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    The CASTLE Team


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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Catalyst Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:10 am

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    | Desert Resort // Late Afternoon |

    A ways away from the fighting, the odd pair of pokemon still traveled in the ruins of the castle. Neither one of them knew where they were, but one was determined to tell the other that any direction she was going in was the wrong way. "Servant, the exit is that way! Dear me, why don't you ever listen?!" the black cat furiously spat at his mount. The Flygon's lips curled into a sneer.
    "Look, I know exactly where we're going. So quiet up and deal, your highness." she hissed back, walking through a narrow tunnel. Ugh, she had been here at some point when they were traveling. Maybe the royal asshole was right; they could going in circles. But ironically right as she said that, viola, an exit appeared. They made their way outside, walking into the desert.

    The sudden screeching and noises of electrical sparks hit their ears, making Avani stand to attention. Rah screamed and clung to Avani's neck tightly.
    "BANDITS! BANDITS ARE GOING TO GET US!" he yelled. Avani gave a nasty snarl at him.
    "No they're not. Now shut your prissy piehole and let's go see what's going on." the Flygon trotted straight ahead in the sand, ignoring the claws digging into her scales on her neck.
    "No! I'm not going to let you go out there!!" Rah whined, clawing her neck harder. Avani growled, swinging her head and making him slide lower onto her back. She didn't say a word, but continued on and hid behind a rock, peering around the side. Rah continued to beg. "They're gonna murder us and slice us up and steal our gold and jewels! My gold and jewels!!" Avani snorted in annoyance.
    "We don't have gold and jewels. They're not gon--"
    "THEY'LL TIE US UP AND RAPE US!" Oh, now he was just being a fucking idiot. Avani snarled.
    "I'm not going to get raped." Avani remarked harshly. Rah howled.
    "Not you! ME!"

    Avani decided to ignore that blabbering dolt of a cat on her back and look to where she heard the noises. She spied around the boulder, seeing that Charizard she met earlier collide with a bloodied Hydreigon. The others were there and fighting off the undead dragon as well, and there were newcomers since last time. Avani narrowed her orange eyes, staring at the violent battle going unfolding. I gotta help these guys. Avani looked back at Rah, who trembled in fear; the infected Flygon rolled her goggled eyes.
    "Get off my back if you don't want to fight."
    "What?! I don't want to fi--"
    "Then GET OFF!" Avani yelled, shaking her body rapidly and throwing him off of her back. Rah screeched as he got tossed off the infected dragon.
    "Servant wha?!-- Avani, what are you doing?!" Rah screamed, falling on his bottom as the Flygon went running into the fray. Gracefully swooping onto her feet, she pulled back her muscled arm and prepared a Dragon Claw right at the Hydreigon. Her paw glowed red and blue, swiping in a violent uppercut.

    (OoC: OHEY IM BACK. lol. You can dodge her attack if you want, Lulu. |D Feel free to attack/bite her a little bit, too. But not incredibly much.
    Also, omfg you two, stfu. 8U

    Edit: I edited it to where they were outside. @w@ That was kind of confusing.)

    Last edited by FauxFox on Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Min Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:52 pm

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    Desert Resort| |Late Afternoon

    He thrashed wildly mid-air, flinging his arms in an attempt to shake off the Paralysis. He loathed this feeling, the feeling of electricity crawling up his arms and around his body--the feeling of restricted movement. Fortunately, much to his amusement, the Fire Blast had hit it's mark, knocking the pale lionness back. He snarled as she rose again, however, fur covered in soot. But the expression in her eyes made him grin, rotten, yellowed teeth lining his jaws showcased in a grand smile. Out of the corner of his limited sight he could see the black fox racing in along with one of the purple serpents--ooh, this was about to get good!

    He didn't mind the paralysis anymore, in fact, he was starting to [i]like[i] it. It gave him more of a challenge, more to fight against in this death match as his body flared with life. His mane of black bristled and his bloody tail lashed in anticipation as the Luxray roared and began to charge towards him. In reply, Paladin let loose his own battle cry, a vicious, drawn-out howl carried by the winds of the desert. It was truly a shame that he didn't know the move Earthquake, but then again, it would be too easy if he did. He made no move to dodge Shivna's attack as he felt her fangs dig deep into the grotesque flesh of his tail, a cackle rising in his throat. "Yes..."

    Spitting out the mixture of bile and blood that rose in his throat, he pointed his maws skywards, releasing an orb of energy that exploded into another Draco Meteor, his only arm snapping it's jaws towards the Luxray's face. Much to his surprise, he could feel the flesh of his back ripping as he turned to see a Flygon slashing with a Dragon Claw. He cringed in slight pain, his mind convincing himself that he was immortal--pain was non-existent for him. Blackened blood dripped down from his massive wounds before he erupted a close-range Fire Blast from his jaws, right at the Mystic Pokemon's face.

    Age : 36
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:44 am

    [[Lost my damn post again. I hate this computer. Note that Caim just fired a Dark Pulse at Paladin, and Angelus introduced herself as "Dragon" to Seth's question.

    Also, Tails, your post made it sound like we were still somewhat in the ruins-- they got kinda destroyed in the battle with the volcarona. There's a wide, gaping hole, but it's all vertical and partially collapsed. Angelus, Mara, Starling, Harrow and Seth are nearby, toward the western side of the Desert Resort, near the crags. Paladin and the others are more in the center of the resort, fighting.

    Also, if ya'll could change the locale to "Desert Resort", that would probably help. (:

    This is almost a post in and of itself. @_@]]


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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:20 pm

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    Desert Resort|Above Relic Castle|Late Afternoon
    D(39)/S(5)(skipping Deanna since she is playing off of Caim)

    Shivna had to force herself not to swallow the thick mouthful of dead blood that pooled into her mouth as her fangs made contact, the feline dangling from the dragon's tail like a decoration. He tasted absolutely foul but she made no move to let go, swinging herself back and forth in an attempt to bring him to the ground. But another Draco Meteor from the half missing hydra forced her to drop her grip and take cover beneath his own shadow as he hovered just above ground, knowing it to be the only safe place from his meteors.

    Undead fucker.

    But as she readied herself for another attack more idiot Pokemon but into her fight and the lioness roared in anger. "This party is invite only! Back off bitches! He's mine!" Unleashing a Roar she tried to drive away any of the unwanted intruders, standing aggressively beneath him in an attempt to defend her kill. A little backwards but this was her fight dammit! They needed to back the hell off!

    Age : 37
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Fox Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:27 pm

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    Mara and Ashes
    Desert Resort / Afternoon (32)/(24)

    "This party is invite only! Back off bitches! He's mine!"
    The white Luxray roared, her stance confusing the wavering Charizard.
    She...wants to fight on her own?!
    Ashes snarled in frustration and pain, his insides twisting and his breath coming out short bursts of flames.
    Why did I even try!? The wounded Charizard fumed, pushing off the dry sands with a sudden whoosh. Nothing but crude beasts! There's nothing to save here! The dragon slowly heaved himself skyward and towards the awaiting group, his gaze dark and hazy.
    Mara! You're the only one...you're...


    As the fire lizards' thoughts grew sluggish, so did his body. The enormous dragon drifted further and further to the horizon, tumbling a short ways to the ground before righting himself again.

    "Ashes!" She whimpered, watching in horror as he flew further and further from them. "We have to go help him! He's hurt! He's hurt!"
    Mara tugged at the Absols' long fur weakly, her large green eyes flickering from the horned mammal to the shrinking dot in the sky.

    (Leaving post. Everythings' getting really busy, and I can't handle the extra characters. I'm sorry guys. They'll come back eventually. I'll finish what happens in Starling/Harrows' post)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 37
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Fox Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:59 pm

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    Relic Castle || Afternoon [16][14]

    Starling looked down at the fussing Charmander with pity and uneasy concern.
    He's dangerous to this boy...the way he was flying isn't natural- he's more than hurt. He's one of them now...
    The Absol bit her lip, looking to the others for some assistance, but none came. With a heavy heart, the Absol lowered herself, laying in front of the small lizard.
    "Sweetie...I don't think..." She trailed off, the small males' large eyes wide with worry.
    If this were my brother, I would follow him to the ends of the earth...no matter what has become of them. If I tell him now, he'll just do something rash...The Absol took a deep breath, her face changing from pity to a soft determination.

    "You're right cutie-pie. Let's go help your brother." She smiled softly, affectionately touching the childs' head with her large paw before nodding to her back. "Now come on; jump on." Mars' face hardening with a steely determination, the lizard crawled onto the pale furry back and held on tightly as the Absol got to her feet.
    Starling turned her gaze to the others, who had been passively watching, her expression mildly disapproving.
    "We'll be back. He needs his brother." She said somberly, nodding at them all before trotting away.


    Harrow watched, not far from the group, having returned after the dragon began to meander in the wrong direction in the sky. It was saddening to watch the child frantically trying to hold onto what little family he had left, despite that last tie being long gone.
    The worst part for the buck though, was that everyone seemed to know that the dragon was dead except for the young lizard, yet nobody had the heart to tell him about his brothers' condition.

    Harrow watched with a furrowed brow as the Absol made an attempt to tell the child, but instead offered to help the dragon.
    Why does she torture the child? Why give him false hope?
    He grunted under his breath as she began to trot away, his own hooves sinking into the sands as he dashed after her.
    Wordlessly, he caught up with ease, only glancing back as the group they had traveled with grew smaller in the distance.
    "Starling." He muttered, trotting in front of her and stopping.
    The Absols' gaze watched him, her soft face staring up at the buck, her body clearly fatigued.
    "We have to help them." She said breathlessly, her defensive tone making him look down at the sands in embarrassment. After a few moments, the buck lowered himself to the ground.
    "...Let me carry him."

    (Leaving post. It was really fun guys, I'm gonna miss this team. ;-;)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 31
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Storm Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:28 pm

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    Desert Resort || Late Afternoon

    Out of all the pokemon, only the Charizard bothered giving the Arbok a name, Dragon, which wasn’t really much of a name to the poison type. None of the others bothered giving him a name, they simply left after the faltering Charizard in the distance.
    Seth flickered his tongue as he watched them go before reverting his eyes to the continued battle, wanting to take part himself but kept himself back since he couldn’t risk getting terrible injured. Which reminded him.

    Seth turned his attention back to Dragon, which he still though was a strange name for someone who wasn’t even a dragon type, though the fact that Charizard did look a little dragonish was somewhat of a reason to be called one.
    "Excuse me, Dragon, have you or any of your team mates seen a human wondering around here?" Seth asked, hoping by some miracle they had. "He would most likely be wearing a big black jacket. He also has white hair and red eyes. See one by that description?"
    Seth wanted them to have seen him, but he wasn’t really expecting them too, after all, when he saw them they where fighting a fire bug, so even if they had, it would have had to have been before the fight, and who knows how long it had gone on for.

    (( Sorry for the short post, just couldn’t think of what else to have Seth do. ))

    Age : 28
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon May 06, 2013 10:44 pm

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    | Desert Resort // Late Afternoon |

    Avani yelled loudly, feeling the fire from the Hydreigon's attack brush past her face but the residual heat was like opening an oven. Ashes burnt her face, and she landed away with her eyes unscathed but her face burned. Rah, in worry, ran up to her. Avani managed to look up, seeing Ashes in the sky and falling toward the ground. She saw a few others leave, toward the now falling Charizard. Avani's gaze narrowed, she wanted to see if this dragon was alright. The others would be fine. Quickly, she grabbed Rah and took off with him in her jaws. Her wings hummed as she took off over the sand, just barely overpowering Rah's screeching protests.

    (OoC: Short, terrible and lazy, but this is my leaving post. Terribly sorry to hold you all up.)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 36
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:06 am

    Caim 40|| Angelus 29

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    Desert Resort/ Above Relic Castle| Late Afternoon

    Angelus panted as her injury continually reminded her of its existance, her teeth gritted against the pain. Her milky eyes stayed on the blot in the distance she knew to be Caim, hoping against hope that the pathetic bloodmonger wouldn't get himself killed. The other pokemon, seemingly taking the situation for granted, packed up and simply left, disappearing into the whirring sandstorm. Though she wasn't terribly gutted being left nearly alone, she was a bit miffed to be left at all. But their business was not hers. Should they want to go and dart into uncertain danger, that was their own fate. Really, the only loss was that she was out a few meals.

    However, as her attention turned back to her suicidal ninetales companion and she watched helplessly from the sidelines, a voice chimed in"Excuse me, Dragon, have you or any of your team mates seen a human wondering around here?" She blinked, the unrelated question to any of what had been happening catching her off guard. "He would most likely be wearing a big black jacket. He also has white hair and red eyes. See one by that description?"

    She scoffed, her wings flaring a little as a growl escaped her. "All humans I've seen are dead, and that's all the details I pay any attention to," she replied in a low snarl. "Humans all look alike to me; I wouldn't recall seeing one by that description even if I had seen."

    A rumble suddenly coursed through the sands beneath her, causing her to back up a little. Out of the very dunes they stood on, limbs and heads began to emerge. Dormant undead now woken by all the choas were rising, exponentially decreasing their chances of survival. Most of their group was now gone, and half their remaining numbers were now off fighting a useless battle with a hydreigon. Her breath catching, she flared her wings on instinct. There would be no way out of this... "CAIM!" she bellowed, hoping he'd hear. "CAIM!"


    "This party is invite only! Back off bitches! He's mine!"

    The dazzling white and red luxray had only been on the scene for a few moments and already Caim wished her bereft of a head. Growling his distaste for the cat who thought she could just claim a kill out from under him, he was ready to count her a part of the enemy numbers as well when a disturbing rumble vibrated through the dunes. Turning, he saw little individual mounds beginning to form, each partially revealing a body part of some sort. Quickly he came to realize that these dunes held an endless supply of enemies... He'd come across an endless battlefield.

    His first instinct was to fight, to lose himself in the battle like he'd always done. This was his reward and purgatory, his heaven and hell. But a fellow voice on the air quickly stopped him. Dragon's cry of his name meant that he wasn't supposed to give himself to war just yet... he still had things to do. He still needed to find his sister and murder the little demon brat who tortured her. Clicking his tongue in disappointment, sure that he'd never see another setting like this, he turned to the now very large purple snake and gave her a firm stare, one that meant to follow or do what she wanted. He was leaving.

    He bolted back, his lithe legs carrying hims quickly between the sluggish reaches of the undead that were quickly beginning to surround him. Darting back to Dragon, she leaned once more on him, panting. "Come, to higher ground-- away from the sands. We should be safer there," she breathed, to which he only nodded. They then headed into the craggy labyrinth beyond, hoping for some refuge.

    [[Leaving post. It's been fun, guys]]


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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:00 pm

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    Desert Resort|Above Relic Castle|Late Afternoon

    Deanna paused at Monster's insistent look, confused when he turned and went back to Dragon to help her up. He looked at her like he expected her to follow. Looking around she realized he was really the only one she was comfortable with and even knew, despite not knowing his name other than her given one of Black Monster. There was no need to think about this, she owed him her life and with the others scattered he was the only one worth following in her eyes.

    Besides, she still needed to tell him about the woman she had learned that phrase from. It had been the only thing worthy of hearing his voice for so he must have really wanted to know. With a parting glance to the strange gathering of survivors left, and a quick look to make sure the crazy white Luxray was still occupying the dragon, Deanna made her way quickly after Monster and Dragon falling into pace beside them as they made their way into the cliffs that ran alongside the desert sands.


    Shivna was having a ball fighting this Undead monstrousity but as the intruders approached she couldn't help but notice they never got there. Chancing a glance back she caught sight of a pitch black pelt and the color triggered something in her mind that soon had her coming to a screeching halt right before attacking the Hydreigon again. Black fur...

    "Caelyth you fucker!" How the hell had she forgotten about him? He was her Priest, her fucking servant, and he had just vanished? Oh no. That little twerp had run off for the last time and when she found him she was gonna tear a chunk out of that ashy hide. Looking back to the beast formerly occupying her time she offered a wink. "Sorry buddy but I have to take a raincheck. There is a little rat running around whose about to have my fangs in his ass. Have fun with the others while I'm gone!"

    And with that she turned around and headed back out of the desert the same way she had arrived, intent on finding her runaway companion.

    ((Leaving post. Had fun but need to cut back, see you later!))

    Age : 31
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Storm Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:13 pm

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    Desert Resort || Late Afternoon

    Seth watched as every single one of the other pokemon in the group simply up and left. Letting out a hiss in frustration, he figured it was time he left as well. He had a feeling Dean wasn't here in the ruins anymore, probably chased off by one of those undead, maybe even by that same dragon that had come out of nowhere and attacked them.
    Seth looked around at the empty desert. It was just him, just him and that gruesome dragon. He would have loved to fight it, but he wasn't suicidal.
    Flickering his tongue one last time, looking around to make sure he wouldn't be spotted, he slithered off in the direction he and Dean had first entered the resort. This whole place was one big desert, but at least on the other side of that man made entrance, the storm wasn't so bad.

    (( Seth is leaving the team as well. Guess this means it's now empty. ))

    Age : 25
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    The CASTLE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CASTLE Team

    Post by Min Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:20 pm

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    Desert Resort| |Late Afternoon

    He roared, body writhing against the attacks flung at him as he fought his paralysis, teeth bared viciously to the living around him. The Hydreigon twisted and flung his limbs, snapping and trying to dig his teeth into everything and anything that had still dared to come near him. He would show these foolish survivors what pain felt like. He would show these pitiful beings the wrath of a king, not the anger of those faulty legends and lores, but a [i]true king[/]. His jaws sputtered and flamed as fire burst sporadically from his throat, scorching the already filthy sands beneath him.

    "Sorry buddy but I have to take a raincheck. There is a little rat running around whose about to have my fangs in his ass. Have fun with the others while I'm gone!" he caught the Luxray's wink, a snarl emitted from his throat as he watched the white lionness run, along with the many other living that had grouped in the desert. "Fools..." he roared, rising back into the sky. "Cowards..." he rose higher, the sandy winds obstructing his sight. "We will...meet again..."

    [[OOC; Leaving post. \ o / ]]

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