but slightly roll her eyes again -- it was quickly becoming a habit when around the Rampardos. She couldn't help it. The dinosaur was just too silly and old-fashioned sometimes; not that she had too many complaints about it. It certainly made things more interesting. "I'm Jandrah. As for my pet, you may not know his name, nor should you look at him for long," answered the Banette to Bradley's question, and Lady Midday couldn't help but to wrinkle her nose. It was ironic that she found this doll ghost to be distasteful when she herself was similar, but the Mismagius couldn't help it. She felt irritated around this Banette, and the silence of the Duskull also only added to the frown on her face.

    "Hmph," was her first reply to the Banette, 'Jandrah's statement. "Lady Midday. Pleasure to meet you," she responded, her tone much more dry and disapproving than it ever was when she was talking to Bleek or Brenton. Instead, her attention immediately turned to the little Poliwag that had climbed up on top of Brennan's head, and she leaned in with a smile. "Aww, aren't you a cute little child?" she giggled, and if Lady Midday possessed hands, then perhaps she would've pinched Bell's cheek. "I haven't seen you since we first arrived here! Where have you been, little miss?"

    Age : 25
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Jay Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:26 pm


    Age : 28
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:28 am

    (Tossing in a skip for now. It's far too early to try and post but I don't want to forget later.)

    Age : 31
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:09 pm

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    Lavaridge Town/Noon (1)

    He had arrived. Finally, after months of arduous traveling, he had finally stepped over the border and arrived in Hoenn. The region where that arrogant Mightyena was no doubt hiding. Shadow ... Genshin's blood frothed at the thought of his face. He'd find him. He'd find him and rip the throat from his neck; snap the spine from his back; gouge the eyes from his skull. That rotten, selfish, attention-seeking little fucker. He would pay for making him look like a useless pile of Wailord shit in front of all of his trainers. Nobody makes a fool out of me.

    "H-Here w-w-we a-are..." a tiny, terrified voice uttered from his feet. Genshin had almost forgotten about the little Meowth that had led him here. Although he'd had to threaten to break the little shit's neck and had thrown him into a tree to get him to comply, at least he'd been fairly useful. Looking down at the small town below, Genshin smirked, his pink tongue rolling across his furless gums. ""Th-This is Lavaridge T-Town. I-It is northern H-Hoenn. Can I..." The Meowth looked up at him, the slightest dawn of hope surfacing in his wide, wet eyes. "C-Can I g-go now? M-My wife and k-kittens n-need me..."

    "Go?" Genshin raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. "But we have only just met. Just think of all the food down there in that town that you could collect for your family. Won't you come along? I will help you find it." The slightest flickers of a nasty smirk touched the edges of his jaws. He loved to do this; loved to watch as their eyes expanded in terror; loved to watch as their minds worked overtime to try and figure out whether they could trust him. The Meowth, however, shouted, "NO!" and darted off underneath his legs before he could stop him. Genshin pulled back his lips and snarled, charging after the little feline and scooping him up off the ground by the neck. Feeling an adrenaline rush at the Meowth's screeches of pain, he slammed him down to the ground, twisting his tiny, bony little neck until it snapped in his jaws. Raising his head again, Genshin sneered down at his kill as he lay twitching in a pool of blood. Just as the slightest hint of life started to fade from his eyes, Genshin stood beside him, raised his leg and urinated onto his face.

    "Once you've outlived your usefulness, you have no place left in this world," the undead Houndoom laughed, turning tail and bounding off towards the town. Almost immediately he heard voices, and darted into some nearby undergrowth to eavesdrop. There was a group of living Pokemon just a few metres away from him, talking about shit he didn't care out. Genshin licked his lips and barely suppressed a chuckle; damn he was hungry. He began to examine the group, deciding who would be most sufficient for a decent snack. Who wouldn't they care about losing...? Who had practically no usefulness...?

    "Aww, aren't you a cute little child? I haven't seen you since we first arrived here! Where have you been, little miss? The words of the Mismagius turned Gensin's attention to the little Poliwag that sat atop the head of the large dinosaur-like Pokemon. He simply couldn't hold back a twisted burst of laughter. A child! Perfect! Who gave a fuck about a child? They were noisy, needy and downright retarded. He'd be doing them a favour by killing that annoying little shit. It was settled; with a roar of aggression, Genshin sped out of his hiding place and, using a rock as some extra leverage, jumped through the air and plucked the Poliwag off of the dinosaur's head. Holding her by the tail, he briefly turned back to the group and, judging by their reactions towards him, gathered that his predictions had been wrong. They seemed more than ready to try and fight back; to retrieve their 'cute little child'. Genshin soon found himself smirking again; he had a better idea. You can wrap these losers right round your little claw.

    Slamming the Poliwag to the ground and placing a single large paw on top of her, he glared at the rest of the group, lowering his grotesque head towards the tender skin covering her internal organs and licking his lips. "All right! None of you fuckers move a single muscle or I'll quickly dispose of this child's life!" he bellowed, his blood-red eyes flashing as he snapped his powerful jaws together. Letting out a soft, deep laugh, he added, "It's very simple - just give me the information I need and I will let her go."

    ((I had permission for Genshin to grab Bell. Also sorry for the long post, I went overboard, lololol))

    Age : 27
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Drago Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:54 pm

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    Lavaridge Town | Noon (19)

    Bell puffed up happily under the ghost's praises. "I've been looking for water!" She chirped, mind suddenly realing back. Oh yeah. In her excitement, she had forgotten how thirsty she was. She didn't have time to complain again, however, before something sharp gripped her by the tail, and she was flung through the air.

    Next thing she knew, she was much closer to the ground, in the jaws of a large dog. For the first time in a long time, Bell was angry. How dare he? She was in the middle of complaining! She'd bubble this meanie to Arceus if he wanted to be mean to her... Eyes scowling, she glared upwards at the dog. Waiting for him to give her a reason.

    Age : 26
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:32 pm

    [ooc: I'm back guise, tally-ho!]
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    Lavaridge Town | Noon

    Everybody was an oddball, Braxton had to finalize that in his mind. Some oddball in this planet had created the epidemic, and some oddball was smart enough to get themselves caught and be infected with the virus, and some other oddball thought they were still the same after the first oddball was contaminated. That's how dis infection spreads. Stupidity an' badly placed trust. Now, the Rampardos knew that he must have been a hypocrite for saying that. After all, he placed his trust in a sneering Mismagius and a smirking Ninetails; add to that the fact that he's accepted into his abode the two recent ghosts and well, he must be a loony huffabaloot to trust them! It was only when Bell's little and innocent voice traipsed into his train of thought that he reminded himself that everyone didn't start out as an oddball. Somethin' makes 'em that way, yeh.

    "All right! None of you fuckers move a single muscle or I'll quickly dispose of this child's life!"

    "Wha' the fu-" He blubbered out, just clamping his mouth in time before he cursed. Somehow this deranged Houndoom had sprung out of nowhere, grabbed Bell, and made a threat. It looked messed up, what with the revealing ribcage and its red eyes, but hell, he's seen revealing bone and flashing red eyes before on decently normal Pokemon. He remember Aurora and Spectrum, and tried not to jump to conclusions with this nasty bugger. But it was stupid when this stupid thing before him was being some stupid oddball. Of course this animal was infected. And it was demanding answers. Little Bell was glaring up at the fire type holding her down, and Braxton felt a brush of respect for the defiant child. She's growin' to be a respectable child, at least in these times. He would admit that in any other era the undisputed anger would be entirely uncalled for.

    "A'ight, you rapscallion, we're listenin'. Git on wit' it." He gritted, a little surprised at how much his words seethed with distaste. Perhaps it was because he was holding down Bell, the innocent girl that she was. Or maybe it was because this monster was in a higher position of power? Or mebbe it's 'cause this fool thinks he's all high an' mighty! Braxton huffed, looking at his friends and sincerely hoping they wouldn't do anything that could cause harm to the Poliwag.

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:57 pm

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon || 12

    The ghost automatically leaned back as a dark figure sudden swooped out of nowhere, swinging right over Brandy's head and plucking the blue tadpole Lady Midday had just been talking to like a fish out of water. To be honest, she probably didn't have to lean back, but she was glad she did once she got a look at the surprise attacker. Another Undead. The aura around Lady Midday practically seethed with distaste. The appearance of the Houndoom was simply disgusting to the Mismagius -- blood dripping, crimson eyes, ribcage opening like a grotesque display for all. It was one thing to be a ghost pokémon, and it was another thing to be something completely against the laws of nature and come back to life in a dead body.

    "All right! None of you fuckers move a single muscle or I'll quickly dispose of this child's life!" bellowed the hideous creature, holding down the young Bell in its bloody, long claws on the ground. Instead of wailing and crying, the Poliwag responded with glaring silence and defiance -- normally, Lady Midday would've preferred the sound of struggle [more fun to show!] but this time she appreciated Bell's response to the Houndoom's assault. It meant less satisfaction for the Undead. Even if Lady Midday thought everything like a chessboard and chess pieces, it didn't mean she couldn't be biased to whether black or white would be favored; and she was definitely against Undeads, most of all. "It's very simple - just give me the information I need and I will let her go."

    Does it look like I care so much for the child? But she could not say such a thing, or she would make herself an enemy of all in the place, perhaps except for Bleek. It was too early to make herself a blatant enemy; it would ruin the purpose of the game if they all turned against her. Six against one just wasn't a fair fight now, was it? Bradley quickly agreed to the Houndoom's terms, much to the distaste of Lady Midday, and yet she remained silent. Honestly, she could just use Confusion Ray right there and ruin the plans of the Undead... but it seemed too early. Might as well use what pawns she could get a hold of, right?

    Lady Midday forced herself to smile, her eyes brightening though the air of disgust towards the unwanted creature remained. She floated a little forward and swept sideways, going around the dinosaur pokémon's back and peering over at the Houndoom over Braxton's shoulder. Her dislike for the bloody dog was only increased by the fact that it was a dark-type -- a weakness for Lady Midday. "Oh, are we in a hostage situation?" she giggled, pink eyes hooded under her 'hat'. "Holding an innocent child for bargain. How cruel of you."

    Age : 28
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:22 am

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon

    Ember glared, his single eye seeming to pulse with anger. He hated the undead and rightfully so. The strangely colored Duskull probably would have attacked, however the Houndoom had taken the little Poliwag hostage. Not to mention Jandrah probably would have stopped him. "I...nevermind." the Requiem pokemon attempted to speak but a sharp gaze from Jandrah made him stop.

    Jandrah eyed this odd situation with distaste, irritation and complete disregard for the life of the child. His eyes took a hateful, dissatisfied look as he glared at Ember when the Duskull tried to speak. Not only did this situation annoy him but it seemed to bother Ember which made him even more irritated. "Alright that's it. We are leaving." The Banette hissed, grabbing Ember's arm like appendage before attempting to walk away.

    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:08 pm

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    Lavaridge Town|Noon (1)

    Dawn was on the ground, moving throughout the town. She had established her own little shelter within a house, and she realized that she was low on berries. Going out to get more, she heard a little bit of noise. The Dragonair went behind a bush and watched the source to see what was going on.

    There was a Poliwag being taken by an undead Houndoom, which made Dawn worry a lot for the poor dear. There was also a Rampardos, a Mismagius, and a Ninetales. However, something that caught the dragon type's eye were the two other ghosts; a Banette and a Duskull. From what she saw, the Duskull tried to speak, but one look from the Banette silenced him. The Banette then grabbed the Duskull and announced that they were leaving. Not him; they.

    The Duskull said nothing, and the Banette's just going to take him away? When there's a child in danger?! Not on her watch. Her eyes narrowed with irritation as she slithered out from the bush and stood in front of the two ghosts. "Neither of you are going anywhere until the child is rescued." She said in a stern voice. Glaring at the Banette, Dawn continued. "And you. You need to let your little friend speak. He can make decisions on his own, you know." Dawn just met them and already hated the Banette.

    Age : 31
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:10 pm

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    Lavaridge Town/Noon (2)

    Genshin was finding it very, very hard not to just tear this child limb from limb right at that moment. Just inches away from his drooling mouth, underneath a tender layer of skin, were warm, bloody and nutritious organs. The hell hound began to salivate at the thought; just a quick slash across the belly and it'd all be over. He could scoop up that precious nutrition and be off into the forest before the group could even do a thing. No. Focus. Even though he was simply desperate take the opportunity of a decent meal while it lay helplessly underneath his paw, this child had a job to do before anything of that sort could happen.

    "A'ight, you rapscallion, we're listenin'. Git on wit' it," the dinosaur said, gritting his teeth in anger. Genshin's burning eyes narrowed at the Rock-type's voice; how it simply oozed with hate and distaste. That was not right. That bastard should've be on his fucking knees if he truly did care for this child. Genshin felt himself faltering; had he made a mistake? Did they not care enough to save her? In that case... Licking his bare lips and chuckling maliciously, Genshin lowered his head towards the Poliwag's soft belly, slowly opening his jaws.

    "Oh, are we in a hostage situation?" the Mismagius then trilled in, her patronising voice causing Genshin's blood to start bubbling in anger. "Holding an innocent child for bargain. How cruel of you." The Houndoom's eyes darted from one face to the next as he started to wheeze as the anger within him started to reach boiling point. The two smaller Ghost-type were actually starting to walk away. Panting furiously, Genshin looked down at the child beneath his feet and actually let out a short scream; she was glaring at him.

    Genshin raised his head to the skies and belted out a high-pitched scream of rage. Bird Pokemon exploded out of the trees surrounding the town, crying out in terror. The Houndoom's eyes blazed with indescribable rage and his lip was curled back into a vicious snarl. But when he spoke, his voice was eerily calm. "So ... you think I'm just bluffing? That I'm just playing around?" Suddenly throwing back his head and howling with hysterical laughter, he grabbed the Poliwag by the tail again and threw her into the air. "TELL ME IF THIS IS JUST FUCKING ABOUT!"

    As the Poliwag fell back down, he caught her in his jaws and repeatedly started to slam her down onto the ground. Muffled bursts of laughter escaped his lips as he continuously pounded her against the floor. After a few seconds he threw her down and left her there, securing her body with his paws. Crackles of electricity surrounded his jaws as he lowered his head towards her fragile skin. "Got the message now, you fuckers? I will kill this child if you continue to act like I'm just fucking around! YOU GOT THAT?! I WILL KILL HER!" No one ... no one on this earth ever treated him like he was just some over-confident idiot who thought that he'd have a go at being the villain. I'm going to make them pay for this.

    ((I had permission to perform more Poliwag abuse. :3 Drago, if this is too much tell me and I'll edit it.))

    Age : 25
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Jay Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:35 pm

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    Lavaridge Town || Noon
    Bleek looks about the group, there was a sense of franticness in the air. The Little Poliwag was being beaten up by a big meanie, or a houndoom. The rest of the group was freaking out about it, except Lady Midday. He liked her. The rest, well, they could all go to hell.This group was not worth his time, Bleek the most fabulous pokemon around must not 'hang around' with unfabulous pokemon like these!

    So with that, he simply trots away, looking back and winking at the Rampardos, who pays no attention to him but at the poor Poliwag. Turning his attention back, he walks out of sight.

    ([ooc: lame leaving post LOL])

    Age : 27
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    The LAVARIDGE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The LAVARIDGE Team

    Post by Drago Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:05 pm

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    Lavaridge Town | Noon (20)

    Bell scowled upwards at the meanie who had grabbed her, face pouting in a complete frown. She was caught by surprise, however, when she found herself flying through the air again. She didn't have a chance to enjoy it, however, because very quickly afterward a sharp pain caught her tail once more. Again, quickly after that she was slammed into the ground repeatedly. What did she do to deserve this? She had been good, just looking for water. This meanie was just being a jerk! Struggling to flip herself around, she glared at the meanie again.

    Seeing the sparks surrounding his jaws, her eyes widened. Electricity? This jerk was gonna use electricity on her? How dare he! Puckering her lips as tightly as she could manage, she pushed out the rest of her spare water supply, spitting three Bubbles at the meanie. It wouldn't hurt very much, but she wasn't just going to sit still and take this abuse. It wasn't fair.

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