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7 posters



    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:29 am

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    Route 131|Early Evening (21)

    Hannah watched as Torque turned around, still upside down. He seemed oblivious to the fact that he was upside down, but the Sharpedo was still able to snuggle the Chinchou. "How're you doing this upside down stuff? Teach me it looks cool." Hannah could help but smile and laugh a little. "Silly Torque!" She said. "You're the one that's upside down." She decided to do the same, making both of them upside down. "There, now I'm upside down!" She said to him. The Chinchou swam up to Torque and snuggled him herself.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:47 am

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    Route 131|Early Evening (26)

    Yusei nearly face-finned at the sight of Hannah playing along with the annoying Sharpedo. She wasn't sure which bothered her more; that Hannah was playing along, or that as the mother figure she was being ignored. Either way Yusei was getting fed up with all this. The worst part about it was that Tyrannus wasn't here for her to bicker with to relieve her anger in a non-violent manner.

    Hissing with frustration Yusei dove into the water and swam off around to the far side of the island. Here she could be angry and not have to worry about snapping at the others. That is if they were smart enough to leave her alone. The Milotic would take no responsibility for the others getting hurt if they bothered her.

    (short post be short)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:20 pm

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    Mirage Island/Early Evening (31)

    Zeke had thought that getting used to new, longer and sexier legs would be a breeze, but it turned out that he was wrong. He looked a bit like a drunken Mr. Mime as he wobbled towards the thick forest lining the edges of the beach. He stole a glance behind him, hoping that none of the others were watching, and noticed that Hannah and Torque were on their backs in the water. Just ... floating there. "What the hell are they doing?" the Golduck mumbled to himself, but then found that a small smile was creeping its way onto his beak. Even though Torque was a bit on the bi-polar side, at least he was keeping little Hannah away from the worries of this world for a little while.

    "Hey, Grim and ... new guy," he called, only just noticing the larger crab that was now accompanying him. "You guys gonna come with me? I'm not going in there on my own."

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:53 pm

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    Mirage Island | Early Evening (10)(2)

    "Hey, Grim and ... new guy you guys gonna come with me? I'm not going in there on my own." Zeke said. Grim gestured toward his long-lost brother to come with him to Zeke. I guess I have to introduce you two, Grim said, Well, Zeke this is my long-lost brother, Thomas. Thomas this is my newest best friend, Zeke. Grimace had never thought of Zeke that way, until now. He had a best friend! Hopefully Zeke thought the same way.
    I guess I have to introduce you two, Grim said, Well, Zeke this is my long-lost brother, Thomas. Thomas this is my newest best friend, Zeke. Grim had adapted to others while himself had tried to stray from anyone who wanted to help him. Hi, I guess. Thomas said. He looked Zeke up and down, to make sure he was a nice guy. Thomas, being older, was very protective. He then said to Grim, Has any of these Pokemon hurt you in some way?
    Hurt Me! Grim pffted, They've treated me with nothing but respect. He then turned toward Zeke, Also, what is with Hannah and Torque snuggling upside-down, I thought they hated each other?
    All Thomas thought of what Grim had just said was, Wow, he inherited a lot of courage from his parents.

    (OoC: Centered Paragraphs are Thomas and regular Paragraphs are Grim))

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:28 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:07 pm

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    Route 131|Evening (10)

    Torque growled at the newcomer. Many criminals used Crawdaunts for evildoing. Torque would keep his eye on this new guy especially around his snuggle buddy Hannah. He grinned and blew a few bubbles before sinking to the bottom of the sea. "The seafloor is really blue" Torque said before stirring up the dirt a bit. He found a pretty pearl down there and spat it straight up out of the water. "One ocean's trash is this Sharpedo's treasure" Torque said before resurfacing upside down. He grinned again returning to his dim witted Sharpedo self.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:57 pm

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    Route 131|Evening (22)

    Hannah enjoyed being upside down. It was fun. She saw that Grim had brought a new person to the group; and it looked like his evolved form. When he introduced the strange creature as his long lost brother, Thomas, Hannah perked up. Still upside down, she introduced herself to the group in a cheery voice. "Hi there, Thomas! I'm Hannah! This is Torque!" She said, extending her small fin in the shark's direction. She saw that he had swam down to the bottom of the sea, so she shined her lights down on him. "He'll be back in a little bit!" She said to Thomas as Torque resurfaced. She watched a pearl come up right out of the water, being launched by none other than the Sharpedo. The act made the Chinchou giggle in amusement.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:45 am

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    Route 131|Evening (27)

    Yusei hissed, watching Torque and Hannah from the far side of the island. Jealousy was starting to get to her, the only thing halting her urge to attack was the thought of how the others would react. "IT'S NOT FAIR!" She screeched, her voice echoing. The angry Milotic couldn't stand it anymore. First her only outlet, and love interest had just up and left, now the only one keeping her from snapping had decided to go and find more amusement with that damned shark.

    Unleashing an Ice Beam at the water nearby Yusei dove down into the depths and began to swim off, infuriated. If rage was heat she would have made the water boil as she swam through it, her tail battering away anything that came to close. When she reached the deepest she could go, the floor of the sea, she let loose a Dragon Pulse attack on a nearby rock. On the same rock she began to hit her head over and over out of sheer anger.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:10 pm

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    Mirage Island/Early Evening (32)

    I guess I have to introduce you two. Well, Zeke this is my long-lost brother, Thomas. Thomas this is my newest best friend, Zeke," Grim said as he approached with the new guy. Best friend, eh? Wasn't it a little too soon to be regarding somebody he barely knew as a best friend? Still, Zeke appreciated the compliment and grinned at Thomas, giving the Crawdaunt a playful salute. "Hey there! Sure is nice that you two have found each other again! You guys gonna help me take those berries before anyone else nabs 'em?"

    "Also, what is with Hannah and Torque snuggling upside-down?" Grim then asked, glancing over at the bi-polar and the child. "I thought they hated each other?" Zeke shrugged. "Guess not. At least he can keep her busy while we collect the food." He looked ahead at the looming forest, feeling very small in comparison to it. "Er ... you want to go first, Thomas? You look big and tough. I bet you could take care of any bad guys, eh?" Giving a nervous laugh, Zeke patted the Crawdaunt on the side reassuringly.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:57 am

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    Mirage Islands | Early Evening (11)(3)

    Thomas wasn't that much older than Grimace. Why didn't Zeke ask him to go first? Now Grim was angry and jealous of Thomas. He started to go first, but Thomas gave him a weird look. He was behind Thomas and in front of Zeke. He kept jumping at twigs snapping. But, he squealed when he heard the Milotic, Yusei, scream angrily in the distance. Was he the weakest of them all. Well, that can't be true, there was Hannah. He hated admitting it, in his own little world he was the strongest Corphish ever. But in reality, he was very weak. He was looking around for berries as they walked, as was Zeke and Thomas, but couldn't see any. He soon spotted something orange. Was it... it was. He had found a bushel of Leppa Berry. Hey guys...I found some berries, this way. Grim said, and walked in the direction of the berries.

    Get your hand off me, Thomas thought, I don't know you much and I don't trust you yet. Thomas started to walk, but Grim walked right in front of him and butted him out of the way. Thomas gave him a "What are you doing" look and Grim backed off. They started walking and looking for berries. Grim was behind Thomas and Zeke was behind Grim for his protection. Grim always liked to act strong, even as a baby/toddler, he was very feisty. "Hey guys...I found some berries, this way." Grim said as he walked off the small, almost invisible path . Thomas went the direction of his brother and Zeke followed. When he turned the corner he noticed a big bush, no two, no five big bushes full of Leppa Berries. Thomas dived into one bush and started chomping the berries. Thank you Grim! Thomas shouted happily.

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:59 pm

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    Mirage Island|Evening(11)

    Torque heard a yell from far off. He rolled over where he was right side up and groaned. All the blood had rushed to his head. Torque patted Hannah's face and grinned stupidly. "Hannah there are 30 of you" he said. The 30 Chinchous slowly swirled around in his vision before closing in on the 1 Chinchou. "That's better" Torque said before snuggling Hannah. He remembered hearing the yell and it was surprisingly feminine. "Hey where did the Milotic go" Torque asked. He thought she had swam off to do girl Milotic stuff but was gone too long. "Hannah! I'll be Sherlock Holmes and you can be Watson so we can go find that Milotic or clues to her mysterious disappearance" Torque said with an attempted detective face. He swam in a circle around her before ducking under water and rubbing his face on the ocean floor looking for clues.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:59 pm

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    Mirage Island|Early Evening (23)

    Hannah turned right side up just as Torque did, and everything looked weird. She felt dizzy and grabbed onto Torque for support. When her vision was back to normal, the Sharpedo snuggled her, as did she. Her happiness was interrupted, however, by a feminine yell. 'Yusei...' The Milotic must've been angry at something, and the Chinchou knew that whenever she was around, Yusei would calm down.

    "Hannah! I'll be Sherlock Holmes and you can be Watson so we can go find that Milotic or clues to her mysterious disappearance." Hannah followed Torque underwater as he was looking for clues. "I... I think I know where Yusei might be..." She said to the shark. "A-And I also think it would be best if I handled this on my own." She added. With that being said, she used her lights to followed the loud thumping noises underwater.

    When she got to the source, Hannah was completely still, her small mouth open in shock. Yusei was banging her head on a rock. Why would she do this? Tears were running down Hannah's face, but nobody could tell since she was underwater. She blew some bubbles over in the Milotic's direction, hoping it would get her attention.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:38 am

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    Mirage Island|Early Evening(28)

    Yusei hissed in rage. Her fury undisturbed by the feeling of small bubbles popping against her body. She continued to bash her skull against the rock, sometimes breaking off diminutive chunks. The sound of her skull bashing against the hard rock reverberating through the water. The force of her head hitting the jagged rock eventually began to puncture her scaly skin causing blood to leak out of her body.

    Even the growing wounds on her head would not stop her rage. Her screams of hatred and anger echoing through the area. Yusei didn't look as if she was going to stop any time soon, unless of course she was put to sleep or forced into unconsciousness. Chips of rock continued to fall as the Milotic continued to beat her head, frustrated and disappointed as her tail began to slam into the rock along with her head in a rhythmic fashion.

    (Sorry for this but I am not in my greatest state right now so some rage and vent posting might be the fashion for me for the next little while.)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:12 pm

    ((Skip me please - I'm still deciding whether to have Zeke move to Seafoam yet. >< Just say that Zeke told Thomas not to hog all the berries and found a large leaf to hold them all in.))

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:14 pm

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    Mirage Island | Early Evening (12)(4)

    Grimace was starving and was full in about 10 minutes. He started copying what Zeke was doing, collecting berries in a big leaf. Thomas was eating really fast, his whole bush was almost vacant when he was done. He then copied Grim and Zeke. Then they started to walk back to the others to give them some food. Grim kept hearing a faint bmmm bmmm bmmm and a slight rumble of the ground. What is that, Grim thought. Grim started waddling faster until he was in some kind of run. When he got back to the beach he noticed that only Torque was there. Hey, Grim shouted to Torque, Where is Hannah and Yusei!

    Grim was so hungry, he couldn't stop eating. But he had to because Zeke wanted him to. He then copied Zeke and Grimace by putting berries in a large leaf. They started walking down the path and he kept hearing some faint thumping noises. Grim started to run and was gone in a blink of an eye. While Zeke and Thomas walked it was silent so he decided to make conversation. Ummm..., he said, How did you meet Grim?

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:31 pm

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    Mirage Island|Evening(12)

    Torque wasted no time. He ignored Grim and the Crawdaunt and dove back underwater. "Overprotective mode ON" Torque yelled before following the Chinchou's scent. He Aqua Jetted straight to Hannah's side before looking at the Milotic. Torque watched her beat her slowly bleeding head on the rock. "Errr... Did the rock call her fat or something" he asked the little Chinchou. Torque finally slapped back to realization. Blood... Ocean... Torque could smell it all the way from the other side of the island. He knew what that meant and they had to get her to stop! "Hannah we gotta stop her or her blood is going to attract some infected me's without the sexy face and sense of humor" Torque said. "Any ideas" he asked since biting or nudging her would only serve to make it worse... Perhaps the Chinchou knew a way.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:37 am

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    Mirage Island|Early Evening (24)

    Hannah nearly jumped when Torque suddenly appeared at her side. She grew more worried since Yusei was now bleeding from banging her head on the rock. "Hannah we gotta stop her or her blood is going to attract some infected me's without the sexy face and sense of humor. Any ideas?" The Chinchou had one idea, but from the rate Yusei was going, it seemed dangerous. However, Hannah didn't care. She didn't want to lose the Milotic. "STOP!" She screamed.

    Without even thinking, Hannah quickly swam over and grabbed onto Yusei's tail. Closing her eyes tightly, she used Thunder Wave on the Milotic, paralyzing her. Since the Chinchou was young and inexperienced, she actually took a little bit of damage herself. It was enough to tire her out as she fell to the ocean floor exhausted. She couldn't help that she was weak.

    She just wanted Yusei to stop.

    (OoC: Had permission from Ember to grab onto Yusei and use Thunder Wave.)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:34 pm

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    Mirage Island/Early Evening (33)

    While Zeke, Thomas and Grim started to gather up some of the berries, the Golduck fell deep into thought. Images of his friends and family invaded his mind and he started to wonder whether they'd made it out of this all right. While it was true that their little home here in Hoenn had been well hidden within an underwater cave, considering the large amounts of undead on the prowl these days he wouldn't have found it a surprise if they'd been discovered by now. What are you doing here?! Here he was, parading around with these ... rather strange Pokemon and worrying about his stomach when his family were probably out there right now, struggling and wondering where he was too.

    Thomas asked him how he had met Grim as they started to wander back to the others. "Oh, er ... you know, around." He had barely been listening. He had made up his mind. Stopping and placing the leaf full of berries onto the ground, he looked at the Crawdaunt sadly. "Look Thomas, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to go. I'm worried about my family and ... and I need to go and see if I can find them." He solemnly placed his webbed hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Take care of everyone, OK? Tell them all I say bye ... and good luck."

    Without another word, the Golduck crawled on all fours back to the shoreline, slipped into the orange waters and swam out of sight.

    ((Leaving post. Zeke is moving to Seafoam. It's been a lot of fun here with you guys. <3))

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:30 pm

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    Mirage Island | Early Evening (13)(5)

    Grimace was angry that Torque ignored him and jetted off. He started to swim after him until he saw Zeke swimming away. What is he doing, is he getting something? He was still swimming while he was thinking and ran into a rock. Oww..., he said. The rumbling noise was much louder and could easily be found. He swam a bit forward and swam downward. The sight he was looking at was horrible. Yusei was banging her head very slowly against a rock because she was Paralyzed. And Hannah was clinging to Yusei's tail, glowing a yellowish light. Torque was pacing/swimming back and fourth thinking of what to do. Grim was getting really panicky and had to get back to his brother. GRIMMM, ZEKE IS LEAVING AND NOT COMING BACK! Thomas screamed.

    What Zeke had just said to Thomas was...was sad and surprising. How could he drop such giant load on Thomas's shoulders. Why would he do such a thing? Zeke started swimming away and Thomas really wanted to stop him, but restrained. He acted calm for a few minutes and collected all the berries and when he got to the beach, he dropped his two sacks of the berries next to his brothers. When he looked up to see that no one was around he got scared. Did everyone leave me? Now he was panicking. Grim, where is Grim. he started toward the water when he saw a red shell. GRIMMM, ZEKE IS LEAVING AND NOT COMING BACK! Thomas screamed.

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:07 pm

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    Mirage Island|Evening(13)

    Torque jetted down beside Hannah and nudged her gently with his nose. "H-Hannah" he whimpered. Torque laid on the seafloor beside her and whined. "Please be ok... Please" he whispered. Torque glared up at the Milotic. Somehow in the irrational part of Torque's mind this was her fault but the rational part simply kept him close to the Chinchou and protected her from the terror he could sense deep in the ocean...

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:18 pm

    (OoC: Was going to skip, but realized that this is her 25th post.)
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    Mirage Island|Early Evening (25)

    Hannah remembered the happiest day of her life; the day she met Wade. The boy was looking lonely at the small beach outside of Castelia City, so she decided to cheer him up. The Chinchou decided to blow some bubbles in his direction, and that method worked. The two became best friends, and they would meet at the same place everyday to play.

    But things took a turn for the worse when the infection came. An undead Swampert devoured Wade as the little Chinchou watched the whole scene. She felt so scared in this dark, cruel world. Then she met some friends. The last thing she remembers about Castelia was Kuval. It wasn't really much, but she still remembered him being nice.

    His sudden disappearance left a hole in Hannah's heart, though. She was so scared, and so small, she just kept swimming away, hoping the problem would go away.

    In the real world, Hannah was still out with her eyes closed. Though she felt Torque nudge her and stay beside her, she couldn't grasp the energy to move or speak. Her lights were dim with her low energy.

    (OoC: Permission for anyone to pick her up.)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:49 pm

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    Mirage Island|Early Evening(29)

    Yusei hissed feeling the weak electric jolt race up her spine putting her in a state of paralysis. Unable to continue beating her head and her body capable of no more than a twitch. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF....oh...dear..." Yusei screamed before her voice toned down. From the corner of her eye she saw the weakened Chinchou. The sudden urge to pick up the young child and cradle her washed over her. Before she knew it Yusei had managed to force herself to move and lift Hannah up with her tail to hold her.

    "I'm sorry Hannah..." the Tender Pokemon apologized, cradling the little dual type near to her even though the paralysis caused her pain to do so. All she really could do was hold Hannah close to her with her tail and mumble sorrowful apologies. Nothing mattered to her more now than helping Hannah recover even though blood was leaking from a large wound on her head that mattered not to her. Struggling the best she could Yusei forced herself to the surface near the island.

    (Permission granted by Radio to lift up Hannah in the previous post. Hopefully its okay and not going too far. If need be it can be changed.)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:02 pm

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    Mirage Island | Early Evening (14)(6)

    Grimace nearly fainted. He had to tell everyone. Thomas finally reached Grim and told him everything. Grim swam down to tell the news but Hannah and Yusei were having a "moment" and he didn't want to ruin it with really bad news. So he decided to tell Torque first. Hey, umm, Torque. Grim managed to stutter out without crying, Umm, Zeke left and isn't coming b-b-baaaaaaaaack. Now he started crying. He sank to the bottom towards Hannah and Yusei and noticed that Hannah was knocked out. Yusei, Zeke left, He started to cry again, a-and he isn't c-c-comin-ing baaaack. Grim was really sad and didn't know how to tell Hannah when/if she wakes up. Grim didn't know why he didn't say bye to him.

    Thomas rushed over to Grim. He then told him all of what Zeke had said. Grim then floated slowly down to Torque and then told him about Zeke. When he started crying, Thomas thought he was over reacting, but before he could, Grim swam down to the sea floor. He could barely see him but he noticed him telling a Milotic and then he started crying again. Thomas turned to Torque and said, Sorry about my brother, apparently he is very sensitive. He kinda felt embarrassed and sad at the same time. I hope he's okay. Thomas thought.

    ((OoC: Sorry for the short post.))

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:18 pm

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    Mirage Island|Evening(14)

    Torque hissed at the Milotic making a flurry of bubbles come from his mouth. It took the image of his partner slapping his snout and his dad slapping his snout as well to keep him from mauling the hell out of that Milotic. Torque completely ignored Grimace and that Crawdaunt and immediately Giga Impact fueled with rage and Aqua Jet sent him off. He was so... Angry! Giga Impact and anger made him oblivious to all the rocks he was blasting through until it went dark. All dark... Torque surfaced realizing he was in a sea cave. "A natural formation made by crashing waves" he said to himself. Torque grunted as something came up under effectively bashing his tender and slightly bleeding head on the ceiling of the cave. He swam down and gaped. "What the hell could've infected this beast" Torque yelled. It was a Wailord. Its body was very obviously decayed and it was heading either to Mirage Island or Sootopolis Waters... Torque was going to make sure it went to Sootopolis then! He jetted pass its eye capturing its attention before swimming off...

    Sootopolis Waters|Evening

    The Wailord was leisurely moving after him shaking its head from side to side with its mouth wide open like it wanted to will him into its mouth. Torque clicked his tongue and dropped suddenly and held his breath as the beast passed over thinking he had gone on ahead. He felt so tired but built up his Aqua Jet and sped back to Mirage Island. Torque would say nothing... As far as the team knew he just threw a temper tantrum and swam off to cool down...

    Mirage Island|Evening

    Torque surfaced and flipped over letting the current carry him to shore. He was so very VERY tired...

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:20 pm

    (Skip. Hannah is still out)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:37 am

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    Mirage Island|Evening(30)

    Yusei struggled to stay conscious and afloat atop the water with Hannah but the paralysis made it much more difficult than need be. The Tender Pokemon cringed under the weight of the light child in her coils. Looking around with her pained eyes he tried to find a Cheri Berry bush on the Island before her. It was a helpless endeavor though. The trees only grew Enigma Berries.

    Hissing and twisting to stay just above the water Yusei groaned. The pain was intense and her head was slowly beginning to pound with the initial strike of what would be a migraine that would last for days. At least if the trickling of blood from her forehead was anything to go by. Looking to the two crab looking pokemon as if asking for their aid. She hadn't wanted to but in her state she was no more fit to take care of Hannah than she assumed Zeke would have.

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