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7 posters

    The OUTSKIRT Team


    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:28 pm

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    Outskirt Stand~Dusk~30
    Crescent strained to see through the blowing sandstorm, however she did just see the hazy outline of the other's leaving. "Guys! W-wait up..." She went to follow them, but something told her to stay. Sighing Crescent's head drooped. They were crazy, but they were friends... She used her sense of direction to start walking back to the stand. I wonder if that egg's still alive... She thought, taking one last glance towards the cacti, Crescent started running towards the Stand, barely able to see anything in the sand anymore.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:53 pm

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    Outskirt Stand~Dusk~31
    Finally, Crescent made her way out of the sandstorm, occasionally glancing behind her in case that cacturne came back. She slowed to a trot when she got close to the Stand. Looking around, she didn't see anything suspicious, so she entered the stand. Looking around, she saw the poffins were still here. Remembering Hideki, Hiroshi and Regale, Crescent sighed sadly. "I wonder where they went..." She said, looking to the single lightbulb on the ceiling. Walking over to the poffins she picked up one of the sweet pink poffins, Letting all the happy memories of when she was with Erica come back to her. Sighing happily she was just about to grab another when she heard a noise outside. Eyes narrowing, she walked towards the noise, a low growl escaping from her throat. She looked out carefully, but didn't notice anything. Crescent looked around her, so see where it would have come from. Nothing. Wearily she walked back inside the stand, all senses alert. After about five minutes and the noise didn't return Crescent settled down, walking into the little storage to see what the- no, she had to eat. "A whole lot of nothing that's for sure." She said, looking at the stocks. One or two Soda Pops, A few frozen berries, Some poffins and an empty rubbish bin. Not like it was of use to her anyway. She pushed up onto her hind legs, grabbing a Soda Pop and carefully putting onto the bench. Sinking back down to all fours, Crescent picked up the Soda pop in her mouth and took it over to the table. "Dawmn tis mwetal dossem't twaste gould" Crescent said, her voiced muffled by the can. She set it down and used her claw to cut the top off, revealing the fizzy liquid inside.

    ((Whole lot of nothing to do when alone...))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:38 pm

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~32
    Crescent finished off the soda pop and picked up one of the green bitter poffins. She didn't like the bitterness, but she wanted to save the sweet pink poffins for later. Sighing she carefully picked up the plate in her mouth and took it back into the kitchen. She put it away and got out a frozen pecha berry. "I wonder if I'll run into anyone else?" She said, looking around the small shack. Sighing she walked outside, looking around. She walked over to where she first met Hideki, Hiroshi and Regale. The severed undead flygon head stood well above the ground. Crescent looked at the think, sitting down next to it in hopes someone would come past.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:47 pm

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    Outskrit Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {1}

    The dust storm collapsing around him the Cacturne's dark face stretched into an even more ghastly grin as the row of black pores in his plant like skin move into another position.
    Reaching up one stubby arm the Cacturne pulls on the brim of his thorned cap, concealing the true expression of his flaming yellow eyes.
    Like some ancient creature dragging itself from a crypt a dark chuckle emerges from the Dark Type's throat into the night air.
    The pale moon suspended in the deep pool of the sky shone down on the still dunes, turning the frozen waves of sand from fiery golden to a smooth silver.
    Visiyn chuckled, his dry breath hanging in the air as without the sun to warm the bare sands the temperature started to plummet.
    The comforting cool of the evening made him swift enough to track down one little Absol.
    The Cacturne's shoulders twitched as his roots withdrew from the ground, the hidden pocket of water restoring his flesh and helping replace the cut thorns of his body, the sap oozing sounds already starting to scab over with new thorn growth.
    Deliberately he set forth, following the faint traces of the Absol in the sand to a place familiar to him...

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:01 am

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~33
    Crescent's hackles rose as she was vaguely aware of something nearby. Growling, she stood up slowly, her fur glowing black in her foul play attack she spun around, so that she was facing where the attacker would come from. A few grains of sand brushed against her fur and she knew who was here. "Come back for more have you? Well bring it on." She said, growling as her foul play attack grew ever stronger. She built up the power, up to max that the tutor had taught her, waiting for the Cacturne to appear.

    Age : 29
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:04 pm

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    Outskirt Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {2}

    Visiyn chuckles again as he strides over the dunes. His legs are long and leave great space between them. His footprints are faint pockmarks in the dunes that are soon erased by the faint breeze stirring the night sand.
    His breath hangs in the air as the temperature plummets further, not a cloud of water vapor like the breath of any other being in these circumstances but a cloud of choking dry sands.
    As he steps the winds swirl around him and start lapping at his feet like playful pups.
    The ragged red scarf blows behind him, the bright red shining like a battle flag as the Cacturne pulls his thorned cap over his face and points his hand towards the shape of the forgotten engine in front of him.
    The row of black pores twitches in a malevolent smile as Visiyn calls the Sandstorm.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:47 pm

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~34
    Crescent growled as the Cacturne came closer. Then, she got an idea. Smiling to herself, she used Quick Attack to race into the Stand, grabbing a water bottle from the kitchen and using Quick attack to race back out. She placed the water bottle at her side as a last minute resort. Fighting to hold the power of her foul play attack, she waited, poised for attack.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:23 am

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    Outskirt Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {3}

    Sand howls like a wild Mightyena as the dunes are whipped into a skin-shredding Sandstorm. The desert sands are torn up to a silver misty haze as Visiyn strides forwards.
    His tattered red scarf shows beside him as he bears down on the ruins of the Outskirt Stand with the sand following behind him like an entourage.
    The howling gorws louder, the sound of a mighty storm barely contained as the hazy shadow of the Cacturne briefly flickers into life at the top of the dune and points his thorned arm towards then frail gleam of metal.
    Like a fallen storm cloud the Sandstorm rolls forwards.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:57 pm

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~35
    Crescent braced herself as the howling winds of the sandstorm hit her full force. She used quick attack to race through the sands, her eyes closed so as to stop sand from getting in the delicate retinas. She opened her eyes a little to see a dark shape in the howling sand in front of her. Using all her strength, she leaped at the shape, unleashing the full power of the foul play attack she had been holding.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:29 pm

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    Outskirt Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {4}

    The large dark type, his body merely a dark silhouette against the shifting sands sees the attack coming, his dark mouth twisting upwards in a grin as he steps aside and drives a Sucker Punch into the Absol's gut with his spiked fist.
    His gamble that the other dark type had been preparing an attack pays off, though he winces as the powerful Foul Play attack swipes over his skin.
    Turning in the centre of the storm, the violent rush of sand not harming him at all the Cacturne shoots some of his long thorns at the Absol.

    ((OOC: I will edit later if its not o.k. having Crescent hit by Sucker Punch but because of the way that move works...))

    Age : 25
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:28 am

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    Outskirt Stand~36
    Crescent bit back a cry as the Sucker Punch hit her square in the gut. Wincing as she hid the ground hard, she struggles to her feet. Her head scythe glowed White in a Razor Wind attack as she aimed carefully, shooting the razor Wind when she was sure her aim was right. Taking the few moments of invisibility she got from the white light of Razor Wind, she dodged the spikes flying at her and raced back to where she had the water bottle. She then picked it up, racing back into the buffering Sandstorm, where the cacturne was waiting.
    ((It's Okay, It just gave Crescent a good Excuse to go get the water >.>))

    Age : 29
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:27 pm

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    Outskirt Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {5}

    The Cacturne stumbles backwards as the blade of wind gouges across his body, hissing in pain at the silvery sand-like substance that oozed like blood from his wounds.
    In response to his pain the sandstorm seems to kick up, the grains of ground down rock moving faster in a blur of sand that shreds those unfortunate enough to touch it.
    Aiming in the direction he thought the absol went he launches a fistful of sharp green pins.

    Age : 25
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:50 am

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~37
    Crescent knew she couldn't keep this up,and so, as she was racing back, a group of needles from the Cacturne flew by, so close that it cut off the tips of her fur on her right side. "Arceus, that was close." She said, sighing in relief. Crescent raced towards where the needles came from, wielding the water bottle almost like a blade, holding it by the cap. She saw the dark silhouette of the Cacturne in the sands and leaped up at it, Just about to swing the water bottle onto he cacturne's head.

    ((Permission to smack Visiyn on the head with a water bottle?))

    Age : 29
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:53 pm

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    Outskirt Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {6}

    The Cacturne spins around, his thorned arms swinging up in an attempt to deflect the blow.
    The angle of the attack means that his spiked cap is turned upwards, exposing his face.
    One bright yellow eye glares up into Cresecents. The other is a gashed mess of silver plant say from where it has been gashed, barely any of the original yellow coloring visible.
    The dark pores of his mouth contort into a terrifying grimace but it is obvious now that the Grass Type has rooted himself to the ground.
    He cannot dodge!

    ((OOC: Permission granted and welcome Funnio <3 Feel free to jump in wherever you want.))

    Age : 103
    Posts : 128

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Funnio987 Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:32 pm

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    Outskirt Stand | Night | 1

    Blaze coughs as he walks, at the same time holding his tail, trying to conceal it from anything that could blow it out.
    The moon showcasing his shadow as he walks on the sand, leaving a line of footprints in his wake. This was too much for anything, let alone a weak little Charmander. He felt like falling to the ground and give up. He knew he wasn't going to last long in this wasteland, not from natural causes, but from the undead. He already saw his fellow friends die in front of him, eventually seeing them turn into an undead. It made him gag, they just wanted to kill and devour.
    He thinks about what it would feel like to be killed. Eaten. Or worse, become one of the undead. Would you retain your memories of your last life? Or where you just a mindless flesh-eating monster?
    The Charmander sighed, if only none of this happened, he wouldn't have to flee to this unknown region. It was all new to him. But if he wanted to survive, he must tread on. He needed to escape from the nightmare back in Kanto.

    (( OOC: I'm not sure if I did good enough for a first post. But I wanted to really showcase how he feels about the 'apocalypse.' Also, thanks for the warm welcome, I'm sure I'll love this team as much as you guys. ))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:38 pm

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~38
    Crescent knew it was now of never, taking that moment of when she realized the Cacturne couldn't dodge, she swung the water bottle point blank into the Cacturne's face, the bottle exploding and covering them both in water. In that same moment, The cacturne had hit her side with his spiked arms, sending her sprawling when the water bottle had covered them both in water. Hitting the sand with a soft thud, Crescent struggled to her feet, panting heavily. This Cacturne was tough, she had to give him that. "Had enough?" She said through gasping breaths, swaying on her feet from exhaustion. She hadn't had a battle like this in ages! I can't believe how laid back I've become! I used to be able to do fights like these easily! She thought, stumbling a bit as a harsh wind hit her side. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, eyes locked on the dark silhouette of the Cacturne. She hadn't even noticed the little Charmander making it way towards them.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:10 pm

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    Outskirt Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {7}

    The ominous shape of the Cacturne freezes as his skin drinks in the reviving fluid.
    Wetness streams backwards over his body as the flow of the sands slows, preserving the layer of water as it is absorbed into him.
    The ragged scarf behind him falls still as Visiyn falls still and does not shoot his thorns out to attack.
    "You offer me water, the lifeblood of the world?" The large Dark Type asks, turning his one good eye on the Dark Type.
    His roots pull themselves from the sand as he rises and grabs a handful of the coarse grains in his palm.
    He tilts his hand, sending the stream of sand running down as the he tilts his head to the side.
    It is an ancient greeting among his people, a sign that the desert is their common enemy.
    If the Absol acknowledges it then maybe they don't have to fight.
    The Sandstorm stops completely, the grains of sand settling once again.

    Age : 103
    Posts : 128

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Funnio987 Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:35 pm

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    Outskirt Stand | Night | 2

    The small silhouette of the Charmander casts a lowly shadow across the sand. He was trying to find shelter, as it seemed that the desert was becoming more unforgiving every minute. As shown by a seemingly out of nowhere sandstorm that appeared, nearly pushing him into the sky. Then, as if the desert was taunting him, the sandstorm stopped. Every step was grueling for the young Charmander. He felt like he needed to rest. He needed to sleep. But he couldn't in the open desert. He needed to find shelter.

    Blaze doubted himself, why did he even go to the desert? He could've gone anywhere in this region, but he had to go to a desert that near killed him! He chuckled, he wasn't making the right decisions these days.

    Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a final gust of wind from the sandstorm wooshed into him, making his concealed tail nearly blow out. "AGHH!" He screams, the pain was unbearable. The pain was making him twist in pain, eventually making him fall to the ground. Leaving him on the verge of fainting. He turned, just enough for him to see a Cacturne and an Absol. They seemed to be fighting or talking to each other. He wasn't sure. He called to them with a soft whisper, "Help...me."

    (( OOC: Welp, that was hard for me to think out. Me and Duma were going through ways on how I could introduce myself. I think Blaze being on the verge of dying would give him a good introduction. :u ))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:42 pm

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~39
    "Help... Me." Crescent faintly heard the voice from behind her, and she turned to see a small Charmander, it's tail fire nearly out. Eyes widening, she quickly turned back to the Cacturne, seeing it pick up sand and letting it drain from it's hand. Crescent nodded in respect and copied, before turning back to the Charmander. She used Quick Attack to race over, Looking at the poor thing. "You okay? Your tail flame is low." She said, laying down beside the poor Charmander

    Age : 29
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:59 pm

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    Outskirt Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {8}

    Turning slowly like a scarecrow mockery of a human form the Cacturne turns his bright golden eye on the little fire lizard.
    His face stretches into a mocking grin that would scare any small defenseless creature.
    Moving deliberately over the dunes with a swirl of sand playing across his feet like an obedient pet he seems to glide across the sands until he is looking down on the Charmander.
    Silently he glares down at the fire type.
    Warrior of the sun, ally of my enemy and ready for the death still.
    Avoiding the tiny point of flame that glowed bright in the dark of night the Cacturne reaches down, the blunt surface of his thorned arm expanding into root-like tendrils of Ingrain.
    One touch and the tendrils will dig into the orange scales and drain the fluids from its body.
    The Cacturne face contorts in a terrible grin, the black pores of its mouth twisting up in the corners.
    The bandaged arm confused the Dark Type though. Tainted water he cannot consume for fear of the Taint spreading into him.
    The Cacturne sighs and pulls his cap low over his face. The night wind picks up his tattered red scarf to blow out behind him.
    "Your arm..." He asks, crossing his own. His dark green thorns seem to grow a little larger.

    Age : 103
    Posts : 128

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Funnio987 Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:15 am

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    Outskirt Stand | Night | 3

    Like he asked, the Absol came to his aid, quickly hurrying to Blaze. "You okay? Your tail flame is low." The Absol asked, it was now obvious that it was a female. It also seemed that the Absol was not infected by one of the Undead. "W-Wind. Sandstorm blew into me. I-it nearly killed me..." The lizard-pokemon sighed a sigh of relief. "I've been looking everywhere for...others." He paused. "Others that are still alive." He grew a faint smile. "I'm not from here... I'm fro--."

    His sentence did not finish, as the Cacturne from before appears, seemingly from nowhere. It had the most ghoulish grin Blaze has ever seen, it was horrifying. It scared him. Then, to add even more fear, the Cacturne reaches down, growing several root-like tendrils from its arms, it seemed like it wanted to hurt him. The lizard pokemon closed his eyes, fearing him to be undead. He was hoping the Absol would protect him, as it seemed the young Charmander was already paralyzed in fear and pain.

    Then, he hears the voice of the Cacturne. "Your arm..."

    Blaze opens his eyes, seeing the dual type crossing its arms. It was waiting for a question it seemed. It was asking about his bandaged arm. "I'm not infected...I grazed my arm while running from one of the undead." He whispers, doubting that the Cacturne was friendly.

    Last edited by Funnio987 on Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:16 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : GRAMMATICAL ERRORS!)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:20 am

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~40
    Crescent nearly growled at the Cacturne when it reached for the Charmander, however when it pulled back she relaxed. She looked back towards the Charmander, looking the small scrap over. A bandage, from falling over apparently, and glasses, which Crescent guessed meant that the charmander was near sighted. "What's your name? My name's Crescent." She asked, standing up now that she knew the Charmander was okay. For now anyway. "We should get back to the stand. It's not safe out here." Crescent said, looking towards where the stand was.

    Age : 29
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:36 pm

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    Outskirt Stand Desert ^^^ Night ^^^ {8}

    The large Dark Type shrugs and turns his back on the little Charmander, striding off into the sandy heart of the deep desert. if he was strong enough to deserve life he would follow to one of the few places in the desert that was safe from the harsh winds.
    He pulls his cap down over his ruined eye, putting everything of his face save his ghastly grin into shadows.
    "It is night and the night is old." He says mysteriously, throwing an indecipherable look over his shoulder as he slowly starts to walk away.
    Without the bright eye of the sun to warm it the night air is freezing cold, his sandy breath hanging in the air.
    His tattered scarf blows behind him as the Cacturne slolwy stalks off.

    Age : 103
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Funnio987 Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:43 pm

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    Outskirt Stand | Night | 4

    "What's your name? My name's Crescent." The caring Absol asked the Near-Sighted Charmander. He smiled, "My name's Blaze. Crescent's a nice name." He whispers nicely, slowly getting up onto his feet."We should get back to the stand. It's not safe out here." Blaze nods, smiling slightly. He studies the Absol named Crescent, she seemed to have some kind of peculiar markings. She seemed to be unique. "Why do you have a moon on your hind leg?" He asks hesitantly, still trying to gain his bearings.
    "It is night and the night is old."
    The Cacturne interrupts, possibly talking to itself. Its back was turned, letting its red scarf flow freely behind it. I bet that scarf used to be white... Blaze thinks to himself, still not trusting the Grinning Cacturne.
    The little Charmander smirks slightly, he would survive longer if he were to stay with these two. Maybe he would survive until the end of this nightmare.
    "What's the stand?"

    (( OOC: Sorry for the late post, I was out with my family. ))

    Age : 25
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    The OUTSKIRT Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The OUTSKIRT Team

    Post by Duma Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:52 am

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    Outskirt Stand~Night~41
    "Blaze is a nice name to." Crescent said, yawning a bit. "To tell you the truth, I'm not quite sure why I have a Crescent moon on my hind leg. It did give me my name though." Crescent said, smiling at the small Lizard Pokemon. "Oh, The stand? That's the shelter that I'm currently staying at. It's fairly large and there's food and a little bit of water." Crescent said, watching as the Cacturne said something and walked off. Huh. fine let him be arrogant and selfish. Crescent thought, turning back to Blaze. "Come on, I'll show you the way to the stand" Crescent said cheerfully, trotting off towards the stand, making sure Blaze was able to keep up.

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