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5 posters

    The CELADON Team


    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:48 am

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    Celadon Dept. Store|Night

    Dill seemed a little shocked that everyone had gathered around her, but Lilia could see that it was more a nervous tension than actual fear. She blushed slightly when Dill said her name was pretty, looking down to paw at the ground a little, but her heart broke when Dill spoke again. "I'm Dill... not nearly as pretty a name..." She shushed the other female quietly and offered her a kind smile. "I think Dill is a very cute name, it suits you!" Her eyes sparkled as she laughed playfully, trying to encourage the little Aron.

    "Name's Jude." While the Eevee was watching Dill a voice suddenly appeared next to her. "Nice to see a beautiful young lady like yourself safe and sound, Lilia." Turning to see a rather strange looking Leafeon sitting beside her Lilia felt a tremor of unease go up her spine as his gaze caught her own. "Uhhh...Thank you?" she offered in a hesitant reply, not really sure what else to do. What was with this guy? He felt awfully close to her personal space and she couldn't help to urge to scoot over slightly so she was closer to Vel than to this 'Jude'. Something about his approach completely unnerved her.

    At the mention of rest and food Vel yawned loudly and stretched out his massive wingspan. "Rest sounds like an excellent idea Pickle-" he began, his ears catching the sound of Dill's tummy rumbling. "But maybe we should look at getting you some food first rather than in the morning." Looking around the large avian tried to find something made of metal but it was hard to tell in the dark. Maybe... "Hey Pickle, what about some of the display shelves? They're only aluminum but that's a kind of metal...right? I could knock one over for you." He looked down at the little bug and gave her a brilliant smile wanting, like Lilia, to cheer her up.

    Lilia too looked around, trying to remember the last time she and her owner were here last. "We could try to sleep in the grooming section on the floor below us, they always had lots of pillows and pet beds to use whenever we came here." It was just a suggestion, as she was completely unaware if any of that stuff was still down there or if it had all been raided. But everyone looked very tired and a soft place to bed down would be just the thing everyone needed. "And there was usually poffin treats stashed in the counter by the register too. It looks like everyone could use a little snack and a nap, you poor guys look like you've had a rough day..."

    Vel chuckled at Lilia's attempts to be diplomatic and the little Eevee gave him a glare, daring him to laugh again, which only made him laugh harder. "You are too easy to ruffle Bon Bon!" She sighed in defeat and walked over to Dill. "Where would you like to sleep Dill?" she asked, genuinely concerned for the other female. Poor Dill didn't look she had all that great of a day either, and Lilia was pretty sure that the chained pair would be comfortable most anywhere they felt like. Jude she wasn't too sure about but he looked like he would prefer fluff to floor and certainly the Bellossum would like a soft place to rest. Vel she knew by heart, being her best friend and all, but the Alakazam was a complete mystery. Still, it was better to offer than to make everyone sleep on the floor.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:19 am

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    Celadon Dept. Store || Late Night [27]

    "Uhm, but we should get some sort of rest...And... then in the morning, we can find something to eat! Where should we sleep?"

    Capulet snorted. Dill had been fine, simply looking for a place to sleep whilst the group fretted over her fragile little heart. She was encased in a bulky, near-impenetrable, metal shell, but what the hell – if they thought she was a delicate flower, then so be it. Capulet just didn’t want to know. Admittedly, she had proven herself rational enough to bring up the topic of rest. His frown shifting into a grin, the ferret looked to Montague who had slumped against him in his fatigue.
    “Monty doesn’t care,” Cap chortled, pointing to the semi-conscious serpent struggling to remain upright. Montague was failing to keep his eyes open, quieter than usual as a nudge from Capulet reminded him he was still in company. Shaking his slender, scarred head, the chain clinking between them, the Seviper managed a weak smile as his tired gaze fell onto the group. Whilst they discussed sleeping arrangements, Montague smiled on, practically deaf to the conversation going on around him.

    "If there was another undead ambush, we would be sitting psyduck being so close to the ground, even if we had someone on watch. I suggest we all grab something we want to spend the night on from the lower floor, and migrate to the higher floors like bosses afterwards."

    Casanova had halted his pursuit of Lillia for now, but Capulet still greeted the lax hound with a frown as he spoke. Admittedly, the mutt had a point, and whilst he would never admit it, the Zangoose was in agreement. Shrugging, he stretched his arms out before him, the limbs giving a quieted click in the movement.
    “The floor’s fine for us,” When it came to food and shelter, Montague, like Capulet, was never fussy. The duo knew not of the finer things in life, their human never bothering to load them with attention or the luxuries their company spoke of. Content with a simple, natural existence, the Seviper nodded his head lightly in agreement, too tired to speak.

    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:21 pm

    (Skip me, please. Just say that Jade liked Lilia's idea for sleeping.)

    Age : 27
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Drago Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:20 pm

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    Celadon Dpt. Store | Late Night (4)

    Gambit stood slightly to the back of the group, letting them discuss their matters. He had only just arrived, after all, and felt he had no place to decide their best course of action. He liked the thought of getting food- he hadn't eaten in quite a while, but he figured there were more important things to take care of. Sleeping didn't matter to him much, as he was used to long periods of time without sleeping. He liked the night anyway. It was so much quieter than the day.

    When the fox with the earrings spoke up, however, Gambit decided to make a suggestion. "There used to be vending machines on the roof. I don't know if they're still there, or if they're filled, but it may be something for us to use." Stretching his arms behind his back, he looked at the bird, Velshaine. "And I can keep watch for you, wherever where end up, if you don't mind." He would understand if they didn't trust him yet, but most of the others looked like they could use a rest. He had no need for trifles like that, at least not yet.

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:50 am

    Post 13

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    Celadon Dept. Store| Night

    It felt odd, listening to everyone slowly come to a consensus with her opinion in mind. Usually, she was left on the outskirts of the conversation, placed in the shadows to blindly follow whatever decision was made. But here, amongst these beautiful, powerful pokemon, her opinion seemed to have a place. She wasn't sure why, as her leadership skills were... lacking... but it boosted her fragile esteem considerably. Temporarily and conveneintly forgetting that she was considering leaving them, she observed the discussion with a new ear. She had responsibility now.

    The alakazam mentioned something on the roof about foodstuffs in machines. Dill wasn't sure about whether or not the machines had food in them, but the machines themselves sounded delicious! Copper was so chewy and delightful-- she rarely treated herself to it. Aluminum was a nice crunch, like a human enjoys a potato chip. Just thinking about it made her salivate, almost to the point of drooling all over herself. Quickly, she regained her composure, placing the tempting image out of her mind. "Fantastic idea, sir!" she exclaimed, hopping a little in her excitement. "We can do that as soon as we wake up. I think going up a floor is a grand thought-- let's go ahead and do just that!"

    She hurriedly waddled to the nearby stair and looked to the others. "Onward!"


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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:13 pm

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    Celadon Dept. Store|Night

    "We can do that as soon as we wake up. I think going up a floor is a grand thought-- let's go ahead and do just that!" Vel chirped in agreement as everyone seemed to be on board with the idea, and he was just peachy with it. "Dilly-doll, wait for me! You shouldn't go off by yourself!" The colorful bird took off quickly to the stairs to catch up to Dill, happy to see her so cheerful. This was turning out to be a good day after all! He completely didn't notice that Lilia wasn't following him, sure that his delicate little friend would be right behind him.


    Everyone seemed readily in a agreement about taking the bedding from downstairs and moving further up, even Vel, but Lilia was a little apprehensive. She had come from the roof and knew that there were just as many things in the air that could get them as there was from ground so she wasn't sure how much safer the top floors were. But...if everyone were together then maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

    She felt a little uncomfortable with the looks Jude was shooting her as his gaze passed from person to person, so the small Eevee quickly made her way over to Cap and Monty to ask for their help. "Do you two think you could escort me downstairs to grab a couple things to sleep on?" she asked in hushed tones, hoping Jude didn't catch her whispers. "I uh...that Jude guy, he...creeps me out a little. Please?" With Vel so enamored with praise and lavishing Dill with attention his already oblivious nature wasn't catching on to her signs of discomfort with the other male, so she was hoping the duo would be able to assist.

    ((OOC: Lame post is lame...urgh...))

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:25 am

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    Celadon Dept. Store || Night [28]

    "There used to be vending machines on the roof. I don't know if they're still there, or if they're filled, but it may be something for us to use. And I can keep watch for you, wherever where end up, if you don't mind."

    Capulet frowned at Gambit’s suggestion, ears flicking back at the thought of letting a stranger watch over them. Well, the ferret was adamant that that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. Although admittedly the guy seemed the most bearable of his company – he wasn’t a flirtatious twat, a cowardly pushover or possessing some ridiculous fascination with beauty, so in the Zangoose’s eyes, he was alright.
    “I’ll stay up too,” He chipped in firmly, nodding his head at the Alakazam. He couldn’t bring himself to smile. The ferret, although not particularly well-rested just wasn't prepared to lie down and let someone, no matter their identity, get the better of him. “Give ya some company,”

    Whilst the others announced their agreement, the avian seemingly excited at the group’s cooperation, the chained duo watched in silence. It seemed the fashion-pack weren’t as dim as they looked. Montague, still struggling to keep his eyes open, hardly noticed the things going on around him. A blur of color was Velshaine’s movement as the avian took to accompanying his steel-type friend to another floor, though in the serpent’s mind, it served an almost hypnotic illusion. Smiling to himself, the reptile on the very brink of unconsciousness, his thoughts were delicately intruded by a quiet, feminine voice.

    "Do you two think you could escort me downstairs to grab a couple things to sleep on? I uh...that Jude guy, he...creeps me out a little. Please?"

    Montague stared at her for a moment, eyes glazed over as her words slowly sunk into his sleepy mind. Shaking his head, trying to dispel the drowsiness overwhelming him, he managed a soft smile.
    “Of course, dear,” Whilst the serpent spoke with a natural mildness, his voice adopting a calming, almost melodic tone, Capulet proved a stark contrast. Irritated that Jude had already succeeded in scaring the innocent Eevee stood begging for their assistance, the Zangoose shot him a glare with full intention to strike the mutt down. Taking a step forward, an ugly frown gracing his rugged features, Montague’s tail stopped him. He could’ve stormed past the obstacle, but deep down, Cap knew his companion was right. This was no time to go around picking a fight. Snorting, he struggled to suppress a growl as his gaze fell back to Lillia. Expression serious, he walked protectively beside her, Montague moving behind in fear of accidentally hitting the fragile creature with the chain dangling between them.
    “He tries anything, you just tell me,” Capulet stated bluntly, keeping his voice low enough to avoid any chance of eavesdropping. Managing a weak, crooked smile, his expression relaxed slightly. Content in the fact he, and effectively Montague, would be providing the canine a source of protection from the arrogant grass-type, Capulet thought it best to see if this girl was worth saving in the first place. “So… what’s with the crown? You a princess or something?”

    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:14 am

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    Celadon Dept. Store|Night (5)

    Everyone seemed to be in agreement to move up a floor for the night. As Dill and Vel went to the stairs, Jade stayed behind and waited for the others to go as well. She stayed quiet as the others went up, following closely behind them. There wasn't really much for the Bellossom to do or say other than just follow them. Everyone needed rest for the night, and staying in a group made Jade feel a lot safer.

    (So sorry for the short/crappy post...)

    Age : 27
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Drago Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:07 pm

    ((I'm really sorry, but between illness and holiday crap, i won't be able to post. Skip, please.))

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:54 am

    Post 14

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    Celadon Dept. Store| Night

    Going up another floor sounded good, but the little aron failed to realize that the next floor up with in fact the roof itself. Dill paused as her eyes were met with quiet starlight and emptiness, the roof barren of really anything. She stepped out a bit more, turning about to see if she were truly the only one on the roof. So far, so good.

    Once her small body was completely out, she turned and saw a glint of reflected light, catching the rectangular form of the vending machines the others had spoken about. Her eyes lit up, a small smile soon elongating into an excited grin as she waddled to them, eager to consume the delicacy. Oh, she hadn't had copper in so loooooooong! She began with the side of the thing, her teeth easily munching through the hard metal. "Come, come!" she whispered happily, "it's delightful!"


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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:10 pm

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    Celadon Dept. Store|Night

    Vel chuckled as Dill began munching on the machines, easily creating a hole for them to get some of the treats from inside. "You are too cute Dilly Pickle," he trilled, reaching above her with one of his clawed feet to grab some of the items inside and lay them out on the ground for the others to pick through. It was then that he noticed Lilia was not up there with them and it caused a slight moment of panic. "Uh...anyone seen Lilia?"


    “Of course, dear.”
    “He tries anything, you just tell me.”

    Lilia was thrilled to have two able protectors, seeing as how Vel was a little preoccupied with Dill. But that was alright by her, she more than knew how to care for herself. Happily trotting down the stairs she made her way to the grooming parlor and started pulling out a few pillows, knowing that at least the pretty flower would want one too. “So… what’s with the crown? You a princess or something?” The Eevee was a little confused at first, but remembered that these Pokemon didn't come from the world she and Vel had.

    Shaking her head slightly Lilia let the crown drop onto the pillow she had been tugging at, the gems glittering as the light from the windows caught it. "I know it seems silly, dressing in human jewels and being paraded about. And you're right, it is silly. The humans Vel and I were raised around were fashion kings and queens, always having to have the most expensive, most beautiful things around them. But...I'm just an Eevee." Her voice trailed off softly, eyes almost lost in the sparkling gems as her life flashed before her eyes. It was like she wasn't even seeing the tiara that lay before her, the violet pools merely reflecting the jeweled accessory while her mind wandered.

    "There isn't anything special about us until we evolve. We are just plain, brown, and boring. So my owner thought it would be cute to dress me up all the time. She meant well, and I know she cared about me, but she was a high class model and couldn't be seen with boring or plain. These gems, the bracelets and tiara, they were the last thing she ever gave me before those creatures got her. They are all I have left of her..."

    A small tear rolled down her cheek as her tale finished, Lilia bending down to nudge the tiara back onto her head were it belonged. "I was never very fond of these things, I always preferred to just be me, but when it's all you have left of the human you loved...it's hard to let go." With a heavy sigh she bent down to grab her pillows and drag them upstairs.

    ((OOC: Vel! Why you block me?!))

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:52 am

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    Celadon Dept. Store || Night [29]

    As Lillia quietly explained the emotional value that her tiara and jewels provided, Capulet felt a tug of guilt at having condemned her as spoiled brat so quickly. Listening attentively, nodding his head in a rare action of sympathy, the Zangoose was silent. She and Vel came from a whole different universe, aliens to the battling duo, yet despite it all, Cap now understood. Managing a weak smile, he reached over to firmly, but not unkindly take the pillows from her.
    “Let me carry them,” He muttered, trying to deny the compassion in his voice. Montague, always moved by the stories of others, was smiling sadly down at the Eevee, her tragic tale tugging at his heart. It had been enough to snap him out of his state of near sleeping-walking.
    “They suit you… Miss,” The serpent was intent on making an extra effort with his manners now that his company had expanded to a higher class from Jude and Capulet. Of course, his partner would always be there to obliterate the formal air, but he was adamant in trying regardless. In fact, he was beginning to think Cap’s tough-guy charade was beginning to crumble. He’d always known he was a big softie underneath.

    Trudging away, his vision almost entirely obscured by a pile of pillows, Capulet walked slowly, peering around the fluffy items in a vain bid to finds the stairs again. Montague, slowly being dragged along, silenced a chuckle, catching the canine’s eyes.
    “He’s showing off,” He grinned good-naturedly, gesturing to his struggling companion with a flick of his tail. “Come on. Vel’s going to be missing you,” Grabbing a single pillow in his mouth, fangs accidentally skewering the delicate fabric, Monty followed the Zangoose whilst making sure that Lillia wasn’t too far from them.

    “Monty,” Capulet grumbled, stretching out the name in a whine as he cautiously felt the first step. On reflection, this hadn’t been the best idea. He couldn’t see where he was going, where the staircase started or ended and was left blinded by a mountain of feather-filled linen. Then again, he couldn’t have let Lillia drag them along – what kind of man allowed a woman to do that? Huffing, he was simply going to have to endure.
    “Awrighht,” Monty’s voice was closer now; the serpent gently nudged him as his words were distorted by the pillow in his jaws. “Furr Sep,” What? With a quieted cry of initial shock, the ferret suddenly found himself tripping over the steps rapidly appearing underfoot. He couldn’t voice any protest, his frame being supported by the Seviper as Montague continued to usher him onwards. It was an awkward method, neither party particularly sure what was going on, but it worked nonetheless.

    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:33 pm

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    Celadon Dept. Store|Night (6)

    As Jade grabbed her pillows for the night, she could help but think about Stewart and their baby. They never gave it a name, and that decision left her feeling empty inside as she went towards the roof with the others. Passing the chained duo she called out to them, "Be careful." Her voice didn't seem to show any happiness, nor did it show any sadness. The Bellossom wasn't usually like this...

    When Jade reached the roof, she found a nice spot for herself. It was right next to a railing, positioned so that when she looked from it, she could look directly at the moon. She set her pillows down and did just that. Not only did she love the view, but ever since the Epidemic began, she made a habit of praying to the legendaries that Stewart and her baby were still alive. "Arceus and the legendaries above, please keep not only myself safe, but keep my loves safe tonight. Watch over them with all your might and protect them from any harm." She whispered. She didn't if anyone else heard her. She wanted those two to stay safe more than ever. The Bellossom looked up at the moon and sighed with sad eyes.

    Age : 27
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Drago Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:40 pm

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    Celadon Dept. Store | Night (5)

    Gambit gave a soft chuckle at the tenacity of the small metal tyke. He was a fiesty one, that was for sure. He held back a bit, not rushing up the stairs with him. The bird, Velshaine, had already taken care of that. He nodded to the Zangoose, Capulet, accepting the help. He had expected as much anyway, and would be glad for the company through the night. It could get quite lonely with only the soft breathing of those asleep to talk to. Shrugging his shoulders as the three went downstairs, he followed the others to the roof.

    When the bird was searching or Lillia, Gambit pointed back down the stairs with his staff. "She wen' down to gather her thin's with the chain gang." Probably to grab something more comfortable to sleep on, he guessed. As for him, he preferred the ground- it would help to keep him awake if he didn't get too comfortable. Walking over to the nearest railing, he leaned himself over, sitting on top of the cold metal. The view was rather dark up here, but he enjoyed the feeling of the soft wind blowing from this high up. It was... refreshing.

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:24 am

    Post 15

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    Celadon Dept. Store| Night

    Dilly paused as Velshaine asked for Lilia's whereabouts, realizing that the little eevee was nowhere to be found. Guilt stabbed at her-- how could she think herself a suitable leader when all thought of the other pokemon disappeared at the first sign of food?! Swallowing the last bite in utter and complete despair, her bottom lip quivered with fear as her bright sapphire eyes searched desperately for her new friend's fluffy form. She crawled out of the machine, scuttling a ways toward the other side of the roof, intent on finding her and the chained pair. Thankfully, when the extended absence led Dilly to believe the worst, the strange Alakazam spoke up.

    "She wen' down to gather her thin's with the chain gang." Dilly stared, blinking in utter confusion before her mind worked through the garbled mess of a sentence. "...Oh!" she exclaimed once she finally understood. "Oh, ok... Well, then I can start handing out food for everyone to eat~!" Giddy at the thought of once again being useful -and once again nearly instantly forgetting the near disaster that almost occurred- Dilly scuttled back to her machine, tossing out package after package out of the little hole she'd eaten.

    "There! That should be enough for everyone!" she happily exclaimed, bouncing a little with her joy. Already, things were looking up!


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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:54 am

    (( Skip, please. Monty and Cap would just be in the process of escorting Lillia back to the others. ))

    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:45 pm


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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Drago Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:17 pm

    ((Skip, nothing much changed since last post. :u))

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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:59 am

    ((Skip for me too :<))


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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:51 pm

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    Celadon Dept. Store|Night

    “Let me carry them.”

    Lilia couldn't stop the blush that rose as Cap took the cushions from her and began taking them towards the stairs for her. The blush grew even more intense as Monty offered his compliments on the jewels she chose to bear in honor of her fallen trainer. These two were really quite charming, each in their own way. Upon seeing Cap struggle with seeing around the load of fluff he had taken from her Lilia stifled a small giggle, watching her new friend try and get his footing with asking for help. “He’s showing off,” Monty’s grin helped ease her guilt for feeling amusement at Cap’s plight. “Come on. Vel’s going to be missing you.” She nodded as she knew he was right, and that they would have to get upstairs soon or Vel, as oblivious as he was sometimes, would notice she wasn’t there. But how were they going to get up?

    Monty solved that problem, helping to guide his friend up the stairs as best he could. It was quite a sight watching the duo have to work with each other, each having to trust the other to catch them if they started to fall. Though, she really hoped neither of them did because she was following behind. Both males were so large they might crush her with the weight of their fall. It took a while but they finally made it to the top floor and Lilia noticed the others weren’t there yet. “Do you think they are still upstairs?” she asked softly. They had been gone a while, did food really take that long to get?


    "She wen' down to gather her thin's with the chain gang." Relieved that Lilia wasn’t actually hurt Vel once again began rummaging around the roof until he heard Dilly speak up. "Oh, ok... Well, then I can start handing out food for everyone to eat.” Vel chuckled to himself as Dill giddily began hurling treats from the whole she had made. She even managed to conk him on the head with one of the treats but he was such a large bird, and had a rather thick skull, that it didn’t bother him one bit. It just added to his amusement. "There! That should be enough for everyone!" Vel chirped happily. “Well done Pickle!”

    Vel wasted no time in grabbing several small bags in his beak, though the cans left him absolutely baffled. How were they going to get those down? He looked over to the others and just sort of shrugged, beak too full to actually respond in kind to his thoughts. He was worried about Lilia and the others and wanted to get downstairs to were they were most likely waiting, but certainly didn’t want to leave little Dill Pickle stranded. He hummed softly, letting out muffled chirps as he pointed at the stairs to indicate that she should lead the way. Hopefully everyone would meet downstairs.

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:35 pm

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    Celadon Dept. Store || Night [30]

    “Do you think they are still upstairs?”

    Surveying the now empty room, the mutilated pillow still skewered on his long fangs, Montague gave a huff. Unable to speak, the fluffy item silencing any opportunity for speech, the serpent moved on as Capulet took the chance to respond.
    “Expect so,” The Zangoose muttered, unable to see past the mountain of linen. He took the room’s stillness as enough confirmation that the others had indeed moved on in search of food and were due to return in time.

    Dropping the pillows before him in a particularly appealing heap, the ferret flexed his claws as his attention fell to Monty struggling to prize the cushion from his mouth. Grinning, a slick chuckle escaping him as he watched the Seviper choke on an eruption of feathers, he sauntered forward.
    “Stop struggling,” Almost effortlessly pulling away the pillow – improve with two distinct punctures and a slight lacking of feathers – Cap grinned as the serpent spluttered out the stubborn feathers.
    “Thank you,” Was his eventual response, coughing as he regained a far more composed demeanor. Smiling sheepishly, embarrassed, Monty’s attention fell to Lilia as he gestured to the makeshift bedding presented on the ground before them, eyes darting over to his own bedraggled contribution. “You can get first dibs – I doubt you’ll want that one!”

    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:33 pm

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    Celadon Dept. Store|Night (7)

    Jade looked back and saw that Dill and Vel were gathering food to bring downstairs. It made sense to her, since they could be killed in their sleep if they slept out in the open. The Braviary took the bags in his mouth, but was unable to get the canned food. The Bellossom decided to take the cans into her own hands, trying to stack them on top of the pillows she's also bringing back down. It was a tough balancing act, but she was able to pull it off. By the time she got everything balanced, everything looked like a comedy act where someone would be carrying a stack so large you couldn't see her face. The items were blocking her line of vision. "Oh dear..." She said, with an amused smile, "Could someone guide me down the stairs, please?" Jade really didn't want to fall while carrying all of this stuff.

    Age : 27
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    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Drago Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:47 pm

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    Celadon Dept. Store |Night (6)

    From his perch on the railing, Gambit used his Psychic abilities to pull over a water bottle from Dill's machine. He rarely ate, as food would only slow him down. Water, however, was always helpful. He sipped at it slowly, savoring the tastelessness. Stepping down, he walked back to the others. "Here miss." He said, looking down on the small Bellossum. The poor thing was carrying a load twice as big as she was. She'd fall down the stairs and break her neck, carrying that much.

    Tapping his bo staff on the floor, he lifted the pillows with Psychic, floating them in a stack directly behind him. "I can take the cans too if ya like." Something like this was no strain on his mind. In fact, he could carry her down too... No, perhaps that wouldn't be polite.

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The CELADON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:06 am

    Post 16

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    Celadon Dept. Store| Night

    Quite satisfied that things were going according to plan, Dill scuttled out of the machine, content with the amount of copper she'd been able to consume. Allowing herself a small little chirp of a belch, she followed it with a small giggle. It'd been so long since such a treat~! Happily following Velshaine's brilliantly beautiful form, she was led back downstairs to the others, who were arranging pillows with Lillia. Delightful!

    Food was collected, as well as pillows and other useful things. Dill glanced at the now somewhat functioning mini-soceity between them, glad that after all that hardship, everything worked out to what they had now. Food, water, friends and above all, a safe haven from the horrors below. Smiling to herself, she skittered to a nearby hole she'd already made in the debris, glancing to the others. "It's..." She was interrupted by a yawn. "It's pretty late, and we've had a long day... We should get some rest, yes?" She looked to the others, hoping they agreed. She was just downright pooped.


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